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Dead Poets Society

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Todd Anderson and his friends at Welton Academy can hardly believe how different life is since their new English professor, the flamboyant John Keating, has challenged them to "make your lives extraordinary! " Inspired by Keating, the boys resurrect the Dead Poets Society--a secret club where, free from the constraints and expectations of school and parents, they let their passions run wild. As Keating turns the boys on to the great words of Byron, Shelley, and Keats, they discover not only the beauty of language, but the importance of making each moment count.But the Dead Poets pledges soon realize that their newfound freedom can have tragic consequences. Can the club and the individuality it inspires survive the pressure from authorities determined to destroy their dreams?

166 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1988

About the author

N.H. Kleinbaum

21 books579 followers
Nancy Horowitz Kleinbaum is an American writer and journalist. She is the author of the novel Dead Poets Society, which is based on the movie of the same name

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Profile Image for Emily (Books with Emily Fox on Youtube).
602 reviews66.8k followers
December 20, 2022
What is wrong with the author.

Watch the movie. This book shouldn't exist.

The author wrote it after the movie and decided to add a pointless SA scene and some other questionable things... it's just nowhere near as good so don't waste your time.

*It made it to my worst books of 2022: https://youtu.be/yaBImu6ejEM
Profile Image for marta.
275 reviews52 followers
January 6, 2023
take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
Profile Image for Maria.
97 reviews74 followers
December 16, 2023
I went to the woods because I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

“Carpe Diem,”... “Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.”

I watched Deat Poets Society movie a few years ago and I still sometimes watch its clips. It’s one of my all-time favorite
movies. A week ago I was scrolling through my Goodreads feeds and found this book and I screamed like
WHAT??? THIS BOOK DO EXIST?!! Boy, my emotions at that moment!!!
This book isn’t only about poetry, it’s about life, dreams, love, everything. It’s a silver line in the clouds
of despair and helplessness we feel. Parents think that they are doing the best with their children but
often they don’t. While dreaming big for the children, they don’t pause for a moment to ask them,
“what do you want?”, “are you happy” or “what makes you happy?.” The pressure they put on children often leads to what happened at the end of this book.
I think every other person who reads or watch Dead Poets Society will feel this connection with the characters because we all have been through what Neil, Todd and the others were feeling. Since I knew what was going to happen, I just couldn’t stop my tears as I was reading Neil getting excited about acting, doing his best to get the part and dancing with joy when he got it. He was so full of life. He brought back the Dead Poet Society, he made his friends do what they love, he was there for Todd, he was just the perfect human being!. And when he took his life, it was like he took a piece of my heart with him. As Todd said, “Neil wouldn’t kill himself! He loved living!” Damn it, he loved living!
And Todd, Todd is so precious. His poems, his love, his loneliness, you can’t help but love him and want to comfort him. I love how he stands for the Captain at the end and told his parents off.
Charlie, my Nuwanda boy! I love him. And I love Knox. Meeks, Pitts, all of them. My dead poets!!!
And how can I forget about John Keating! “O Captain! My Captain!”. Keating is like The Person we all need to meet at least once in our life time and it’s our misfortune that rarely we meet people like him.

Here are some of Keating’s quotes:

“I say—drivel! One reads poetry because he is a member of the human race, and the human race is filled
with passion! Medicine, law, banking—these are necessary to sustain life. But poetry, romance, love, beauty? These are what we stay alive for!

“That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.” …”What will your verse be?”

“And don’t limit poetry to the word. Poetry can be found in music, a photograph, in the way a meal is prepared—anything with the stuff of revelation in it. It can exist in the most everyday things but it must never, never be ordinary. By all means, write about the sky or a girl’s smile, but when you do, let your poetry conjure up salvation day, doomsday, any day. I don’t care, as long as it enlightens us, thrills us and—if it’s inspired—makes us feel a bit immortal.”

“Lads, there is a great need in all of us to be accepted, but you must trust what is unique or different about yourself, even if it is odd or unpopular.”

I can talk and talk about this book. This will ever be in my heart.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
August 7, 2021
Dead Poets Society, Nancy H. Kleinbaum ​Kleinbaum

Todd Anderson and his friends at Welton Academy can hardly believe how different life is since their new English professor, the flamboyant John Keating, has challenged them to make your lives extraordinary!

Inspired by Keating, the boys resurrect the Dead Poets Society--a secret club where, free from the constraints and expectations of school and parents, they let their passions run wild.

As Keating turns the boys on to the great words of Byron, Shelley, and Keats, they discover not only the beauty of language, but the importance of making each moment count.

Can the club and the individuality it inspires survive the pressure from authorities determined to destroy their dreams?

But the Dead Poets pledges soon realize that their newfound freedom can have tragic consequences.

Can the club and the individuality it inspires survive the pressure from authorities determined to destroy their dreams?

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز دوازدهم ماه ژانویه سال 2002 میلادی

عنوان: انجمن شاعران مرده؛ نوشته: نانسی اچ کلاینباوم؛ براساس فیلمنامه تام شولمن؛ مترجم: حمید خادمی (لاهیجی)؛ ماهرخ دبیری؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، نشر سمر، 1371، در 190ص، موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 20م

مترجم: زهرا طراوتی؛ نشر نیماژ؛ 1397؛ در 184ص؛

روزی رفته بودم دخترم را به «دانشگاه تهران» برسانم، یادم نمانده چرا خیابان «کارگر» را بسوی شمال بالا راه میرفتم، از یک کتابفروش یا دستفروش باز هم یادم نیست، این کتاب را خریدم، و در حال راه رفتن به سوی بلوار، کتاب را ورق زدم، و در حال راه رفتن آن را خواندم؛

فیلم انجمن شاعران مرده، زودتر از انتشار رمان آن، به نمایش درآمد؛ «نیل»، «تاد»، «ناکس»، چارلی، «ریچارد»، «استیون» و «جرارد»، دانش‌آموزان سال اول کالج «ولتن» هستند؛ «نیل» و «تاد»، تحت نظارت شدید خانواده‌ شان هستند، که اصرار دارند پسرانشان پزشک، و وکیل شوند، اما «تاد»، دلش می‌خواهد نویسنده شود؛ در آغاز سال تحصیلی تازه، استاد ادبیات «انگلیسی» دیگر می‌شود، و فردی به نام «جان کیتینگ»، جایگزین آموزگار پیشین می‌گردد؛ روش تدریس «کیتینگ»، با آنچه دانش‌آموزان، پیش‌تر به آن خو داشتند، کاملاً دیگرگونه است؛ ایشان دیدگاهی نو، نسبت به ادبیات دارند، و از دانش‌آموزانش نیز می‌خواهند، با نگاهی تازه به چیزها نگاه کنند، و...؛

نقل از یکی از سکانسهای فیلم: (زندگی را غنیمت بشمار، غنچه های گل سرخ را کنون که میتوانی برچین، زمان سالخورده درگذرست و همین گلی که امروز لبخند میزند، فردا خواهد مرد)»؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 12/06/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 15/05/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Lucy 🫶.
32 reviews4 followers
March 17, 2021
lacked the homoerotic subtext of the movie, absolutely pointless
Profile Image for Maro.
90 reviews23 followers
December 8, 2023
I would've liked it more if it was gayer tbh
Profile Image for فؤاد.
1,082 reviews2,054 followers
August 21, 2019
دو تا مقاله در نقد و ردّ دیدگاه این فیلم/کتاب خوندم که بین دو دیدگاه تعادل برقرار بشه. بازم لازمه مطالب بیشتری بخونم، ولی فعلاً مهم‌ترین چیزی که دستگیرم شد اینه:

بزرگ‌ترین نقد وارد به روش آموزشی کیتینگ، اینه که بچه‌ها و احساسات بچه‌ها رو خام بار می‌آورد. البته لازم و ضروریه که بچه‌ها با نگاه متفاوت به جهان نگاه کنن، همون قدر به احساس بها بدن که به «افتخار و شرافت» و باقی شعارهای مدرسه بها می‌دادن، و لازم و ضروریه که بچه‌ها راه خودشون رو کشف کنن و بسازن، اما روش تربیتی کیتینگ در همین جا متوقف می‌شه. فقط به بچه‌ها می‌گه راه خودتون رو برید، فقط به بچه‌ها میگه شعر و جهان رو با احساسی سرشار بخونید و زندگی کنید، اما دیگه تلاشی برای تربیت این احساسات سرشار نمی‌کنه. و احساسات تربیت نشده، همیشه خامه. احساسات بدون تفکر انتقادی، همیشه در سطحی‌ترین حالت باقی می‌مونه.

نظریات و تئوری‌های مختلف بهمون یاد میدن هنگام خوندن شعر یا جهان، احساس‌های جدیدی رو تجربه کنیم که قبلاً فکر نمی‌کردیم وجود دارن، و خودمون، جهانمون و شعر رو از نظرگاه‌های مختلف ببینیم و بشناسیم که قبلاً بهشون توجه نداشتیم. و در تمام این‌ها تفکر انتقادی هم لازمه تا اسیر یک دیدگاه نشیم و قادر باشیم فراتر از حیطهٔ احساس و دیدگاه فعلی‌مون رو هم ببینیم.

اما در روش آموزشی کیتینگ، نظریات مختلف و تفکر انتقادی، فقط با برچسب آکادمیک بودن، کنار گذاشته می‌شن و در عمل چیزی که باقی می‌مونه، احساسات‌گرایی خام و پرورش نیافته است، احساسات‌گرایی خامی که باعث میشه خیلی از شاعرها از برنامهٔ درسی کیتینگ کنار گذاشته بشن و فقط رمانتیک‌ها باقی بمونن، احساسات‌گرایی خامی که باعث می‌شه نهایت لذتی که بچه‌ها از خوندن شکسپیر سر کلاس می‌برن، به خاطر تقلید صدای کیتینگ باشه، احساسات‌گرایی خامی که باعث می‌شه یک دانش‌آموز مستعد در اولین مواجهه با ناکامی خودکشی کنه.
Profile Image for bruna.
119 reviews2,199 followers
March 8, 2024
★ 2 stars

“The boys had seized the cave, and in it they’d found a home away from Welton, away from parents, teachers, and friends—a place where they could be people they never dreamed they’d be. The Dead Poets Society was alive and thriving and ready to seize the day.”

i first watched Dead Poets Society when i was 12 years old and i fell in love with it right away. guess you could say it was love at first sight, because it was. it’s a beautiful, enthralling, memorable and impactful film. it profoundly affected and captivated me, and touched my soul in so many ways — watching it was truly a life changing experience for me. it’s one of my all time favorites for a reason.

so you must be wondering why i’m giving this novelization such a low rating. well, i’m gonna go straight to the point: it didn’t properly capture the essence of the film. i dare say it failed quite miserably.

see, i’m not a person who reads novelizations of screenplays — in fact, this is the first one i read, so for that reason i was expecting something different. i thought “oh okay, it’s a book based on the movie, which means it will be as good as the movie, right?” as you can notice, i was wrong. very wrong.

this book is unnecessarily rushed, not very well written and weak — no other way to put it. it didn’t match the greatness of the movie at all; not even close. there’s no depth whatsoever, the characters whom i deeply love felt one-dimensional here, we have a few unnecessary additions/changes and, dear lord, the writing was awful for most of the time.

just to clarify, i wasn’t expecting this to be better than the movie, i honestly didn’t even think that it was possible anyway. but i also wasn’t expecting this to be so bland and extremely disappointing. come on, the potential was there, and yet the author managed to waste it. such a shame.

i’m giving this two stars because it’s a short book and that’s exactly what i needed to help with my reading slump so at least there’s a positive thing. also, the first few pages weren’t so bad and i foolishly believed it was going to be a good book that would become a new favorite of mine (laughable, isn’t it?) but then you know what happened... it went downhill. for my own sanity, i’m going to pretend this book doesn’t exist and i’m going to rewatch the film so i can wipe this from my mind completely.

if you never watched Dead Poets Society, don’t make the mistake of reading this book first (or perhaps don’t make the mistake of reading this book at all). go watch the film, i guarantee it’s a million times better and more magical. and i promise you won’t regret of watching this literal masterpiece.

“O Captain! My Captain!”

︵‿︵‿︵‿ ꒰💌꒱ ‿︵‿︵‿︵

ᰔ quotes:

“No matter what anyone tells you, words and ideas have the power to change the world.”

“Carpe Diem. Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.”

“One reads poetry because he is a member of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion. Medicine, law, banking—these are necessary to sustain life. But poetry, romance, love, beauty? These are what we stay alive for.”

“And don’t limit poetry to the word. Poetry can be found in music, a photograph, in the way a meal is prepared—anything with the stuff of revelation in it. It can exist in the most everyday things but it must never, never be ordinary.”

“When you read, don’t consider only what the author thinks, but take time to consider what you think.”

“You must strive to find your own voice, boys, and the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.”

“I feel like I’ve never been alive. For years, I’ve been risking nothing. I have no idea what I am or what I want to do.”

“And acting!” Neil bubbled. “It’s got to be one of the most wonderful things in the world. Most people, if they’re lucky, live about half an exciting life. If I could get the parts, I could live dozens of great lives!”


➷ pre-review:

i just need something short to help with my mini reading slump and i feel like this might help! not only because it’s a short book, but also because Dead Poets Society is one of my favorite movies of all time so i think i’ll enjoy the book. 🥹🤎

please ignore the fact that i’m now reading four books at the same time.
Profile Image for val୨୧.
291 reviews355 followers
August 23, 2022
this ruined me so im gonna pretend the last chapters didnt happen and im gonna pretend Neil followed his dream and is happily married with Todd :D
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for KyneWynn.
218 reviews5 followers
January 18, 2014
I started to read this book -- and couldn't get past the first chapter -- unfortunately, like other, books written after the movie was made, it falls short of literary sparkle. I love the movie though, and for me it will always be a reminder. My husband, son, and daughter were in a stage version of this play -- for opening night. My husband died that night. This is a poem I wrote about the juxtaposition of the two:

In Fifty-five Words

Father and son,
Playing father and son:
On stage, the dialogue
Between the character
and his father was electric;
Excellent casting decision.
It was just like watching them
At home.
Teenage angst,
Overbearing father--
In a way,
In the end,
on stage,
the son committed suicide.
At home, that night,
My husband

PS: It is now nine years later, and while in many ways it has gotten easier, the two will be forever entwined. In remembrance, every year on the anniversary of Kelly's death, I watch Dead Poets Society; it feel fitting somehow.
Profile Image for nour ༉‧₊˚✧.
91 reviews3 followers
September 25, 2021
the last two chapters were the best parts and the only parts that actually held my attention. overall, could’ve been gayer 🙃
Profile Image for Maede.
414 reviews563 followers
February 25, 2021
با خیلی از آدم ها که صحبت می کنی، یک معلم ادبیات یا زبان توی زندگیشون هست که پر رنگ تر از بقیه به یاد مونده، یکی که حرف هاش و خاطره کلاسش رو گذر همه ی این سال ها خاکستری نکرده

فکر می کنم که این جادوی زبان و ادبیاته که ماهیتشون نگه داشتن اندیشه ها، احساسات و ایده های جدید و انتقالشون به آدم های دیگه هست. همیشه با خودم گفتم که ای کاش بتونم یکی از این معلم ها بشم که می مونن و ��غییرات کوچک ایجاد می کنند، دوست دارم یکی سال ها بعد به دوستی بگه که من معلمی داشتم که عشق به زبان/کتاب/یادگیری رو ازش یاد گرفتم. کیتینگ مظهر چنین معلمیه. معلمی که تمام انرژی شعر و ادبیات و کلمات رو به کار گرفته تا به این پسران هفده ساله نشان بده که زندگی بیشتر از درس خوندنه، زندگی بیشتر از کسی شدنه و زندگی همین لحظه هاست که ما رو به سوی مرگ می برند، که ما خوراک کرم هاییم و کود برای قاصدک ها

نقدهای مثبت از این فیلم و کتاب زیاد هست و برای همین به سراغ منفی ها رفتم. اینکه "انجمن شاعران مرده" ایده درستی از مطالعه ادبیات در ذهن افراد ایجاد نمی کنه. اینکه کیتینگ این پسران تاثیرپذیر رو با جملاتش در خطر قرار میده و در واقع بهشون یاد نمیده که چطور باید برای خودشون فکر کنن، بلکه ایده های معلمشون رو کورکورانه پیاده می کنند. اینکه اشعار استفاده شده گاهی تکه تکه شدن و در خارج قالب اصلی استفاده شدند. من همه ی این ها رو خواندم و بازهم معتقدم که با کیتینگ نباید اینطور موشکافانه برخورد کرد. چون فقط نماد تغییری هست که ما احتیاج داریم و لزوماً بهترین روش رو برای انجام اینکار انتخاب نکرده. کیتینگ نشانه نیاز به نظام آموزشی ای هست که تفکر انتقادی رو به ذهن های جوان یاد بده

کم پیش میاد که از کتابی/فیلمی یک جمله اینطور دقیق در خاطرم بمونه و توی ذهنم دائم بپیچه

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.

و این آگاهانه و عامدانه و از روی قصد زندگی کردن مهمترین حرف این داستان و تکاپوی این سال های منه

جالبه که در این مورد برعکسه و کتاب از روی فیلم نوشته شده. میشه گفت که کاملا مکمل همدیگه هستن و واقعا توصیه می کنم که بخونید و ببینید. بعضی داستان ها اونقدری ارزش دارند که چشممون رو روی ایراداتی که گذر زمان روشون می گذاره (آگاهانه) ببندیم

Profile Image for AMEERA.
279 reviews331 followers
June 11, 2018
An inspirational story 💜💜
Profile Image for Emma.catherine.
512 reviews37 followers
August 18, 2024
This is a book I have been wanting to read for some time now and my initial reaction when I set my eyes upon it was how very small it is. At just over 150 pages I don’t know how they managed to cram what is a 2 hour movie into such a small book. Furthermore, an interesting thought regarding this book is that the book was written based on the film rather than the film on the book; I thought this was most unusual but was ready to give it a read.

I have seen so many negative 1 🌟 reviews about this book and in all honesty I can’t understand why. Maybe reading the book before watching the movie was a good call, idk but I enjoyed it. I found some of the poetry written by Knox in the latter half of the book really sweet and moving 🥹🥲I think this is one of those books that the rating is based more on the way the book makes you FEEL rather than the plot itself.

The book begins with a new school year and from the very beginning the boys are addressed : Gentlemen, what are the four pillars? Tradition! Honor! Discipline! Excellence! Was shouted in unison by the boys - these four pillars will become the cornerstones to your lives here at the best preparatory school in the United States.

They very quickly meet and become inspired by their teacher Mr. Keating who teaches them many life lessons including: ‘“Carpe Diem” - Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.’

“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for,”

“We are dreaming of a new day when the new day’s here already.”

However, the boys simultaneously become interested in ‘The Dead Poet’s Society’ which Mr. Keating was a former member of. They get rather caught up with it and before long are completely preoccupied by this secret club. This made for the perfect read for a gloomy late August day…slowly preparing myself for an Autumn of dark academia reads 📚

The last few chapter totally caught me off guard and SHOCKED me to my core. Nj I was almost in tears with how moving it was. It’s those small subtle touches that just get me 🥺

Now that I have read the book, I will, of course, go and watch the film to compare.

UPDATE: I have watched the film and I MUCH prefer the book no matter what all the other reviews say. I did like the film but I felt more of a connection through the book 📖

Profile Image for Hoda.
189 reviews1,184 followers
January 13, 2024
So beautiful ❤️
Running to watch the movie🏃🏻‍♀️ i hope it’s as beautiful as this 🙏🏻


“Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.”

“One reads poetry because he is a member of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion! Medicine, law, banking.these are necessary to sustain life. But poetry, romance, love, beauty?These are what we stay
alive for!”

“If you’re sure about something,force yourself to think about it another way, even if you know its wrong or silly.
When you read, don’t consider only what the author thinks, but take time to consider what you think.”

“I feel like I’ve never been alive,”

“don’t limit poetry to the word. Poetry can be found in music, a photograph, in the way a meal is prepared anything with the stuff of revelation in it. It can exist in the most everyday things but it must never,never be ordinary.”

“A woman is a cathedral, boys. Worship one at every chance you get,”

“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

“there must be poetry and we must stop to notice it in even the simplest acts of living or we will have wasted much of what life has to offer.”
Profile Image for madii  ੈ✩ ♡.
214 reviews
March 24, 2024
sobbing. this is why i love literature.

“one reads poetry because he is a member of the human race, and the human race is filled with passion! medicine, law, banking—these are necessary to sustain life. but poetry, romance, love, beauty? these are what we stay alive for!”

the only book i have ever finished and wanted to reread from page one again immediately. i swear each page was written for me and about me, perfectly capturing my worldview in all its complexity and reflecting the beauty of literature and art in our lives. this story changed me.

"the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse.”

neil perry you will always be the most precious character i have ever read about <3
Profile Image for Mina.
114 reviews13 followers
February 8, 2012
I can't remember ever rating a book at one star. Oh, yes I do. Wuthering Heights. And I HATE that book.

Okay. I love this film. Loved it in the late 80s and I love it still. The movie is not based on the book; the book is based on the movie.

It's not great. It's little more than a copy of the screen play. (Which probably would have been a better read.) The writing was poor. Drab. Telling. The author quoted the school dog. "Gggrrr." I'm not kidding. There were some small liberties taken, as I assume there would need to be for legal purposes. And while they were still poorly written, at least those scenes did not have quite the same feel as having to sit and listen to my mother tell me about a great movie she saw in real-movie time. The rest of the novel did.

The plus? Takes less time to read than watching the movie. So I guess if you're pressed for time ... nah. Just watch the movie. It's a bazillion times better. And then you get to watch young, cute, tortured Sean Robert Leonard for 2 hours. It's a win-win.

(Now how to be diplomatic about this next week at my first-ever attending of a book club I've joined, for which I read this "novel." I may have to keep on the quiet side.)
Profile Image for Franco  Santos.
483 reviews1,454 followers
April 2, 2021
¡Oh Capitán! ¡Mi Capitán! Nuestro terrible viaje ha terminado,
la nave ha sorteado todos los escollos, hemos obtenido el premio que anhelábamos,
el puerto está cerca, oigo las campanas, la gente toda jubilosa,
mientras sus miradas siguen la firme quilla, el navío imponente y osado.
Mas, ¡oh, corazón! ¡Corazón! ¡Corazón!
¡Oh, las sangrantes gotas carmesí
sobre el puente, donde mi Capitán yace,
caído, frío y muerto!
¡Oh, Capitán! ¡Mi Capitán! Levántate y escucha las campanas;
Levántate, por ti se ha derribado la bandera, por ti suena el clarín,
por ti los ramilletes y coronas con cintas, por ti las rebosantes riberas
a ti te llaman las oscilantes muchedumbres volviendo sus anhelantes rostros.
¡Vamos, Capitán, querido padre!
¡El brazo bajo tu cabeza!
Tan solo es un sueño que sobre el puente,
hayas caído, frío y muerto.
Mi Capitán no contesta, sus labios están pálidos e inmóviles,
mi padre no siente mi brazo, no tiene pulso ni voluntad,
el navío está anclado sano y salvo, su viaje cerrado y terminado.
del terrible viaje el navío victorioso regresa con su objetivo cumplido.
¡Regocijaos riberas, y tañed campanas!
que yo, con afligidos pasos,
recorro el puente donde mi Capitán yace,
caído, frío y muerto.
Profile Image for Gypsy.
427 reviews594 followers
December 28, 2017
کتاب نتونست اونقدی که رو بقیه تأثیر گذاشت، رو من تأثیر بذاره. بهتر بگم، ترجمه! من ترجمه اصلی رو نخونده بودم، خیلی دنبال کتاب بودم و اصلاً نتونستم پیداش کنم. نمدونم الان نایاب حساب می‌شه یا واقعاً تو این شهر درندشت نتونستم پیداش کنم. ناچار شدم ترجمه اینترنتی رو بخونم، سال‌ها بود دلم می‌خواست انجمن شاعران مرده رو بخونم و شعرهاشو این ور اون ور خونده بودم و داستانشو می‌دونستم و فیلمش هم خیلی بچه بودم دیدم و فقط ازش یه سری پسرای مدرسه‌ای یادم می‌اومد و رابین ویلیامز. همین. :)) و به‌شدت برام مهم بود خوندنش و آخرم اینقد سخت خوندم.

ترجمه اجحاف(اجهاف؟ اجحاف؟) بزرگی به کتاب و منِ مخاطب بود. نمدونم از کی بود، بد هم تایپ شده بود و سانسور داشت. یه سری جملات ادبی و یه سری دست و پا شکسته. می‌تونین تصور کنین چه زجری کشیدم و چقد حرص خوردم. بارها خواستم بذارم کنار. اما کشش داستان و اشتیاق چندساله‌م نمی‌ذاشت. دیگه نمی‌دونستم کِی می‌تونم نسخه اصلی رو گیر بیارم و دیدم همین‌طوری‌شم دارم اینقد دیر می‌خونم. پس گفتم کارپه دیم و رفتم تا آخرش.

هم‌زمان باهاش فیلمش هم دیدم. تمام این مدت نگه داشته بودم حتماً بعد کتاب ببینم. با دیدن فیلم گریه‌م گرفت، به‌خاطر اون پایانش و نحوه‌ی بدرقه‌ی بچه‌ها. توی کتاب شخصیت پسرها رو دوست داشتم. همه‌شونو، به‌طرز عجیبی. من که خیلی سخت با شخصیت‌های پسر ارتباط می‌گیرم و خیلی سریع منزجر می‌شم، همه‌شون برام ملموس و دوست‌داشتنی بودن. چارلی به‌خصوص، تاد، نیل... وای نیل... نیل فوق‌العاده. فکر کنم شخصیت‌ها ازونایی بودن که هرکی می‌خونه حس می‌کنه خودش تو یکی ازینا یا حتی همه‌شون پخش شده.

از وقتی تمومش کردم خیلی اتفاقا افتاد. رفتم جشن امضای آلبوم علیرضا قربانی و دوتا از دوستامو دیدم که دیگه باهاشون در ارتباط نیستم، جز با اینستاگرام. اصلاً نمی‌خواستم برم آشنایی بدم و باهاشون روبه‌رو شم، به‌نظرم خیلی تغییر کرده بودم و البته چیز مثبتی تو خودم نمی‌دیدم که مثلاً منو ببینن خوشحال شن. ولی گفتم کارپه دیم و رفتم جلو. رفتم جلو و با هرکدوم‌شون کلی حرف زدم و صحبت‌مون گل انداخت و... عااا به خودم امیدوار شدم. :دی

اونقد لجم گرفته بود از ترجمه که برای سه اومده بودم. ولی حالا می‌بینم چار بدم منصفانه‌تره.
Profile Image for Evoli.
263 reviews103 followers
December 26, 2023
I don't know how long it will take me to recover from this book and story and, genuinely speaking, I don't think I'll ever recover from it anyway.
Definitely feeling completely drained emotionally speaking and also extremely unwell.
(Still have to watch the movie, possibly today, to break me even more.)
Needless to say, this story definitely shaped me and left a profound impact on my psyche and understanding of the world.
Adding this to my "favourites" shelf.

P.S. Yes, I love tragic books and yes, I love having my heart ripped out of my chest and torn into tiniest pieces, as well as my soul aching in despair and frustration for the character. Since I'm a quite logically driven person and not really emotional overall in life, I like it when books have a certain effect on me because it's rare that something "shakes me awake". It's hard to make me sob because I try to over rationalise characters, their mindsets, lifestyles as well as their (in my opinion overly silly and unrealistic) actions, which often solely leads to annoyance or indifference related to the story, so I'm just glad when I can actually cry because of a book and "it hits a nerve".
That story was definitely "IT" for me!! I feel weird saying this buttt I managed to finally cry after something that felt like an eternity of books that left me feeling empty (not in the sense of emotionally spent buttt in the sense of leaving ZERO impact on an emotional, psychological and philosophical level).
Profile Image for Beatriz.
914 reviews824 followers
April 14, 2020
Una inspiradora y emotiva novela, en que asistimos a un fragmento de la vida de sus personajes; solo un momento que, probablemente, marcará el resto de sus vidas, para bien o para mal.

Es casi nada lo que se profundiza en la figura del Sr. Keating y como logró “sobrevivir” a su propia educación en Walton. La autora se centra en lo que quiere contar y cumple sobradamente su objetivo: una conmovedora evocación a vencer los obstáculos, abandonar el conformismo y seguir el difícil camino de nuestros sueños.

Sin embargo, mirándolo en retrospectiva, tampoco libero de toda responsabilidad al propio John Keating de los sucesos que desencadenan el desenlace, pero en el sentido de que no fue capaz de prever cómo sus enseñanzas ahondarían la desesperanza en jóvenes que aún no tenían todas las herramientas para enfrentar la vida, sobre todo en una época marcada por los prejuicios.

Por último y a pesar de que no he visto la película todavía, es imposible dejar de imaginar a Robin Williams en el papel del Sr. Keating.

Reto #4 PopSugar 2020: Un libro acerca de un Club de Lectura
Profile Image for Ivana Simanungkalit.
Author 2 books5 followers
August 19, 2007
Carpe Diem!
Seize the day!!
This is my favorite movie and novel all the time. Poets, wise words, experiences, love, passion and youth are things that make life beautiful. This story is a best learning for student-wants-to-be-teacher in the future (yeah..just like me) because lots of things mentioned in this story should be realized by us...all of us.
Profile Image for Anita.
141 reviews21 followers
July 5, 2022
من هیچوقت معلم ادبیات ِ خوبی توی مدرسه نداشتم ، دونه دونه باعث زده شدنم از این درس شدن . به تنها کسی که توی استرس کنکور تونست کمی منو با این آشتی بده از همینجا سلام میکنم ، سلام استاد جعفری :))
به عنوان کسی که از سوم ابتدایی برای تیزهوشان خونده ، با قوانین مزخرفِ مزخرف ترین فرزانگانِ دوره اول ِ شهر سه سال رو گذرونده و از نهم برای کنکور خونده ، راهی جز 3 رشته تاپ تجربی نداشته و توی همین راه باخته و مجبور شده راه رو دوباره بره ..
کاش من هم دم رو غنیمت میشمردم ! 🖤
Profile Image for Rae (Jurdan's Version).
98 reviews130 followers
November 8, 2023
—3.75 ” You drew stars around my scars but now I'm bleeding” stars ⭐—

Ahh I love the ending where Todd and Neil get married and then Neil becomes a famous actor and Todd becomes a poet/author!! Yayyy!!!!!!!

Age rating (imo): 13/14+
Genres: Classics, Fiction, Drama

What I think about the:
Writing: 6/10
Characters: 9/10
Romance: The imaginary romance that I made up in my head is a 10/10 but the real romance is like a 3/10

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚My thoughts˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*


I don’t even know how to put what I’m feeling into words rn. I’m gonna try my best not to spoil whether I liked the movie better or not until the end ;)
Broooo I love these boys so much (other than Cameron ofc he can choke on his own saliva and die). Idc if they're literally cookie-cutter white boys I love them.

The writing itself wasn’t the best but it was fine and easy to follow. I do like how the author added the movie’s deleted scene and also added some of her own scenes. I also really really loved how we got more of Todd’s characters and his relationship with his parents. We don’t get much of that in the movie. However, she did cut out the “I was good… I was really good” part which kinda made me sad bc that part HITS :( Idrk if I can review the story itself bc she didn’t come up with it but I love it??????? Whoever the original writer of the movie is I love you sm 😭😭 But I also hate you bc WHY’D YOU MAKE NEIL DIE THATS NOT FAIR HE WAS SUPPOSED TO MARRY TODD AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER
And on that note: Yes. I ship Todd and Neil so fucking hard. They're the cutest and if you disagree please don’t start a fight in the comments. I understand that there are platonic male relationships but they just had a little tooooo much chemistry if you know what I mean 🤷‍♀ Everyone has their own opinions
Also, I can understand how a lot of people think that this book is pointless. If I'm being completely honest I could’ve lived without it. BUT I JUST LOVE THE STORY SM AND IDK BRO I LOVE IT OKAY LEAVE ME ALONE

Now you might be asking me "Why'd you give it 3 stars if you loved it sm" well bc the main things that I loved are the characters and story but the author isn't the one that made those up. It was the writer of the movie. So the book itself is 3ish stars but the movie/plot/storyline is 10000000 stars <33


Neil He is the definition of “deserved better” If I could sacrifice myself for him to live (a happy life mind you) I would. He's so ajskajskja and I love him so so much.

Todd My baby. I love him. I also relate to him a little too much. I love him. He's so bbg. I love him. And omg him being played by Ethan Hawke is just *chef's kiss*

Charlie Nuwanda He is so silly 😭 He’s just that guy yk he could be kinda annoying at times but yeah I love him also

Knox Idk he was a good character. He was sweet and fun BUT the SA scene at the party was sooo unnecessary. Like we could’ve not done that thank you. It kinda ruined his character for me but wtv

Meeks/Pitts so adorable but deserve more page/screen time

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚My fave quotes˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

“One day, hard as it is to believe, each and every one of us is going to stop breathing, turn cold, and die.”
“Poetry! I’m being chased by Walt Whitman!”
“A woman is a cathedral, boys. Worship one at every chance you get”


Stick Season by Noah Kahan
The Lakes by Taylor Swift
Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift
Place In Me by Luke Hemmings
Todd and Neil playlist
Taylor's Version playlist

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚Random extra thought˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for… Did I like the movie or the book more??
Drum roll pleaseeee

*Drum roll*
*Drum roll*
*Drum roll*
*Drum roll*
*Drum roll*
*Drum roll*
*Drum roll*
*Drum roll*

THE MOVIE!! It has a special place in my heart and yeah it was way better than the book sorry not sorry

Thank you for taking the time to read this <33 Stay safe and drink some water 💋



Pre-read review
Yes yes I am the kind of person to (SOMETIMES) watch the movie first 😭 it's just easier
Profile Image for Jimena.
347 reviews131 followers
February 15, 2023
“¡Oh, Capitán! ¡Mi Capitán!” es el mensaje con que alzan la voz un grupo de alumnos erguidos encima de sus pupitres para homenajear al hombre que les devolvió el olvidado espíritu de lucha por ser ellos mismos. Pero me estoy adelantando porque este es el final de la novela y para glorificarla uno debe conocer su principio.

Tradición, honor, disciplina y excelencia son los pilares del colegio Welton en el que estudian nuestros protagonistas, jóvenes sobre cuyos hombros recae el abrumador y hostil peso de las ambiciones de sus padres y el rigor de sus educadores. Un entorno que prioriza el deber, la responsabilidad y los alienta a convertirse en individuos funcionales de un sistema que se enorgullece en estar desprovisto de individualidad, vigor y sueños.

La llegada de un profesor de literatura les provee a estos jóvenes el descubrimiento de la filosofía “Carpe Diem”. Se hallan, por primera vez, ante un adulto que lejos de moldearlos para encajar en las filas de Harvard o un despacho legal los alienta a vivir el momento, a profundizar en la vida y su sentido, a desvelar la belleza que se esconde en el verso y al verso que desvela la belleza que pasa inadvertida al ojo desolado e indiferente. Keating los alienta a ahondar dentro de sus espíritus para hallar qué los motiva y a luchar por defender su individualidad y el valor de ésta en un mundo que pisotea fervientemente el ardor creativo en post de la eficiencia mecánica.

La novela es avasalladora por el homenaje que rinde a la poesía y a los poetas, por la oda que irgue a la juventud, a los sueños y más que nada a la libertad de soñarlos. Posee un ritmo ágil, vivo, que hace al lector partícipe de las reuniones y compañero en su despertar después de una larga letanía del deber ser. Pocas veces una lectura me atravesó tan certeramente y me llamó tanto a querer ser más sin ser ese más otra cosa que una versión auténtica de mí misma. Y pocas novelas, también, consiguieron conmoverme de forma tan estremecedora con un desenlace trágico que intensifica su búsqueda de sentidos.
Profile Image for Raha.
186 reviews221 followers
July 26, 2018
می دونین من همیشه کتاب هایی با تم مدرسه ای رو خیلی دوست داشتم. شاید عمده ی دلیلش این بوده باشه که اونقدری که باید و شاید از دوران خوش مدرسه لذت نبردم. اینکه شاگرد نمونه بودن رو به شاگرد بی انضباط بودن ترجیح می دادم اما ته دلم همیشه جسارت اون دسته از دوستانم رو که به خاطر شیطنت ها و بازیگوشی هاشون تو دردسر می افتادن، تحسین می کردم. این کتاب برای من یادآور همون دوران از دست رفته بود

بیشتر شخصیت های این کتاب رو دست داشتم. از"تاد" و تمام اون خجالت کشیدن ها و آرزوهاش برای درک و دیده شدن گرفته تا "نیل" ، پسر جسور و دوست داشتنی داستان که به واسطه ی پدر سختگیرش آرزوهای بر باد رفته ی زیادی داشت و همین طور "چارلی" ، پسر جذاب و دلربای قصه که دل در گروی عشق دختران زیبارو داشت، اما در زمان های لازم با بی عدالتی ها می جنگید و هیچ وقت پشت دوستانش رو خالی نمی کرد. در کنار همه ی اونا معلمشون " کیتینگ" و تمام تلاشش برای آموختن معنای واقعی زندگی به این بچه ها واقعا دوست داشتنی و بی نظیر بود
یه چیز خیلی جالبی که من تو این کتاب دوست داشتم این بود که نویسنده زیاد وارد عمق شخصیت های داستانش نمی شد، به جای اون به نکته های ظریفی درباره ی اونا اشاره می کرد و بعد ذهن خواننده هاش رو رها می کرد تا هر جور که دوست دارن شخصیت ها رو برای خودشون مجسم کنن
با این حال کتاب واقعا پایان غافلگیر کننده ای داشت. به تصور من نویسنده یک مقدار زیادی عجولانه کتاب رو به اتمام رسوند در حالی که هنوز خیلی جا برای رسیدن به یک همچین پایانی داشت

در آخر بگم که من فرمت پی دی اف کتاب رو خوندم که اصلا و ابدا به هیچ کس توصیه نمی کنم. سانسورهای زیاد، غلطهای املایی و جملاتی که سر و تهشون معلوم نبود همه از جمله دلایلی بودن که باعث شدن نتونم اونجوری که دلم می خواست از کتاب لذت ببرم
Displaying 1 - 30 of 11,829 reviews

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