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El búfalo de la noche

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Tras el suicidio de su mejor amigo, Manuel se ve acosado por la sombra de la enfermedad mental de aquel, por su mundo de violencia y por la tortuosa relación sentimental con su novia, que fue inicialmente pareja de Gregorio, el amigo muerto; citas no cumplidas, extraños mensajes y la sombra de un policÍa que aparece como vengador de una infidelidad que lo llevó a la locura.

328 pages, Hardcover

Published January 1, 2006

About the author

Guillermo Arriaga

20 books1,382 followers
Guillermo Arriaga Jordán is a Mexican author, screenwriter, director and producer. He received the 2005 Cannes Film Festival Best Screenplay Award for The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 230 reviews
Profile Image for El Librero de Valentina.
308 reviews24k followers
August 19, 2021
Después de una relectura que me duró escasas 6 horas, puedo decir que este libro no deja de sorprenderme, confirmo que el autor tiene un talento, como pocos, para contar historias y para crear personajes tan complejos y humanos que resulta imposible alejarse de ellos. Sus palabras golpean en lo más profundo, sus personajes, somos todos.

Profile Image for Dagio_maya .
994 reviews306 followers
July 13, 2021
Un monologo, dove il protagonista Manuel, racconta la sua storia strettamente intrecciata con quella dell’amico Gregorio e della fidanzata Tania.
Un’amicizia nata sui banchi di scuola e segnata dal declino mentale di Gregorio che, in modo improvviso e definitivo cade preda di una dolorosa follia.
Un tatuaggio, sull’avambraccio sinistro, che rappresenta un bufalo, avrebbe dovuto sigillare il patto di lealtà tra i due ragazzi.
In realtà, mentre Gregorio entra ed esce dai manicomi, Manuel intreccia una relazione con Tania.
Il romanzo inizia con il suicidio di Gregorio dopo il quale Manuel comincia a rimbalzare come una pallina tra un presente che si rifiuta di vivere ed un passato che lo perseguita.

L’aria di Città del Messico ha più l’odore di una camera di motel che quello della strada.
Una storia che nel complesso ho trovato soffocante.
Più da schermo che da pagina e con un protagonista che fonda tutto il suo essere sull’odioso machismo latino.

Non fa assolutamente per me.
Profile Image for Nood-Lesse.
365 reviews245 followers
September 16, 2021

In una Città del Messico affascinante e oscura, le vite di tre amici si intrecciano in maniera inestricabile…
Scusa puoi ripetermi dove?
In una Città del Messico…
Ma questa potrebbe essere una città della Romania o della Georgia, qui del Messico e soprattutto del Monstruo del DF (De-efe), c’è poco o nulla se si escludono i nomi di qualche avenida. Che delusione, è un romanzo che si svolge in un Motel, non in una città di 22 milioni di abitanti. Il motivo per il quale avevo scelto di leggere il romanzo era proprio la sua ambientazione, credevo di passeggiare sullo Zòcalo e di sfiorare la Zona Rosa, con un po’ di fortuna immaginavo di essere riportato in Plaza Garibaldi dove c’era un orinatoio che avrebbe fatto impallidire le fogne di Calcutta. Niente di tutto questo, ma ci sono (quelle sì)
le vite di tre amici che si intrecciano in maniera inestricabile.
Tre amici di buona famiglia (due ragazzi e una ragazza, il più classico dei triangoli) che si destreggiano fra malattia mentale, bullismo e università a scappa tempo. Ci sono presentati come duri (in effetti Arriaga rivela che alle elementari erano uno più duro dell’altro) distruttivi, machi (anche la ragazza lo è) in perenne fuga da casa. I loro genitori passano il tempo a cercarli, spariscono per settimane a coppie, uno alla volta, nella tris o nel totip. Miguel e Gregorio sono i cateti del triangolo, la base è Tania che ha fatto un abbonamento premium alla stanza 803 di uno squallido Motel. In quella stanza i due cateti incontrano a turno la base, e la base astuta non rivela loro che i cateti sono due. Siccome il triangolo isoscele sarebbe troppo banale, Arriaga ci mette dentro crisi depressive, schizofrenia, furti, risse, sparatorie, ci mette un po’ di tutto a parte la città affascinante e oscura per la quale avevo acquistato il romanzo.
Capìta l’antifona ti aspetti di tutto e finisci per non sorprenderti più di niente.
Nel libro precedente mi ero segnato: «L’unico modo per mangiare un elefante è un boccone per volta»
Vale anche per il bufalo, provate se lo ritenete opportuno; se vi imbufalirete però non prendetevela con me.

Colonna Sonora:
Suonavano La Macarena e lei cominciò a muovere il corpo al ritmo della canzone. I suoi seni placidi dondolarono. Li fermai con la mano destra e ne palpai la rotondità. Lei se li prese tra le mani e li sollevò
Aiiii! Aiiii! Aiiii!
Profile Image for Gerhard.
74 reviews26 followers
August 7, 2017
Anybody taking up Guillermo Arriaga's novel best be prepared to slide helter-skelter into a nightmarish, off-kilter world where nothing is as it appears to be. The characters seem to be caught in an unknown dimension where loyalties can shift with the ease of a careless hand snapping a cotton thread; where madness and death are ever present underneath the ostensibly safe and familiar elements of the so-called logical world. These people are driven by guilt, regret and lust, doing things for reasons that seem totally out of syncronization with the edicts of the known universe -- all the while engaged in a macabre dance in which partners get changed with jarring unpredictability, and the bandleader with his death's head rictus well-concealed calls the tune.

I wish I could tell you more about the plot, or analyse the characters in a neat, meaningful way -- but as the "plot" here defies the usual parameters and dictates of the term as we understand it, and the characters are unlike any you are bound to encounter in fiction, I can't do either. In any case, I'm convinced that the less you know before you commit to this novel, the more you will be enchanted and horrified by the wild ride you are about to embark on. I will say that this is as bizarre and revolutionary as any fiction has a right to be. It will dazzle, confuse and infuriate in equal measure, while redefining your notions of what a novel should be allowed to accomplish. If you have seen any of the films made from Arriaga's screenplays (in particular 21 Grams and Babel) you will already have a tiny inkling of the fiercely original mind firing here on all cylinders.
Profile Image for Come Musica.
1,840 reviews525 followers
November 11, 2018
Il bufalo della notte è metafora della pazzia e della morte: e la pazzia è più forte della morte.
Un libro intenso, dai toni cupi, quelli legati al cerchio dei legami nocivi che conducono al baratro.
Profile Image for Jovi Ene.
Author 2 books244 followers
February 22, 2018
Romanul lui Arriaga începe cu o sinucidere, pe care, aparent, nu e nevoie să o elucidăm. Asta pentru că tânărul avea probleme psihice și deznodământul era cumva așteptat. Ceea ce surprinde este că acțiunile, bilețelele, iubirile sale îl bântuie pe Manuel, prietenul cel mai bun, cel care, la rândul lui, se învârte între trei femei, o colegă de facultate, sora sinucigașului și fosta logodnică a acestuia.
Scris la persoana întâi, romanul este foarte puternic și cinematografic, atmosfera întunecată și plină de mister se simte la fiecare pagină. Se citește ușor, rapid, este antrenant și savuros, se simte peste tot o prospețime și un talent extraordinar, frazele curg rapid și firesc, nimic nu e lăsat și nu este la voia întâmplării.
Profile Image for Samuel Ch..
183 reviews93 followers
June 28, 2012
Desde el principio de la lectura se siente el estilo y sello de Guillermo Arriaga; en ocasiones estorba, pero hace que la novela se sienta natural y libre.
Digo que estorba porque en numerosas ocasiones el discurso se siente demasiado achilangado, con majaderías que están mal empleadas y que sobran, como: "mamonamente" o "me vale huevos", en diálogos que se antojaban mucho más simples para la construcción de los personajes. Es decir, muchas veces es el propio Arriaga quien se manifiesta a través de Manuel, Jacinto o Camariña (a quién por cierto lo llamó Camarilla un par de veces), y en otras establecía ideas muy de él, como cuando Manuel, así sin bases y sin más, dijo que los que bebían eran mariquitas, evidente opinión de Arriaga, pero que no podría venir de Manuel.

Por suerte, Arriaga se encariña con el lector. Es profundo en sus simbolismos y sus personajes tan reaccionarios (achilangados finalmente) contrastan bien con los de 21 gramos, o Amores perros. Vienen de la misma pluma, traen el estigma, pero saben nadar en la situación de la novela.

El búfalo de la noche les concede agonía, temor y abandono a estos personajes que no están preparados para ello. El protagonista es un muerto que provoca el cáncer en todos aquellos que estuvieron cerca de él. Su contaminación llega hasta el lector que después de leer esto, sentirá tijerillas por la noche y tendrá la sensación de que el búfalo de la noche también sueña con él.
Profile Image for Juan Araizaga.
755 reviews123 followers
October 4, 2017
4 días y 244 páginas después. Hace años había visto esta película, de la cual tengo recuerdos muy escuetos. Por azares del destino encontré este libro y como el búfalo de la noche que te mira mientras duermes, este libro me miró a mi, así que decidí llevarlo.

La historia cuenta una relación moderna de jóvenes. Gregorio y Manuel son mejores amigos, pero debido a los problemas mentales de Gregorio es internado. Entonces Manuel andará con Tania, la novia de Manuel.

Intenté devorar el libro, pero debido a mis actividades me fue imposible. Es algo que te trepida a tal grado que necesitas leer más y más, algo tiene la narrativa de Arriaga que te mantiene en tensión constante... yo difiero de los comentarios que lo tachan de chilango extremo... creo que yo no lo noto porque soy demasiado chilango.

Lo que más me gusta de las películas/adaptaciones es que me permiten dar un rostro a los personajes.

En fin, buenas escenas, buena narrativa, aunque la parte final se cae un poco y el final debería ser abierto o más arriesgado no ha estado nada mal. Lo disfruté en verdad y logró su cometido.

Por supuesto que habrá reseña... quiero leer más de Arriaga. ¿Por qué nadie me lo había presentado antes?
Profile Image for Katsumi.
646 reviews
November 19, 2010
Though Arriaga has impressed with his provocative screenplays, the first novel published in the U.S. by the Mexican writer falls flat on the page. Many of the themes here of blood, betrayal, loyalty and man's animal instincts will be familiar to fans of 21 Grams and The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, both scripted by Arriaga. Even so, this novel follows a strong set-up with minimal payoff. At the core of the plot is a romantic triangle. Most of what's significant reveals itself in the first few pages. Narrator Manuel feels guilt toward his best friend, Gregorio, who has recently been released from a mental institution after showing some severely self-destructive tendencies. Gregorio appears willing to reconcile with Manuel, who had slept with (and remains very much in love with) Gregorio's girlfriend, Tania. Now in their early 20s, all three had been close friends at least since their early teens, until Tania chose Gregorio as her boyfriend and Manuel as her secret lover. Manuel has also slept with Gregorio's sister and has an uneasy relationship with his younger brother. On page three, Gregorio commits suicide, leaving the characters with the rest of the novel to resolve their various issues of guilt, love and lust. Nothing ever really gets resolved, though Gregorio and his hallucination, the titular "Night Buffalo," remain omnipresent in the mind of Manuel, in particular. As for Tania, it's hard to know exactly what she's thinking, whether her love and allegiance lie with the living or the dead. The combination of existential navel-gazing and south-of-the-border bloodlust (like a Mexican melange of Albert Camus and Cormac McCarthy) wears thin over a couple hundred pages withminimal narrative momentum. The resolution offers too little, too late. A flashback-heavy movie concerning the obsessed mind of Manuel and his memories of Gregorio and Tania might make for a more compelling experience than this curiously inert novel.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for L.
1,446 reviews30 followers
August 28, 2008
This is a dark and weird story of some seriously messed-up youth. Gregorio, with his straightforward madness, is perhaps the most accessible of the characters. Delusions, depression, & suicide are comprehensible. The others, all sleeping with & cheating on each other, never apparently working, seldom going to school, laying about, lying to everyone, and, of course, constantly having sex with someone--these characters are harder to understand, yet not quite as much as the parents, teachers, and hotel owners who indulge them.

The inside cover and "advance praise" refer to this as a haunting, beautiful, etc. novel of love, passion, friendship & madness. And even though I can't really understand most of the characters, I suppose I must admit that I did find it haunting and I had trouble putting it down. The love, passion, madness, etc. operate on multiple levels, with the surface being only part of the story, perhaps the less important part. I would give more stars if I'd found the characters more sympathetic, less self-indulgent.
Profile Image for Denisse.
315 reviews16 followers
January 19, 2022
Mi primer audiolibro del año y mi primer libro de este autor quien es muy reconocido por sus obras. Se cuenta la historia de dos mejores amigos desde la infancia. Por un lado tenemos a Gregorio un joven con problemas mentales y quien ama a su novia Tania. Un día decide suicidarse, creando consecuencias a todos a quienes le rodeaban.

Por otro lado tenemos a Manuel, un joven que hace lo quiere y quien ama a la novia de su mejor amigo.

El libro trata de un triángulo amoroso entre los personajes. Así como la amistad y las traiciones.

Aunque califico la historia como regular, aprecio la manera simple y detallista de la narración del escritor.
Profile Image for Chiry_Du.
213 reviews16 followers
June 30, 2021
Me ha encantado.
Este autor me tiene en sus manos, lo que sea que escriba lo voy a leer.

En esta historia nos presenta personajes con situaciones al límite, amor, venganza, sexo, traición, muerte.

En este libro puedo ver como Guillermo iba encontrando su manera de escribir, su manera plasmar situaciones, el lenguaje, Eros y Thatanos.
Profile Image for lise.charmel.
441 reviews181 followers
February 16, 2022
Il racconto allucinato di uno scivolamento verso la follia, camminando sempre sul bordo ed esercitando la violenza sulle persone, sugli animali, sulle cose, ogni volta che se ne presenta l'opportunità.
Protagonista sciupafemmine (che tratta tutte le donne come oggetti anche quando dichiara di amarle, ma quando mai) ed egoista in maniera insopportabile.
Profile Image for Luca Masera.
256 reviews70 followers
May 31, 2021
Incipit: ormai mi è chiaro che parlare di Guillermo Arriaga vuol dire parlare di drammaticità. Poi, certo, c’è molto altro: sangue, pazzia, amore, Messico, redenzione, amicizia, vita e tantissimo altro, ma più di tutti questi elementi c’è il dramma. O meglio il dramma ammanta visceralmente e ossessivamente tutti questi elementi.

La storia, semplice, cruda e diretta come un copione cinematografico, è quella di Manuel che ama Tania che però è la ragazza del suo migliore amico Gregorio che è pazzo e si suicida e fa impazzire Manuel che fa impazzire Tania: insomma, il più classico dei triangoli amorosi, solo che qui a trionfare non è l’amore ma la distruzione che, sull’alito del bufalo, trascina tutti in un abisso buio e schizofrenico.

Il bufalo di notte, a mio avviso, è per certi versi un romanzo un po’ acerbo (ma forse è solo perché ho letto prima Il Selvaggio e quindi inevitabilmente paga dazio) ma sincero e onesto come lo sono i sogni di Manuel che lo pongono (ci pongono…) davanti a una nuda verità: ci sono alcune ossessioni che, nonostante l’amore, nonostante la famiglia, nonostante gli amici, nonostante i più disperati tentativi di aiuto, sono destinate a scavarti dentro un fosso che tutto divora.
Profile Image for Rural Soul.
515 reviews80 followers
January 27, 2022
If you are Mexican reading this review. Let me tell you that how much I love reading or watching anything written by this man Guillermo Arriaga.
I have seen almost everything written or directed by Arriaga. I can't even compare him to anyone. His style is so different with plotting with eccentric characters. None has such sting. This is the first novel of him which I could find in English translation. It seemed more like his script than a novel.
Profile Image for Kirsty.
2,735 reviews175 followers
February 19, 2018
The Night Buffalo sounded as though it would be rather a gritty novel with a mystery at its heart, so I decided to purchase a copy for the Mexico stop on my Around the World in 80 Books challenge. Arriaga demonstrates, from the very first, the volatility of the relationship which our narrator, Manuel, has with his friend Gregorio, who commits suicide when still in his early twenties. Many things seem to bubble beneath the novel's surface at first, but I found that these were bogged down somewhat with the menage a trois here, as well as Manuel's compulsion for sleeping with as many women as he can get his hands on, treating them appallingly, and describing the process in detail. These erotic scenes were dull and repetitive, and really added nothing to the whole.

The Night Buffalo is gruesome, and does not leave any of the violence or its effects up to the reader's imagination. I found it quite engaging for the first seventy or so pages, but my interest tailed off rather quickly after this point, when it began to get rather weird. The most interesting part of the novel was Gregorio's relationship with Manuel, and with his own mental health. There are very few descriptions here about anything other than women's bodies; I barely got a feel for Mexico at all.

My advice to Arriaga? Show, don't tell.
Profile Image for Grace Gunawan.
18 reviews3 followers
July 23, 2007
For me this is quite a light read. It tells about a character and how he evolves in the course of a few weeks after the suicide of his bestfriend. This novel was written by Guillermo Arriaga, the author who wrote 21 grams. So knowing that, you kinda know what ur going to get. The story is basically based on life in reality, so you wouldn't always find the big relief at the end. But the character development and character play in Arriaga's works are amazing. It is all so very nicely told. And although the ending is an open ending, it feels right. Just as real life, most of the times you can't find or know all of the answers. We are not some kind of superpower human who knows all things. Mostly we're just so self-absorbed in our own world that we don't really realize how our actions affect others. And in this novel, we get totally absorbed in the main character. And I feel that in the ending, I feel a sense of coming together of all the elements in the book, which makes me understand the main character in its entirety. I couldn't put it into words, but I totally get it.
18 reviews2 followers
September 5, 2019
It's simply a story about a love triangle. I've expected it to be an engaging and haunting mystery, but it just ended leaving me confused. There are too many descriptions of Manuel's endless love-making or just his nasty fantasies. There's no doubt that Arriaga is good at vivid description. However, his characterization is awful. I can only get a vague grasp on what on earth kind of person Manuel, Gregoria or Tania is. I wish to know what's wrong with Greg's mental health, how he had been struggling with his psychosis, what he'd been thinking of and why he chose to send those packages to Manuel, which should have been the keys of the whole story. Till the end, I didn't get any clue. Just rage of betrayal from his closest friend? Seeking revenge through suicide? Maybe, but I didn't see very strong motivation there. With so much of Manuel's self-indulging account and so little of what's going on with others, I can hardly understand Gregoria. Crazy people doing crazy things.
Profile Image for Mariana Lectora.
432 reviews24 followers
March 18, 2023
"El búfalo de la noche"
Guillermo Arriaga

Una historia al ritmo de una película donde podemos ver a Manuel contándonos desde su punto de vista todo lo acontecido con la muerte de su amigo Gregorio quien se fue consumiendo a raíz de sus problemas mentales padeciendo esquizofrenia y por otro lado la relación que surgió con Tania, la novia de su amigo. Podremos asomarnos a la mente y el alma solitaria, podrida y llena de inseguridades de Manuel, yendo y viniendo buscando respuestas para comprender su existencia por momentos tan visceral como poética. Al final, ¿quién saldrá más lastimado?
Por momentos lineal, predecible con muy pocos giros, más bien una historia típica entretenida de las novelas mexicanas con triángulos amorosos que no terminan bien.

2.5 ⭐️
Profile Image for Leonor Alioscha.
72 reviews7 followers
September 7, 2012
Adoro el modo de escribir de Guillermo Arriaga. Se le nota lo chilango a leguas al cabrón. Con frases y lugares típicos, descripciones que se acercan a la forma de pensar de los mexicanos con actitudes rosando lo macho, violento, y cliché.
Deja un sabor insípido, triste, algo que te descifra el libro en medida en que lo vas leyendo. Es crítica y desvelo a la vez. Una mezcla rara de Detectivismo, personajes padeciendo su propio tipo de locura, y propuestas duras, y marcadas por una clara influencia Beat y bukowskiana. Nuestro propio sueño mexicana, destruido. Y una confrontación, o una pregunta dejada al aire sobre las cosas que somos y creemos ser.
Profile Image for Melissa0919.
699 reviews36 followers
October 24, 2011
I would have given this book 4 stars when I was in the midst of the book. The ending ruined that chance. It felt rushed, the epilogue was disappointing, like it was just tacked on to quickly finish it. I get where the author was coming from, but there were no hints of it. Also, who was sending the packages?
Profile Image for Diana Merizalde.
3 reviews4 followers
October 10, 2018
2 semanas para leer un libro de algo más de 200 páginas. A veces aburrido, aunque no niego que al final sorprende algo. Pienso que al personaje de Gregorio le faltó mucho, en realidad fue quien me agarró al principio y al final me dejó un sinsabor... la película algo peor. Algo decepcionada para el nivel Arriaga. ¿Soy la única?
Profile Image for Irina Subredu.
167 reviews60 followers
January 11, 2021
"- De ce-a murit?

Gregorio murise din atâtea pricini, încât am refuzat să pronunț cuvântul "sinucidere"."
Profile Image for Lezz Pez.
230 reviews20 followers
November 20, 2018
Dejé este libro guardado por mucho tiempo erróneamente. Lo leí lo más rápido que mis actividades me permitieron porque es un libro que no quieres soltar, es sumergirse a un mundo extraño y paralelo donde no sabes en quien confiar y si lo que ves es lo que parece. Sumergirse en el mundo del búfalo de la noche en donde escuchas el respirar de la bestia y no sabes en que momento atacará.

Gregorio como personaje invisible empapa el libro con su presencia. Lo que conocemos gracias a su mejor amigo y ex novia nos lleva a esta espiral de locura, muerte y traición.
Hay momentos del libro donde no sabes porque cada uno hace lo que hace. Muy real y humano ¿en verdad sabemos por qué los que nos rodean hacen lo que hacen?

Es una historia sobre la autodestrucción y lo mucho que nos destrozan nuestros sentimientos. No sabemos que tan destructivos podemos ser para los demás.
Profile Image for Maddie.
12 reviews
October 12, 2009
Weird and very disturbing, yet engrossing... Despite it being a first-person narration, seen through the eyes of the main character, Manuel, I still felt disconnected from him as a character. I couldn't get a full grasp on his actions or
thoughts, and by the time I reached the end of the book, I was surprised it was done and I still didn't really know who Manuel was. Overall, it kept my interest but still felt short of my expectations.
Profile Image for Antonia.
360 reviews1 follower
July 29, 2015
An interesting psychological book. What I liked most about it was the atmosphere created through the settings (Mexico, the hotel room, different houses). It was almost as if the different settings of the books were different characters in the novel. I also noticed a few translation errors (or what look like translation errors), and so I think I would like to reread this book in the native Spanish. I wonder how reading it in its native text would affect the narrative.
Profile Image for Aleja Jiménez Díaz.
63 reviews1 follower
January 15, 2022
Es el tercer libro que leo del escritor, ya estoy familiarizada con su manera medio oscura de escribir.
Siempre he creído que un buen libro es el que te hace sentir emociones y sin dudas este lo fue para mí.
Hay un momento dónde me sentí tan... pero tan... angustiada, igual que Manuel.
Me gusta como no deja cabos sueltos. Muy recomendable 👌🏻
Profile Image for Karina Wach.
17 reviews1 follower
May 16, 2022
Es el tercer libro que leo de Guillermo Arriaga y no deja de sorprenderme en cada historia, El búfalo me ha dejado satisfecha y con ganas de seguir devorando sus obras.

Los protagonistas todos en su papel que no hubo necesidad de ponerles o quitarles, odie a Tania, sentí compasión por Gregorio y Manuel fue mi favorito y me hubiera gustado un final con alguien mejor para él.

Profile Image for Cristina Popescu.
12 reviews14 followers
January 5, 2018
I was disappointed with this book. It was like I entered a room and someone was halfway through telling his story and right before he was done I was forced to exit the room and was unable to hear the end of it. This book is like a combination of "Looking for Alaska" and "13 Reasons Why".
Displaying 1 - 30 of 230 reviews

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