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Those Scandalous Caffarellis #3

Never Gamble with a Caffarelli

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A ruthless millionaire…who drives a hard bargain

Model and heiress Angelique Marchand is furious. Continental playboy Remy Caffarelli—devastatingly handsome and notoriously arrogant—has won her mother's ancestral home in a card game!

Angelique tracks him down in the Middle East to confront him and reclaim her birthright. But when she is found in his hotel room, the sworn enemies are forced to marry! And surprisingly, rather than annul the bond, Remy wants to exploit their marriage for business…and for pleasure!

192 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 2013

About the author

Melanie Milburne

1,047 books386 followers
I grew up on a small farm on the outskirts of Sydney and as a keen horse rider, often competed in local gymkhanas and even broke in a few horses from time to time. As I was surrounded by animals, I decided at an early age to become a nurse, however I couldn’t stand the sight of blood and so opted for a career in teaching. It’s a bit ironic that I married a surgeon.

I read my first Mills & Boon novel when I was 17 and that encouraged me to continue reading romance novels; the lure of the tall dark handsome hero, who in reality I fell in love with and knew I was going to marry on our second date! After marrying a year later, we moved to Scotland with our six week old baby so my husband could work and study for his MD in surgery. After the birth of our second son we came back to Australia to settle in Tasmania.

I went back to University and up-graded my teaching diploma to a degree and then went on to do a Masters but still I felt as if something was missing. I sat down one day and began writing and everything clicked into place - I had finally found ‘my brilliant career’! I used to write from instinct rather than a specific plan, but now, so many books later I find a loose plan doesn't go astray. An idea will pop into my head, sometimes it will be just a simple phrase or a what if question and I'm away.

Writing is a skill that can be learned and the best way to learn it is to read and to write. So many people feel they have a novel in them and very probably they are right-the only trick is to get it out. My advice to ‘would be’ writers is to write, write, and write even more. Carry a notebook at all times and jot down ideas. And like any other activity the more you do, the more it feels comfortable.

I hope you enjoy my stories and look forward to hearing from you.

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Profile Image for Desere.
758 reviews75 followers
September 24, 2013

Perfect physical image at all times with a little bit of a "yes I am sinful" attitude is what bikini model Angelique strives for in life, it allows her to focus on staying in control of her life and most importantly to never let a man take that control away from her.

However she has no control over her father and his actions that causes her beloved inheritance home to land in the hands of sex on legs partyboy Remy Caffarelli. To gain back control she goes after him only at the end of her get-my-property-back expedition she finds herself trapped in a marriage there is no easy way out of, and worst of all Remy holds all the control, or so it seems, the man is afterall only human and he does get a little hot under the collar when she is near.

Angelique reckons she can use the sexual attraction to her advantage and gain back her home and the control, only when she gets close to her goal or rather Remy her plan falls to pieces. She wants him and she wants all of him all of the time, but Remy is a gambler and he never ever loses a challenge, he wants her just as bad but only for a short time and he will achieve his goal. With both going in for the kill who will be the real loser at the end of the battle?

The character of Angelique was typical model type with watching her weight and always having the correct attitude to creating a stir, but at the same time the author also showed her to be a real person that has feelings, goals and in depth understanding of turmoil. I think a lot of us look at models and think of them as airheads and completely only focused on their looks and the attention it can bring them, we never really stop to think of them as human and having feelings and that deep down inside they might be fighting their own battles. I loved that the author let me have this rare glimpse into the life of a model but more that she let Angelique become the real her in the presence of love, it clearly showed that when with the one you love the best in you comes out.

The character of Remy was just plain awesome!! I loved that he had the arrogance and I always get what I want attitude and then only to find when he gets what and who he wants in his bed he does not really know what to do with it. For me this showed him as very, very real, so many of us gamble on many things in life but when we finally have it we are not satisfied with it, we know we wanted it and we have it but somehow it does not feel complete, like we are missing a piece of it, and it takes a lot to make us realise that the missing piece is letting go of the control to own the winnings in every sense of the word, we to need rather go with the flow in order to see the winnings for what they are, empty without the full package. The author let this message shine through in the character of Remy beautifully.

The backdrop settings were sensual, sexy and painted by the author with brilliant vivid colour and brought to live with stunning clarity. The dialogue was so much awesomeness it had me on the edge of my seat! The words of conflict were so powerful and so much fun to read it was as if the characters were right in front of me and ready to leap of the pages and let me in on the action! Remy and Angelique squaring of with each other in a battle for control was truly superb! I adored the sexual tension mix into the read, it ramped up the pages with delicious "oh no you didn't" moments and I could not get enough, I was entranced and fascinated and rooting for these two all the way!

I am taking away a message of we all need some level of control in life, we however cannot control it all. Somewhere along the line we need to stop, take stock and find what the meaning behind life and our level of control we seek really means, in the end we might have what we wanted but our efforts to control how we obtained it or how we handle it once we have it might cause us to lose much more than we bargained for, and control will be lost forever for we will be nothing but empty and cold, seeking for a piece of something we simply cannot find.

I highly recommend this read for all fans of romance with lots and lots of sexy, blazing red hot passion, delicious tension, absolute exquisite romance and characters so real they will remain with you for a lifetime! And best of all a beautiful message of taking a gamble on love leads to a lifetime of happiness and dreams coming true.

This is book three in the Scandalous Caffarreli Series and without a doubt Remy is my favourite brother and I look forward to many more reads like this one from the author!

5/5 star review
"Never bet on not losing control, sometimes it's all you will need to find what you have been seeking"
Profile Image for Nas Dean.
824 reviews39 followers
October 20, 2013

NEVER GAMBLE WITH A CAFFARELLI by USA Today Bestselling Author Melanie Milburne is Harlequin Presents release for November 2013. Book 3 of the mini series The Caffarelli Trilogy—Those Scandalous Caffarellis by Melanie Milburne.

Remy Caffarelli finally took revenge on his family’s business enemy and won his Scottish castle in a game of cards.

But Angelique Marchand, daughter of the enemy would not take this quietly. She would not let her mother’s ancestral home go to the enemy. So she hatches a plan to get it back. But caught in Remy’s hotel room in a conservative country, she is forced to marry Remy in order to escape that country’s traditionalist law. With the idea that the marriage would be annulled as soon as they get home.

But Remy is not ready to let her go yet. And then Angelique is also reaping the benefits of being married to Remy. They have a passionate fling. And she discovers that though she had lost her heart to him in her teens, she loves him now. Then Remy is ready to free her. Would she take this opportunity to walk away from her love?

NEVER GAMBLE WITH A CAFFARELLI is a humorous story shimmering with breathtaking romance, spectacular emotional punch, a believable conflict with vivid atmospheric details. Melanie Milburne brings to life these sterling characters that leap off the pages and create a sparkling and passionate romance.

Highly recommended for all lovers of passionate romance.
Profile Image for Rgreader.
732 reviews53 followers
September 25, 2013
While Never Gamble with a Caffarelli was readable I couldn't finish. One of my triggers is a promiscuous heroine. Don't care how popular tv shows Sex and the City & Girls are, I don't want to read about a HP heroine who emulated their casual sex escapades. Epic fail.
Profile Image for StMargarets.
2,895 reviews562 followers
December 11, 2016
H/h have known each other for years, but bad blood between her father and his grandfather caused a rift between the two families. The hero decides to get back at the heroine's father by gambling against him. He wins the heroine's mother's home in Scotland. He's happy with his revenge and hasn't considered that the supermodel heroine would mind so much.

The heroine does mind and she tracks him down vacationing in a strict desert kingdom. She lies in wait for him in his hotel room to confront him about the house, but they are discovered by authorities and are ordered to marry or face punishment for violating morality laws.

The reluctantly marry and plan on slinking back to Europe where they will quietly annul their union. Unfortunately, there is a leak and the press finds out. There's a silver lining - the hero gets a shot at a contract with a devout family man and the heroine gets a large contract to model wedding dresses instead of swimsuits.

Oh, and they have lots of sex, too. All the while denying they feel anything for each other.

This was fun to read. The heroine had a sad backstory and she was misunderstood at first by the hero, but the tone of the story is light. They have lots of fun banter and they are good to each other. This is the last story in a series, but it wasn't necessary to read those to enjoy this one.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Daisy Daisy.
691 reviews40 followers
November 3, 2018
We get to the end of our playboy brothers trilogy and its the turn of the youngest brother to meet his match.
The H and h are old family friends/enemies and they have both been pretty into each other in secret for a few years.
After he wins her family home from her pretty evil dad in a card game she tracks him down in a made up country I suspect is ruled by a past H and h from another story that I haven't encountered yet. She gets caught and they are forced to marry due to the countries traditional laws and this is pretty funny because she is more anti marriage than he is.
He sees this as another way of winding her up and they both pretty much love pushing each others buttons.
In a refreshing change the h is not virginial and they are a pretty even match, shes got almost as much of a scandalous image a he has but together they seem to compliment each other.
There is no quiet annulment for these 2 as they were papped at their Arabian Nights wedding. A deal he couldn't pull off suddenly becomes available due to his marital status and she gets a different modelling offer. The weddings on with the insinuation she may get her house back at the end of it.
As per usual in HPlandia a misunderstanding parts our lovebirds although he does give her the house he is sad and mopey without her though and after some meddling by the H's and their spouses from book 1 and 2 he goes to get his woman for a Christmas Fairytale ending.

bonus * for the trilogy for safe sex and nobody getting pregnant until they want to! YAY!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for TashNz.
727 reviews21 followers
November 19, 2013
Never Gamble with a Caffarelli is the final story in the three book mini Series Those Scandalous Caffarellis by the amazing Melanie Milburne.

Remy is the consummate playboy and lives life to the full. He laughs in the face of the rest of the world; he’s the “cheeky one” of the three brothers and the youngest. He’s not interested in the slightest in marrying and settling down like Rafe and Raoul have. He couldn’t think of anything worse. He’s happy with his jet set life, living out of a suitcase, not knowing where he’ll be from one week to the next. He’s ruthless to the hilt and loves a good gamble.

The Caffarelli’s do have some business enemies and at the top of the list is Henri Marchand. When the opportunity presents itself Remy smugly gambles and wins the ownership papers of Tarrantloch, Henri’s wife’s ancesteral home. His daughter Angelique is livid! Angelique can’t believe the super stupidness of her father’s actions, and she can’t believe Remy is the new owner of her home. Without thinking she impulsively races off to the Middle East to have a showdown with Remy, anything to get her home back.

Except things turn to custard when she is caught in Remy’s room. The nation they are in strictly forbids socializing of any kind between un-chaperoned couples. There’s basically a choice between prisons, marriage or possibly death… of course both Remy and Angelique do wonder if death would be better than a quick marriage.

Angelique is passionate about her mothers home and convinces herself it’s the drive of getting it back that has her chasing after Remy, NOT her memories of him when they were younger. Her public persona and fame as a model has been tarnished by the exploitation of the media and while she puts on brave face Remy can tell something is amiss, nothing adds up and he starts to chip away at her walls.

I love the character of Remy. I cant really pick a certain part, just everything about him.

I read Never Gamble with a Caffarelli in one sitting, strongly fighting to keep my tired eyes open because I couldn’t bare not to know what happened next. I loved the spark between Remy and Angelique. They really were the perfect couple. They both need someone interesting and quick witted to keep them on their toes. Their chemistry was thru the roof and being (almost) enemies provided them with plenty of spark and passion and challenging opportunities . While Remy on the outside came across as a ruthless, couldn’t care less kind of guy he actually really does care and it shone thru by his actions with Angelique. While they saw their fake marriage as a means to an end it was really just the beginning of what I am sure would be a fun, fantastically passionate and fulfilled happy ever after.

I’m a huge fan of cross referencing characters and so it was fab to catch up with Crown Prince Talib from The Sheikh's Baby Bombshell (Royal Baby Collection) eBook: Melanie...

I absolutely loved the final story, I’ll miss the Caffarelli brothers. I thought it was a great mini series and I will most definitely be reading them again.
Profile Image for Gwessie Tee.
451 reviews14 followers
February 4, 2017
Absolutely loved this story and that karma helped them both fight their demons so to speak without giving any spoilers away, totally recommend this series of 3 best read in order though otherwise confusion will mess with you, luckily I had all 3 so I could read back to back, Thank you again Melanie loved reading them ❤
Profile Image for SmittenKitten.
165 reviews10 followers
May 5, 2020
Hero = 32yr old wealthy business guy. Heroine = 24yr old swimsuit model. Family feud/rivalry. H wins a property from h's father and she wants it back. Circumstances lead to a forced marriage. They've both had a "thing" for each other for years. Was expecting more angst but did not deliver. Overall a cute and quick read.
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,631 reviews552 followers
March 29, 2024
"Never Gamble with a Caffarelli" is the story of Angelique and Remy.

Sweet romance between a successful model and playboy, who enter a marriage of convenience. She's confident and successful, he feels the fire in his lions. There is family drama, lots of sex and some hiccups before a HEA.

953 reviews5 followers
August 17, 2021

Oh the classic "I hate you but I have fallen for you" trope. Remy and Angelique definitely spark off each other in more than one way. I liked their journey of trying to figure each other out and oh by the way, one up the other. Definitely adult content.
69 reviews12 followers
December 20, 2013
A gamble. A lost inheritance. Antiquated laws. Suddenly a gamble on both of their parts is resulting in the one thing neither of them want: marriage. What started as revenge on Remy's part has now assumed catastrophic portions and what started as Angelique's goal to retrieve her inheritance has produced an unholy union. Could they find their way out of this mess of their own making? Or was the path littered with pitfalls neither of them see? Was divorce or happily ever after at the end of their road?

The only child of Henri Marchand, Angelique has forged her own path in the modeling world. Using her gorgeous looks and a devastatingly desirable body to grace the creations of the haute couture, she has waited patiently for her twenty fifth birthday. Then she will inherit her beloved mother's ancestral home to be used as a bolthole,a sanctuary, and a place she could create her own designs. Now through her father's excessive gambling he has lost the only thing she truly cared about to that horrid man, Remy Caffarelli. Never one to let a problem go unsolved, she flies to the country of Dharbiri to confront him. Only a bad situation just got worse. Now she is married, but she will not go down without a fight. No one takes away her control over her life....NO ONE! But is she destined to lose this match or will the rewards make the control not so important anymore?

Gambling is a way of life to the gorgeous, sexy Remy Caffarelli, the youngest of three brothers. He had set the pieces in place and like a great chess game played by a master, won the coveted prize from Henri Marchand. Above all things, control of the game is what he lives for. Goal...Focus...Win.. are always the starting blocks, but Remy controls the outcome always. That is, until a sexy, heat-your-blood-to-boiling-point-with-one-look model with grey-blue eyes brings down his carefully manufactured world. Now he needs to gamble for his life. Only no one takes over control...NO ONE! Could he win in this battle of wills or would he gladly turn over the reins before the game is done?

This is an absolutely delightful, sexy, hot book about the power between men and women trying to control. When they finally realize there are no winners in this game of pull and tug, only losers, only the underlying desire and love will remain. But what a fabulous ride! The dialogue makes you wants to cheer, referee, shout, offer your opinion, and generally shake them both to wake up and see what is right in front of them. Vivid descriptions of the scenery and actions pull you in from the first page to the last. I read this so quickly I was a little disappointed it was finally at an end. Although this was the last book in the series Those Scandalous Caffarelli, I certainly hope that Melanie Milburne will write another trilogy that will touch upon the Caffarelli brothers and their families once in a while.

Well done. Very well developed characters involved in a well thought out and intricate plot. Excellent.

I would recommend to all romance readers who want a sexy, hot romance to curl up in bed with on a cold night under the covers.

5/5 stars Would they be willing to gamble on love also?
Profile Image for Maura.
3,883 reviews103 followers
March 4, 2017
This was more of a 2.5. Remy, the youngest Caffarelli brother has just won a Scottish castle in a card game from his family's arch nemesis, Henri Marchand. What he doesnt' realize (or care about) is that the castle is Angelique Marchand's most cherished home. So she chases after him to get it back. Unfortunately she chooses a country where unchaperoned females cannot be with men without finding themselves in a shotgun wedding - and that is how Remy and Angelique, who hate each other and yet lust after one another, find themselves married. Neither wants to be married nor to fall in love, but they don't really get what they want.

This kind of suffered the same problems as the second book, where things were paced pretty well and then around the 90% mark everything seemed rather rushed. The wrap up with forgiveness and explanation and all that lasted no more than 5 pages. It needed to be way more drawn out. What I really struggled with in this book though were the characters and their romance. No shortage of chemistry and lots of passion - that was definitely a plus in the story. However, these two did nothing but play games and manipulate one another. It got tiring (even Remy said he was sick of it around the 93% mark...I got sick of it much sooner). Because of all the game playing and the anger and control sex, I really couldn't buy into their love. It just felt like anger and lust. Not to mention that with all of the games, neither of them really got to know the other. This was revealed in the conclusion when Remy accuses Angelique of something and she claims he knows nothing about her (and yet he loves her?) Then she admits that she didn't really want the castle more than love - she was just pretending. More games... So yeah - not my favorite character pairing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Susan in Perthshire.
1,956 reviews98 followers
March 12, 2023
This is a total disappointment. There was so much downright nastiness in this book that I really struggled to keep reading and finish it. I don’t find constant viciousness eithe fun or clever.

I disliked Angelique and found it impossible to care about her even when the hero was behaving badly. The way she manipulated Remy, played games, was dishonest and self deceiving simply annoyed me. She was simply a nasty bitch for far too long.

The original premise was good but the execution was uneven and veered far too much into the unpleasant zone. Even when having sex, the viciousness of some of the exchanges turned me right off.

Actually the viciousness of Angelique’s father and Remy’s grandfather was so one-dimensional that I couldn’t understand why Angelique had ever sought her father’s approval or why Remy and his brothers would tolerate Vittorio’s presence at Christmas. Over the top, melodramatic and unbelievable.

There were several great things about this story, but sadly none were developed properly. The characters - in particular the heroine just ruined it for me. Such a shame because I loved the other two brothers’ stories. MM is a good writer - but this was a real miss for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tanya Mayes.
706 reviews22 followers
April 15, 2014
It was an enjoyable read. Remy and Angelique have known each other since they were young but her father's betrayal to his grandfather has now made them enemies. Remy gets his revenge. During a bet he wins Angelique's maternal family home from her father. To get it back she follows Remy to a country who has very strict laws. No alcohol, No gambling, No unchaperoned women. Angelique sneaks Into Remy's room and gets caught. To protect Remy has to think fast. He tells the officials that she is fiancee and she came to surprise him. The officials except the excuse but informs them that they must marry in the morning. Once married and after their first kiss the need and desire they felt for each other was taking over them, both afraid but their true feelings start to come out. Getting to the HEA was funny with them too.
Profile Image for Karen.
400 reviews10 followers
December 4, 2013
Review Posted on HarlequinJunkie.com

Angelique is the daughter of Henri Marchand, ex-business partner of Vittorio Caffarelli. Their parting was bitter, so bitter that the two men strive to make each other’s lives a living hell. When the two men severed their relationship, the Caffarelli empire nearly crumbled, so after working hard to rebuild it, Rafe, Raoul, and Remy have a right to resent Mr. Marchand.Read More
Profile Image for RomLibrary.
5,789 reviews
June 4, 2021
A ruthless millionaire…who drives a hard bargain

Model and heiress Angelique Marchand is furious. Continental playboy Remy Caffarelli—devastatingly handsome and notoriously arrogant—has won her mother's ancestral home in a card game!

Angelique tracks him down in the Middle East to confront him and reclaim her birthright. But when she is found in his hotel room, the sworn enemies are forced to marry! And surprisingly, rather than annul the bond, Remy wants to exploit their marriage for business…and for pleasure!
Profile Image for Harlequin Books.
17.5k reviews2,776 followers
December 29, 2014
"Milburne's frenemies' romance is a page-turner - her couple's history enhances her intense, emotional tale. Remy and Angelique's battles are legendary, and their lovemaking, set in lap-of-luxury locations, sizzles." RT Book Reviews, rated 4 stars

Miniseries: Those Scandalous Caffarellis
Profile Image for Penny Ramirez.
1,859 reviews28 followers
March 31, 2014
Kind of predictable spoiled rich kid romance. They are both players, and both insist they will never settle down - but deep inside they want kids and marriage, and, surprise surprise, it's with each other.
Profile Image for Gabbe.
280 reviews
September 22, 2015
No sé... me hace falta descripción, y datos, pero para distraerse un rato está bien ^-^
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