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From Ashes #1

From Ashes

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Aside from her dad, who passed away when she was six, Cassidy Jameson has only ever trusted one man: her best friend, Tyler. So of course she follows him to Texas when he leaves for college. She just didn't expect to be so drawn to their new roommate, Gage, a gorgeous guy with a husky Southern drawl. The only problem? He's Tyler's cousin.

Gage Carson was excited to share an apartment off campus with his cousin. He didn't mind that Tyler was bringing the mysterious friend he'd heard about since they were kids ... until the most beautiful girl he's ever seen jumps out of his cousin's Jeep. There's something about Cassi that makes Gage want to give her everything. Too bad Tyler has warned him that she's strictly off-limits.

Despite everything keeping them apart, Cassi and Gage dance dangerously close to the touch they're both been craving. But when disaster sends her running into Tyler's arms, Cassi will have to decide whether to face the demons of her past ... or to burn her chance at a future with Gage.

416 pages, Paperback

First published December 11, 2012

About the author

Molly McAdams

51 books8,806 followers
Molly grew up in California but now lives with her husband and daughter in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas. When she's not diving into the world of her characters, some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling, and long walks on the beach . . . which roughly translates to being a homebody and dishing out movie quotes with her hubby. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies and loves curling up in a fluffy blanket during a thunderstorm . . . or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.

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95 reviews497 followers
October 13, 2014
This review contains unmarked spoilers.

TAKING CHANCES and Oceana are not friends.

We are not friends at all.

Not because that plot twist completely crushed my heart, or because the main character didn't end up with whom every one wanted. It was because I purely and truly despised that book, and for some crazy, unexplainable reason, I decided to read FROM ASHES.

In all honesty, I was hoping it would be be much better than its predecessor, so I could write a nice review instead of a incoherent, angry, babbling rant. I didn't expect much, but a girl can dream.

And once in a while, one shall stumble across a book that makes their blood boil and their vision red. It was unfortunate that for me, I found several books like that this year. But both of Ms. McAdam's books were near the top of 2012's fume list.


Cassidy Jameson has been physically, mentally, and emotionally abused by her mother and stepfather since her father's death. It is a secret that she keeps completely under lock and key, but there is one person that knows: her best friend, Tyler, who takes care of her when she is hurt and who has been Cass's crutch for years.

Tyler takes Cassidy with him to Texas when he attends college, and there she meets his cousin, Gage. It's practically love at first site for these two, but Tyler successfully keeps them apart... for a while, until shit hits the fan and blows the fuck up.


I need my Aspirin, please.

First of all, Cassidy being abused does not belong in this book. It's just a plot device to give Cassidy a problem in life since she has none, a reason to be 'broken', to let Tyler take care of her, and to allow Gage to protect her and eventually end up with her. You could have removed the parts of the book where Cassidy talks about how she's been abused, and it will not have changed in the least. Because in the end, it's not a story about a shattered character who needs some TLC. It's pure love triangle - or actually, a near fucking pentagon - and shoving in a background of abuse in this story is total crap and absolutely out of place.

You know what's a real love story with a tortured main character? Pushing the Limits.

Anyway, model-handsome Tyler drags Cassidy to Texas, where she meets his hotter cousin Gage (who even knew it was possible to get sexier than Tyler, right?), who, of course, is completely godly and charming and handsome and angelic and unearthly and oh shut the fuck up.

You thought you knew insta-love? Hahaha, bitch, you're wrong. These two lay eyes on each other and it's a total nuclear explosion. But what attracts them in the first place? How beautiful they both are, of course! You can't have average or even pretty-looking characters in these books. They've all got to be the most stunning white people in the world.

I mean, they look better together than Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev!which is totally not fucking possible

So while Cassi here is having an orgasm looking at Gage, some chick wraps her arm around Gage and Cassidy, who hasn't even, you know, talked to Gage, starts to get annoyed and angry and even thinks about plotting to destroy their relationship.

Says the girl who pages before, claimed that she didn't trust men.


This is what Gage says on page thirteen, after meeting Cassidy. HE JUST MET HER, OKAY? I don't give two shits if there was 'electricity'. Electricity my ass.

"... I'd already pictured her beneath me."

He goes on to say how the wind was knocked out of him when he imagined Tyler and Cassi together.


Tyler manipulates Cassidy and Gage so they can never properly establish a romantic relationship - always ending up with Cassidy or Gage storming off and coming back in several months. However, Tyler blackmails Cassidy into being his girlfriend, or he'll bring her back to her abusive household and she'll loose him. Cassidy accepts.


Who the actual fuck would even want to stay with an asshole who would blackmail and threaten and manipulate you for SEX?

Later, Tyler nearly forces Cassidy to have sex with him, and when she doesn't, he pulls a Travis and comes home with a promiscuous girl (who just had sex with Gage, because without Cassi he's sexually frustrated) and then KICKS CASSIDY OUT IN THE FUCKING SNOW AND SHE ALMOST FREAKING DIES BEFORE GAGE SAVES HER

(but later they're friends again, don't worry)

Gage beats Tyler up, Cassi and Gage get together, butterflies poop rainbows and puppies fly. This should be the end, right? It's been a long ride, anyway.


Finally, Cassidy leaves Texas and goes back home because her house has burned down, killing her stepfather and mother, who left her a suicide note and an 'apology' . She also meets detective Connor Green (he's achingly handsome!), with who she has a 'connection' with.

Connection: in less than two weeks, Cassidy is making out with Connor (wait, I thought she had a boyfriend?) and going on and on about how she lurvs Gage, but Connor just understands her because he's been abused too, and oh, why can't she just have the best of both?

Anyhow, she goes back to Texas, has a lot of sex with Gage in the house that they bought together, and then Connor comes back to confess that he 'needs' Cassidy ("I need you,") but she brushes off the horny son of a bitch and tells him to go home. Then, like the rabbits they are, Gage and Cassi screw in more sexy places. Like on their kitchen island.

Watch out, innocent children! Stay out of that kitchen!

Cassidy and Gage get married less than two months later because marriage is the most important thing in the world to them, and it must be done immediately. Who cares that Cassidy isn't even old enough to legally drink a beer? NO ONE, CAUSE LOVE MEANS MARRIAGE, RIGHT?

Then Cassidy gets stung by a scorpion and I finally was like HELL YES IS THIS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR?

But, alas, she survives (what else?) and it turns out she's already preggers (saw this coming from a fucking mile away) and then suddenly it's years later, and Cassidy has her baby, and another baby, and she's pregnant with her third child. You find out she and her second baby almost died in delivery - her heart literally stopped and started again.

Hey, I used this guy in my TAKING CHANCES review!

But seriously? She had to almost freaking die? AGAIN? That is such crap!


Cassidy is like this Chihuahua I know called Fifi. She's tiny, stupid, and constantly shaking in fear for no reason. Oh, and a serious damsel in distress. I have almost literally never encountered a heroine who was just so naive and empty and freaking idiotic. I wanted to grab her by the nonexistent balls and fling her around until the parts of her brain settled into the right places.

Being apparently abused is not an excuse to be such a moron, because trust me: Cassidy does not act like an abused person (nor does she think about it), and Echo from PUSHING THE LIMITS was also abused and she is far from idiot.

Here she is, calling all these girls sluts and shit, and meanwhile she's playing three guys before adding a couple more to the mix. Those girls aren't sluts, but she's kind of a cheater.

She is also gorgeously perfect, and beautiful, and supposed to be the girl all the guys want (there are over seven guys that wuv her). Supposedly she's delicate, sweet, and soft-spoken, ALL THE GUYS get into a fight over her, and she's constantly being saved from attempted rape or assault because of how hot she is. But there are no redeeming qualities about her except that she's a 'sandwich making bitch'.

The reason for Cassidy not telling anyone that she's being domestically abused is ridiculous. It's not that she's afraid, or her stepfather and mother have convinced her that no one will listen, or that they've just plainly scarred her. She doesn't want them to 'take her away from Tyler'.

Are you a Moron? Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't think she realizes that she is about to turn eighteen, and that they're not going to throw her in an asylum for the rest of her life. She's not going to loose shit.

And then, while Tyler shoves her onto a bed and starts kissing her roughly, I'M SO SERIOUS, they're like:

"Tyler, you know I love you!"
"But you don't. Not the way I love you. Romantically."
"Wh-what? But you only like me as a friend! I don't understand! *shoves his tongue down her throat*
"I want you!"
"Tyler, are you okay? We're just friends, and you know that."
*continues humping her*

You must be completely STUPID to not realize they don't like you as a friend anymore. And, hey, when a guy dumps you, it's way worse than being forced to have a sexual and romantic relationship with someone, right?

"It wasn't like my Tyler at all, and I was surprised by how much it hurt. It wasn't anything like when Gage broke my heart, but it still felt like someone had punched me in the stomach."

She annoyed me to no end, and the fact that not a single person gave a shit when she went around making out with everybody infuriated me. She was so dumb and plain, I just really, really wanted to bang my head against a wall.

Or, er, maybe introduce her to this guy:

But I'll spare you, Cassidy, because being head-desk-inducing doesn't deserve the fate you'll get with this American Psycho.

Gage is such a boring, possessive piece of plank wood. The only thing he was good for was sex and telling everyone that Cassidy was his property. I have nothing to say about him except that he needs to get his dick under control, because he got a boner every chapter or so looking at her. I will never call my friends 'darlings' again, because he completely ruined it for me and I hated his character, who always needed to pick Cassidy up and save her.

"I could claim you as mine."


Tyler is a blackmailing, threatening, manipulative fuckface and the fact that his blackmail is completely written off and forgiven is despicable and disgusting. There was nothing attractive about all the shit he pulled and I hope he gets hit by a truck and dies.

Connor is boring and blah, and he has no respect for Cassidy, who already has a boyfriend. The other characters were bland and lifeless and bored the shit out of me. Cassidy's stepfather and mother were sickening people and I'm not sorry they both burned to a crisp.

I didn't connect with any of the characters and the development was awful.

Romance and Stuff

Don't even get me started on this bullshit. Gage and Cassidy are one of the fastest insta-love relationships I've ever read, and in between it's eye-rolling angst that I didn't care for.

All the people falling head over heels for Cassidy got really old, really fast. She's always complaining about everyone being in love with her, and it really. pissed. me. off.

"How was it possible to be so completely in love with someone but have this kind of chemistry with someone else at the same time?"

Go on, Cassidy. Please. Keep on whining while you're making out with Connor. You're suuuuchhhh a likable character, so we don't mind your constant bitching!

kill myself Pictures, Images and Photos

Everyone in the story is a beautiful rich white person, and when Cassidy didn't have any money because her mother took it, guess what? SHE GOT DA MONIES FROM THE WEALTHY-ASS FAMILY OF TYLER AND GAGE, because no white people love story can have a lack of money to do the things they want!

There was not one black person in FROM ASHES, or any person that wasn't white, for that matter.

And getting married in FROM ASHES is a must. It doesn't matter that they're still young and have a full life ahead of them. Marriage is the most important thing, and once that's over with, you can get pregnant and have a bunch of babies, and then you're allowed to live. Cassidy, like Harper, got pregnant before she was twenty-two, because children can't wait.


The writing in this is terrible. FROM ASHES has several transitions - one page, you'll be in present time, and the next, it's eight months later and you wouldn't even have realized it. There are way too many time changes and it needs to slow down.

On a scale of one to Snuggie, how unnecessary is most of the stuff in FROM ASHES?

More useless than an On/Off machine.

There is also so much useless, needless shit in these books that should've been taken out a long time ago. I thought this was what an editor was for? FROM ASHES should've finished when Cassidy started a steady relationship with Gage instead of dragging us by the hair for another two hundred effing pages of drama, stupid shit, and the epilogue. Leave something to the imagination, gosh! Stop giving your characters a complete future.

Cassidy getting stung by a scorpion? ARE YOU SERIOUS? This should have been an extra scene edited out! It's not important to the story!

I don't think McAdams realized how many times Gage's pants started tightening. It was ridiculous. That boy has some problem with his penis. It needs to be checked out. And I'm tired of hearing about Cassidy's whiskey/amber/honey/piss colored eyes. WE GET THE FUCKING POINT. WE KNOW.

And remember my rant about how people's eyes don't automatically 'darken' like a fucking lamp switch? Well, way more eye-darkening here! I'm starting to think they're all closeted vampires.

Damon Salvator, c'mon down, my sexy friend!

The dialogue was so choppy and the writing itself is simple to read, yet amateur and not good at all. Complete pain in the ass.


I hated this book with a burning, fiery passion. It angered me and I hope that no girl actually admires Cassidy's cheating behavior and misogynistic ways.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Elizabeth (Liz).
649 reviews408 followers
December 11, 2012
Review posted at: Swept Away By Romance

Genre: New Adult

Heat Level: Moderately Steamy

Angst Level: Angsty, but not OTT (nothing which will require you to seek a support group)

Crazy-Dayzzz Drama Level: Nothing OTT

Possible Issues For Peeps: Some discussion of abuse

5 Stars

A star was born with Taking Chances--one of my favorite books of 2012--and, with the release of From Ashes, Molly McAdams continues to shine so very, VERY bright!!

Cassidy Jameson escapes a wretched, abusive existence in California with her life-long best friend Tyler by her side when he literally packs her up and moves her with him to college in Texas. They share a bond that most don't understand and many mistake for something more than friendship. Tyler and her deceased father are the only two people Cassidy has put her trust in for the majority of her life. She has absolutely no one else in her life, because she has never allowed anyone other than Tyler into her reality. Cassidy depends thoroughly and completely on Tyler to meet the few emotional needs she has and to be her sole support system. When they arrive in Austin, TX, Cassidy immediately meets their new roommate, Tyler's cousin, Gage Carson. From the first meeting Cassidy and Gage are inexplicably and strongly drawn to one another. To Gage, Cassidy is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. She is quiet and kind, a phenomenal cook, wise beyond her years, a survivor, and he knows she carries a great deal of pain. To Cassidy, Gage is the single best looking guy she's ever met. He's equal parts city and country, has a drawl to die for, is a true gentleman, and has an amazing family. Neither understands the strength of the attraction between them. Gage has never experienced this immediate, imperative need to protect a girl, to make her his in every way. Because of her background, Cassidy does not trust easily or quickly, nor has she ever felt quite this kind of pull toward a man. Due to manipulation by Tyler, both Cassidy and Gage dance around their feelings for one another for a year and a half, both taking somewhat drastic measures to try and forget one another. However, the day finally comes when Tyler drives Cassidy straight into the arms of Gage, and both Cassidy and Gage decide they are finally ready to take a chance on being together. But, Cassidy still has a past to face and demons to fight. Are any of them strong enough to withstand the fallout? Is the love Gage and Cassidy have for each other enough to carry them through?

My God, does Molly McAdams know how to tell a story! From Ashes so completely and totally sucked me in, that I literally read it front to back, through the night, WITHOUT STOPPING!! This is the second book from this author, and the second book of hers that I've read in one sitting. There is something about the way she tells a story, writes a character. I literally have yet to be able to put one of her books down without finishing it! Molly's stories are compelling, emotional, sexy, exciting, fun and twisty. From Ashes is *exactly* that, in every way. I had such high hopes for this book, and she exceeded them. I became so utterly involved with and absorbed by the story and the characters, even when I found them thoroughly annoying and wanted to smack each of them upside the head!!! I simply could not put this book down until I knew how it ended. I dare you to try!

Speaking of the ending, the epilogue is FABULOUS! I love a good epilogue, I admit it. And, I've been known to pitch a fit when A) there isn't ANY epilogue and/or B) the epilogue is less than stellar. Let me assure you, at about four this morning, I was doing the most obnoxious happy dance you would NEVER want to see! My cats eyed me with complete disdain;) But, that's just how much I LOVED this epilogue!

A note to those who have read Taking Chances and were completely traumatized by a certain event in that story, I'm personally giving you the all-clear for From Ashes;) You may shed some tears, because, frankly, Molly's just that good, but you will NOT need therapy after this book:)

Now, for my personal plea to Molly McAdams. When you read From Ashes--and YOU BETTER READ IT!--you will meet a character by the name of Detective Connor Green. If you are anything like me, you will join me in begging Molly McAdams for the following: PLEASE, PLEASE GIVE CONNOR GREEN A STORY...PRETTY PLEASE?!?!

I <3 you, Molly McAdams. To anyone reading this review, I just have to say: GO! RUN!! BUY. THE. BOOK!!!

**ARC courtesy of HarperCollins (William Morrow Paperbacks) via Edelweiss
Profile Image for Brenna.
578 reviews453 followers
August 25, 2016
I have to start by saying that I really, really wanted to like this book. I was looking forward to it, I had been reading the teasers, I was excited. I read Taking Chances a few months ago and I loved it. There were things I had issues with in that book too, but I wanted to read it the entire time. I had to know. It actually got some (well a lot, let's not kid ourselves here) emotion out of me and I cared! By the end of From Ashes, I just didn't care anymore.

The story starts with Tyler & Cassi moving to Texas and within the first few pages you learn that Cassi has been severely abused every single day of her life for the past 11 years. At this point, my heart was totally breaking for this girl. I just kept thinking, "this girl better get her HEA after the hell she's been through."

Then she meets Gage, Tyler's cousin. Gage was definitely the most redeeming part of this book. He was just yummy. I loved her description of him... "...but he didn’t look like someone who spent hours in the gym or taking steroids. The only way I can describe them is natural, and labor-made." So, like I said, yummy! He is also incredibly sweet, but not too sweet, a little rugged, and just all man. So anyways, immediately Gage is drawn to her and she to him. This is where the first sign of trouble was for me. They hadn't said two sentences to each other and he was already jealous of every person around her and acting a little obsessive. I get an initial attraction, but this was just annoying to me, even though I actually liked Gage.

Things get complicated because Tyler is also in love with Cassi and has been "her rock" since she was six-years-old. He does everything he can to keep Cassi & Gage from one another. He is just down right manipulative, deceitful, and just flat out unlikeable. If there had been parts in Tyler's POV or if he had just been upfront with his feelings or with his disapproval of Cassi & Gage being together, I would have probably liked Tyler, but he acted like a little boy trying to hide his favorite toy. It was the sneaky underhanded way he went about keeping them apart that really got under my skin. And, the kicker, there is zero communication, so he gets away with it for waaaay too long. Cassi & Tyler's relationship was a hard one to wrap my head around. I loved that he was so there for her, but at the same time, some things just didn't add up. What bothered me is that Cassi was made to look like a complete idiot to not realize Tyler's feelings toward her. Woman are not stupid and oblivious to the effect they can have on others and that's how I felt here.

There were way too many things going on, by the end I was just exhausted. I don't understand the need for more than two love interests max. I don't think anyone else in this story actually added anything to it or served a purpose. They could have just as easily been a friend or any other character. By making each person immediately wanting Cassi in a romantic way (and why did the want her again? I never got that either...) it just made it annoying and repetitive.

There are many obstacles, struggles to deal with, and internal demons to face for these characters, but bottom line was I just didn't care by the end. I never felt a connection to any of the characters. As "yummy" as Gage was, he even got on my nerves at times. I don't feel like the characters were ever properly developed. I was just craving some dialogue that would show personality and build the relationships without actually talking about the relationships. I just never felt it. With everything that Cassi went through, I did want her to have her HEA, don't get me wrong, I'm not heartless, but I just didn't care to hear how it happened.

There were a few things I enjoyed and that was the whole ranch thing and Gage's family. They were entertaining and those were the moments I actually smiled and thought I could keep going. Gage's dad was a keeper..."...argue with your mama, I sleep on the couch and she doesn’t feed me. So I don’t argue with your mama.”

I can't remember a book in recent years that I struggled so much to finish. By the end I was so checked out. I read books because I enjoy them, not because I have to, and this book felt like a chore at some points. It's unfortunate because I actually think Molly McAdams can write and even though this was a definite miss for me, I'll keep an open mind and try out her work in the future.
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,659 followers
January 21, 2015
3 & a 3/4 ☆
description description
Some parts of this book SERIOUSLY pissed the shit out of me.. so hence this book will not be entering my favorite shelf.
There was HARDLY ANY FUCKING COMMUNICATION between Cassidy & Gage during the first 3/4th of the book.. I was yelling at my laptop while reading saying 'Speak the fuck to each other bitches, or face my wrath.'
And OH MY GOD. Tyler, SOB. I wanted to chop important anatomy's off his body. What a fucking asshole. I cannot believe he would fall so fucking low.

I found parts of this book dragged for no fucking reason what so ever. Its like the author wanted to increase the page count or something by randomly enforcing a twist and a turn.

In 'Taking Chances' I loved both the guys to bits, had a hard time choosing between them.. hence I picked... BOTH but here.. Good lord, I would never even look Ty's way.

Gage Carson
That boy was FINE!!! Total drool worthy and can steal your heart in a second by flashing his dimples along with a smirk in his green eyes and make your tummy flip.

He sure did fight for his love! ;) And boy did her fight :P

I liked the friendship Ty and Cassi had! Loved it.
He was ALWAYS there for her, loving, caring, and warm. Just there for her, always helping her.. keeping an eye out for her.. doing all in his capacity for her.
Their friendship was something else of a total different level. :D

Cassi, love you girl.

Loveddddddd Gage's family :D ;D
Loved how caring, open and warm and welcoming they all were to everyone and everything.
Their friends, loved them too!

Read this part only after reading the book.

Loved the title of this book, so very apt.
Loved the whole underlying plot of this book, very intresting.. about Ashes and Phoenixes..
About how you can rise even after you've fallen.. you can love, open and care even if you've been hurt. You can heal and forgive.

While reading this book.. only one song's lyrics were playing in my head for her.
Superchick - Get Up
I'm not afraid to fall
It means I climbed up high
To fall is not to fail
You fail when you don't try
Not afraid to fall
I just might learn to fly
And I will spread these wings of mine
If I get up I might fall back down again
So let's get up, come on

The story line, according me me was a littleeeee similar to Thoughtless and While it Lasts.
Cage from While it Lasts, Gage from From Ashes.. So yes.. I thought it was a little similar, the story line for me.

I think its going to be a mixture of Thoughtless and While it Lasts by reading the summary. :S

Her first book, 'Taking Chances' was Ahhhhmazing!!
I hope this is as good. Looking forward for this :)
Profile Image for Ade.
126 reviews148 followers
December 13, 2012
EDIT 12/13/12: I know, I know! I know I said I wouldn't review it but I can't help myself. The following is only one out of the many things that bothered me though, so this'll be short.

What the hell is it with McAdams and time frames? She basically DOES NOT USE THEM. It jumps from a week, to 8 months with no warning, and you're left going WTF? She really needs to work on this issue before she writes more books. There were times in the book when it jumped from one day, to 3 weeks later and it wasn't clear until halfway through the chapter. It's annoying as heck and it made me want to scream.

EDIT 12/12/12: I know I said I wasn't going to write a review, but I honestly feel that I can explain this book to you in ten simple steps. Ready for it?

Step 1) Innocent virgin leaves an unhappy home
Step 2) Innocent virgin meets hot bad boy
Step 3) Insta-love
Step 4) Something gets in the way of their being together,
Step 5) They struggle with the obstacle, but eventually their "love" overcomes it
Step 5) They get together *insert gasp here 'cause it's totally supposed to be this big exciting thing, right?*
Step 6) Innocent virgin turns into raging sexaholic
Step 7) Someone dies or gets pregnant, or maybe even both
Step 8) There is either extreme grief or happiness depending on which route the author took for step 7
Step 9) Another stupid obstacle that they overcome with their "love"
Step 10) They all live happily ever after.

The best part about this wonderful little formula? It seems to apply to a large amount of the New Adult books being published! Isn't that just great?

I hated this book. I hated it even more than Taking Chances. I honestly have nothing nice to say about this book, so I'll refrain from saying anything at all.
Profile Image for Lisbeth Avery {Domus Libri}.
196 reviews157 followers
January 22, 2013
This review rant will not be in normal format, instead it will be in freehand along with unmarked major spoilers.

I really shouldn't review this book. I really shouldn't. It's just going to make me angry, plus I have other books to review. But, books that make me so angry like FROM ASHES, I need to review, no matter how bad it is for my sanity.

FROM ASHES is pretty much the worst book I have ever read. I know I'm going to say it again and probably will till the end of time but at this time, I cannot imagine a worse book. The only reason I finished this piece of utter shit is because FROM ASHES is the most readable book ever.

Yes, I know, that makes no sense since I mentioned (once or twice) that I HATE this book but it's true. Molly McAdams has succeeded in making a book you hate to love to read (I'm pretty sure that's the first of its kind). I wanted to know what happened next even though I was literally screaming at the book.

The characters in this book are just terrible. I could go on forever but here is a basic summary:

Cassidy: Cheating, bitchy, judgmental girl who thinks she's better than everyone. One of the main characters whose only problems in life are: trying to decide which guy (out of 5 guys) she loves, handling a real life job, and being unable to have sex 10 times a day.

Gage: Boring, possessive, and bland all describe Gage. Me no like.

Tyler: THIS GUY IS WORSE THAN TRAVIS MADDOX. He is one of the worst love interests - no characters - I've ever encountered. Ever.

The plot of FROM ASHES makes absolutely no sense, at all. It was just terrible. In fact, I will recap the book's plot for your enjoyment/torture. Get ready guys because this is one messed up book.

The books starts off with Cassidy recounting how she's so scared and has so many problems. These problems range from bad to not being bad at all. The worst being her parents abusing her as a kid not being able to decide if she loves Tyler or Gage this week and the least being that she's too pretty.

I know, I know, it's so horrible.

Somehow, these abusive parents allow Cassidy to leave her home and travel to Texas. Note, this is realistic fiction and everyone knows that this is all very plausible. Anyway, she moves to Texas with her hot best friend (but he doesn't have aaanny romantic feeling towards her). There, she meets his even hotter (I know, I know, how is this possible?) cousin Gage. Let's examine some quotes now.

What with Tyler's possessiveness and all no one even attempted to get close enough to me. Not that it bothered me...

Cassidy says this after stating how Tyler could never like her romantically. Also, how can you be okay with this amount of obsessiveness.

Gage was like a brother to him [Tyler] and Tyler hadn't seen him in a few years, so their sharing an apartment would be good for Ty.

HAHA you can guess how long Tyler thinks of Gage as a brother instead of a rival.

Tyler dropped my hand, only to put his on the small of my back as he led me over to Mr. New [Gage] and the leggy blonde.

You just met Gage and you're already calling his girlfriend a "leggy blonde".

"I'm Brynn [this is the leggy blonde], Gage's girlfriend." Her eyes narrowed.

Woah, already jealous huh? Now the next few quotes are from Gage's point of view.

All I could think about was closing the distance between us [Gage and Cassidy].

You just met this girl a few hours ago. Slooooww down cowboy.

I was frozen in place, taking in the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

DUUDE you met her a few minutes ago.

I couldn't even stop the growl that came from my throat when I saw it [Tyler holding Cassidy's hand].


And yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I'd already pictures her beneath me.






"She's mine Gage, Let's get that clear right now." [said Tyler]

Dude, no. She's not.

"Damn, when you said your cousin was bringing a chick, I wasn't expecting her to be so hot," Jake said.
"Jake, touch her again.... see what fucking happens." [said Gage]

Ok, so Gage is already threatening people to lay off "his woman". At 3%.

How was I already so into this girl that it physically hurt to think of her being with Ty?

Trying to figure that one out myself honestly.

"she's been cooking for herself since she was six" [Ty on Cassidy]

Why does the main female character always have to know how to cook and seem to be the only one who does?

Anyway, a bit more plot and then we'll go over quotes because I have the whole book highlighted (well pretty much all of it). The next 10% or so is Cassidy lusting over Gage's body while sincerely denying that Ty could ever love her all while Ty continually tells Gage that Cassidy is "his". At 10% in, Tyler forces himself onto Cassidy.

Before he does that, Tyler visits Gage.

I already hated thinking about what happened between Tyler and Cassidy, but having Tyler tell me he was about to go screw her made it that much worse. I'm sorry, not screw her, bang her. Like it was no big deal, just announced "I'm gonna go bang my girl." [from Gage's POV]

God, what is wrong with Tyler? How could anyone like this guy? This is disgusting especially since this is coming from a guy who supposedly loves Cassidy like a sister. Just disgusting.

After that, Cassidy smartly decides not to sleep in Ty's room like she always did before. So what does she do? She sleeps on the couch and then lets Gage pick her up and put her on his bed. She's not even scared when she wakes up on the bed of some guy she met a few weeks ago.

A bunch of random and un-noteworthy things happen (including Cassidy's eighteenth birthday). Let's examine some of these quotes shall we?

... there was no doubt in my mind I was in love with Cassidy. [Gage's POV]

First of all, what kind of sentence is that? I mean, does it make any sense to you? The second thing is that this is 12% into the book. Twelve percent and Gage is confessing his love.

I loved everything about him.
I loved him.

Sometimes, Sassy Gay Friend is the only way to express my feelings... *sigh*

I cook for six ridiculously obnoxious college guys while they take turns playing Xbox.

Why? Why the fuck do you do is Cassidy? You say hate doing it yet you do.

Ok, back to boring plot summaries. Gage and Cassidy sort of, kind of get together then Cassidy does something and Gage gets all macho man angry and dumps her. Cassidy gets all depressed cause "O NOES HE DON'T LIKE MEH".

Then Cassidy meets Gage again and they make up. Somehow. I really have no idea how that happened. If anyone figured this out, I'd be happy to add it in. One chapter Gage is like "RAWR SHE HATE ME" and Cassidy is practically mirroring that feeling, and in the next?

"Cassidy," I breathed.
She launched herself at me and wrapped her arms around my neck, whispering into y ear. "I missed you so much, Gage."

Uhhh.... kthen.

In a few pages, Cassidy has already attracted another guy who tries to force her into having sex. All I can say is, girl get yo rape whistle out. Doing his Travis Maddox thing, Gage goes and breaks Max's nose. Why do love interests need to break people's noses? Is that cool or something?

Gage's pants get tighter a few dozen times and then Tyler tells Gage that Cassidy preformed oral sex to him and Gage goes insane. I think Tyler and Cassidy get together in this time but I'm not sure because Tyler kisses Cassidy all the time.



Cassidy get's a job and everything is quiet for a bit before (yep there's always a before...) TYLER TRIES TO FUCKING RAPE HER. This part made me so angry. It wasn't the worst part in the book but, god, it was close. This time, he doesn't do anything that bad, but just wait ok?

Gage gets pissed and goes out whoring. He brings home a couple of girls and has sex with them (but there was this funny moment when he screamed out CASSIDY during sex and got slapped). What happens on the next page?

Tyler tries to, more forcefully this time, rape her. This is where I'm going to share a few of the GRRRR quotes.

"You'll enjoy it, Cassi. I promise."

Dear Tyler and other men out there, just because it's sex, doesn't mean people enjoy it. You are forcing yourself upon a girl and just because you think, "she'll like it", doesn't mean it's not RAPE. R. A. P. E. RAPE.

"You want this, Cassi, don't tell me you don't. Your little moans and sighs, and damn it, Cassi, you're met as fuck. So why are you telling me to stop?" Tyler searched my face and shook his head slightly. "I swear to God, if you say you don't want this...."

THIS IS A LOVE INTEREST PEOPLE. HE'S NOT THE ANTAGONIST, HE'S THE FREAKING LOVE INTEREST. This is just sick, ok? There is absolutely no excuse for rape, and out of all the ones people tell the victim, this is the worst.

No. Just no.

Now, what does our favorite love interest do after he stops humping her? He goes out, gets drunk, and brings home a girl to have sex with. WHAT WHAT WHAT. NO. This is NOT ok. Ever. NO. Why are these guys going all Travis on me?

Cassidy goes into a rage and Tyler kicks her out of the house without phone or proper clothes. Cassidy almost dies of hypothermia before being saved by the amazing, strong, wonderful Gage. Once she warms up, Gage yells at her telling her that he's mad at her for being kicked out and almost dying.


Nothing happens for a while (except for Cassidy's friend trying to get her to date someone even though she's stringing along two other guys). Gage tells Cassidy that he loves her and she goes too. They go through that "OMG I THOUGHT YOU WOULD NEVA WANT MEH?" conversation.

Gage and Cassidy have lots and lots of sex everywhere (bed, shower, couch, and the kitchen table) and he calls Cassidy his girl around 15 times. Jesse is introduced and he's in lurve with Cassidy as well. I'm still trying to figure out what they all see in her.

Cassidy cooks for some guys and this is what one of them say to her:

"I want a damn SMB too! Doesn't matter if she thinks it's 'nothing fancy' or not, thee isn't another SMB out there like Cassi. That's it, I'm kidnapping and keeping her." Jake sounded exasperated.
"What the hell is a SMB?" Ethan asked, but we all looked confused.
Jake looked at us like we should know this already. "SMB? Sandwich-Making Bitch."

What. The. Fuck.

But, wait, it gets better.

Cassidy was wiping tears from her eyes when her laughs turned into soft giggles ... "And I didn't take it as offensive. It's like that whole women-belong-in-the-kitchen-barefoot-and-pregnant thing; it's funny."


After that, Cassidy basically turns into a sex addict and has sex everywhere. Gage hits some more people and accidentally hits Cassidy. She then finds out her old house had been burned down - yes, parent's house got burned down with them in it.

She leaves and meets Connor Green who she has an affair with. She then has the gall to confront Gage about his one night stand a few months ago. Whaaaa? Cassidy is also the one who says she doesn't trust guys.

Gage and Cassidy get together and Connor comes to ask Cassidy to go live with him. She declines and moves in with Gage. Turns out he made her a house and what do they do the moment they enter? Have sex. Then have more sex (ON THE KITCHEN ISLAND PEOPLE).

They get married; Cassidy almost dies (twice - scorpion bite and labor issues) and has three kids. The end. All I could get out by the end of the book was RAWR I HATE THIS. It was just terrible. Never, ever recommend. In fact run away.

Find this review and more at my blog:
Profile Image for Sans.
858 reviews122 followers
Shelved as 'dnf-p50-rule'
March 20, 2013
When I started this book I was kinda into it.

Then someone started lying and no one else bothered to communicate and took the douchebag's word for it.

Then shit started to get cleared up, but someone went psycho over her boyfriend having exs.

And everyone stopped communicating again.
Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,664 followers
December 17, 2012
3 STARS out of 5
Genre: New Adult/College


They've been best friends since they were seven. He was always there for her when she needed him. In her pain and in her heartache. He never let her down. EVER. Now it's time for him to go but there is no way he is leaving her behind.

Good bye California, Hello Texas
When Cassidy Jameson moves to Texas with her best friend Tyler she has no idea what to expect. After recently graduating high school she has no plans to further her education. So for now Tyler's plan to attend college and become roommates with his cousin Gage is now her plan too. Well minus the college part.


When they arrive in Texas they unpack and then head out to a party where Gage currently is in attendance with his friends. All Cassi really knows about Gage is that he grew up on a ranch and that he is two years older than her and Tyler. She gets out of Tyler's jeep expecting to see a laso carrying cowboy and gets no such thing. No, she gets a six foot dark haired sex god.

The first night I met her, I felt her before I even saw her. It’s like I had to look up at her, and when I did . .  . I swear to God the world stopped moving. ~Inner monologue of Gage

Before they are even introduced sparks are flying between Gage and Cassidy. And his southern charm has her completely drawn in. Unbeknownst to Cass the second she is off to mingle with party goers Tyler sets up position. He makes it clear to his cousin that Cassidy is his and off limits.

“I couldn’t care less if you’re friends with her. Just don’t forget that I’m the one who’s been there for her every day for the last eleven years. Not you. I still see how you’re looking at her, I’m not fucking blind, Gage.” ~Tyler

Neither Gage or Cassidy can resist the pull they feel towards each other. Yet Tyler's lies and deceit keep them apart for a year and a half until the night Tyler's pushy selfish ways send Cassi running to Gage. Literally.
After resisting one another they finally get a chance to talk and acknowledge how they feel. Weeks pass and they live in happiness untainted by Tyler... That is until an emergency sends Cassi not just back to Tyler but to California as well.

Fave Line

“How people can do that to their own kid is beyond me. People like that need to be arrested, or shot. I’m sure we can find some ditches.”

Fave Lines that made me laugh out loud

“Dad, is she serious?” John shrugged.
“I argue with your mama, I sleep on the couch and she doesn’t feed me. So I don’t argue with your mama.” ~Gage and his father John

"Your ranch is on Google, dumbass; I’m not stalking her." ~Connor

Lines that punched me in the gut


My Thoughts
Mixed... A big mixed bag of emotions right now is what I feel. First I would like to make it clear that I will be reading more from this author. This book just was not for me. I could not comprehend all the miscommunication that went on between Gage and Cassi. It has to be the worse I have ever witnessed as a reader. How could they not once talk about how the feel and where to go from there for a whole goddamn year and a half. Who freaking does that??? Apparently them...

My major issue??? -> Story lines and consistency was off for me. And here is why.
The whole six month jump was kind of out of left field. I felt that the story should have been broken into three parts because the last 27% percent felt like a whole different book. And some of the character dynamics were effected due to this sudden shift. For instance Tyler, when his story lines pick back up he seems to have a whole 360 degree turnaround. He went from not wanting Gage and Cassi together to total acceptance in what seemed like over night.
Then you have two no, sorry, three new characters introduced in the last 30% of the book. Connor, Isabella and Jesse. Each play vital roles in the story. **Sighs heavily** Okay, so one was mentioned in the beginning however the other two are kinda just thrown in the mix. And that threw off some of the consistency in my humble opinion. However I could see where the author was going with the secondary love story and yes, I will read their book

Also there is a scene where Tyler and Cassi are talking and Gage overhears. Instead of confronting it head on by demanding answers he walks away.Huh..WTF... I felt that this was out of character for him especially when he is displayed as a alpha male with a temper whose quick to use his fist. Soooo, yeah some things felt off.

Dear readers,
I gave this book three stars because some of the story lines and character actions felt inconsistent. I thought the plot was pretty good and the steam was good too. I have seen a lot of mixed reviews for this book. If my review fails to provide insight then reading it is most likely the only way for you to know whether this is for you or not.

My Ratings
Characters- Love some, hate some
Writing Style- Fair/Passable
Storyline/Plot- Good, with some emotional turmoil and high drama
Steam Factor- High/Very Steamy
Overall- It was average. And I think I was expecting something different.

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!

For more reviews got to http://realitybites-letsgetlost.blogs...

Profile Image for Jenny Levine.
99 reviews735 followers
December 13, 2012
...You had to find the beauty from the ashes.
It didn’t take long for us to realize it didn’t just apply to actual ashes. Because there were a lot of times in our lives that we’d had to find the light in the dark.

Yet again, another book I was disappointed with. Okay, I LIKE it. I didn't LOVE it. I'm going to be honest and say that this book annoyed the shit out of me, and finishing this one was a struggle. Why? Here's why.

*One word: TYLER --I wanna beat his ass to a pulp. What.a.DOUCHE! Feeding wrong information on both Gage and Cassidy to keep them apart. Not cool dude. GRRR! He did redeem himself, but Idk if he should be forgiven that easy 'cause of all the trouble he'd caused. Tsk.

*The usage of the word Y'ALL --This word is mentioned like a hundred times in the book. Okay, I get it. They're from Texas. Uh, whatever. I'm just annoyed I can't keep it outta my head. Like, I keep saying it. If it's a song, it's like I'm having "Last Song Syndrome" LOL. Am I the only one seeing this as a problem? (Okay, don't mind me *grins*)

*Nobody in this book freakin' TALKS! --You see guys, talking is very important, y'all just assume everything. And it took years for them to sort out their problems, which I don't find realistic at all. I'm not really a fan of drama so imagine my frustration when this book has lots of 'em! Hell! Like 80% of it.

So, the story was infuriating at the first 40%, but it gets better at 43% when

That's just short lived. After that, Tyler strikes back, which results to another misunderstanding. I swear, it's neverending.

I LOVE Gage and Cassidy together though. And the secondary characters. The good thing about this book though is that this time, we'll get our HEA. The last chapters of this book are the best part with the exception of Connor, another guy who Cass gets involved with. I don't think creating his character is necessary. It just confuses the readers as to whether or not she'll really end up with Gage. I mean, I'd had enough of the love triangle that is Tyler-Cass-Gage, so, NO, JUST NO.

The epilogue was beautiful by the way.

Overall, this was an OKAY read.

Profile Image for Nic.
361 reviews116 followers
December 4, 2012

I was lucky enough to get a chance to read From Ashes by Molly McAdams before it’s release. ☺ Seriously, the suspense has been killing me for months!!! I am thrilled to report that I have absolutely fallen in love with From Ashes!!!! Well Worth The Wait ;-)

For any of you wondering if From Ashes is similar to Taking Chances I can assure you that the only thing they share in common is that they were written by an incredibly talented author. For me, From Ashes was an absolutely beautiful love story. The story line deals with some tough subject matter but I promise you, this time around, Molly McAdams will not make you UGLY cry. ;-) What she will do is toy with you heart and make you fall in love with captivating characters, while taking you on a riveting journey. Right from the very start From Ashes had my complete and undivided attention, I knew that there was no putting this read down!! ~Apologizes to husband and kids for ignoring them~ ☺

I felt that Molly McAdams did an amazing job with the character development of Cassidy, Tyler and Gage. I felt very emotionally invested in each of these characters.

While I did feel closure at the end of From Ashes, I was left wanting more. I fell in love with the characters of this story and was not ready to let them go. From Ashes has everything I look for in a FAB read, great story, amazing writing and strong characters. There is hot sexual tension, steamy love scenes, and a love story that melted my heart. Thank you Molly McAdams for giving me another amazing read I won’t soon forget! N 5/5
Profile Image for Kristin (KC).
265 reviews25.3k followers
October 11, 2014
3 Stars. Sweet story, but wasn't entirely blown away...

While I was intrigued by the premise of this story, I felt there were moments where its execution fell flat. Although From Ashes deals significantly with physical abuse, its plot largely focuses on an intense roller coaster romance, and damaged but redeemable relationships. 

Cassidy and Tyler have been best friends since childhood. Tyler is Cassi's rock; protecting and consoling her for as long as she can remember. When they finally decide to flee their childhood town in search of a new beginning, its Tyler's cousin Gage who they end up sharing an apartment with. 

Gage Carson—you sexily and single handedly saved this book for me! Gage is fictional hero perfection at its best. Sexy and sweet, but intense and protective, as well. When Gage and Cassi first meet, their immediate attraction towards one another is electric. Normally, I like a little more build-up before characters become smitten, but it seemed to have worked here perfectly. The alternating POV's between Gage and Cassi added an intriguing depth to their relationship.  

While this story was interesting and held my attention pretty securely, there were elements that frustrated me to no end—namely, the colossal misunderstanding stemming from a total lack of communication between characters! I understand that this was factored in to ignite tension within the story, but it was dragged out to the point of frustration. I would have preferred the addiction of more substantial hurdles rather than prolonging the same few that didn't seem to hold much weight to begin with. 

There were also some over-the-top events that I felt came out of nowhere, (especially towards the end) and sort of hindered the story's believability. I love angst, but not when it's paired with oblivious characters—and there were many instances where the characters were either in complete denial, or just entirely missing the obviousness of the situation at hand.

All of that being said, this story did have an interesting cast of characters and there were various tender and touching moments. Gage and Cassi had a beautiful connection. Despite my conflicting emotions, I can see why many have adored this story. I wanted to love it, but it unfortunately just didn't happen for me.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Book Stats:
▪ Genre/Category: Romance/NA
▪ Steam Caliber: Moderate
▪ Romance: Complex. Intense.
▪ Characters: Sweet and protective hero
▪ Plot: A passionate romance suffers from miscommunication. *physical abuse present at start of story*
▪ Writing: Engaging and intense.
▪ POV: 1st Person: Alternating dual perspectives
▪ Cliffhanger: None/Standalone

Profile Image for CeCe.
3,547 reviews109 followers
December 13, 2012
12/13/12 - So I finished the book after I marked it DNF because I could not honestly rant as much as I was if I did not finish the book. Secretly, I was hoping that after a short break, I would actually like it.

NO, I still did not like it even after it had a nice ending. That is why I am giving it a star. It deserves something because it had a nice ending and I did like Gage. Other then that, my views have not changed. Had to recover from that 1 1/2 years of misunderstanding to a bunch of other silly misunderstandings. People don't you talk??? After being friends and have feeling for each other for 1 1/2 years, don't you think you should respect each other enough to ask "hey, are you mad at me?" OR "Hey, we had a nice day together, why are you telling people you don't want me here or that you are tolerating me?" I can understand being "shy" about asking those questions when the friendship is new (or you are 12), but we are talking over a year of this! And then the other stuff, I do not want to even go there. Please!! Gage is a nice guy, really, you are going to go and do that????? UGH!

Earlier review when I called it a DNF.

12/10/12 - This one is a DNF for me. Maybe I will pick it up later in time since I did pay $2.99 for it. I hate when my money goes to waste. And FYI, I was looking forward to reading it. Started it the day it was delivered to my Kindle (pre-ordered). I just don't pre-order anything.

Bottom line, I could not handle all the "misunderstandings." I am calling it that since I do not want to give anything away. Let me know just say that the first few percentages, I thought the writing was great. I thought that all the "misunderstandings" would be over in a few pages. People would put 2 and 2 together and we would move one to more interesting stuff. But no, that "misunderstanding" just would not end. And then there was other "stuff" that I just don't find interesting in a book. I love YA books, I love YA drama :) but a good book may have a "misunderstanding" here and there, but we get passed it after dealing with it for 5% of the book. At 44%, where I stopped, I was ready to throw in the towel with the "shot me now" feeling. Yep, that is when I call it a day and a DNF on Bookshelf/Tag.

11/29/12- Yep, it is official, I am a glutton for punishment because I just pre-ordered this book on Amazon. If my heart is broken, my stomach is turned and I need therapy, I am calling you Molly McAdams. Why oh why do I do this to myself?????

11/26/12 - I saw this cover and noticed how similar it is to Taking Chances (also by Molly McAdams) except the three are standing not sitting and thought 'please not again.' I hope this one leaves me happy because I am still mourning after reading Taking Chances. I may need to wait and see what reviews are before I pick this one up. I can't go through that loss again.

Taking Chances by Molly McAdams
Profile Image for Naoms.
705 reviews168 followers
December 8, 2012
Originally Posted onConfessions of an Opinionated Book Geek

1.5 Stars

It would be dishonest for me to say that I did not like parts of this book. I have no problem with the first half. I thought the love story was sweet and really rooted for Gage and Cassidy. I got to the halfway mark and realized that this book is very similar to the energizer bunny. It just keeps going and going and going. By the time I read 51% of this book I literally could not understand why the story kept going. The antagonists change their tune, so the author brings in new antagonists. The couple figures out that they have a communication problem and then continue not communicating! Not to harp on this point, but it’s as if this book consists of the first, second and the third book in a trilogy.

This book is melodramatic. I don’t mean, because Cassidy was abused as a child or because the main characters are absolutely horrible at communication. This book is melodramatic, because of the dialogue, because the characters are ridiculously unrealistic and because too much happens. Honestly, more happens to these characters in a yearlong period than in the lifespan of a normal person. Halfway into the book the author introduces a new character that comes with his own set of drama. Then 75% in a new love interest is thrown in to shake things up. Why? I honestly don’t understand why these characters were introduced. How is the reader supposed to be invested or even care about these new characters? They came 75% in, obviously they’re not important, now you’re just making us suffer through your ridiculous story. I say suffer, because very few people will quit a book after reading 75% of it.

Then there are the characters. I understand why authors make their heroine’s damaged and tragic. Some of my favorite characters in literature are damaged. No, I do not mind a damaged heroine; I do mind a stupid heroine. Cassidy is stupid. I get that she’s had a traumatic past and has issues with trust, getting to know people and taking care of herself. That is all clear, still I found her to be incredibly stupid. The first half of this book consists of misdirection and miscommunication. There were moments where Cassidy’s inability to read a situation astounded me. I could not believe how difficult it was for her to see that she was being manipulated and lied to. Having common sense really can save you grief in life and Cassidy has none of it.

Then there is Tyler. Ty is an affront to best friends everywhere. At this moment there is a BFF giving their friend half of their dinner, because they know their friend doesn’t have any. There is a BFF asking their parents if their abused friend can stay the night so that their friend can have a night of peace. It goes on and on. The fact that Ty could go from that BFF to the bastard he became is beyond my comprehension. It is fine that he loves Cassidy. It is fine that he wants to continue to be the number one man in her life. Everything else about this character is awful and I have to admit unrealistic. He emotionally blackmails, manipulates and abuses not only the girl he has spent his life tending, but also the cousin who takes him in. Worst of all, this side of him comes out of nowhere.

Finally, the love story. Gage and Cassidy see each other and are immediately in love. I don’t really believe in love at first sight, but many authors have been able to make this work. The problem is not how easily they fall in love. The problem is how quickly both characters begin planning forever, before they even speak to each other. I found all the inner thoughts of Gage to be unrealistic. McAdams really needed to talk to a few guy friends about their thought process. Gage thinks like a woman and I have enough guy best friends to understand that they do not think the way that I do. When Gage and Cassidy finally get together, there is no growth process. They do not take time to blend as a couple. They just begin thinking about marriage and babies, etc.

Cassidy before the epilogue is 19 years old. She is not in school and she works at starbucks. There is nothing wrong with working at starbucks, but this is a girl without a dream, ambition or any plans for the future. She is finally free of her abusive family and it never occurs to her to make a plan? She doesn’t save up money to go to school, start a business, or anything. I’m not even sure that she graduated from high school. There is not even a mention on whether or not Cassidy sees her future as a stay at home mother. Everyone is different. I literally wouldn’t care what her plan was, as long as she had a plan. Nope, she gets away from her abusive life, focuses on guys and that’s it.

This is a story without any depth. It’s almost offensive that McAdams thinks that because she wrote a victim of abuse, she added some dimension. No. Victims of abuse still have dreams, they have hopes, and they want more from their lives. Sometimes they are damaged and never recover, but Cassidy doesn’t have the issue of drugs, alcohol or any of the other vices people use to cope. McAdams wrote a character that absolutely could have built a life for herself, but instead the author chose to write a woman who cannot cope without a man.

A love story should have romance and two people who cannot live without each other. Still, a healthy love has two independent people who have lives outside of each other.
Profile Image for Smitten's Book Blog.
337 reviews315 followers
September 13, 2016

I've been battling with how many stars to give this, but sticking by my ratings guide that I always try to abide by (✰ - Unfinished. ✰✰ - Disliked. ✰✰✰ - I liked it but didn't love it. ✰✰✰✰ - I loved it but there are things that didn't work for me. ✰✰✰✰✰ - I absolutely adored it!) I have to go with three. I didn't dislike the book, but I didn't love it either.

I haven't read Molly McAdams' other book, Taking Chances, as I found out, by accident, what happened and it took some of the appeal away. But I do know that it was a book that seemed to cause extreme reactions. It seemed like Marmite, people either absolutely adored it, despite the turmoil, or hated it with a vengeance. So I know, when From Ashes came out, I had to read it to see what all of the fuss was about.

It's true. Molly McAdams is a fantastic writer. The characters are well developed, the scenes are life like and the writing itself was addictive... but the characters drove me completely insane.

It was, very distinctly, a book of two halves for me. Or more like 60/40, actually. The first 60% was, quite honestly, one of the most frustrating pieces of reading I've ever come across. It seems in the world of From Ashes, communication is a foreign language and assumption is an every day occurrence. The misunderstandings were just ridiculous at times, not to mention the over reactions on Cassidy's part.

Speaking of Cassidy... urgh! I've never wanted to slap someone hard between the eyes as much as I did her. I get that was supposed to be a tortured soul, but honestly? Sometimes she was beyond stupid and just a total bitch. I did grow to like her more by the end, but she just infuriated me so much in the beginning, that it was too much for her to entirely redeem herself.

And then there was Tyler. Cassidy's supposed life long best friend. I didn't get him at all! He was one of the things that was so obviously different in the two parts of this book. He was a complete dickhead throughout the first half and in my opinion, his behaviour was completely unforgivable and didn't correspond with the guy that Cassidy seemed to depend upon so heavily. And then at around 60% he changed unrecognisably and became this sweet, dependable BFF... I had real trouble making the connection between the two sides of Tyler.

"It's complicated; we really were just friends. But she needed me; I couldn't just leave her. And I'm in love with her, man."

For me, Gage saved the book. He was to die for. I felt so sorry for him at so many points in the book. There's no way Cassidy deserved him, I don't care how pretty her golden eyes are! He didn't put a foot wrong. He was caring, considerate, protective, devoted, mature... just gorgeous. I think his Dad should had given him a kick up the ass and told him to get over this messer of a girl, rather than encouraged him!

"The first night I met her, I felt her before I even saw her. It's like I had to look up at her, and when I did... I swear the world stopped moving."

So, there we go. I really enjoyed the last 40% of the book, even with the complication of Detective Connor Green (who I couldn't decide whether I loved or hated) which I think gave this book the juice it was missing, the juice that the author seemed to try and include by writing annoying miscommunication and inconsistent personalities. At least Cassidy seemed to grow some balls in the latter section of the book, and Tyler sorted his shit out. Gage, true to form, stayed as perfect as ever. *sigh*

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
December 13, 2012
3 Stars

"Through these ashes, I pray you're able to find peace, knowing that your nightmare is now over."


I was a little leary about starting this book after the heartbreak I experienced with Taking Chances. Readers will be happy to know that such a loss is not experienced in this book.

Cassidy is a victim of abuse by the hand of her mother and stepfather. Her only friend/confidant for the past eleven years has been Tyler her next door neighbor. When Tyler takes off for college he brings Cassidy with him giving her the opportunity for a new life. They are to share an apartment with Tyler’s southern hottie cousin Gage.

Sparks fly when Cassidy meets Gage but deception and lies keep them apart.

Cassidy and Gage’s love is the forever kind. Redemption for those who have deceived and abused along with some twists and turns and a HEA!

Profile Image for Marina.
398 reviews464 followers
February 2, 2013
Just a few words on this one.

It was a DNF for me. I swear I got so frustrated and utterly pissed with the misunderstandings.

There is this thing, people, called TALKING.

If you don't want so called friends screwing with your life and relationships, try speaking instead of throwing tantrums all.the.freaking.time.

Profile Image for Miniikaty .
655 reviews132 followers
December 22, 2016
El género New Adult es de mis favoritos, siempre me ha gustado embarcarme en una novela llena de romance y drama y por eso no dude en darle una oportunidad a "De las cenizas", pero me he llevado una decepción con este libro.

Antes de ponerme a contaros las cositas que han hecho de esta lectura un chasco para mí, os diré lo que me ha gustado. Principalmente el mensaje de esperanza, de superar los temores y de mirar siempre al futuro y no quedarse estancado en el pasado, creo que eso la autora lo ha sabido transmitir a la perfección; también me ha agradado el hecho de que esté contado a dos voces, que veamos tanto el punto de vista de Cassidy como el de Gage, porque así entendemos mejor por lo que están pasando, cuáles son sus sentimientos y comprendemos los malentendidos y malas decisiones que toman porque somos partícipes de sus historias y lo vemos todo con mayor perspectiva. Y por último, que a pesar de todo se lee bastante rápido, lo que entre lecturas más densas viene bien (además es libro único lo que le da un plus).

Reseña completa: http://letraslibrosymas.blogspot.com....
Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
July 7, 2020
I absolutely loved this book! Taking Chances is in my top 5 favorite books of 2012, so I had really high expectations for this one... let me tell you, Molly McAdams did not let me down! It was fantastic!

You had to find the beauty from the ashes. It didn't take long for us to realize it didn't just apply to actual ashes. Because there were a lot of times in our lives that we had to find the light in the dark.

Cassidy Jameson's father died when she was six years old. On her sixth birthday to be exact. She now lives with her abusive/alcoholic mother and step father. The only real 'family' she has is her neighbor/best friend Tyler. Ty is the only one who knows about the abuse going on at her house. He's always there for her, as much as she will let him be. Tyler is moving from California to Texas to live with his cousin Gage and go to college. Of course, he cannot leave Cassi behind with her parents so he brings her along.
When Cassidy and Gage see each other for the first time, sparks fly. They both feel something. Before they are able to explore those feelings, Ty interferes. Ty tells Gage he and Cassi are 'together' she is his and off limits. Ty also tells Cassi Gage only sees her as a little sister and doesn't really want her living there. For over a year they battle their feelings for each other. When the truth finally comes out, they are able to try a relationship. Something big happens to Cassidy that sends her back to California. Instead of turning to Gage, she runs away from him to figure herself out. Will there issues continue to pull them apart, or can it push them together and make them stronger?

Cassidy's story was heartbreaking. She was such a strong girl, I can't even imagine going through everything she did. At the beginning, I loved her and Ty's friendship. But, as the story goes on, Ty can be really manipulative and does some really shady things to get what he wants. I think Ethan says it best- "Seriously, Gage, no hard feelings or anything, but your cousin is a dick." Yup... pretty much sums him up for most of the book. I think he did really love Cassi in his own way, and by the end of the book I didn't hate him so thats something.

Mr. New couldn't even be described as something as degrading as attractive. He looked like a god.
GAGE... Oh my. From the first time he said 'Darlin' I fell for Gage!
"Gage, did you really just say you wanted to claim me?" His husky laugh went all the way to my toes. "I've wanted to nothing else since you spilled your beer on me."
I just loved him! Gage was great for Cassidy. Perfect! He was a sweet southern gentleman(But not too sweet ;) with a kind and compassionate side. Thanks to the author... every time I think of Gage I picture this...
This could totally be Gage on the ranch, with his truck, right???
Gage kissed my stomach, thighs, arms, and shoulders until every scar on my front made by my mom and stepdad had been covered... "You're perfect Cassidy."
Seriously though, how can you not love him!

Cassidy's mom and stepdad on the other hand... I had some major rage when it came to the two of them! They were terrible. Some of the things they did made me sick to my stomach, just can't fathom it. I will say, the letter from Cassidy's mom had me in tears
Conner... hmmm

I could not put this book down once I started it! It was everything I wanted in a book. It was emotional, alluring, captivating, sweet, and funny! "SMB? Sandwich-Making Bitch" Seriously- the best LOL line in the book! Had me cracking up!!! Most of the characters were very lovable. The ending was perfect! I teared up at times, but it didn't emotionally wreck me like Taking Chances, which was nice.
Profile Image for Anny.
742 reviews379 followers
January 29, 2016
Madre mía el drama que hay en este libro. No esperaba nada de él, solo algo que al menos me entretuviera y fuera una bonita historia de amor, pero lo que me encontré fue una historia que pasaba tan rápido que literalmente no me daba cuenta de cuándo habían pasado los meses, y los protagonistas ya sabían que eran el amor de sus vidas y NO. Una vez superado eso, habían demasiados obstáculos que les impedían estar juntos y algunos eran tan WTF, que quería tirar el libro. Con lo fácil que es coger a la persona y HABLAR con ella para ahorrarse todo el drama.


No sabía que esperarme de esta novela en cuanto empecé a leerla, pero esperaba algo que fuera entretenido y rápido de leer, como lo son las novelas new adult, pero lamentablemente no fue lo que yo esperaba y por algunas razones, que explicaré a continuación no pude conectar ni con la novela, ni con los personajes, ni con la historia que cuenta Molly McAdams.

De las cenizas tiene un inicio de infarto, eso no lo voy a negar. Quedé impresionada desde las primeras páginas, pero desgraciadamente una vez que la historia cogió ritmo, para mi fue decayendo. Cassidy es una chica que ha tenido una vida muy difícil, y su única salvación fue Tyler, su mejor amigo desde que tenían seis años, él fue siempre la roca que la mantenía a flote, y conseguía que saliera adelante pese a todas las duras situaciones por las que tuvo que pasar. Desde que perdió a su padre a los seis años, para Cassidy nada volvió a ser igual. La novela empieza cuando nuestra protagonista está a punto de cumplir los dieciocho años y junto a Tyler se mudan a Texas, pero lo que Cassidy no sabía era que ahí encontraría al primero de su mejor amigo, y se sentiría atraída por él desde el primer momento.

Pese a que la sinopsis tenía algunos clichés que no me acababan de gustar, pensé que con el desarrollo de los personajes y la historia no me importaría tanto, pero no he podido conectar con ninguno de ellos. Contado bajo dos puntos de vista, conocemos tanto a Cassidy como a Gage, y aunque me gustó mucho que la autora incluyera dos puntos de vista, no me gustaron ninguno de los dos. Entiendo que Cassidy tuviera una vida dura, muy dura, y que debido a ello no le resultaba fácil abrirse a los demás, porque el único que la entendía era Tyler, pero en muchas ocasiones me frustraba las decisiones que tomaba, y la manera en la que lo hacía.

Es un libro de más de trescientas páginas que bajo mi punto de vista no tendrían que ser tantas, porque sentía que la autora seguía estirando una historia que podía tener un punto y final con muchas menos páginas y debido a ello incluía más y más obstáculos que les impedía estar juntos a los protagonistas, y en muchos casos esos obstáculos se arreglarían simplemente si los personajes hablaran, y por ello mismo no me gustaron. Tanto Gage como Cassidy podrían haberse ahorrado muchos problemas si hubiesen dejado de imaginarse situaciones que no pasaban.

Otro hecho que tampoco me gustó fue que la autora quería escribir una novela que avanzara muy rápido, es decir, desde que se inicia la historia hasta que casi acaba pasan dos años, y en muchas ocasiones no me daba cuenta de que habían pasado meses, porque acababa de leer un capítulo, y saltaba a otra cosa, y me quedaba desconcertada porque no sabía qué había pasado. Entiendo que Molly McAdams con ello quería hacernos ver que no era una historia que transcurriera en meses, sino en años, porque desde que se inicia el libro hasta que casi termina pasan más de dos años llenos de obstáculos y problemas. Debido a esta precipitación de la autora, sentí que los protagonistas ya estaban enamorados y no pude ver un proceso de ese enamoramiento, simplemente se sabía que ya no podían vivir el uno sin el otro, y no me gustaba verlo desarrollado así.

Por el otro lado, bajo mi punto de vista había demasiado drama que realmente era innecesario. Entiendo que en las novelas románticas es normal que haya un bache que les impida estar juntos pero es que en esta historia hay demasiados y no resultaba natural, ni tampoco real. Como la historia avanzaba tan rápido, pensé que al menos los personajes tendrían un desarrollo pero realmente después de acabar la novela creo que se quedaron igual que al principio porque yo seguía sin ver ningún cambio en ellos, me resultaron bastante planos la verdad y lleno de tópicos.

De verdad que yo quería que me gustara la novela, porque este género me gusta muchísimo, y entiendo que es necesario que hayan dramas, y discusiones y reconciliaciones pero la verdad es que en De las cenizas no me parecieron reales, y resultaban muy cargantes que en menos de 200 páginas ya se hubiera pasado por todas las fases del enamoramiento y que los personajes supieran que quieren estar juntos para siempre. Además de la rapidez de la novela, hubo una cierta situación que me dejó muy desconcertada casi al final del libro, porque parecía que la autora quería darle la vuelta a la tortilla introduciendo a un nuevo personaje, que sinceramente no entiendo qué pretendía con él.

DE LAS CENIZAS de MOLLY MCADAMS fue una novela de la que no me esperaba nada, pero sin embargo fue una pequeña decepción, porque no he podido conectar ni con los personajes, ni tampoco con la historia que bajo mi punto de vista tenía demasiados elementos dramáticos, al igual que tampoco me gustó la rapidez con la que se iban desarrollando los sentimientos entre Cassidy y Gage. Pero también os digo que si os llama la atención, que la leáis ya que en Goodreads tiene muy buena puntuación, pero lamentablemente no ha sido una novela que yo haya disfrutado.
Profile Image for Ashleigh.
459 reviews103 followers
December 12, 2012
I really thought I would love this book, but sometimes it just does not happen. This book reallly irriatated the crap out of me there was so many misscommunicatiions that I would yell out loud REALLY! I loved the characters just not how they never talked about there problems! The last 25% was really good though and there is a HEA so it was good just not what I was hoping for.
Profile Image for Jessica.
744 reviews761 followers
December 15, 2012
Stopping at 58%. Wow, I didn't even make it as far with this one as I did with Taking Chances.

OH.MY.GOD. I dislike this book so very much, I cannot even begin to explain how furious I am right now. I'm so angry, I'm shaking. Literally shaking.

This does not work for me. Molly's books obviously don't work for me. I won't EVER come within a 10 mile radius of one of her books again. You hear me? NEVER.AGAIN.

*ggggrrrrrrrr* I really need to get a grip. I don't think I'm able to formulate a review right now that's not full of the worst of cusswords.

The problem with this? The characters in this story don't talk to each other. They assume, they suspect, they jump to conclusions, they just drive me F#CKING CRAZY! Cassi goes from one abusive relationship into the next. I cannot believe this guy. I cannot believe how stupid Cassi is. I don't think I ever hated a character in a book as much as I'm hating Tyler right now. I hope he dies. I think I'm gonna read the last chapter just to see if he lives to see the end of the book. I seriously hope someone runs him over with a truck.

Gah! This is just stupid. I already wasted my money on this, I'm not gonna waste any more breath talking about this.

Thoughts before reading:

UUUUUUGH! So, I just added this to my TBR because it sounded like something I might like and, impulsive as ever when it comes to books, I headed straight over to Amazon to get this for my Kindle. Only then did I realize who exactly the author of this one is. *scowls* Too late though, seeing as I already hit the "buy" button. I swear, if Molly pulls another one on me like she did in Taking Chances I'm really gonna flip. >8(
Profile Image for Kirsty.
386 reviews74 followers
December 13, 2012
Ok I'm ready to talk..

Without being mean to the author, I went in to this book not expecting to love it. I read Taking Chances and although it was very well written, the heroine annoyed me and I hated the ending. Unfortunately for this book, not only did the heroine annoy me, so did every other freaking person involved. Apart from Gage, he was the only saving Grace in this book.

I can't go in to too much detail because I will end up getting worked up over the book again, so I'll just explain my issues.

Issue 1.
The fact that Cassidy was apparently a walking Goddess. For a girl who has never been around any boys in her 'previous life', they sure as hell fall to their knees infront of her and she loves nothing more than falling for them too. Literally every male that seemed to come in to contact with Cassidy seemed to lose all sense and reasoning and just fell in love with her. It was crazy. This exact thing happened in Taking Chances. It's just so not believable for me. They (Harper and Cassidy) are meant to be this naive, virgin, young (mentally, really) girls who have barely experienced boys. Yet here they are playing off all the boys they come in to contact with. For Cassidy there was Tyler, Gage, Connor, even some of Tyler and Gage's friends seemed to love her. I didn't get it.

Issue 2.
COMMUNICATION. Seriously. I read a lot of books and yes, some of them have a lack of communication. But never in my life have I ever read a book where communicating with each other is literally unheard of. I know it wouldn't have made much of a book if they had talked, but seriously going nearly 18 months or whatever not knowing the relationship of the two people you (Gage) are living with is absurd. How would you not just outright ask them? And Cassidy too, she wanted to know what Gage really felt about her, but instead just let him go, without saying a word! Ugh. Really, nobody would talk to each other and it drove me INSANE.

Issue 3.
The friendship between Cassidy and Tyler. It really, really made me uncomfortable. I understand they were best friends for a LONG time but the way they were so overly touchy feely with each other was just really odd to be. They shared a bed, pretty much acted like a couple, minus the sex, but were strictly best friends? It was just odd. And realy, Cassidy asked for half the trouble she went through because of this supposed friendship. She had some double standards.

I really can't rate this anymore than a 3 star. I didn't really enjoy reading it. I love a bit of angst in my books but this was too much. I literally got a headache from reading this because there was SO much happening that was just ridiculous. Kudos to Molly for pulling these emotions out of her readers (and I know a lot of people felt the same) but for me it was just too much.
Profile Image for Jenny.
426 reviews20 followers
February 28, 2019

Als Vorwarnung: Das hier wird ein Rant. Mir hat nämlich dieses Buch überhaupt nicht gefallen, weswegen ich auch aufzählen möchte wieso.

Cassidy und Tyler sind beste Freunde seit Kindesbeinen. Da sie von ihrer Mutter misshandelt wurde, flüchtete sie sich jede Nacht zu Tyler, der nebenan wohnte und ließ sich schon als Kind von ihm blaue Flecken, Wunden, Gehirnerschütterungen verarzten. Kurz vor ihrem 18. Geburtstag ziehen beide nach Texas zu Tylers Cousin Gage. Es ist wie Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Beide fühlen sich aneinander angezogen, aber Tyler steht ihnen immer wieder im Weg und pfuscht in ihre Karten, da er selber mehr als nur Freundschaft von Cassidy möchte.

Zu aller erst: Wie unrealistisch ist es, dass ein Kind ganze Zeit verprügelt, krankenhausreif zunichte gemacht wird und niemand etwas merkt. Alleine die Aussage, dass Tylers Vater, der Arzt ist, nichts angemerkt hatte, hat mich unheimlich wütend gemacht. „Ich bin die Treppe herunter gefallen“ scheint mir nicht wirklich als Ausrede durchzugehen. Nun wirklich: Als Arzt sollte man doch Vorzeichen erkennen. Dazu noch, dass Tyler nicht die Polizei kontaktiert hat oder sich als Kind an seine Eltern gewendet hat. Welches sieben jährige Kind würde nicht zu seinen Eltern gehen, wenn er wüsste, dass einem anderen Kind leid angetan werden würde? Oder das Cassidy nicht wollte, dass die Polizei Wind davon bekam, weil sie nicht „weggebracht“ werden wollte. Aber dafür tagtäglich misshandelt zu werden? Angst zu haben?

Punkt zwei: Da ich selber Erzieherin bin (oder in der Ausbildung, wie man’s nimmt), ist ganz klar, was für Schäden so ein Kind eigentlich mit sich ziehen müsste. Was für gravierende psychische Schäden Cassidy haben müsste und das unbedingt eine Therapeutin sie begleiten sollte. Aber nein, davon spürt man nichts. Sie ist ja nur seit elf Jahren jeden Tag geschlagen, getreten oder mit Gegenständen windelweich geprügelt wurden. Das macht doch nichts mit der Psyche, pff. WIE UNREALISTISCH! Das wirft so ein falsches Bild auf das Ganze! Häusliche Gewalt ist IMMER ernst zu nehmen und kann einen Menschen, besonders ein hilfloses Kind zu Mitteln wie Suizid führen!

Dann kommt noch der ach so beste Freund Tyler, der Cassidy überall als seine Freundin betitelt, obwohl sie nicht zusammen sind. Und dann noch zu Gage meint „Oh, ich gehe jetzt meine Freundin bumsen. Oh, mir hat Cassi gerade einen geblasen“. Das ist Herrgott noch einmal herablassend und nichts weiteres als ein Mittel der Autorin Drama zu erzeugen! Er hätte eigentlich auch ordentlich psychisch etwas mitgenommen sein, nach dem was er alles mit ansehen musste. Nein, dafür drängt er tatsächlich, ERPRESST er Cassidy dazu eine Beziehung mit ihm einzugehen. Versucht sie zum Sex zu zwingen und steht ihrem Glück aus Selbstsucht im Wege. Das ist keine Freundschaft, so wie die Autorin sie am Anfang gepriesen hatte. Nur unnötiges Drama, das sie bezwecken wollte, denn es ist ja ach so toll, wenn Jungs um ein Mädchen kämpfen.

Faktor Instalove: Muss ich nicht viel sagen: Tag zwei ist eingetreten und Cassidy & Gage haben für sich erkannt, dass sie die andere Person lieben und diese am liebsten sofort heiraten würden.

Dann noch die Sache mit der Mutter und der verstorbene Vater. Alles nur um Drama zu erzeugen. Eine schlimme Kindheit, bla bla. Es ist alles so unrealistisch. Alleine das die Mutter ihrer Tochter zum Geburtstag einen „schönen Vater-Mörder-Tag“ wünscht. WHAT THE FUCK? Tut mir leid, aber das finde ich ist verzapfte Scheiße.

Und immer dieses Hin und Her, dieses Drama von Missverständnissen, weil man nicht miteinander reden kann und lieber starrsinnig bleibt. OH DU HAST MIT EINEM MÄDCHEN VOR MONATEN GESCHLAFEN? DU HAST MICH ANGELOGEN! Was?!!?! Manchmal hatte ich das Gefühl meine Augen wären vom Augenverdrehen schon ganz verschoben.

Oh, und es gibt unglaublich viele Klischees. Wie sei es denn mit dieser typischen: am Ende ist sie ungewollt schwanger, aber es ist alles prima und perfekt für das Happy End, NEIN WARTE lass auf den letzten Seiten noch Drama hinzufügen und sie von einem Skorpion stechen lassen! Was zum Teufel..

Auch der Schreibstil ist keine Sensation. Ich hatte das Gefühl eine zwölfjährige hätte etwas besseres hingepfeffert. Es schien nur eine Ansammlung aus Dramen zu sein, aus einem Kampf „um die Eine“. So viel Tragik und nichts dahinter. Es war einfach sooo unrealistisch! Und dazu nur Mittel zum Zweck, total zwanghaft und irreführend.

Und nicht zu vergessen, die Zeitsprünge die immer genommen wurden. Die nur nach dem Motto gingen „jetzt ist schon ganz viel Zeit vergangen und Gras über die Sache gewachsen“. Es wurde einfach immer wieder der ganze Prozess weggenommen. Hier einen weiteren Kopfschüttler einfügen.

Ich hab dem Buch über die 400 Seiten eine Chance gegeben und es zu Ende gelesen. Aber woah, ich finde es wirklich, wirklich schlecht. Sei es das vieles unrealistisch ist, die ganze Tragik und Dramatik erzwungen wurde, nur um eine schlimme Kindheit herzuzaubern und ein armes Mädchen, dass doch nur einen Neubeginn möchte. Aber nach 11 Jahren Misshandlung, wer braucht denn da eine Therapie? Psychisch hat es ihr ja nicht so wirklich was angetan. Es hat mir einfach überhaupt nicht gefallen. Es klingt gemein, aber ich habe lange nicht so ein schlechtes Buch gelesen. Das ist auch keine Provokation gegenüber der Autorin oder sonst wem. Vielleicht ist so viel Drama für manche Leute genau das, was sie bei einem Buch wollen. Aber bei mir war der Überfluss davon ganz daneben.

1 von 5 Sternen
Profile Image for Desi.
2,636 reviews85 followers
February 9, 2018
Tenía grandes expectativas con este libro...me había llamado bastante la atención la sinopsis y tenía muchas ganas de leerlo......pero me decepcionó completamente....me pareció que la escritora no se ponía de acuerdo con lo que quería con el libro justo como la protagonista....o es que la chama (Cassi) quedó tostada con tanto abuso en su infancia y por eso era así....no sé. Otra cosa, me pareció innecesario el personaje de Connor y que ella tuviera sentimientos por todos....creo que con Tyler ya era suficiente, y eso tampoco me gustó...como después de lo que él hizo, cambió de la noche a la mañana y ahora ya todo el mundo lo quería, Gage y él super amigos otra vez y aquí no ha pasado nada....WTF??? No fueron creíbles muchas cosas...
En fin no lo recomiendo....es el primer libro que leo de esta autora y no creo que lea otro....!!
Profile Image for Holly Noelle.
404 reviews45 followers
January 30, 2015
There will be spoilers in this review!

I've been hearing about this book (as well as the other series by this author) for awhile. I can even admit to digging on the cover. I figured there would be something good about this book series.


There seems to be a new adult formula that a majority of the authors follow and McAdams is no exception. In fact, instead of just grabbing one or two of the ideas, she used practically everything.

From Ashes follows Cassi, a broken girl from a broken home. Her broken life is broken due to the beatings she suffers from her alcoholic mother and bastard step-father. Each afternoon, her mother has rum in her coffee and guzzles martinis straight while her step-father continues to hate her mere presence. Due to her suffering, she sneaks into her best friend's (and neighbor boy's) window. Every night. For twelve years. During that time, Tyler heals her wounds and covers her bruises, all while his parents remain blissfully ignorant. During those twelve years, they shared his bed to keep her safe. But they're not a couple. I repeat: they are NOT a couple.

After getting into college in Texas, Tyler takes Cassi with him to save her from her awful life. They arrive to a party of his friends (who've never met the girl he supposedly spent his entire childhood with) where his cousin, Gage, is the center of attention. Cassi's eyes meet Gage's and angels sing.


No, seriously. That's actually how Gage described their meeting. And if that wasn't ridiculous enough, after her bruises are conveniently exposed, he follows her back to their place and decides he will spend the rest of his life protecting her.

Well, as luck would have it, Tyler was already in love with Cassi, making it difficult for Gage. Even though they were already in love, they could never be and not just because Tyler was literally in their way. Tyler was also filling their head with lies! Cassie thought Gage hated her and Gage thought Cassi wanted nothing to do with him. Even though a simple conversation over a cup of coffee could have solved this, they spent two years believing these lies.

And that's what this book is about.

I'm serious.

All right, let's ignore the storyline and talk the writing - it was just plain juvenile. This basic attempt at plot made me feel like I was reading a high school fanfiction. Nothing original, no solid structure, and limited vocabulary. If that wasn't enough, the timeline made me want to rip out my hair. She would literally jump months between paragraphs. Confused, figuring I must have read it wrong, I was forced to reread pages to determine what happened. At one point she jumps eight months without properly telling the audience.

If that wasn't enough, there were way too many ideas in this one. We have Cassi's abuse, Tyler's betrayal, Jesse's money problems (yeah, some random guy named Jesse shows up and within MINUTES of meeting him, Gage gives him and his mother financial stability), Isabella's abandonment and psychic abilities, Connor's kisses and Cassi's subsequent .

I think more than anything I was most bothered by . It disgusts me that this type of behavior is being promoted to young girls.

To top it all off, the ending made me angry. There was no point to anything and, again, housed too many ideas! The farm, the dog, the scorpion...


Profile Image for Letitia.
497 reviews126 followers
June 18, 2016
Rating: B ... Heat: Warm

Cassidy Jameson takes the phrase ‘a life of hard knocks’ and turns it into a backstory that is, quite simply, horrifying. Her life started out as the apple of her parents eye, the princess who never went without... and then, on her sixth birthday, that changes completely with the death of her father. Her mother... let’s just say she takes a flying leap off the deep end. And Cassi pays the price.

Having spent the last twelve years of her life suffering constant abuse, Cassi is quiet and reserved. Down trodden and afraid. But she still has spirit and she’s trying to move on with her life. Which is how she ends up moving from California to Texas with her best friend, Tyler. And how she meets Gage Carson, Tyler’s cousin.

Gage Carson is consumed by Cassi from the moment she steps out of his cousin’s truck. And is also warned to back off just as quickly. Cassi is Tyler’s girl, or so Gage is told. But it doesn’t stop him from wanting her. And it doesn’t stop him from trying to protect her and be Cassi’s knight in shining armor.

Because, truthfully, someone needs to watch out for her. And while Tyler might have been her saving grace for the last twelve years, he’s also perpetuates the problem and doesn’t let her grow. And he’s also manipulative and a total liar. A... crafty little spider, spinning constant webs of lies.

I enjoyed the evolution of Cassi and Gage’s relationship. The progress they make throughout. Seeing every step forward and back, seeing their friendship and romance from beginning to end. I like being there for it all.

And Miz McAdams did a wonderful job engaging my emotions. Making me care for Cassi and for Gage. (And completely NOT care for Tyler.) I like that she gave Cassi real issues and made her struggle to overcome them and, essentially, herself. And Gage was a very understanding and supportive partner. I was rooting for them the entire time.

From Ashes has a frenzy of emotions and turmoil and passion within its pages. It is full of characters that are dealing with serious matters and have a lot to overcome. If you love a story with a heroine who starts out broken and pieces herself together, a hero who will fight for her—even if it means he’s fighting himself, and a plot that is dramatic as well as tragic, then From Ashes is definitely for you.

Favorite Quote:

She nodded against me. “Do you need me to do anything?”
I didn’t need a thing from her, but I wanted everything. I wanted her to leave Tyler, to love me, to want to live here with me for the rest of our lives. I wanted so damn much.
”Just go back to sleep, then enjoy the rest of the day with the girls. I’ll be back tonight.”
”I’ll be waiting her for you.”
Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath in and held it. if only she knew what she did to me.

-- A Romantic Book Affairs Review.

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Profile Image for Meryem Errachidi.
42 reviews8 followers
June 16, 2018
Rating: 3☆

Molly McAdams happens to be a favorite of mine, I love her deceiving lies serie.

So reading From ashes is no surprise. I had this book some time now but I always postponed reading it.

what first got my attention would be the synopsis. The cover kind of reminded me of Taking Chances so I kind of didn't like but it fits the storyline.

As in every Molly book the writing style is magnificent. The characters are deep which gives them credibility and makes them easier to love.

I mean there's no Women with a pulse who wouldn't want a Gage in her life, the way he treats Cassi even in time where she doesn't deserve it is just out of this world sweet.

At the beginning of the book I was so team Gage/Cassi but by the time Connor entered the image I started to believe that she doesn't deserve him. I mean I know Connor's hot but you are supposed to be in love and isn't love supposed to make one blind to temptations, at least that's what I heard.

Taylor's character was my least favorite person all through the book, even after he changed his act.

So in all I liked the book. the fact that I given it only 3☆ is because I don't tolerate cheating on the one you're supposedly in love with.

but it was a good read that I would recommend.
Profile Image for Isamlq.
1,578 reviews703 followers
December 26, 2012
From Ashes was an exhausting read. With so many things going on, and a lot of the same issues from her debut, I was hoping there’d be something new in this one. But again with a touch too many issues, and stupid moves too many on all people involved, and I was amazed at all that I finished this! I'd initially planned on leaving this with the lines of, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all,” heck I’d even managed to leave it up here for a whole two days… but when I keep going back to one thing or another, then it’s obvious: something was begging to be said! The main thing being: one really should have stopped while ahead and not have things circle around the same thing forever. TAKING CHANCES is a victim of that and apparently so is FROM ASHES.

It’s unbelievable, the people in this one. They’re either too good, too bad or too certain something else that none of them had a middle. The girl is sad girl who does everything~ and I mean everything for the boys! She’s another one of those who like in the first book by the same author was too perfect. And it’s one of many things that had me going “Aw! Come on!” Or “Pft.. No way.” So, my mindset for a good portion of this was stuck in the realm of doubtful. Then, my mind set after: a toss up between ‘Thank the gods that’s over…’ and ‘Why did I put myself through this?’ Look, her first book had me expecting something along the lines of Perfect Chemistry: cheesy, but balanced out with the smexy. You know, not quite the perfect romance but maybe entertaining enough to let me let the big things slide by? Fail on both counts because with each page, that story progressed into the realm of what world is this? It’s what happened here too!

Not only was the girl everything for the guys, but there’s reason for it too. And instead of me rooting for her and wanting things to get better for her, I’m sitting here and I’m wondering what they saw in her at all. Sad girl, check. Damsel in distress, check. Damsel in distress who easily scares, check. Damsel in distress who picks up after them… cleaning and cooking and doing everything for them? Check. No surprise: I was unimpressed and more than slightly annoyed by the set up. It’s a throw back to something, that’s for sure. Plus the men in this one! They all wanted to do the protecting… so that things got old. Fast.

The boys are… not boys. They’d swing from alpha assholes to boys in love and all of it could get exhausting. How in love one of them was with her from the get, how perfect he found her and how he needed wanted/ NEEDED to be the guy for her. And it’s not just one guy who felt that way as there’s wait for it… wait… wait: three man/boys feeling thus. Again, the realm of no way and what the heck do you see in the girl came into play. Anyway, they're all alpha and it's their respective alpha moments that make them stop thinking and have them behaving so over the top as in don't look at her... mine mine mine. All that was left was for one or two of them to pee on her to mark their territory.

*Gah* the same issues in TAKING CHANCES popped in this one. Also it's obvious me trying to live by the words, "If I don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all" is next to impossible. But golly I'm trying to think of a positive here... I'm still trying... and coming up with zilch.
Profile Image for Christan.
18 reviews4 followers
December 17, 2012
From the spoilers, I can already tell this will be my second favorite book. Molly is genius and I can't wait for the release in December. I'm already on Team Gage!! :)

What an amazing read! This book had me stressing about life and love and all around happiness. Molly, once again, has filled my heart with joy and sadness. At first, I HATED Tyler! He was selfish and possessive and I just didn't like him. Gage was sweet, and the love and admiration he had toward Cassidy was amazing! From Ashes was such a symbolic title. Cassidy's life before Texas was a living Hell but she met Gage and he was her saving grace.

From the moment they both laid eyes on each other, Gage and Cassidy knew they felt something they had never felt with anyone else. But Tyler did everything in his power to keep them from knowing their true feelings for each other. Tyler was such a douche bag and little did he know, instead of protecting Cass from Gage, he was only hurting her more.

But then Tyler realized that what he had with Cassidy was only the best friendship anyone could ask for and that Cassidy would never love him the way he wanted her to; she was in love with Gage. After tragedy strikes Cassidy once again, she flees from Gage, back to Tyler, without any reason but a note that says she had to go. Going back to California to that living Hell was not easy for Cassidy but it was a must and she came out of the situation with a new outlook on the demons that killed her past.

Cassidy and Gage end up together with the happiest ending I've ever read in such a tragic book. Please buy and read From Ashes. You won't regret it.

From Ashes is filled with many broken hearts and so many more great memories. This book is fantastic!! I give it
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