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The Paranormals #4

Jenny Plague-Bringer

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Jenny has survived in seclusion for the past year, but her peace is about to be shattered by two new paranormals, each of them with unknown intentions, both of them searching for Jenny and Seth.

The nightmares of Jenny’s most recent past life in the 1930’s erupt into the present, and she will face enemies old and new. Jenny is more vulnerable than ever, because she can’t use her pox without risking the small life now growing inside her.

Jenny’s entire life has led up to the challenge she must now face, one that will endanger her life, her unborn child, and her own soul.

400 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2012

About the author

J.L. Bryan

51 books1,029 followers
J.L. Bryan studied English literature at the University of Georgia and at Oxford, with a focus on English Renaissance and Romantic literature. He also studied screenwriting at UCLA. He lives in the metro Atlanta sprawl with his wife and son. He is the author of the Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper books and some other assorted novels like Inferno Park, The Unseen, Jenny Pox, and basically a lot of supernatural stories, some of it dark, some of it very dark, some of it less dark than that.

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Profile Image for Angela Kulig.
Author 57 books569 followers
October 16, 2012
I bought the book as soon as I could get my pretty little Skeleton hands on it. I breezed through it in less than 24 hours with 5 kids, and looming deadlines. It wasn't that I couldn't put it down, because I had to; it was that it drove me insane until I picked it back up again.

It's an odd thing, living through two worlds in the same book. There is unraveling nonstop. Even though the book opens with what seems to be a happy ending, Jenny feels as though it is impossible for her to really have one. Dozens of other lifetimes with with horrible ends threaten to consume her, even as her beautiful love story continues on.

Then Jenny finds out she is pregnant, and things go from looming disaster to all out panic.

I love Seth, Jenny's opposite and baby daddy in this book. He is a rock that refuses to crumble as their life together cracks like glass that should have bever been tread on below their feet.

As much as I wish it wasn't the last, JPB was an amazing and artful end to the series I have grown to love. It's hard to believe how long it's been since I first heard of JL from Amanda Hocking. Jenny Pox, the first book in the series, is free on Amazon. I suggest you pick it up and start this amazing paranormal adventure for yourself.
Profile Image for Smash.
425 reviews256 followers
December 9, 2012
Courtesy of Smash Attack Reads


I have just loved the hell out of this series. I honestly thought it was over with Alexander Death, but then Jeff surprised us with a fourth book that really impressed me! It was great to be back in the presence of these incredible characters, and to see them all in a very new light.


Holy awesome to the sauce and back in the pot to swim around in the awesome, Batman! It’s no secret that J.L. Bryan has really blown me away with his world-building skills. Mad skillz, yo. He takes the ending of The Paranormal’s journey to an entirely new level in Jenny Plague-Bringer. The remaining paranormals have disseminated across the world after the chaos in the last book. Two new paranormals are introduced, and with their presence, we are transported back to World War 2 Germany, and granted front row seats to the previous lives of the group. I cannot express the utter awesomeness of these flashbacks! Not only was the time period and setting beautifuly written, but the eerie similarity to present day activities was thrilling and interesting. I was completely enthralled.


The gang is back, in some time period or another. I don’t have much to add to characterization from previous books, other than it was incredible to be back in their lives. Some make extreme sacrifices, others surprised me with their actions. Still others are back to their douchebaggery ways. All the characters are, as always, larger than life. The good guys struggled intensely as their free will was ripped from their grasp. The bad guys were forced to face scenarios from which they assumed they were safe. It was a great to see such a great mixture of crazy happening to everyone! I think the character who was most different to me was Jenny. She is far from that timid, nervous little girl we met in Jenny Pox. She has morphed into this strong, self-sacrificing young woman who is fiercely protective of innocent people and those she loves.


This is definitely, without a doubt, my favorite installment in The Paranormals series. I loved the flashbacks and felt the world was expanded as we witnessed a different time period and new (old?) obstacles for the gang to hurdle. It was chaotic and fantastic. The bad guys were AWESOME, as always. I truly love Jeff’s villains. I also love his good guys, too. And his world-building. And…all of it. A favorite series all the way through!


”Do we need anything else?”

“Wine. You keep forgetting to buy it. And bourbon for the eggnog, if you want to get lucky tonight.” He winked at her. “It could lower my inhibitions.”

“Seth, you don’t have inhibitions.”
Profile Image for Heather.
344 reviews35 followers
November 14, 2012
I've really loved the Paranormals series from the first book, Jenny Pox, and my love grew with the characters through Tommy Nightmare. When Alexander Death came out, it was bittersweet because this was the last book in the series, but the author ended the trilogy on such a high note. When J.L. Bryan announced that there would be a fourth installment following these characters, I was so excited to get to be immersed in their universe again.

This installment of the Paranormals series picks up a year after the events of Alexander Death. Jenny and Seth have settled into a life of leisure in Paris. Jenny has a little studio in their apartment where she continues to work on her pottery, and Seth heals people discretely around the city, playing video games in his spare time. They are using aliases and hiding from the United States government, who should believe that Jenny and Seth died in the fire that leveled Seth’s family mansion back in South Carolina. But their happy, anonymous life is jeopardized when two new to us, unknown paranormals surface, threatening to break Jenny and Seth up in unspeakable ways.

Jenny’s biggest defense to protect them from this new threat is taken away from her because she’s pregnant, and she has the memories of hundreds of pregnancies from her past lives that ended in tragedy where she’d used her pox, unknowingly causing the babies harm.

The first new paranormal we meet is Ward, who’s the head of a secret government agency that looks for people with strange powers. Of course the events of that fateful Easter in Fallen Oak where two hundred people died mysteriously have come into his sights, and he’s determined to hunt down the people responsible. He has a very potent power that is delivered by touch, but I don’t want to spoil it. Even without his power, Ward is a brutal and intimidating figure who doesn’t play by any rules. As he makes his way through everyone that had ties to the Fallen Oak case and Jenny or Seth, he leaves a bloody mess in his wake, taking some prisoners too.

Mirialla shows up at the door of Jenny and Seth’s apartment out of the blue one day, asking for the boy who lives there. Jenny is immediately suspicious since Mirialla doesn’t know Seth’s name but knows that he will live there sometime soon. She bundles up just like Jenny does and wears gloves--leaving little skin exposed to avoid human contact. This piques Jenny’s interest enough that she starts spying on Mirialla, but all she finds is a spoiled, rich student. This paranormal’s power is the opposite of Ward’s, but she doesn’t use intimidation like he does.

I really don’t want to spoil too much of the plot of this book, but history definitely repeats itself. All of the paranormals find themselves together again. Will the outcome be different this time or are they doomed to the same fate again in this lifetime? I can tell you. however, that the battle is bloody with many casualties, and I certainly enjoyed these parts of the books. J.L, Bryan has mastered describing scenes where bullets are flying, Jenny's plague is airborn, and bodies are melting. It’s definitely not for the squeamish, and I practically squealed in delight as I devoured these scenes. They were pure horror and gore perfection.

Jenny has a big advantage over all of the paranormals that are still alive in the present day—Seth(healing), Tommy(fear), Esmerelda(speak to the dead), Mirialla, and Ward: she has complete memories of most of her past lives. But when Alexander helped Jenny remember these past lives, he purposefully guided her away from the last life they lived together in the 1930s—the one where Jenny chose to be with Seth instead of Alexander. This life was such an important one in their souls’ evolution, and luckily the addition of Marialla to their lives sparks the recall of the memories within Jenny.

Jenny Plague-Bringer, at its core, is a book about history repeating itself. How many times do you repeat the same mistakes before you learn from them, grow from them, and rise above them to become a better, more evolved soul? Do you become a victim of circumstance, or do you forge your own way toward the destiny that you know is right?

Told alternately with flashbacks to their previous lifetime that fills in the story nicely without repetition, Jenny Plague-Bringer is a solid follow up to a trilogy that ended strong but definitely left readers wanting more from the paranormals universe. J.L. Bryan expanded upon his original vision with even bigger questions from the original books, and he has written a more grown up and evolved set of characters. It’s rare to see such character growth and evolution over the course of a series such as this. I give this a five out of five. This is an excellent, evenly-paced, well-researched page turner.

Also on Bewitched Bookworms
Profile Image for Ashley - The Bookish Brunette.
152 reviews633 followers
December 5, 2012
OMG! OMG! OMG! *deep breathe*

I fell IN LOVE with JL Bryan’s Jenny Pox series in September of 2011… When I devoured the entire series in less than a week! If you NEVER read indie authors, indie books… Whatever the case may be- READ The Paranormals series by JL Bryan.


Jenny Pox will RIP your heart out, make you fall in love and believe that ANYTHING is possible. And the last 15% will leave you in utter disbelief and complete *OH MY GOD!!!!! NO FREAKING WAY THAT JUST HAPPENED!!!!!* It’s absolutely and 100% one of my Top 3 favorite books of ALL TIME.

Tommy Nightmare is just as fantastic as Jenny Pox- in a whole different way.

Alexander Death is… Um… It’s Alexander. Duh.

And let me reiterate that the Jenny Pox series is NOT a young adult series! It’s New Adult/horror all the way! It contains sexual situations, violence and SO MUCH AWESOME that its hard to wrap your head around it!

Jenny Plague-Bringer is told in alternating POVs, which by the time you get to the forth book- you know all the characters so well, that it’s REALLY fantastic to hear from everyone and get inside their heads! I LOVED it- kudos JL Bryan!

Jenny and Seth hold residence in France, where they meet Mariella… Whom came to their door searching for a boy that she incessantly dreams of every night… (*ahem* aka: Seth.) Jenny doesn’t trust Mariella and sends her away, knowing by the gloves that she wears that she must have some kind of paranormal ability also.

“Do you know what my touch does?” Jenny asked he, stepping on the escalator. “It brings pain and death. That’s all I’ve ever been to anyone.”

Tommy and Esmeralda are living day to day with no plans for their future until Ward and his cronies come to call. They want Tommy and Esmeralda to join their ranks “for the good of our country”. Tommy goes with them, but Esmeralda doesn’t!

But Ward is greedy and he wants ALL the Paranormals under his control. So anyone who refuses to go with him WILLINGLY, may not be given a CHOICE later.

OH MY GOD, right?

We learn a lot about The Paranormal’s most recent past life in Jenny Plague-Bringer… It’s mystifying and completely thrilling!

Sexy, horrifying and absolutely mesmerizing! Jenny Plague-Bringer is second only to Jenny Pox! FREAKING AWESOME!

Oh… You wanted to know about the baby mentioned in the synopsis???? Ha! Not telling!!!!! You have to read it for yourself!
Profile Image for Joanie Lunsford.
Author 1 book22 followers
February 16, 2021
J.L. Bryan produces a satisfying conclusion in Jenny Plague-Bringer. The imprisoned paranormals must each look to past lives to understand their current threat. And with any luck the memories will be a useful tool to help them escape.

Memories can also give birth to a determination to seek change within allowing for informed choices so as to not be a prisoner of the past. A point that speaks volumes inside the story and resonates beyond the pages.
Profile Image for Sarah-Jayne Briggs.
Author 1 book47 followers
November 8, 2012
(This review may contain spoilers).

I enjoyed the previous books in this series, but I have to admit, I was a little worried when I realised that there was a fourth book coming out. The third book seemed to have reached a natural ending and I couldn't see what else of the story needed to be told.

Actually, the book was pretty good. It was interesting to see two more of the paranormals and it made me wonder if there are more than the eight primeval creatures already mentioned. There were two other characters who might have been paranormals and who I would be interested to read more about.

I think that this book was a good ending to the story of this life - or at least Jenny's and Seth's lives. It would be interesting to see more with Miriam - and I think it could be really interesting if she wound up meeting other incarnations of the paranormals.

I think I would like to read more of the past lives and maybe more of the future lives. I still have some questions that have been unanswered. But this book was, all in all, really good and I really enjoyed reading it.
Profile Image for Sheila.
43 reviews
April 23, 2015
Just like with Harry Potter, I wish it hadn't ended. Jenny's stories were a great read and I enjoyed every page, and every minute I spent reading them. I would like to hear what happens with her daughter and if she happens to have any supernatural abilities later on.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Vrinda Pendred.
Author 14 books73 followers
April 12, 2021
I wondered at the end of book one what could possibly be crazy enough to conclude a series like this - just where could the story possibly go that would be any more out there than what I'd already read? The answer: Nazis! Of course.

I continue to love the relationship between Seth and Jenny. It's simple and touching.

Alongside this, I thought the parallel stories were handled masterfully, with the pace just right, keeping me turning the pages, eager to know what would happen next, only to be left on a cliff hanger as I was transported back into the past, or returned to the present, to read the other story.

The very ending was perfect and a satisfying conclusion to the series. I've only knocked one star off because for me, none of it compares to the first book. Still, I loved it, bought them all in paperback, and want to read more by the author.

I will greatly miss Jenny and Seth, now that it's over, and likely reread these someday.
Profile Image for Jan.
199 reviews1 follower
November 3, 2019
I feel rather sad that the last book in the Jenny Plague Bringer has been read. As I was reading I imagined that J.L.Bryan had his study walls covered from top to bottom with Post-It notes to remind him what the current name of his Paranormals were in the particular era in history he was writing them into.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable, rivetting read with never one tiny hint as to the outcome of each person until the very end. Do not, fellow followers of The Paranormals, turn to the last page, and I will not spoil it for you now by letting drop one little clue! Surfice to say it all ended........................
Profile Image for Victoria Zigler.
Author 62 books235 followers
August 14, 2018
At first, the way the shifting back and forth between present day and their past lives was handled was easy enough to follow. But it got confusing later in the book, when it would happen mid chapter. In fact, even the author seemed to sometimes become confused, since there were a few times the names - which were already pretty similar to start with - were used incorrectly. Despite that, this was actually my favourite book in the series, and I loved the way it ended. Had it not been for that confusion with the past lives thing, I probably would have given it the full five stars.
Profile Image for Y.k. Greene.
Author 6 books35 followers
August 6, 2017
I gobbled this whole series up pretty quickly. This last book really put a nice cap on things, bringing my fave Ashleigh back and giving her a tiny bit of respite from being the ultimate evil (still quite a calculating and cruel woman but not the entire driving force of the nasty this time round) even giving her an almost understandable handicap, a theme that echoes right back to the first book and her truly horrific plots.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
26 reviews
April 5, 2018
Jenny and Seth are in France hiding. This book wasn’t necessary at all. The story could’ve easily ended at the third book. I’m glad it didn’t though. Jenny and Seth get a happy ending and Jenny isn’t cursed anymore. She can infect at will now. And they have a baby!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
10 reviews
October 24, 2021
Great series!

This series was amazing!! I could read many more of their adventures. I loved how the story ended. I was hoping for things to turn out for Jenny & Seth.
Profile Image for Sara Wilson.
85 reviews
September 24, 2024
I finished this whole series pretty quickly. I enjoyed them all- some more than others. I like the ending- but it wasn't my favorite book of the series.
Profile Image for Lorre.
268 reviews6 followers
July 12, 2022
This whole series is amazing and Jenny Plague-Bringer is a perfect ending to Jenny's story.
When I look back at how Jenny Pox was in the first book... a timid, very lonely girl who couldn't touch anyone and with nothing to look forward to in life... she's certainly not the poor little Jenny anymore and has a wonderful life ahead of her.

I wish the series didn't have to end here though. I wouldn't mind if there would be more books about past or future lives.
Profile Image for Jackie's Bookbytes.
567 reviews48 followers
October 26, 2012
Seth and Jenny are happily living in Paris up until she begins telling stories about her recent past incarnation. At first I was disappointed. why? because there is no such thing as reincarnation! lol J/K! I found it all a bit confusing and uncomfortable. I wasn't interested nor did I want to be bothered with their past lives. I wanted to stay in Paris!:(

Jenny took us back to the Great Depression of 1933 where she was working in a sideshow Carnival as the Worlds Most Diseased Woman. Tis quite fitting but idk I loathe reading about carnivals though. Her name was Juliana Blight. She had problems with everyone touching her then too, except when she meets Sebastian, a boy who could heal people.

Ward Kilpatrick is a bully with his own powers that allows him to see into peoples minds. I don't know why he is looking to gather all the paranormals into one place, maybe because he likes to control people or he wants power and money, nevertheless he is very persuasive and determined to find Tommy and his opposite Esmeralda as well as Jenny and Seth. He acts like some big wig from the CIA but actually he's from some stupid agency called ASTRIA that doesn't even exist.

Before we get to Jenny's quantum theory in the Great Depression (lol cause it kinda felt that way to me :p ) Jenny finds out she is pregnant and believes the baby wouldn't survive because of her pox. She killed her mother so therefore logically her baby would not be immune to it either. There was somebody ringing the doorbell named Mariella, looking for a boy she said she saw his future, and it was very urgent that she found him. O Jeezus! Of all the things Jenny needs ; more drama! She feels a little jealous because she is pretty but instead of telling her Seth indeed lived here, she lies to Mariella and sends her away. I don't blame her for being jealous but I wanted Jenny to trust her because she is a very nice person and Jenny didn't have any friends. I am happy to report they do become friends. Mariella is a paranormal too. She's the Oracle.

I enjoyed Christmas with Jenny, Seth and Mariella but it was over much too quick. Seth to Mariela:
“You could come here if you want. Jenny’s making some French dish with a duck. Then I’m going to heal the duck back to life and let it fly around our apartment.”
Jenny teaches Mariella how to get in touch with her past life and offers to get some magic mushrooms to help with the mind altering aspect. Jenny could not do them cuz she was pregnant and good for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next thing I remember, they were down on some beach getting high on magic mushrooms bringing up memories of their past lives when suddenly they are attacked and kidnapped by Ward and his goons. They wake up in a cell somewhere in Germany.

Meanwhile in the other life.....Julianna gets an invitation from Jonathan Barrett, Seth’s great-grandfather and a past incarnation of Alexander from the third book, Alexander Death, to join him. Sebastian accepts the invitation and they both are back to the future to Fallen Oak! They also travel to Berlin on a cruise ship where they meet Hitlers Ghost apparently lol

Jenny Morton does find the peace she is looking for with a little help from her friends. But having said too much already I'm not going to spoil everything.

I loved it, I thought it was amazing and J.L Bryan's Paranormals is an absolute masterpiece!

Jackie Briere

Profile Image for Rebekah Martin.
Author 5 books26 followers
January 8, 2013
I liked this series. I was with Jenny from the start and I stayed with her until the end. I thought she was relatable, amusing, and fierce (especially after book three).

This book had me teetering through a lot of it, though. It jumped back and forth between Jenny and Seth's current life, and the parallels with the life they lived back in the 1930's when Hitler was rising to power in Germany. There was a lot of information about eugenics and creating a superior race of beings (all blonde-haired and blue-eyed, too. Can you say "Village of the Damned?"). I'm fascinated by the study of eugenics, not to actually do it myself, but the mindset that they believe that people should be bred like animals.

Nazies were sick people.

The idea in this story is to breed paranormals with other paranormals. Ashleigh Goodling, the blonde princess of power from books one, two and three, returns, but only in the past as Alise, a German girl who is one of the higher ups in the Reich that do the studies. She's not the so-called good girl she was made out to be in book one. She was a little tramp. She was trying to do her part to create her own little Nazis with other paranormals. And she used her touch of love to get the others into it too.

Have I mentioned in these reviews that I find A (Her name ALWAYS starts with an A) extremely creepy?

The book starts with Jenny and Seth living in Paris. Jenny now recalls their past lives, and tells Seth about them. They're happy, doing what they do, just relaxing in the fact that no one knows them. However, they are kidnapped, along with their new friend and additional paranormal, Mariella, by Ward Kilpatrick, Mariella's opposite (She can see the future, he sees people's pasts), and put back into the same place where Nazis ran tests on them. This time, they're all prisoners, including Tommy, who sets fear into the minds of everyone he touches (though he doesn't realize he's also a prisoner), and Esmeralda, who can speak to the dead.

After Mariella and Seth are able to remember their past lives (It involves getting high on mushrooms. Don't ask), the stories start to intertwine, and if there hadn't been subtle name changes (Jenny=Juliana, Seth=Sebastian, Mariella=Mia, etc), it would be hard to depict what was happening in what lifetime.

I did think the ending got a little long (there were some SERIOUSLY long chases in there!), but overall, I really enjoyed the story and the journey and was very satisfied with the ending.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,242 reviews203 followers
October 28, 2012
Whew! I thought we had closure with the end of the 3rd book. You know, since (most of) the bad guys got what was coming to them and Jenny and Seth had a chance at a normal life. Okay, at least it was as normal a life as someone who can't touch anyone without infecting them with vile, vile diseases could expect to have. Oh, and I guess being declared legally dead and having to hide their real identities sucked. And that whole "can't see their parents again thing" isn't *exactly* normal, but OTHER THAN THAT. Anyway. I must admit that this book did Jenny justice. She got to show both her badass, disease spewing side and the side of her that's determined to do the right thing and not be a mass murderer. Hey, we all have issues in life. Jenny just deals with the big issues. The really big, maybe-I-should-kill-them-and-maybe-I-shouldn't issues.

I really enjoyed the parallels between the present and Jenny's life in the 30s. These poor Paranormals don't have it easy no matter what skin they wear and the more we see the more we come to understand that all the power they hold is more a curse than a blessing if it falls into the wrong hands. Even Seth, the healer, is forced to used his ability against his will. For someone like Jenny (and her previous self, Juliana), it's even worse. And now I'm redacting a big, spoiler-esque sentence so I don't give anything away. You're welcome.

Jenny has grown so much as a character since the first book. Her pregnancy isn't the blessing it might seem on the surface. Knowing what she knows of her touch, she's afraid to grow attached to her baby and to entertain the thought that maybe this time things will work out. I just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her everything would be just fine. But then, you know, I'd end up infected with a horrible, horrible illness so, really, hugging = not a good idea.

All in all, I was very excited to have a chance to revisit Jenny and Seth and see what they've been up to since we left them last. A little sex (more than a little, really), a little death (more than a little there, too), and a very intriguing look at the two of them in a past life (there might have been some others involved in that past life, in case you were wondering) left me a very, very happy girl.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Kasey.
1,270 reviews31 followers
May 23, 2013
I was excited and anxious when I saw that there would be one final book, in this series. I felt that Alexander Death had wrapped up the story, in a nice, little package. However, there was no way that I wouldn’t read this novel because of how amazing the first installments were. I was not disappointed in the least with this part of the series.
I was captivated by Jenny and Seth in Paris, they were so happy. Jenny was waiting for the other shoe to drop, but still they were very happy. When Mariella showed up on their doorstep, I felt Jenny’s horror with her. Especially as Mariella talked about how she’d seen herself with Seth, and what a great lover he would be. Jenny is a much better woman than I. If it were me, I would’ve hit Mariella in the face with a frying pan! Of course, then we wouldn’t have gotten to know Mariella, and I would’ve been very disappointed. Mariella was my favorite part of this whole book. I wish that we could’ve met her in the previous books, because she was a true friend and one that Jenny always needed. I did really enjoy the flashbacks to the 1930’s in the beginning, but towards the end I just wanted them to stop. I wanted to know what was going on with the characters in the present. I felt like I had gotten enough information about who they all were in that particular past life.
We did meet another new character, but I didn’t particularly care for him and I found his character to be mostly ridiculous. I understand Ward was needed to move the plot forward, but I would’ve preferred a villain a little less black and white. I only say this because Ashleigh was very villainous too, with no shades of gray. I am very glad that Jenny and Seth got their happy ending, especially with the addition of Miriam. I am so glad to know that Jenny ended up being able to touch and play with her daughter. It was my biggest concern when she found out she was pregnant, because of course Jenny would be an amazing mom. It would just be so heartbreaking if she could never hold her child. While I was not disappointed with this installment, I can’t give it 5 out of 5 stars. It felt like the author was trying to make an extra installment, just to please fans, publishers, etc. I’m glad to have read it, but it didn’t have the same flow as the first 3 books.
Profile Image for Ivy.
18 reviews2 followers
October 1, 2013
Jenny the plague bringer is the fourth and final book (as far as I’m aware) of the Jenny Pox series. Jennifer “Jenny” Morton is a young adult with a lethal, decease infested, touch. Lives life trying to avoid contact and be as good a person as she can. She encounters Seth, the one she can touch, her opposite, the one with the healing touch. Her kind are only meant for and are ruled by destruction. Neither Jenny and Seth wish to continue on with the same pattern their previous lives have created. They struggle to fight for their freedom and their lives.
After many obstacles and battles, Jenny and Seth are finally rid of the enemies they know of as the dead-raiser and the lover-charmer (Alexander and Ashleigh). Now hiding from the world, Jenny and Seth spend their luxurious days in Paris. Until new characters interrupts their peaceful new life. Not only do they find more of their own. Jenny struggles with the fact that she is with child. Her pregnancies never succeed. Jenny is tormented with the anguish of going through yet another miscarriage.

This was by far my favorite book from the series. I honestly couldn’t put it down. I had a difficult time getting into the story in the first two books. My curiosity with the characters kept me motivated to keep reading the books, and I’m very glad I did

I do have to point out that all books are a bit explicit. There is plenty of talk about sex, drugs and vulgar language. I wouldn’t find it suitable for the younger readers of the audience it is directed to.

I truly enjoyed that two of the lost characters, Ashleigh and Alexander were brought back in some form, they make the story complete. I don’t personally think Jenny and Seth developed very much in this book, which didn’t bother me. I was impressed with the route Tommy takes for the sake of Esmeralda. If she had any purpose in this book, it was only for Tommy’s persona’s sake. I found Ward/Kranzler absolutely annoying. I felt things were just put way too easy for him. He was a complete fool in my opinion.

I’m very satisfied with the ending of this book. I don’t feel like any questions were left unanswered.

I recommend it as a good quick read.
Profile Image for NaTaya Hastings .
543 reviews19 followers
February 13, 2015
*may contain spoilers*

Honestly, I loved this book just as much as all the other books in the "Jenny Pox" series (sorry, I just can't bring myself to call them "The Paranormals" series.) Anyway.

I absolutely loved, loved, loved all the back and forth between the present and the characters' past lives and how the two parallel each other so seamlessly. It was great.

However, there were SO MANY editing problems, that I couldn't -- in good conscience -- give it five stars. In my review of the third book in the series, I jokingly said that J.L. Bryan should hire me as his editor to avoid some horribly ridiculous mistakes. It WAS a joke, but after reading some of the NUMEROUS mistakes in this book, I really recommend that he call SOMEONE to be his editor because WOW! It wasn't just one or two mistakes, either. It was A LOT! Enough that it really detracted from the overall story for me. The worst was when he was in past-life scenario, and he called the character by his present-life name. Amateur hour!

Another one that really bugged me was during the big escape past-life scene. They make a big deal about pregnant women going first, and then talk about how Sebastian helps Mia up onto the ladder to go out first. Then Sebastian follows after her. However, when they got to the top, suddenly, somehow, Sebastian is magically at the top:

"They stopped climbing when Sebastian, above her [Mia], reached the top of the vent." Totally aggravating. Totally fixable with some very basic proof-reading.

Others were more technical in nature, but they were just as aggravating and annoying. For instance:

"Mia tried not to cry out in pain as stray sparks LANDING on her, burning her arm in three places."


"She thought might be able to hide from the spotlights."

Missing a "she" in there, I believe.

And these are just a couple of the MANY, MANY mistakes in this book that drove me nuts. Don't get me wrong, I loved the book -- I loved the WHOLE SERIES! But this book was EASILY a five star story if someone -- ANYONE! -- would have just taken the time to edit the damned thing.
Profile Image for moxieBK.
1,707 reviews4 followers
January 29, 2016
#4 in The Paranormal

!!!NOTE: This story has intense, mature scenes. It is not intended for younger readers 18 and younger,) and/or the sensitive reader.!!!

Woo-Wee! This book was like reading the first one...so glad I got up the nerve to read past that first bit that scared the be-jeezies out of me. I should have known that Mr. Bryan would leave me disappointed in how the story ended, because no one gets away with bad shenanigans in this series.

LOVED LOVED LOVED this story. It certainly scared me and thrilled me in parts and I was sad how it ended with some of the characters. I really liked how some of them turned out after following them through the series. I didn't see it coming for one of them; as a consequence, I may have to re-read the series completely though again so I can better understand the whole arc, because it had been a couple of years before I finally got around to reading this last book. Having said that, I quickly got acclimated into the story and didn't feel lost at all. That's a real tip o' the hat (again!) to Mr. Bryan.

I'm not a fan at all of thriller/horror stories, but this series is definitely at the top of my lists of favs. (Jonas Saul's Sarah Roberts Series is the other favorite thriller/horror series I enjoy.)

I know this might be the end of this series, but if there ever was another one, I know, with gritted teeth, I would buy and read it.

Five stars.
Profile Image for April.
205 reviews4 followers
December 9, 2012
I was so excited when I heard that J.L. Bryan was writing another book about Jenny and the paranormals. After reading Alexander Death, I so wanted to hear more of the story, more about Tommy and Esmeralda, and more about all of their past lives. Jenny Plague-Bringer delivered on all points. I loved how the book seamlessly moved between current day and Jenny and Seth's most recent past life. Some authors cannot do this without creating a disruption in the story, but J.L. Bryan nailed it. Everything fit naturally, and the parallels in the storyline really helped to tie the past to the present. I enjoyed getting to hear more about the past lives of some of the departed paranormals as well, sometimes getting to see another side of the paranormals that I hadn't seen before.

This book was an emotional roller coaster ride for me. The twist ending blew my mind. It was such a beautiful and fitting ending to the series. Not that I want it to end, as I'd still love to have more, be it past lives or stories of other paranormals. The universe of this series is busting with possibilities. I highly recommend this entire series to anyone who loves horror/thrillers and supernatural stories.

I am so glad that I heard about J.L. Bryan and this series, and now I plan to pick up his other books to read.
Profile Image for Jessie Dean.
91 reviews17 followers
March 5, 2013
After the last book I thought this series was over, so when I heard there was going to be a sequel I was a little worried that it was just a ploy to make some more money. I have to say that this books was a great addition to the series. Learning more about all of the paranormals' pasts was very interesting. It also added to the depth of the characters in my opinion. This book brought together all of the characters we had previously met and some new ones to end with a bang.

I really enjoyed the constant shifting between the present and the past, but sometimes found myself wishing it would wrap up so we could find out what was happening. After finishing I realized that the pacing made the book better in the end.

Overall, I am really glad I decided to read this installment and get more background and closure on these characters. I wonder if there can ever be any real closure with these characters though, since they reincarnate, but I guess we'll see.
Profile Image for Allison Janezic.
94 reviews4 followers
April 11, 2014
This was a great ending to a great series. It could have ended at the third book but I'm glad it didn't. We find Jenny and Seth in Paris hiding from the government in happiness. But someone new is looking for them and he won't stop until he finds them. This addition to the Jenny Pox series gives us more of what we have come to love and so much more. Some of the characters we have seen before like Tommy and Esmarelda are also in this book and I was glad to have them there. We also get to glimpse into the past where all of the characters Bryan has written about and some paranormals converge in Nazi Germany as the characters learn of their past lives and how it affects the future they now live in. This book goes from one time to the other and we begin to piece together how their lives over history help or hinder them in the next.

I will add that of all the books this one has more intimate scenes than the previous installments if you are not in to all that then you may be put off by it but honestly they were not as explicit as your typical romance books.
Profile Image for Marisa.
911 reviews51 followers
January 18, 2015
In this final book in the Paranormals series, I felt like all my lingering questions were answered. Bryan does a fantastic job weaving the past and present in an effective story telling without slowing down the plot too much. One thing Bryan is particularly skilled at is having realism interspersed with the fantasy world. For example, the CDC was involved in the cleanup and investigation in the first three novels. Again Bryan continues that trend in Jenny’s struggle to manage the memories of a dozen previous lifetimes that include horrible endings. It only seems realistic that she is waiting for the second shoe to drop her seemingly happy ending.

In this book, Seth grows to be a solid rock I respect more than in previous books. Add in some new characters and it’s a recipe for chaos. This is an action-packed intense book that I highly recommend to finish the series!

Warning: Contains horror and violence

Who Should Read it? Fans of fantasy in a contemporary setting or horror.

See all my reviews and more at www.ReadingToDistraction.com or @Read2Distract
Profile Image for Amanda.
156 reviews3 followers
March 14, 2016
This book starts off with real life issues...bullying, not fitting in, etc...and adds in a twist. Jenny is unable to touch anyone without harming them. After spending most of her school years alone, she finds someone with an opposite power to hers...a teen boy who has the power to heal. At the same time, other supernatural forces are at work and soon, things get to the point where the town Jenny lives in is destroyed and she is on the run. After causing so much destruction, her life and the life of her soul mate just gets odder and more complex.
The whirlwind journey these two are on to find happiness and peace keep the reader fascinated throughout each book. Every book seems to get better and better, making it difficult to put the books down as the suspense and tension builds so high. This series is a must read for those who enjoy suspense, mystery, and supernatural forces at work. Jenny Pox is sure not to disappoint!
(I bought the box set but can't find it so am putting the same review down as it works for all!)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 87 reviews

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