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Gamble Brothers #2

Tempting the Player

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A sexy category romance from Entangled's Brazen imprint...

He's a player on and off the field...

Chad Gamble, all-star pitcher for the Nationals, is one of the best players on—and off—the field. And right now, the notorious bad boy wants Bridget Rodgers. But with her lush curves and snappy comebacks, the feisty redhead is the kind of woman a man wants to settle down with…and that’s the last thing Chad needs.

When the paparazzi catch them in a compromising position, Chad’s manager issues an ultimatum: clean up his act or kiss his multi-million dollar contract goodbye. To save his career, his meddling publicist says he'll have to convince everyone Bridget isn’t just his flavor of the week, but his girlfriend.

Being blackmailed into a fake relationship with Chad Gamble isn’t easy, especially when the sizzling physical attraction between them is undeniable. With a month to go on their arranged pretense, it's going to take every ounce of willpower they have not to fall into bed together...or in love.

200 pages, ebook

First published October 20, 2012

About the author

J. Lynn

30 books12.2k followers
A pseudonym for Jennifer L. Armentrout.


# 1 New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jennifer L. Armentrout Lives in West Virginia.

All the rumors you heard about her state aren’t true.

Well, mostly. When she's not hard at work writing, she spends her time, reading, working out, watching zombie movies, and pretending to write.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,300 reviews
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
October 10, 2021
readers who love the fake dating trope will really enjoy this one. its a classic short and sweet story that will push your buttons in all the right ways.

even though i did find this to be extremely predicable, i still enjoyed the connection between bridget and chad. how it developed felt realistic and genuine (as much as is possible for fake dating lol), once again showing that JLA not only knows how to write angst and tension, but also authentic romance.

a fun addition to the series and i cant wait to meet the eldest gamble brother next.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Keertana.
1,138 reviews2,279 followers
November 18, 2012
Rating: 3.5 Stars

I'll admit it: Tempting the Player was far better than J. Lynn's first foray into the world of adult fiction, Tempting the Best Man, but it wasn't quite enough to rock my boat. In their entirety, Lynn's novels are entertaining... and that's about it. Which is precisely why I pick them up when I need to get my mind off of a few serious issues and simply relax, but really, I can't award these books any more than 3 Stars because I just like them. I don't love them like I did On Dublin Street or even Seducing Cinderella, two novels which fit under the same romance category but manage to actually provide some depth unlike the Gamble Brothers Series.

I think what makes Tempting the Player so much better than its predecessor is the fact that it has a predecessor. If Tempting the Player had been a stand-alone novel, I doubt I would have enjoyed it this much, but seeing Lynn's writing grow was definitely rewarding. With Tempting the Player, Lynn takes on a fairly standard/cliche approach to her romance (seriously, there is NO such thing as an "original" romance novel I'm afraid) but she grabbed me in with her unique protagonist. While Madison and Chase's childhood romance was sweet in Tempting the Best Man, meeting Bridget, a woman who was proud of her curvy figure, flamboyant dress sense, and wasn't afraid to be herself, was entirely refreshing. It was her who made this novel as amazing as it was for me, merely because she was so sensible for much of it and I truly felt as if I could connect with her wacky personality. Chad, on the other hand, has an ego I'd like to hack at with an axe. If anything is a turn-off, it's a guy with a giant ego, so needless to say, Chad didn't really "woo" me in - not as much as Chase did at any rate.

Nevertheless, I have to admit that if there is any reason to pick this up, it is to prepare for the third novel because I am so excited for Tempting the Bodyguard. We're introduced to the protagonist who (I'm assuming) will be featuring in the last novel of this trilogy and believe me, she is unique. Thus, I have to give Jennifer Armentrout J. Lynn props for creating different protagonists, all while using the same-old story line to make her novels pure, pure fun.

You can read this review and more on my blog, Ivy Book Bindings.
Profile Image for bookspumpkin.
437 reviews181 followers
July 3, 2017

Baseball-Star Chad Gamble bekommt Bridget Rogers nicht mehr aus dem Kopf. Unbeeindruckt von seiner Berühmtheit ist sie so ganz anders als die Frauen, mit denen der Playboy sich bisher amüsiert hat. Und als die beiden sich zufällig in einem Restaurant begegnen, ist ihr Wiedersehen leidenschaftlich, stürmisch - und bleibt nicht unbemerkt. Als am nächsten Tag Fotos von ihrem Kuss in der Klatschpresse auftauchen, hat sein Verein genug: Chad muss Bridget als seine feste Freundin ausgeben - oder er verliert seinen millionenschweren Vertrag. Chads Zukunft liegt in Bridgets Händen, die für ihn undurchschaubar ist wie niemand sonst...

Meine Meinung:

Da ich schon sehr viele Bücher von J. Lynn, bzw. Jennifer L. Armentrout gelesen habe, war ich schon sehr gespannt auf die Fortsetzung der Gamble Brothers Reihe. Nachdem mir Band 1 nicht ganz so gut gefallen hat, hatte ich nur geringe Erwartungen an den zweiten Band.
Meine Erwartungen wurden erfüllt, aber leider nicht übertroffen.

Der Schreibstil von J. Lynn ist wie immer sehr flüssig und angenehm zu lesen. Ich habe das Buch innerhalb weniger Stunden verschlungen. Diese Frau weiß einfach, wie sie ihren Schreibstil einsetzen muss. Die erotischen Szenen waren nicht zu lang und auch nicht zu kurz. Ich empfand sie als genau richtig und hätte keine weiteren Details gebraucht.

Die Liebesgeschichte von Chad und Brigdet wirkte für mich nicht ganz authentisch. Ich fand beide Charaktere wirklich sympathisch, konnte sie mir aber nicht zusammen vorstellen.
Die zwei haben sich in einem Club kennengelernt und wollten eigentlich nur einen One Night Stand. Ich finde die Idee, sich in einem Club kennenzulernen, sowieso ein bisschen langweilig. Aber der Schreibstil von J. Lynn hat natürlich alles wieder wett gemacht.

Leider fand ich das Ende auch viel zu abrupt. Das hätte diese kurze Geschichte wirklich nicht gebraucht.

Trotz allem bin ich sehr gespannt auf die Fortsetzung und wie es mit dem letzten der drei Brüder weitergeht.

Das Buch bekommt von mir 3,5 von 5 Sternen.
Es ist eine schnelle Lektüre für einen gemütlichen Nachmittag.
Profile Image for moi, k.y.a..
1,980 reviews366 followers
November 18, 2017
Bir bar karşılaşmasıyla başlıyor her şey. Birbirlerini görüyorlar, etkileniyorlar araya zaman giriyor ve her ne hikmetse Chad kızı unutamıyor ve pantolonunun içinde ömrü hayatı boyunca şahit olmadığı bir kuraklık devri başlıyor. Kızı gördüğü anda ise çöle şakır şakır yağmur yağmış gibi davranıyor. Hep tetikte hep bir sevişesi var.

Olaylar çok üstünkörü yaşanıp bitiyor. Ne sevişmelerinde tat var ne de hislerinde bana geçen bir şey. Oldubittiye getirilmiş bir kitaptı benim için.
Allah affetsiz, bir de DEX'in bastığı içler acısı kapağı var.

Sonradan aklıma gelen ayrıntı: BİR DE SERİDE DOMİNANT ERKEK YAZMAYA ÇALIŞMAMIŞ MI YAZAR, hiç denemeseymiş dedirtti bana.
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews729 followers
April 25, 2014
3.5 - "Guys like him didn't date girls like her." Stars!

Tempting the Player is written in J. Lynn’s usual style, an easy
going ‘comfort’ read, with likeable characters, and a simple to follow plot.

Chad definitely has a degree in dirty talking, and I liked Bridget’s quirkiness, she reminded me of Molly Ringwald at the height of her fame in the 80’s.

”I want you bad. Right now. Against the wall. On my bed. The floor and maybe in the bathroom later. I have a shower stall and a Jacuzzi we could put to really good use”...

”I can’t decide if you look better in that dress or with it pooled around your ankles.”

Another enjoyable addition to the Gamble brother’s series.
November 6, 2012
4.5 Stars

“There isn’t a ‘but’ in this.” He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back. When he spoke, his lips brushed hers. “I want you. Bad. Right now. Against the wall. On my bed. The floor and maybe in the bathroom later. I have a shower stall and a Jacuzzi we could put to really good use. I know you’d like it.”

Well hello there, Chad Gamble. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Oh, Jennifer Armentrout…umm…err…I mean Ms. J. Lynn, you never cease to amaze me. Each time this author comes out with something new, it’s a must read for me. This was no different. I love JLA, but when she writes as J. Lynn, I know I’m in for a hot and sexy ride. Gahh!! I just LOVE the Gamble brothers! Chad & Bridget’s story is predictable, but I still love it. It’s fun and sexy and I enjoyed every minute of it.

“Are you sure that’s what you want, Bridget? Because once I start, I won’t stop again. I will take you – take you so hard that every breath afterward is only going to remind you of me.”

Chad is a ridiculously hot and sexy All-Star Baseball player for the Nationals. He’s also a player on and off the field. His reputation with the ladies and for his partying ways is well known and well publicized. Unfortunately his reputation is getting in the way of his career. The Nationals wants him to clean up his act or risk his contract from being renewed. Chad does not want to leave his city. His family, friends and his life is in this city. He wants his contract renewed more than anything, even putting up with the Nationals’ Publicist, Alana Gore, who was hired to help clean up Chad’s act. Ms. Gore’s suggestion: Form a fake relationship with Chad’s latest desire, Bridget Rodgers.

Bridget does not consider herself beautiful. Although she’s a beautiful soul and as sweet as can be, she doesn’t seem to think too highly of herself. However, Chad sees differently. She’s a classic beauty and has curves in all the right places. Chad was immediately smitten with her. Bridget can’t understand why Chad is so interested in her. She’s not skin and bones, like all his other previous conquests. No. She won’t be like one of Chad’s other girls. She’s stronger than that and refuses to fall at his feet. However when Ms. Gore practically blackmails her into seeing Chad again, she has no choice but to pretend this chemistry between them is fake. It is all fake, right?

There were no surprises in this story, although the way it was written, I wouldn’t have known it was written by JLA. To me, it was different from her previous work. It didn’t have as much laughs and playful times as her previous J. Lynn story, but it did have more steam and sexual tension, which was fine by me. I loved Bridget & Chad’s relationship. They were hot together and I just love stories where the mighty, sexy player falls, especially when the heroine is lovable like Bridget. I love J. Lynn's stories and I love this series. I can’t wait to read the next Gamble brother story, which I’m going to assume will involve Chad and Ms. Gore. Just call it a hunch, but these two had something cooking. Can’t wait for the next installment. Loved this!
Profile Image for Viri.
1,235 reviews447 followers
February 14, 2017
Tenia muchas ganas de leer este libro, mi guilty pleasure son los deportistas y libros con romances falsos, así que cuando leí la sinopsis de este libro fue como *Aasjdklsadhkasskjask* necesitaba leerlo. YA.

Lastima que no cumplió mis expectativas. O sea, el libro no es malo, es mas bien normalito. No aporta nada bueno y hasta el 80 % le iba a dar como un 3.5 o así. Pero la autora arruinó el final. COMPLETA Y TOTALMENTE.

Como si el cerrar toda la historia en menos de un capítulo no fuera suficiente encima se atrevió a poner a los protagonistas a hacer acciones tan tontas y apresuradas? NO ME GUSTÓ NADA el final. Pero bueno...
¿ya que?
Profile Image for Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey).
1,490 reviews474 followers
October 30, 2012
Quick review:

Cover: Love Green
Rating: NC-17
Steaminess: Smoking
Thumbs Up: 4.5
Overall: By far better than the first book
Characters: Solid
Plot: A crazy ride that end in love, love, love
Page Turner: Yes
Series Cont.? Absolutely
Recommend: Yes
Book Boyfriend: Chad

SUMMARY (55 words or less)

Okay, I knew Chad was my guy in the first book and he lived up to my expectations. This book had a lot of twist I thought I could predict and would be wrong. This is an easy read with just enough angst, sex, drama and romance to make me very very happy.
For a full review and yummy pic, see my blog post at:

Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
December 22, 2012
Addicted from the get go, this book had me at 'chapter one'.
I love how we get the POV from both leading characters. Chad the playboy handsome sportsman and loveable insecure Bridget.
This book had me melting from their first encounter. I was excited to read this book after thoroughly enjoying the authors first in the series and it most definitely did not disappoint.

I definitely am not one to resist bad boy turning good with sassy gorgeous good girl, this book kept me entertained from beginning to end sexy, sweet a great read. Who can resist the Gamble boys!
Profile Image for Kayleigh {K-Books}.
1,085 reviews33 followers
October 24, 2012
Tempting the Player Review on K-Books

"I want to be worthy of you."

Oh. My. Holy. Hawtness. There are no words to describe how incredible amazing and HAWT this book is. It is not surprise to anyone how much I adore Jennifer L Armentrout, no matter what she writes, YA or Adult, Paranormal or Contemporary I am without a doubt going to love it. And Tempting the Player was definitely no different. I absolutely adored the previous Gamble Brother book Tempting the Best Man and thought no way on earth could I love this book or Chad more than Tempting the Best Man and Chase but Jennifer has done it again. I am utterly head-over-heels in love with this book and already have read it twice so thank you Jennifer for yet another utterly phenomenal book for me to obsess over.

Chad is a player. Literally. A famous baseball player Chad is always in the limelight and he loves it. He certainly doesn't mind the number of women throwing themselves at him. He certainly has no plans of settling down, he is a player and he loves his life. But then he meets Bridget. Bridget utterly throws his world upside down. She is nothing like any other girl he has ever met and he is intrigued by her... something he has never been by a woman before. Bridget is a normal, everyday woman struggling with her bills and just trying to get by. Her life is worlds away from that of Chad Gamble. But when unfortunate circumstances throw the unlikely pair together sparks fly... They only have a month together... can they get through it while falling in lust... and maybe a little more with each other?

I love love love this book. There are no words that could ever do a JLA book justice they are just out of this world phenomenal. No other author... EVER could quite compare to Jennifer for me. She is the best author in the world and I could very easily throw out all of my other books and only keep hers and re-read them over and over again forever and be perfectly fine and happy. I just adore them this much and Tempting the Player is no different. As soon as I finished it I started reading it again. It is just phenomenal and girls there is another JLA boy for you to fall head-over-heels in love with.

Chad is such an awesome character. I mean really I thought there was no way I could ever possibly love him as much as Chase but I was so very wrong. I love him even more. He completely and utterly stole my heart right from the start of the book. Player or none he is amazing. With his smutty talk I fell head-over-heels in love and man is he hot... I mean there's hot... there's hawt... and then there's Chad. He is just.... *fans self* There are no words he is out of this world amazing and WOW!

Bridget is such an awesome character. I genuinely love her. Right from the start you are drawn into her world and she is great. I really love that she is not some stick-thin supermodel beautiful woman. She is beautiful but in a conventional normal everyday woman way and I love that. One thing I adore about Jennifer's books is that you can very much identify with her characters. None of them are unrealistic, they are just normal women like you and me and I love that. Bridget is no different. She is incredible, she's beautiful and confident but she has her softer side where she doubts herself like every woman does. I really loved following Bridget's story and it is one I can just re-read over and over again because it is so phenomenal.

I loved everything about this book, Chad and Bridget are such awesome characters and you really become emotionally invested in them so that you can't possibly stop reading until you've found out what's going to happen with them. As always Jennifer's writing style was just superb and it pulls you in right from the start and leaves you begging for more. Every single time I finish a JLA book I want another one. I want to go back and re-read every single one of them again because her writing and her characters are so incredible you just want to go back on their journey's all over again.

Jennifer is officially the queen of everything, YA, Adult, Paranormal, Mythology, Aliens and now Contemporary. There is nothing that woman cannot write that I will not obsess over and read over and over again. She is officially the queen of the literary world. *All bow down and hail the queen*
Tempting the Player is a book not to be missed. It is full of romance and Oh. My. Gawd. hotness. You will not be disappointed and it will leave you begging for more and going right back to the start to read it all over again. It is phenomenal and I am left dying to read Tempting the Bodyguard... roll on next year for Chandler's story. If I could give this a million stars I would. Jennifer's books are just in a league of their own. I need a rating just for JLA's books as nothing will ever compare to the epicness of Jennifer L Armentrout.

"From the night I first met you, I knew I was never going to meet another woman like you."

Profile Image for Abril Sol.
571 reviews64 followers
May 3, 2020
Man, I could never get tired ofJennifer L Armentrout's writing or the game darting trope!
Profile Image for Océano de libros.
807 reviews90 followers
November 25, 2023
Chad Gamble es un jugador estrella de béisbol... y un playboy empedernido, pero todo esto tendrá que cambiar si quiere seguir siendo parte del equipo, por ello deberá fingir un noviazgo durante un mes. Chad no está convencido con el plan, pero si con ello puede estar más cerca de Bridget Rodgers, la pelirroja y voluptuosa mujer que lo atrae, no es tan mala idea. Bridget es una mujer de relaciones estables y aunque entre Chad y ella exista atracción, sabe que no le conviene enamorarse de un hombre como él.

Esta es la segunda novela de la trilogía “Gamble brothers”, donde el hermano mediano hace su aparición. Chad Gamble es el jugador de béisbol estrella y es también conocido por su fama de playboy, tanto es así que peligra su puesto en el equipo y para mantenerlo tendrá que cumplir con el plan de tener una relación estable de al menos un mes para que pueda firmar su continuación.

Bridget trabaja en una agencia de eventos junto a Madison, la pareja de Chase, el hermano menor de Chad. Tras una noche intensa entre Chad y ella, la joven decide alejarse, puesto que piensa que no hay nada más tras una noche con Chad Gamble. Pero el destino es caprichoso y se volverán a encontrar y a participar en el plan que tiene el equipo de Chad.

Esta segunda novela de la serie me ha gustado mucho más que la anterior, los protagonistas desprenden mucha química y la relación está mejor llevada... https://oceanodelibros.blogspot.com/2...
Profile Image for Voinea.
435 reviews10 followers
March 12, 2024
Relaxantă și drăguță, se citește și rpd, pentru o duminica este perfecta.
Profile Image for Stacey O'Neale.
Author 14 books852 followers
October 24, 2012
The sequel to Tempting the Best Man does not disappoint. There is so much to love about this book it's hard to really pin-point where to begin.

The premise of this book is so fun. In the public eye, Chad is this bad boy player, but in reality, most of that is fiction. He's told he needs to clean up his image to get the contract extension he wants. The way this goes down is comical, but I don't want to say too much because I don't want to spoil anything.

Here's what you need to know...Chad is a hottie! As a professional baseball player, he can have any girl he wants. He's confident and successful with lots of wit to spare. Bridget is fun to cheer for. She's a few pounds overweight, but not winey or annoying about it. Oh, and I love that the fact that she isn't stick-thin is part of Chad's attraction.

The sexy scenes in this book are off-the-charts-HOT! J. Lynn is a master at the sexual tension! I cannot wait for the next Gamble Brothers book. Bottom line, go buy this book immediately. You will stay up all night reading it and all the next day talking about it! Highly recommend!!!
Profile Image for Sarah (is clearing her shelves).
1,065 reviews165 followers
July 27, 2016
27/7 - I really liked Bridget and Chad together. I felt her suspicions over his motives for focusing on her were realistic and his straightforward replies that he liked her, wanted her, not the stick-thin models he was known for dating, was fantastic. I loved the ending, it was swoon-worthily romantic and exactly what I'm looking for in a romance of this length.

I just can't see how Alana went from the woman she was in this book (or how she appeared to me) - middle-aged spinster dressed in the most severe black, shin-length skirts and matching jackets with shoulder pads to rival a linebacker and hair scraped back into a bun so tight it creates a surgery-free brow-lift, all with the most abrasive personality imaginable to complete the man-terrifying package - to the Alana who captured Chandler's attention in the third book. If I had read this book first I doubt I would have even looked at her book.

One day I'll look forward to reading Armentrout's YA series.
Profile Image for Lazaros.
271 reviews598 followers
February 4, 2015
Nice story. Better than the first, actually. It had more suspense. The characters were kind of average, though. It was a fun read though. It's an emotional roller-coaster. But it was short & enjoyable & it was what I need to get myself off of the stress of the exams.
Profile Image for Laci .
1,015 reviews
March 19, 2013
I've been in a bit of a book funk lately, not fully satisfied from my choices. It was all this one's to short, this one's to long, this one has no sex, this one has to much sex. Yada Yada. But this one, this one is just RIGHT!!!! I loved it. All of it. Every single thing about it. I could not get enough and I definitely couldn't put this down. What great characters, I adore both Chad and Bridget, both strong and smartassed. This is the 8th book I've read from this author, and I'm so over the top in love with her writing style. I'm so glad I dug back through my TBR list or I'd might have missed out on this.
Profile Image for Kara.
1,364 reviews24 followers
April 23, 2014
[image error]

Chad the sexy hometown baseball player and all around womanizer... Bridget the history girl with a mysterious past. You can bet the tension is alive and well in this one! ESR (easy sexy romantic) all the way... and you know I love my ESR books!
Profile Image for Pat Marín.
Author 5 books379 followers
October 4, 2023
3,5-4. Se lee en 24 horas y se disfruta mucho. Es verdad que se notan los años pero también la pluma de la autora que siempre es bien. Deseando leer el siguiente porque esa publicista promete!!
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
March 30, 2013
This was the second book of the Gamble Brothers and believe me, they are a hell of a brothers!

This one is the story of Bridget (Madison’s friend and assistant) and Chad, the middle brother.
Chad is a great baseball player with an even greater problem: he has a playboy reputation and the club it’s not happy with him. So her publicist (after a hot date between those two that the paparazzi catch) decides that the best solution is for them to pretend being a couple for a month.
But you know what they say about fake relationships… they’re not that hard to turn into real ones.

This book is real sweet, just like the fist, but I must confess that Chase is still my favorite brother. This story has the same level of quality of the first, but what can a girl do? I liked the first one better.
And the Daniels… yeah, they’re probably the best family ever.
Oh well, go read it now! :)

Rating: 3.5 Stars!
Profile Image for Çisem.
438 reviews48 followers
May 5, 2016

Kısaydı mısaydı ama güzeldi bence :D Bir de yemin ediyorum şoklardayım ama sayfa kalitesi ve çeviri gayet iyiydi. Bridget ve Chad çok tatlı bir çift oldular bence. Bridget'i ben çok sevdim ama keşke sonunu azıcık daha detaylı yazsaydı. Kavga edildi, hata anlandı sonra hemen hop barışıldı ve sevişildi. Bunun yerine azıcık daha uzun şekilde olsaydı ve sonunda da kısacık da olsa bir epilog olsaydı, hem serinin sonraki kitabı ile alakalı da bir bölüm de verebilirdi böylece öteki kardeş ile alakalı.
Yalnız o kapak ne öyle ya metroda saçma sapan bakışlara maruz kaldım sayesinde :D Keşke DEX eski DEX olsa da kalitesi bu yönde devam etse... Serinin sonraki kitabını da çok bekletmeden çıkarmalarını umuyorum.
Profile Image for Daria Li.
75 reviews1 follower
July 25, 2024
Наївно і гаряче - все як і повинно бути у ромкомі. Набагато краще за першу книгу
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