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Infernal Covenant #2

Till Heaven Do Us Part

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After living in Hell for a year, I might have to amend the saying “Hell is other people” to “Hell is other people’s family.” Specifically, my dear demon husband’s family, AKA my infernal in-laws. Even more specifically, Lucifer, my grandfather-in-law.

In a revelation surprising exactly no one, Lucifer really is a mean-spirited, nefarious, hateful mothertrucker, and for reasons beyond my control, I am bound to him with a vow of silence about a juicy little secret he’s been keeping—from Azazel, my beloved demonic spouse. Which puts me between a rock and a hard place, and I don’t mean between the wall and Azazel’s magnificently muscled torso. That one, I wouldn’t mind.

I’m notoriously bad at keeping secrets. Given the non-existent filter between my brain and my mouth, no one’s more impressed than me that I haven’t spilled the beans to Azazel yet. I can only credit the paralyzing fear of what Lucifer would do to me if I broke my vow to him. But I’m just barely keeping it together here. All it would take for me to crack is a crisis that short-circuits my brain and I’d probably sing like a canary.

Thank goodness my life is boring AF and nothing ever happens here in Hell to throw me off kilter.

Oh, wait…

* * *
Author’s Note: Till Heaven Do Us Part is the second installment in the Infernal Covenant trilogy. This book ends in a cliffhanger, for which the author is really sorry. * Book 3 will likely be released in early 2024. While complaints about the cliffhanger won’t make the author write faster, production speed may be increased by sending her copious amounts of coffee. * *

* not really

* * or kind messages of support

474 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 31, 2023

About the author

Nadine Mutas

14 books423 followers
Nadine Mutas is the award-winning author of paranormal romances featuring demons and witches and lots of forbidden love. Her debut novel, To Seduce a Witch’s Heart, won the Golden Quill 2016 for Best Paranormal Romance as well as the Published Maggie Award 2016 for Paranormal/Fantasy, and the latest installment in her Love and Magic series, To Enthrall the Demon Lord, is a finalist in the prestigious RWA® RITA® Award 2018 for Paranormal Romance.
After obtaining a university degree in the subjects job counselors like to warn you about (“There’s no money in humanities!”), Nadine is now writing full-time and introvertedly thriving from her home office. You can usually lure her out of her socially awkward shell by striking up a conversation about languages (keywords: Indo-European family; relation of Sanskrit to Ancient Greek) and watch her geek out for the next hour.
She currently lives in California with her college sweetheart, beloved little demon spawn, and two black cats hellbent on cuddling her to death (Clarification: Both her husband and kid prefer her alive. The cats, she’s not so sure about.)
Nadine Mutas is a proud member of the Romance Writers of America (RWA) and the Silicon Valley Romance Writers of America (SVRWA), the Rose City Romance Writers (RCRW), as well as the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal chapter of the RWA (FF&PRW).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews
Profile Image for Lakshmi C.
346 reviews103 followers
October 31, 2023
Magical Adventures in Hell. Dangerous, Romantic & Magical

I received this ARC from the author in exchange for a honest review.

Spoiler free.

Why you must read this book :

1 Zoe & Azazel

One of my favourite couples of all time.
These two were partners in the truest sense of the world & were perfect together. Azazel was overprotective, generous & cunning. Zoe was caring, snarky, determined & trouble.
These two have such a rich relationship - everything from humour, romance, support, sharing and intensity.

2 Mephisto & Vengeance

The greatest cat philosopher of all time. Mephisto is a hell cat with dangerous strategies and fiery surprises.

Vengeance is a goofy, hell hound with a loyal heart.

3 Supporting characters

They were unique, vivid, brought a lot to the table & made a solid impact in their scenes. These include everything from mischief, threats, perspective and friends with unexpected benefits.

4 Story Logic
The author has a deep understanding of her characters personalities & worldbuilding. You are convinced when a certain action has a certain reaction. You nod along when hell has certain rules & consequences. It all makes sense & that enhances the reading experience.

5 Bonus points
This is the rare book where I enjoyed the description & inner monologue of the character.

Nadine Mutas is one of the best writers in the fantasy/paranormal genre & this is one of her strongest books.

All hail the Cliffhanger Queen
Profile Image for Elle ♡ [semi-hiatus].
664 reviews93 followers
November 9, 2023
This book had me in my feeeeels. I just finally moved into an apartment this past weekend after moving abroad for the first time and struggling to find an apartment for months and then I got Covid. So I haven’t had much time to read and it’s been an interesting and tumultuous week so that might’ve impacted my emotional response to this book lol, but it had me tearing up quite a bit. I only gave this 3 stars cause I did still enjoy it, but idk not as much as book one and I found the plot a bit eh.

That said the steam was steamy, Azazel was romantic as hell and the way he simps for Zoe is unmatched, I love it. Hell, however, was a shit hole as usual and not romanticized at all which I’d personally would prefer. Seems like a really shit place to live and I personally like my PNR romances to have realism, but not that much realism, ya know? Like I get it’s Hell, but man does it sound like a shit existence and I want better for Azazel and Zoe lol. The one cute thing was the hell kittens, nice addition. And as always I love her hellhound and hellcat. Anywayyy I thought there was a tad too much sad and heavy shit on Earth and in Hell. Also Zoe made a few decisions/reacted to things in ways that made no sense. I just wasn’t a fan of all the plot lines we were dragged down.

Then after all the parts that had me crying the last act big twist that should’ve had me super sad had the same emotional reaction as reading a user manual in another language, just didn’t process it at all. I was just like…that’s not real, that didn’t happen. I’m still just operating under the assumption that’s going to be control undo-ed at some point? Right? Like what was the point of that? That couldn’t have just happened and can’t end that way? Why spend all that time building that up to just get rid of it all so quick and inconsequentially. It was weird. Didn’t like. I’m being vague to avoid spoilers but like no, I really liked that person and just no. Then the the verrry end did get me back in my feels for a sec, but the cliffhanger (that I knew was coming) wasn’t as annoying or heartbreaking as I feared so that’s a positive.

But idk overall this book was a bit random. I wanted a bit more world building/character development with relationships in Hell like with Lucifer, I’d like some character growth there or explanations. He’s a moody enigma I don’t understand at all. But this book was mostly just some random fighting, not that well thought out whims of Zoe’s with big consequences and depressing shit. Next book should be interesting. Potentially. Still hoping for some kind of control undo situation cause I really liked that character, but yeah it’s 2am, I stayed up late to finally finish this book and write this rambling nonsensical “review” so I think I’ll end it here 🫡
2 reviews1 follower
October 21, 2023
First of, I have been selected for an ARC of Till Heaven Do Us Part!

I love it, I hate it, I love it!

As in the first book, I particularly found the scenes between Zoe and Lucifer to be hilarious, and this time too you won't be disappointed.

What made me also very happy is that we get to see more of Mephisto.
A cat with no sense of sarcasm who saves the day in the end.

I also hope that there will be other spin-offs of the story, maybe with Taylor, her and her Telegram!

There's a lot to laugh about, of course there's also drama and then you got to a point where it could have led to a happy ending. And then...
I can't believe it.
I can't look.
I can't read any further.
Everything is going down the drain!
I shed snot and tears.

I can hardly wait for the sequel.

I don't want to give too much away, there might be another review after October 31st, but for now you should know that you're going to need tissues.

Have fun while reading.
2 reviews
October 22, 2023
Spoiler Free:

Do you love brooding bad boy MMC's so hot that they (literally) burn your clothes off? Do you love snarky FMC's who don't put up with bullshit and who's inner monologue will have you laughing out loud? Of course you do, hell you're only human.

If you've read Hellishly Ever After you don't need me to tell you how good a series this is. If you haven't, well you will probably want to start with book 1 (do it!). But if you want to embrace chaos and dive straight into book 2 at least there is a hilarious recap to bring you up to speed.

Till Heaven Do Us Part brings us back to hell were Zoe has mostly settled into her life at Azazel's side, navigating the intricacies & politics of being a lady of hell, but as usual her mouth gets her into some seriously bad (but funny) situations.

What I really enjoyed most about this book was getting to delve deeper into both Zoe & Azazel's characters. There were some truly touching emotional beats, particularly when Azazel is able to vocalise traumas Zoe herself is unaware she is holding onto.

Being the middle book in a trilogy of course we get some climatic action (and I'm not just talking the spicy scenes, of which there were many). While we do end on a pretty major cliffhanger it has only made me excited to see what is in store for Zoe & Azazel in book 3 (due April 2024)
Profile Image for Kelsey | kjacksbookshelf.
120 reviews9 followers
October 31, 2023
I feel like this book was like a book of small rising actions that lead up to a big one to take us to the climax of the series which will be book 3. I kept trying to figure out what the plot of this book was but each problem would resolve and lead to another situation. Either way this book was enjoyable and it was fun to see Zoe and Azazel actually be together and see how Zoe is fitting in or rather not fitting in in hell.

You definitely can’t skip this one and I’m ABSOLUTELY ready for book 3 in the Spring!
Profile Image for Miche.
264 reviews17 followers
July 19, 2024
I liked this one more than the first book, even if it wasn't as funny. The story was interesting and that ending made me line up the next book right away.
1 review1 follower
October 23, 2023
OMG!!! I love!! Love! Love!! Talk about electric!!! I really couldn't put it down! Nadine takes us on another exciting journey as Zoe navigates life in hell 1 year later!! With a ruthless enemy out for blood the race against time is on for our favourite couple!! Definitely worth the read with lots of sizzling hot scenes and an interesting new twist, I cant wait for the next one!! 😋😋I recieved a ARC
October 26, 2023
*Spoiler Free* It's only fair hellkittens. I was very fortunate to receive an advanced copy (ARC) of this book and Hawt Dammmmmn it was so good!
If your anything like me (emotionally invested, chronically gasping and cackling) you pull alot of faces and draw looks of "oh she's off her nut" - british for crazy.

But I digress. We find Zoe exactly where we left her... in hell of course. But its almost exactly a year since she was dragged to hell by her hot telepathic husband Azazel. After ups and downs and more than enough growing pains that come with acclimating to her new life in hell. Zoe is now a lady of her new husbands demesne, a title that not everyone is happy to show respect to. As Azazel's wife she is loved and cherished but to other demons she is just a lowly human they despise having to bow to. But whilst she has no fans in her demon peers there is one person who does find Zoe delightful... Lucifers former human squeeze Lillith.

Lillith's new found interest in zoe comes from her being drawn to the human enthusiasm and light she hasn't felt in eons. Don't get me wrong I was suspicious... I thought "She's lucifers spy keeping tabs on Zoe". You know from the secret that Azazel's mother is very much not dead, instead alive and living in Lucifers Palace. Now I'm not saying that Zoe can't keep a secret, cos she kept it zipped up to this point which is commendable but you know that it's not secured because her deep shared love between Zoe and Azazel means it hurts to keep it from him.

So whilst stewing about her secret she opens up to lillith and more surprisingly Lillith opens up to Zoe. What follows is both shocking and chest-opening! Oops I mean eye-opening. But I digress, this is foreshadowing for later and boy is it explosive. I'd tell you but no spoilers *snickers*

So we all know Zoe can't hold water like a bladder, a lovely expression I heard in an American TV show and yoink I use it liberally and in this case it works! So distraction is key for her sanity. So we get to see her dad and the new dynamic between Zoe and her dad is sweet, even her dad is acclimating to life as a free spirit so much so he plays gin rummy with his demon bodyguards. It's also nice to see a chummy relationship between father and daughter to where they have wee in jokes they used before the estrangement. I have to say I was both warmed and suspicious cos I was sure a wrench was a coming to mess it up... You have to read the book if you want to know if its sans wrench cos I'm not telling! Hehe.

Another fabulous reunion is with Zoe's BBF Taylor. Like her dad she visits with them every few weeks because Zoe can only visit in astral spirit form for a short time. What we learn is that the visits drain her and inorder to avoid permanently detaching from her body forever she needs to recharge. Hence the every few weeks, but in Zoe's stressed moments she can also turn to old fashioned letter writing cos Hell don't have WiFi or cell service. Zoe takes it in her stride and treats it as an opportunity to be dramatic and write like a 18th century damsel although she doesn't go full ye old and use a quill and ink pot although she does consider it. We also revisit how Taylor is not shy about pushing the envelope if the envelope is a pissed off demon conscripted to be her letter reenactor to a hilarious if a danger degree. Put it this way, we almost have an inter-hell-national incident. But again I ain't telling ya, you have to read it!

Now I want to blurt out all the ups and downs and hawt Azazel sex scenes but again they should be enjoyed as you READ it yourself. I identify with Zoe and I think alot do as well, shes just so full of layers and seeing her thoughts and feelings make it easier to be in this complex world that Nadine has created. I mean none of us are going to strike a demon bargain and hook us a devilish handsome demon husband with a beautiful heart that loves you but... if I can't have that I love to live vicariously through Zoe.

Although I'm still keeping my options open I mean anything is possible... being an introvert I'm transported reading these books and even through the gut wrenching moments I got through it because I'm invested and as we learned about Azazel, he is more than a demon he's a cherub an angel/demon hybrid that still has me cackling just like it does Zoe.

So before I blurb more and possibly spill spoilers I will leave you with this... READ THE BOOK!

If you haven't read Book one "Hellishly Ever After" read it. Even if you have, re-read it and get ready for the next journey through hell cos its a hawt read *snickers, clears throat and gives two thumbs-up*
December 27, 2023
Rezension (german)

„Till Heaven Do Us Part“, von Nadine Mutas, ist der zweite Band von Infernal Covenant – Reihe und nachdem mir der Erste gefallen hatte, wollte ich wissen wie es weitergeht.
Das erste was mir zum Buch einfällt? Es ist emotional. War emotional auf einer gewaltigen Bandbreite. Nadine Mutas hat es geschafft, mich zu mit ihrem Schreibstil zu berühren, in einen schwarzen Schlund zu ziehen und wieder ganz, ganz hoch steigen zu lassen, ehe der Cliffhänger reinkickte und alles kaputt machte. Zoe macht hier eine tolle, reife Entwicklung durch und blieb dennoch in ihrem Kern sympathisch und vor allem verständlich in ihren Ängsten und Bedenken. In ihrer Panik, in ihrem Unwohlsein und ihren Gefühlen. Nicht selten habe ich mich von ihr widergespiegelt gefühlt. Azazel war zum dahin schmelzen. Zum liebhaben. Zum umarmen. Zum beweinen. Und auch er zeigte, dass er sich verändern konnte. Auf tolle Weise. Die Nebencharaktere bescherten mir wunderbare Lacher. Furiose Momente und vor allem, mehr Hintergrund zu ihnen. Mit kleinen Details, die immer mehr Präsenz gewannen, erzählt Nadine Mutas auch etwas über die Welt, ihren Gepflogenheiten und Anlehnungen in der Mythologie und ich fand es toll eingebunden. Spannung baute sich schnell auf und endete in einem richtig krassen Cliffhänger Halt, wow. Was für mich aber heraussticht, ist die Story rund um Azazel und Zoe. Sie war einfach, logisch, heiß in einigen Augenblicken und doch auf eine Weise erzählt, die originell und einfühlsam war. Super in die Tat umgesetzt.

Fazit. Witz, Twists und Gefühle, ihr findet all das in Till Heaven Do Us Part. Ich empfehle euch es vom ganzen Herzen.

Das Buch hat von mir 5/5🌹

Liebe Grüße Ellerosé🌹

Review (english)

„Till Heaven Do Us Part“, from Nadine Mutas, is the second book in die Infernal Covenant – Triolgy and after i liked the first one, I had to read the second.
The first thing, which comes to my mind, when I think about this book? It´s emotional. Was heavily emotional. Nadine Mutas touched my soul with the fluid writing style. Brought me joy, down the deppest, darkest pits and above the clouds, the sun, until the cliffhanger crashed into me and derailed me completely. Zoe grew massively, without losing her symptehtic edge, her true kernel of a soul and stayed understandble in her fear, anger, panic and above all love. More often than I can count, I saw myself in her. Azazal was just to die for. Loveable. Amazing and totally my type. The sidecharacteres were more fleshed out, prominent and made me laugh. Laugh and enjoy them. With small details, Nadine Mutas told about the world, which Zoe and Azazal ar resding, the mytholgy, the traditions and behaviours. The action came fast, hard and crashed me in the end with the cliffhanger. But, the thing which stands out the most, for me, is the story. It was simple, logical, with many heated moments and still engaging. Told in a way, which was orginal and hearttouching. Wholesame.

So, to sum everything up. Humor, Twists and big emotions. All this you can find it in Till Heaven Do Us Part!

I gave the book 5/5🌹

Lots of Love, rosarium🌹
168 reviews8 followers
July 4, 2024
Dopo gli avvenimenti accaduti nel volume precedente, la voglia di scoprire cosa fosse successo a una delle coppie infernali più amate degli ultimi anni, ERA DIVENTATA UNA NECESSITÀ😍

Zoe non avrebbe mai immaginato che dal momento che aveva fatto un patto con un Demone dell’Inferno, la sua vita sarebbe cambiata dal giorno alla notte.
Beh, grande errore di valutazione, mia cara!

È passato un anno dal suo arrivo nella sua nuova casa e la sua routine gira intorno a feste in cui si riuniscono i demoni di alto rango per festeggiare svariate conquiste, dove lei si prende cura della sua dimora – per quanto le sue capacità umane le permettano – e per la quale passa la maggior parte del tempo a litigare e a star bene con il suo infernale sposo, Azazel.
Ciò che la tormenta a non finire è il suo senso di colpa nel non poter rivelare ciò che ha scoperto per caso all’interno delle mura di Lucifero, sapendo che quell’episodio tormenta ancora lui e sua sorella, Azmodea.

Nel frattempo nuovi grattacapi insorgono – c’è, volete mettere a stare tranquilli, all’Inferno?! – e i due coniugi cercano risposte a ciò che accadde quando la piccola umana e la sua migliore amica Taylor fecero quella seduta spiritica non tanto sicura e divertente.
Ma ovviamente nessuno può tenere lontana Zoe dal mettersi dai guai, nel tentare di fare del bene per chi ama e per chi ha voluto prenderla sotto la sua ala…

Ciò che viene rivelato, dopo le incognite uscite nel volume
precedente, ci fanno capire il perché certe azioni nei confronti dei due fratelli demoniaci sono state effettuate e come, per un gioco crudele, non vi è stato modo di evitarlo. Una figura che ho apprezzato molto è stata Lilith, sposa di Lucifero: per quanto non costretta a rimanere all'Inferno perché umana, ha deciso di restare accanto del suo amato, nel bene e nel male. E in quest'ottica, ha voluto aiutare la nostra Zoe a proteggersi da eventuali pericoli facendole dono di un qualcosa di così prezioso, che nemmeno Lucifero in persona poteva farci nulla.
La storia, rispetto al volume uno, è più concentrata sulla nuova vita di Zoe con Azazel - in vari aspetti - e di come la sfiga la perseguiti all'infinito. Se prima c'era il problema con suo padre, adesso anche le vite di sua madre e di Taylor non sono al sicuro. E al minimo cenno di tentennamento o di sconsideratezza, il castello di carte può crollare, e il gioco di guerra finire in un bagno di sang*e!
Attendo con estrema (im)pazienza il terzo volume😍
6 reviews
October 26, 2023
I received this book as an ARC.

If you’ve read the first book and you’re wondering whether the second will live up to your expectations then I can happily confirm you will not be disappointed.

I absolutely loved the first book in this series and had hoped I would love the second book just as much. Book two has been an absolute joy to read and I loved it all. The summary at the beginning was an extremely useful way to open the book and it caught me up on all the little details that I had stored and forgotten from the first book. So thank you for that!

Nadine writes in such a way that you really feel like you are Zoe. The way she has captured the trials and tribulations of marriage and the chemistry between Zoe and Azazel, it is amazing and very relatable.

Zoe is a brilliant female lead. She is strong, determined, funny and loving. What I particularly love is that she challenges everything she hears, feels and thinks. You don’t find yourself screaming at the character wondering how they could forget or ignore such a vital point! Throughout the book you really see her change and it’s woven through from the first few pages. She is no damsel in distress!

Azazel is the perfect book husband. Loving, supportive, honest and sexy (obviously) in balance with his possessive, overprotective and dominant side. You get to see all aspects of a relationship and marriage as they navigate it together. I loved the banter between him and Zoe and Zoe’s inner monologue!

The plot kept me intrigued throughout. I definitely did not see what was coming!

The way Nadine has brought the characters to life is what drew me into THDUP and I really ‘feel’ along with them. Hence the ugly crying at the cliffhanger!

Well done Nadine - it is amazing.

Honestly go buy it!
2 reviews
October 28, 2023
Oof am I glad I was selected to to review this book before the release!

This is by far my favourite series of books in this genre. Zoe, Azazel and ALL the supporting characters are written so well. Nadine really knows how to draw her audience in to the story and make you feel a part of it

If you haven't read book 1, I highly suggest you do. It's probably my favourite out of the 2, simply because I have always loved the tension and the build up that leads to the happily ever after

I wasn't sure how this book would or could be on par with the 1st but Nadine managed it brilliantly! The story delved in to the raw emotions, new feelings and commitment to their relationship, dealing with the cliffhanger from book 1 (not going to mention it here) and so much more. It really highlighted how both Zoe and Azazel adjusted to and with each other; Zoe navigating her life in Hell, and Azazel being able to be vulnerable with Zoe just to mention a couple

The literally hot and sizzling scenes? Yes, we are came for them and we were not left disappointed. The best bit, you know there's going to be more to look forward to in book 3 (hopefully)

Should you read this book? Absolutely! Was there another cliffhanger? Well duh, how else are we meant to look forward to book 3 and get more of these 2?! Will we get a spin-off of Zoe's BFF Taylor? I hope so!

If you're already a fan, and have read book 1, you'll for sure love book 2. If you're new to Nadine and enjoy this genre, trust me, you're gonna enjoy this :)
Profile Image for Jewels.
95 reviews
November 1, 2023
It’s so good to be back with Zoe and Azrael!! I love the chemistry between the two. I love to see how they have grown together. I feel like this book delved more into the emotional side of their relationship and each other - some very emotional lovely moments.

This book is a bit darker than the first book. There isn’t as much humor but it shows the growth of the series and the setting up of an epic series. This is definitely a middle book gearing up for a really epic series finale!

This book is definitely spicer which is so yummy!! I loved seeing Azrael be more demony. ❤️🔥 the chemistry is so off the charts!

The one part of the book that was not my favorite was when Zoe took an issue into her hands only and didn’t work with Azrael. It felt like this was out of character from the Zoe in the first book. Luckily there was explanation for why but I still like Zoe and Azrael as a team.

Watch the Cliff! This has a pretty nasty cliffhanger! Darn you Nadine!!! But I’m excited to see how it all plays out in the next book. ❤️ I’m hoping to see more of the side characters from the first book in the next book - such great characters!!!

Every time a book comes out by Nadine Mutas I read it immediately and this was no exception. BRAVO!!
Profile Image for Marie  Brown (Marie's Tempting Reads).
2,754 reviews54 followers
October 30, 2023
Till Heaven Do Us Part is seriously more hilarious and outrageously sexy and wholly awesome than book 1 and I didn't think that could be possible!

This book just hit all the right buttons with me. It was hella fun and super-hot and just kept me giggling and on the edge of my seat. And that ending...oh wow, I NEED the next book like NOW! I was so freaking happy when I got this ARC, I couldn't help but to immediately dive in. Our delicious and wicked hero, Azazel is just as jaw dropping yummy and badass and oh so delicicious as I remembered...maybe even more so in this one. And Zoe, gosh, this heroine makes me laugh and really makes me wish she was a real person because I would LOOOOVE to be this girl's friend! She and Azazel have such amazing chemistry and the most fun banter I have ever read in a looooong time. I adored this book and the ending just left me hanging on the edge, wanting the next book STAT!

If you haven't jumped on Infernal Covenant books yet, you need to NOW! These should NOT be missed! I give Till Heaven Do Us Part a GLORIOUSLY FUN FIVE SPARKLING, FIERY STARS!!
February 11, 2024
Another hellishly good book

Oh my, what can I say! Grab a stiff drink, a big bar of choc and settle in for a real roller coaster ride.
There’s tears, there’s laughter, there’s corners and dips you don’t see coming and will want to close your eyes for.
This is the second book in the series, to get a firm grip on the story so far I suggest reading book one first.
In terms of characters, you can’t help but fall in love with the, deeply gorgeous Azazel ( I mean…just phworrr) and the wonderfully innocent & clumsy Zoe, incredibly lovable, I’d so be her friend, we could be clumsily awkward together. Vengeance the ‘puppy’ is hilarious and Mesphisto - aloof hellcat is typically cat but cute with it.
I really don’t want to give away any spoilers, so I’m trying hard not to say too much.
I can’t recommend this book enough, I’ve already pre-ordered the next book, can’t wait.
Only problem I had, was an error with character names in the last few pages, I have reported it and really hope they change it, it did spoil it a bit and pulled you out of your Azazel/Zoe bubble. That’s my only gripe, it was in the kindle format.
131 reviews
March 12, 2024

Die Geschichte rund um Zoe und Az geht weiter , die vielen wortwiederholungen ( die mich schon in Band 1 genervt haben) gibt es hier teils auch wieder eine Menge Drama und nicht so tolle Kommunikation 😅
Zoe war in band 1 irgendwie witzig und teilweise tough , dann aber auch wieder naiv - hier war mir teils einfach zu dramatisch.
Leider ist das irgendwie die Schwierigkeit bei toughen/ starken weiblichen Charakteren… die richtige Dosis zu finden ohne dass der Charakter zickig , Dramatisch oder nervig rüberkommt.
Ist hier teilweise gelungen
Az bemüht sich wirklich und es ist ja schon irgendwie süß was er alles für sie tut/tun würde
….ein wenig mehr Handlung als in Band 1 und sooooo viel Drama
Fand den Anfang etwas schleppend - dafür passiert danach gefühlt ALLES

Um ehrlich zu sein habe ich nicht damit gerechnet,dass es am Ende so wild hergeht , auch wenn das nur kurz anhielt…Das Ende war schon etwas fies - aber … wenn man als Autorin einen cliffhanger ankündigt konnte man schon vermuten in welche Richtung das geht - vor allem bei dem Titel ;)
War ok ,nicht besser oder schlechter als band 1
173 reviews
February 5, 2024
Piango…. Piango tantissimo. Le persone che hanno letto questo libro e hanno pensato “deludente, non mi è piaciuto ecc” voglio dire capisco le diverse preferenze ma io ho pianto fiumi anzi no laghi per questo libro. La cosa divertente è che io non piango mai così facilmente.
Allora torniamo ad una recensione fredda e alquanto veritiera quindi… in questo secondo libro praticamente la Mutas si concentra sulla vita di Zoe e Azazel, e cavolo posso dire l’ha fatto magistralmente. Ovviamente però affinché il libro sia degno seguito del primo, non si può limitare a questo quindi ci sono un sacco di colpi di scena con un finale sospeso perché tanto lo sappiamo che c’è un terzo libro… e fatemelo dire non so se riuscirò ad aspettare questa estate ma dato che ho aspettato 3 anni per questo libro, devo farcela anche per forza.
Questo è quanto.
Profile Image for ALEXISAMAILIBRI.
252 reviews38 followers
May 19, 2024
Non ce la posso fare, altro che finale sospeso… è bruttissimo, porca miseria!
Non pensavo che sarebbe succeso il pandemonio, visto tutto ció che hanno affrontato Azazel e Zoe, ma gli ultimi capitoli sono decisamente devastanti oltrettutto mai mi sarei aspettata dei tradimenti così a sangue freddo!
Voglio subito il terzo capitolo, non posso stare con questo magone alla gola senza sapere che succederà ad Azazel e Zoe.
L’unica volta in cui Lilith mi sta simpatica, e Lucifero è un cagnolino nelle sue mani, si ribalta ogni cosa senza esclusioni di colpi
Nadine mi auguro per te che ritornano insieme perchè questo devastante finale è un colpo al cuore non indifferente e sarai tu all’Inferno se non ne escono come si deve
Profile Image for Jennifer Derry.
3 reviews1 follower
October 30, 2023
This book. Absolutely brilliantly hilariously amazing. Not even 30% into it and I was snort laughing (attractive, I know 😂) at Zoey and her awkward, funny self. She's so relatable it's unreal, sometimes it's almost like I'm reading about myself (other than the s+xy times with a hot as sin demon). Nadine has done an amazing job, again, as usual. Ups and down, and the cliffhanger was pretty brutal, but would I do it again? Absolutely! I can't wait to find out what happens in the next book, and see what's in store for Zoey and Azazel. Thankyou Nadine, for working as hard as you do to give us such amazing worlds, characters and storyline.
725 reviews6 followers
November 1, 2023
Amazing! The continuation of Azazel and Zoe's stunning love story captivated me as the plots thickened with shocking developments, startling secrets were revealed, and humorous moments made me laugh out loud. I was immersed in a stunning paranormal world with a quirky heroine, comical hell animals...and sigh... an alpha protector demon who epitomizes the 'I will burn the world down for you' characteristic we love in our romance novels. The twists and turns, danger, and suspense kept me engaged... and yes there is a cliffhanger... and sigh, it is a doozie... but I will be there anxiously waiting when Ms. Mutas gives us more of this crazy world floating around in her awesome imagination.
91 reviews1 follower
October 26, 2023
Ever since I read Hellishly Ever After, I’ve been jonesing for a sequel. It’s finally here with Till Heave Do Us Part and wow, it does not disappoint! I devoured this book and read it in one sitting! It’s a crazy ride as Zoe navigates the intricacies and pitfalls of life in Hell a year later. Zoe’s mouth always seems to land her in some hot water, but I love her snarkiness. Also, with Azazel, I enjoyed the deeper delve into his character. Lots of hot sexy times too! My only complaint is I have to wait for the next book from that cliffhanger! Well played Nadine, well played..
440 reviews
September 25, 2024
I loved this story even with the cliffhanger ending! I'm glad we got to enjoy more of the world and see their relationship bloom. The fast pace kept my interest and I still enjoyed the humor in the second book, maybe more than the first book.

I am a bit sad by what happened to Lilith as I really liked her. I did have questions at the end like why we never saw the angels before on Earth. Overall, I found the story entrancing and I had to know what happened next. Looking forward to the next installment!
115 reviews
November 2, 2023

All the emotions in this book, made me laugh, made me sigh, made me cry ..... Azazel how he feels for Zoe, how he understands her is just perfect. Zoe is so relatable, she is not kick ass, she is brave, loyal and funny... I love these books, so glad to have number 2 in my greedy hands, devoured it in less than a day xx
Profile Image for Lepina.
67 reviews
May 14, 2024
3.5 ⭐️

Questo volume mi ha coinvolto meno del precedente, sarà perché ormai l’enemies to lovers è passato allo stadio successivo, sarà che mi aspettavo più approfondimento sia del world building che dei personaggi secondari…. Ho trovato tutto un po’ piatto e meno accattivante.

Il finale però illegale, ha riacceso la scintilla e non vedo l’ora di sapere cosa succederà nel terzo!!
Profile Image for Lyric.
56 reviews52 followers
November 1, 2023

Omg that was a Rollercoaster! WHY! I thoroughly enjoyed the revelations in this sequel and it was refreshing to see the blunt truths when it comes to grief. Lord that cliffhanger though! April can't come soon enough
Profile Image for Sarah.
96 reviews6 followers
November 5, 2023
Cliffhangers.... I have to wait until April to learn what happens next. .

'Till Heaven Do Us Part is a roll coaster of a ride where Azazel and Zoe's relationship continues and is just as spicy as the first one but leaves you needing more!! The count down is on for book three Hell Over Heels.
Profile Image for Norma Tarditi.
Author 17 books34 followers
February 8, 2024
Più che degno seguito del primo volume, con risvolti di trama che non mi sarei aspettata. Intrattiene, fa sghignazzare, è bollente in pieno stile Mutas e c'è Azazel... Cosa chiedere di più?
Se avete letto e apprezzato "All'inferno e contenti" vi godrete sicuramente anche questo secondo capitolo, in attesa del terzo.
Profile Image for Courtney.
810 reviews20 followers
July 10, 2024
Wow wow wow! Absolutely shook with how this book ended and of course super excited to see how the author will wrap this up!!! OMG! Just completely shocked even if I did kinda guess what was about to happen!
Profile Image for Dana Delamar.
Author 15 books469 followers
November 18, 2023
Sooo good!!! This one has a hell of a twist at the end. Can't wait for the next one!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews

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