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Courtlight #2

Sworn to Transfer

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Eighteen-year-old companion trainee Ciardis Weathervane has won the friendship of the royal heir and saved his claim to the throne. Yet her interference in the inheritance rights leaves more harm done than good. The Ameles Forest lies unprotected and its inhabitants are dying.

As humans begin to die in gruesome deaths, the Emperor dispatches the royal heir to the forests with the solution to the kith concerns.

With enemies closing ranks in Sandrin, Ciardis can little afford to leave the city’s nest of vipers to take on a new task. But she’s given no choice when her loyalty to the crown and courts are called into question.

To keep the Companions’ Guild happy and the favor of the Imperial Court, Ciardis will be tested in frightening new ways, especially when she’s faced with an obstacle that could risk the lives of her friends and the family she never thought she had.

This second novel continues the story of Ciardis Weathervane from Sworn To Raise.

255 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2013

About the author

Terah Edun

61 books911 followers



2019 will be a insane year, so buckle up. If you'd like to be an ARC reader, join Terah's Facebook group, or make an offer - assistant@terahedun.com.

Courtlight Series:


Crown Service Series:


Forthcoming: Algardis Series

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews
Profile Image for Lexi.
Author 118 books244 followers
December 22, 2013
**Originally posted on Book Bliss book blog. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased and honest review**
Review: 4 stars
General: Please note this book is book 2 and is one that requires reading book 1. The story jumps right back into the action and doesn't waste much time in backstory setup as it's already been done and the world essentially already built in book 1. I felt this book was stronger than book 1. The characters and storyline overall are stronger, better written and drew me in by far more.
The plot twists still occur in this book but they felt more fluid, less like a forced plot device. I was far more drawn into the book as a whole. I also loved Ciardis this time and her relationship with Sebastian had me shouting at them both a few times. The editing was also much better in this book and I was able to notice it, but in a positive way. There were still a few things I felt disconnected from, jumpy transitions and still not fully enjoyable her overall role in "life" and the station of women in this world work as a bit of a negative for me personally.

Characters: Ciardis- Ciardis was more of a character in this book. Her powers are seemingly all "developed" and her training in them as well as in a companion felt as though she had control over both. She was less back and forth and much more straight forward and her chemistry was with all the characters in this book as opposed to only really feeling a connection with her mentor Serena in the first.
Profile Image for Kyla.
39 reviews3 followers
April 21, 2014
This was a pretty brutal read at times. This author doesn't actually do a great job at character development and there were several moments where I was scratching my head wondering why a character was acting this way when she had painted them differently in the last book. The main character has turned into a vapid person and it is pretty gross. I rarely don't finish series but this is one that will go unread.
Profile Image for Lindsey Riley.
195 reviews19 followers
December 18, 2014
I would love to have given this book a four or even five star review, because the story was certainly imaginative enough! The careless errors- grammar, extra words, forgotten words... all made for a disjointed rather than cohesive read.

I still intend to read the next in the series, I just wish the author had a better editor or beta group to catch the silly mistakes that mar an otherwise good book!
Profile Image for Abi.
2,172 reviews
December 11, 2019
Reread December 11th, 2019
I liked this second book in the series. Complexity, intrigue, and magic all build more. I like Ciardis more. The first half of the book has her in court, where she , and then gets into lots of trouble, and In the second half, she goes to the Forest of Ameles, where we get to know Terris better, and intrigue around the mystery of the kith's murders and the Shadowmancer builds. I like Terris more now that we've gotten to know her a bit better. Her powers grow in this book, which is interesting. The end of the book throws a big wrench into everyone's plans, as Ciardis learns about Book three is one of my favorites, so I look forward to rereading it. 4.5 stars, as the beginning was a bit slow.
Profile Image for Ariella.
1,131 reviews10 followers
November 2, 2013
Amazing sequel to first book. I love the story and characters. It's interesting read and great plot. I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Richa.
430 reviews147 followers
September 28, 2013
Originally posted at City of Books

Sworn to Transfer definitely exceeded my expectations. If you've read my review of Sworn to Raise, you'll know that I felt it didn't live up to its potential. Well, its sequel clearly did. Terah Edun stepped it up for this book, and it captivated me. The writing is vivid and detailed, and the plot was well-paced. I also loved getting to know the characters better. After this book, I'm incredibly impatient for Sworn to Conflict!

This book picks up a couple months after Sworn to Raise left off. Ciardis is comfortable in her role as Companion trainee, but things soon start to go wrong. Not only is she meant to protect Prince Heir Sebastian, but herself, too. Attempts are being made on her life, and the kith of the Ameles Forest are being killed off. The atmosphere in this book is laden with mystery and suspense as Ciardis strives to figure out who this enigmatic yet powerful murderer is.

Ciardis has really grown into her character, and I loved seeing that. She's impulsive yet kind-hearted, and she'll do anything to save the innocent from dying. She's tough as rocks, and won't let anything stand in her way. I love her brazen attitude towards everything. It's definitely different from the other women around her. Ciardis also learns a lot about her powers as a mage, and the fact that she can do more than just enhance the powers of others.

I wish there was more of Sebastian in this book, though. I missed him for most of it. Sebastian has grown too, but in a different way. He's becoming more of a man than a boy, and as a result people have begun to respect him. Even Ciardis sees him in a different light. There wasn't any romance in this book, either, but I think there surely will be in the next. I feel like Ciardis's and Sebastian's relationship has strengthened, and may become something more soon. I hope it does! Their age difference didn't matter to me in this book, not like it did in Sworn to Raise. Maybe because Sebastian seems older. Either way, I'd love to see a romance develop between the two of them in the third book.

I loved the world building in Sworn to Transfer. We get to see exactly how mage powers work, and how Ciardis is trained to control hers. The detailed description of the mage cores put a clear picture in my mind, and I love it when authors can do that with something as abstract as magic. World building like that is difficult in a fantasy novel, and Edun has definitely pulled it off in this book.

If this series keeps getting better, I can't wait to see what's in store for us in Sworn to Conflict! The action in this book is as riveting as it was in the first one, and there was more of it. I loved the danger streaked throughout, with the kith murders and the enigma of the Shadow Mage. We are introduced to some new characters, too, and I'm looking forward to getting to know them more in the next book. Overall, this was an awesome read, and if you're a fantasy lover, this is one world you don't want to miss out on.

*Thank you to Terah Edun for providing me with a copy for review*
Profile Image for Eustacia Tan.
Author 15 books284 followers
October 5, 2013
I feel like I haven't read a fantasy novel in ages! And while I signed up for this blog tour fairly last minute, I don't regret it at all! Sworn To Transfer was a really good book that I finished in a day!

Sworn To Transfer follows Ciardis, the unofficial Companion of the Prince Heir, Sebastian. Unfortunately, ever since she saved his life and help him kill his aunt, the Princess Heir, he's been a bit cold to her. Or at least, that's how she thinks. But with a dragon coming, and her finding out more about her family (and trying to learn how to control her powers), she's got a lot to handle.

Before I start, I must say that the author made this book really readable, even for those who haven't read the first book. I'm quite curious about the details, but I think I have a rough idea about what the first book is about (the characters talk about it and pass on information that way).

What I liked was Ciardis. She's a very interesting character. Most of the book is from her point of view, but sometimes, the book switches. And what a difference. To Ciardis, whatever she does makes sense to her, but to others, she's a naive, immature girl. I couldn't help but wonder, which is correct? It's something that kept me interested in this book.

Plot-wise, it moves very fast. A new organisation is introduced (the Shadow council), and once it's introduced, the different members and how they're meddling in the court starts to appear and take an active role. And from there, the plot just keeps rolling on.

All in all, this is a good fantasy book. It's exciting, it has interesting characters, and it's an easy read. You should definitely read this book.

Disclaimer: I got a free copy of this book as part of Enchanted Book Promotions Blog Tours in exchange for a free and honest review.

This review was first posted to Into the mind of a Bibliophile
683 reviews25 followers
October 16, 2013
[Full disclosure: I received a free ebook from Terah Edun in exchange for an honest review.]

Some authors never improve, but Terah Edun is not one of them. Instead, in Sworn to Transfer she fixed pretty much everything that was wrong with the last book. The pacing was much better because everything was slowed down to a manageable but interesting speed and the villain wasn’t such a caricature as in Sworn to Raise.

What I liked the most about Sworn to Transfer is how Ciardis’ character has developed over time. You can tell that although she keeps getting in trouble with the Companions’ Guild for breaking protocol, overall she’s far more sure of herself and her powers. At the same time, things are a little more awkward between Ciardis and Sebastien. You can tell they’re starting to develop feelings for each other, but they’re still not sure just how to express them. At least they’re not falling in Insta-Love, but rather their love is growing organically.

What I really liked were the plot twists. The huge jaw-dropping twist at the end was completely unexpected but made sense. In addition to that shocker, there were several little turns of events that kept me reading late into the night. I don’t want to give anything away so let’s just say that every character has their secrets and they aren’t exactly eager to share them with Ciardis, the wild card in the Imperial Court.

If you enjoyed Sworn to Raise you’ll love Sworn to Transfer even more. The extended world-building, the character development and the evenly paced plot make it a huge improvement over the last book. And although there are some moments where the plot drags, when you finish the book you’ll be begging for the next one to come out.

I give this book 4.5/5 stars.
Profile Image for Jonel.
1,717 reviews311 followers
March 23, 2014
I absolutely love how this author writes. She’s so descriptive and melodic. You’re drawn right into the story at hand. I feel like I was right there with the characters. The author’s breathtakingly beautiful descriptions leave you with an image of the scene at hand. Edun mixes intrigue with action and suspense to create a very heady combo. This novel is definitely more intense and action packed than the first in the series, yet loses none of the beauty that we found there. The powerful storyline keeps you guessing and hopping throughout. I found myself wrapped back up in this world before the end of the first chapter. I definitely couldn’t put this down, nor could I stop thinking about it.

The main character in this story is absolutely perfect for her role. She keeps growing with her role, even if it isn’t always willingly. I found my heart breaking for her while at the same time knowing that she’d make it thru. She’s also backed up by an amazingly diverse yet well-developed supporting cast that both help and hinder her. The well-rounded cast really helps to make this amazing story even better. One of the best parts about this cast is the fact that many of them are coming of age and are still growing into their own. You get to see them morph and change based on the situations that they face, and 9 times out of 10 they become better people because of it.

This story was absolutely breathtaking. It was a very intricate and multifaceted tale that definitely left me wanting more. I can’t wait to get back with the 3rd instalment in the series.

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
2 reviews
September 24, 2013
I received an advanced copy of Sworn to Transfer from the author for an honest review. I was not offered any form of monetary compensation.

The sequel continues to follow Ciardis Weathervane on her journey to becoming a fully-fledged Companion. In this book, Prince Sebastian has begun to distance himself from Ciardis upon the arrival of a dragon ambassador. The distancing is noticeable to the rest of the court, and raises questions as to whether Ciardis will actually become the Companion to the prince. While plagued with doubt in her path, Ciardis must dodge assassins, navigate court intrigue, and somehow find out who is behind the killing of magical creatures called the kith.

Overall I would give the book a rating of 4.5 out of 5. The story is as interesting as the first book and the reader is introduced to other races that occupy this world. I would have liked to know more about the Sahalians, or the dragon race, but I’m sure the author intended to allow only enough information for the reader’s interest to be peaked. Honestly, what I really wanted to know was what happened to Ciardis’ mother before she left the court. The book starts off a little slow for my taste, with Ciardis feeling really insecure about her position in court. Once the action begins, events happen one after another and the book ends in, literally, the least likely of places. I really enjoyed this new installment and look forward to (hopefully) finding out more about Ciardis’ family past and how she ended up where she does!
Profile Image for Diane Lynch Lynch.
1,794 reviews46 followers
December 1, 2013
When companion trainee Ciardis Weathervane helped the royal heir, Prince Sebastian, regain his throne, they unintentionally released a threat that imperils the Kiths and humans of the Ameles Forest. Now with the help of some old friends and some new they must help the realm’s inhabitants.

Terah Edun continues to successfully develop her characters making them multidimensional and convincing. The story is mysterious making Ciardia (and the reader) not know which of her friends are trustworthy. I enjoy Ciardia behavior and that she doesn’t let people walk all over her. She questions authority and has a knack for getting I trouble.

Terah Edun has done a fantastic job continuing the Courtlight Series. She has created an intriguing fantasy world with interesting characters. Her story has attention-grabbing sub plots that make the book hard to put down.

ARC provided publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Regina.
431 reviews9 followers
October 16, 2013
I think the second book was even better than the first. The world building has become more fleshed out and the side characters are given more characterization. I liked that the magic aspect was given more explanation and the relationships became complicated when certain secrets about Ciardis's past was revealed. I loved Ciardis in this book because she never has a dull moment. Her friendship with Sebastian has gotten stronger. They are still just friends but i suspect Sebastian may have a slight crush on her. It doesn't matter either way because their bond is really touching and they trust each other a lot. Dragons were introduced and they do add a layer of complexity so I hope the situation with them is revisited in book 3. I really loved this sequel and can't wait for the next book.

*A copy was provided by netgalley for my unbiased opinion.
Profile Image for Tabby Shiflett.
949 reviews13 followers
September 27, 2013
A great sequel with some exciting subplots! Edun delivers some fantastical new characters and the magical abilities are described in much more detail in this novel. The author also drops a metaphorical bomb near the end and the reader learns a little more about the MC's ancestry. I am definitely looking forward to the next book in the series. A very imaginative story with some suspenseful and breathtaking scenes. Suggested for fans of YA fantasy. You need to read the first novel before this one.

Net Galley Feedback
Profile Image for Patricia.
124 reviews2 followers
March 4, 2017
This book was so confusing I was so lost in trying to piece the story together
Profile Image for Ruthsic.
1,765 reviews30 followers
October 2, 2013
Eighteen-year-old companion trainee Ciardis Weathervane has won the friendship of the royal heir and saved his claim to the throne. Yet her interference in the inheritance rights leaves more harm done than good. The Ameles Forest lies unprotected and its inhabitants are dying.

As humans begin to die in gruesome deaths, the Emperor dispatches the royal heir to the forests with the solution to the kith concerns.

With enemies closing ranks in Sandrin, Ciardis can little afford to leave the city’s nest of vipers to take on a new task. But she’s given no choice when her loyalty to the crown and courts are called into question.

To keep the Companions’ Guild happy and the favor of the Imperial Court, Ciardis will be tested in frightening new ways, especially when she’s faced with an obstacle that could risk the lives of her friends and the family she never thought she had.

Sworn to Transfer focuses on Ciardis and her family this time around - why her mother left the Weathervanes, does she have any other family out there and what did it mean for her when she entered court. She is in for plenty of surprises and shocks. The fact that she can enhance other mages' powers makes her a pretty powerful ally but also a dangerous enemy. Most of the book, people are out to get her because she is powerful but untrained. I actually got frustrated in the start with how much they underestimate her - she has so much potential but spends it most of the time being bratty. Yes, she is still a bit juvenile and I still don't feel any particular endearment towards her. Sebastian was better this time around and all the new characters really gave it a fresh life.

The story progressed well, though, and was interesting enough to keep me entertained. At first, it felt there were two plotlines but they get weaved together towards the end. There were some things unexplained as to how the Shadow mage got the other Weathervane away from his guardian but I suppose that will be explained in the next since that is where Ciardis landed. The writing was good and I especially loved how the magic cores and building up the magic was described. The secrets being kept from the people in power and the Shadow Council add good backstory to the series. I, however, feel that the first book in the series was better and had much more to offer. Here's hoping that the next one is even better.

Received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for eyes.2c.
2,882 reviews90 followers
September 20, 2013
Ciardis, what have you done!

What indeed? The story of a young woman, out of her depth, finding her way despite the odds, and despite the opinion of others.
Having received an ARC for this, I decided to read Sworn to Raise: Courtlight #1, first.
And Yes! I was captivated from beginning to end. Edun's writing style does remind me somewhat of Tamora Pierce and Sara J. Maas.
Ciardis Vane is the archetypal abandoned/orphaned heroine raised to believe she is a gypsy but is in reality is a Mage, a Weathervane, the last of a line of mages whose major talent is increasing the powers of others. Her gifts come to light when she is taken to be trained as Companion. She goes from drudgery to a position of prestige--albeit dangerous. Of course there are evil mages and careless, selfish mages, friendly trainees and courtly intrigue involved.
Now, after the Patron Hunt, having helped save the Prince Sebastian, the heir to the Algardis Empire, Ciardis is Companion trainee to Prince Sebastian, even though the relationship has not been formalized and Sebastian has been avoiding her. 'Transfer' opens with Ciardis on a ship in the middle of an icy storm waiting to meet an ambassador from Sahalia who turns out to be a dragon.
Something is attacking the kith (the original, magical inhabitants of the kingdom) in their stronghold, the Ameles Forest. Death and destruction most horrible is being visited. Of course Ciardis joins the group sent to investigate. It seems a shadow necromancer is at work.
As I read, I kept harking back to Sworn to Raise and the crone at the Mordair Maze challenge, stating to Ciardis that she is, 'one who has the potential to shatter the imperial court.'
There are times when Ciardis is unsure of whom she can trust. When the battle is engaged she acts as usual, on impulse. My vote though is that rather than impulsive she is young in her powers. What she uses is her magely intuition although it does have an edge of the impulsive. Unfortunately that intuition does have the habit of leaving her in an even bigger hole.
An enjoyable read. I am now looking forward to Sworn to Conflict: Courtlight #3

A NetGalley ARC
Profile Image for Majanka.
Author 67 books407 followers
October 12, 2013
Book review originally published here: http://www.iheartreading.net/reviews/...

Sworn to Transfer is an amazing read set in a complicated, vast fantasy world with well-crafted characters and an unique plot. I didn’t read the first book in the series, which made this one a little tough to follow, but after a few chapters, I got the hang of the story. Ciardis has been born believing she held no magical talents, but apparently she’s a Weathervane, and her magical talent is quite impressive. She’s trained as a companion to the royal heir, Sebastian, who, unfortunately chooses to ignore her most of the time.

Ciardis is sent on a mission to protect the home of the kith in the Ameles forest. With her abilities being tested at every turn, she has trouble finding out who she can trust. She must find out what is plaguing the kith, before her own life and that of her friends and new-found family are at stake.

I liked Ciardis. She managed to act independently most of the time, but listened to advice when needed or helpful. She had a bit of a stubborn streak, and was usually quite impulsive. I also liked how her talents can be a bit wonky at times, it shows she’s far from being a Mary Sue character. I also liked Sebastian. He was mysterious enough to be intriguing, and he seemed to have a lot of depth to him.

The world building was very impressive. The world author Terah Edun has created is magical, original, surprising, refreshing and most importantly, very vast. You never know what to expect, or what’ll come next.

The writing style was descriptive. At the start, I had some trouble getting into the book because of this, but once I got to know the characters, this didn’t form as much of a problem, and I actually began to enjoy the vibrant descriptions of the forest, the towns and characters.

If you like high fantasy for young adults, then Sworn to Transfer can’t be kept off your to-be-read list. It’s an imaginative, suspenseful, intriguing read.
Profile Image for Alice.
133 reviews2 followers
December 27, 2013
My star mint : 4


Hello! Today I have the opportunity to Review of the 3 books of The courtlight series by Terah Edun .
Overall the plot is good, has a well-defined protagonist . The author knows very good and leads you down the path you want to develop . And likewise each book takes shape . The level is improving between each book, the effort that is taking the risk and the author will be undertaking notes. Landscapes and the secondary characters are taking shape and just hope that in the last book of the saga delight us with a surprise ending .
In the first book , like all series, we meet the protagonist, Ciardis Weathervane , a girl of seventeen, who has a difficult start but along the path of history , you begin to take charge of your life and that of her depend more people. Also we meet Sebastian , an heir to the throne is not surprising as any Prince .
In the second book after leaving gaining instead Ciardis will have new adventures and battles, know a little more depth to the characters, and the world around her . This is where the character develops further and the beginning of a path of intrigue . Will be connecting more characters which gives a significant variety .
In the third book , we have another story going around taking more adentrada way when the last of Ciardis Weathervane and how this might affect your current life. I think this is my favorite, the story surprised me, is a more mature and better management author in writing
Undoubtedly, it was a rollercoaster of emotions reading these books , it was amazing to grow with the
story and in the end you leave a great taste . I congratulate the author for it.

REVIEW OF BLOG: All things in the Cloud Sweet
Profile Image for El.
198 reviews
January 9, 2014
This review and many more on So Bookalicious

Sworn to Transfer starts some months after Sworn to Raise has end. Like in the first book the world building is very impressive. It’s magical, original and most important it holds a lot of surprises. You never know what to expect next. At first we get to see the city of Sandrin again with the Imperial court and the Companions guild compound. But we also got to see a whole new part of this world, the Ameles Forest which was completely different than the city.

From the very beginning Ciardis comes across new adventures and battles, not only with her enemies but also with her friends and herself. So there are still many plot twists but everything feels right and falls into place. This is why I was far more drawn into this book than I was into the first one. But at times I still felt a little bit lost, some parts I needed to read twice to understand what was going on. But all in all everything did happen smooth and fluid.

Ciardis did improve in comparison to the first book. She knew how to control herself and listened to advice when needed or helpful. At the same time she was still her old self, stubborn, impulsive and determined. Her talents are still a bit unstable in this book, which made it better you can see her make process step by step and you can see how determined she is to learn everything.

I enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to read the third book in this series. I would recommend this book to everyone who loves YA-fantasy.
Profile Image for Jen.
191 reviews
July 29, 2016
Amazon's blurb:Eighteen-year-old companion trainee Ciardis Weathervane has won the friendship of the royal heir and saved his claim to the throne. Yet her interference in the inheritance rights leaves more harm done than good. The Ameles Forest lies unprotected and it's inhabitants are dying.
As humans begin to die in gruesome deaths, the Emperor dispatches the royal heir to the forests with the solution to the kith concerns.
With enemies closing ranks in Sandrin, Ciardis can little afford to leave the city's nest of vipers to take on a new task. But she's given no choice when her loyalty to the crown and courts are called into question.
To keep the Companions' Guild happy and the favor of the Imperial Court, Ciardis will be tested in frightening new ways, especially when she's faced with an obstacle that could risk the lives of her friends and the family she never thought she had.

My Thoughts:
I enjoyed the first book in the series a lot, and this one did not disappoint as so many second books in series often do. Ciardis grows as a character, but still you can see glimpses of the girl she used to be when she upsets the apple cart more than once..

There are believable characters, exciting mini plots that happen all through the book, and an unexpected twist for the ending. The pacing was fast, and I am definitely looking forward to the next!

[disclosure: I received a free ebook from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.]
February 9, 2014
Did I enjoy this book: I didn’t like it as much as I liked the first book in the series. I suppose I was hoping for round two to involve some deeper character development (and DEFINITELY some better editing). I wanted Ciardis to mature a bit and while she certainly had several chances, she didn’t. I guess I wasn’t expecting such a dramatic shift in book 2; I kind of feel like I read a completely different book – the characters just had the same names.

I admire Edun’s attempt to move the storyline in a more serious direction, and I have every intention of reading the other two books in the series (my reviews for Sworn to Conflict and Sworn to Secrecy will be posted in March 2014). I just, I don’t know. I was expecting more of the fun, light-hearted magical mayhem I got in book 1, and though I’m not disappointed (exception: Edun STILL needs to do some serious editing & grammar work), I’m just a bit wary of the rest of the series.

Would I recommend it: You know? I’d really like to discuss this series with someone, so, yes. I’ll recommend it.

Will I read it again: Nope, but I’ve got the next two books in the series queued up for March!

As reviewed by Melissa at Every Free Chance Book Reviews.

(I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

14 reviews1 follower
July 24, 2014
In need of a good editor

I'm a huge fan of this genre and I really had high hopes for this story. The first book was a little week but had promise. Interesting world, interesting characters. I knew it was a first work so I went into this story anticipating a continuation of the main plot and maybe tying up some of the loose threads from the first book. This book was so confusing. It kept contradicting various details as it went along. It was full of scenes that seemed random and pointless and contrived. The characters seemed to change personalities repeatedly. It felt emotionally distant and rushed.

I think what bothered me the most was the random one or two paragraph point of view changes. It came across as a lack of ability to develop the story. The purpose of these point of view changes seemed to be to clue the reader into some important tidbit quickly without putting the effort into plotting the story so the main character can discover the info some realistic way.

The other thing that bothered me was how the "very busy" characters were repeatedly referenced as having spent much time learning random info in the past few months that just happened to be the info needed to solve the mystery.

Overall this was a very disappointing read and I would not recommend it.
Profile Image for J.C. Cauthon.
Author 62 books96 followers
June 6, 2015
I read through this entire series this week, so I will be reviewing this book for it's own merits and then comparing it to the first novel in the series.

The story was much better this time for me. I was drawn into it, and I was able to overlook most of the writing errors as long as they were not so glaringly bad that I felt the need to pull my hair out. It still needed a lot of editing work, and I found a few scenes that felt unnecessary to me. I read through them several times to see if I missed something, but I could never find anything that those scenes added to the story other than word count.

I learned a bit more about the characters in this novel, and they began to take more shape as real people, but, at the same time, they kept contradicting themselves (both in this novel and from things they did in the first novel). There were several instances where Ciardis did something or put herself in a situation that a real person with her same attributes and characteristics would have never done. Acting out of character, so to speak.

The story is there, though, and it shows promise. It was a bit of a tough read if you notice every grammar issue or could not find the author's writing rhythm, but the story can and will entertain you if you can look past those major issues.
Profile Image for Anny hernandez.
1,181 reviews13 followers
December 28, 2013
**** I received an ARC copy of this book an honest review ****

I cant say which book I love the most either the first book or the second one. I love the characters I am gone keep this short since I don't want to give anything away.

Ciardis Weathervane is now Eighteen-year-old, she is a companion trainee, she begins to learn how to control the magic inside of her, she has won the friendship of royal heir, when she helps Prince Sebastian saved his claim to the throne, she is also trying to learned how to control her magic but once she is trying to do that, and keep interference in the inheritance rights all hell break lose and leaves more harm done than good. I love the friendship that she has going on with Prince Sebastian, and love their attitude.

While reading this book in some part of the book, it just kept me thinking back to the first book, I really enjoy reading this book, I did not wanted to finish I just wanted more.

I hope that when you read this that you enjoy it and love it as much as I did.

once again Author Terah Edun THANK YOU for introducing me to this amazing characters and this awesome book.
254 reviews
October 5, 2015
I gave this second book a chance because the first had promise but I struggled through it. This book had parts that were interesting and creative but it had too many places where it moved to fast and I was left wondering what just happened or things just conveniently seemed to work out a little to easily.

Poor editing detracted from the story and I had to reread a sentence several times to understand the meaning. At other times the grammatical errors were just distracting and I found myself shaking my head and moving on.

After reading the first two books in this series I feel like I am only just starting to understand the main character Ciaris. There have been many times when I feel like she has acted contrary to the way she has been portrayed for other parts of the story.

Overall, I feel that this story had potential but the author's inability to flush out the characters and make them connect with the reader make me question if I can continue with this series. Not to mention the plot revelation flaw at the end of the book, but I don't want to give anything away for those who care.
Profile Image for Tammy Hall.
401 reviews22 followers
December 5, 2013
As I began to read this the second book in the Courtlight Series I realized that as mush as I had loved book one and all of it's properties book two was so much more. Born to Transfer was not going to be a disappointment. Just the opposite this book was one magic ripple after another. As Ciardis begins to learn how to control the magic inside her all hell breaks lose and everything get turned upside down. All that Ciardis thought to be true may not be as the darkness creeps in light is shed on truths that no one was prepared for leaving Ciardi questioning her entire existence and not knowing who she can truly trust. Will she learn the truth before it's to late? Only time will tell. As you will get no spoilers from me. I am head over heels in love with this series so far and can only hope that it continues to take me into a magical realm like none has ever seen before!
69 reviews
November 6, 2014
So I bought this after reading the first for free on my kindle and was shocked at how consistent the quality and intrigue continued to be. The first is usually the best but it's like the first never ended and is just getting better and better. Rich with the world it started to create in the first book, Sworn to Transfer dives right back in with a few new twist in our young heroine's life. I do love that this book is different from many of the others today in the fact that it focuses on the heroine and not so much her 'love' interest. Yes they are the point of her daily life but she seems to take a deliberate step away to create her own story. A must read. Now onto the next, so glad amazon suggested this to me.
Profile Image for Dark Ape.
250 reviews8 followers
October 2, 2013
My favorite part of the entire book is the ending... I know that sounds weird, but it was good we were disillusioned further in this book from the perfect kind of world that was built during the first, it gave more realistic plots despite the fantasy aspects. But the ending was just perfect because it shows that we're going to explore a part of the world that is only hinted at before, and not kindly. Not only that, but we'll see just how much Ciardis wants the freedom and truth she sought near the end.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews

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