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Shy, awkward Adam is resigned to sit on the sidelines of life, overshadowed by his outgoing and popular twin brother, Aaron. Adam James’ life is far from perfect. A deeply internal person, Adam is silently confused about his lot in life, including life after high school. A talented drummer from a small suburb of Chicago, Adam keeps to himself, downplaying his abilities, thinking that he is less than all those around him. By living a life of moderate isolation coupled with his ambivalence toward most people, he is unable to gain new perspectives on himself.

But when a free spirited new girl with a troubled past moves in across the street, Adam's eyes are opened to a new world of possibilities. Olivia Cartwright is a fun loving, beautiful girl whose philosophies on life give her a deeper understanding of the world around her. Previously living a semi-nomadic life, Olivia is out of her element in the quiet, slow-moving suburb of Lakeside, Illinois. An instant connection between Adam and Olivia draws them closer, but why would anyone choose him when a better version exists? What will happen when Adam’s outgoing twin Aaron takes an interest in Olivia as well?

Adam has a choice to make: Keep his relationship with Olivia merely friends or fight to take it further, keep safely within the dormant cocoon he’s lived in for years or find and cultivate all of his good qualities. Which will he choose?

Will the friendship with Olivia change him? Will he adopt her philosophies, or will he continue to close himself off in his own world?

It seems Adam has a lot to learn about love ... and life.

220 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 26, 2014

About the author

N.K. Smith

11 books149 followers
Based in the American Midwest, N.K. Smith is the author of the Old Wounds Series, Ghosts of Our Pasts, My Only, Are You Mine?, Hollywood Lies, and Hollywood Sins (available 7/2014).
An avid lover of history, art, music, books, and people, she is interested in telling stories that speak to the human condition.

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/NKSmithAuthor

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
November 26, 2012

Review posted at: Swept Away By Romance

When Olivia disappeared from view, it was like the sun passing behind a cloud. My body was still warmed by her light, but even the slightest dimming of her brilliance left me shivering.

Beautifully written sweet, yet sad story about young love, a first love, family and friendship. Not an easy read at times, but done with care, sensitivity and ultimately leaves the reader with a sense of hope.

Two brothers, Adam and Aaron, twins, so different, polar opposite, and vying for the attention of the same girl, Olivia. Outgoing, free-spirited, beautiful lovely Olivia, takes a liking to Adam, only he has no idea how to handle her interest in him. Aaron wants her; Adam has her…almost, but all that changes.

The book is told from Adam’s first person narrative, which added to the authentic feel of the story. What he experiences, you experience, his thoughts become yours, all his emotions, his joy, and his pain is so real, that it nearly brought me to my knees.

This book is not for everyone, and the journey that it takes you on is filled highs and lows. There is sadness, but there is also love, and moments of great joy. The author took a difficult topic and crafted a beautiful story around it. I wouldn’t say I was happy when I turned the final page, but I knew that I had read something very special. I'm still thinking about this book and these characters long after I set the book aside, and that tells me something about the author's writing, and my reasons for a 5 star rating!

**My thanks to N.K. Smith and The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House for providing me with a copy of this book**
Profile Image for Natasha is a Book Junkie.
688 reviews4,768 followers
July 12, 2014
“I was so lonely that I was practically nonexistent. I wished I wasn’t. I wished my personality was one that made people gravitate toward me. I wished I knew what to say to people. I wished I knew how to just fit right in. I wished I could just be comfortable in social settings and be able to go after everything and anything I wanted. In short, I wished I was my brother. He was never lonely.”

Have you ever felt overshadowed by someone close to you? Have you ever wished you were born different - more attractive, smarter, easier to talk to? Now imagine if there was another person in the world who looked exactly like you but they were the better version of you in every single way. That is the story of Adam.

Adam and Aaron were born twins but apart from the DNA they share there is very little they have in common. While Aaron is the most popular boy at school, Adam is one of the geeks that everyone mocks. While Aaron is confident, outspoken, cocky, a go-getter, Adam is quiet, shy, insecure, an introvert. While Aaron can have any girl he sets eyes on, Adam has never even kissed a girl. But this is not just a story of opposites and the ‘rise of the underdog’, this is a story of self-discovery, of family bonds, of finding one’s voice and going after what we truly want in life. Aaron and Adam cannot be simply dismissed as ‘too different to have anything in common’ – their bond as twins and ultimately as brothers makes their story even more complex and touching. Adam’s desire to be like his brother is not one of hateful envy. As opposite as they are, they are always there for each other, knowing exactly what the other needs, quietly supporting one another no matter what.
“… it always seemed to hurt when I thought about how different I was from Aaron. My desire to be like him physically, emotionally, and mentally was causing me to respond this way.”

And then a girl named Olivia moves into the house next door. Adam sees her from his bedroom window and is immediately drawn to this beautiful girl who dances freely in her room like no one is watching - “She looked free.” Her openness, her confidence, her ability to talk to anyone and make everyone around her feel confortable make him want to spend every second of every day around her. Olivia’s perky but compassionate personality draws Adam out of his shell, giving him courage to be himself. He allows her to enter his solitary world and pull him out of it without judgement or any desire to change him, simply by accepting him for who he is and supporting the things he is passionate about. For the first time in Adam’s young life he does not feel invisible.
“Even my twin brother had never had the inclination to figure me out like Olivia had done.”

They quickly develop a genuine friendship, something Adam has never had with a girl, a friendship that for Adam turns into his first real crush. Unfortunately, Aaron has also noticed Olivia and he is just as drawn to her as his brother is. He gives Adam a chance to make the first move but Adam’s insecurities end up paralysing him and he loses his chance with her.
“You can like any girl you want,” he said, “but unless you’re going to go for it, there’s no way in hell I’m going to sit back and pretend that I don’t like her, too. See? This is the difference between us. You’re all theory. You say, ‘I like her', but do nothing about it. And I’m the proven fact. I say, ‘I like her’, and I act on it.”

What follows is an utterly heart-wrenching account of what it feels like to think you are “worthless and unworthy”, inadequate, not special enough to be wanted or ever chosen by someone over your own brother. We only ever hear Adam’s voice in this story. His heartbreak over watching the girl he loves in the arms of the one person who makes him feel less worthy is one of the most intense emotions I have felt in a long time from reading a book. Adam's tone is steady, matter-of-factly, his every self-flagellating thought or word stings us powerfully – the author is a masterful storyteller who consistently takes good aim and she never misses the target.
“I was nothing more than a pile of regretful nothingness.”

But do not be mistaken by thinking this is your ‘garden-variety’ love triangle because there is nothing common about this beautiful book. By telling the story from the point of view of the ‘underdog’, we are not being entertained by frivolous alpha male pissing-contests; we are given a real situation with real people and real heartbreak. Adam’s ‘competition’ is his twin brother and as complicated as their relationship has become over the years, they will always be brothers and this unbreakable bond between them plays an important part in the story itself. There are no ‘bad guys’ here, there are no right or wrong decisions made by the characters – this is not a story of conflict, this is a story of human connections and of living life to its fullest without any regrets. This is also an incredibly romantic story about falling in love for the first time.

There are parts of this tale that are so touching and so deeply emotional that you would need to tear your heart out of your chest in order not to feel anything, but it all serves a purpose. Every page, every word, every character counts. This book needed all its elements, happy or sad, to faithfully and truthfully tell Adam’s story. His depth of emotion, the rawness and the reality of each one of its parts made me a very invested and fiercely protective observer. There were scenes that made my heart clench, some that literally made me a sobbing puddle of mess, and others that quite simply obliterated me, but there was never even a split second where I did not enjoy reading this book.
“Life’s too short to get stuck. I don’t have time to wallow in despair. I felt my feelings. I cried my tears, and now I’m ready to get on with it all.”

This story was a deeply cathartic experience, but one that I will probably want to repeat at some point in the future. I suspected this book would be good but I did not expect it to be sensational. And it was, without a doubt.

~ N ♥

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Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,664 followers
November 2, 2012
This Review Contains Mild Spoilers My Only is Beautifully Tragic
Side Note: Grab a box of Kleenex because this one is a tear jerker...
4 STARS out of 5
Genre: YA Romance

And I don't wanna take for granted the time you may have here with me
'Cause Lord only knows another day is not really guaranteed

So every time you hold me
Hold me like this is the last time
Every time you kiss me
Kiss me like you'll never see me again
Every time you touch me
Touch me like this is the last time
Promise that you'll love me
Love me like you'll never see me again
~Lyrics Alicia Keys

I was shocked how connected I felt just looking into her eyes. It was like our whole selves were connecting. Like our souls were dancing.
~Adam's Inner Monologue

My Only brings you a love triangle unlike one I have never read. Why? Because of her. Olivia Cartwright has a take on life like no other.
Told completely from Adam's pov. My Only is one love story I will never forget.

She looked so . . . so . . . so what? Beautiful? Yes, absolutely. Sexy? Without a doubt. But there was something else, something more important than all of that.  She looked free. ~Adam's Inner monologue

Adam James is known as a geek, he get's good grades, keeps within his circle is in the school band, works at Barnes and Noble and knows nada about sports. He is the total opposite of his identical twin brother Aaron who is popular, out going, an athlete and is a ladies man. When a new girl shows up at school his life takes a turn in a different direction. First, because he knows this girl. Well, actually he just recognizes her. Secondly because he is experiencing his first crush unlike no other. And inside all he wants is to get to know her. But since that is not his nature he plays the sideline and watches from afar.

Then it happens...she approaches him. The two build a friendship and Adam wants to ask her out, yet still holds back.

Then something else happens... Aaron asks her out. Not one to hold back Aaron goes for what he wants. And he wants Olivia.

“You can like any girl you want,” he said, “but unless you’re going to go for it, there’s no way in hell I’m going to sit back and pretend that I don’t like her, too. See? This is the difference between us. You’re all theory. You say, ‘I like her,’ but do nothing about it. And I’m the proven fact. I say, ‘I like her,’ and I act on it.”
~Aaron to Adam

'We were identical twins, but we were far from identical.'
~Adam's Inner monologue

Adam struggles a lot with the differences between him and his brother. He strongly desires to be more like his Aaron physically, mentally and emotionally. Physically
-Aaron is tall and muscular.
-Adam is shorter by two inches and scrawny.
Mentally and socially
-Aaron makes B's for not completing homework, he instead focuses more on his social stats.
-Adam makes straight A's.
-Aaron knows where he wants to go to college and his major.
-Adam is unsure on both counts.
-Aaron is a Jock
-Adam is in Band and plays at Aaron's football games
Where Aaron does not have to study for a test or quiz, Adam does, yet Aaron can score just as high.

Aaron and Olivia at different times both point out the differences and this hurts Adam. But it also shows him that he needs to change and come out of his shell.

Fave Quotes

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” ~Olivia

“Life’s too short to get stuck. I don’t have time to wallow in despair. I felt my feelings. I cried my tears, and now I’m ready to get on with it all.”

Lines that punched me in the gut

“Sometimes I think my dad hates me because of it. Aaron, too.” ~Adam

“I don’t know anything about my mom. How do I ‘embrace’ her dying as I took my first breath?” ~Adam

I don't want to say more for fear of revealing too much I will say this is a beautiful story that will stay with you.
I will also say that you should read this book! I did and loved it!

My Ratings
Characters- Lovable, Witty and Charming
Writing Style- Good
Plot/Storyline- Honest, Heart felt and Beautifully Tragic
Steam Factor- Low/On simmer
Overall- I liked it!! Read it!!

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!

A special thanks:
Thank you Sara for encouraging me to read this wonderful book! ;)
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
November 11, 2012
This is a very beautifully written YA book about how tragedies can occur and mark you, and how to find a way to accept them and find the strength move on.

Adam lives a quiet life - engrossed in his school work, surrounded a by a few close friends, but always on the sidelines. Never one of the popular kids, not noticed by girls, he's always the responsible one, a musician, gamer, straight A student with a good heart and a lot of insecurities who constantly feels overshadowed by his nearly identical twin brother Aaron who is basically, what he feels to be, a better version of him. He's slightly taller, more muscular, more popular, more social, is adored by the girls... he's everything Adam isn't.

When Olivia moves to town, she's all Adam can think about. She's free spirited, sweet and out going and Adam is absolutely smitten with her. But when there is a better version of him out there, why would she ever notice him?

"What's wrong?"
I wanted to tell her exactly what was wrong. I wanted to tell her that Aaron liked her, and that I liked her. I wanted to tell her that Aaron liked a lot of people, but I didn't, making my feelings more meaningful. I wanted to grab her hand and take her back to my room... I wanted to tell her that I was scared that she would fall victim to my brother's charms and forget about me.
But I didn't say or do any of those things. Instead, I said, "Nothing."

And despite Olivia's happy exterior, there is more to her than meets the eye - something she is trying to forget about. A secret that could change her life forever.

This book was very seamlessly written - the writing style flows smoothly and it immediately drew me into the story.

I loved that this whole book was from Adam's perspective. It really got you deep into him mind and gave you a full understanding of his character - his desires, his insecurities, his thoughts and feelings.

There is a bit of a love triangle going for a while - one that really hurt my heart. Both brothers were interested in her. Adam, because she was 'it' to him. He just fell so strongly for her from the moment he first saw her but was too shy to tell her. And Aaron was interested in her because she was 'new' - another conquest to add to his slew of broken hearts.

Adam and Olivia connected very deeply but remained friends for a long time. They had both suffered similar loss in their pass and, although it had marked them in different ways, they found a connection through it.

I wasn't sure about the twist going in to this, it was bittersweet. Not your classic romantic HEA. I actually thought it would be different than what it was but this book would be perfect for fans of Chasing Nikki and A Walk to Remember.

My heart hurt so much for Adam in this. I guess it was because of how connected the POV made me feel to him but watching Aaron trying to step in with Olivia made me ache. A part of me wished Adam would just man up and talk things out with to tell her how he felt, but another part of me understood why he didn't and sympathized with what was holding him back.

I'll say that I didn't cry ever, even at the end, but there were times when I came close.

I'm kind of torn about how to say this because I don't want to deter anyone from reading it, but at the same time, I wanted to give my honest opinion and I did find this book overpriced. It was a good read, but $9+ for a kindle book is a lot.
Profile Image for Sara .
1,516 reviews154 followers
October 27, 2012
"Loneliness is amplified when everyone you know is busy talking to everyone but you."

Adam is a twin. Aaron, a whole 22 minutes older, is as identical to Adam as he is different. The town knows they are twins but while Aaron is outgoing, social, athletic and a ladies’ man Adam is quiet, reserved, plays on the drum line and has only had a brief encounter with a girl. They even differ in size but still have that twin bond. The twins are twins.

When the enigmatic Olivia shows up in an upstairs window of the Cartwright house across the street dancing, Adam is mesmerized.

"I looked out my window for just a second and I saw her. My feet stopped. My whole body stopped. As if I were transfixed, I watched her as she danced. She looked so beautiful? Sexy? Without a doubt. But there was something else, something more important than all of that. She looked free."

Adam, shy Adam gets a chance to spend some time with Olivia who needs a history tutor. It’s a good thing Adam rocks that subject. From their first “session” in Adam’s room we get to meet Olivia. She really is a free spirit. Someone who doesn’t hang on to the negative and wants to live in the present, not dwell on the past. Hence her need for a history tutor. Though the first few conversations between Adam and Olivia are awkward for him, he finds comfort being close to her. Adam starts to open up in ways he never has before. Things he always thought people would call him a geek, nerd for Olivia finds cool. That starts a change in Adam.

Unfortunately for Adam, Aaron has taken an interest in Olivia as well. He can’t blame his brother for noticing her or wanting to be around her but he can resent him for wanting her the same way Adam does. While Adam is content to be friends with Olivia, just to be around her, Aaron is there for more. He will give his brother a chance to speak up but he won’t wait long.

"Aaron was right. I was theory and he was fact. While I thought, he did. But with my brother knowing, he was going to force my hand. Either I was going to go after Olivia or he was."

Olivia is such a complex character as most females are yet she draws you in with her complexity. She not only intrigues the twins with her mysterious ways she draws in the reader. There is no fluff here. No eye rolling, hair tossing or silly games to be played. Olivia is straight forward as they come. She shows genuine emotion, concern, empathy and joy. Olivia was me in so many ways it was downright creepy but also a moment for a fist pump! I won’t say how, I don’t do spoilers, but two major reasons had me a mess and so excited to be represented that way. I respect the author for that, she handled both issues so well.

This book took me to the depths of my emotions. I don’t say that lightly. I swear this did not read like a traditional YA novel, it is with superb sophistication. This is not a book about a typical love triangle. This is real emotion with real people.

The writing is just gorgeous. There is no filler in site. Just beautiful words strewn together in ways that reach into your soul, make you smile, make you cry, make you route for the underdog to get what they truly deserve and just flat out breaks your heart.

There is so much I got from reading this book other than pure emotion and pleasure. My Only is a story about strength; strength in yourself to live, to lose to overcome and move on. The epilogue had me in a new rush of emotions that did not allow me sleep for another two hours. Did I mention how emotional this story is? I honestly do not think I can do this book justice with a review; I gave it a good try.

My Only is a stellar read, I was blown away. It was suggested to me by a friend and I will be forever thankful to her for the suggestion. Every emotion I felt was well worth it. This is now a favorite and one I will shout from the rooftops for everyone to read.

"I’d never given much thought to the seasons. Some people could say which one they liked the best, and which one they liked the least. But not me. I’d ever really cared much.
Until now."

*Review copy courtesy of The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House and N.K. Smith. Thank You *
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews413 followers
November 25, 2012
No Rating for me on this one right now. I'm walking away. It is sad, sad, sad and I can't deal with this at this point. I may try to read more later, maybe/maybe not. I'm betting not.

Thanks to Searock, Ian and Anna for the buddy read. This group is always good for book jabber. Unfortunately, I tried this Thanksgiving Week 2012 [puppy potty training via Bingo Eeyore]. My mind was on my carpet.

On to the next one!

Book looks good, but never heard of this author and the price is $10 on Amazon for an eBook. I'll wait or take a pass on this one.
Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books781 followers
October 31, 2012
I'm really sad because I bought this today on my nook and went to start reading it and the words are so scrunched together that I can't read it at all. Can anyone tell me where to get a better copy? Except that I paid 9 bucks for it so I am not going to pay again....any thoughts?? Help! Author...please help! I want to read this book! :)


Review to come!
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,154 followers
Want to read
November 29, 2012
Yay!! I won this at Swept Away By Romance!!
Profile Image for Megan.
282 reviews165 followers
June 15, 2016
4.5 stars

For more reviews like this, check out The Book Asylum.

My only was recommended to me by the fabulous Natasha at Natasha is a Book Junkie. When Natasha raves about a book and tells me I HAVE to read it, I do. So, I contacted N.K. directly and the fabulous folks over at The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House sent me a copy for an honest review. Now, I'm participating in the blog tour and am thrilled to share my thoughts on this wonderful book with all of you.

Very rarely have I read a book with an adolescent male portrayed with such beauty and vulnerability. In My Only, that’s exactly the way N.K. Smith writes Adam James. He is an identical twin who seems to be everything his popular, jock brother is not. He is a great student, a talented drummer in the marching band, and in the straight-edged, not so popular crowd. His dad is a great guy and tries his best to relate to Adam, but their relationship is a little tougher than the easy one his brother and father enjoy. Basically, Adam is always in his brother’s shadow. He always has been. Always will be….

“I was so lonely that I was practically nonexistent.
I wished I wasn’t. I wished my personality was one that made people gravitate toward me. I wished I knew what to say to people. I wished I knew how to just fit right in. I wished I could just be comfortable in social settings and be able to go after everything and anything I wanted. In short, I wished I was my brother. He was never lonely.” - Adam

When a new girl moves into the house across the street, Adam’s interest is piqued. Unfortunately for him, he’s not the only boy whose attention has been caught by Olivia. Of course, his twin brother is among the many boys also interested in the beautiful new girl.

“Next to him, who would be interested in me?" - Adam

Adam is vulnerable, overshadowed, and used to shrinking back from the world. He is close with his brother, but only within the walls of their home. He doesn’t believe for a second that Olivia could be interested in him.

"I finished my shift wondering why I always did stuff like this to myself. Why I let myself believe that a beautiful girl like Olivia would really be interested in me....she only needed me for tutoring, and honestly, she was probably just pumping me for information on Aaron.” - Adam

What he perceives as an impossibility of a relationship with Olivia is just another excuse for him to do what he’s always done - withdraw. But Olivia has other plans…

One of the things that struck me about My Only was the relatability of Adam’s character. It seems that everyone can relate to aspects of his adolescent experience; perhaps a painful sibling rivalry, extreme self-doubt, the need or want to disappear, the longing to fit in, or the excruciating mental torment that comes about because of an unrequited love.

Opposite Adam, Olivia is the girl everyone notices. They may not understand why they notice her – could be her looks or her lively and carefree affect. Either way, they notice.

“She looked so…so…so… what? Beautiful? Yes, absolutely. Sexy? Without a doubt. But there was something else, something more important than all of that.
She looked free.”

She is the girl I would have emulated in high school. Physically beautiful, and mentally tough, Olivia believes in the certainty of the here and now. She has an amazing way about her and is able to let go of things almost immediately – sadness, guilt, fear. It’s as if she never really lets anything get to her. It is amazing! Adam envies her confidence and ability to be present and I think as I was reading, I did too.

"It was in moments like these - the quiet moments when simple two-word answers - revealed the most. Olivia was pretty open about herself. She seemed to know who she was, and more importantly, she seemed to like who she was.
I wanted to be like that." - Adam

“Listen, life’s too short to let sadness overpower you for long periods of time. Like you said, ‘Everyone dies.’ I felt my emotions, cried my tears, and then came to peace about it. You don’t ever ‘get over’ something like that,” she said, adding air quotes. “All you can do is embrace the experience and do your best to go on.” – Olivia

It is easy to understand how Adam could fall in love with Olivia. It was amazing to watch their relationship as friends develop and strengthen into something more despite a few big bumps in the road. Their care and love for each other is very sweet, very innocent, and so pure. If you’ve ever experienced a love like that it will have you reminiscing. If you haven’t, it will have you wishing you had.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she whispered.
“I can’t.” I could barely say it. I could barely breathe. I wanted to look at her for the rest of my life. Reaching a hand up, I ran just the tips of my fingers through her hair. Most of it was down, but just a few strands were pulled up away from her face. It was the perfect hair for the perfect dress, worn by the perfect girl.” - Adam

N.K. Smith’s writing was deeply emotional without being over the top or dramatic. Everything Adam felt and perceived was very authentic and pulled on my heartstrings – sometimes because I can remember feeling that way as a teenager, other times because I just wanted to give Adam a big hug and tell him it would all be okay.

"I wanted to stay buried forever. I doubted many people would miss me. I wanted to disappear into my bed until the whole world had changed."- Adam

Now, I am not a big crier when it comes to books or movies. I can count on one hand (ok, maybe two) the amount of times I’ve cried over a book. Dumbledore dying is the one instance that comes to mind right away. Sorry for the spoiler folks, but Dumbledore dies at the end of book six and one of the Weasley twins in book seven. I cried over that too... a lot. Anyhow, you’re going to want to get your tissues ready because this twist is going to knock you for a loop. Once the tears start flowing, they’re not going to stop. I mean it. I finished the damn book and was still crying… for about an hour. And then I couldn’t sleep because I just kept thinking about Adam and Olivia. It’s brutal and heart-wrenching, but incredibly powerful and extremely well done.

My Only sort of reminds me of an exercise I’ve heard about… The one where you write a letter to your younger self with advice or reassurance that the future is brighter than the past… To me, this book felt like one big long letter from an older Adam to a younger self letting him know that while it may feel like the world is ending in the moment, he can and will get through it. It’s a story of true love, loss, and regret, but it’s also a story of amazing hope for the future. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. If you’re a fan of dynamic, character driven plotlines full of intense emotion you will most definitely love My Only!

Profile Image for Lisa.
165 reviews162 followers
December 13, 2012
Bawling.my.eyes.out! My Only is an emotional ride with stops in Sadness, Loneliness, Jealousy, Anger, Resentment, Happiness, Love and Contentment. I didn’t quite know what I was getting myself into when I started it but I wasn’t expecting to feel so many emotions. This book was distinctly different from other books I have read because it was told from a depressed, lonely male’s POV. Yes, I have read many books that are completely or partially from the male POV but this one was different and I liked living in his head, growing with him and feeling everything he was going through. N.K. Smith did a FABULOUS job putting me right into Adam’s mind.

Adam’s life is very lonely and sad in the beginning of this book. I think he struggles with himself and what he offers to the world. He has low self-esteem and struggles with the concept of living life to the fullest. There are so many times I wanted to shake him and say “Just go for it”. He is constantly comparing himself to his identical twin brother who is his opposite. Adam may not be an athlete or sit at the popular table or have a group of girls following his every move but he is kind, smart, puts others before himself and is a good musician.

“It was like she was an infusion of light and sensation coursing through my veins.” – Adam

Aaron is Adam’s twin brother and in Adam’s eyes, he has a better life because he has the friends, girls and popularity but I could see that Aaron had his own struggles. Something about him is unsettled and he doesn’t seem as content in his life as Adam may think he is. Deep down, Adam and Aaron were more alike than they thought; they both had a soft, caring side that made them both good guys in my opinion. While we did not get to be in Aaron’s head in this one, I really feel like he grew up during this book and learned a little about life and love.

Olivia is the opposite of Adam when they first meet. She lives life to the fullest and could light up any room with her beautiful, positive personality. She doesn’t linger on what others think or what could happen; she was really an AMAZING person. Olivia lived life without fear and really taught me something while I was reading this (okay, I am crying AGAIN). I liked how she would push Adam out of his comfort zone and breathed a little life into him. She showed him how to be content with who he was, even if he was not Aaron.

“Yeah. Live life. Do you know how many people sit around watching life go by? I decided a long time ago to do the things that brought me joy. I dance, even though everyone tells me I shouldn’t. I watch comedies instead of dramas. I kiss cute boys named Adam.” - Olivia

The description may make this book sound like it has a typical love triangle but it doesn’t. Olivia does end up in both brother’s lives at one point but the story and concept is about so much more than the three of them. It was so much deeper and more complex and touches on some incredibly emotional things such as sickness, drugs, teenage love, high school cliques, friendship and the overall craziness that comes with being a teenager. I loved Adam and Olivia together but even more than that, I loved watching Adam grow as a person. Olivia gave him so much more than love; she gave him the tools to cope with his struggles. She showed him how to live life that there was no tomorrow. She gave him Hope.

Overall, I really liked this story. There were a few times I wished situations were expanded a little more. It was such a great story and when I am feeling the crazy combination of emotions, I want to ride them until I feel ready to move on to the next. I guess there were times the quick change in time or events was too fast for the characters and myself. This book made me think about how I live my life and what I can do to make it better. I should probably tell you to have the tissues ready!
Profile Image for Drita.
452 reviews38 followers
October 23, 2012
I been trying to gather my thoughts so i can attempt to write a review. It's been so hard because this book was so deeply emotional. Tears were part of reading this beautiful tale of first love.
Adam and Olivia
This book has all the elements to tell a story about a young man and a young women. There were scenes that made me happy, laugh at times, some that warmed my heart, and others emotionally drained me. I loved Olivia, I loved her free spirited heart. Adam, i adored him, i loved his truthfulness and faithfulness. My heart ached for him throughout the book, i just wanted to give him a hug! Such an incredibly told love story!!!

"Life’s too short to let sadness overpower you. I felt my emotions, cried my tears, and then came to peace. All you can do is embrace the experience and do your best to go on."

Once in a while you come across a book that will deeply touch your heart, this one did just that!!!

I highly recommend!!!
351 reviews13 followers
March 23, 2014
Profile Image for Chu.
1,459 reviews72 followers
December 2, 2012
Adam and Aaron are twins - but like any other twins, they are so different from each other. Aaron is the jock of the two. He's an athlete, a sociable person and everybody likes him - especially girls. On the other hand, Adam, oh Adam. He's the geek in the pair, he's a member of the band where he excels as one of the rhythm drummers. He's silent, and has little friends. These two are way to different from each other, but they have a bond. They were close and they truly love each other. Their mother died giving birth to them, and it was only their father who served as both mom and dad.

Then Olivia came along - she's sweet, and pretty hot. She has this aura of a girl who lives her life each day at a time, looking at the positivity of life rather than the negativity of it. Who wouldn't be attracted to her, right? Adam saw her first - dancing on her window from across his room.

“Well maybe if you’d had the balls to actually ask her out, none of this would have happened!”

My sentiments exactly.

Aaron already gave him the chance to be the one to ask her first but...


All you have to do is ask her Adam! Just ASK HER! But he's too shy.

Olivia was just too good to be true, and like the old adage runs: :) Nevertheless, this was a great story of friendship, brotherhood, living life, finding and losing love and lastly, moving on. It teaches us that yes, we need to grab every opportunity we get because it may never knock on our doors again, or if we delay accepting it - we may not have enough time in the world to enjoy it.

After I read the book, this is what I told myself:


But still, My Only was...

Oh it is. I'd recommend it to friends who likes:
1) A boy's POV.
2) Twins with different personalities
3) Free-spirited girl who's torn between two boys
4) Cry ( I admit, I didn't, but was just close to...)

More of my reviews at: Book Freak
Profile Image for  Lady Krishna.
97 reviews21 followers
February 24, 2012
This review is originally posted to my blog
Journey with Books

My Only is the first book I've read from Ms. Sophia Duane and I must say that it's a revelation. This book is a bittersweet novel that will surely make you run through a roll of tissue.

I'm not gonna write anything that will spoil the story for you. Sometimes, we just need to let a book that we know little of, to take us in a journey that would let us see things in a different light because that is how real life works, and this book is all about REAL LIFE. When I accepted this book for review, I didn't know much about it and actually I'm glad I didn't, because it's more natural that way. It'll keep you guessing and the feelings you get from reading this book were more genuine.

The characters of the book are so complex and yet you can identify yourselves with them. On one point or another, you knew, that somehow, you've felt that same feeling. Adam and Olivia's relationship was pretty natural. It wasn't rushed and it went through some ups and downs before it became real.

The way Ms. Sophia Duane wrote this book was really amazing because few authors would have that courage to write a book for teens with honesty and without glamouring it with beautiful lies to make it more acceptable for young readers who'd want a happy romance with a happy ending.

Overall, I really devoured every word in this book. It was the kind of book that will stay stuck inside your mind and your heart for a really long time. Ms. Sophia Duane wrote a book about the realities of life. It's not perfect but we live it the best way we could. Sometimes, bad things happen to make us stronger and to make us appreciate the good things. This book will make you think and would definitely make you feel and I think that's the best kind of read every reader wants.

This review is originally posted to my blog
Journey with Books
Profile Image for Autumn Review.
1,023 reviews529 followers
March 3, 2012
Adam and his twin brother Aaron couldn’t be more different. Adam is shy, smart, introverted, and in the marching band. His brother is popular, has lots of girlfriends, and is athletic. The only thing they do have in common is their attraction to their new neighbor Olivia. Olivia moves across the street into her grandparents home. She and Adam quickly become friends. Adam develops a big crush on her, but is timid about making a move. Aaron on the other hand is fully prepared to step in and ask her out if Adam doesn’t step it up. Adam’s relationship with Olivia changes him significantly. He soon feels like friendship isn’t enough for him. Will they be able to continue being friends or can something more develop between the two?

My Take:
This book took me by surprise. When I read the synopsis, I thought this would be a light-hearted YA CR. Boy was I wrong. It’s beautiful written and more intense than I was expecting. You learn quickly that a significant event will take place, but I still wasn’t prepared for the emotional impact it would have on me. Adam is such a sweet guy. He’s often overshadowed by his brother and feels like he lacks much in his father’s eyes. He’s musically talented and academically intelligent. Olivia is unlike anyone Adam has ever met. He feels an instant likeness to her when he sees her dancing around her room. I appreciated how realistic their relationship developed. The way the story wraps was very sweet to me. Adam is able to connect with his dad and his brother in a way that wasn’t possible before. I always love reading Epilogues and was happy to see a happy ending!
Profile Image for Jessica.
237 reviews1 follower
April 6, 2014
Book one? what? When is book two out? Who is book two about? I need to know asap.


My god.
I was not prepared for this type of ending. Gosh sometimes I wish they would tell us in the description that someone will die. But I guess it wouldn't produce a reaction if we knew. Like me, I cried the moment his dad approached him to the very end.
I have a love hate relationship with books like these.
I hate when people die in books, especially when the main character loves them. It makes it that much harder.
I love them because it gives me a perspective on what it's like to love someone and than lose them like Adam does. I've never lost someone so close to me. So it makes me question and wonder what I would do if I would have to face something like that.

It's weird that I don't feel silly crying for a fictional character. To me they're real. And usually the ones who die in books are good people who should still be living. And that means Olivia.

It took me awhile to get into this book. It was sitting on my shelf for months after reading the first few chapters. Something about Adam being such a downer caused me to lose interest. BUT. After I decided to start reading it again, I couldn't stop until I knew what was wrong with Olivia or if Adam would get the girl.

All I can do is wish she didn't have to die. And be thankful that Adam has strength to move on.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,718 followers
December 4, 2012
I'm not really sure why I torture myself with these sad books! This was heart-breaking! You couldn't help but feel for Adam and his life circumstances that make him feel inferior to his twin Aaron! Until he meets Liv and she brings out so much in Adam! This was a really touching story about growth, love, and living life to the fullest! Have some Kleenex ready for this one!
Profile Image for Jill.
234 reviews1 follower
November 1, 2012
OMG!! This book was AMAZING! It's sad to think the only reason people won't get to enjoy it is the price. It's high for a kindle book. It's a beautiful and heartbreaking story. The characters were very realistic and believable. A new favorite for me! I highly recommend this! Don't pass it up!
Profile Image for Splage.
614 reviews387 followers
Shelved as 'stalled-for-now'
November 6, 2012
A little slow start for me. I am not sure I will be able to finish because I know this is a sad, heart crusher. I need to be in the right frame of mind. Maybe later.
Profile Image for Cristina .
453 reviews62 followers
November 2, 2012
N.K. Smith stepped me in to a machine and turned back the hand of time. High school. What is about those two words that make us cringe? Well, at least for me it does and it's a time I'd rather not remember but this book brought me back to an awkward few years of my life. One word: UGH!!!! It's a time when you become painfully aware of what your flaws are, who you aren't, who you wish to become and it doesn't matter if you are one of the cool kids or not. High school is like serving a sentence for a crime you didn't commit, adolescence.

I was in Adam’s head so much that I felt his every emotion but I also wanted to be in Olivia’s head. It’s not too often an author can get that right, doing the whole “her POV” and “his POV” and I’m not usually a fan of it BUT in this case I would have wanted the author to risk it. There were moments in the first two chapters that I thought were a little slow but before I knew it, the story started to unfold and I was captivated.

As you enter the world that is everything Adam, you begin to realize how incredibly lonely he is. Not only is he living in the shadow of his popular and good looking twin but he's trying to figure out who his. You sense his insecurity every step of the way and he's reminded of his inadequacies every time he sees his brother interacting with the opposite sex. The art of conversation and flirtation is completely lost on Adam when it comes to the ladies.

Enter Olivia. Olivia is the type of person you can only pray to meet in your lifetime. She’s the kind of person that inspires change, forgiveness, appreciation for all the little and beautiful things in life. This is the kind of impact she has on Adam. The deep friendship and love that blossom’s from this relationship is so beautiful and fragile that it’s heart breaking.

There is an element of mystery that keeps you intrigued and suddenly you realize that you can’t read fast enough. You want to discover the meaning behind the cryptic statements that are made by Olivia but you get the sense, whatever it is…it’s major!

The heartbreak that I experienced in this book is unlike any other I have felt before. It stayed with me, to the point I wanted to talk to anyone who would listen but it would be lost on those who didn’t read the book. I felt every emotion that Adam felt. His isolation, anger, happiness, heartbreak, sadness…I felt EVERYTHING. N.K. Smith brilliantly took me back to an awkward time in my life and then she had me experience Adam and Olivia’s heart wrenching story. I didn’t expect to cry as much as I did and I hated that I loved crying so much! The epilogue even moved me to tears!!!

“Stop looking at me like that,” she whispered.
“I can’t.” I could barely say it. I could barely breathe. I wanted to look at her for the rest of my life. Reaching a hand up, I ran just the tips of my fingers through her hair. Most of it was down, but just a few strands were pulled up away from her face. It was the perfect hair for the perfect dress, worn by the perfect girl.”

My final two cents: This book is beyond moving. It's worth every penny and worth every tear I shed! ;)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shawna LeAnn.
128 reviews30 followers
March 3, 2012
You can find this and other reviews on my blog: Dreaming In The Pages


If I told you that I was pleasantly surprised by this book I would be lying. I was blow away by my first Sophia Duane book and had to use more than a few tissues to control my stream of tears. Since I went into this book only reading the synopsis and no reviews I wasn’t sure what I would get. But once I flipped the last page, I can tell you that I got one the most bittersweet stories I have ever had the privilege of reading. Now since I immensely enjoyed this book, I want to offer you the same privilege. As in, I will not go into incredibly detail as to why I love this book so much, I just hope you can get a feel of this wonderful story and choose to read it yourselves.

This is a very personal emotional journey for Adam [our MC]. He is the youngest [by only a few minutes] to his twin Aaron and lacking in the conversational talent that his brother so easily has. Adam is more of an introverted band ‘geek’ who likes to keep to himself and stay off the radar of anyone in the halls of his high school. These two twins couldn’t be further from each other as far as social status come, but as brothers they are as close as conjoined twins. Always knowing when the other is down or hurt and always being able to confide in one another. But when the spirited and bold Olivia moves next door, everything between them changes. Fate is never fair. Nor are two brothers with a crush.

Okay, so that is a fair summary, I could add a trillion things to it spice it up but PEOPLE! This book kept me on my toes the ENTIRE time. I thank that largely to the fact that I didn’t read any reviews going into this. I want you to feel that crush build in your heart, the blood boiling under your skin with rage, and most of all I want you to feel the gut wrenching pain that is falling in love. Yes pain, because love isn’t always pretty and it defiantly doesn’t always have a happy ending. But it helps you grow, pushes you, and sometimes you end up finding yourself in the aftermath.

If you haven’t noticed by now, I LOVE this book. Sophia Duane is an amazing author capable of bringing out every emotion in you and then some. This was also Sophia’s first Young Adult book and she pulled it off flawlessly. Somewhere between the infectious characters and the shocking, jaw dropping craziness that is this ending I fell in love. With the characters, with the story, with the message, and most of all, I fell in love with the epilogue. I just want you all to know, I have a new author on my favorite list. If you are looking for an emotional journey with a pit stop in angst then you need to pick up My Only by Sophia Duane. Oh, and don’t forget your box of tissues.

Four Bittersweet Stars

[Please excuse my heart. It is trying to mend itself.]
Profile Image for Vrinda Pendred.
Author 14 books73 followers
May 28, 2016
Taken from vrindapendred.com

I LOVED THIS. The synopsis doesn’t do it justice. Yes, it’s an apt summary of the storyline, but it doesn’t convey the actual writing here – because this is not a unique plot by any means, and admittedly I worked out where the story was going about halfway through the book, but none of that mattered because I just loved every moment of the way the author wrote it.

The language was beautiful, and there were so many wonderful little lines that I kept highlighting. My personal favourite was near the beginning when Olivia went into Adam’s room for the first time and he tried to see it from her view, and he started wondering if he really liked Dune enough to broadcast it to everyone via posters on his walls. On that note, I loved how funny so much of the book was, despite its heavy subject. It was so well balanced with the depth of the emotions, and I loved how simply and effortlessly those emotions were portrayed. I felt like the writer really knew what she was doing, all the way through. If I were going to make any critique, it would be that the ending could have been drawn out slightly more. It felt a little quick, for me. But again, it was so beautifully worded. It really hit me, and I was crying, which is a sign of something special.

I also loved all the characters, even Aaron. I loved Olivia. I adored Adam from the very first page, and I am so impressed with how the author handled male characters. That’s not easy to do, for a woman. So many female authors lose me with their painfully unrealistic portrayals of boys / men, so this was a breath of fresh air, in that respect.

I think I’ll leave this with two final thoughts: 1) despite this book all being thoughts and feelings and sparse conversational titbits, I felt glued to it like I would to a fast-paced thriller and I could not put it down, and 2) it reminded me of Speak by Laurie Halsen, which I also loved, so if you liked that, I would recommend you pick this one up as well. Personally, I can see myself reading this again some day.
Profile Image for Jessica.
96 reviews
March 23, 2014
***Spoilers Below****

Argh.. I really wished I read more reviews on this book before I decided to read it. I just did not like it. First off there might be some SPOLIERS in my review because I just need to voice what I did not like about this book. At first I really liked that Olivia was hanging out with the shy brother and I really thought that she like him. Then she went and said yes to his brother! Are you kidding me... that's where the story kinda toke a turn for me. Then when that goes sour she decided ok I will try for Adam... urgh like he was second choice. And he was dumb enough to not hold any of that against her. And of course I hated the ending, it just made me cry and I didn't feel happy about it at all and I like a happy ending... So this just wasn't the book for me.
478 reviews
April 29, 2012
You start to read the book, and with every page you turn,the author builds up the tension.
You just know something bad is going to happen.
I don't want to spoil anything.
i enjoyed the read, i did NOT cry, but in the middle of the book, the tension between the twins got my stomach in a big knot,and i was feeling it along with them.Did not like the feeling, but NO tears :-))
If you liked ''chasing Nikky'' then this is your book to read.
Profile Image for Booklover.
104 reviews20 followers
January 5, 2013
Sometimes it's hard for teens to actually realize their self worth and overcome social awkwardness. In this book Adam does with the help of a sweet girl next door named Olivia. This book is clean enough for older teens. Has angst, sweet romance, and enlightening. Recommend
Profile Image for Lorelle.
741 reviews23 followers
January 6, 2013
It was sort of slow for me until about 50% in. At that point, I felt invested when I could feel the intensity of Adam's feelings. I am so glad I really had no idea of where the story was going. It is an emotional and truly remarkable read, when everything is said and done.
Profile Image for Dani B.
96 reviews10 followers
November 5, 2012
I swear this was like A Walk to Remember all over again except worse, way worse, and better, so much better! I swear if I hadn't been on a plane when I read this book I would have been balling for hours...
Profile Image for Monica.
204 reviews
April 7, 2012
Bittersweet story... I loved this little story bout Adam and Olivia.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews

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