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My Merlin Trilogy #2

My Merlin Awakening

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If you haven't broken the rules, have you really lived?

Excalibur has been pulled from the stone, but what does it mean? Arriane (aka Ryan) DuLac's got bigger problems—as student president, she's got to put on the Prom. While the Wizard Council debates their next move, she leaves the craziness behind and heads home. But she can’t hide forever. Sooner than she’d like Merlin (aka Matt) has her chasing mermaids on the trail of the Fisher King in Greece. The wounded King, defeated by Merlin’s brother, Vane, in the past holds the key to save the future.

On the journey, Ryan begins to realize the friends she thought she knew, she may not know at all. At a time of shifting alliances, she must decide whose side she’s on—the brother who struggles to do right or the brother who dares to break the rules? And Ryan must decide who she is—a regular or a champion?

One wrong decision and her family falls apart. One wrong decision and the world falls apart. No pressure.

340 pages, ebook

First published May 1, 2012

About the author

Priya Ardis

8 books627 followers
I love books of all kinds—lately funny ones are my faves. But who couldn't curl up with a good mystery or romance?

My writing comes from a childhood of playing too much She-Ra and watching too much Spock. When Belle gasped at the library the Beast showed her, so did I! Growing up, I spend so much time I spent there, I could have been the phantom of the public library.

I hand-wrote my first manuscript at sixteen, scribbling in long notebooks on train rides while on vacation in India. I'm a longtime member of RWA, SCBWI, SIC. If you are looking for writing help, consider joining your local organizations!

Looking for my books? Catch up with me at my website/blog at http://www.priyaardis.com/

Check out the bestselling YA: My Merlin Series! My Boyfriend Merlin, Book 1; My Merlin Awakening, Book2; Ever My Merlin, Book 3. Merlin returns in Gods of Merlin

If you like middle grade: Girl With Three Eyes is a fairy tale based on Indian lore! She would hate her third eye less if it actually gave her powers.

If you want a STEM chapter book for your kids: Merlin Raj and the Santa Algorithm, is a humorous dog's tale written under a new name D. G. Priya. Find it at Merlin Raj and the Santa-Algorithm, DOGS WHO CODE.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews
Profile Image for Carie.
1,228 reviews
September 16, 2012
3.5 – Hmm, okay, this one is hard… I actually really like the adventure in these books and the crazy, unpredictable action, but I have lots of problems with the romance. I don’t care much for Vane--he seems like a power-hungry, abusive control-freak to me. And Ryan’s interactions with Matt never go the way I’d like them to. Seems crazy that he’d have to choose her over the safety of the whole world--and that she punishes him because he doesn’t! Yes, Matt does have a bit of a hero-complex and I hate that he hides things from Ryan and doesn’t trust her (though she does often do insane, stupid things, so who can blame him?!), but come on, it’s protecting the entire world from catastrophe!! Is Ryan really that selfish? Can’t she give him a little leeway--especially when he’s getting crazy, destructive, tsunami visions?! I must allow that Ryan did have one moment in this book of finally seeing his POV on the importance of the visions, which was something I guess… But, does she have to constantly punish Matt by making out with Vane?! Isn’t there some way for Matt and Ryan to be together and him to still have the visions? Please!! I’d love to see some real, unrestrained action between these two!

And, Vane--sorry, I really don’t like him much (at least not as boyfriend material). And, I’m kind of sickened that Ryan doesn’t seem to be bothered that he abuses her, has no regard for the lives of friends/allies, and seems to be on some power-hungry trip. Yes, he’s charmingly insecure, more hands-on romantically than Matt, and “brutally hot,” but does that excuse his actions?! I think Ryan must get off on being bullied, pressured, and strong-armed around--or being nearly killed! Or, she wants a father-figure or an authority-figure (or an unstable, unpredictable psycho!) as a boyfriend. And, I still can’t get over how she’s completely forgotten that Vane could’ve saved her mother, but didn’t! Honestly!! It’s bad when both love interests in a triangle are infuriating and mistreat the heroine. No one to root for!! (It wouldn’t take much for the author to convince me that Matt’s a fantastic choice for Ryan (since I can understand his actions/motivations A LOT more than Vane’s), but I don’t think I’ll ever be completely on board with Vane unless he has a MAJOR personality change!)

All this aside, this book is action-packed and unpredictable. I like the other characters a lot--especially Grey (), Gia (), and Blake. Nonstop, crazy, and intense things going on all the time in this book! The mixture of mythology with the Avalon/Merlin stuff was interesting and the story was really gripping and kept me going. Some odd inconsistencies and confusing parts here and there, but if you overlook those, it’s a fun, exciting story.

I’m anxious to read the next book, but I’m not holding my breath that I’ll be at all happy with the romance in the end. I hope Ryan doesn’t choose ! Hopefully the story ends up living up to the titles of these books and I finally get the Ryan-Matt moments I’ve been craving since the very beginning of this series! Please don’t tell me I’ve chosen the wrong team when the series is called “My Merlin,” for heaven’s sake!!!
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
June 4, 2012
This second installment in the Merlin series was even better than the first.
Once again we are taken on a nonstop ride filled with lots of action, adventure, mystery and just enough romance thrown in to keep it really interesting (just in case the action and adventure wasn't enough for you).

We get more of the mysterious yet hot Merlin...err Matt and the sexy bad boy Vane.
Matt. Vane. I don't think I could choose between them.
Ryan definitely doesn't have it easy. Not only does she have two very tempting wonderful guys to choose from but she is the sword bearer and has to deal with all that involves by being it. Oh yeah and did I mention she has to save her friends, her enemies and the whole world too?

Yep, it isn't easy being Ryan.

And nothing that she did in the first book compares to the risks, sacrifices, trials and journey she takes in this one. Thankfully she doesn't have to do it alone. She has Vane, Matt, Blake, Grey, Gia and the whole gang there every step of the way to help her.

Good thing too, because she needs all the help she can get for this adventure.

This book was fabulous, it really was. I had a really hard time putting it down and unfortunately I had a full day planned when I started this one so some things were put on hold so I could sneak extra time to read just one more chapter which of course turned into one more until before I knew it I had a pile of things that still needed to be done and a finished book. But what a great time I had!

And lets talk about that heartbreaking ending? Gah! I really want more. I can't believe Ardis left us all hanging like that. What a tease!!

I can't wait to find out how this series will end. I know I will be right in line waiting to purchase it when it finally hits Amazon.

This really has turned into a favorite of mine and I know that I will be checking out what ever Ardis decides to write in the future as well. She has a new fan in me!
Profile Image for Haidee.
135 reviews40 followers
June 27, 2012

Wow, great story and I have nothing against the writing style.
How can Ryan not be totally in love with Vane by now? I always seem to be rooting for the bad boy under dogs when i'm reading stories and it hardly ever turns out to be them who get the girl.
Even the titles are pointing towards Matt! How unfair.
Who does Vane get? Even knowing it's not likely to be a Vane/Ryan happy ending I know i'm going to end up disappointed if i'm wrong which pisses me off. Why oh why do the best characters end up alone?
Merlin seemed to end up being more of a damsel in distress than Ryan did. Who wants a guy who they have to keep saving all the time? If Ryan just thought of all the times Matt has abandoned her i'm sure she'd make the right choice.
I'm rooting for you Vane buddy! Kick Merlin's sadly pathetic a$$!
Profile Image for Asia.
605 reviews26 followers
May 31, 2018
The first half was a little boring, a lot of drama with love triangle but the second half was good.
Profile Image for Jen Scott.
897 reviews25 followers
March 29, 2020
Why did I read this? No one will ever know.

This book had no idea what it was doing. It combined Camelot, Vampire Diaries, Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, and New Moon in the worst ways. Highly do not recommend.
Profile Image for Rae Ryans.
Author 8 books178 followers
May 6, 2012
If you have yet to read the first book, My Boyfriend Merlin, then please drop everything, and go read it right now. There may be slight spoilers if you continue to read below as some of the first book will bleed into this review, and there is nothing I hate more than spoiling a good, no scratch that, great read for others. Please consider yourself warned.

My Merlin Awakening picks up shortly after where My Boyfriend Merlin left off. Ryan has pulled the sword, but in order to protect the candidate he loves Merlin takes the credit. Of course he also attempts to expose magic to the world, but he is thwarted in this attempt. Merlin also chooses, albeit a difficult choice, to let Ryan go in order to keep his visions, and attempt to save the world from it's judgment day.

Vane, the brother of Merlin, endlessly attempts to win Ryan, but even as her boyfriend he can't seem to break through her heart. No, that heart refuses to make a choice. She has feelings for both brothers, but the only thing they seem to have in common is trying to control and protect her.

Can Ryan make a choice between the one she wants to save, and the one she truly loves? Does her choice affect more than just her? Will she ever come to terms with being the chosen one before it's too late?

Author Priya Ardis delivers once again with a page turning, life interrupting, teasing story line. I am already longing for the next story, though I am saddened to know the next will be the last. This author has a distinct knack for weaving in legend with the modern twist. If you had the chance to read My Boyfriend Merlin, then My Merlin Awakening will not disappoint you one single iota!

I wish I could just blurt it all out, but then you wouldn't have a reason to read it for yourself. This is an author that shouldn't be overlooked, and although she is a YA writer, adults will love, no, cherish the stories she shares. I look forward to the final story, but I hope Ms. Ardis continues to grace us with her writing for years to come.
264 reviews
July 11, 2012
I hated finishing this book! How can any author do that to you, leaving you with a second book in a trilogy, just waiting, pining, dying, for the conclusion? Because good authors are just EVIL.

We find Ryan (Ms. Arrianne DuLac) back in old high school with...Vane as her teacher and boyfriend? SCANDALOUS! After the craziness of the last book, all Ryan wants to do is recuperate from the death of her sister, Alexa, and do normal things for awhile. Normal like throwing the best Prom ever. Unfortunately, nobody seems to agree with her, even her bad-boy boyfriend, Vane. Still she manages to keep her life normal until her ex is heading back to town and she ends up sharing his vision of a coming disaster. Now the humans must work with the Gargoyle King to stop the disaster.

I did not want to put this book down, it was great. The story moved quickly and was captivating even though there was not as much action as the first book. I am not usually a fan of love triangles, but this one had me very interested. I spent most of the book trying to justify which brother I think she should date. Although, Vane and I are really nothing alike, I think I empathized with him for most of the book. Ardis does a good job of keeping the two relationships balanced (from a reader perspective). I won't give away any spoilers but it has me very interested in how Ryan will be different in the conclusion (and I don't event mean the love triangle--well that too).

I have been reading a lot of indie YA lately and it is nice to find diamonds like Ardis after reading so much dross. I cannot wait for the next one! Stupid authors not releasing all the books at once...*grumble*

Also, note to self: do not start a great new book on the way to work.
Profile Image for Ashley.
501 reviews87 followers
October 6, 2012
WOW, WOW, WOW! I have encountered few second books that were better than the first, and this was one of them. (If you haven't read the first book, maybe don't read the synopsis just in case but if you did, I mean, just read the synopsis! HELLO! AWESOMENESS!) When I saw mermaids mentioned in it, I was like O______O, okay, this book is going to give me feels.

It was hard being Ryan. The choice she made can break or make the world. It was hard choosing a side, which reminded me of The Nicholas Flammel Series where I struggled with picking a side. Also, this book had mythical creatures like in Percy Jackson and The Nicholas Flammel Series, love it! Okay, the romance in the first book was like whoa, but the drama and romance in this book was HOLY CRAZINESS! I don't want to give anything away but seriously O_____O. I felt like I knew Vane better in this book and I liked that, kind of reminds me of my crush-of-the-moment, Aoimine Daiki. The two both gave off this aura that scares you with power, hunger, and tension. But you kind of guess there was probably a softer side and a sad life before. So I really have a love-hate relationship with Vane. If you like a break from the fantasy of this book, the romance and the characters' normal life will provide that need. See this is what it amazes me. Priya really captured the heart and soul of this series. She really brought Merlin and everyone back to life in this modern setting.

But I think what I like the most about this whole series is the adventure. I rarely see any adventure based YA books. Sure this series had a huge undertone of romance, but I felt like the adventure made it up for the book. Now I shall look for more Merlin books or fanfic while I wait for the next book. :)
Profile Image for V.
178 reviews2 followers
June 1, 2012
An addictive, gritty and page-turning addition to the series. Nearly shedding her last vestiges of innocent youth, Ryan finds herself in the dark underworlds of the sword-bearer's journey and in the dark space between her feelings for Vane and Matt.

I loved the eerie settings described with beautiful imagery, from attics in haunted houses to hidden cities to spaces inside the character's minds. The journey to save the world has been turned up a notch. So too has the love triangle. And as Ryan herself, we're left wanting more. I can't wait for the final installment!
Profile Image for Tawny.
92 reviews2 followers
June 18, 2012
This was a free nookbook so it was better than most. It was better than the first. The author knows how to suck you in. What I didn't like is that she is supposed to be this awesome warrior chick and the one beating her up is her boyfriend. Are we now saying it's okay to stay in an abusive relationship, as long he can push you to be your best too. what are we teaching our teenage daughters? That really pissed me off.
Profile Image for Booktastically Amazing.
547 reviews448 followers
August 26, 2020
For full review visit www.booktasticallymazing.com


Well, let's just say that was a wild ride.

What in the H-E- double toothpicks happened in this book?

Wow just wow. The tension, the fights, the epic battle scenes...gosh, my life is so trivial compared to that. The first book was good but this one was way better. From the beginning, the author lets us readers know that she ain't playing no more. All that drama got turned up Zeus level here (book reference for y'all). Matt was a bit better in this book, was a lot more relatable that's for sure. The story continues with Merlin having a memory, Vane being the rascal he is making his life miserable but we don't mention that. Then the story goes back to the present where dear Ryan and Vane are having a lacrosse training sesh

( ohmygoshyejswfewij) where Vane lays it on thick with the insults but we don't mention that either...
53 reviews
January 25, 2018
still can't wrap my head around how poseidon and minotaur are related
and perhaps its because i personally hate people who two time, i really can't stand Ryan being with Vane, lusting after Matt. and the Title is on Merlin, yet Vane takes up more of the book
Profile Image for Stefania.
73 reviews
May 30, 2020
Amo completamente esta trilogía me encanto como termina, amo que se quedara con quién yo quería y no con merlín, de hecho esperó que más adelante saque otra con merlín y como encuentra su destino.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Romancing the Book.
4,420 reviews220 followers
June 5, 2012
Posted on Romancing the Book's blog
Reviewed by Robin
Review Copy Provided by Bewitching Book Tours

Ryan, Matt/Merlin and Vane are back in another spellbinding story; along with all the wizards and gargoyles from the first book. Not to leave out Ryan’s brother Grey, mom Sylvia and good friend’s Gia and Blake from Avalon Prep.

Ryan just found out that she was no ordinary girl in My Boyfriend Merlin; if that wasn’t enough she finds out that her boyfriend is actually Merlin, yes from Camelot. Ryan pulled Excalibur from the stone. Unbelievable, for someone who thought she was an average American teenager?

Now they are all back for the next installment in this magical series that brings Merlin, Camelot and so much more into the 21st Century. Ryan is back at school in the Northeast where she is student body president, working on senior prom while still finding time to play Lacrosse. She is just your typical teenager, who happens to be dating the dreamy brother of Merlin, Vane. Vane is posing as the history teacher and lacrosse coach, talk about keeping that fact under wraps. Normal, I don’t think so. How do you date and not be found out?

Ryan still carries a torch for Merlin; he still has a claim to part of her heart. She is one lucky girl as the continuing pull for her love via these two very hunky wizards’ leaves her torn as to which one she wants.

The story gives us a glimpse into the mundane life that Ryan wants so much but quickly takes a turn and brings us into the gripping adventure that I found so appealing in the first book. Leaving you to keep turning those pages to find out where and what the adventure was going to be this time. And which wizard she would end up with.

As Ryan shares a vision with Matt, she finds that once again life isn’t as normal as she would like it to be. They dynamics change back and forth between Ryan/ Matt and Ryan/Vane pulling and tugging all the time. Vane continues to pressure Ryan into stepping up and accepting her role as the chosen one. Merlin/Matt is a little more subtle in his wanting her to step up.

Once again the exotic, mysterious and unsettling life of our characters comes forth in the story. As we find them still at war with the gargoyles and now with some wicked mermaids.

The quest to save the world takes us to the Salem Witch trials were we are led to the “House of Green Gables” (I may have to dust this book off and re-read an old favorite) were we encounter the ghost that haunts the classic gothic home. Hidden in a secret room amidst winding staircases, unknown passageways are the Fisher King’s trident or maybe Poseidon’s. I guess we will have to follow the adventure to find out.

As we journey back and forth we do it with ease, never missing a beat. Ms. Ardis has a magical spell that she weaves in making it hard to decipher the differences between the past and present in her story; as she has us believing this is not something unusual but in fact something more compelling, she makes it seem real as she breathes life into stogy old history.

She grips and captures the imagination romanticizing Camelot once again but in a 21st century kind of way. I was again was captivated with Ms. Ardis’s story of Merlin. The vividness and well written characters have certainly enchanted this reader.

Don’t take my word for it find out for yourself. Purchase your own copy of My Merlin Awakening and might I suggest if you haven’t yet read My Boyfriend Merlin to pick up a copy of it also. I know you will fall in love with the Magic of Camelot and Merlin all over again.
Profile Image for Katelyn.
37 reviews9 followers
March 6, 2017
Maybe I went into this novel with too many expectations but I ended thoroughly disappointed. I picked up the third installment but getting through even the first chapter felt like swimming through quicksand so I guess this is the end of my journey.
Profile Image for Lissette.
Author 26 books103 followers
June 11, 2012
From the moment she pulled Excalibur free of the stone, Ryan DuLac's life went from being practically unknown to being plunged into the limelight, so to speak. It didn't help that Matt had revealed himself to be Merlin before the entire world thereafter. Oh no, that's quite a little thing compared to the enormous weight that now sits upon her shoulders. Her priorities have taken a different turn and she's supposed to fulfill the obligations that surround the life of a sword-bearer now that she can wield Excalibur. That, unfortunately, is the least of her worries.

Determined to shun the responsibility of being the sword-bearer, Ryan claims that she needs more to time to come to grasp with her new status. She wants nothing to do with Camelot or the sword itself. In her mind, she did her duty and Matt can take care of the rest. Yet when a second tremor rocks the entire world, she realizes she can't quite run from her past or the rocky onset of the future.

Living in Boston with Vane by her side, Ryan has done her best to forget the sword and Matt himself. Matt chose his visions over the shaky love they shared, a fact that burns her deep within every time she remembers. The amulet she wears binds her to him, much to Vane's chagrin. He wants her to love him and only him, but the memory of his brother lies between them, digging the thorn deeper into his side. Nevertheless, he does his best to sway her affections in his direction every chance he gets.

When Matt shows up unexpectedly, Ryan's entire world comes crashing down. With it, her feelings for him surface and she struggles with what she feels for both Matt and Vane. Matt soon reveals the next step of their journey, one that will test the boundaries of their friendship and the fragile love that exists between them all. Their next step takes them across the world along the trail of the legendary Fisher King.

As more visions and secrets of the past surface, Ryan finds herself at odds with her thoughts, her feelings, and the life she once knew. Everything she thought she knew is but a fraction of what Matt's kept from her. In his mind, it was all done with her best interests at heart. Yet as tensions rise and the group treads a dangerous path, one thing is made clear: they'll need to provide a united front if they're to succeed in finding what they seek. Unfortunately, the loss of several lives for the greater good is a price none of them expected to have to pay. Ever.

I must say that this second book in the series did not disappoint. Picking up where the first one left off, the reader is plunged immediately into the action, drawing his or her attention to the situation at hand. The delightfully crafted world springs to life as the story is told from Ryan's, and Matt's, perspective. The intensity of each unique situation leaps off every page, surrounding the reader with a vivid picture of what each character is going through.

From the very moment I began reading, I found myself enthralled in what happens next to Ryan and the others. Granted, there were quite a few unexpected twists and turns, but that's what makes the book more intriguing. Priya has presented us with another wonderful tale in such a delightful series. I enjoyed every minute of it and look forward to what comes next in the series.
Profile Image for Larissa.
641 reviews8 followers
December 19, 2013
This book by Priya Ardis has everything. The girl, the boy, the other boy, mystery, action, jokes, more mystery and a lot of visions from the future (which is more mystery)

Who read the first book definitely remembers how it begins. This one is the same, but little surprise right on the first line (more like the prologue): It’s Merlin who starts it, telling us a piece of a memory. At first I thought Ryan, the main character, was ripped off from the story, but no, she is still there introducing herself again with that very long name of hers.

Well, as we found out in “My Boyfriend Merlin”, Ryan is a Regular (with a trace of gargoyle in her blood), her mother is dead, her ex-boyfriend is dead, she likes Merlin a lot, she likes Vane a lot, she loves her brother and friends. Let’s not forget that she is crazy about History – yeah, she’s sort of a nerd. And the sword-bearer of the most famous sword in History – Excalibur.

“My Merlin Awakening” will test Ryan’s abilities with memory, feelings, putting a puzzle together; and of course dealing with her so-very-old boyfriend of hers, and learning a bit about her father. Yes, she has a boyfriend.

Ok. I don’t want to say too much about it, which means, I’m stopping it right here, or I’ll tell you the story myself – and the book will become My Merlin Awakening by L. Merlin. Yes, my last name matches the character and Arthurian legend itself. And no, I won’t tell you my family history whatsoever. Pretty much, cause I’m not that fond of it. There’s a family book, but have no idea where it is.

Well, returning to this very much review…

The book offers a surprisingly fast reading (for those who enjoy the art of READING – you can read it without and with interruptions in one day!) with lots of actions that makes you forget to eat, drink and talk to anyone else but the book that’s right in front of you. See? You can’t let go, even if you wished.

The book being part of a trilogy, thank God, follows a plot – and for those who didn’t read the first book, it shows a bit of information about the past events, how it happens, and other things. But I advise you to read the first one “My Boyfriend Merlin”, which offers as many character developments, mysteries being revealed, deaths and a very much good (or bad reason) of why Ryan chose to be dating one of the oh so-very-old wizard instead of the other. Well, that gives you an idea, correct? No? That’s alright. At least I can keep the mystery, if you know what I mean.

Oh, yes, not finishing this review without letting you know that there’s a lot of lines that made me laugh, situations and other stuffs that guided me to an unbelievable LMAO situation myself.
Please, read – lend – and read again. Let the author be known.

More of this review right here.
Profile Image for Makii.
663 reviews
June 4, 2013
"-Es hora de que pruebes que confías en mi.
Sabios ojos ámbar se fijaron en mi, perforando brutalmente a través del corazón de cualquier insinuación que dije. En mi cabeza, respondió:
Quieres decir, demostrarte que te amo.
No me inmute. Si eso es lo que se necesita, Merlin."


Wow...todavía estoy tratando de ordenar mis ideas. Y de decidir que es lo que realmente siento.
EL libro es difícil de describir, porque no tuve una buena experiencia.
Estoy harta, cansada, agotada de los triángulos amorosos. Me estresan demasiado, cada vez los tolero menos.
Creo que hoy en día,cuando los autores dicen, -Estoy trabajando en algo nuevo y le preguntas de que va, -Es un triangulo amoroso.


Ya basta!! renovemos, creen algo nuevo. Dejemos descansar un poco este recurso porque no lo tolero!!!

En fin... este libro es 80% triangulo amoroso-lucha entre hermanos-rivalidad entre ellos, 15% lucha con las gárgolas,4% Excalibur y un 1% de algo sobre sirenas, un agitador de la tierra y no se que mas.

Todo en conjunto es un poco confuso. Esto es lo que creo del super trió...

Me desespera...
El 75% del libro me aburrió, con todo el tire y afloje de estos tres. La última parte se pone un poco mejor y el final te deja con ganas de saber que pasa.
Aunque en conjunto, todo es un poco decepcionante. Tenía mas expectativas!

*Al final, creo que ya voy entendiendo porque aunque ella siguiera con Vane, la serie se llama My Merlin!! :D
Profile Image for Seirra.
138 reviews15 followers
July 30, 2012
My Merlin Awakening is an incredibly thrilling sequel. It's full of adventure as well as tons of mythological creatures. Ryan DuLac is immersed deeper into Arthurian legend. Ryan's character grows even more into the warrior she was meant to be as the wielder of Excalibur. I could not for the life of me put this book down, I tried my best to finish it slowly so as to savor its exciting story but failed epically and devoured the book in two days time during every waking second I wasn't busy. This book will intrigue you from start to finish. The tone transforms from something light into something a bit darker ever so subtly which pushes the story into a whole different direction. Although there is a visible love-triangle yet again between the two wizarding brothers it does not diminish the overlaying story which is amazing. You also get to peek behind the curtain of Merlin and Vivane's past which is a satisfying aspect to see how it's affected both their future actions. Overall an extremely enjoyable read. A guilty pleasure for anyone who loves Merlin and enjoys a nice spin on things. Priya Ardis is amazing and has yet again outdone herself with this sequel.


Arriane "Ryan" DuLac is still dealing with the emotional aftermath of Merlin "Matt" coming out as the sword bearer of Excalibur and legendary wizard Merlin. Matt exposed himself to the world to protect her secret. But Ryan is still the chosen one who wields Excalibur whether she is in denial or not. Ryan returns to her home to try and lead a normal life after learning the truth but finds it difficult when Vivane returns with her. She's also still connected to Merlin which means she sees his visions-and they are not good. How can you ignore the future when its flashing before your eyes in what appears to be the end of the world? Ryan is forced into reuniting with her fellow candidates and venturing on a dangerous journey to help Matt and Vane stop what is yet to come. Vane's past catches up to him when they stumble into mermaid territory and must face the consequences of the Fisher King. She must make the most impossible choices and brave death or face destruction. She must prove to herself that she's a champion and not just a regular. Unexpected twists threaten to change everything. Ryan must choose between two brothers and deal with the repercussions.
Profile Image for Diayll.
459 reviews50 followers
May 22, 2012
Originally Reviewed at: Mother/Gamer/Writer
Rating:5 out of 5 Controllers
Review Source: Bewitching Book Tours

If you have yet to read the first book, My Boyfriend Merlin, then please drop everything, and go read it right now. There may be slight spoilers if you continue to read below as some of the first book will bleed into this review, and there is nothing I hate more than spoiling a good, no scratch that, great read for others. Please consider yourself warned.

My Merlin Awakening picks up shortly after where My Boyfriend Merlin left off. Ryan has pulled the sword, but in order to protect the candidate he loves, Merlin takes the credit. Of course he also attempts to expose magic to the world, but he is thwarted in this attempt. Merlin also chooses, albeit a difficult choice, to let Ryan go in order to keep his visions, and attempt to save the world from its judgment day.

Vane, the brother of Merlin, endlessly attempts to win Ryan, but even as her boyfriend he can’t seem to break through her heart. No, that heart refuses to make a choice. She has feelings for both brothers, but the only thing they seem to have in common is trying to control and protect her.

Can Ryan make a choice between the one she wants to save, and the one she truly loves? Does her choice affect more than just her? Will she ever come to terms with being the chosen one before it’s too late?

Author Priya Ardis delivers once again with a page turning, life interrupting, teasing story line. I am already longing for the next story, though I am saddened to know the next will be the last. This author has a distinct knack for weaving in legend with the modern twist. If you had the chance to read My Boyfriend Merlin, then My Merlin Awakening will not disappoint you one single iota!

I wish I could just blurt it all out, but then you wouldn’t have a reason to read it for yourself. This is an author that shouldn’t be overlooked, and although she is a YA writer, adults will love, no, cherish the stories she shares. I look forward to the final story, but I hope Ms. Ardis continues to grace us with her writing for years to come.
Profile Image for Pam.
806 reviews26 followers
June 20, 2012
4.5 Stars!!!!!

GoodReads Synopsis: If you haven't broken the rules, have you really lived?

Excalibur has been pulled from the stone, but what does it mean? Arriane (aka Ryan) DuLac doesn’t really care. She's got bigger problems—as student president, she's got to put on the Prom. While the Wizard Council debates their next move, she leaves the craziness behind and heads home. But she can’t hide forever. Sooner than she’d like Merlin (aka Matt) has her chasing mermaids on the trail of the Fisher King. The wounded King, defeated by Merlin’s brother, Vane, in the past holds the key to save the future.

On the journey, Ryan begins to realize the friends she thought she knew, she may not know at all. At a time of shifting alliances, she must decide whose side she’s on—the brother who struggles to do right or the brother who dares to break the rules? And Ryan must decide who she is—a regular or a champion?

One wrong decision and her family falls apart. One wrong decision and the world falls apart. No pressure.

My Thoughts: I am still LOVING this series. The first book dealt with Arthurian legend…this one has lots of Greek mythology as well as some HUGE surprises!!!

Let’s start with the love triangle! WOW…hot, hot, hot, hot, hot…well maybe that better describes Vane. For all his dark and foreboding nature, it kills me he is the blonde brother. He really should have dark hair and piercing green (not hazel) eyes. But I will take him anyway I can get him. Yep, color me “Team Vane”…he’s just so passionate about everything, especially Ryan. Merlin has too much of a hero complex for me…he is the guy that will always be ditching you to go save some damsel in distress. I’d much rather be at the top of my guy’s priority list!

We learn a lot about the Gargoyles, which added some interesting tension. The Gargoyles and Wizards are forced to work together to try and find out why Excalibur has shown up. Lots of interesting secrets are revealed! This was a non-stop thrill ride into undiscovered territory…and Priya Ardis knows how to create a new and exciting world! I’m so anxious to read the final installment…I’m betting it will be even better, and I’m holding out hope that Vane gets the girl!
Profile Image for Stacy Sabala.
1,056 reviews3 followers
May 29, 2015
Book Review- My Merlin Awakening by Priya Ardis

In the second book of the series, Ryan survived the trial and is now the sword bearer, but she has gone home. She couldn’t handle her new responsibility right now. She needed to feel normal. Vane is her protector now and he goes where she does. He is currently her history teacher and La Crosse coach. He is pushing her to be better just like he did before. He knows she will have to accept her destiny eventually. That eventuality becomes a reality when Matt, aka Merlin, shows up. He is there to persuade her to come back and meet with the Gargoyle King. Things are unsettled and the Gargoyle Prince, Oliver, is trying to take over the throne. He is also on a path of revenge against Ryan. In order to thwart his plans Ryan, Matt, Vane and the Candidates enter a quest to find the trident of the Fisher King and the cup of life. The cup is needed to save the Gargoyle King’s life. Their search takes them to Greece. They are led to the Kingdom of Mermen and Mermaids. Ryan becomes the champion chosen to fight for their survival. She also has to deal with the dilemma of her feelings for Vane and Matt. She will have to make a decision.
This book was full of adventure and nonstop action. The second book picked up where the first one left off. Friendships have continued and grown between the Candidates. However Grey doesn’t seem himself. He also seems to have changed his mind about Gia. Vane and Matt are still fighting over Ryan. They don’t trust each other and make things difficult as the quest gets underway. Vane pushes Ryan to make a decision. I felt sorry for her. She has feelings for them both and is trying to stay alive. She is devastated when Vane turns on her. She feels like this is her fault and when he becomes lost, she blames herself.
Ryan’s character was overwhelmed with her destiny and ran from it. But she stepped up to the task when she needed. It shows how human she is. Of course it shows her age, she is still a teenager. I like the characters, the storyline and the struggles the author continues with in this book. I give it a 4 out of 5
Profile Image for Wesley Mccullough.
3 reviews4 followers
April 24, 2012
"In the first act, you introduce everybody.

In the second act you put them into the worst
possible position they could ever get into in their
lives, a black hole from which they can never get out.

And in the third act they get out."

-- George Lucas

It is a truth universally acknowledged that The Empire Strikes Back was the best movie of the Star Wars trilogy (the question of whether it is the best of all 6 I shall not dignify with a response). And it is only slightly less well-known that this greatness is due to the fact that there is no time wasted on hellos or goodbyes--it's all creamy middle.

And while I can't speak for the conclusion of the My Merlin saga, let alone for a prequel set in Camelot (fingers crossed), My Merlin Awakening certainly bears all the hallmarks of a tour-de-force second act:

Plot thickening rapidly with back-story? Check.
A vastly expanded tableau of exotic and mysterious locales? Check.
Hunky heroes encased in carbonite and/or tempted to the dark side? Check (well, technically not carbonite, but you get the idea).
Our heroine's indomitable spirit lighting a path through a twisted and cruel labyrinth more populated with monsters than men? Check.

Yes, make no mistake about it, this is a bloody book, downright unsettling in places, and it may be a while before you once again picture mermaids as cute sea creatures with Calypso-playing crab sidekicks. However, if I had to pick a favorite part (in either of the 2 books thus far), it would have to be the scene in the House of the Seven Gables (yes, the one from that book your teacher made you read sophomore year). It's an ideal set piece, breezily and beautifully executed, and a fitting homage to the Gothic genre which, let us not forget, was originally inspired by "combining elements of the medieval romance, which was deemed too fanciful, and the modern novel, which was considered to be too confined to strict realism"--if that doesn't describe Arthurian YA, I don't know what does.
Profile Image for Michelle .
2,074 reviews295 followers
May 21, 2012
I had my whole review written and I lost it all, so now this is take 2.

My Merlin Awakening had some pretty high expectations to live up to. I loved the first book and I was really excited to read this one and I am happy to report that it did not disappoint at all. I loved it just as much, if not more, than the first book. This series is shaping up to be amazing and I am super sad that there is only one book left. Maybe Priya will change her mind and switch it from a trilogy to a series? (well, I have my fingers crossed just in case)

Vane and Matt are perhaps two of the yummiest brothers ever. I really love both of them. I liked Matt a lot more at the start of the first book and only a little more than Vane by the end of the first book. With My Merlin Awakening I was Vane pretty much the whole way. I understand that Matt has it rough, he has to live with visions and he feels the weight of the world on his shoulders and he is really likable. I know he has feelings for Ryan and that he wants to be with her, but there is just something about Vane that won me over. He just gets Ryan and you know that he would do ANYTHING for her. He is super intense and he totally won my heart over pretty much from the start of My Merlin Awakening. I really want Ryan to notice how awesome Vane is, and I think to some extent she does but she is still so hung up on the "what if" with Matt that she doesn't really give Vane much of a change sometimes. And that makes me feel for him. The poor guy.

The amazing thing about Priya Ardis' writing is that it totally sucks you into the story and makes you feel like you are a part of it. I felt like I was Ryan, when she was torn with a choice- I was torn. I just totally related to her on every level. To me, that is the mark of a great writer. My Merlin Awakening is such an awesome story. I never wanted it to end, and I am dying to find out what happens next. I will just have to daydream about Vane until the next book comes out...
Profile Image for Kathleen.
106 reviews1 follower
August 4, 2012
I really liked the first book and did I like this one? Yes.


First of all, I love the character Vane and this whole love triangle thing hopefully ends in his favor or I will be VERY disappointed. I felt so much for him in this book. So much I was boiling with frustration that Ryan couldn't see clearly he was the one for her. Ok, we're going to move on before I start sounding as if I'm reviewing "Twilight."

What I didn't like about this book really comes down to two things.

First off, it moved pretty slowly. The beginning held my interest but then I started to fade. While it did pick back up, too little too late at that point.

Secondly, I hate that we didn't get to see more of them in their normal environment. Truly, my favorite scene was the 'lacrosse" scene and that wasn't long enough. I want to see these characters interact in a natural environment....I know what you're thinking, this is YA fantasy, I might as well be asking for a whole other book. I hope though in book three, which I do plan on reading, there's more normal interaction between the characters... specifically Ryan and Vane....had to throw that in there.

Anyway, overall the story is still good and does hold your attention. A few minor setbacks keep this book, in my opinion, from going that extra mile. If you want a synopsis read other reviews or the "book jacket" for Kindle, these are simply my thoughts on the story. Hopefully book three, the conclusion in this entertaining trilogy, will step it up a notch and if I'm lucky, she'll choose Vane and I won't leave this series disappointed.

3 stars
Profile Image for Ellen .
779 reviews116 followers
October 5, 2012
My Merlin Awakening picks up where the first book in the series left off. Ryan finds herself in the middle of the conflict between two brothers, each who believe they are doing the right thing, and she cares for them both. While she finds herself with one, she still can't seem to let go of the other, and with both of them being able to get into her head, it doesn't make things easier. The action in this book is intense, with mermaids, monsters, and myths, Ryan finds herself in the middle of a battle in which her choices and actions determine the lives of others. The question is can she rise to the occasion, and can she hold onto both of these brothers that she cares so much about, or will one be lost to becoming a monster?

I really loved this book, it was even better than the first in the series. It delves more into the magic and mythology surrounding Merlin, as well as the gods. The romance is really, really hot, as is the drama. I found myself team Merlin sometimes and team Vane others (though I really have a thing for the bad boys). Ryan really kicks butt in this novel. Lives are lost, difficult choices are made, friendships are tested, and love is put to the test. This was an outstanding second book in this delightful series and I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it.

Favorite My Merlin Awakening Quote: Vane grabbed me. “DuLac, let’s chat.” Chat. British-speak for “Stand still while I yell at you.
Profile Image for Shelly Hammond.
1,797 reviews
August 13, 2016
If you haven't read the first book in this series, My Boyfriend Merlin, stop right now and go read it! It's very good and should definitely be read before reading this one. Stopping now would be a good idea. I don't think there will be spoilers in this review but if there are, it's ok, because by this point, I'm thinking you probably had enough warning you've read the first book!

In this second book in the series, Ryan is still having some issues with her feelings for Matt/Merlin and those she has for Vane. Aside from that, there are some new myths coming into play to go along with the myth of Merlin/Excalibur. The first book had it's share of good guys and bad guys and this book adds a few more to each side. I don't want to spoil anything but there may be some mermaids making an appearance as well as a mythical beast that lingered in the labyrinth. Since this book follows very soon after the first ends, not much is missed in between so everything just keeps right on going and moving swiftly on.

This book was superbly written. The author has a brilliant way with words and is really fun to read. Once in awhile the story seemed to get a bit off the beaten path, but it would get back on track fast enough and continue on in a wonderful and exciting way and I'd have the hardest time putting it down!

I really enjoyed this book and was so glad that I already had the third one to move right into as soon as I finished reading this one!
22 reviews8 followers
June 2, 2014
"My Merlin Awakening" is about girl named Ryan that was chosen as the next champion or ruler because she was the one to pull the sword out of the stone. Her problems aren't over though cause she has to once again pick a side. She has to choose between the two brothers again but this time its not for whether she should go or not with the other kids to try to pull Excalibur out of the stone. This time she has to find the fisher king instead of preparing herself for the final test of seeing if she's the chosen one.

Arriane also know as Ryan is the main character. She is extremely stubborn and would do anything to protect her family. She relies on Vane and Merlin also known as Matt a lot because she doesn't know what she's doing. The only problem is that the two brothers don't get along at all. So their always trying to kill each other.

"My Merlin Awakening" is set in today's time when knights and swords have become simply legends. The book brings the past crashing forward. While the future is being held hostage with the past taking over.

I believe the theme of this book is to figure out who to trust and who you are. Because that's exactly what Ryan is doing through out the whole book and trying to protect herself and her brother. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal romance and anyone in middle school through high school.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews

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