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Psychic Visions #3

Maddy's Floor

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Medical intuitive and licensed MD Madeleine Wagner thought she'd seen every way possible to heal a diseased body...then patients start dying from mysterious causes in her long-term facility.

The terminally ill fight to get into her ward. Once there, many miraculously...live. So when her patients start dropping and she senses an evil force causing their deaths, she calls on her friend and mentor, Stefan, for help. Together, they delve beyond the physical plane into the metaphysical... Only to find terror.

She wants to save everyone, but are some souls not meant to be saved?

Detective Drew McNeil has two family members in need of Maddy's healing care, but his visits to her facility leave him wondering - who cares for Maddy? Bizarre events on her floor raise his professional curiosity. And the more time he spends with Maddy, the more personal everything becomes. When the deaths on Maddy's Floor intersect with one of his cold cases, he realizes an old killer has returned - and Maddy's standing in his path.

How can these people stop something that no one else can see, feel or even believe?

310 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 8, 2012

About the author

Dale Mayer

384 books1,596 followers
Dale Mayer is a USA Today bestselling author best known for her Psychic Visions and Family Blood Ties series. Her contemporary romances are raw and full of passion and emotion (Second Chances, SKIN), her thrillers will keep you guessing (By Death series), and her romantic comedies will keep you giggling (It's a Dog's Life and Charmin Marvin Romantic Comedy series).

She honors the stories that come to her - and some of them are crazy and break all the rules and cross multiple genres!

To go with her fiction, she also writes nonfiction in many different fields with books available on resume writing, companion gardening and the US mortgage system. She has recently published her Career Essentials Series. All her books are available in print and ebook format.

To find out more about Dale and her books, visit her at http://www.dalemayer.com. Or connect with her online with Twitter at www.twitter.com/dalemayer and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dalemayer.author. If you like Dale Mayer's books and are interested in joining her street team, sign up here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/40238...

Books by Dale Mayer

Psychic Vision Series
Tuesday's Child
Hide'n Go Seek
Maddy's Floor
Garden of Sorrow
Knock, Knock...
Rare Find
Eyes to the Soul - fall/winter 2014

By Death Series
Touched by Death - Part 1 - Free
Touched by Death - Part 2
Touched by Death - Full book
Haunted by Death
Chilled by Death - fall/winter 2014

Second Chances...at Love Series
Second Chances - Part 1
Second Chances - Part 2
Second Chances - Full book

It's a Dog's Life- romantic comedy

Charmin Marvin Romantic Comedy
Broken Protocols #1
Broken Protocols #2
Broken Protocols #3

New adult/adul crossover Books
In Cassie's Corner
Gem Stone (a Gemma Stone mystery)

Design Series
Dangerous Designs
Deadly Designs
Darkest Designs

Family Blood Ties Series
Vampire in Denial
Vampire in Distress
Vampire in Design
Vampire in Deceit
Vampire in Defiance

Non-Fiction Books
Career Essentials: The Resume
Career Essentials: The Cover Letter
Career Essentials: The Interview
Career Essentials: 3 in 1

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21 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 120 reviews
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
February 12, 2017
Maddy's Floor is the 3rd book in Dale Mayer's Psychic Visions Series and this was one book I was so looking forward to.

MD Madeleine Wagner runs a floor in a hospital for terminal patients, known as Maddy's floor, where her psychic talent helps patients get better.

When some patients died under mysterious circumstances, Detective Drew McNeil, offers to help her with the investigation. And just in case you think there's some hot romance between these two...........so not!!! I felt no connection or chemistry with these two!!

Ooh, this story dragged on and on..........Maddy, Maddy, Maddy!!!! I just couldn't engage with the characters...yes, I know, Dr Maddy is a saint!!! See, it's pushed down your throat so much that after a while...I was like........
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And the stilted dialogue....and talk about monologues.........
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The worst part in this book, for me, was the ending!!! Really!! Not only did it feel rushed but it made no sense to me. I suppose I could say that.......I lost the plot along the way............
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Okay, I am going to read the next book in the series and hopefully it's going to get better!!!
Profile Image for Anita.
744 reviews56 followers
September 13, 2016
Actual Rating: 1.5 "I'm done with this series" Stars

Yes. I think I'm giving up on this series. I included this book in my 2016 Reading Assignment challenge to see if, by any chance, I'd be able to give the series another go. Truth be told, while the first two books weren't the best written (and had editing errors like nobody's business), they had some pretty good concepts and the story lines weren't entirely insufferable.

But with Maddy's Floor, things were just draggy and boring from the start. I made it through the entire book if only because I wanted to see how the author would handle the ending. I mean, how do you catch a killer who can siphon energy off other people without leaving a trace? How to you try a villain without physical evidence? Only psychics would ever know who was responsible for the deaths of six children and a dying old man. Only psychics would be able to determine how said killer is continuing to take other people's energies and life force.

I really wanted to see how Mayer was going to wrap this mystery up. And you know HOW this story concludes? By making up a left-field conclusion out of thin air. And by sheer force of "THE ALMIGHTY WRITER'S WILL": Let that sink in for a second and you'll understand why I chose to subtract another half a star from an originally "It was OK" 2-Star rating.

I could have lived with a boring, dragged out book about a speshul snowflake doctor and her apparent ability to heal the dying with ideas of positive thinking and positive energy. I could have lived with the awkward dialogues and monologues. I could have lived with some of the random tangents, or the fact that nothing really happens in this book to forward anything.

Okay. Never mind, maybe I couldn't really have lived with all of that. But I would have just shrugged it off, gave it a 'meh' rating and moved on. But the conclusion was just so forced that you could tell we were struggling to figure out how to wrap things and up, because not only was the conclusion rushed, it also made no sense whatsoever (see spoiler above).

Anyway... Before I read this book, I was actually looking forward to it, even with my previous, less than enthused ratings for the first two books in this series. But now I'm definitely sure that I won't be continuing with this series anymore.

As a side note, there were still quite a few typos and editing errors throughout the book, even if not as bad as the first book.


2016 Reading Challenges:
Goodreads Reading Challenge
BookLikes Reading Challenge
Reading Assignment Challenge
COYER Summer Vacation 2016 -- Bingo Board One | Square R5 -- PNR
Profile Image for Nancy.
492 reviews13 followers
August 18, 2012
In the Haven, a high-rate nursing facility people don’t usually go home. They are there to die. Except for those on Madeline Wagner’s floor – aka Maddy’s Floor. People go home from Maddy’s Floor, people heal on Maddy’s Floor. Then, suddenly, people start dying on Maddy’s Floor.
Maddy is a medical intuitive. She uses energy to heal her patient’s, to see where their problem areas are and to work on them until they release. Her patient’s love her, everyone wants to be on Maddy’s Floor – some more than others. Some will do whatever it takes to get there, blackmail, bribery, lie, cheat – kill? Maybe!
This book was a great story by itself but by adding in the energy plots it made it a winner! What an excellent tale! Romance, great sex, black snake-thingys and……Maddy using her energy the only way she knows how – to it’s fullest.
This is Book 3 in the Psychic Vision series. Books 1 and 2 are: Tuesday’s Child and Hide’n Go Seek. If they are anywhere near as good as this one you’d be in for a treat to read all three!
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,241 reviews203 followers
April 18, 2012
I really like the world that Dale Mayer has created with this series. It's a bit dark, a bit bloody and I like that the characters have to feel their way through their abilities. Maddy has the medical training to back up her particular skill and she uses it wisely. However, she's hampered by the rest of the world's distrust and misunderstanding of what she can do. Yet, those she treats show results and this gives her a bit of leeway in the medical trial she's conducting.

Probably the only thing in this book that gave me pause was the way everyone seemed to be sexually attracted to Maddy at first. It was borderline creepy with some of the characters and added another level of tension to Maddy's investigation. I will say that Dale Mayer kept me guessing right up to the end as to who was involved in the deaths of Maddy's patients. Yes, I'm a aware that I'm not a good guesser when it comes to these types of things, but I enjoyed trying to untangle the threads of this mystery.

Murder, mayhem, energy manipulation, and psychic visions kept me on my toes. Drew and Maddy's chemistry made me purr. I love that Stefan is the common thread that runs between the books in this series and I'm kinda excited about the hints that were dropped about his future.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Cintia.
60 reviews
April 15, 2018
I really loved this one. I loved the theme and the message, and I was going to give it 5 stars, but towards the end, there were several mistakes - typos, extra words and even characters' names in wrong places or switched. It seemed like the end wasn't edited, and kind of rushed, too. I got this rushed end feeling in the other two books from this first trilogy box, and that's a pity because the stories and the characters are really good. I hope Ms. Mayer fixes these issues so they don't get in the way of her great writing.
Profile Image for ᴥ Irena ᴥ.
1,652 reviews222 followers
July 13, 2014
Usually you don't think about the title of the book after you started reading. Here, the book won't let you forget the title. I think each page has words 'Maddy's floor'.

Maddy is a doctor and a medical intuitive (she sees the energies of her patients among other things). Everyone wants to be on Maddy's floor because people get better there. They are even willing to use blackmail, threats and whatnot to get what they want. The parts of the book that describe that are beyond boring because there are too many of them. There is so much talk about that special floor it made me want to scream.
One of her patients is a former police chief, the hero's uncle. (I am writing this more for myself really, so I'll know why I rated this book with one star.) The man is horrible. Most of the other characters are not developed enough. Detective - good and handsome, Maddy - good and beautiful (and a bunch of other things), nurses - capable, CEO - a sort of a vulture, etc.

Maddy is gorgeous, talented, goodness personified and so special that she even makes a gay man question his sexuality for a moment. Yes, I typed that. Really. Since my rating mostly depends on how the book entertained me and how well it held my attention at the time of reading, this one didn't do that well. I couldn't get into the story and I didn't like the characters either.
148 reviews20 followers
June 29, 2015
In just over 2 weeks, I finished a number of Dale Mayer books including the Psychic visions series of which Maddy's floor is one of; the Vampire in denial series (including Sian's Solution) and It's a Dogs Life. I love her books, the only other author I have read like her is J.D. Robb. Can't wait for the next Psychic Visions book that is supposed to be out in October. In the mean time I am working my way through the rest of her collection.
Profile Image for Danielle.
187 reviews6 followers
October 3, 2019
good book but I think I prefer any other version of this book over the audio version I just got from audible, there was a low level hum throughout the entire thing and while after a while you can kind of ignore it it's still irritating and to be honest the variations in the voices needed to be a little more pronounced although it was read fairly well otherwise
Profile Image for Gail.
291 reviews
July 25, 2012
I loved this book. It was free the other day on Amazon. Boy am I glad I got it. I loved the characters. I loved the whole book. Now I am going to get the first two books!! I LOVE finding new authors. Awesome read...finished it in one day!!
Profile Image for CarolKat.
2,278 reviews27 followers
November 15, 2020
I confess to having started this series somewhere in the middle, I've been curious about Dr. Maddy for a long time. In this book, I get to meet her.

Dr. Maddy has an entire floor of The Haven, a long term care facility and hospital. Her approach, surrounding her patients with healing and positive energy along with her skills as a medical intuitive and physician help improve quality of life for her patients. There is a long waiting list, and several criteria to be met in order to be a patient on Maddy's Floor.

Drew's aunt is a patient at Haven and his uncle a former police chief is trying to get on Maddy's floor. Maddy literally runs into him on her way up the stairs, she's been running up them for years and never ran into anyone before. There are no introductions at this time though.

With budget issues the CEO Gerard Lionel has convened a board meeting, where they need to propose some things to Maddy. She's not going to like them but hopefully she'll go along. They can't afford to lose her, the donations and grants that come in for her project helped keep this facility afloat. The economy had caused budget issues and they needed to address them somehow.

Even though the new addition to Maddy's floor was almost complete, his thought is to fill a few of these beds. His choice of patients for those spots, well lets just say two of them are not ideal and the third would please Maddy.

Things start turning weird and suspicious as a patient referred to Maddy dies. Maddy notices strange energy around him that she can't identify. However, it's when one of the patients on her floor dies that things really get interesting. It's the autopsy on this patient that gets Drew involved and they officially meet in Dr. Miko's office. Jansen Svaar has a bruise at the base of his spine and a matching one on the crown of his head. Drew's cold case has six children with a very similar mark on them.

With Drew now trying to link all the deaths, Maddy is trying to figure out the what and how of that strange energy. Stefan comes into the picture with visions of his own, in regard to Maddy and Drew as well as the happenings on her floor.

Plenty of twists and turns, a wonderful romance that turns sizzling even when Drew doesn't quite understand a lot of what's happening. Page after page of surprises and suspense kept me reading till the very end.

I can't wait to start on the next three book bundle in this series.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,260 reviews
January 28, 2017
Overall, I liked the story and the characters, but there are a couple of things that bugged me which is why I rated it 3 stars.

I've always liked the concept behind the Psychic Visions books and the fact that not all of the characters are the same, e.g. tortured/conflicted over their gifts. Some are soothing, like Maddy's, but others are darker, but still provide a benefit. I really liked Maddy because she was such a good person without any overt issues to overcome. I was fully engaged in the story and waiting for Maddy and Drew to figure out who was behind it. We the readers knew to a certain extent, but the clues took awhile for Drew and Maddy to decipher. I've already invested in the next 3 books, and am looking forward to reading them.
Profile Image for Mandy.
3,915 reviews41 followers
February 15, 2020
Medical intuitive and licensed MD Madeleine Wagner is disturbed when patients start dying in the long term care facility she runs for unexpected reasons. Usually, terminally ill patients fight to get to her facility but now an evil force is behind these deaths so she calls on her mentor and friend Stefan for help as she desperately tries to stop the deaths. Detective Drew McNeil has two family members who need Maddy's help but he actually wonders who cares for Maddy especially after the events on her floor in the hospital started to involve him in the investigation of the case but then as he spends more time with Maddy the more involved with her he becomes too. How can these people stop something that no one else can see, feel or even believe?

I loved this story which was very clever and hit all the right notes as a psychic story. I loved the central part of the story and the final result on who was causing the issues. A definite mystery story that kept us guessing until the end of the book. Lots of detail on how psychics and the skills worked that was great for helping to understand how the similar events are going to happen in further books to the series. Well written and easy to understand.
Profile Image for Judy.
3,138 reviews
September 4, 2018
Maddy's Floor by Dale Mayer
Psychic Visions Series Book Three
Dr. Madeleine Wagner “Maddy” is puzzled and concern when patients start dying at The Haven. Especially when one of her patients die on the third floor—Maddy's Floor. She needs to prove her experiment that people can heal while on her floor. Using her intuitive medical talents...psychic energy.

Detective Drew O'Neil's family consists of his step-aunt and his uncle John. He needs to do all he can for them. And fortunately, Uncle John has been admitted to Maddy's Floor. He's not sure what the beautiful woman does, but he's heard good things. Hanging around the unique woman had Drew entering a world he never would've believe existed.

The first three books of this series; Tuesday's Child, Hide 'n Go Seek, and Maddy's Floor was free. I've read some of the later books so it's been great to read these and to “meet” Stefan Kronos, as he's in most all of the stories. I really enjoyed this book as well, since Maddy is in so many of the later books too.
**Sexual content and language
Profile Image for Shadow.dancr.
11 reviews
March 10, 2022
Can't get enough of this series!

Hooked from book 1- Tuesday's Child, I read it in 1 sitting, i could not put it down & each book the series gets better & better!!!

⚠️Spoiler's Ahead proceed with Caution! ⚠️
Dr. Maddy & Detective McNeil are such a great couple that from the beginning you catch a fever that you don't want to cure from the heat of their chemistry. I love that Ms. Mayer wasn't shy addressing in both sides of Maddy's life in this book both science & mysticism, how she is a doctor but also a medical intuitive that she uses both to create an entirely unique healing environment for her patients to benefit from her talents.

I enjoy how in each book the author explains how negative energies & thoughts can have an effect on a person's health, causing blockages in chakras & internal energy flow. Able to convey less "convential" healing principals in a relatable & entertaining way. The author is very talented at world & xharacter building, a huge fan & will continue to read as long as she continues to write the series!
2 reviews1 follower
August 10, 2017
Maddy's Floor is the story of Dr Madeline Wagner and her intuitive talent for healing the terminally ill. Everyone 's dying to be admitted to her floor in the hospital because those there miraculously live. When her patients truly start dying and she senses a malevolent force causing the deaths she calls on her mentor Stefan to go beyond the physical plane to find the answers but they discover an unspeakable evil.

Detective Drew McNeil visits Maddy's floor after hearing there maybe hope for his terminally ill family members, but he's drawn to the mysterious Doctor in the middle of the mystery.

When his cold cases start intersecting with mysterious deaths on Maddy's floor, he recognizes an old killer has returned and as his interest in Maddy increases, everything becomes more personal. How can they stop something they can't feel or see?
Profile Image for Laura.
826 reviews
July 25, 2024
I think this was my least favourite so far of the series. The idea of Maddy's floor was interesting, and I like the fresh spin on each type of psychic. But this book's couple felt weak, with Drew not having much of a personality. I liked Maddy, her calming energy and interest in life was really nice to read. The changing POVs is in every book, but I found this book particularly disjointed with the constant changes, it was harder to find a flow.
I found the plot interesting, but felt the 'who' mystery aspect was lacking. The ending was also very abrupt, and it felt like we got only half the resolution we should have. A smaller detail that I didn't like was that the new patient who hates Maddy and previously tried to destroy her career did it because he's gay but found her attractive. No, just no.
I tried reading further into the series but I just couldn't get into them.
Profile Image for Paula Galvan.
642 reviews
September 22, 2020
This is a suspenseful story about Maddy, a psychic doctor who heals with gentle, loving, positive energy, often bringing terminally ill patients back from the brink of death. I like how the author stresses the benefits of positive thoughts as a healing power. Then Maddy's whole world is suddenly turned upside down when a dark, evil force starts haunting her floor of the hospital searching for victims. Desperate to save her patients from a sadistic killer that literally sucks the life out of them, Maddy seeks out Stefan, a powerful psychic and friend. Together, with the help of Drew, a very attractive detective who's investigating the deaths of six children that seemed to be linked to Maddy's killer, they face down the predator. Good to the last page.
Profile Image for Sue Plant.
1,973 reviews25 followers
March 15, 2017
really enjoyed this book..reminded me of the betty shine books about healing and stuff like that

really good story about maddys floor, where people who are dying that have been accepted onto her floor with strict guidelines..as not everyone can be on her floor...and her incredible record of making their lives better and longer....by healing them..not that they know how or why just that everyone wants in on her floor

an age old murder and mysterious things start to happen around the haven and on maddys floor...can maddy find out what is happening before more people die upsetting the balance on her healing floor...
Profile Image for Mcf1nder_sk.
598 reviews24 followers
October 24, 2018
This, the third book in the Psychic Visions series, tells the tale of Dr Maddy, a psychic who is also a medical intuitive, with the ability to see people's auras and determine the cause of their illness. Using her abilities, she has turned the third floor of the terminal care facility she works at into a floor where the patients have a chance to survive. But somebody's stealing the patients' life forces for their own use. Mayer has created a gripping series, with a group of young psychics just beginning to learn how to use their otherworldly powers. The characters are nicely crafted, and the story is told with an even flow that keeps the reader's interest throughout.
Profile Image for Deanna.
594 reviews14 followers
February 12, 2023
I loved this story. I found it to be highly intriguing and it kept me turning the pages to see what was gonna happen next. I loved how bright, bubbly, and loving Maddy was. I absolutely loved this character. She was always so positive. Turning any and all negative thoughts or energy away from her. I loved it. I think Drew and Maddy made the perfect couple. I also loved that this story was filled with all the medical stuff going on. I also absolutely loved that Stefan played a big part in this book. I am so curious about him and I know there are a lot of books in this series... I am hoping that one of them is Stefan's story. I want to see him find love and happiness also.
Profile Image for Lori.
311 reviews3 followers
July 21, 2019
Hooked from the first page!

Interesting characters that are well developed; an intriguing plot, and a new psychic ability make this an enjoyable read.
Maddie can use energy for healing, both directly, and as a protective shield. In spite of her abilities, some people are getting weaker on "Maddie's Floor" , some are even dying.
Can Maddie, Steven, and Drew, (a police detective, Maddy's new love interest), figure out the, who, what, when, and where in time to stop any more death?
Read, Maddy's Floor refund out!
Profile Image for Carrie.
26 reviews7 followers
December 14, 2023
I like to read a suspense/paranormal book where some of the concepts can be related to “real life”. The idea of Dr. Maddy telling her patients to believe in healing to be able to heal and that negative thoughts only amplify the negativity. I am a firm believer in that, if you can only see the negative, you won’t be able to see the positive. You have to find something that makes you happy, something that brings you joy, something positive. Not saying that it actually works with physical healing, but it does help with mental health.
3 reviews
July 15, 2024
If only it didn't keep reminding me that they'd been dating for less than a week. I had the same probelm with Tuesday's Child. I had the chance to stay delulu in the second book. But the whole book stand across 2 weeks and they go on a date on Wednesday if I'm not wrong and they love each other by Saturday. And we can't ignore it cause it's the fricking chapter title.
Other than that, the story line was nice. The characters were fine. Loved the psychic and suspense part of it. Just not the romance.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Meghan.
2,793 reviews6 followers
July 24, 2020
Full of colorful characters and I loved them!! I had a question about a character because something was odd, but didn’t see the villain in them so that was a great twist. Again the romance is very light and Stefan is an MVP. I think of the three books and females, Maggie has the best power so far...and that ending was powerful.

I am enjoying this series more and more and I really want more of Stefan! I hope he has an amazing story because his character is one of my favorites.
Profile Image for Marie.
3,942 reviews39 followers
July 13, 2022
'What? I died?'

A twisted tale of secrets, lies and deceit for Maddy and Drew to unravel and they need to do it before more lives are stolen. Whilst I like Maddy and Drew I preferred the first two books in the series to this one, there isn't anything in this book that stands out as bad or that I disliked and Maddy and Drew together are a lovely couple, who I am sure we will see lots of in future books along with Stefan, but book one is still the best so far for me.
Profile Image for Tracey.
71 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2017
Sorry I didn't keep the progress updated, but I got the series on a LendMe books site. I'm very happy I did too because I bought the fourth book. The last book here that I read was good, but I thought the first book was the best. I do like how the characters come together in each book. This series is definitely recommended!
93 reviews
August 28, 2021
Well written psychic novels !

Easy to read, complex story lines with engaging characters! These books are intelligent and entertaining looks into the world of individuals who can see and hear more in this world than the average person can realise! A great series to include in your must reads!
Profile Image for Heike.
661 reviews45 followers
May 17, 2017
Doctor and psychic healer (medical intuitive, okay) fights a dark energy that drains her patients on her miracle healing hospital floor. Cold case cop Drew helps a bit. Too much energy-talk for my taste.
Profile Image for E Reader.
1,011 reviews5 followers
May 17, 2018
So many twists and turns

This was a great read! The psychic vision series is so good, you can’t put it down once you get started. It keeps you guessing with many twists and turns. Such a great read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 120 reviews

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