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Love is a very powerful force...

Ruthless scientist and vampire creator Jack Daltry is dead, killed by Damon and Elena. But now Elena is dying, and the Guardians have given her one chance to save both herself and Damon. She must go back into the past, back to before she met the Salvatore brothers.

Elena must ensure the destruction that was started with Stefan and Damon's obsession with her will never begin. But can she bear to create a future where she's not with either of them?

300 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2014

About the author

L.J. Smith

282 books112k followers
I have a new blog about my Vampire Diaries fanfic.

L.J. SMITH, Lisa Jane Smith, is the New York Times #1 Bestselling author of The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, The Forbidden Game, Dark Visions, Wildworld and Night World series. She has written over two dozen books for children and young adults, and has enjoyed writing every one of them. She lives in the Bay Area of California, with a backyard that is full of flowers, which she adores, especially with many different shades of roses.

She loves to visit a friend's little cabin in the Point Reyes National Seashore area, which has lots of trees, lots of animals, lots of beaches to walk on, and lots of places to hike. Once, while hiking, she saw a snow-white buck which allowed her to follow it nearly half a mile. She also likes to collect things: angels (they remind her of her late mother), tiny boxes from different countries or of fanciful shape, nineteenth century children's literature, and books about quantum physics--especially about the mystery of the dark energy in the universe. A militant optimist, she is also part of the Velociraptor Sisterhood (a fancy way of saying that she likes to read, write and discuss books with strong female characters), and she has traveled extensively in Europe and the Far East. The two countries she loves to visit most are Great Britain, with its historic monuments and amazing country landscapes, and Japan, with its bustling urban life and exquisite mountain scenery.

Her favorite current writer is Terry Pratchett, the author of the Discworld series, for its wild and witty satires on life, death, war, love, assassins, coppers, and Australia. Her favorite classical writer is Jane Austen. Her favorite poets are Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson. Her favorite movies are The Seven Samurai and Avatar (analyze that!). She doesn't have a favorite TV show, because she doesn't have time to watch TV (and only owns one for playing movies).

Her favorite people are her readers, each of whom she cherishes with deep and lasting affection.

Note: L. J. Smith wrote books 1-7 of The Vampire Diaries series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. wrote books 1-3 of The Secret Circle series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. did not write any of the Originals or Stefan's Diaries. These were written by Kevin Williamson and/or various ghostwritters.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 212 reviews
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,702 reviews25.1k followers
November 11, 2015
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Unmasked is book three in The Vampire Diaries: The Salvation series by L.J. Smith, Aubrey Clark.

Things pretty much start right where Unspoken left off. Stefan is gone. Elena and Damon had a very short period of time where they were allowed to finally be together and happy before the guardians stepped in and sentenced Elena to death for Damon’s actions. Elena lies dying with her friends around her trying to bring her back. And Damon is in agony. Elena is actually in a sort of limbo. She is determined not to pass over. She will do anything to right the wrongs if the guardians will allow her to live. The guardian Mylea explains to Elena that all of the horrible events of the last few years, all of the deaths, are a direct result of the first time Elena met Stefan and Damon. That her inability to choose, her longing for them both, set off a chain reaction of death and destruction. Mylea gives Elena the opportunity to go back in time to her senior year, to that first day of school when she first met the Salvatore brothers, to try to right the wrongs and to change the future.

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Can she really change things, though? This is not the Damon from her future. And the same pull, the same feelings are still there for both brothers. What can she do to change the events of the past? It seems like no matter what she does, the outcome is still the same. So Elena is forced to go to the most unexpected person for help.

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“There’s no happy ending in this for either of us. I hope you know that.” she said. “I’ve lived this once already. I know what it’s like to love them both, and to lose them.”

I believe this is my nineteenth book of The Vampire Diaries. I have loved every single one of them. I do believe, though, that the way this one ended, that this is the final one. I do like the way everything was wrapped up. The romantic in me might have enjoyed an epilogue, but all in all, I can walk away feeling happy for everyone that I have gotten to know and love throughout these books. Even though the Elena in the books is blonde, I have enjoyed having the visuals in my mind of the characters of the TV show playing the parts. If you enjoy the TV show, you will enjoy the books, but you need to start all the way back to the beginning, The Awakening, and take the journey with Stefan, Damon, Elena and the gang. I hope you love it just as much as I have.

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“The brothers always came back together when it mattered most. They’d saved each other’s lives more than once.”

Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,898 reviews1,375 followers
February 11, 2021
Well, that was one way to get yourself out of a corner and solve everything easily. Maybe she should send someone back in time in Strange Fate as well 🤣

I actually liked the idea of Elena going back in time to fix things, and it did liven things up a bit rather than having everyone mope around looking for a cure for her when there was never going to be one. Not that Elena didn't act like a total muppet at times. Obviously, she never listened when she was told not to run into a burning building! Does she think she's flame proof or something?

Anyway, it was looking like the ending was going to be pretty dismal, but I held out hope anyway.
Profile Image for Brandi.
2 reviews2 followers
May 7, 2014
Well....13 books and over 20 years later, it's finally over. At least as far as I'm concerned. SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT YET DO NOT CONTINUE!!

Seriously, you were warned.

This last trilogy of the set was, in some ways, some of my favorite books in the series. Though none of them can really top Midnight and Damon and Elena's story for me (yes, strong Delena fan here!), I felt that this set really got into the story of the other characters and explored them more than the other trilogies had. And, as much as I love the star-crossed lovers, it was nice to see Bonnie, Meredith, and Matt get their own stories. When all was said and done in the end, I felt conflicted about this particular book. I love that Elena got to go back and see herself as she was once upon a time and correct some of her wrongs. And I love that Bonnie and Meredith and Matt in particular ended up much happier. And yet, I feel like by letting Elena fix everything so that she was the only one that truly remembered the horrors and trials and tribulations they endured along the way, a huge part of the bond between the group was lost. Yes, they are all still very good and wonderful friends who will always be there for each other, but they haven't been to the brink and back in this version of their lives. That was something that I thought brought them so close together and made their friendships so precious and special to them. They very literally were willing to die for each other in the old version of their lives. They understood fully just how important they each were to everyone else in the group. While I'm not saying that they can't feel this way in the new version of their lives, I wish their memories had somehow been kept intact of that time, like Elena's. I am glad they do not have to feel that utter despair they felt before, particularly Meredith and Matt, but the end makes it feel as though the entires series almost was for nought. That is my one major problem with the ending. I'm done ranting.

On a much brighter note, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Elena and Damon found their way back to each other! As Elena said when she saw the wedding invitation for Bonnie and Zander, maybe some people are truly destined to be together. All I wish is that the writer had added a small epilogue about their lives together after that fateful encounter in the airport. That would've been lovely for Delena fans to have.

And finally, As Damon said from the very beginning: In the end, he would have her. ;)
Profile Image for Ria.
531 reviews69 followers
July 7, 2019
It took me like 7-8years to finish this series *we are ignoring the fact that I haven’t read 11-12*. I can’t believe I finally did it. I regret starting it. I’m suddenly not against burning books.

‘'Look for the hashtags throughout this book and share your own reactions on Twitter. To connect with other readers right now, tag your tweets with #TVD13’’
THERE ARE FUCKING # IN THIS SHIT. I refuse to believe anyone used them. Also L. J. Smith would never.

#TVD13StelenaReturns Stefan is still fucking boring. Fight me.

‘Hello, Elena.’ Damon’s mouth twisted into its telltale smirk, and Elena knew she was home.
I think we all knew that Elena’s boring ass would end up with Damon in the books and the tv show. No surprise there.


TVD13 A Summary:
Profile Image for Anne.
27 reviews1 follower
May 7, 2014
5 stars simply because Damon and Elena got their deserved ending and are endgame. Damon is Elena's home ♥

I hope this was the last book, it really couldn't have ended better.
Profile Image for Denielle.
483 reviews83 followers
October 1, 2015
Not the way I would have liked things to go but it was a means to an end and I loved it nonetheless!!!

It's the way how with Damon not remembering & Elena unsure found their way back to each other and knew it was right after everything, like it was always suppose to be!

Yep I totally broke down into tears at that ending #TVD13TheEnd #Delena #endgame #perfection

Is it weird that the Guardians sort of put this whole thing in motion for Elena to end up with Damon?

Elena and Damon make a more realistic couple to me the whole Stelena love was way to cookie cutter for my liking.

And Damon really did stake his claim first in those initial chapter all those years ago. I'm just saying. *smirk*

Delena was always endgame because their love was true and real while the love she had for Stefan was forced because she thought that was what she "needed". Silly girl :/

Elena could have made us all happy a long time ago if she didn't fight the rightness of her & Damon so much, but then we wouldn't have gotten to experience things like Shadow Souls (The Vampire Diaries: The Return #2) and Midnight(The Vampire Diaries: The Return #3)

Added Review:
Reading this book again I felt cheated like I did the first time... We needed an epilogue man!! How can you just end a series that has be on going for more than 20 years without so much as know what the Salvatore brothers have been up to during the time that has passed and what the future holds for Elena and Damon now that they can finally be together??

In my opinion, I think Alloy is holding out to try and continue the series... But screw that I have faith that L.J. Smith will fix everything for me because I was just reading this to see what they did with the story and personally I think firing Smith was a waste of bloody time because Delena turned out to be endgame after all... The people at Alloy should have just let the woman do her job and write a good series for the faithful readers!
Profile Image for Chloe.
4 reviews
May 8, 2014
WARNING: I tend to rant a little when I'm annoyed.

When will this series end? Enough is enough, and excuse the language, but these books are sh*t now.
L J Smith doesn't even write them anymore.
In fact, im sure book 7, Midnight, was the last one she ever wrote.
Its been a ghost writer since.
What is it now, Book 13? That's 6 books too many that the author never wrote and honestly, i stopped at book 10 after throwing it across my room in rage and seriously contemplating burning it. I knew something was wrong after book 7 because i felt the author had just lost touch with the characters personalities and motives it just felt wrong. so i did some research and found out why, it was a ghost writer and i haven't picked up any more of this series since.
I just feel the plotlines had become desperate and random and not as well researched with legends, such as the kitsune, not to mention the loss of character.
Now its been a few years since i read these books but i loved them so much, they were great, i still remember them vividly thanks to L J Smith's epic writing.
Anyway, to end this rant, i recommend the series up until book 7 and suggest you leave it at that. And here's a little thought to keep in mind should you chose to read the rest:
L J Smith wanted to write Damon and Elena as end-game, she was going to, and that was the reason she was fired because her company/publisher wanted Stefan and Elena and they had the rights over the book so it belonged to them, not her. Look it up if your interested in the proper legal reasons.
Anyway, Delena would have been end-game had the series gone as planned. sorry for the rant
Profile Image for Kacey .
196 reviews42 followers
December 20, 2014

“There’s no happy ending in this for either of us. I hope you know that.” she said. “I’ve lived this once already. I know what it’s like to love them both, and to lose them.”

Unmasked is so conflicting for me. I feel like I naturally need to give 5 stars to anything Vampire Diaries related, and I do. I do feel like this one deserved it, maybe unlike the other two written by the ghost writer. But I'm so happy that I read this one because it broke my heart then put it back together again. I was satisfied with how it ended.

Unmasked picked up basically a week or so after Unseen. Spoiler time if you haven't read the rest of the series. Elena is dying and Damon is feeling at fault. He killed Stefan's killer and he thought it wouldn't apply to the deal that Elena and Damon made, but it did. But before Elena dies, a guardian offers her a chance. She goes back to the beginning to make Damon good. But doing it means she can't love Stefan.

But I loved every page. I feel bitter sweet that the series has ended (maybe? *smshhh*). But I still have the TV show to fix my TVD love.
Profile Image for Shaikha.
224 reviews148 followers
June 13, 2018
ASDFGHJKL; the perfect ending. 😭❤️
Profile Image for Victoria Horochowski .
61 reviews1 follower
June 18, 2014
Ok. It's finally finished... The series that lasted forever is done. (I hope). I'm giving this book 4 stars not because it was exceptionally written but because the ending was actually the one I hoped for all along. I'm not sure if this series and the storyline was planned for all along or was more of a make shit up as you go, buuuut... I'm actually happy with how things ended. Throughout the series, there were monsters, phantoms, other dimensions, love and loss.. Lots of death, revival, time travel and superpowers... I didn't like ALL of it but I'm so glad I saw it through. I won't lie, I cried like a baby when Damon died in a previous book and I was intrigued when Stephan died... Elena had died a few different times.., but everyone managed to come back. Well... This book is no different but, I liked the way it was executed. The traveling back in time to fix the future was very clever and it gave me a chance to be close to the first book, which I simply adored. This book was a bit rushed, a little wobbly, but in the end... Elena ends up with who she was meant to be with all along!!! The one I was rooting for all throughout this long series.. So I'm happy!!!! Yay! Now hopefully this will be the end and there will not be any surprise next book. Just stop it. The one thing I was curious about was what happened to Katherine? But I don't care enough to want another book about it. Either way I'm happy with it... The ending was mysterious about some characters and left much to the imagination and I think that's fine, I'm just going to go with the soulmate Salvatore and Elena live happily ever after and he eventually turns her into a vampire, because she doesn't have the magical water if eternal life. Bam! Awesome. I'm good with that.
Profile Image for Daniel C.  Herveaux.
23 reviews11 followers
October 26, 2019
Wow...this is it...I finally finished this series.

The beginning of this book was alright the middle was full of bull shit filler that seem to to go on forever :/. But the ending is why I gave it a four stars, yes everthing in the end is defeintly a huge stretch, the author breaks alot of rule from the orginal series, and yes I would of much perferd L.J. Smith version because she knew EXACTLY what she was doing. But I'm pretty sure Aubrey Clark tried her best (I think she did the first two in this trilogy kept me on the edge) This ending made me happy. And now I'm finshed. Makes me sad and happy.
Profile Image for travis williams.
87 reviews
January 23, 2015
Final chapter in the vampire diaries

I gave this book 3 stars because even though elena did the right thing in the end it took 13 books to get there why did it have to take 13 books to get to a simple ending but what I like most about the books was Elena growth in character seeing her make all the right choices was worth it but what I disliked was that she ended up with Damon why did she have to end up with either of the Salvatore brothers in my honest opinion she should have ended up with Matt just my thought I can't truly recommend this book to anyone who isn't a fan of the vampire diaries
Profile Image for Vanessa.
5 reviews
May 11, 2014
Everyone is a critic. The cover of the book says it's written by Aubrey Clark not L.J. Smith who has picked up the story where she left off via Amazon fan fiction. But I think Aubrey did a great job brining back the events from the first book, even providing a real explanation of the resemblance of Katherine and Elena, which I know wasn't in any other book. Chapter 31 had me crying hard. I real enjoyed how it ended, I feel it's a perfect ending for the series
May 14, 2014
Hopefully this isn't the last book do that maybe if their another at the end of that book Elena and Damon get married you know so yeah PLEASE DON'T BE THE LAST BOOK
Profile Image for Ashley.
816 reviews51 followers
April 26, 2017
*listened to audiobook*

That's the end? Seriously? Seriously?!
Go back in time, completely change everything and not remember your new life?! I'm so happy she ended up with Damon...but ...no. Why.
January 4, 2018
Εδώ ο κόσμος καίγεται κι εμείς δεν έχουμε με τι ν' ασχοληθούμε... Αυτή ήταν η σκέψη μου διαβάζοντας το βιβλίο αυτό που -επιτέλους!!!- μετά από χρόνια και χρόνια, έκλεισε έναν κύκλο που ξεκίνησε στα μικράτα μου, με χαρά κι ενθουσιασμό, αλλά που στο σήμερα δεν είχε και πολλά να πει!!!
Profile Image for Allison Andrade.
14 reviews57 followers
May 16, 2014
I don't usually write reviews but I felt the urge to talk about this particular book. Since the moment I read started reading The Awakening back in 2009 I knew that The Vampire Diaries series was not the most incredible and amazingly well written vampire love story.
Over these years I kept reading the books whenever I could and then the final book came. I know there are probably lots of people who read this back in 91 and has been around for a lot longer than I am. But for me it's been only 5 years since these series stepped into my life.

I may have been a Stelena shipper in the first book, but when Damon showed up I really like him. He was dark and misterious and that is basically everything. I never adored any of these characters. Stefan was too much stupid, Damon was two times stupid and reckless, and Elena was shallow. But either way I still wanted to read the books to know where they would take me.

I'm aware that, just like the characters, this series had been through a lot. I feel very sorry for L.J. Smith, but life goes on.

In Unseen, I cried for Stefan like I never thought I would. I felt for him, and I felt for Elena.
Unspoken was an amazing book as well, but sometimes I thought it was all getting too easy to have a Delena finale. I was too much aware of the Company wanting their time than the character getting their story. But by the end it was everything I did not expect.

What Unmasked brought was a huge surprise. It never crossed my mind the story of Elena would go through this path.

She got a chance to correct her mistakes. She got a chance to make things right. She could do everything in the most easy way but obviously she happened to be SO SELFISH again and again that I thought she was just hopeless and doomed forever.

But everything turned out to be fine, for the sake of my heart. It was so amazing to see the original story unfolding in another way! It was definitely a page turner and worth my time and sl.

I don't know if the real intention of Aubrey Clark was to deliver the message I got from this book. Maybe it was planned, but maybe it wasn't.

Another day I was in my english class and my teacher and I entered the television topic. We were talked about reality shows, and my opinion about them is that they don't really add anything in my life. She likes some of those. And when I told her my thoughts she was like "as if TVD happenned to add something as well". Not her exact words, just for the record.

I got that to my mind for a long time thinking what this series - either TV show or books - brought to me.

After Unmasked I can finally say that I'm certain that these books made some difference in my life - even if it's not in an apocalyptic way.

The Vampire Diaries in its entirety talks about humanity. We are all humans, we have a say, we have freedom, we make mistakes and there's consequences to our acts.

Elena is just a character but I dare to say that she is the perfect picture of a flawed human being. She was spoiled, she was selfish and now she finally could show what life is about in a way I never thought I would get.

Selfishness caused a lot of trouble not only for her but to her friends, family and her beloved ones. But she got a chance to make it right. With some difficulty she did and saved everyone.

I don't know if anyone will get me, but what I'm trying to say is that life isn't a shoe shop where you get to pick what you're wearing for today and pick another one for the next. Life is hard. Everything we do has consequences that affects everyone in every way.
We must not think just of ourselves but everyone around us. Selfishness isn't good. Decisiveness is. We will not live forever, we will not be granted with a second chance from the heavens.
We must try and we must fail but we must keep our heads high and live with whatever happens. Never regret and learn with our flaws.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for val.
6 reviews
March 22, 2022
i honestly don’t know where to start?;$3&;&
i was loving this book at the beginning, and it was towards the end when the realization sank in that elena changing everything in the past would permanently alter the future. not only hers but her friends. everyone and everything she knows would be different and the timeline created in the past 13 BOOKS. COMPLETELY. ERASED.
i still can’t believe it. everything i love about the books, the storylines, character development, every single interaction converstation EVERYTHING down the drain. then the last couple pages just try to rush and wrap everything up giving a brief look into everybody’s new lives. the fact that everything i LOVE about these books is gone is absolutely devastating.
meredith. MY meredith. my smart brave beautiful level-headed hispanic warrior princess. is suddenly NOT a vampire hunter? she lost this part of herself?? i still can’t believe this and cannot possibly comprehend how and why someone would write this, and alter her whole character and its development after THIRTEEN BOOKS. this goes for every character, although bonnie seems the most unchanged to me and gladly ended up mostly the same and feels closest to my heart <3
the fact that none of the delena quotes, moments, scenes, converstations, were real?????? i actually started crying.
i would honestly give it one star if not for delena endgame and their reunion at the end, as well as the cute delena moments sprinkled in between. this honestly just feels like a fanfic version of the final book, the whole going back in time of it all and altering things that are already cannon and written. and i HATE it. this book destroyed me and i dont think ill be able to reread the other books and feel okay knowing that everything that happened would be erased and never happened.
the unfinished storyline of their original lives HAUNTS ME. damon bonnie meredith and matt devestated by elenas bedside. i can picture them and the fact that this is basically the last time i see my beloved characters, the REAL ones, hurts me to no end. the little we got to see of the other ones feel so far away from my heart, and they might as well have “fake” plastered on them.
in conclusion. this book broke me in ways i never imagined it would. i had NO idea what i was getting into with this book and if i could unread it i probably would. delena saved this book, as it did literally every other book in the series. other than that, im saying goodbye my beloved characters and storylines and ships and the whole series and trying to pretend this book never happened other than the delena moments and delena endgame.🥹
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lori Kircher.
Author 2 books1 follower
July 12, 2016
5/5 stars. Long review ahead also, Warning: SPOILER REVIEW!!!! The last book of my second favorite series was phenomenal. Elena has to go back in time to her senior year to prevent Damon from killing or else she dies in the future. This is not at all like the first book The Awakening. What I loved is how the past and future Elena differ. Elena doesn't care about fashion, dances, queen of the school or boys like her past self did. Talk about character development. Mrs. Flowers had a very small role in the book, which is good because her character was important in books 6-8. Elena stays away from Stefan (shipper in me was rooting for those two to fall in love). Damon sets the school on fire, ON FIRE, because Elena kissed Stefan at the Homecoming Dance, jealous much Damon. Katherine plays a role in this book, she actually helps Elena try to bring Stefan and Damon together again as brothers. Elena had to go into the church and try to convince her, I was on the edge of my bed wondering if she could survive, let alone convince Katherine. Stefan's apology to Damon was tearful. Damon does not kill Mr. Tanner, or change Matt, Meredith, or Caroline (who is a bitch again) into vampires. Elena's goodbye to Stefan had me crying, I wanted them to be together so badly. Elena realizes she cannot have either brother. Since her past actions have influenced the future (Meredith is not a vampire but loves Alaric, Bonnie is still a witch and marries Zander, Matt has a new girlfriend and won the Super Bowl). Elena lives in Paris, is a art history major and has no boyfriend. The ending of the book made me throw my book on my bed hard (scared my dog) because she ends up with DAMON. L.J. smith got fired because she wanted Delena (damon and Elena), yet now at the ending of the series, Elena ends up with Damon. What was the point of even firing Smith then? I wanted Stefan and Elena together, they have more history and chemistry together (my ship went down and I went down with it). Overall, this is a definite reread, favorite and I would highly recommend it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for parisa .
11 reviews
June 11, 2022
“And, well, it had killed her in the end, hadn’t it? It had killed both of them.”

so um- idk how to feel about this.
I read 13 books and many of them were fucking boring and this one physically hurt me to read. LIKE- anyway I loved my wife elena though. I just wished stelena ended up together because- soulmates <3.
I actually didn’t mind delena in the books but they way this ended was poorly done. Elena would never choose Damon when Stefan was alive. Anyway someone should give me a million dollars for finishing this series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jarčík.
44 reviews
October 30, 2017
3 stars just for the end <3 but the whole idea of returning to fix the past is terrible. Damon deserves all those nice and beautiful things that happend to him throught those years. I know there were even bad things but there were nice things too.
Profile Image for Vanessa Kiara.
97 reviews1 follower
December 24, 2023
I never thought I would give a book of this series five stars and I definetly didn't think it would be this book.

Well I definetly dislike the hashtag situation because really what was that?

Besides that, the only other things I didn't like were how Elena still had to have both, even for once and that Bonnie's wedding was so different, I loved the original one but I guess we can't have it all, especially if we still get Bonnie and Zander and Meredith and Alaric, even though - and I can't believe I never wrote about this in any of my reviews - I am not a fan of them because he was her teacher, that's just creepy. I guess because of it being ficition it kinda works but they were together even when she wasn't 18, even if it is different in this reality (which makes it a kind of different situation) it still doesn't feel good.

Anyways, I don't understand why Jasmine couldn’t be Matt's girlfriend again.
Besides that I actually loved Damon and Elena? They were so cute and it even made me smile? Even though after the kiss situation, I would have liked the Salvatore brothers to end up with someone who is better for them but I guess this works. Even though I don't really understand how, after 12 books if stating otherwise, Elena now was content with Damon has her true love - the one she would choose overall. But then again, I am finished with this so it's fine by me, especially for the fact that this time they got some normal bonding.

I still think it could have ended with the 12th book, without Elena dying but it's not what happened and I can live with this. (Even though, even if I couldn’t, the books are written and finished.)

This was a good end.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Carly Fries.
301 reviews19 followers
March 13, 2015
Before I Read the Book...



Even though who am I kidding. I still have Stefan's Diaries to read, The Originals, and L.J.'s fanfiction books too. Fuck me.

But seriously though. Dalena? There better be Dalena. DALENA IS ENDGAME.

Summary of the Story

Bonnie is enjoying her new life in Colorado with Zander when she gets the phone call that Elena is on her deathbed. When she gets there, she claims there's nothing she can do. Elena's already gone. But...

While Reading

What I Thought



That was...something.

Okay, let's cut the bullshit. That was the most annoying thing they could have done to the series.

Now that I'm done reading this series I have to ask myself why exactly they didn't want L.J. writing the rest of it. She was supposedly going to go full Dalena, which Alloy didn't want, but...

In conclusion: Good series, stupid goddamn last book, but PERFECT ENDING CHAPTER (since I have to accept that what happened in this book happened the way it did).
Profile Image for Nazanin.
46 reviews31 followers
March 2, 2021
To be honest no one can get this far in these series without loving it, so... no wonder this book got 3stars average
I dont want to sound mean, but this book is an insult to its audience.
Every simple thing that happens in this book is either illogical or stupid.
I have never hated the main character more than I hated Elena, how can you go through so much in your life and still continue to repeat the same mistake? How is this possible that she wants everyone to love her (Stefan, Damon, Mat and any other male she sees?)
By considering all the characters and events, I believe the author is not more than 13 years old, and this book should have been finished in 2 days. Typical touching, Typical dialogues, Typical events, Typical environment and nothing happens.
So I can say: save your time and do not read this book.
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99 reviews
June 7, 2024
Die himmlischen Wächter geben Elena die Chance in die Vergangenheit zu reisen und all die Dinge wieder in Ordnung zu bringen, die in der Vergangenheit kein gutes Ende nahmen. Als sie es schließlich schafft, die Vergangenheit zu verändern, verändert sich dadurch ihr ganzes Leben und erwacht als andere Person. Doch trotzdem kann sie ihren Seelenverwandten finden. Damon.
Am Anfang war ich bei diesem Teil sehr skeptisch, denn die Versetzung zurück zum Anfang im letzten Teil hat mir nicht so gut gefallen. Allerdings hat es mich dann noch gepackt und ich finde vor allem das Ende wirklich toll. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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