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Hidden Wings #2

Broken Wings

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Emma’s world is falling apart, and Kade, the only one who seems to hold her together, is missing. With death lingering right outside their door, decisions must be made before it’s too late.

The Midway has refused to send help, so they are left to seek out the only other who can stop Lucian.

A perilous quest sends Emma and a few Guardians into the Underworld, where the unimaginable abide, to beseech the Prince of Darkness himself. Lucifer.

Now, they must endure the deadly levels of Hell, which not one …mortal or immortal… has ever survived.

Prepare for love, loss, and the unexpected.

296 pages, ebook

First published June 1, 2013

About the author

Cameo Renae

43 books1,665 followers
I was born in San Francisco, raised in Maui, Hawaii, and now reside with my husband in Las Vegas. I am a dreamer and caffeine addict who loves to laugh and loves to read to escape reality.

One of my greatest satisfactions is creating fantasy worlds filled with adventure and romance. It is the love and incredible support of my family and fans that keeps me going. One day I hope to uncover my magic wardrobe and ride away on a unicorn. Until then . . . I'll keep writing!

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61 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 254 reviews
Profile Image for Cameo.
Author 43 books1,665 followers
May 23, 2020
After writing this book my mind is still trying to wrap around everything that happened. This is one crazy, crazy adventure! I need a vacation after writing this one, but this is definitely my best work so far!!!
Profile Image for Μαρία Γεωργοπούλου.
Author 5 books94 followers
September 25, 2018
Ήταν αρκετά καλό, αλλά για να είμαι ειλικρινής δεν ήταν ένα βιβλίο που με τράβηξε όσο περίμενα.
Είχε πολλή δράση, ίσως λίγο περισσότερη από όσο θα ήθελα και μου έλειψαν οι απλές στιγμές χαλάρωσης μεταξύ των πρωταγωνιστών. Μου αρέσει η δράση φυσικά, όμως εδώ ήταν τόση που δεν άφηνε τις σχέσεις να αναπτυχθούν.
Επίσης, καταλαβαίνω την ανάγκη κάποια πράγματα να γίνονται γρήγορα, αλλά μέσα σε λίγες μέρες να υπάρχουν τόσο έντονα συναισθήματα? Δεν ξέρω...
Κάποια στιγμή θα συνεχίσω τη σειρά βέβαια καθώς με ενδιαφέρει να μάθω τι θα γίνει στη συνέχεια, όμως για την ώρα θα αναζητήσω κάτι άλλο.
Profile Image for Julie.
21 reviews
April 17, 2020
Broken Wings was a great follow-up to Hidden Wings. I love Emma. She is a protagonist with lots of potential, and I look forward to watching her grow in future books. I am hoping this series will be more than a trilogy since each novel has been rather short. I think we need at least a quartet to really get to know Emma. I also loved Kade in this book. He is swoon worthy, although at times I found myself wondering about the "connection" she had with him. I felt like we needed to see more of them talking and spending time alone together for it to be completely believable. And that leads me into what I really did NOT like about this book in the series, and it is really only one thing: the monkey-wrench thrown in at the end.

I don't want to say too much for fear of being a spoiler, but the love-triangle just isn't needed. It seems like so many YA books have love triangles lately. Sometimes they are needed to hold up a rather weak plot line, but this series has so much strong potential (Emma learning about her powers, her parents, the other guardians, and her relationship with Kade). We don't need the triangle in this one.I really wanted to give this book four stars (five are a very very rare thing for me), but I just couldn't do it with the love triangle. Still, the book is written well, enjoyable, and easy to follow. I am eagerly anticipating the next one.

Profile Image for Kimberlyisreading.
313 reviews19 followers
May 31, 2013
My favorite book of the series yet, each book is more incredible than the last!!!

In the beginning of this book Kade returns from the Midway and the cast reaches the conclusion that the only way to save themselves is to make a plea to Lucifer, since his own son is a Nephilium. Only one catch- to reach Lucifer they have to get through all five gates of hell, an incredibly rare feat!

Once you reach gate one, well you can forget about putting the book down! The trials they go through, the monsters they fight will leave you wondering if they're going to make it all the way or not! Emma is able to use some of the time to develop a better relationship with Samuel and she gets to watch the guardians in action- with wonder at their abilities.

There are three surprises in this book- Kade's, something along the journey (that almost made me throw my nook across the room, and yes, I shed a few tears in disbelief!) and a twist at the end. Hang onto your hats for a crazy, wonderful ride with Emma and the Guardians and be forewarned: the ending is going to leave you wanting book three 'Right Now!!!!!!' :)
Profile Image for Karla Bostic.
49 reviews9 followers
May 5, 2013
Another wonder addition to this incredible world of Cameo's. Each book gets better than the last.
This time we get to see the relationships build between Emma and Samuel as well as Kade. They take a 5 step Journey and along the way learn a lot about each other. She realizes how much he does love her and with the aid of a few incredible gifts she is given for their journey she makes it through some really incredibly tough times. Some funny moments in the story from Dominic who is so adorable and is fully aware of it. Even still you can't help but love him. The story takes place over 5 months so we are all anxious for her birthday to get here and see what emerges from this beautiful young woman.

Totally catches the mind. You want to get lost in the book and not put it down till it's done. Which I did.I am a huge fan of Cameo's work as she is such a discriptive writer and I am right there in the story along with the heroine. Feeling everything she feels. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Profile Image for Darian Carter-Pace.
91 reviews2 followers
July 17, 2013
This review and more at my blog, Into the Worm's Hole
Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Series book: Yes
Will I read the Next: Yes

Holy crap. I can't even right now. This was actually a really good book. At first I was skeptical because of the whole "When darkness surrounds, love will lead the way." For some reason that just turned me off. But there was alot more action than I expected, and I got addicted after just a few chapters. It was definitely worth the read and I can't wait for the next book.

I am just a little disappointed with this writing. In the first book, Hidden Wings, there were a few typos. But Broken wings the thing that REALLY annoyed me, like really REALLY annoyed me, was how she used CAPITALS to EMPHASIZE everything. I'm sorry but that's what italics are for. That just annoyed me soooo much. Okay, yeah I know that's not a huge big deal and that everyone has different writing styles, but that just annoyed me. Other than that there were just a few editing issues, but that's not the authors fault.

This was a really Odyssey-like plot. They have to face trials to reach their ultimate goal, blah, blah. I actually really liked it. Their were some twists, but it was straight forward for the most part. It was a really quick, exciting read.

Sadly, Kade was only in half the book. So instead, Dom is my favorite character. You could see a change in him throughout the story. He was still funny and totally in love with himself, but you also could see the softer side of him. You could really tell that he cared about Emma and Kade. I also really loved how Emma had the Zena: Warrior Princess moment towards then end and totally went off on some hellish beasts. All in all the characters were pretty amazing.

I just love Kade. He's so sweet and would do anything for Emma. It was nice that it took a full book for Kade to tell Emma "I Love you." Usually it's within the first book and it's just really quick and unrealistic. This romance was more slow and sweet to get to the Big Three Words. Kade is the perfect book boyfriend. I just can't even.

SUMMARY OF REVIEW(In case you don't actually feel like reading the review):
Writing: 4.5 out of 5
Plot: 5 out of 5
Characters: 5 out of 5
Romance: 5 out of 5
Overall Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Rated PG- Violence. Kissing. Action.
Profile Image for Aimz.
221 reviews43 followers
July 31, 2013
[image error]

5 Stars aren't enough for how I feel about this series.
[image error]

This is book2 in the Hidden Wings world.
I love Emma. She is a 17 year old girl who has lost so much that is dear to her but yet gained so much more. A family, friends..... and enemies for no reason other than her birth. A prophecy awaits her. If she can survive until her 18th birthday. She is a mixture of light and dark. Good and bad. Innocence and experience. And her rock, her guardian, her almost everything... KADE .

[image error]

This is a journey to Hell...


Friends are lost.. and a new one is found.. Ethon.. Could he be the one to save her?

This is a story of forbidden loves, family, good, evil, and finding yourself in the midst of madness.

Love should have no boundaries, no limits, and no law. Love should be free and given to whomever it wants.

[image error]

Cameo Renae is a literary genius. I love her. I love this world I stumbled onto. I am in so deep I never want to get out.

Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews162 followers
June 2, 2013
Sweet mother of all that's holy I really did miss Emma and her thoughts, "because Lucian, one of the elders of the Fallen, is a psychopath on a power trip." And I missed my Kade so damn much like you people really have no idea how much I've missed him, "get some rest, okay? We'll be going through Hell tomorrow." He means that quite literally people. And I missed his sass, the boy knows how to throw down, "well, I'm not going to stop you if you really want to take it off," he said, his eyes sliding downward." And I really missed Dominic that boy reminds me so much of myself, what I mean is in a really horrible situation we find humor in the stupidest of things, well I always find humor in stupid things, "whatever. You're all jealous," Dom sputtered, covering his biceps with his sleeves. "They're just jealous of you," he whispered to his arm." In the events in this book I'm not sure what team I'm on anymore, Team Kade or Team Ethon, but I know one thing if Kade didn't do something totally stupid he'd probably still have something but he went and did something totally stupid, and no I can't say that would be a total spoiler and I know how much you people hate them.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
April 29, 2018
Emma narrowly escaped the evil Fallen, Lucian, and is hiding in a bunker with her parents and guardians - but they can't hide there forever. They concoct a plan to journey through Hell in order to try to convince Lucifer to join them against Lucian. It's a dangerous plan. No one has traveled through the 5 levels of Hell and survived. Emma hasn't even transformed and gained her powers yet. Emma, Kade, Danyel and Samuel begin the journey, but not everyone will make it. The monsters of hell aren't the only challenges, they also have to deal with Lucifer and his son, Ethan.

I guess this was an interesting twist in the story of 3/4 angel. There were parts of the story that still confuse me, but I'm trying to accept them anyway. I found the battles in hell to be a little "meh" and predictable. Unlike the previous book where the ending was a little underwhelming, this end left me desiring more right away. So there was some good and bad - thus the average rating. I'll still be continuing Emma's story shortly, perhaps that warrants an extra half star??
Profile Image for Daphne.
266 reviews19 followers
January 24, 2018
Adventurous angel book

Absolutely enjoyable! The characters and plot kept me wanting to know more. Emma is more than an angel and now is faced with a dilemma. A sexy fallen and angel wants her.
Profile Image for Calico.
87 reviews5 followers
March 15, 2014

I'll start off by saying right off the bat that the only reason I even read this book was to find out what happens to Kade. The grammar in the first book was so atrocious that I thought I'd have permanent eye damage from rolling them so much. But I did like Kade, and in a moment of weakness, I decided to give the series a second chance and buy the second book.

At first I was hopeful. A couple of pages in, and I hadn't encountered any grammatical errors that were too bad. I thought that maybe Renae had hired an editor this time around and that this book would be better written than the first.

I was horribly, horribly wrong. The grammar and word choices were just about as bad the second time around. Renae seriously overused certain words. When characters spoke, they either "sobbed," "blurted," or "breathed," depending on the situation. I lost track of how many times one of the guardians "blurted" something that was, in fact, a perfectly normal set of sentences with no sense of urgency or blurt-worthiness at all. It drove me crazy.

Speaking of driving me crazy... Oh geez, there are just too many things. After Emma and her crew made their "decent" into hell (hint: it's spelled "DESCENT." Nothing about hell is particularly "decent") they encountered razor-sharp rocks. The rocks were razor-sharp. By the way, did I mention that there were razor-sharp rocks there? Because they were, and they were razor-sharp. I was just about ready to throw my brand new Kindle out the window in frustration. An editor and a thesaurus would do Renae a whole lot of good. When she finally stopped mentioning the razor-sharp rocks (which were razor-sharp, by the way) it was to talk about razor-sharp teeth. Reading this book made me feel like impaling myself on something razor-sharp.

One of my personal favorites was when Renae spelled one of her characters' names two different ways on the same page. Bane was Bain, until he became Bane again. Smooth.

And can we talk about the unnecessary typing in caps? I can forgive it once or maybe twice in a story for emphasis on a very important word/point/etc, but Renae totally overuses caps for stupid things. It just made Emma sound stupid most of the time.

Speaking of things that sound stupid, can we go back to the first chapter for a minute? I'd love to know how someone shouts quietly.

Even in the event that you're not bothered by terrible grammar or not educated enough to recognize it, the book is still pretty sub par. I did actually enjoy the premise of the first book. It wasn't creative or new, but it was a decent (or, as Renae would probably say, "descent") story. The second book, not so much. There a few plotholes and inconsistencies. I can't really go into it too much without giving anything away, but argh! Plus, there wasn't much Kade at all, which was the entire reason I read this book in the first place. And it seemed totally pointless that That part bugged me to no end, but I'm sure that it was set up that way to make things fit together in the last book. And the random love triangle was totally over the top. Stick a girl in a house full of super sexy guardian angels! (How many are there, six? I don't even know anymore.) But wait, there's more! Better throw in ANOTHER love interest for good measure! I feel an eye roll coming on again...

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be sticking around to see what happens in the last book. Unless I have another moment of weakness, I'm fleeing this sinking ship. Sorry Kade, I like you, but not enough to sit through another round of "Renae dismembers grammar." It floors me that something with so many errors was allowed into print. I feel cheated that I paid money not once but twice for such sloppy, unpolished, unprofessional writing. For the love of all things holy, someone please get this woman a proper editor!
Profile Image for Janae Mitchell.
Author 16 books165 followers
February 8, 2015

After reading book one, Hidden Wings, which was a great intro to this series, I couldn't wait to read this one. Not only did it not disappoint, but it surpassed my expectations.

This book takes us through hell and back—literally. At one point, I actually gasped out loud, shocked at what had just happened. I can't recall ever actually gasping over a book before. Have my heart ache, get the chills, cry, maybe, but not gasp out loud. "Broken Wings" is my first gasper.

Relationships develop and progress through book two, as well, making me fall in love with these characters even more. I even enjoyed the immortal hellish characters and monsters that are introduced!

Just when you think it's all working out and everything is falling into place, along comes the introduction to a flippin' love triangle that I absolutely did not see coming at all! You're gonna kill me with this one, Cameo Renae! Oh, you're gonna kill me.

Needless to say, I've already started reading book three and...*shakes head*... get ready. So far, each one is better than the last. The introduction to new characters in this one add another element to it all and it's like I'm torn between wanting to hurry and read the next chapter so I know what's going to happen and wanting to read slowly so this series doesn't end too quickly.

Profile Image for Booknut 101.
849 reviews997 followers
April 5, 2014
I wish that reading a book was more like the journey taken by that engine in The Little Engine That Could.

Because in The Little Engine That Could all the engine had to do was think that he could do something, and he could. But no matter how many times you read a book and keep thinking/wishing that you're going to enjoy it, sometimes...you just don't. You've got a 50-50 chance each time you read a book of loving it, or hating it.

I was rooting so hard for this book! The first book was not enjoyable, and I convinced myself that the second one would be better. But with no character development, the addition of a love triangle and more literary cliches, this book failed to meet the goals I'd set for it (mainly that the main female protagonist should grow up and stop being Bella Swan's twin sister).

So am I disappointed? Yes
Did I face-palm whilst reading this book? Yes
Will I be reading the next one? Yes

And you're probably thinking "Why?!" Well, it's because:
i.) I have a thing for self-inflicted torture
ii.) It's the last book
iii.) How bad can it be?

Though I have to admit that the fact the 3rd book's cover has 'I was trapped. Tethered between two hearts' on it, is not filling me with confidence!
Profile Image for Katie (Katie's Corner Blog).
1,710 reviews52 followers
June 2, 2013
Just read it, and i hate that i read so fast, why? Because the third book is not yet out, and i can't wait to see what will happen with whole Emma/Kade and Emma/Ethon thing. I loved Kade for his sacrifice, and even cried when he did it. But nobody can blame me that i am seriously intrigued by Ethon character. And this is the only time i wished Kade was not that devotious, how can he beat the hell out of Ethon now??? I am full of questions, maybe there will be a short story about Ethon, that will be interesting. And is Emma's grandpa Michael? Or no, that can't be possible, but still, with his dagger. So many quations, love Cameo for this, and for building this whole new world. For anyone who hasn't read the book, just read it you will love the charecters, and the writing, it is simple and easy to read!!! Xoxo <3
Profile Image for Shannon.
9 reviews4 followers
June 1, 2013
Well what can i say? the name of the books says it all..

There is evil and good in all of us, some of us is struggle with it day in and day out. the choice is always up to us.

Emma has been brought into this life for some reason, she has a destiny she has to fulfill..
She has help from her Guardians.

She has fallen for one of them, as one of them has for her. will there love be able to hold threw the adventures she has to go threw? one thing we all know LOVE will win all.

but is it possible when another person comes into the story..

Emma and Kade has to go threw the Gates of Hell to get part of the task that needs to get done.

Profile Image for Melanie.
1,245 reviews101k followers
October 12, 2018
I really enjoyed the start and end of this book, but the middle was a little hard for me to read. I found myself getting bored at each level. But the ending and the start of the love triangle almost made it worth it.
Profile Image for Kari.
112 reviews
September 2, 2018
Oh the twists

Oh the twists and turns this series is taking my heart on.
This 2nd book in the Hidden Wings series takes us on a trip through Hell, literally. In order to meet with Lucifer and get his help in the fight against Lucien; Emma, Kale, Samuel, and Danyel have to traverse the 5 rings of hell. There are twists that pull on the heart and loss that breaks it.
Profile Image for Michele.
219 reviews
September 4, 2018
Can't get enough

What!!!!! Am going crazy with all the twist and turns. Loving Emma and how she's kicking ass!!! Need more now!
Profile Image for Tracey.
684 reviews446 followers
July 10, 2013
My life was no longer my own. I was one, out of how many other innocents, who were being hunted and killed for selfish, stupid reasons, and all because of one, idiotic Fallen Angel named Lucian.

Argh, Cameo Renae!!! Talk about throwing a spanner in the works!!! Why, oh why!!! I'm torn. I'm so damn torn!!! I actually like this new character you've introduced and I really don't want to. But he's so sweet and protective and my mind keeps telling me no, but my heart can't help but like him.

Emma and her group of Guardians are on a quest. But this isn't just any average old quest. No. They are on a mission to travel through the five levels of hell until they reach Lucifer and then they have to convince him to help them. Easy right? As they travel through each level they will need stamina, endurance and a toughness like never before as they are faced with all types of obstacles and an array of evil beasts that they must fight in order to pass through to the next level.

I had about thirty percent of the book left to read and had a train trip to look forward to so I took my Kindle along with me. Bad move!!! One minute I'm all fist pumping at how epic and awesome Emma and the guardians are and the next minute I'm beyond shocked and can't believe what I've just read, so I go back for a reread like the words are going to be different the second time around. But no, it's exactly what it says!! So then I'm all teary and desperately trying to contain myself so that I don't end up looking like a crazy woman for everyone to see.

Emma has gone through the most amazing growth and transformation by the time we reach the end of the book. She has her moments of uncertainty and vulnerability but then she takes a deep breath and sucks it up and gets on with what needs to be done. Her strength and determination will be tested at every turn but she faces all the challenges thrown at her head on.

I knew deep inside, that it was fate that brought us together. I felt right, complete, and perfect whenever Kade was around me. He made my world a better place to be, whenever he was near.

Kade, oh how I love Kade. The things that he will willingly endure to protect Emma was mind blowing and so completely selfless. He just has that something that makes me smile and get all swoony over him. If I'm being honest, I would have loved more of him throughout the book because for the second half of the book we don't really get a whole lot of time with him.

As for the other characters, I said it in book one and I will say it again... They have this amazing banter between them. They are quick witted and fun and play off each other perfectly. But a special mention to Dom. He is made of awesome!! And I mentioned a new character earlier. We've only had a small snippet of Ethon but already I really like him. With the introduction of him into the story we have some interesting times ahead I think.

The author took this series to a whole new level in this book. Spectacular writing, epic storyline and amazing characters make for one incredible read!!

5/5 Epic Stars!!
Profile Image for Bianca.
211 reviews
July 1, 2013
I was provided with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you! J

I waited 5 months for this book, but let me say that it was worth the waiting! ‘Broken Wings’ is a brilliant book, that I loved so much! There is so much to say about this book that I had to make notes while I was reading it so I won’t forget anything. But even with these notes, it’s so hard to write a proper review that can describe ‘Broken Wings’ at its true brilliance!

When I read ‘Hidden Wings’ and ‘Descent’ I thought that this series can’t get any better. Boy was I wrong! ‘Broken Wings’ is a million times better than ‘Hidden Wings’, but I don’t know how was this possible. I mean, ‘Hidden Wings’ is one of the best books I’ve read, but ‘Broken Wings’ is even better.The only anwer to this question is that the author’s imagination is getting wider and wider and she improves her writing-style with every book she writes.This is one of thse series that gets better and better with every book. I don’t even wanna imagine how good the 3rd book will be.

I can’t find the best thing about this book because everything about this bok is awesome! But if I still have to say what I like the best about this book is Emma. Her thoughts and her language are so funny that you can not laugh at this book! Even in the most dangerous situations, Emma needs to think something funny, and even if you are tense and you want to cry, you just burst into laughter. So yup, Emma is a genius!

The feelings in this book are really powerful and you can acutally feel them. I’m not joking. I could feel every.single.feeling of Emma’s. Joy,love, saddness, everything! Not many authors can do this, so congrats Cameo! J

This book is a captivating and intense journey. It contains a lot of fight scenes, which will leave you breathless and will make you want to fight along with the characters. Because of these scenes and the plot twists, Broken Wings is the best book in the ‘Hidden’ series.

Cameo’s voice is very strong and a lot of time I felt like I was in the story, somewhere near the characters. I felt like I was part of the story, like I was witnessing everything that was happening. The world aroung me was fading and there was just me and Cameo’s story.

I have to recognize that I loved that new character. Yup, I’m on Ethon’s team. In my opinion, he is better than Kade. He’s cute, smart and you can’t tell that he’s the son of Lucifer. I’d love if Emma would… oh, I should shut up here!

I.NEED.THE.NEXT.BOOK.RIGHT.NOW! That cliffhanger… UGH,Cameo!!!

‘Broken Wings’ is a masterpiece. Filled with action, suspense, love and some incredible characters, this book will hook you and you’ll forget about eveen Wings’ is a masterpiece. Filled with action, suspense, love and some incredible characters, this book will hook you and you’ll forget about everything else. I loved this book so much!

6 stars out of 5.
Profile Image for Amber.
1,247 reviews33 followers
July 3, 2013
The Hidden Wings series is a beyond words, unforgettable story that will have you running the gamut of your emotions while falling hopelessly in love with the mystery and intrigue of the world of Cameo Ranea. Renae births a world of pure love, overwhelming passion, and mind-numbing adventure that is then offered to us if we have the courage to explore it. The Hidden Wings series is my first foray into the genre of fantasy that includes a heavy emphasis on Angels, and I was anything but disappointed. I have to admit that I am very glad that I decided to take the plunge and immerse myself into this world, but what made it so special was having Cameo Renae as my guide.

You will never find a dull moment throughout this series, and even in the midst of horrifying danger, you will find yourself laughing at the antics of some to ease the tension. This is not to down-play the depth of emotion and breath of transformation that takes place in this story, but to emphasize the unwavering surety and growing affection that our band of misfits comes to share for each other. A strong and unbreakable family is created where there were once only lost and forgotten souls. Where pain and heartbreak resided, we come to find that a life-changing hope and a relentless love that has come to take its place.

The writing in this tale is so beautiful and exquisite. The story feels like it jumps right off the pages and plays out in your heart. Cameo writes with such passion and intimacy that I felt like these characters were meant for only me to read and enjoy them. I was pleasantly surprised at how chivalry was breathed into every word throughout this journey. The love felt between the various characters was of a true, honest, and heartfelt nature. It was refreshing to see such purity and hope portrayed as this story progressed throughout the years.

The Hidden Wings series is truly an irreplaceable jewel in the world of words and emotions that people like me so resolutely call home. I gladly and exuberantly welcome Cameo to my home, and I hope that she will stay for a very long time. I whole-heartedly recommend this series to all who enjoy the fantasy genre. You will be glad you took part in this journey, and you will be anxious to see what Renea writes next as I am.
86 reviews16 followers
March 5, 2014
I started this book right after finishing the first one and let me tell you that I couldn't wait to see what happened and that in that short amount of time I missed the humor that I got from the book.

Let me tell you though I was so happy to find out that the "friend" that saved Emma in the woods was her father. I just sat there yelling "Yes! yes I knew it!" This was literally me (except I wasn't driving)


Then not to mention that I cried when Kade came back from the midway after getting help only to find out that he sacrificed a part of himself for Emma and I just cried out of happiness and sadness.

Then Emma, her father, Danyel, Kade travel to the underworld where they meet terrible things. Creatures that if in real life I would run away in fear for my life


Then finally in the second book Emma stands up for herself and kills some freaking creatures from the underworld and I just smiled and looked at her like a proud father thinking you have finally grown up..even if it was only a few days or so since that last battle. Then not to mention how there was a huge loss within the group that just tore through me and I just cried. I couldn't handle it.


The time finally came when a love triangle came into place and I was just thinking you better stay with Kade, don't go to the dark side. He did everything for you so don't screw him over. I was just waiting until the two guys got to meet and then have that instinct of fighting for their mate that happens within love triangle but dang it! It never came, so now I have to wait till the next book *sigh*...

I wont give away everything so I guess you will have to read to find out what happens. Definitely recommended.
Profile Image for Sabrina Olteanu.
217 reviews27 followers
July 4, 2013
I received this book from the author in exchange for my hones review.
Broken Wings was a great follow-up to Hidden Wings, I love this series. 5 Stars aren't enough for how I feel about this series. The author has done an amazing job with them all! This book really surprised me
Emma is a 17 year old girl who has lost so much that is dear to her, but yet gained so much more: family, friends; but she gained some enemies for no reason other than her birth. A prophecy awaits her. She has been brought into this life for some reason, she has a destiny she has to fulfill, if she can survive until her 18th birthday. She has help from her Guardians, but Emma has fallen for one of them, as one of them has for her, Kade.
In the beginning Kade returns from the Midway and the cast reaches the conclusion that the only way to save themselves is to make a plea to Lucifer. But the problem is, in order to reach Lucifer, they have to get through all five gates of hell.
Once the reach the gate, well you can forget about putting the book down! The trials they go through and the creatures they fight will leave you wondering what can happen next.
This is a story of forbidden love, family, good fighting evil, and finding yourself in the midst of madness.
Love should have no boundaries, no limits, and no law. Love should be free and given to whomever it wants.
I can't wait to see what will happen with the whole Emma/Kade and Emma/Ethon story, if I can call it that. I loved Kade for his sacrifice, and even cried a little when he did it. For anyone who hasn't read the book, just read it you will love the characters, and the writing, the hole thing! Cameo Renae is a literary genius. I love this world I stumbled onto, I am in so deep I never want to get out. Each book gets better than the last.

Profile Image for James.
467 reviews
January 1, 2015
This book was ok - not great - but still ok. It is filled with more of the same cheesy paranormal romance clichés just like the first book, but the characters are still interesting and there is plenty of ass-kicking going on too. However I have to say I enjoyed the first book better - even though there was less happening I found HIdden Wings more intriguing. In this book the whole story line revolves around the journey Emma and her companions take into hell to try and bargain for Lucifer's aid. While this sounds like a great adventure, I honestly got a bit bored with it. It was pretty much monster battle after monster battle and even though battles are great, these weren't particularly well done. I found myself trying to tell Emma to get up and do something - she seemed to spend most of them standing back and watching everyone else fight - well, at least right up until the last gate where she finally got her act together. Also the writing and grammar was again pretty bad, but still readable.
I will probably continue reading the series because I want to know what is going to happen and I do really like the characters, but this book probably won't be on my favourites list any time soon. I probably would have been more positive toward this book if the author hadn't brought a freaking love triangle in at the very end! I hate love triangles and the whole reason I read these cheesy soul-mate/destiny/love at first sight kind of books is because they generally don't have them! Ok - rant over, back to civility.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amber.
617 reviews3 followers
December 31, 2013
OMG!! I just have to say Cameo Renae is a phenomenal writer. There isn't a book out there that I have read of hers that hasn't left me with a book high and her cliff hanger OMG!! Her books are always amazing and leave you wanting more. Broken Wings is just EPIC and I cant wait to read more from this series because it's just beyond amazing. My fave character is Dom, I wish I could have him for myself but Cameo wont let me have him LOL There was a bit of a twist towards the end of Broken Wings that I wont go into detail much about for those who havent read it but lets just say Ethon better watch out and leave what's Kade's alone because I don't think he's going to like it very much and Dom def ain't going to sit back and watch it happen either. Dom had a bigger role in Broken Wings than he had in the others, the side that comes out is so hilarious, I love it when I can read a book and just laugh out loud at the characters. My heart went out for Kade and Emma, their life is so full of complications and opsticals but I am so hoping it all works out in the end for them. If you love fantasy books this is a def most read, I am just sorry I didn't get to read it sooner, totally brought me out of my reading funk, now on to the next book by Cameo Renae because I know its bound to be just as awesome as all the others!
Profile Image for Buffy Kennedy.
630 reviews20 followers
July 27, 2013
Once again I have trouble figuring out where to start! I continue to love Emma and her connection with Kade. They had such a balance between innocent and hot at times. His newfound mortality just broke my heart as much as it warmed me for his reasons. I enjoyed the budding relationship between Emma and her father and the new uses of magic.

That all being said, I have to say I had a couple disappointments. There are some unanswered questions that ended up sticking with me after I finished the book. I also really don’t like that we’re presented with a love triangle as that seems so overdone these days. Also, the first chapter of the book is a little disorienting as we’re still in “real time”, but also catching up on what happened in the last book for all those that may not have read book one first. It’s helpful and all, but could have been smoother.

All in all, it’s another great installment and I love this series. Just like last time, the ending will have you begging for more and screaming over having to wait.

This action packed sequel will keep you on the edge of your seat and up all night reading. Broken Wings is everything you loved about the first and more. Pick up this awesome read!
Profile Image for Nathalia.
135 reviews1 follower
November 1, 2013

Lemme' tell you how I feel now. I can't explain what I feel right now. I'm so broken, I just finished a book where the main character dies and I cried there, and now. Oh Gawd, another death. I can't explain how I am though, why I cry over fictional characters. Okay, enough about me.

It was two days after I read Hidden Wings then I only read a quarter of it, because I thought,'Hey, there's no more Kade. How could this book be good?' Then, I realized my mistake. It was actually excellent. Excellent does NOT even begin to describe it and the only reason I continued to read this was because of the other readers and their ratings. AND THEY ARE FRICKING RIGHT

It was so heartbreaking that even though I know that the end is nearing, I stil damn read it!!
And, might I tell you, that the new recruit in the book was a low blow. I knew what was going to happen but- but-- UGGGGHH. THIS IS TEN TIMES WORSE THAN WHAT YOU DID IN THE LAST BOOK.

I think I've had enough of the bold and caps lock. Okay, but I still need the third book. And I still hate you for what you did =.= *here comes the sobbing part*
Profile Image for Jennifer Treviño.
552 reviews5 followers
November 12, 2014
AhMazing!!!!! CAMEO....You're killin' me! I LOVE this series, & even though this book was barely released I NEED the next like yesterday! :D This story has some serious butt-kickin' goin' on!! There is so much AWESOME in this book: the Angels, the Fallen, the Nephiliam, Lucifer, his son ... along with all of the otherworldly creatures Emma comes across just explode into this wonderfully terrifying explosive magically romantic battle of an adventure that we can't get enough of! I love it ALL: the plot, the twists, the action, the comedy, & most of all ... the characters!
I was so caught up in it all that I swear the last few chapters flew by before I realized I was at 99.9% finished, & then I was like Noooo I had a few more chapters to go! But no I had read them all!! *sigh* I will be anxiously awaiting the next book!!! =D Seriously this book is SOOOOO good! Grab your copy Now!!! http://jenisbookshelf.blogspot.com/20...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 254 reviews

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