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Heart Block #1

Heart Block

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Happily ever after is easier said than done…

Sarah Matamoros can’t complain. After immigrating from Mexico when she was nine years old, she’s content with the life she’s made for herself in sunny San Diego. She works hard at her mother’s housecleaning service by day and spends the evenings with her quirky eight-year-old daughter, Grace.

From a very young age, Emory Owen had several concepts drilled into her head. Success is everything. Be the best. Fight your way to the top. Expectations were high in the Owen household and the world was watching. Born into a high society family, Emory never wanted for anything…at least anything money could buy. When she meets Sarah, hired to sort her mother’s home, her sterile life suddenly sparks into color.

But when the emotional logistics of combining two very different worlds proves to be too much, a terrifying turn of events spurs the question: If love exists, can it really find a way?

264 pages, Paperback

First published November 1, 2012

About the author

Melissa Brayden

29 books2,586 followers
Melissa Brayden is the multi-award winning author of more than twenty-five sapphic romance novels and is hard at work on more. She is a wine enthusiast, a fan of all donuts, and is probably staring off into space as you're reading this. You can find her at www.melissabrayden.com and on most social media sites.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 163 reviews
Profile Image for Sprinkles.
193 reviews320 followers
April 23, 2018
Amongst a constant stream of work demands, I found pieces of free time to read this one and I'm glad I did. For me, many Melissa Brayden books are less devouring and more savoring.

I have several feelings about this one, so I apologize in advance for the soapboxing. I think the review by Jenna nicely summed up my um, chin scratching when it came to Sarah being a WOC. I don't expect a laundry list of stereotypes by any means. Nor do I have a fixed way of how Hispanic Americans act. However, it really is clear that this was written by a well-to-do white woman. I actually cringed whenever teeny Spanish words were littered in speech (really cringy was "bustling around like a loco person").

I fully appreciate Brayden adding main WOC to her stories (really, THANK YOU), but I think it's because I'm so used to the Brayden style (like Manhattan Savvy ladies) that hazel-eyed Sarah echoed the same tone as them. One could say, 'well, leave Sarah to be herself' and I'd agree if the story didn't mention how she pretty much 'Americanized' aka whitewashed herself to fit in as a young girl. That's not something easy to brush off.

In fact, Emory could've had a place in my 'crush shelf' if she didn't lay down all those microagressions (and straight-up offensives) towards Sarah's economic stature and her race. The same goes for Emory's crappy "friends" who made me want to throw my phone across the room.

Honestly, I did enjoy this story a lot. I guess in this current climate as an American, I'd rather not let certain hurt points go. I consider books an escape, but I dont consider wanting the best portrayal of a Latina woman anything to escape from.

Lucy was way too pushy and I wish they'd addressed her about crossing the line for that birthday party. It wasn't endearing; it was intrusive. Except for her putting a bowtie on the dog Walter. THAT is mighty cute.

SARAH AND EMORY'S FIRST KISS. I was there for that! Supremely hot. Their journey, sans the unnecessary breakup, really developed in a lovely way. Grace was a great addition. I rather loved her blurting 'lesbian' in the movie theater. I swear Sarah had a little genius on her hands.

I loved Sarah and Emory's chemistry. I highlighted so many romantic quotes. Like the portion of the book after Emory showed up at the hospital and before the epilogue (THE WHOPPER OMG) had me on cloud 9 of happy. The epilogue was cute, yet a tad too sugary.

Oh! And the sex scenes were :thumbs up emoji:.

3.8 stars for making my cupcake heart flutter!
Profile Image for Jenna.
110 reviews101 followers
March 11, 2017
Many people really love Melissa Brayden's work, and I understand why: she writes light, warm stories full of charming, witty people, and the quality of her writing is very high, her pacing very good, her tone very smooth. And yet. And yet, the charming, witty dialogue always sounds vaguely similar regardless of whose mouth it's coming from (including an 8-year-old's). And yet, you can almost always count on a contrived break-up and reunion near the end of the book. And yet, her publisher seems fixated on 264 pages as a maximum number, even when another 20 or 30 pages would improve the story in the case of, say, forming a stronger relationship with the daughter of a single mother to help sell the romance.

There was a lot to like in this book. I think, until the 83% mark or so , it was my favorite of hers so far. And yet. I kept stumbling into 'and yets.' I love, love, that Sarah was a woman of color. And yet, she was the whitest Latina* I've ever read, and I was constantly aware that she was written by an upper-middle-class white woman. It didn't feel like a celebration of diversity, it felt like a white character whose skin color had been tinted and whose dialogue occasionally had the world 'mija' added for flavor. I love that there was a child involved in the story! And yet, she wasn't a child-- she was a 26-year-old financial analyst from Manhattan, or at least it felt like it. And, despite Sarah's utter devotion to her daughter, Emory never had a single one-on-one scene with the child after the 15% mark. How. Is. This. Possible?

Look, I like Brayden. She's really, really good at what she does. In terms of happy, comfort food romances, she's one of the very best. She's seven or eight novels in at the time I'm writing this, and she's never written a stinker. Not one. And yet, I feel she could be better. She's an obviously intelligent woman (probably far smarter than I am) with a distinctive flair to her writing that's difficult, if not impossible, to teach. It's almost certainly unfair, but those very qualities make me want to hold her to a higher standard. It feels like she could go deeper and further than she has so far. She's clever enough to subvert tropes instead of utilizing them; she's skilled enough to occasionally use external conflict to drive characters together without first using internal conflict to force them apart; she's capable enough to give characters unique, easily distinguishable voices and authentic cultural identities that don't sacrifice individualism. And yet. And yet, I'm just an anonymous girl on the internet who's never published a thing, so what do I know?

3.75 stars, rounded up to 4

*This spoiler is a footnote. No actual spoiling involved.
Profile Image for Betty.
649 reviews85 followers
March 25, 2019
Heart Block by Melissa Brayden is one of those heartwarming stories that you want to settle down in a cozy spot and read/listen to when you are having a bad day. Just reading it will make you feel better and maybe bring a smile to your face.
This is a story of two women meeting and falling in love in spite of the fact that there are huge differences in their lives. Sarah is a single mother working in the family cleaning business. Her daughter, eight year old Grace has a medical problem involving her heart. Emory was raised in a high society family and is driven by their expectations to make a name for herself in business even though she secretly just wants to paint. The three meet by chance when Emory hires Sarah to help organize the home of Emory’s deceased mother for sale. Of course, the attraction begins and the sweet romance builds from there. All is not smooth in this story, though. There are quite a few roadblocks and some heartbreak involved in this tale. I’ll let you read and find these out.

This is a lovely and sweet romance. The characters are likeable and real. The story will make you smile and perhaps bring a tear to your eyes at times. The audible version, which I listened to, is excellently narrated.
I recommend it to all who love a good romance.

Profile Image for Corporate Slave.
346 reviews5 followers
June 18, 2016
Brayden is a brilliant author I think we all agree on this. But compared to all her other books this rates the least. Was quite predictable and I couldn't really believe the characters.. Especially grace , the 8 year old kid who had more depth than myself (35+) .. I mean there's a limit to how different a kid can be but this was a bit too much for me.
Profile Image for Netgyrl (Laura).
561 reviews158 followers
August 7, 2021
4.5 stars - audible - Really really good.

Man, it's the best when you have two really good books going at the same time. I am always reading one book and have another going on audible and I have a super double header this week between this one and Next Life.

This was another steamy and chemistry rich book with a powerful CEO and a sweet lady that works for her mother's cleaning business but has ambitions to grow the business. They are actually a really good match but you have the conflicts of them really coming from different worlds. I think the working out of that is very well done in this book. I am taking a bit off for the angst moment because it seems a bit flimsy to me but the coming back together was great and over all I really enjoyed the book. Will definitely be listening to it again.
Profile Image for Sam.
797 reviews110 followers
August 25, 2021
This book, these characters, does it get any better? I don't know.

So last night I got home late and I told myself I could go ahead and read a chapter or two of this Melissa Brayden book I just got. I don't know what I was thinking... I stayed up way too late, bopped along in my too many meetings today while being preoccupied with this book. I couldn't wait to get back to it. And now I regret it, why did it have to finish? I couldn't really tell you what it is about this book that just got to me, but it did. I absolutely enjoyed every minute of reading this book.

The characters are layered and slowly we get to know them more, while they are getting to know each other. There is a cute kid that might be a little too sassy for her age, but I didn't mind. A stray beach dog that is extremely well behaved and lots of supporting characters that really add something to this story.

I believe Brayden recently said something on social media about revisiting some old favourite characters of hers, Emory and Sarah, and I need that book now.

I just loved this book. It's well-written, the characters are likeable and realistic. The romance isn't over the top and just made me smile. Highly recommend this to all romance lovers out there, 5 stars
Profile Image for Catherine.
280 reviews18 followers
March 11, 2015
This was my first book of Melissa Brayden which I actually listened to in audiobook. It is one I have re-listened to a number of times and really enjoyed it.

I am a sucker for the hard working difficult to open up character with the sweet and cheerful character to bring her out of her shell. This was such a sweet story and something that I loved was a large portion of the book had the characters together as a couple (which I find can be rare in romances they often find each other at the end). I think it was necessary for the couple to be slowly discovering and building up their relationship with Emory thinking she is not made to love anyone the right way and Sarah never being with a women before. I thought Melissa did a very good job of slowly building the relationship between characters which to me was very believable. I absolutely loved the banter and interactions between the characters as well.

I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for C. Mack.
Author 2 books20 followers
March 20, 2017
I love Melissa Brayden's books and this did not disappoint. Brilliant read...read it! Simple advice, but the best I can offer.

This was my first audio book in a long time, really helped my commute. Still a great book the second time around.
Profile Image for Les Rêveur.
461 reviews140 followers
February 28, 2017
My Review

I adored this book. Period.

When you’re first introduced to Emory Owns, all you see is money, structure, work and sadness. That is until the beautiful and smart Sarah walks into her life and changes everything… but does Emory really want that? And if she throws caution to the wind will the gorgeous, single, young mother (who’s also straight) hurt her? It seems a bit dicey but is falling in love ever a walk in the park?

If I was a single mother Emory would be my perfect person to date, marry or drag to bed! She's present but shy, focused but fun and above all forthright and loving! The biggest surprise in the book was that Emory's awakening about her love, family life and commitment seemed a lot more intense than what would seemingly be the bigger deal of Sarah coming out as a lesbian to her strict catholic family and her young daughter. Melissa wrote it so beautifully that I realized that everyone has their obstacles and some obstacles can be greater depending on the person.

The relationship that was built between Sarah and Emory was an honest to god fairytale but the real magic was when Emory, Sarah and Sarah’s Daughter Grace were together. It seemed that they just clicked as a family and I could feel the all-encompassing love that Emory was beginning to understand she had for Grace as they became closer.

It excites me that Melissa writes cameos, or at least mentions characters from her other books, and she does this with such fluidic motion that you realize almost without it being a surprise.

I'm starting to believe that Melissa Brayden can't write a book that's rates in under 5 stars! She still remains one of my all time favourite writers and most of my favourite protagonists live inside her brain and on the pages of her wonderful books.

5 stars and keep them coming Melissa!

Melissa has a novella called Firework that continues the story of Sarah’s best friend and business partner Lucy. Emory and Sarah play a massive role in this book so if you need more from this couple, as I did, you should check it out.


Profile Image for Lexxi Kitty.
2,038 reviews468 followers
February 7, 2017
This is my sixth book by this author.

I liked most of the people involved, and the 'pivot points' (points of conflict) were handled well. Most importantly I liked both of the main characters, the little girl, and the dog too. Except for one specific moment, though, I felt kind of distant from everything that was occurring. Everything was a little too predictable. And quaint. And sweet. And the formula was again followed. I'm not going to mention what the formula is exactly, since doing so is, in a way, spoiler-y.

Well. Didn't have much to say about this one. It was there. I read it. Well, no, one last thing - every time when something did begin to annoy me, something would pop up to block the annoyance. Like - I spent a little too much time wondering about the woman from Mexico whose name was Sarah. Then learned she had 'whitened' her name to fit in.

May 18 2016
Profile Image for Agirlcandream.
724 reviews3 followers
December 20, 2013
Excellent read. I now understand why Heart Block tops the list of many LesFic readers.

The book has good character development,cute kid and dog and beautiful settings. Braydon gave me the escapist fiction I was looking for. Like many romance novels, the misunderstanding phase of the girl meets girl/girl falls for girl/misunderstanding happens sequence is a bit weak. Is Emory worried she won't be a good parent or is Sarah worried her family won't accept her new interest in women, in one woman? Both women seem to have their own issues but the reader knows the HEA they have been rooting for is just over the horizon.

Lots of great and memorable scenes and overall a great read.

Profile Image for Kennedy.
1,077 reviews72 followers
February 6, 2019
Opposites can attract...what a fun and entertaining read with an interesting plot. Emory Owens, is dedicated to her work and does not believe that a life-long relationship is a possibility. Sarah Matamoros, dedicated to her beautiful daughter Grace and works for the family business. She also has a strong family connection. I really enjoyed and appreciated the character development as many individuals had to think about what does happiness look like and who can make a person happy. Interesting women, beautiful setting, and an engaging romance.
Profile Image for M.
289 reviews64 followers
May 21, 2013
I really loved this book (hey Mags, that why you gave it 5 stars, duh!).

This was just about the perfect romance with the necessary amount of twists and turns, gorgeous main characters and incredibly funny and realistic supporting cast ( yes Carmen, I am talking about you).

This author has a wonderfully sure touch and one heck of an ear for dialogue.

Her first novel was good, but this one is excellent. I hope that I have the pleasure of reading many more books by this author.
Profile Image for SilveringOfRose .
78 reviews15 followers
April 13, 2019
This was a very sweet story and I found myself smiling quite a few times while I read it.

I loved the idea of a woman realising that she kind of, sort of, thinks she might be lesbian WITHOUT feeling all angsty and stressed out about the revelation. It was awesome. Because that's how it goes for some women (quite a few I know actually). One day they meet another woman who ticks their boxes in all the right ways and they think "Oh shit, I like girls". Then they kiss that girl and carry on with life. Except now they look at women as potential mates instead of just friends!

I had some serious problems though, but you can read more about that below!

Is the writing good?
It's not bad. BUT. I have a few issues. The first was the completely unnecessary big words. Especially in the dialogue. Real people just don't say things like:
“Not even close. It’s a mansion, at least, and in absolutely pristine condition......It’s completely presentational.”

Well, they do. But they don't say it like THAT! Then there's the fact that some things got way too much detail, and other important things got almost none. It's almost like Melissa Brayden couldn't quite find her voice and it shows. It's a pity - because this could have been such a great book!

Were there grammar issues?
Well, there's the word choices of course. Then there were some sentence/paragraph structure issues. Things like run-on sentences, and punctuation that was either completely missing or in the wrong place. It was a bit distracting, to be honest, and took away from my enjoyment of the story.

Are the lead characters likeable?
I liked them quite a bit. Emory is smart, successful and driven. I loved that the fact she was once an artist is shared early on. Because although she's portrayed as a cold person at first, you know that artists are passionate people so you can't wait for that side of her to come alive again.

Sarah is everything a mom should be. She loves her daughter to distraction and is willing to do anything to make sure she's happy and safe. She's also sassy, dedicated and a whole lot smarter than her looks would have you believe. And as Emory says - she dances!

Both women are beautiful, but Brayden doesn't carry on about their long legs, stunning bodies or gorgeous tresses. That they're beautiful is an expected trope of the romance novel. That the author doesn't harp on about it is a refreshing change!

Is the supporting cast good?
Yes and no. Carmen and Lucy are both good best friends. But they feel a little bleh sometimes. And these bleh moments stand out because they pop right off the page at other times.

Then there's Grace. She's an adorable little cutie. And while I appreciate the fact that Brayden didn't write her as an eight-year-old toddler, there were times when what came out of her mouth was just a little bit too grown up. It's that whole unnecessarily big words problem again. But it was also more than that and I rolled my eyes in disbelief more than once!

Is this story believable?
Yes. A woman finding out she's lesbian after she's had a kid and has never really thought about women that way? I've seen it happen. A successful businesswoman being unsure how she'll fit into an insta-family because she has zero personal experience with one? Check.

Is there anything I would change?
Cut down on the lexiphanicism (see what I did there? *wink wink*), tone down on the adult speak for Grace, and send this through another round of editing.
Profile Image for Serena.
100 reviews26 followers
April 17, 2014
Again a winner by Melissa Brayden!
Her writing style, her stories and characters always find a way to my heart. She shines because of the simplicity of her story's.
I think that's what makes her work great, because we as reader's can relate to the journey and emotions her character's go through.

After reading three books by this great author, I know she will not disappoint me.
Her books are romantic, realistic and very Hot!!
She always takes her time to develop the story and finally gives what you are eagerly waiting for.

I liked the idea of two women who came from totally different backgrounds, and yet they fit so well together.
Okay, it was sometimes a bit predictable, but that did not make the journey less beautiful to read.

I thought Sarah made a very strong main character. An spirited and independent Latina who dares to invite a world that does not fit with her own, she is brave and inspiring. If everyone could give and receive love like her, life would be less complicated.
I would be instantly swept of my feet if I met her in real life (Who wouldn't?)
I loved the fact that it never was a problem for her that she fell in love with a woman, even though it had never happened to her before.

Although I can go on for hours about what I liked about this beautiful book. That's not what I'm going to do.
I would just like to say, if anyone is looking for a book that could nurture your romantic soul, you should read this and other books by Melissa Brayden.
Profile Image for Joc.
762 reviews188 followers
November 15, 2017
Another horrible cover with a wonderful story on the inside (I don't know what it is about Brayden's covers that bother me so much but bear in mind it is subjective). From different walks of life, Sarah (from the cleaning company) and Emory (the CEO) find each other really easy to relate to while arranging for the packing up of Emory's mother's house. There are so many different dynamics like class, wealth, family and oh, Sarah is straight, that come in to play in their blossoming relationship that it almost seemed insurmountable. Enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Choko.
1,375 reviews2,661 followers
September 23, 2015
What a pleasant surprise this story was! Great book for those just coming out or those that are on a journey of self discovery.... I loved the little girls' whimsical character and her mom was full of life and joy - i enjoyed the book:)
Profile Image for mili.
365 reviews11 followers
November 26, 2021

it started



and then i was disappointed.

melissa brayden has written some books i really like and i jumped to this one with high expectations i guess.

i enjoyed it and i loved grace but then the drama just dragged on and on and on plus there were some characters you could do without, the whole story felt 2d etc. all in all it was pretty weak for m. b. imo

i started listening to this one at the beginning of july and obviously it took me almost 5 whole months to finish it.

7/10 audio

tbh had some disney’s (1973) robin hood vibes to it. in the beginning i found it weird but later i mostly thought it was interesting for being a bit different

a very solid narrator

Profile Image for Lara.
20 reviews1 follower
April 16, 2021
Omg, my second book by Melissa Brayden and I will definitely read all her other books!
Its exactly the way I imagine and want a book to be: loving, cheerful, humorous and captivating.
I fell in love with Emory, Sarah, Grace and Walter and wish I could read more about their lives, even if it is just about a simple movie night. To sum it up: Awww I loved this book!!!
Profile Image for Jennabeebs79.
461 reviews21 followers
December 25, 2023
3.5 stars for this Melissa Braden book that I can’t believe I’ve never read before. I believe this was her second book and with it she’s created two likable main characters, a sweet eight-year-old, and a snuggly dog. The pacing meanders easily as Emory and Sarah become more navigate their fledgling relationship. Complications arise when family obligations and differing lifestyles come into play. Grace’s heart issue that swirled around them causing stress and uncertainty. Overall this is sweet, easy read without a lot of deep fanfare.
Profile Image for Ayse.
270 reviews8 followers
July 11, 2014
Generally I cannot stand the "straight woman meets lesbian and falls passionately in love" trope, but in this book it works like gangbusters! I really liked this book -- it was so far from cliche (except the exceptional, wise beyond her years, child) it felt really fresh. I especially liked that the stereotypically more butch one was constantly in dresses and acknowledged as being hot in everything she chose to wear. And same goes for the stereotypically more femme one -- it was great when she went from baking cookies with her friend, into looking hot in slacks and a form fitting sweater for her hot date with her hot girlfriend in a smoking hot dress! This was a rare romance book that really felt lesbian, in that you couldn't just change the pronouns and have it be believable as a straight romance. This was a story of two women in a relationship -- jokes and warts and all. My one complaint I guess is that there was a build up of the straight guy and the rich bitchy friends as obstacles, but there was never a payoff -- never any real fallout from either finding out the truth, nor any real impediment to their relationship. However, it is a fairly minor complaint on what was an easy enjoyable believable romance.
Profile Image for Barbara.
10 reviews2 followers
November 19, 2012
I really loved it. I fell in love with Melissa's first book Waiting In The Wings (will always be my favorite) and this is one is just as perfect. I fell desperately in love with Emory (who wouldn't?) and I loved how different the characters are. I've read a lot of romances and most of them the dialogs are very exaggerated and just not real.. but Melissa does it perfectly. That's what I love the most about her books, you just want to keep reading. Please, Melissa Brayden, never stop writing. (;
Profile Image for Michele.
155 reviews30 followers
February 23, 2018
The weakest of Brayden's books I have read to date. But in all honesty, even a weak book by her is still pretty darn good. 3.5 stars
Profile Image for ♡Matty♡.
145 reviews6 followers
October 18, 2023
Loved it! I absolutely adored the characters in this gem, they were written beautifully. Especially little Grace. My only complaint is the book wasn't long enough! I needed at least a thousand pages more.
Profile Image for Sofia (Inked Odyssey).
479 reviews131 followers
July 16, 2021

Can I just say how much I love Melissa Brayden’s books?

They are emotional,steamy,cute and funny and so unique, they honestly hook me every time!
Profile Image for Jen.
3,365 reviews
September 1, 2014
"Heart Block" is the third Melissa Brayden I've read and it continues to showcase the author's prowess in writing love stories that pull at your heartstrings with a well-balanced mix of humor and drama. However, this particular novel is a bit different from the others, what with one of the lead characters being straight and with a daughter. I love it when an author puts a fresh twist to an already successful formula. ^.^

Sarah Matamoros and Emory Owen don't seem to have a great deal in common. Sarah's a doting mom to eight-year-old Grace and does her fair share to help the family business her mom started. She's warm and compassionate and is always ready to lend a helping hand. Emory's always believed that being the best is the only measure of success. At least that's what her mother told her. She's distant and aloof and wants for nothing...materially speaking.

When Sarah and Emory meet, they forge an unlikely friendship. There also happens to be an attraction that's very much mutual and Sarah decides to go with her feelings and see where the road may lead with Emory. The thing is, Sarah's always been straight and her family, while loving, is still very much conservative. On the other hand, Emory lives in a different world and Sarah doesn't exactly fit in it. Plus, the enormity of her feelings for Sarah causes her to falter, unsure of how to handle it all.

The journey both Sarah and Emory are on is an emotional one. As individuals and as a couple, they experience realizations that force them to either flee from or fight for one another and their dreams. Is what they have worth risking what they're already comfortable and familiar with?

Sarah and Emory are great characters but it's the addition of Sarah's daughter, Grace, that I really must applaud. When this girl speaks, you can't help but sit up and pay attention. ^.^ And Walter? The inclusion of an adorable dog is always a plus for me. ^.^

As you can already probably tell from my previous reviews, I've become a Melissa Brayden fan. I love that I feel as if I'm experiencing everything right along with the characters without having to be beaten over the head with too many detailed observations. So, you shouldn't be surprised that I'm giving "Heart Block" 4.5 stars, rounded off to five. Go ahead and read it for yourselves. I highly recommend it! ♥
Displaying 1 - 30 of 163 reviews

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