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Americana #6

After The Storm

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"You are still legally my wife," Rad pointed out bluntly. "All I'm asking is that you resume those duties once more."

Lainie stared at him. What a fool she had been not to accept his previous offer. But that refusal had been dictated by her pride, and now need had replaced pride.

What frightened Lainie was that she still loved him. She was beginning to wonder if she had ever stopped!

188 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1975

About the author

Janet Dailey

626 books1,726 followers
Janet Anne Haradon Dailey was an American author of numerous romance novels as Janet Dailey (her married name). Her novels have been translated into nineteen languages and have sold over 300 million copies worldwide.

Born in 1944 in Storm Lake, Iowa, she attended secretarial school in Omaha, Nebraska before meeting her husband, Bill. Bill and Janet worked together in construction and land development until they "retired" to travel throughout the United States, inspiring Janet to write the Americana series of romances, where she set a novel in every state of the Union. In 1974, Janet Dailey was the first American author to write for Harlequin. Her first novel was NO QUARTER ASKED.

She had since gone on to write approximately 90 novels, 21 of which have appeared on the New York Times Bestseller List. She won many awards and accolades for her work, appearing widely on Radio and Television. Today, there are over three hundred million Janet Dailey books in print in 19 different languages, making her one of the most popular novelists in the world.

Janet Dailey passed away peacefully in her home in Branson on Saturday, December 14, 2013. She was 69.

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Profile Image for Ivy H.
856 reviews
April 10, 2023

That's my impression of the MC's, and the heroine's awful mother, in this novel. This story was set in Colorado and it's a second chance romance for an estranged married couple who had gotten married a few years ago when the heroine, Lainie, had been 19 yrs old. Lainie had been a spoilt rotten only child of parents who belonged to the old moneyed class. Her mother was an inveterate snob who hadn't wanted the heroine to marry Rad ( the nouveau riche industrialist H ). Snotty mommy thought that her beautiful genteel princess daughter deserved to be wed to a scion of their uppity country club pals so she did everything in her power to belittle the H and to put a spoke in her daughter's newlywed bliss. Lainie had been the beautiful young debutante with lots of male admirers and Rad ( in his early 30's ) felt she would be the ideal trophy wife. These 2 got married in their big society wedding but didn't live happily ever after.


Both MC's were equally culpable when it came to the breakdown of their marriage. There was no adultery but the heroine had been jealous of the H's vile and possessive PA Sondra. The PA had obviously wanted the H for herself and she played upon the insecurities of his young wife. In addition to this, the heroine was also a very petulant social butterfly type of wife who often argued with Rad when he had to devote a lot of time to his business and was unable to worship at her dainty feet or escort her to all the social functions to which she'd been invited. The H grew impatient with Lainie because of her childish demands for attention and because he felt that she prioritized her friends too much:

"I've had a rough day. That damned party isn't all that important."

"No, it's my friends who are giving it, so naturally it isn't important to you," Lainie had retorted sarcastically.

"Your constant bitching is getting on my nerves." Rad's jaw had been tightly clenched and Lainie had blanched in spite of her air of defiance.

"I am not going to that party tonight, and that's final!"

"Well, I am!"

"I'd think about it if I were you," Rad had said coldly as Lainie had turned to leave the room.

Their marriage finally broke down after Lainie threw yet another tantrum and Rad refused to give in to her demands. In fact he hurt her immensely by telling her that he should've made her his mistress instead of his wife since she didn't know the first thing about being a wife. When Lainie threatened to leave him, he coldly responded that he didn't care what she did anymore:


The petulant, mommy's girl heroine packed up her stuff and ran off back to her parents in a huff. Lainie did aggravate me immensely but I felt that Rad was too arrogant and cold. He also failed to see that her concerns about his PA Sondra were warranted. He seemed to think that as long as he wasn't interested in his PA, then his wife had no cause for complaint. He made the biggest mistake of disrespecting his wife's feelings; Sondra was obviously just out to cause trouble and the H should've fired her or reassigned her to another department in his corporation. PA's are not indispensable and this simple act of goodwill would've saved the marriage. Lainie also needed to stop heeding all the crap her snobbish mother pushed down her throat and she should've put her husband before her friends. I think it was the age difference between the MC's that made their issues so insurmountable; the heroine was a young party animal and the H was a sober businessman who didn't have time to engage in such entertainments on a frequent basis.

At the start of the novel, Lainie's financial and social circumstances have deteriorated. Her late father had made a series of bad investments and lost all his money. His mother is also suffering from cancer and is bedridden. The formerly spoilt party girl heroine has been forced to face up to the reality of life and she's become a lot more likable and mature. She has only a few friends now because ( as is often the case ) the fair weather pals dumped her after her father lost all his money. She meet the H again, after all these years, at the opera and his attitude to her is disgusting:

"The years haven't treated you kindly," he sneered, his gaze picking out the shadows under her haunted eyes and the pallor in her cheeks. "What a pity to be robbed of your beauty so early."

Her face flamed immediately with anger and rage. "You haven't changed, Rad. You're still a ruthless, cold-blooded male swine!"

He doesn't even stop to wonder why she's looking so tired; she's been spending all her nights looking after her invalid mother and her financial worries haven't helped either. His comment is uncalled for and low because he obviously knows that the one weak spot with women is their physical appearance. It's the kind of comment I would expect from another woman, rather than from a man. Their reunion encounter is one of the nastiest I've ever encountered in a second chance story and Rad was utterly malignant and hateful at this point:


They eventually reconcile because she needs money to pay for her mother to be hospitalized and snobby mommy wants a luxury private room. Rad gave Lainie an ultimatum: he would pay all her mother's hospital bills if she returned to him. Their reconciliation is very bittersweet because they're both filled with pride and reluctant to show any weakness for each other. Rad was also jealous of a wannabe other man who was in love with the heroine. Lainie hadn't dated anyone during the years she'd been estranged from Rad but she had been willing to start dating this OM, so the H's obsessive jealousy was at a peak. The author didn't clarify whether Rad had been celibate during these years apart but there had been no relationship with the PA Sondra. The MC's started sleeping together again because they couldn't keep their hands off each other but the H treated Lainie more as a mistress than a wife. I swear, it's like pulling teeth to try and get these old school alpha male H's show a tiny ounce of human feeling and affection for their heroines. Lol.

The MC's relationship continued to spiral downwards in the last part of the story because the mindless sex they were having made each realize just how empty an loveless marriage can be. There was a great deal of angst, bitterness, jealousy, frustration, resentment, false pride and a total breakdown in verbal communication. It eventually became too much for the heroine so she once again left him and that's the catalyst that put him in touch with his inner feelings. The heroine returned to the apartment in the final scene and was shocked to see him holding her wedding ring and crying !

The rugged features were contorted with pain as he stared back at her, his eyes red and haunted. There were tears winding their way down his face. Suddenly he was bristling with anger.

"What are you doing here?" he shouted. But the savagery in his voice couldn't hide the pain behind every word. Rad seemed to realize it and sagged onto the couch, turning his head away from her as if it were torture to look at her.

"What difference does it make?" The defeated tone of his voice brought a different ache into Lainie's heart. "After all the hell I've put you through, I guess you should have some victory." Rad was talking like a man broken in two. A bitter laugh came from somewhere deep inside him and it was filled with self-contempt. "And to think that for five years, I've tried to make sure you never knew I loved you. I even went to humiliating pains to make sure you believed I never did." Rad turned his tortured eyes on her, drinking in the bewildered expression on her face as if he were dying from thirst. "Oh, Lainie, I love you so much. Forgive me for forcing you… for blackmailing you into being my wife again," he begged in a hoarse whisper.

"Rad!" His name was an exultant bubble that burst gladly from Lainie.

"Don't pity me!" he shouted, rising to his feet as he changed from the beggar to the dominator. "I couldn't stand that!"

This salvaged the story for me because these two had been driving me up the wall with their pride and forced impasse. I was rather shocked to see an old school alpha male H actually cry and then unburden himself like this. It was the one thing that made me believe that these 2 would finally have a happy ending, with the 2 sons and 1 daughter the heroine wants to have.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Melluvsbooks.
1,389 reviews
January 26, 2024
3.5 stars - Love me a cold cruel hero particularly served up with a heavy helping 1975 vintage pizzazz 🤡. This hero manipulated and coerced the heroine back into the marriage bed. Thats always a good time.

This was short. Almost too short. It’s ends with Janet Dailey’s signature abrupt finale: The OW is never really explained or resolved. However, by the intensity of the heros feelings and several context clues, I think it’s implied that he was never with the OW. I prefer for it to be spelled out and put to bed tho, so I have to reduce the stars for that.

Despite the drawbacks, this was vintage soapy good angsty fun.. 🤷🏼‍♀️💕
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,626 reviews551 followers
February 17, 2020
"After The Storm" is the story of Lainie and Rad.

In this story of conflict and reconcilation, an estranged married couple meet again at a party. The h and H have been separated for five years after a catastrophic fight, and the H has refused to divorce the h. Now, the h is forced to beg for his help to aid her ailing mother. But the H has just one condition, she returns to his bed as his wife..

Contrary to this very HQN like brief, this was a super angsty love story between two highly volatile souls. Their love story was as passionate as it was almost violent, and I could not help wanting to shake them both- the h at her helplessness and the H at his very haughtiness. The love, however, simmered below the surface- and I genuinely felt bad for the OM in this one. The OW was an unnecessary b.

Enjoyed in parts.

Safe? SWE?
Profile Image for Margo.
2,076 reviews99 followers
April 7, 2023
Why did I give this three stars when I first read it? He was cruel to her for years and never explained why!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Debby.
1,288 reviews18 followers
November 16, 2020
The H was a borderline case of one moment cruel and the next sweet.

He offers to give the h money to pay off all her debts and to raise the allowance she receives from him monthly after they separated 5 years ago. They separated, but they did not divorce because he didn’t want a divorce.

But the h is too pride and throws his generous offer in his face.

The h is annoying. Such an emptyhead. She offends him by saying she would rather sell her body in the streets than take financial help from him. Yet she does live off the monthly allowance he gives her.

There is too much attention in the book for what the h wears and her hairstyles. Too much descriptions in detail of her clothes. It seems as if that is the only thing that matters to her.

And I don’t like a h who smokes cigarettes.
Profile Image for RomLibrary.
5,789 reviews
February 7, 2021
"You are still legally my wife," Rad pointed out bluntly. "All I'm asking is that you resume those duties once more."

Lainie stared at him. What a fool she had been not to accept his previous offer. But that refusal had been dictated by her pride, and now need had replaced pride.

What frightened Lainie was that she still loved him. She was beginning to wonder if she had ever stopped!
1,305 reviews98 followers
September 29, 2023
Talk about miscommunication.... and ludicrously abrupt HEA pinnacle and finale in one! I do however,admit to enjoyment of the silliness....!😂
Profile Image for أجمل زهرة.
657 reviews28 followers
December 27, 2017
مترجمة للعربية: نبضة قلب- روايات عبير الجديدة.

منذ ستة سنوات فشل زواج ليليان من جورج المتسلط ,وهي الطفلة الدلوعة .
ولكن الآن هل تستطيع ان تعود الى جلادها بعد هذه السنوات الطويلة, لا لن تعود بالطبع ......ولكن .
انها بحاجة ماسة لماله لمساعدة والدتها المريضة ......
وهو يفرض عليها ان تعود زوجته ....عندها سيعود الالم والحب الدفين.
هل تستطيع السيطرة على هذا الرجال المتسلط ام تفشل.
Profile Image for ANGELIA.
844 reviews6 followers
March 23, 2024
I liked this one, even if both the H and h got on my nerves at times. This really was a case of the h being too young and immature for marriage at the start. (She was 20, but a bit entitled and spoiled by her parents. Also, her mom gave her bad advice, didn't like or trust the H, and contributed to their marriage troubles.)

The h was too insecure (aren't they all?) to realize that the H had serious business troubles to contend with, she just assumed he put his career ahead of her. She was restless and bored, and started spending more time with her trust fund baby friends, who were all too self-centered and immature for the H and tried to avoid socializing with them.

For her part, she was too demanding, too quick to jump to conclusions, and too fast to make remarks she later regretted. For his part, he expected a bit too much from her too soon, like wanting to start a family right away. He was in his 30's, so that was understandable for him, but she was only 20, so that's rushing it for her. He also never told her about his business troubles, which would have explained his frequent absences and cancelling plans at the last minute.

They go their separate ways after a big argument, when he gets home late, forgetting about the party they were invited to; one thing leads to an another and the accusations fly (she's also been jealous of his PA, the OW in the story), she says she resents his wanting to tie her down with a baby, and he ends up saying they should have just had an affair rather than get married, since sex is all they have in common. What a mess!!

Five years later, her father's dead, her mother's ill, there's no money, and a more mature and subdued h needs the H's help. Neither has moved on, though there was the OM she was going to start dating, and the H never exactly says there was no one else, but if there was, it definitely wasn't the OW, who still works for him and still wants him.

The h's mother - who at first glance seems to be manipulating her daughter into caring for her to the exclusion of having her own life - really turns out to be ill, and has a change of attitude for the better, admitting that she was wrong to talk against the H the way she did. (Probably not surprising, since his money was being spent on getting her well.) But there are too many misunderstandings, unspoken feelings, etc. until the h is ready to leave again for good, thinking it's what the H wants, only to find him ready to fall apart at the thought of never seeing her again!

There were good moments, but it could have been better, with more focus on their marriage, and both making more of an effort. Still, it's not a bad read.
Profile Image for Kate.
274 reviews3 followers
May 3, 2022
Look, there are some ideas in here that are dated. (This was written in 1975.) But the angst here is so delicious, the scenario delightfully over-the-top, and the seemingly cruel and heartless love interest cries at the end because he loves her and thinks he's lost her. It's also a Second Chance Romance™ so they have history~. (Also, like it's painfully obvious that he's still in love with her and their separation hurt him deeply. I love it. I love emotionally constipated fictional men.) This is the kind of trash that I love. It's cliched and it's so beautiful.
791 reviews2 followers
January 26, 2024
Hated it
Immature and rude h
Who doesn’t work

Lives on self pity and the allowance check given by H
But stills insults him at every given opportunity saying she doesn’t need anything
But she too is suffering as
H too was arrogant though and cruel

Plus an abrupt ending
1,125 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2020
This was a seriously messed up couple. Most of the time, I was actually rooting for them to break up and get on with their lives.
Profile Image for Michelle.
263 reviews42 followers
June 20, 2012
This book runs high on emotions, mostly stormy ones, and does it pretty well. The basic scenario is fairly stereotypcial - married couple that's been separated for several years is suddenly brought back together, first by a chance meeting at a concert, and then more deliberately due to her mother's illness. They fight and snarl at one another, but also have moments that show they clearly still get along quite well in some ways at least, and it's made clear that she still loves him, but he doesn't seem to love her - and so it goes until eventually they have their tear-filled and oh-so-touching happily ever after at the end when they finally admit/discover that they both love the other one and always have. (Apologies if that's rather spoilery, but isn't really all that spoilery since that's pretty much how every book of this sort plays out.)

Lainie is a young woman who's shouldering some pretty large responsibilities in caring for her terminally ill mother while also trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table and the doctors and hospital at least nominally paid. It's plain to see from the start that the strain is steadily taking its toll on her and that she's likely headed for a breakdown at some point if things don't change. And change does come fairly soon when she runs into Rad at a concert and all of her dormant feelings for him are brought suddenly back to life, chiefly her lingering resentful anger at him from before, but also a wildfire attraction to him that hasn't died. From then on it's a stormy, bumpy ride through the rest of the book, with Lainie going through the whole gamut of emotions from bouyant happiness to flaming rage to abject despair. In many ways, the emotional roller coaster, or at least the various situations that bring it about, is all pretty predictable and cliched, but the writing is good enough to make them all believable, and to make it easy to get caught up on the roller coaster along with her as you read through it.

In contrast to Lainie's fairly developed character, and that of some of her friends, Rad is never really developed beyond the stereotype of the overbearing and autocratic rich man who's used to giving orders and having them obeyed. With only a few exceptions, his attitude toward Lainie is sarcastic at best, coldly cruel at worst, and rarely lends much credence to the knowledge that he must really love her despite his callous treatment of her. Thus, when we finally see his facade crack at the very end when the truth that we've known all along finally comes out, it seems fairly abrupt and uncharacteristic. While he's never quite made the villain of the piece, neither is he often a very convincing hero of it either.

The emotions in this book, and the author's skill in getting you caught up in them, is the main thing to recommend it. Without those, this would be a fairly trite and very predictable story that would probably be more than a little cheesy. The vivid characterizations, and the volatile emotions rescue it from that fate though, and so I'd recommend this to anyone who's a fan of this type of book.
Profile Image for Gill.
Author 1 book14 followers
December 26, 2010
Oh dear oh dear. This one started off a bit better than I expected, with some idea of a plot and some description of place, but it quickly deteriorated into slush romance, which might have been commissioned by some style magazine -full of hairstyles, furniture, clothes, but even those descriptions were not done well. The new man involved in the plot simply disappeared once he had served his purpose, the people were cardboard cutouts and far from characters one identifies with, were people I would not wish to meet at all! I managed to finnish reading in a day whilst knitting a sock, and that was the best thing I could say about it.
August 20, 2009
I remember this book, and simply want a copy!? I really like the ending where the heroine comes to their place to collect some stuff and the hero said something like... "What did you came here for? To insult me..." haha 'coz he misapprehend that the heroine was inlove to a another man. Haven't memorize the exact line that's why I badly want a copy to relieve this story.
798 reviews3 followers
September 15, 2015
No way did this book make sense. No explanation for the way the husband treated the wife, never once saying he loved her before their separation and only admitting it on the last two pages. He was mean, vindictive and sarcastic.
Profile Image for PAINTED BOX.
696 reviews7 followers
June 27, 2018
"You are still legally my wife," Rad pointed out bluntly. "All I'm asking is that you resume those duties once more."

Lainie stared at him. What a fool she had been not to accept his previous offer. But that refusal had been dictated by her pride, and now need had replaced pride.

What frightened Lainie was that she still loved him. She was beginning to wonder if she had ever stopped!
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews

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