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Twist and Shout

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Destiel Fanfic
What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Words: 97556 Complete

196 pages, ebook

First published October 15, 2012

About the author

Gabriel (AO3)

1 book66 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 379 reviews
80 reviews28 followers
March 6, 2014
When I found this fanfic:
First I was like:
Then I was like:
But then I was like:
And now I am:
Profile Image for Susan.
10 reviews16 followers
June 4, 2015
This isn't a fanfiction. This is a masterpiece.
I cried and I laughed and I cried again while I was sobbing like a stupid but it wasn't my fault. This thing is just... Amazing. I don't have words to describe it. Just, read it if you already haven't. Even if you don't ship destiel or if you don't know anything about Dean, Cas, Supernatural 'cause the characters are original. But be prepared (???)
Ok I'm done now, sorry.

See you, then.
Profile Image for Dreamer.
1,808 reviews132 followers
June 4, 2016
This story will break your heart, I was sobbing..
Medical student Castiel meets bad-boy Dean at a college party in 1965. It is love at first sight but prejudice and the Vietnam draft threaten their partnership. The usual fanfic typos but otherwise well-written, the sex scenes are understated.
'Dean kissed him, and Cas knew it was the way people kissed before they died, or left forever, and he wanted to hold onto his hand and make him stay in the car, but he knew that he couldn't.'
May 12, 2014
Okay, listen. Do you want to cry a lot? Read this. It will do that.

But I have a few words. (This review should be generally spoiler free. Nothing specific will be mentioned, though overall series of events will be referred to.)

Twist and Shout is an spn fanfic, a tearjerker known by most in the fandom because of its ability to make you cry. I have a big problem with how this story made me hate Dean, however. It was angst piled on angst, shitty things happening one after the other to Cas. It's angst for the sake of angst, and one major decision on Dean's part that quite honestly made me not like him anymore. If you're the kind of reader that doesn't mind a character being an asshole just to further a plot intended to gut you, then you will enjoy this. You'll read it and then join the hoards of people on tumblr crying over gifsets of record players and Elvis.

This, however, is a beloved ship of mine. *shrug* There's another fic that made me cry my eyes out without making me hate anyone, or feel like some sadistic, capricious god was out to punish my favorite characters for no reason other than to make the readers cry.
Profile Image for Kayla.
92 reviews25 followers
August 7, 2013
We need more writers like this. Writers that make you feel.

There were so many times, while reading this, that I truly believed these two people existed. It was like the writer just wrote down history. These events had to of happened because if not - how do they feel so absolutely real?
Profile Image for Monica.
66 reviews22 followers
June 26, 2013
After hearing all of the hype from my kin on Tumblr about how this basically changed their life and how they bawled their eyes out and became more emotionally stable then they already are, I decided it was time I checked what the fuss was about. Now you see, I myself am a huge Destiel shipper so I went in with high expectations looking for a good read. And a good read it was. A brilliant read it was. It was funny, cute, adorable and heartwarming. And then I got to the turning point. If there is one fanfic you ever read, let it be this one. This deserves to be published. It ripped my heart out and made cry a river of tears. Twist and Shout is beautifully crafted. Getting you even more attached than you already are to Dean and Cas and then turning their relationship upside down. The ending was absolutely heartbreaking and I will admit that the last few chapters took me a long while to read as my tears kept blurring my vision. This fanfic just... ugh. I can't describe it. Just think of every positive connotation mixed with all words that describe your heart being figuratively broken. It more than lived up to my expectation and I don't know why I didn't read it sooner.
Profile Image for Jess the Romanceaholic.
1,033 reviews487 followers
April 14, 2014
First and foremost is the major factor that this this IS a fanfiction (Supernatural, in case you couldn't tell from the description), and so there are little nods/references to the show that seem out of place to those who aren't fans. For those who are fans, there may be a bit of disappointment that the characters are out of character. For me, honestly, I didn't mind them being out of character, but it was jolting at times to have the show references, because despite the character names, I had honestly forgotten it was a fanfiction by the time I was about halfway through, since the story had pulled me in so much.

My own personal opinion is that this story needs to be pulled from the fanfiction world, names changed/fandom references removed, professionally edited, and published, because it's an excellent work of fiction that doesn't need to rely on the draw of the fandom in order to gain a following.

I have never, in my entire life, cried this hard over a book. Sure, I've sniffled. I've even wiped a few stray tears or gotten quite choked up at times. I've had books that have stuck with me for days, and weeks, and even months.

This story though? Had me sobbing like a baby. I'm not exaggerating when I say I haven't cried like this except over deaths in my own family.

Days later an Elvis song came on at work and I had to excuse myself to go to the restroom and compose myself before I could continue to go about my day.

Read this at your own risk. DO NOT TAKE THE WARNINGS LIGHTLY. When people say that it broke their hearts, listen to them. When they say they cried for days, listen to them. My best friend thought I was exaggerating and read it. She's coming over tomorrow and I'm baking her a casserole out of guilt because she's so broken up over it.

Though very well-written, it ripped my still-beating heart out of my chest and stomped it to bloody bits while I could do nothing but watch helplessly from the sidelines.

There's no happy ending, and those who know me know I require a HEA.

I read this a week ago and I'm still raw.

That said, it doesn't leave you quite dead in the floor. It does patch you back up a bit with a bittersweet ending, but I can honestly say this is a story that I will never forget.

And yet, even with all of the pain, I'm still glad I read it. As agonizing as it was, the love between the protagonists was eternal, even though reality got in the way of the apple-pie fairytale they had truly deserved.

*sad sigh*

And now I have to go curl up in the corner and whimper for a bit because just writing this review has reopened the wound.

Very solid 5/5.

{Just for easy reference, the story can be found here. Read it at your own risk.}
Profile Image for Mal.
769 reviews136 followers
June 10, 2015
. . . I don't wanna talk about this.
Profile Image for Riplo ft. Diplo.
20 reviews1 follower
October 3, 2013



Now that's out of the way - perfect characterisation, remains as true to the TV show as an AU can. Settings were well developed, the mid 1900's scene awed me from the very first page. It was incredibly well written and I praise the author highly for that. Four for you Glen Coco, you go Glen CoCo!!!!!

In all seriousness I do recommend this fic, just be prepared to feel the pain.
Profile Image for Lauren.
211 reviews6 followers
February 8, 2013
Fanfiction pieces aren't for everyone. People who view the same characters interpret them differently, give them different intonations in works of their own imagination that other fans wouldn't associate with how they view their favourite series. As the saying goes, you can't please all of the people all of the time. But for Twist and Shout, this actually works in its favour. This is not the Castiel and Dean of the show Supernatural, though they may share their physical features and a few character traits. This story is an exercise in who they could have been were they born into a different time and place, of how their relationship could have evolved if the constraints of the show were no longer in effect. You don't need to be fans of the relationship on the show to read this story; you don't even need to have watched a single episode of the show.

This story is a hard read, even for someone who hasn't experienced the very real horrors that this story entails. There is a reason why there were so many warnings placed upon this story, but in my opinion, none of the things warned about were what struck me about this work of fanfiction. What affected me most was the writing, because it is beautiful, timeless, emotive beyond anything I have read in a long time. Once you read this, there are things that will stay with you forever. There will be certain phrases you won't be able to hear again, famous songs that will pierce your heart all over again, places that will be impossible to hear of without remembering what these characters experienced there. This story is painful, heartbreaking in too many ways to count.

But while the story itself is tragic, the relationship it's built around is ultimately uplifting. This story reminds you that although love cannot in fact conquer everything, true love, in its purest form, is the epitome of forgiveness and endurance. It reminds us that although love has the power to truly break us, it's also the only thing that can truly make us feel alive.

If you only ever read one piece of fanfiction in your life, then this is the one. It is completely life changing, one of those rare works of fiction that once you have read it, you are forever changed. Everyone should get to experience that.
Profile Image for Lea.
1,026 reviews275 followers
October 11, 2018
This is a Supernatural fanfiction but it's so AU that nothing but the name remain, so in my eyes as a fanfiction it already doesn't deliver what I was looking out for.

But alright, I read a lot of novels, I can give any characters a try, and let's just say this a novel about two random characters named Dean and Castiel (cause that's such a normal name for a guy in the 60s with no further explanation, especially when there's also Balthazar). They fall in love at first sight at a party, Dean the bad boy and Cas the medical student and everything is rosy and grand and amazing - except maybe for the landlord throwing Cas out for his unnatural sexuality.

But yes, for a few chapters it's all just a big fluff love fest and let me tell you this stuff bores me to death. These characters just don't exist, ever, anywhere. These dialogues are not real and a love like this doesn't make me feel fuzzy inside, it makes me think they're hormonal idiots who jump into things way to fast. I had literally zero idea what the liked about each other. "You're beautiful, you're the love of my life, you're special", etc etc, that's just general stuff you can say about anyone.

And then comes the war and Dean has to enlist and after a year he comes back with PTSD, which - as I can say with some authority as someone with PTSD - was described in a very superficial way that was hardly convincing. He becomes an alcoholic and suffers so badly that he leaves Cas, which I did find believable. Then there's a jump in the story forward to a few years and Cas is dying of Aids in San Francisco and Dean returns to him. And then pretty much nothing happens, except for some badly written sap fest until death. Oh, and somewhere there is Sam and Jess and they have a baby and they and all the other minor characters are SO not real people and clearly just props.

This story is about 300 pages long, so I could have read a really good novel with nuanced characters instead of wasting my time on this pile of dreck. I love Castiel and Dean, but no matter, because they weren't anywhere to be found in this story anyway. It just baffles me how many people adore this cheesy, boring and unbelievable story. There is no proper arch, no good characterisations, a lot of good ideas that go nowhere - I mean: vietnam war, homophobia in the 60s/70s, the Aids crisis, drug abuse, PTSD, alcohol abuse, love, poverty, love sickness. It's kind of amazing just how boring and cheesy you can make a story despite ticking all these boxes. This shit made people cry? Really?

Writing this review, I realize how angry this made me. I'm going to watch some bloopers now or, I don't know, read a god damn book by an author who knows what they're doing.
Profile Image for Yadiana.
2 reviews
January 14, 2015
I really don't understand why this story is as popular as it is. The plot itself is as cliche as it comes. But even that can be forgiven with strong writer and characters. Characters that for anyone who watched the show would be familiar and easy. But you will not find then in this story.

Anyone who tells you this is a Dean Winchester and Castiel from Supernatural story is lying to your face. There is a Dean and Castiel here, but they certainly are not the two characters from the show. I imagine the only reason why their names are used was to grab some views, in the similar way it was done with Fifty Shades.

If you are looking for a sad, but cliche story, read it. Many seem to enjoy it. But if you want a Destiel fanfiction, there are better ones out there worth your time.
May 9, 2015
I read this fic at least once a month now; it's become a huge part of my life. Forever and always my favorite Destiel fic.
Profile Image for Alex Alonso.
2 reviews
March 13, 2014
**SPOILERS EVERYWHERE. READ AT YOURE OWN COST**LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THIS FANFIC it is so well written I swore that it was a book. It will make you sob and regret reading yet you want to read it all over again to get that feeling again. The entire time you thought oh God Dean he's gonna die in that war but no he comes back. He comes back a ghost and drags Cas along with him and you whisper this can't be it there's still a couple chapters. Dean leaves and you scream HOW COULD YOU POOR CAS IS HEART BROKEN AND CAN'T DO ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU LEFT HIM ALONE. Cas ends up dying with Dean yelling that's my baby and your soul (or what's left of it) will be ripped out and stomped upon. This fanfic RUINS you. You can no longer dig anything, listen to Elvis, drink milkshakes, eat macaroni and cheese, spill milk, study about the Vietnam war, go to the beach, take photos or videos at the beach, you can't really do anything. But yet I recommend it to everyone I know. It's perfect and beautiful and tragic all at the same time. You want others to enjoy (and maybe suffer) it. And that's okay.
Profile Image for Adriana.
89 reviews1 follower
May 25, 2013
If you're searching for an easy way to kill yourself, don't read this fanfiction. It will rip your heart with on of the most wonderful stories ever writen.

O problema não é arquivar, o problema é que não conseguia parar, tal como um livro que te prende e não consegues deixar de pensar nele. Quer na alegria, no amor, quer na tristeza, na angústia, o pior de tudo era parar, mesmo quando um capítulo chegava ao fim, eu não conseguia parar até a história chegar ao fim. Era como uma série de cliffhangers, todos seguidos, histórias inacabadas que, simplesmente, eram impossíveis de parar de ler. Especialmente quando comecei a chorar. Podia não ter lido ontem à noite, depois de vir da escola. Porém, assim que comecei a chorar - mais ou menos a meio, no capítulo 6 - não consegui parar.

Eu sentia toda a dor!
Céus. não sei se tu queres saber ou não, se queres ler a história (não te recomendo, não enquanto não tiveres uma estabilidade impecável e sejas capaz de enfrentar o mundo - amor é amor, mesmo que seja entre duas personagens fictícias homossexuais), mas há uma parte em que um deles se vai embora e tu vês a data a mudar para dez anos mais tarde e compreendes que ainda estão separados, foi aí que chorei até à exaustão, só de ver a diferença de datas, só de compreender que nada estava resolvido, e doeu até ao fundo do coração.

E só piorou, a dor.

E eu perdi a Jo, depois disso, nunca mais consegui chorar com uma história como antes - porém, nesta vivi tudo ainda mais intensamente, ainda mais profundamente.

Os personagens podem não ser o Dean e Castiel a que estamos habituados, mas o que há entre eles é tão profundo como o que transparece na série. Como referi no tumblr, não acredito no amor leviano, ou antes, não acredito que tantas relações sejam tão profundas como pode o ser humano, por isso escrevi o outro texto. Aquela, porém, é uma em que eu acredito, mesmo que nunca venha a ser uma relação amorosa na série. É mais do que o que eu tinha com a Jo. Consigo dar-te mais exemplos de amores em que acredito.
Will & Lyra, dos His Dark Materials. Ruby & Liesel, do The Book Thief.
E, aparentemente, todos os grandes amores em que eu acredito acabam tragicamente.

Claro que o Supernatural não chegou ao fim, mas houve esta fanfic.

E, agora, estou com o coração despedaçado por ter a chorar tanto, como no último capítulo de The Amber Spyglass, como no último capítulo de The Book Thief. Só que, desta vez, ainda doeu mais, porque, além do amor em trágico final, há a culpa adicionada. Recorrentemente, ao passear na rua, ao pôr leite nos cereais, ao lavar os dentes, dou por mim a pensar no amor intenso entre o Dean e o Cas do Twist and Shout - e só passaram algumas horas. It overwhelms me.

Acho que é por isso que, quando estou próxima de uma relação, ou com uma crush ou assim, não acredito na eternidade de uma possível relação. É por isso que me é tão fácil largar, quando as coisas não correm bem. Porque não me permito a ter algo menos do que o que acredito que consigo. E quero manter as possibilidades abertas, nem que acabe sozinha.

Jess & Céline, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight.
Nino & Amélie, Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie

Nem todas as histórias têm de ser trágicas, mas guardo-as com mais força na memória, se forem.

Sabes porquê?
Porque valeu a pena.
Porque vale a pena.
Profile Image for Alex.
229 reviews4 followers
December 29, 2020
Well... I should really start thinking critically about my 2 am impulses, this wasn't good for me
Profile Image for Farah 🌈.
94 reviews18 followers
February 8, 2014
I didn't even know you could rate fan fictions here on goodreads!
Okay so moving on ... let me tell you a thing. After I discovered tumblr, (and after it changed my life to the point that I couldn't imagine what I did with my life before tumblr) destiel became my otp. I was (*am) in love with the idea of them being in love. I read some fan fictions and saw some cute fan art and everything was good until I started hearing about this thing called Twist and Shout which had apparently claimed many fan-girls' tears and soul. I was curious about what it was to say the lease.
*horror movie music* and then I decided to give it a try. No big deal, right. Wrong.
It started off cute and beautiful. I mean reading about my otp going on their first date and dancing to music always makes my heart melt. But then this thing happened. I cried. I thought something might happen to Dean and that was the main angst-y thing. I was wrong.
Then this other thing happened. I was so angry at Dean but I also understood him and felt so bad for Castiel and it was a crumbling mess.
Then THE THING happened and it was so unexpected it hurt so much but not as much when Castiel says something like "Oh Dean ... you finally came home to me" and fucking hell that line broke me.
Sometime after-you-know-what the author uses the quote "I can dig Elvis" is used again I mean that's so rude it was like rubbing salt in an open wound.
I remember being calmed down a few pages prior to the last page (or should I say last line) and then there was the last fucking line which broke me even more as if the book hadn't already so.
Basically what I'm trying to say through this is if you don't want hurt and pain and tears and angst - don't read Twist and Shout.
Profile Image for Kit Goode.
Author 1 book1 follower
July 29, 2016
Read this book if you want. It's free, and you'll find out pretty quickly if it's for you or not. You'll probably enjoy it if it's one of those days where you find yourself crying at a fairy light that doesn't blip in time with all the other fairy lights because that means it isn't dancing in time with it's friends. I wasn't in that kind of place when I read Twist and Shout so I found myself having to take breaks from the eye strain of all the rolling they were doing.

I can't be too harsh on Twist and Shout because I sort of figured I wasn't it's key audience, but, you know how it is. You've ploughed your way through the top 20 of a03's longest word counted, highest rated works and it's either widen your pool or start dipping into fandom pools that are an either/or situation with their angels and big men with big and angelic daddy issues.

Straight away I just really wanted to do an alt+f replace on all of the Supernats related names. At what point may you as well just do it as a RPF so you can just claim their faces and not have to bother with character break at all? Nobody did anything in character. Everyone acted like 18 year olds. People did things, said things literally just to create drama. The reason I read this as opposed to a free/bargain bucket Amazon LGBTQ e-book is because I wanted Cas & Dean.

There's nothing wrong with a bit of tear porn now and then. If that's literally all you're looking for, give this a shot. If you're looking for bittersweet/sad Castiel & Dean stories with a bit of length that'll really stick with you, there are a lot better out there.
1 review
January 5, 2016
Twist and Shout is the most read destiel fanfiction on AO3, so I gave it a go, as I love reading AUs.

I could stomach maybe up to five or six chapters. The characters are OOC, and even more so, they're annoing; they basically act like immature teenagers. The writing is meandering, never really getting to its point, lacking any sort of depth or intuition. You could scroll through it and not miss anything (Which is what I did mostly.) The plot is also very lacking, and trudges on at a slow pace. The marks of bad fanfiction are all there: The meandering, pointless plot that doesn't seem to know where it's going, the overuse of adjectives and the inability to use the word said... All you need is a nice amount of pointless epithets and you've got yourself a nice Bad Fanfiction Pancake.

In short, this is writing that I would've normally backspaced after a couple paragraphs, but because of the hype I really tried hard to read it and find something to enjoy, and so I stuck on for many painful chapters.

For Destiel AU fans I could list around 20-30 fics that actually are very, very good writing with depth and emotion. A lot of them have made me cry. Twist and Shout is just simply poor writing, and so I couldn't read it, and the most it did for me was make me roll my eyes repeatedly.

I've been tring to figure out why this fanfiction is so popular and loved, and I feel like it was posted at a very opportune time in Destiel Fandom, the Major Character Death made it memorable and the teenagery feel of the text and immature characters must be something that teenagers enjoy reading.

Well, fine by me, but I would never recommend this fic for anyone.
Profile Image for Adri Gie.
2 reviews
September 8, 2016
maybe this is because of the ma in literature I'm used to different stuff, maybe it's my writer-self speaking, maybe it's my experience from watching the show, but I completely do not understand what the phenomenon of this fic is.

1. The writing is mediocre at best. It just "is", there's nothing amazing or even mildly pleasing about it. It's bland like flour
2. The characterization is awful. These characters are just popular names slapped onto characters that seem to be 16 years old all the time. I feel like it was written by very young people with very little life experience. It kinda shows.
3. It's as cliche as cliche gets.
4. The emotions are flat, forced and unrealistic.
5. I think it's a very cheap move to tackle such emotional subjects related with many death tolls to gain publicity. Especially when the fic doesn't really explore the problems, it's just a device to force emotions.
6. For crying out loud, this fic isn't even sad. I've seen and penned sadder myself. I have no idea where the label of the saddest fic comes from.

Overall, after reading the whole thing I was, like, "well, those are hours of my life I'm so not getting back."

If it was an original story with different names for the characters, fans of lgbtq literature would walk right past it.

If it was a het love story, it would be in the 1.99$ romance section.
Profile Image for Ian.
566 reviews
Shelved as 'dropped'
December 20, 2020
*The beginning isn't endearing me. I'm reading a lot of "feelings" and flat emotional responses. This is going into a poorly written insta-love, and I'm not feeling any real chemistry between these characters. I'm not liking any character, and am impressed by none either.
Profile Image for Catie Keeler.
7 reviews
January 7, 2016
Finished at 12:06 on a school night. Now every time people say see you then or any word really I start crying...... I need to be left with my emotions.
Profile Image for Lars.
130 reviews36 followers
February 13, 2022
I remember reading this and crying so hard I couldn't breathe. I also sat in the dark repeatedly listening to Elvis Presley...
Profile Image for Anomaly.
523 reviews
September 26, 2021
If you think... it's sad when... a slowly dying... character... speaks like... this, then this is the story for you. I'm sure it'll make you bawl your eyes out. And if you think it's just plain entertaining and brings all the feels when a fanfic does a mediocre job of tackling matters as realistic and important as being drafted into 'Nam and a gay man dying , come on down, you'll love it here!

Just make sure you're okay with Dean Winchester and Castiel from Supernatural acting like emotionally-overloaded teenagers with no sense of logic, reason, or self-composure; otherwise, you might have a bad time. And I don't mean the kind of "oh no it's going to wreck your soul" bad time everyone kept promising back when this thing was fresh.

There. I said it. I finally fucking said it, after close to seven bloody years.

I hated this fic. Not just disliked, but vehemently hated. Part of that is because the writing is just not good. Objectively, it was very clearly either not beta read or not beta read by a competent editor. Sprinkled throughout are such lovely goofs as:

Dean’s eyes didn’t stray from the paper as he drank, skirting his teeth along the edge of his teeth.

Dude's gonna chip a tooth grinding them so hard. (I think it clearly means he's skirting his teeth along the edge of the coffee mug.)

And things like this:

"What...were...you...talking about?" The last words came out in a rush, like he was trying to get them to come out as fast as he could.

"You." Dean smiled and rubbed his thumb along the back of Cas' hand, and Cas breathed a short laugh. "Tessa was telling you what a big mouth you are…like I didn’t know that already."

Good to know our girl Tessa was telling Cas what a big mouth Cas has. Except she wasn't - she was telling Dean, in context of explaining all the nice things Cas had said about him when talking to her.

And here's the thing: I didn't go searching for examples. I skimmed a few key chapters to remind myself what's in this fic before writing the review, and those are just two of the three or four which jumped out at me. It's bad. It's ridiculous. It makes my head hurt. As does what passes as characterization yet is truly just a pair of original characters with familiar names tacked on for sweet, sweet views.

“You could at least act like you’re upset!” Cas roared, kicking out of the blankets and shoving past him to the bureau. He dug through the drawers, throwing shirts to the floor. “You could at least act like you gave a fuck about it!”

“What do you want from me?” Dean shouted, and this wasn’t what Cas wanted. It wasn’t. Not today. “Do you want me to throw something? Or cry about it? Because I’m not going to do that because it won’t change anything! If it did, I would!”

“I just wish you’d say you were scared!” he yelled, slamming the drawer shut. Something tumbled off and hit the floor. “I wish you would say you were scared of it and that you didn’t want to. Or something. None of that bullshit you feed me about not getting worked up over it!”

“I don’t want to!” Dean said harshly, sitting heavily on the bed. Cas grit his teeth. “I’m not going to get like that over something like this.”

Seriously, they read like caricatures of Dean and Cas. And in what alternate universe would Cas say "fuck" in the first place? Or scream and tantrum? Granted, I did stop watching the show around season seven and only skim-watched until season ten before giving up entirely, but part of the reason for that was the character decay. So, really, even if somehow this did match later seasons, I'd still say it's terrible characterization.

But you know what really, really hurt this fic's standing in my eyes? The absolute, boneheaded, dogged determination its myriad of fans had in trying to force every single person who enjoyed Supernatural - or shipped Dean and Castiel - into reading this work. It was like a fucking cult. I couldn't go one bloody day on my fandom blog on tumblr without someone talking about this thing. Even people who knew me well and knew I wanted no part of it pushed, and pushed, and pushed, until finally I gave up and just read the thing to be able to say I read it and get those people to shut up.

I shouldn't have. I should have told them to figgity-fuck right off. But I was young-ish, and I was dumb, and I was going through a lot of shit in life which left me unable to assert myself.

Yeah. Exactly what I needed to read at the time, let me tell you.

Yeah, this damn story made me cry. No, it wasn't because it was good. No, it wasn't because I cared about these poorly-characterized stand-ins for Dean and Cas. It was because I was transported back to a terrible time, a horrible place, an emotion and experience so raw it was still freshly haunting me. And all of this at the recommendation - nay, the insistence - of people who I foolishly believed cared enough to comprehend the concept of not rubbing a friend's trauma in their face for the sake of fandom cred - or whatever reason they may have had which I frankly can't comprehend.

So, when I say I hate Twist & Shout, I don't just mean I dislike it. I mean I loathed every bit of it from the hamfisted, poorly-handled attempt to use very important real life topics for cheap 'feels' to the badly written characters and the lack of decent editing. I hate everything it came to stand for in the fandom, as well, especially the turn from well-written characterizations to everyone writing Dean like a teenager and Cas like a whiny toddler.

But I read it. Because everyone and their dog read this thing back in the day.

I didn't make my dog read it, though. I'm not that cruel.
Profile Image for Rosalie Austin.
18 reviews
May 30, 2024
This was so heartwrenching.
I was crying for like the last 7 chapters but i loved it so much.
Thank you.
Profile Image for Anna Jordan.
1 review2 followers
February 28, 2014
Probably good if you can read this as if it were a book/fic/story from an original series- not from the SPN. Cas and Dean are out of character and a lot of scenarios just dragged on between the two. It would have been so much more readable/enjoyable if they were in character; I got half way through before I could stomach no more. Very disappointed because I adore bottom!Cas.

But, heck, all the SPN stories are getting out of character so, if that's what you like, go for it.
Profile Image for Vicki.
51 reviews6 followers
November 6, 2017
This has got to be the most heartbreaking story I've ever read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 379 reviews

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