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adventures in honeymooning

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Wedding Bells. Check.
Passport. Check.
Honeymooning in Ireland. Check.

When two, sassy, quirky, best friends marry the men that captured their hearts—the world becomes a better place for them all.

Mara and Brenna have dreamt of a trip across the world since they were kids. With their husbands, Noah and Abel, at their side they set off on this epic adventure with a map, a bucket list, and a prayer.

There’s so much to do. Places to see, eat and christen…all while keeping themselves out of trouble—Challenge accepted.

Published August 21, 2023

About the author

Barb Shuler

112 books160 followers
Barb is a Carolina girl by right and a Texan by birth. By day, she’s a desk jockey for a rural transportation company and a book lover, reading through as many books as she can. At night, though, she turns into her alter ego: a writer—cape optional, depending on her mood.

Her stories are a mix of real-life events, personal experiences, and the craziness of her own imagination and those of her best friends. And when their imaginations blend together, it can be crazy. Barb writes in multiple genres, encounters new adventures, creates new worlds, and has a fantastic time breathing life into new stories, creating something she hopes inspires anyone who reads to fall in love with them as she has.

Barb lives by one little rule: tomorrow is never guaranteed, so make sure you live each day to its fullest.

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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews
Profile Image for Amy M. (Amy Loves Reading Blog).
733 reviews49 followers
August 5, 2023
I had no idea what I was getting into and I love that part with new to me authors!! I saw a glimpse of a review but didn’t really know what the person was referencing so I held no judgements.

Meeting these two ladies was so refreshing!! Never have I read a book like this one! (Now I understand the small portion of the review I saw.) I couldn’t get enough of Mara and Brenna! This aspect of the book at me questioning everything about how this book would continue but all hopes were high. I laughed quite a lot but I also got super emotional during the Christmas moment; making me miss my own family that has passed.

I loved the honeymoon portion but honestly I’m disappointed because most of the first half of the book was build up. We weren’t into the actual honeymoon portion until after 50% of the book was done. I kept checking to see how far into the book I was and also checking the name of the book. I would’ve loved more honeymoon moment of exploring because that seemed super rushed. I understand wanting to explain characters but that was too much explaining for me and I still didn’t know much extra about them. I think some of that could’ve been summed up faster because the title of the book leads me to believing him going to explore so much more with them than we did.
Profile Image for Samantha.
1,650 reviews30 followers
July 17, 2023
I was so excited to read more of Brenna and Mara's shenanigans. They go together like peanut butter and jelly and are oh-so-entertaining to read. The romance and humor, mixed with a dash of madness best described their honeymoon, and it was great to read. Shuler and Graham write so well together; their stories are always anticipated and fun to read.
Profile Image for LibraryofR.
161 reviews6 followers
August 19, 2023
ARC Review 🫶

5 stars 🤩

My first read from either of these authors, which is nice finding new authors to read and support. This book was so amazing, makes me wanna have a best friend like Mara and Brenna. Their friendship/found family had so many laughs come out of me, and some tears especially when they were reminiscing about a family member. Their husbands were great as well. Noah and Abel, brothers, one a cop and one in tattoos. They both had such sweet hearts especially for their women. The honeymoon trip to Ireland, I laughed so hard. The dog and the kitty were nice added on characters too. Loved the ending and I can't wait for the world to read this installment of The Vagabond series 💜

Great job ladies 👏
Profile Image for evieo17 .
4,743 reviews45 followers
August 20, 2023
This was a cute sweet read. I loved that we get two different couples. Each couple are similar but also have their own unique take on their honeymoon trip.
Profile Image for Hannah Collins.
64 reviews1 follower
August 22, 2023
Adventures in Honeymooning tells the story of Noah and Mara as well as Abel and Brenna, a pair of brothers who date and subsequently marry two childhood best friends. The two couples go through Christmas together as one close-knit, albeit dysfunctional little family, complete with a bouncing bundle of joy dog named Hippie. There are many heartwarming scenes throughout their time at Christmas, including where the quartet dresses up in full Christmas apparel to bring the children at the hospital a magical holiday filled with toys, games, and an overall sense of contentment and happiness despite being ill. (As a pediatric nurse, that whole scene just made my heart burst.) 🥰 About 53% of the way into the book, the two couples prepare to depart for Ireland where they are spending their honeymoon together doing a 10-day long tour of Ireland. Many of the landmarks and cities mentioned are places I have on my list of places I want to visit with my husband one day, so to hear it told through the characters was extremely entertaining to me.

The four main characters were engaging and played off of each other extremely well. I adored their dynamics and how they are such a close-knit bunch after losing nearly everyone else in their lives. My one criticism of the book, which is the reason I didn't give it 5 stars, is the fact that it's mentioned that Mara and Brenna were 8 or 9 in 1992, making them in their 40s if the book is set in modern day like it is portrayed to be, and the characters certainly act more like 20s-early 30s, in my honest opinion.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable little read and I thought the ending wrapped it all up nicely for the characters. It was indeed a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ star read for me and I'd happily read more by these authors if the books have a similar vibe to this one. (I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.)
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews171 followers
August 21, 2023
Adventures in Honeymooning was a story that kept me laughing throughout, and I can honestly say I never wanted it to end. It surrounds two best friends and the men they married so all of them are off on their honeymoon together, and it was so entertaining. You know, I love romance but this is the second book this past week by these two amazing authors that had me all about friendship, making it my favorite part, and I can honestly say that rarely happens. We all want a ride or die, and Brenna & Mara are certainly that together to the point that I want them to be my friend as their shenanigans were so much fun! There is romance mixed with the humor that kept me laughing & I don't know about you, I could do with more laughter in my life. The husbands are brothers named Noah & Abel rounding out these two girls perfectly. I will be keeping this book at the ready for when bad days come because I promise you, it will make things better! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Profile Image for Hannah Wooly.
146 reviews3 followers
January 31, 2024
A heartwarming and hilarious read.

Just when I think I can't love the characters of Abel, Noah, Brenna and Mara more. KA Graham and Barb Shuler hit it out of the park again. These characters are so engaging, relatable and loveable. I loved that they went to Ireland on their honeymoon, as an Irish person it was cool to see and to see they'd done research into their trip to have it accurate and entertaining. These four are a recipe for trouble and I loved their antics and adventures, the spice and wholesome mix is perfection, with humour that will have you choking laughing. Be advised, do not drink and read, you will spit take or choke on your drink with the humour in this book. I can't wait for more from this world and the seaside crew will hold a special place in my heart. Couldn't recommend this more, pick it up you won't regret it.
Profile Image for Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read.
3,435 reviews109 followers
October 29, 2023
The Vagabond Series is a multi-author series that takes us on vacation, or in this case, on a honeymoon. In this book, we get two couples, and the friendship between the couples was my favorite part of the story. The actual honeymoon seemed to take a while to get going, which was the drawback for me. It felt like things were off to a slow start, and in my opinion, the honeymoon is when things really started to happen. It is a lighthearted book, and I'd say it would make for a good vacation read. There are definitely some interesting places in this series, and I always enjoy getting to "meet" new to me authors, so I'd recommend this as well as the rest of the series for the scenery and the authors.
Profile Image for Samantha Shaffer.
571 reviews
October 29, 2023
Adventures In Honeymooning By Barb Shule & K.A. Graham


🐶 Found Family
🐶 Castles
🐶 Cute Dog
🐶 Christmas
🐶 2 couples 1 dick each

This was so cute I adore this couple of couples and their sweet little dog too
This might be one of my top faves so far. My only company is there was more build up than there was a vacation spot. It feels like it was setting up for a series though and I love the sound of that. If like snarky old ladies a goofy dog and some dirty talking men who love there amazing queens who kick ass then this book is for you!!

Profile Image for Kari.
3,863 reviews92 followers
December 30, 2023
Adventures in Honeymooning is part of the Vagabond series. Best friends marry the loves of their life in a double wedding and head to across the pond for their honeymoon. Crazy adventures follow. I'll be honest, while it was well written, the story wasn't my cup of tea. I think it is part of a different series from these authors and I felt like I was missing back story with the characters. They cam across as a bit off putting. I really didn't love the "nickname" that one of the girls had for her best friend. It also felt like there was too much "funny" banter between the two couples. It was a bit over the top for me and kind of exhausting. That being said, even though this wasn't for me, I think you should give it a shot. It may be right up your alley.
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