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Mrs. Mike #3

Kathy Little Bird

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Her Cree heritage and the legacy of her grandmother, Mrs. Mike, serve Kathy Little Bird well as she rises to fame as a country music singer during the 1970s and struggles to cope with the shattering trials, tragedies, and sorrows of her life. By the authors of Mrs. Mike. Reprint.

368 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2004

About the author

Benedict Freedman

12 books59 followers
Benedict Freedman, the son and grandson of writers, was born in New York City in 1919. While in high school he studied accelerated courses for gifted boys and graduated with a medal for mathematics. At fourteen he entered Columbia University as a premed student, but had to drop out at sixteen because of his father's sudden death. For a time Benedict continued private study of higher mathematics. Freedman’s chief interest was in games and recreational mathematics, but he also assisted in writing a textbook and worked on actuarial problems as clerk to a consulting actuary.

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27 (6%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
Profile Image for Darla.
4,095 reviews954 followers
April 4, 2022
This is the story of Mrs. Mike's granddaughter, Kathy Little Bird. She is the daughter of Oh Be Joyful and finds joy in connecting to her Cree heritage. It is fascinating to watch her journey in the world of music. Her early singing days are split between Elk Woman and the Mennonite choir practices (sitting outside the window). Filled with memorable and not always lovable characters, this third book in the trilogy adds to the rich tapestry of Mrs. Mike and her legacy. A thoughtful read for those concerned about the cause of our indigenous people in both the US and Canada.
Profile Image for Kate.
15 reviews1 follower
March 18, 2009
I am a lover of the Mrs. Mike series, however this last book was by far NOT the best. When i was finished i was glad that i was finished. I dont know how much more i could take. Still a good book, but i feel like i have to say that since Mrs. Mike is the number one best book out there.
Profile Image for Judie Dooley.
298 reviews53 followers
June 21, 2014
I really enjoyed readin this book. I checked other reviews, and they were not so good. I never read the other 2 books in the series, so I wasn't comparing it to anything else. The story was interesting and the characters believable. It did make me want to read the other Mrs Mike Novels.
Profile Image for Melissa McGuire.
256 reviews4 followers
June 9, 2018
The first 100 pages of this book i couldnt get into it. I almsot gave up on it and then it started getting interesting interesting. However the ending was terrible
Profile Image for Debra.
2,074 reviews10 followers
June 12, 2016
I was disappointed in this last offering in the the Mrs. Mike series. At the end of the Search for Joyful, I had the image of Crazy Dancer and Kathy living out their lives together, seeking out their native american heritage and raising a daughter that Mrs. Mike would be proud of. It saddened me to see the end of Kathy in such a state and little Kathy being raised in a hovel, separated from both sides of her heritage. I thought several times of not finishing the book, but continued on skim reading. The part that struck me was that the book lacked any real beauty in the writing or the characters, nothing your eye or mind wanted to rest on. Mrs. Mike will always be a favorite of mine, but sometimes it is better to end something when you are on a high note.
Profile Image for Holly (2 Kids and Tired).
1,054 reviews9 followers
November 30, 2007
The third sequel to Mrs. Mike. It was good. It wasn't as good as The Search for Joyful. It's one of those books that you can't quite put your finger on. Is it good? Is it not good?

It follows the story of Kathy, the granddaughter of Oh Be Joyful who was Mrs. Mike's best friend in the novel, Mrs. Mike. Kathy Little Bird has heard stories of her grandmother, Mrs. Mike from her mother, Kathy Fourquet, who was raised by Mrs. Mike. It is not a happy book. It's a thought-provoking novel that leaves you thinking.
Profile Image for Juliana.
60 reviews
July 16, 2017
This book made me so frustrated!!! I LOVED Mrs. Mike and only read to the end of the series because of that. This book (and the second one, really) were incredibly frustrating to read through. I waited a long time before reading the sequels because I didn't want it to ruin Mrs. Mike for me. While it doesn't completely ruin it for me, it does dampen it some. I understand wanting to show different lifestyles and choices, but books 2&3 both felt like such impulsive, bad choices when it came to the big things. Definitely left me frustrated, and the ending didn't help.
196 reviews
September 1, 2010
My favorite book of all time is MRS. Mike by the same authors. Nancy Freedman just died........age 90 and I had this book in my stack of to reads and decided it was time to read it.
Profile Image for Judi.
2 reviews1 follower
Want to read
May 30, 2012
I have the book but the printer messed up the pages. A big chunk is missing. Still looking for a better copy.
December 15, 2023
I'm over it. This book makes me so angry I can't breathe. I can't force myself to read another book about another Kathy making more crappy life choices that negatively affect her children. When will the cycle end? Why did the authors not stop with Mrs. Mike?!?!? Why do they not understand how to write a female character who is able to not treat men like things to be used and thrown around? I hate everything about this book. If it wasn't a library book, I would burn it. Maybe I will and save the rest of my county from this abomination. I hate this book.
Profile Image for Eric Klee.
226 reviews1 follower
March 30, 2015
A long, long time ago, I read Mrs. Mike in middle school. I remember enjoying it, so when I discovered Kathy Little Bird, a sequel, in the store one day, I decided to pick it up. I didn't realize at the time that it was a second sequel, following The Search for Joyful. No matter.

Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed. The book just seemed to drag on and on about a character I didn't particular care for, Mrs. Mike's granddaughter. She was a bit selfish, hypocritical, and self-righteous. Now, I don't have to like the main character to enjoy a novel, but I have to at least enjoy the plot. The story takes us from Kathy Little Bird's beginnings as a teenager to herself as a middle-aged adult. It shows her rise to and descent from stardom (she's a singer), all of which were a bit tedious to read. Then there's her relationships with men in which she's a hypocrite and deserves the bad relationships she keeps falling into. The ending does little to satisfy this reader. After closing the book, I thought, "That's it? That's how it ends? I kept reading for this?" There wasn't a satisfying conclusion for me.

I will say that the writing itself was good, but the ideas behind it could have used a boost. I most likely won't go back to read The Search for Joyful or any further stories related to Mrs. Mike.
Profile Image for AnnaMay.
287 reviews
February 7, 2010
This was my favorite of the three Mrs. Mike novels. That's hard to say, because I enjoyed each one, but I found myself much more 'into' this one, vs. just reading and enjoying. I read it in one sitting one evening, so that probably had something to do with my being 'into' it more.

I find it interesting to read of the different lifestyles people lead. So many times I wanted to shake the main character by the shoulders when she would 'go with the flow.' I could see she had the strength to choose differently and stand up for herself (like when she wouldn't do her dad's laundry), yet she couldn't see it in herself to do it.

I think we must all be that way sometimes. We make choices because that is what is expected of us instead of making them because of our desires and confidence in our ability to do so. What things in my life am I 'letting be' instead of doing something about?

I really really like the turn of events toward the end. Very realistic, once again. I found their ability to write from a paralyzed person's perspective very intuitive.
Profile Image for Izzie Flynn.
Author 1 book51 followers
April 26, 2016
No. Its not in the same league as Mrs.Mike, not even with the Search for Joyful.
Its a good book, not matter how frustrating and infuriating it may be. She's strong in her own way, but she is also a little stupid with her decisions. I cannot understand her logic. However, i have to remember that everyone is different. This is a different person to Oh Be Joyful and Oh Be Joyfuls daughter. Theres very little Kathy Flannigan, if any at all. We have to love Little Bird for who she is, a confused bird that flew into a window and wasn't sure. I love her and i love Abram. You can definitely tell there is a magnificent difference between Mrs.Mike and the other two books. Its undeniable. They are still good books, but they do not compare. Worth a read if you're capable of having an open mind.

Mrs.Mike, as far as i am aware, is the only one based on true events. I think that is the huge difference. Mary Flannigan is a force.
5 reviews4 followers
May 23, 2008
I love the native american themes in this book and how music is tied into Kathy Little Bird's life. Most people love music and really are moved by it...not just the lyrics but the mood and emotions as well. Little Bird goes through tremendously strenuous life-changing events, some of these are a bit stretched and far-flung. I didn't know what to think when she became paralyzed and worked her way back into functional life. I enjoyed the perspective the authors gave to this time period...words would not function and she couldn't grasp them. I don't think I've heard of another account of somebody overcoming a coma through their perspective. The way the authors incorporated native american rituals into the story brought a since of comfort about accepting who you are.
Profile Image for Sharon A..
818 reviews4 followers
January 16, 2018
I gave this 3 stars because I really did want to finish it. My problem is that books 2 and 3 have a hard time living up to Mrs. Mike. Search for Joyful was good, but good grief how many totally different lives can one woman live? And each one with a different man?

My disappointment in these women, who should have been strong, independent women (reference Mrs. Mike) really colored my view of the stories. How could Kathy #2 end up with such an awful man? She was a nurse who went to war!

Well hold my beer because here comes Kathy #3; Kathy Little Bird -- she went from a con man to a drug addict to a Mennonite. Come on now.

451 reviews1 follower
April 11, 2019
I was looking forward to this book but was vastly disappointed. Mrs. Mike was one of my favorite books in high school. I am certain I read it at least 10 times. When I heard there were sequels I put them in my to read list. This was in 2018. I thought I should re-read Mrs. Mike and I still loved it. I mistakenly read Kathy Little Bird. I don’t have much positive to say. And, I have decided not to read the second volume. The flow of the book was disjointed and Kathy certainly attracted many rotten people. I don’t recommend this book
Profile Image for Leah.
551 reviews
March 19, 2008
I was walking down the isle at the library and the title sounded like a good book to read before bed to keep my mind from racing. I thought that is all it would be. I never thought that I would become so entranced my this woman's life. I found that I read it in 2 days even with small children. However I do have to do my dishes still. It was easy to read and easy to become emotionally connected with Kathy. I would recommend it.
Profile Image for Magda.
1,170 reviews34 followers
May 5, 2009
Not Mrs. Mike by a long shot, and not even as good as the sequel, The Search for Joyful, this is the third book in the series, and again features a main character named Kathy ... who in the book names her daughter Kathy. I think that's weird, but maybe that's just me. This book is only loosely related to Mrs. Mike, and most of the book does not have the integrity of the first.
268 reviews
September 27, 2008
This was the 3rd book in the series...Kathy #3. It was a quick little read, not necessarily deep. Though I actually liked the book, I can't help wonder why the authors continue to have their characters make the stupidest decisions! Does every teenager have to run off with the first guy they meet only to quickly regret the decision?? This book also showed that the happy ending in the 2nd book didn't last very long. Ultimately kind of sad.
309 reviews
February 15, 2011
This book was different than I thought, but pretty good nonetheless. I really got into it in the beginning, but it got a little slow a little more than half way through. I was frustrated with Kathy's bad choices she kept making and not totally into her "hippy-Indian-peace/love" music movement. It covered most of her life, which I wasn't expecting but it was good to have the time too see some situations in the book resolved.
Profile Image for Tara.
722 reviews
September 17, 2009
Blah. The first page alone destroys the semi-okay ending of book two, and it goes downhill from there. I'm going to pretend this book doesn't exist. Don't bother opening it, unless you want a tragedy. Really, it's too bad, since I enjoy the author's writing style, loved book one, and can live with book two (enjoy book two with my own ending). Pick up the first book, though, it's definitely worth the read!
Profile Image for Nancye.
333 reviews1 follower
April 12, 2012
I absolutely love the Mrs. Mike books. I have been reading and rereading Mrs. Mike since I was a kid. I am so thrilled that they added two more books in the past decade. I finally sat down to read Kathy Little Bird. In the first 60 pages I had laughed and cried. There were times you wanted to shake some of the main characters. But I loved them all the way through. Is it too greedy to hope there might be a fourth book someday?
Profile Image for Mike.
5 reviews
August 25, 2012
This book still doesn't live up to Mrs. Mike, which is the best of the three. I found Kathy Little Bird an improvement over Search for Joyful. Kathy in this story has more depth, I found her to somewhat self-centered and a user of people, but she was somewhat sympathetic. This story is better than the previous novel in the series, but doesn't live up to Mrs. Mike.
Profile Image for Carina Blon.
1 review7 followers
September 4, 2013
Great read for people interested in music, Native American/world history, and stories of love and loss.

The beginning is a little slow to get through, but the rest is a page turner with a lot of twists and surprises, you won't want to put it down. This story is told with an honest and poignant perspective with tales of love, loss, family, regret, longing, honesty and selflessness.
Profile Image for Melanie.
106 reviews
June 20, 2017
The final book in a series of three, I was touched by the beauty of the four generations of Kathy's. Each book is so very different and yet they tell a story that is very real with mistakes and triumphs shared by all. These books won't be for everyone, but the beauty of the first nation people of the Canadian north and their love of the land and their ancestors truly transcends time.
Profile Image for Cheryl-Lynn.
919 reviews16 followers
July 10, 2017
This book held my attention and I was interested in Kathy Little Bird's life but the ending was so incomplete it is a huge disappointment. If there were a 4th book where I could find out the resolution that would be lovely. Since there is not I can only assume what Kathy was planning is what she carried out. And that would be terrible.
387 reviews2 followers
November 10, 2017
Really didn't add anything to the series. Didn't like her character at all. Exemplifies how some people just have to make all the mistakes themselves in order to learn anything, instead of learning to listen to her friends or family who told her that her decisions wouldn't bring her happiness. She's not very bright.
19 reviews
October 6, 2018
Fair and sad

A little of the age, this wasn't what I was thinking for oh be joyful's daughter of even in be joyful. It didn't ring true with mrs. Mike, the original book in the series. It spoke poorly of the parents, and that just didn't ring true given i had read all the books. Sadly, disappointing.
Profile Image for Heather.
708 reviews
March 27, 2008
I enjoyed this book. It is not like the original -- it just doesn't measure up. But it was still a good read and I like to read a "series" so it was fun to follow up on the generations after Mrs. Mike.
I own both of the sequels so if you want to borrow them you are welcome to.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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