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The Connections series continues with this spin-off novel.

He didn’t think, he didn’t question—he just acted.
What she wanted, she took—without regard.
It was only one night, but it changed everything.

After losing his fiancée, Ben Covington is unsure he’ll ever love again. But when he sees Bell Wilde, he’s so deeply drawn to her, that he’s thrown for a loop. Maybe it’s purely sexual chemistry that’s igniting this spark between them...or maybe it’s his second chance at love.

Bell has just gotten her life back on track and may not be up for the challenge of Ben Covington. But once they’re reunited, there’s no holding back—even if a secret from Bell’s past just might shatter them both.

304 pages, ebook

First published September 2, 2014

About the author

Kim Karr

70 books4,560 followers
Reader * Chocolate Lover * Writer * Coffee Lover * Romantic * Beach Lover * Yoga Beginner

Kim Karr is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of eighteen novels. Best known for writing sexy contemporary love stories, she enjoys bringing flawed characters to life.

Her romances are raw, real, and explosive.
Her characters will make you laugh, make you cry, make you feel.
And her happily-ever-afters are always swoon worthy.

From the brooding rock star to the arrogant millionaire. From the witty damsel-in-distress to the sassy high-powered business woman. No two storylines are ever alike.

Get ready to fall in love.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 218 reviews
Profile Image for Laura.
528 reviews11 followers
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October 16, 2013
Seriously, how awkward would family dinners be?
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
September 4, 2014
ARC provided by author/publisher in exchange for honest review

☆☆☆☆☆ 5 "Rosebud" Stars ☆☆☆☆☆

“I don’t even have to see those otherworldly emerald eyes to know its her, I can tell by the way she moves. She’s S’belle Wilde. We shared only one unbelievable night together, but it’s seared in my mind forever.”


Exposed. Raw. Vulnerable. These three words could simply define BEN CONVINGTON. In Blurred, we got a taste of what lies behind the eyes of Ben. Simply, he was a lost man trying to find himself. A man searching for redemption, forgiveness, love, and happiness. The once blurred life of Ben Convington begins a new journey where the past and present are no longer blurred but begins anew. The journey of redemption and love may not be perfect. The edges of the heart may be FRAYED but it still beats like any other love. It is strong, meaningful, and true. No love is perfect and so begins the tale where Ben Convington and Bell Wilde as they rediscover and rekindle a romance that cannot be burned or forgotten. It is a love that withstood the testament of time, lies, and secrets. A love like no other. A love and life that’s full of second chances. A love that is FRAYED but in the eyes of Ben and Bell, it is their perfect kind of love.


ONE NIGHT of passion and lust was all it took to change and alter the lives of Ben Convington and Bell Wilde. One night that will forever be ingrained in their heart and mind. A night where a red haired beauty with emerald eyes stole the heart of one naive and lost surfer boy. A night that cannot be forgotten. A night that will be traced back to the present where the lines are no longer blurred but frayed.

“Lies, half-truths, what he doesn't know. What I'm afraid to tell him--not only because I have no idea how he'll react but because reliving our past is just too painful. It's the very reason this, him and me, can never work."

Ben is a man who has experienced it all from love and happiness to hate, disgust, sadness, anger, and loneliness in a blink of an eye. A man who had his life stolen and is finally getting that second chance to get it right. They say the beauty of life is that it always offers you a second chance. It is called Tomorrow. Well for Ben Convington, his fresh start finally came when he no longer looked back at his once blurred life but finally accepted the truth. The truth of the matter, Ben is a man seeking redemption and he finally earned it in the eyes of the people who truly loved him from his sister, nephew, brother-in-law, and his best friend, Caleb. And of course, Dahlia London. It is said sometimes second chances works out better than the first because you already learned from your mistakes. And so, begins the tale of Ben trying to grasp and hold onto that second chance. His second chance with Bell Wilde.


Regardless of the space, distance and time, Bell could not escape from Ben. The memory from that one night of passion that happened years ago was forever burned into her heart and mind. When Bell and Ben are thrown back into each others life, the passion they once had still burned bright. It was a chemistry and bond that could not be extinguished or explained. Her heart only spoke one name, Ben. He completely owned her from the moment she laid eyes on him. For so long, Ben thought he belonged to Dahlia but it took him some time to see it was not true love. And his true love was the emerald eye beauty. His S’belle. His Rosebud. His Bell.


“So I make sure he sees nothing but absolute certainty in my eyes. And then just like that, he grabs my face. Our mouths meet, our tongues collide, and we breathe each other in. We kiss with a hunger that I’m almost certain can never be satisfied. Time slips away as our hands move freely roaming over each other in ways they shouldn’t in a public place. With my heart thundering in my ears, my pulse racing, and my breathing out of control, I never want this moment to end.”

Bell and Ben’s relationship is a kind of love that has no words. A love that cannot be explained but felt. A love that is raw, passionate and vulnerable. A love that is REAL. Years of pain, heartbreak, loss, and floating by, Bell and Ben were two lost ships fated to meet again. Two people finding their way back home. And most importantly, finding their way back to each other’s heart. If I were to describe Ben and Bell’s relationship, this Chinese proverb comes into my mind:

“An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break.”


Frayed by Kim Karr is by far my favorite book of the Connection Series along with Blurred. This book had all the elements of what I LOVE in a book. It had redemption, second chances, and love. I will say Ben Convington captured my heart. #TeamBen The emotional tale of Ben finding his way, admitting his faults and seeking redemption is a true testament of why I love him. I have always been a big fan of characters who have been overlooked and overshadowed and so I was beyond happy that Ben and Bell finally got their spot to shine and get their story told. Their romantic tale may not be a fairy-tale but that’s what makes their emotional journey as couple so special. It was raw, realistic, and vulnerable. Life is not perfect. The truth hurts. And so Ben and Bell had to work hard to get their HEA. And the emotional growth of these characters was what truly captured my heart. Ms. Karr did an amazing job in showcasing the struggles, inner turmoils and emotional journey that Ben and Bell had to endured. Their journey to the HEA truly showcased what true love is. It was about acceptance, forgiveness, and respect. Ben and Bell were connected from the beginning. A connection that was torn from secrets and lies but kept them dazed. Fast forward to years later, it was a love that was destined and meant to be mended. A love where the past, present and future were blurred. But one thing is for certain, it was a bond that was frayed along the edges but what really mattered was that bond was whole and intact. A love that is flawed , raw and true. A love that can only be perfected by Ben and Bell. And that is all that matters.


So if you are looking for a book that makes you believe in second chances in life and love and redemption, then I highly suggest you go read Frayed. Ms. Karr did an amazing job incorporating crucial past events and was able to weave them into the present. She reminded us all to not judge a book by its cover. Ben and Bell deserved to have their story told. Mistake were made. Secrets and lies were exposed. Redemption and forgiveness earned. And love was found. And lastly, I want to thank Ms. Karr for showing us thats its okay if life gets blurry and a little frayed. The important thing is that you survive and overcome all the odds that stood in your way. And Ben and Bell did just that. They survived a love that was frayed along the edges.

Kim Karr
Profile Image for -C-.
373 reviews37 followers
September 10, 2014
It is very difficult to look past the past and move toward a prosperous future. Is it even possible when all the secrets are not revealed?
I understand Bell's decision to wanted to stay away from Ben.
There’s just too much in our past to ever make this work. Two wrongs will never, ever make a right.

Can two people who feel lust, fire, desire for one another can be just friends?
They can try to be friends. And I even liked them to be friendly with each other.
Bell is very adorable and Ben is little bit smug.
“You didn’t have to meet me outside,” I say.
Before I can move back, lips land on my cheek. My mouth falls open at the sudden scorching heat between us and I stare at him, unable to speak.
His eyes drop and he shoves his hands in his pockets, but his lips quirk up. “Friends wait for friends. Friends kiss each other on the cheek.”
He’s pushing it, but I secretly don’t mind it at all—not that I’d let him know that.
I push his shoulder back. “I don’t think friends let their tongue leave their mouth during a slight peck on the cheek.”
He shrugs. “So I have a few things to learn.”

The way Ben sees and thinks about Bell is so cute.
Thoughts of her—her smile . . . never forced but always bright, her hair . . . red like fire, her body . . . hot and sexy—have flooded me with need all night, yet it’s her attitude . . . sassy but somehow innocent . . . that has made me burn for her.

The sexual tension between them is overwhelming and it’s become hard to resist each other.
It was very sweet when Ben came to realize his feelings against Bell.
That’s how I feel about her. She’s my missing piece—my Rosebud.

Ben gets his a second chance at life.
We all want second chances. Perhaps we even all need them. But we don’t all get them. I know I’m one of the lucky ones.

I like this book a lot. But I would like to get more previous characters.
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,300 followers
July 26, 2014
**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

Title: Frayed
Series:Connections #4
Author:Kim Karr
Release Date: September 2, 2014
Rating:2.5 stars

In this companion novel to the Connections series, we get Ben and Bell's story. If you've read the other books in the series, you know that these two characters are shall we say, less than desirable-cheaters, both seemed selfish and made a whole lot of mistakes. So why, do you ask did I read this? Curiosity. It's an author's most difficult job to take two characters that they've made unlikeable and wave their wand and make them (believably) likable. If they can do that, I can truly appreciate their writing skills. I loved River and Dahlia in the first book and I'm pretty loyal to that couple. So now the question is...do Ben and Bell deserve a second chance? Have they grown and learned from their mistakes and only become better from them?

We know from reading Connected and Torn that Bell and Ben committed the ultimate betrayal against Dahlia. Ben cheated on her back in college with Bell. Not only that, even though Bell and Dahlia didn't know each other, she knew he had a boyfriend and she selfishly pursued him anyway. Years later, Ben and Bell run into each other again and they find that that same attraction that they were unable to fight in the past is still there and just as strong.

I am, as always, completely under the spell that is Ben Covington-whenever he is near me now, then, and dare I say forever?

But attempting to form any attachments past a few sexual encounters would be insane...impossible....doomed. Their history is too shameful and too many people they love wouldn't accept them. So why do they keep circling back around to each other?

We find out that there were some sad events that occurred between Bell and Ben back in college. But there was one person who was left in the dark-Ben. And Bell isn't ready to tell him her secret. Because despite their attempts to keep things casual and friendly, the more time they spend together, the more they realize that the feelings they have can't be rationalized. They understand each other in a way no one ever has before and the connection they have won't allow them to lie to themselves. They begin to believe they can try to make this work.

Happiness fills me, all of me, every part of me. I never thought two people so lost in this world could make each other feel found, but we have.

They have to make this work...only, can it ever work until she's completely honest about their past? Could it ever work if she is honest about their past? I wasn't so sure.

Once she decided to come clean and the bomb is dropped, there are hurt feelings and lots of anger on both sides. This couple had so much to overcome I wasn't sure they could plausibly make it. Disapproving family members, secrets, shameful memories...it all added up to some considerable conflict. All these things kept me engrossed in the story, but I never truly cared for them as I should have. I saw change and growth on both their parts, but Bell got it more right than Ben and I would have liked to have seen more regret over their part in what happened with Dahlia. Ben seemed just as selfish as ever through most of the book but he did realize the error of his ways and try to make amends. I wish I could say that this couple was redeemed in my eyes by the end-maybe they were somewhat, but I didn't fully sink into their story and fall in love with them. They had a great chemistry, they were trying to redefine themselves and start over-I admired that, but it fell shy of completely absolving my past feelings for them.


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Profile Image for Kim Karr.
Author 70 books4,560 followers
September 1, 2014
Are you ready to met Ben and Bell?
I hope so.
Frayed brings the Connections Series full circle!

Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
October 19, 2014
well...i did it again...lost my entire review! UGH!!!!

3.5 Frayed Stars

So lets abbreviate...this is Ben Covington's story...his journey to happiness. If you have read the previous books, as you should, then you know that Ben and Belle Wilde have a connection, a past, a memorable history. It was just a matter of time before they would reconnect.

So I will start with the fact that I am shocked that I liked Ben, alot. Yes, he was unfaithful to Dahlia. Yes, he lied to her and wrecked her. Yes, he became a hot mess of drinking and womanzing. But, he was real, he was emotional, and he was struggling with his heart and mind. I enjoyed his POV most of all.

I struggled with Belle's character. She was an enigma of contradiction. She was joung and naive and had poor self-esteem, yet she was forward and driven in work and play! She also put out the flirty playful girly vibe all while knowing damn well she was sassy and intelligent! Her connection to Ben was a memorable one with harsh consequences that left her a bit broken. What better than two broke souls who should not be together? Well, those two souls getting it on and getting each other completely!

I wanted to love this book as much as the previous ones, but I just couldnt as I got a bit bored with the push pull of the two. Belle wanted Ben, he wanted her...Belle says SEX ONLY. Ok fine...but wait, they both want more...or do they? When one wants more the other backs off, then by time they have real feelings...well Belle has a bad habit of walking away...ALOT! Come on, they have wasted so much time already! So while they connect intimately quite well and often, they seem to just lack the the emotional connection...until they slapped in the face with the big "hey we are done." Nothing like "leaving" to get someone to realize, Hey i really do love you!

So while I enjoyed this, not saying I didnt...I just felt more of a deeper love story with the other couples, especially Dahlia and River!
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,698 reviews133 followers
Shelved as 'no-thank-you'
January 24, 2015
A book about Ben and Bell?

Profile Image for Polly.
677 reviews248 followers
September 6, 2014
Ehhh I'm still not convinced they are not 2 selfish people with a strong sexual attraction to each other.

Not redeemed in my eyes.
Profile Image for Chris- Bookaddict.
768 reviews253 followers
April 30, 2015
5 Frayed Stars !!!!! Review to come during blog tour. I will say this This was one hell of a ride on the Ben and Bell Train and I LOVED every minute of it!!!!!

It is true, I was not a fan Of Ben’s after River and Dahlia’s story. I mean come on he created a sin in my book.. He cheated. Simple as that. I am not a fan of cheaters at ALL.

When I read Blurred I changed my tune about Ben and Bell. I got the WHOLE picture. I FINALLY Understood EVERYTHING…. I then became a fan of Ben’s BUT he still had some way to go to get back into my good graces. Did he succeed? YES he did… Did Bell Succeed in receiving my forgiveness for her actions? YES she did.

Ben and Bell spend one night together YEARS ago. They never really knew much about the other person, or their lives and they NEVER knew they would be seeing each other again in the future.

One thing was true Bell KNEW Ben had a girlfriend, and that did not stop her from pursuing him and ultimately getting him to cheat. This known fact also had me very hesitant about Bell. Could she redeem herself in my eyes? I was not so sure she could.

Years later Ben & Bell run into each other and one thing for sure is the connection between the two of them can not be denied. As much as Bell does not want to get involved with Ben because of family there is no denying their connection. She hides their relationship from her family, because she has her secret and she does not want her family to disclose it or to tell Ben about it. She wants to do that in her own time, when the time is right.

“Lies, half-truths, what he doesn’t know. What I’m afraid to tell him–not only because I have no idea how he’ll react but because reliving our past is just too painful. It’s the very reason this, him and me, can never work.”
Can Bell work through the past and reveal all to Ben? Will Ben understand or will he walk away forever?

Watching these two come together after all these years, work through the situation they had themselves in and be able to move forward and have a relationship was amazing. I was not so sure how I was going to feel about them together after everything that happened, BUT in the end I am happy to say I am a fan of BOTH Ben & Bell.

Redemption, Second chances, I love them and Kim brought both with Ben & Bell. I’m looking forward to the next book Flawed and getting Caleb’s Story
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,309 followers
September 10, 2014




I know many readers hated Ben - but if I ever was one of them - I haven't been one of them since I read Blurred :) And now I just love him.
Perfect book - perfect couple!
It felt a bit slower and I'm almost afraid to say it - but a tiny little bit boring compared to all the others in the series - but that doesn't stop me from giving 5 big and fat stars ♥


Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
79 reviews22 followers
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February 22, 2014
I've been reading a few of the comments and agree. Although very awkward, Ben and Bell should end up together. There was a line in book 2 that suggested there is still something unfinished between them. River and Dahlia are loved up and happy, so why not help Bell and Ben find peace with each other.
Profile Image for Nancy's Romance Reads.
261 reviews440 followers
September 2, 2014


I just finished this book and I feel elated! I LOVED everything about this story and when I said that I mean everything. The scorching chemistry between the characters, their strong connection, the intense anticipation I felt for the story to unfold, and the ending all captivated me to no end. Frayed is definitely now my favorite book in the Connections series, it just completely stole my heart.♥

I first met Ben Covington in Connected and since then I've been very intrigued and eager to read his own story because I always felt in my heart that he deserved to have one for all that he's gone through. In Frayed he's finally a new man; after hitting rock bottom his life has taken a complete new turn making him learn from his loses, pain, and mistakes. He underwent an amazing and very inspiring transformation throughout this series that now culminates with this book since in Frayed he finally gets his well deserved second chance at happiness.

"For a minute I can't help thinking about how damn lucky I am to have gotten a second chance at life. I was a dead man, a man who then lost sight of what mattered and then fell over the edge. But somehow after everything I went through, I was tugged back up by life and able to land on my feet."

Ben was incredible in this book! I loved all of him: his sexiness, his flirting, his charms, his humor, his dirty mouth, and even all of his flaws. He's not a perfect character and for that I loved him even more because that made him more real to me. With the heavy past he carries I admired how he stayed on his feet and how reflective he was about everything going on in his life. At the same time, I loved that he took risks. Risks of going after what he's been missing all along regardless if that conflicted with his mind.

"Our history is sordid, maybe even tainted, but in this one moment of clarity I don't give a shit."

Since their time together Ben has never been able to forget Bell Wilde. There connection has been engraved within himself since then and for that he hasn't been able to let memories of her go. Now that she's back into his life he can't stop thinking about her or deny how much he wants her and needs her in his life. . .

"She opens her eyes and there is no denying it. It's the way she looks at me, has always looked at me. As though she gets me. It makes me want her as I've never wanted anyone."

Now the beautiful Bell Wilde is a combination of sweet innocence and provocativeness and I really liked both sides of her. Within her innocence she was also quirky, funny, and witty and made me laugh so much. With her sexiness I loved how she drove Ben crazy without even trying because she was that much crazy about him too. But Bell also carries a heavy past and as much as the idea of being with Ben may bring her joy, pleasure, and hope it also promises to bring back painful memories. Nevertheless, how can she stop that strong pull inside her? How can she deny herself something she's been wanting and dreaming for so long?

"Something about him makes me want to give myself over to him in any way he wants. I want to be anything he desires, everything he needs-I want to be his dream girl."

The chemistry between Ben and Bell is out of the charts H.O.T. There was no denying how much these two characters desired each other as I felt all the fire and passion between them with every word and action. Kim Karr was exceptional at creating those moment and making them vivid, meaningful, breathtaking, and just perfect. She totally made me fall in love with Ben and Bell not only for their exquisite chemistry but also for their beautiful connection which ran deeper than lust and was so mesmerizing to me.

"What I feel when I look at her winds me. It's more than just lust and desire-it's a need to make her part of me."

This book has to be the longest novel from all in the series. It's very thorough in describing the emotions, reflections, struggles, and everything happening with these amazing characters. I really felt like I got to know them by heart by the end of the book and I really loved that.

After reading every book in this series I can now say that Ben and Bell might be the most broken characters in the series. Their story in my opinion is the most complicated and painful making their love story forbidden and almost impossible. So the fact that there's so much against them but they still take the risks and go after what they want elevated their story to new levels for me and for that adored this book. Moreover, Kim's gorgeous writing evoked so many emotions in me and made me appreciate the beauty of imperfections and mistakes which may not only serve as lessons learned but as steps to find the most beautiful and perfect paths in life.

This story made me cherish happily ever afters even more now because everybody deserves to have one no matter their stories. So when Ben and Bell finally got theirs I was beyond thrilled and in tears for what they got was everything I wished for them and so much more.♥

"The part of me that I thought died a long time ago didn't. I just couldn't find it. That's how I feel about her. She's my missing piece-my Rosebud."

A total MUST read from me! I recommend reading this series in order to appreciate the connections between events and characters from all the books. So by the time you read Frayed you'll be able to connect all the dots and love this series as much as I do. :)

Favorite Quotes:

"Thinking past wrongs and forbidden fruit-none of that matters when I remember the night we shared."

"Our history is sordid, maybe even tainted, but in this one moment of clarity I don't give a shit."

"She opens her eyes and there is no denying it. It's the way she looks at me, has always looked at me. As though she gets me. It makes me want her as I've never wanted anyone."

"Don't let the past dictate the future, okay? We'll work it out. I promise."

"I have this need to have you in my life. I don't understand what i is, but I know I haven't felt more whole or more alive in a very long time than I have with you."

"Something about him makes me want to give myself over to him in any way he wants. I want to be anything he desires, everything he needs-I want to be his dream girl."

"What I feel when I look at her winds me. It's more than just lust and desire-it's a need to make her part of me."

"I liked knowing we're both a little frayed."

"The part of me that I thought died a long time ago didn't. I just couldn't find it. That's how I feel about her. She's my missing piece-my Rosebud."






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Happy reading! ;)

Profile Image for Kim.
2,691 reviews167 followers
July 26, 2014
I was a dead man, a man who then lost sight of what mattered and then fell over the edge. but somehow after everything I went though, I was tugged back up by life and able to land on my feet.

We have seen Ben and Bell throughout all of the books in this series. We have been given pieces of their past all throughout the series and a bit more with them in the novella Blurred. They have had a convoluted history: one night of forbidden passion in college, a re-start to a friendship that ended badly, and unresolved sexual tension. And now they are about to come face to face again. Their attraction and chemistry are undeniable. But they have baggage and family issues that make "them" a bad idea. But neither has much willpower when the other is involved.

Now I have to admit that I have had a love-hate relationship with Ben. I turned the corner in Blurred and now that he is not a threat to River and Dahlia's relationship anymore, I can look at him with new eyes. He is not a bad guy. But he has made some questionable choices at various times, he got in over his head and had to suffer the consequences, and basically returned to a life no longer his own. He had to figure out all over again who he was, who he wanted to be, and what would make happy. He is now trying to find new purpose and returning to things he enjoys. And I can admire the man that has gone through it all and has finally decided that he needs to move forward and is starting to make positive changes.

I have an urge to fill the empty void of loneliness that has loomed within the depths of my soul for far too long.

Bell has her own set off issues. She is sassy, stubborn, and strong, but also insecure and vulnerable. Her past demons haunt her and she often needs validation. She has suffered guilt and loss. She is not really sure what she wants to do with her life, but has been trying to succeed at something even if it does not really make her happy. Her life is full of stress and toxic people that she has to keep at bay.

I could really feel the chemistry between Ben and Bell. It had always been there, but their timing was horrible. And there were outside influences always affecting them. She tries various tactics to keep Ben from getting too close, but it is hard to avoid their natural heat and the fact that the more time they spend together, the more they actually want to.

But Bell continues to push him away from anything more. She frustrated me at times as she held him at arm's length while he was really trying. But she had concerns and secrets that she worried would ruin it all. They both had trust and miscommunication issues that affected them as well. So it seemed at times they would take one step forward then two steps back. They both have such baggage that there is a lot to deal with.

Lies, half-truths, what he doesn't know. What I'm afraid to tell him--not only because I have no idea how he'll react but because reliving our past is just too painful. It's the very reason this, him and me, can never work.

As their bond continues to grow will they break from the pressure or come together and go for it all?

Just as the rest of the series, this one is full of little details, connections and cross overs. There are twists that sneak up on you. We see many of the characters from the other books including both of their family and friends. We get to see progression with some of the other couples that we have come to love. And we revisit with some of Ben's newer friends from Blurred: Kale, Beck and Ruby. And of course there are always some negative characters that you love to hate that cause tension and drama. I love how this series ties the characters together and how seemingly small details can have a ripple effect. Their lives are all intertwined in various ways.

This was told in both Ben and Bell's point of view allowing us to know more about their feelings than even they realize about each other. I was not sure before reading it if Ben was going to be able to win me over to be a swoony leading man like River, Xander, and Jagger, but I have to admit that HE DID!

A lot of little hints and clues from the other books finally come together so Ben and Bell's full story is told. I enjoyed this installment more than I thought I would and was engaged throughout. It was funny, sexy, emotional, sweet, and intriguing as all of the pieces came together and some new tidbits were dropped for possible future stories Coupled with the novella Blurred, this completes Ben's journey of learning to live and love again. I am looking forward to more in this series especially more with Ben's best friend Caleb in Flawed.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. Quotes are from ARC and subject to change. Will be posted at Reviews by Tammy and Kim
Profile Image for Ang C.
741 reviews112 followers
November 12, 2021
Arc received from author in exchange for an honest review

Frayed is the passionate love story of Ben Covington and Bell Wilde. It seems as if I waited an eternity for this tale. It was well worth the wait. To fully appreciate their saga, I would recommend first reading Connected, Torn and Blurred. Their beginnings are laced within these novels and you will have a better understanding of this couples’ history. This is not a flowery romance about a knight in shining armor saving a virtuous damsel in distress. Frayed is an intense and poignant love story, which twisted my emotions. It is a story of damaged souls, hidden secrets, healing broken hearts and forgiveness. Kim Karr has once again given us a truly touching, heart-warming romance.

Ben and Bell (S’belle) are two flawed and misguided characters that I believe were destined to be together. What started as a forbidden encounter became a betrayal of trust. Regardless of the consequences, Ben surrendered to his lustful desires and Bell was his fiery temptress. One night together, of unbridled passion and hot animalistic sex, set a course that will alter the lives of so many. It was a night that neither would forget.

Throughout most of the series, I found Ben to be a selfish, self-centered man who lacked morals and common decency. I loved to hate his character, yet hated the fact that he touched me. He was dishonest, deceitful and cruel. But then…I saw his pain; an insight to what burdened his heart and soul. It was my undoing, seeing his sorrow and remorse, I began to connect with him and felt compassion. Now I realize some readers cannot and will not overlook his indiscretions. However, for me, Ben worked hard to turn my feelings around. No longer selfish, he became caring, loving and understanding. His affections for Bell were genuine, and that is why I’ve come to admire him. The way Karr developed Ben’s character was miraculous. Forcing me to fall in love with someone I once despised.

Bell was difficult for me to connect with at first. She made decisions and mistakes in the past that I had a hard time coming to terms with. But seeing into Bell’s heart, I’ve come to realize she loves deeply. It was her love and dedication to Ben that moved me. Digging deep, I eventually was able to move past her faults and began to appreciate all that is Bell. She has a kind and gentle soul. Her will to overcome struggles to receive forgiveness was admirable.

Ben and Bell’s passionate relationship is indescribable. Alone, they were lost souls struggling to exist living with the memory of what they once shared. Together, they are healed and find the strength to persevere. Their love was indisputable and sincere. There is no doubt in my mind that Ben and Bell were destined to be together. And what they shared made for some unbelievably scorching hot love scenes.

All this makes for a very complicated story not only too tell, but to witness. But sometimes, there’s beauty hidden in the depths of a difficult story. I found that beauty within both Ben and Bell’s hearts. Kim Karr set a great challenge for herself in writing Frayed, and I for one enjoyed the journey. It had all the elements that made this a 5 star read for me…

~Well written captivating storyline
~ Angst
~ Sizzling sexy Alpha who was both domineering and loving
~ Sassy female lead
~ Raw passion
~ Undeniable love

Karr has out done herself in this second chance romance. She successfully brought both characters from darkness into the light. I did not care for Ben and Bell’s sordid beginnings…but I am overjoyed how their love blossomed. Frayed is yet another great read in the Connections series and one that should not be missed.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,523 followers
September 4, 2014
3.5 Second Chance Stars

I love the Connections series, Karr is known for her slightly steamy reads with well-developed and somewhat damaged characters. Ben is not my favorite Hero and there were some ups and downs with Frayed.

Ben and Bell have a past. A steamy short lived past. Years later, they both meet up and form a no string attached relationship. Of course it’s hard for both of them to move forward.


We know Ben from the previous books and I have my issues with cheaters. It was nice to see his side of the story, but like I said, I have my personal issues with cheaters. Cheating aside I didn’t really have a huge problem with him. He’s a typical Hero, meaning, he’s attracted to Bell and is okay with what she is willing to dish.


Oh poor Bell. I’m not really fond of Bell, as a Heroine. I found her kind of weak and a little not trustworthy, but that makes a good book no? Bell is very attracted to Ben and liked him back then and like him now. She has a lot of past issues and she tries to overcome them.


The first half of the book is really light and there’s nice banter between Ben and Bell. We get both POV’s and both side of the stories of how they met. I liked this. The second half of the book kind of shifts and it gets a little deeper, this I liked too.

I think my problem is the tone and pace of Frayed. I felt like it moved slower than the previous books. It kind of took a while for Ben and Bell to make progress and when they did the problems were there, but not much. I guess I wanted a little more meat and a faster pace.

Overall, I got my connections fix .

Connected (Connections, #1) by Kim Karr REVIEW | AMAZON
Torn (Connections, #2) by Kim Karr REVIEW | AMAZON
Mended (Connections, #3) by Kim Karr REVIEW | AMAZON
Frayed (Connections, #4) by Kim Karr AMAZON
Profile Image for Red Cheeks Reads.
2,229 reviews375 followers
September 3, 2014
“I Cursed that ability after the night I spent with him, Cursed him for everything, but especially for leaving an impact on my soul that felt as if it would last forever.”

After reading Blurred I was not sure what to expect going into this book. I knew that I would like it because I have yet not to like a book by Kim but I never expected to fall in love with it or with Ben and Bell. I can honestly tell you that Ben stole my heart and I am head over heals in love with him. We saw in Blurred that after a downward spiral he got his life on track and was determined to be a better person. But a chance encounter with Bell and seven months of celibacy turned him into a sex crazed exhibitionist and Bell was right on par with him. These two are HOT right from the beginning and I loved the role playing so much.

Bell has been wrapped up in Ben since their first encounter in college when he cheated on Dahlia with her and she knows that he has the ability like no other man to completely break her. This puts her on guard and after realizing that she cannot stay away from him she quickly decides a sex only rule should be in place and that they must keep all of this a secret (this is what happened when his ex-fiancé is married to her brother) This starts the book out on a very sexy note but before long feelings develop and to keep her heart safe they go from sex only to friends only and Ben is determined to stay in her life in whatever role she wants for him and to prove that he has grown and is a better man.

“I am, as always, completely under the spell that is Ben Covington.”

Starting out this book felt very sexy and fun but I should have known with a past like Ben and Bell’s that it would take a serious and dramatic turn. I was riveted and could not stop. I do not think I have rooted this hard for a couple to move past their insecurities and stop holding everything in as much as I was with them. So much happened in this book that I was never expecting and this book solidified that my feelings about Ben and Bell from the earlier books in the series have completely changed. I went from really not liking them and not being excited about reading their story to loving them and actually wishing I could read more.

“I’ve told you I’m jealous as fuck, haven’t I?” She nods, biting her lip with an amused smile on her face. “Have I told you that turns me on?”

Now for my quick warning, Ben and Bell have not always made good decisions and while this book is not about cheating these two have cheated in the past and a lot of the book deals with the fall out from that so if that is not a topic for you just be warned. That being said this book is about redemption and proving that one person or a couple are not defined by the choices of their past. As people we are evolving and always growing and nothing proves that more than coming to meet a more than Ben and Bell!

Profile Image for Tabitha (Bows & Bullets Reviews).
492 reviews80 followers
September 16, 2014
This review is also available on my blog, Bows & Bullets Reviews


Ben Covington is sure he'll never love again. Circumstances beyond his control took him away from her and by the time he returned, she'd moved on. He's just living to work until Bell Wilde floats back into his life. He's attraction to her reignites instantly. He never forgot their college fling and now he is determined to get another shot with her. Bell is determined to never give him that shot. Their history is more complicated than he knows and she can't bear to share it with him. But the attraction is undeniable and soon she is giving in and hoping for the best. Can these two work things out? Or are they as doomed to fail as Bell believes?

I have been avoiding this review, like the plague. I have nothing positive to say and I hate that. I was over the moon when I was approved for this. Kim's Connections series has been on my TBR shelf for a long time and I have heard great things about it. The description of this makes it clear that it is a spin-off series, leading me to believe that reading the other novels first was not a requirement. I honestly don't know if I'm glad I didn't read them first or not. Had I read the books in this series first, I would have been less than excited to start this novel. What reading the others books first would have told me was that this novel is about cheaters. Ben and Bell has a one night stand in college while Ben was still with this supposed love of his life. That would have had me avoiding reading the novel itself. However, due to my lack of series knowledge, all of the characters in this were overwhelming. I had a very difficult time keeping up with who was who and who was related to whom and the various other connections between characters.

My biggest problem was that these two were selfish. If Ben had loved his fiance as much as he claimed to, then he would have never cheated. Bell would have thrown herself at him and he would have nicely rejected her and case closed and this book would never had needed to be written. But he didn't. He slept with her. Now, many years later, when he's love is now married to Bell's brother, everyone has managed to get over it. The cheated fiancee is even okay with the new developing relationship between these two and I just found that unbelievable. If my husband ever cheats on me, I highly doubt that even a decade later I'd be okay with it enough to wish him well on his next relationship with the cheating skank. That may just be me because I'm not the forgive and forget type, but still.

I hated these characters. I couldn't connect with them on any level and since my number one thing is characters, that made it very difficult for me to enjoy this from the start. Beyond the fact that their relationship started as an affair, I found that I hated Bell. The whole pregnancy thing blew me away, especially considering her "efforts" to tell Ben consisted of all of 4 missed phone calls. The man impregnated you! I'm a big believer in Dad rights and he needs a choice in all of this. I cannot imagine the devastation of knowing someone had your child and gave it up for adoption without even a phone call. I get why you did it, you would have made a terrible fucking parent, but seriously, you could have sent an email in the very least. Ben's quickness to get over the pregnancy scandal was also unbelievable to me. I'm sorry, that's not something you get over quickly and the fact that they are pregnant again at the end. X_X You two don't need to procreate, seriously. We don't need more of you in the fictional world.

I'm also incredibly sick of the "pretty people" books. I have read enough novels about how insanely gorgeous she is or how dead sexy he is to last me quite a while. I like a hot guy as much as the next girl, but how about something new? How about someone who isn't conventionally beautiful? Or someone who's beauty isn't an obvious thing? How about inner beauty? It's a shocking concept, I know, but sometimes I just want these things to be a bit more real. Perfect abs and a flat tummy are great fantasies, but it makes me feel extremely inadequate. I'm sorry, I have a job and a blog and a husband and I do not have hours to slave away at the gym to find conventional beauty and the perfect weight. Mini-tirade over.

Beyond the fact that I hated the characters and the amazing pretty people issue, I had other problems. I realize that this is a digital ARC, so it's not perfected and there may be some changes made, but in the edition I read, the whole thing felt very choppy. The writing didn't flow well at all. They two characters jump from topic to topic with little or no transition. And Ben makes a point to continually comment on Bell's quirkiness. Here's a hint: if a character is quirky, let that speak for it's self. Telling me 25 times that Bella is an oddball when she's acting completely normal doesn't make her quirky. And the plot was predictable. I realize that it's a romance novel and it's not supposed to win an award for best twist, but all the mini-twists are obvious from the start. The initial pregnancy is pretty transparent and so it the fact that she's pregnant by the end. Before she even realizes it, I wanted to bash her in the head with my kindle for being so dense.

I can't express how disappointed I am by this novel. I had such high expectations and they were not held up. I still want to read the other books in this series because from the reviews and comments on this book, it's the abnormality, not the norm, but I'm definitely not as excited as I was. This novel was shallow and predictable and just fell completely flat for me. I actually didn't want these two to end up together because I knew they'd procreate and even in the fictional world, I didn't want that. Maybe I missed something or maybe I'm too difficult to please, but this novel was just not for me.

****Thank you to NAL Paperbacks for providing me with an eARC via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review****

Tabitha's signature
Profile Image for Ria.
541 reviews45 followers
September 3, 2014
Full Review @ http://www.abookishescape.com/2014/09...

Oh yes ladies and gents its happened again! I cannot get enough of these characters!! I just love love love this whole gang! Frayed was beyond words! Ms. Karr knocks another one out of the park. This is Ben and Bell’s story though if you’ve read the previous books you know plenty about them. Ben has messed up his life pretty badly and it took him a long while to pull himself out of the darkness. With the memory of his mother and the love and support of his family he does. Ben is given a second chance at life and to do something great with it. *good news* my boy gets it!

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Bell has always been one to please but her life lost direction and she has been desperately searching to find her way. As a child she lost her father, so early on Bell learned how talk to people in order to get her way. She is so full of personality and sass that she was perfect for Ben.

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Though these two have a sordid past I loved seeing Ben go after what his heart desired most, Bell. Was it love right away…Who knows but one thing is for sure what these two feel is real and its scorching hawt.

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Gah!! That ending! Perfect Ms. Karr has taken this colorful cast of characters and breathed life into them. Things aren’t perfect, life never is but the love and support everyone shares resounds through the pages. Each one of these amazing characters will stay with you in years to come. From the quirk to the steam every moment fits like a perfect puzzle piece. Do I love this series? YES. Do I recommend this series? YES! Karr is a magician from the first page to the last this book is absolutely edible.

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Dont get me started on the character development and how far Ben and Bell have come…Don’t! You should know! Amazing! I want to high five a million angels!

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I was so happy they were able to find their way back to each other. I’ve always felt so bad for the way things happened, I’m to the moon with joy that these two made it. HEA at its finest! EVERYONE needs to read this series! I mean it!!

My Rating
As if you couldn’t guess…
5 Beautiful, Broken, Breathtaking, Convention, Dark Hallway, Demanding Boss, Friends Only, Dinner Date, Daily Conversations, Favorite Book, Surfing Lessons, Shamrock, Sun Burn, Secrets, Confession, Antibiotics, A Different Passionate Enduring Love filled Stars!! I Mean it GET THIS BOOK!!

Profile Image for konstantina.
421 reviews94 followers
February 2, 2019
I'm so glad both ben and bell got redeemed in this book and the ending made me lowkey really emotional
Profile Image for ☆☆Hannah☆☆.
3,182 reviews43 followers
March 17, 2021
This was an okay read. I haven't read any of the other books but apparently these two have had some issues. They used to date and now they are at it again. I personally didn't care much for Bell. The good thing is that they made it work this time and hopefully they will be okay.
Profile Image for TWSS Book Review and Blog.
24 reviews2 followers
December 6, 2014
Redemption....Second Chance.....New Beginning....Life.....Love....Live

We all have had that one life altering event and Ben has his in Connected & Torn. We get to know a little bit about Ben and Bell throughout the Connected Series but never getting the whole story. We heard his side of the story in Blurred. Now we get Ben and Bell's story in Frayed.

Ben though I will admit pissed me off him in Torn when he tried to get Dahlia back even though she was happy with River. I loved that we got his back story in Blurred and I understood him and why he did and acted that way. Ben became a new person and realized it was time to start over.

Bell, she is the sister of the Wilde boys. She has a sassy, and feisty personality that just makes you love her. She has some flaws but is trying to live life and make something of herself. She has some self esteem issues and secrets that she has kept with her for a long time but overall Bell means well.

When Ben and Bell meet again the attraction that is ever so present is undeniable. I believe that there one night stand/college fling with left unfinished and the sexual tension is even greater now that they are older. Bell knows that Ben was with Dahlia and how he cheated on her in college. Ben knows that the attraction he feels for Bell, will probably not go away anytime soon, he wants her badly.

Throughout the book Ben must prove himself to Bell. Ben annoys Bell by calling her S'Belle but he is doing it on purpose. He finds himself actually trying because he cares about her and those feelings from that one night are stronger than ever. Bell tries to deny any feelings for Ben because she knows what could happen if they were to come back together. Though the chemistry will be EXPLOSIVE the outcome in the end might be deadly.

Bell decides to give Ben another chance and they start seeing each other. There is no denying that the sex between them is HOT HOT HOT! Bell is keeping Ben a secret from her family because they know her secret and are afraid they are going to judge him.

As their relationship evolves and they become closer, and they have struggles like any other couple. Bell realizes that she must tell Ben the secret she has kept from him all these years. Ben has realized he is in love with Bell but will the secret she tells him destroy what they have forever?

Will Ben be able to forgive Bell and move past this because the love he feels for her is greater than any other? Will Bell stay strong and know that Ben really care for her and not give-up? You might be thinking to yourself, after what Ben did to Bell, surely Ben will be able to forgive Bell but sometimes when it's a piece of you that breaks from a secret it could be rather difficult to forgive.

There love is strong and I believe love prevails all. That saying if its meant to be set it free and it will come back to you. Well that say is ever so correct for Ben and Bell. They find love in each other, they let go of the hurt and pain. They start over, and they get to make things right. So redemption for them is amazing, second chance for them at love with each other, a new beginning once all secrets are revealed, and they get to live and love each throughout life.

I hope that this story turns you to love Ben and Bell as much as I do. I feel Ben and Bell deserved this story for them and for us to realize that both of them deserved to be loved and I am glad they found it in each other.

Profile Image for Lindy.
798 reviews199 followers
September 3, 2014
My Thoughts:

I have been following the Connections Series, by Kim Karr, ever since I fell in love with the very first book in the series, Connected. This series is absolutely amazing; from the rich and colorful cast of characters, to the crazy and surprising plot twists, and the all consuming blazing hot passion that is imbedded in each and every book in this series. Wow! I adore Kim Karr's writing style. She is an amazing author, and if she writes a book, I will read it. She is at the very top of my auto-buy list.

In Frayed, we get Bell, and Ben's love story, and let tell you, Ms. Karr had her work cut out for her with this story. Ben is not a popular character, and both him and Bell have come across as being selfish and self-centered. Many of Ben's problems could have been avoided, but he has made a lot of bad choices. However, I am happy to say that after a year of wallowing in self-pity, drink excessively, and having numerous and meaningless one night stands, he has finally matured and gone through a huge transformation. He is trying to get his life on track as he launches his new publication business, he has stopped drinking and sleeping around, has been there for his family and friends, and turning his life around.

Bell is never far from Ben's mind. He doesn't know what it is about her, but he is determined to pursue her, and win her over. Bell has had feelings for Ben for many years, but she doesn't trust him. She is scared of getting hurt, because he always does what is best for himself, at the expense of everyone else. At first Bell just agrees to a sex only arrangement with Ben. However, when he tells her that he wants more from her, she can't risk getting her heart broken. Not to mention the complicated family situation. So Bell tells him that they can be friends only, with absolutely no sex, or touching of any kind. Ben quickly agrees and is determined to prove to Bell that he is series about pursuing her. However, these two have many obstacles in their path. Will they be able to move beyond their past? What happens when Ben learns a huge secret that Bell has kept from him? Even if these two can get past all their troubles, would Bell's family ever accept him?

Frayed started off a little slow, but once things got going, I couldn't put it down! Ben and Bell had such a passionate love affair. I enjoyed watching the way that Ben catered to Bell's every need. He was so tender, and sweet to her. However, he also had such a need for her. I liked how Ms. Karr distinguished the difference between Ben's love for Dahlia, and his love for Bell. I think everything worked out for the best between all of these characters. The ending was very beautiful and touching. It made my heart flutter, and brought tears to my eyes! I give Frayed, by Kim Karr, 5 Combustible, All Consuming, Desires Fulfilled, and A Lifetime Kind of Love Filled Stars!!! Read this fabulous series! You will be addicted, and love every moment of it!

My Favorite Quote:

"Every inch of her seems to draw me in. She fills me--my body, my mind, my soul, and my heart." (eARC, Loc. 4201)


*To Read More Book Reviews, Visit A Bookish Escape at http://www.abookishescape.com
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,364 reviews189 followers
September 3, 2014
ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 2, 2014

He didn’t think, he didn’t question—he just acted.
What she wanted, she took—without regard.
It was only one night, but it changed everything.

After losing his fiancée, Ben Covington is unsure he’ll ever love again. But when he sees Bell Wilde, he’s so deeply drawn to her, that he’s thrown for a loop. Maybe it’s purely sexual chemistry that’s igniting this spark between them...or maybe it’s his second chance at love.

Bell has just gotten her life back on track and may not be up for the challenge of Ben Covington. But once they’re reunited, there’s no holding back—even if a secret from Bell’s past just might shatter them both.


REVIEW: 4 stars--FRAYED is the fourth full length novel in Kim Karr’s adult, contemporary Connections romance series. This is Ben Covington’s continuing story-one brought about by a night of indiscretion. Told from alternating first person POVs (Ben and Bell) a portion of the storyline is a look back into both of their lives from the previous six years.

The focus of the storyline follows Ben Covington and Bell Wilde. In the earlier books we were privy to Ben’s past-from faking his own death; entering the witness protection program and returning to find his fiancée had moved on and found a new love. Six years earlier, as a senior in college, Ben spent a wild one night stand with a woman he knew only as S’belle and everything about that night will change his life forever. Bell is his ex-fiancee’s new sister in law and a woman he has never been able to forget.

The storyline is a second chance, of sorts, for both Ben and Bell. At a benefit in honor of Ben’s journalism research, Ben and Bell will reconnect, and their attraction and desire for one another is hotter than ever-but Bell has limits-no relationship, no commitment, just fun. Ben is looking for something more. It is the something more for which Ben is unprepared when Bell reveals the truth about what happened after their one night together.

Saying that, there was plenty of angst and anxiety as it pertained to Ben and Bell’s relationship. Although the attraction was undeniable, Bell has issues that needed to be addressed. She is a woman torn between her desire for Ben and moving forward-her conflicted feelings made for some anxious moments. In this, the storyline decidedly faultered with Bell’s inability to commit or stay focused.

The secondary characters include Bell’s coworkers-some good, some bad, some down right evil. Everyone has an agenda and Bell is in direct line of conflict. Both Ben and Bell’s family play a major role in their lives and a presence throughout most of the storyline. We are reintroduced to Bell’s brothers River and Xander Wilde, as well as their mates, and get a more personal look at Ben’s extended family. I suspect Ben’s brother has a storyline in the near future.

Kim Karr is an amazing storyteller. Her Connections series brings together one family- all connected by a single couple-and therefore should be read in order. FRAYED is a story of forgiveness, finding love and moving forward. It is dramatic, intense and realistic in its’ presentation.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

September 3, 2014
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Ben Covington has become my favorite character in The Connections series by Kim Karr. The man has died, resurrected, hit rock bottom, climbed out of the rubble, and began to build a meaningful and productive new life. He has suffered the loss of a fiance, the loss of his mother, the loss of the career he gave his life up for, and the loss of his true sense of self. It took hitting rock bottom to realize that there is more to life than loss. Life is what you make of it. The one thing that has been consistant in his past life and his present life is the undeniable chemistry he has Bell Wilde. She threatened his past life and now she may be the one that makes his new life meaningful.

Ben and Bell had a passionate one night stand in college. That one night affected both of their lives very differently. For Ben is was the threat of his fiance finding out about his indiscretion. It could cause him to lose the woman he has loved all his life. For Bell that night left scars on her soul and led to an event that would forever haunt her life.

Ben kept secrets to save his relationship with his fiance. Bell kept secrets to save her sanity. Now both are alone and single. Their paths keep crossing and the attraction they felt in college is still undeniable. Can these two overcome their past indiscretions and build a life of love and happiness. Will their secrets still keep them apart.

Ben Covington knows the value of life. He has had to rebuild a new life for himself. He is positive that nothing can keep him from rebuilding one with Bell Wilde.

I loved Ben and Bells story. They are both charismatic individuals that have had some heavy obstacles to overcome. Both are strong people that have a passion for life. Their story will melt your heart.

Kim Karr has created a well written series that keeps the readers addicted. Not only do the characters experience an epic love story individually, they are all connected in some way. It is fantastic how Kim Karr has woven an intricate web of past and present circumstances that connect all the characters in some way. I look forward to the next book in this series and how the characters will be Connected.

I highly recommend Frayed and The Connections series by Kim Karr. It will not disappoint!

Profile Image for Rebecca.
260 reviews8 followers
September 8, 2014
**I received an ARC copy via Goodreads First reads**

Let me first say this book is the 4th book in this series. It can be read as a stand alone, however, I recommend reading the other books first!

After reading the first books in this series, my mind was made up. I did not like Ben Covington. Not even a little bit. Not at all. I felt sorry for him. I did. I just felt like his misery was of his own making. I think he acted like a selfish, spoiled child. While he is still not my favorite (I mean really, who could top River?), I like him a little better.

We actually get to see Ben grow up in this book, to think of someone other than himself, and can I say its about time! Ben goes through a hard time after returning. He spirals out of control, finding his release in the bottle and women, and yet still feeling empty. Until he see's her again. Her being S'belle Wilde. The girl he cheated on Dahlia with, the girl who happens to be River's sister. The girl who even through all the years and baggage of the past (some of which he doesn't even realize yet), he can't get out of his mind. There is a connection. However, can he keep from ruining this relationship, and can he overcome the past long enough to find out if there is a future?

S'belle Wilde, Bell to everyone except Ben, feels lost. Like Ben she has been through her own bad place and is trying to finally find her way. To make a way. She has felt like a failure all her life, and just wants to succeed. Really to find herself and where she belongs. All those around her seem to be happy and in love, and she is happy for them, but can't help but want that for herself. Her fear of failure and need to keep others happy has her stuck in a job she hates with a douche of a boss. When Ben walks back into her life she knows it has to be bad news. She can't let him in or she risks losing all that she has built. Besides, he will never want her after he finds out how much past they really have.... will he?

I know there will be a lot of naysayers about this couple being together. Sure, the mistake that was made in previous books is pretty crappy, but the past is the past. I really like them together. I think Ben brings out the best in Bell. While I'm not a Ben fan, I do really like Bell and her character. She is kind, thoughtful, and love able.

Kim Karr and the Connections series is so very good, and this book does not disappoint. I cannot wait to read the remainder of this series, and see what deliciousness awaits!
Profile Image for Lorena  Garcia -- Brittany's Book Blog.
1,720 reviews57 followers
August 31, 2014
**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

First I want to say that this has been a beautiful series. I absolutely loved every single book from this series and I couldn't be more pleased with the way it has ended. At least I think this is it for the Connected series.

Every single one of these wonderful people that were intertwined in this series has had a story to tell and every single one has had their happily ever after.

At first I thought I disliked Ben because I thought he really was an a$$hole, but now that I've read his story in Blurred and in Frayed, he totally has redeemed himself and proved that he wasn't a jerk like we all thought he was.

He and Bell have had their history from when they first met while still in college. Things happened and Bell ended up in a pretty bad accident so she was never able to talk to Ben and tell him what was going on.

Bell has kept a secret from Ben and in light of that secret, she never thought that they could have anything together, other than a fling. She thought he would never forgive her and even though she knew deep down that she loved him, she felt like she needed to let him go, but Ben was relentless and wasn't about to let the greatest thing that has happened to him slip from him.

This book had it's ups and downs. I would get frustrated with these two, but I also felt a lot of love for them. I have to say that even though the Wilde brothers own my heart, I have to say that Ben has a piece of my heart as well. All these wonderful, beautiful men have a great heart. There is so much love in this book that I just can't get over on what a wonderful guy Ben really is.

Kim, I'm sad to see this series come to an end, but I'm also very happy that all of them have their happily ever after now. We know everything about every single one of the Wilde brothers, Bell and Ben.

I not only give this book five stars. This whole series deserves nothing but 5 stars!!
Profile Image for Kindle Crack Book Reviews Cheri .
1,284 reviews1,075 followers
September 1, 2014
Title: Frayed (Connections #4)
Author: Kim Karr
Series: Yes.
Release Date: September 2, 2014
Rating: 4.50 - 5.00 stars
Cliffhanger: No
Spoiler-free review

They are all Connected and ended up Torn and Dazed. They Mended, but life is full of so many twists and turns and lines Blurred, and relationships Frayed. This incredible series is all about their connections.

I have been hooked on this series since reading River & Dahlia’s story in Connected (Connections Book #1). Frayed picks up where Blurred left off. Once again Kim is going to take you on an emotional road trip and you will get to see how everyone is this series is Connected. Get ready for Kim Karr to blow you away with this one.

I know some of you are thinking that Ben & Belle deserve their own book? My answer: Yes! Ben wasn’t my favorite character in this series. He cheated, he lied and acted like a selfish prick at times. Belle was “the other woman” and hooked up and fell for someone else’s boyfriend. They both made some huge mistakes in college…they were young and stupid. Secrets and lies tore these two apart and to heal and move forward the truth must be told or this relationship will be Frayed.

Kim took these complex and seemingly unredeemable characters and gave them a second chance. I think most people deserve a new lease on life (especially fictional characters). This drama, angst-filled sexy fourth installment in this series did not disappoint. Connection series fans: Frayed is an absolute must read.

This review appears on http://www.kindlecrack.net , http://www.facebook.com/kindlecrack , Goodreads, Amazon, Google+ and Twitter. A review copy of this book was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Monica.
158 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2014
I am sad that this series is over. This story was not what I thought it would be. Ben and Bell have a history that was not an easy one. I knew from the start that these two were supposed to be together. I had my times when reading Connected and Torn that I wanted Dahila and Been to work it out. I know, I know that was never supposed to be. There was now way that could happen. I blame Kim's mad writing skills. She knows how to just write these words that really truly make you feel all the emotions that her characters go through.

We all know from the other books that Ben slept with Bell when he was in college, cheated on Dahlia. But when you look at fate, how strange is it that they are all still intertwined in each others lives? This was how there HEA's were supposed to be. I can not see it any other way. This brings everything full circle in a unconventional way.

Ben and Bell let me just say that getting to their happy place was not easy. The moment that Ben learns what happened all those years ago was so real that I was not sure how they would move on from it. While Ben has always thought about himself, there were moment's that he put others first. Yet he was still selfish. I still think that it was just who he was. He never did it on purpose.

Bell that girl has been through so much and I am so glad that we got to know her better. She has been an active charter in all the books and I wanted her story. Bell is a good person, always seeing the good in others even when they don't deserve it. But that is what brought her to Ben so I guess that it worked out.

I just want to say that I know this book is not for everyone but I really think that it is worth giving it a try. I was not disappointed with how it turned out.
Profile Image for Karmen.
1,019 reviews31 followers
September 2, 2014
4.5 stars! Loved! Loved Ben and S'belle! Full review during blog tour!

Ben! Ben! Ben! Ben Covington! Who knew he was so hot and domineering! I love his story. It truly is a story about second chances and redemption. And I'm so happy that Ben found his HEA.

We all know Ben's story and what happened between his one-time love, Dahlia, back in Connected and Torn (and shame on you if you haven't read those!). But in Frayed, it was finally great to get inside Ben's head and how much stress and guilt he dealt with the entire time. And not only do we get inside Ben's head, but we also get a glimpse inside S'Belle. Their connection from the past also caused her a lot of pain and seeing her finally grow and become a stronger woman in Frayed is a beautiful part of the story.

Ben and S'Belle have such a strong attraction with each other in this book, I just wanted to them to find their HEA with each other. But of course, it's not that simple. Family, friends and their past keeps sneaking up on them--causing them to be hesitant to move forward with each other. And not only that...a big secret that Belle holds causes a lot of hurt and confusion for them.

Frayed is such a fantastic story, that I think if you were never a fan of Ben (I was not a fan!), I guaranteed after reading this, Ben will be a top book boyfriend. I was so pleased with the end of this book, but still hope we get a bit more of Ben and Belle in the next couple of books in this series!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 218 reviews

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