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The Grey Wolves #4

Out of the Dark

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Darkness has descended on the Transylvanian Alps.
Four packs of the powerful Grey wolves – in a rare show of cooperation – had joined together here in an effort to help their pack members find true mates. Then they were betrayed by one of their own – an Alpha hell-bent on becoming the most powerful of the Canis lupis. And though the wolf's assassination attempt on the currently-reigning Romanian Alpha failed, his plans to get Decebel, the Romanian Beta, out of the picture were coming together even as his treachery was discovered. The wolf fled, leaving destruction, death, and a missing mate behind him.

Unbeknownst to the other packs, the wolf has employed a witch to finish the deadly job and help him gain another tool to increase his power. A curse of devastating proportions will cripple Decebel in a way that may dissolve his fragile bond with Jennifer. Meanwhile, injured and alone, Jen has been fighting for her life. She had come to terms with her fate, accepting that she would not share a life with Decebel, until help came in the most unexpected form...

Vasile will have to use all his resources – including Sally, the new gypsy healer of the Romanian pack – to discover a way in which to destroy the witch, lift the curse from Decebel and reunite him with the one woman who makes him whole, and solve a mystery that's been surrounding the Romanian pack for 300 years.

253 pages, Nook

First published June 3, 2012

About the author

Quinn Loftis

60 books5,896 followers
Hello, Readers. My name is Quinn Loftis and I am lucky enough to call myself a novelist. In 2011, I self-published my first novel, Prince of Wolves with no expectations, other than my friends and family might purchase the book out of pity. Now, several years later, with 30+ novels and counting under my belt, Prince of Wolves had been downloaded over 1 million times. Though I was hesitant at the time to submit my work to the world for their scrutiny, I'm so glad I did. It made my dream of making a living by telling stories a reality.

I'm blessed to share my household my wonderful husband of more than twenty years (who also co-writes with me on occasion), three beautiful sons, a French Bulldog, and an oversized tabby cat. I love hearing from readers, so if you have any questions about the books or my journey, don't hesitate to hit the 'Contact Quinn' in the menu above. Thank you so much for taking a chance on my books.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 673 reviews
Profile Image for angela .
785 reviews157 followers
March 25, 2020
Completely 100% had me from go, I would find myself tense during this book, waiting with bated breath for what would happen next.

There are three best friends and each one has a story, of falling in love. However they’re all in the books throughout, along with the other characters. This Author is brilliant the way she keeps the characters involved and writes all the twists and turns into the stories. Each book pulled me deeper and deeper into the story.

Like I’ve said before there’s, so much passion, caring, love, fun, playfulness, twists, fighting,I find myself so into the story, like I’m right there with the characters as they fall in love, play, fight and make plans.

So far my favorite man is Desabile (I probably spelt it wrong) he has so much love, passion, is full of fire and protective of his mate Jennifer. He’s a tall, hot hunk of manliness, who served as beta for a long time. Although he is alpha in every way, he did it out of loyalty and friendship. Jennifer his mate definitely keeps him on his toes, with her antics. She also has a sarcastic mouth on her, with something to say about most things. She also loves Des with all her heart and soul. She’s very playful, loyal and sweet. They’re perfect for each other.

They now have new roles, that I look forward to seeing how they do.

It’s now time for Sally’s love story she’s the sweetest one of the best friends and also resonantly found out she’s a healer. Her love story has already started, but will definitely be fun to find out what happens. Along with the rest of the story. There’s still an evil witch to kill, before she does more damage. She is however very strong.

I love these books so much. So I’m headed to the next book.
Profile Image for Marulett.
731 reviews109 followers
July 27, 2012

It is with these utterly compelling, nerve racking, heart racing books that it´s a pity we only have 5 stars to rate books.

OOTD starts off right where Just One Drop left us breathless and pre-ordering the 4th book and saying out loud "I need to read the next book noooooow!!"

I enjoyed every second of it! The book is everything you expect and more!

I´ll post a full review over the weekend, I need to process all the stuff I just read.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
June 13, 2012
Having major withdrawls here....the tease from chapter one sated my needs for about 2 seconds. How can it be so deliriously good and complete torture at the same time?


The streak continues....Quinn delivers yet another 'knock your socks off' Grey Wolves treasure. I have come to expect a few things in this series I adore, and she came back with more than I could have asked for. The witty humor was in full effect, you can't help but fall for the furry romance, and she adds just enough action to keep your heart racing. I tried my best to savor each page- but of course all good things must come to an end. Except for the series, it is not over yet- and frankly I can barely stand the thought of it ending. Eagerly awaiting Costin and Sally mine's story. Please tell me we will have a little puppy loving coming up with Jac & Fane... I am not too proud to beg.. Please, please, pleeeeaasseee!
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
September 23, 2018
Out of the Dark is the fourth installment of The Grey Wolves series. I'm so happy that these are all on my romance package for audible. Mostly because I'm loving this series so much - it's probably the accents.

I did, however, not like one major thing about this book. Jen and Dec were also surrounded by trouble. I swear they were attracting it like bees to honey. I just kept praying and waiting for them to get a break because I needed them both safe and happy. At one point, I almost threw my phone because it just didn't look like I was going to get my happy ending. I mean, their happy ending?

My hatred for Thad and that bitch witch grows more and more. I just wanted them to die a very painful and slow death. Meanwhile, all I really got was Jen hurting more and more due to all of the crazy shit happening to her and Dec. Other than that, I did like Sally a bit more in this book.

Overall, this book need a huge dose of smut. It probably would've made me a happier reader because of all the crazy shit hitting the fan. I will still continue on with this series because I'm just wondering how the hell this all going to end.
Profile Image for Mandi.
298 reviews
June 10, 2012
oh my gosh Quinn, you are killing me.

hi Quinn..... i have just one teeny, tiny question....THERE'S GOING TO BE ANOTHER ONE RIGHT!!!????!!!
Profile Image for Amy.
212 reviews
June 6, 2012
Before Read:
Just read the excerpt. Such amazing writing with an abundance of creativity! The suspense is killing me, cant wait till' it takes me out for sure!! Bravo :D

After Reading:

Quinn Loftis has worked her magic again! Continuing a truly beautiful trail of a story by introducing new characters, giving us readers back the gang that we loved and enjoyed so much in the last few books, including little snip bits of the perspectives of a variety of different characters, developing the heart-pumping romance(s), and more. There was so much thought and creativity scattered throughout the writing of this book that the attention of any can and will be captured with each word.

Zooming straight to the plot of this book, readers are swept back into the familiar world of werewolves, as well as other supernatural. The story will start off where the book ended in the last book- with Jen injured and Decebel and Fane hurrying through the burning mansion. All I can say is that later on Decebel is hit with a curse that was meant for Fane, and loses his most precious memories of Jen(including Jen herself). And we all know that Jennifer Adams is not going to let Decebel get away that easily.

Speaking of Jen, even in the most toughest of situations, she can still manage to get a laugh out of those around her. I can definitely say that, aside from the moments in the book where being sober is required, my face was etched with a smile- most of the time followed by a laugh. (I kept receiving a few glares from my sister- who was interrupted from her reading :D) Anyways, even though I knew I should of expected Jen’s upbeat, playful self, I was still taken by surprise, considering all that was going on at the time in the story. And when you read Out of the Dark, you’ll know that there isn’t a moment where nothing is happening.

Even though we get to see this playful side of Jen, I noticed that, in this book, she was a little more emotional than usual. As well as Decebel, and sometimes, even the friends too. It’s was pretty understandable, considering what the gang was put through in the time-frame of this book. I didn’t know whether to be upset or happy about the fact that my emotions were being played with as my reading progressed. There was one moment where I was consumed with anger, fear, or hatred, when I was pain because Jen or any of the main characters were in pain. There was another moment where I was filled with joy, happiness, and relief, when it felt like my heart was beating with love and tenderness because Jen was with Dec, or Jacque was with Fane, or Sally was with Unknown(Don’t want to spoil much). I realized, however, that being able to feel what the mc(s) are feeling makes it that much easier to empathize, and that makes the book that much greater.

I know this is way out of note, but the entire time I was reading and picturing the on-going events, my hands were itching to start typing out a review. I mean, I had so many thoughts and so many comments already by page ten that I knew Quinn Loftis has once again written an amazing book. So, basically, I’m recommending full-on to all who have been with the gang since book 1. Out of the Dark will leave you hungry for more, especially with what’s to come next. Happy reading! And thank-you so much Quinn for presenting me with the opportunity of being your beta reader for Out of the Dark!

PS: I don’t think this is the last book in this series. It seems Sally will have her own story after all.

PSS: Warning- There are more out there than just werewolves.. Dun dun dun(haha)

PSSS: There were a few errors here and there that the editor left, but they were little in amount, and it didnt affect the overall idea Quinn was trying to make.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
October 26, 2018
3.75 stars and Haadiya your Costin is very, very safe unlike anyone with their eyes on my Decebel.

I have to say I love Jen! and her relationship with her besties. But I especially loved the "married women" conversations between Jen and Jac cause I can totally see myself having those with my own bestie. Using our own special lingo and driving our husbands crazy and then sharing the crazy with each other.
What. A. Blast.
I'd say I can't wait but I kinda don't actually want to get married so I guess I can but not at the same time. . .?

Okay so obviously I enjoyed this but see Jen and Dec were the reason I read this series and since the next book will feature Sally and Costin's story with JD being side-characters, I'm debating whether to keep reading the series. . . Cause interesting shit keeps catching ma eye.
Profile Image for Jennifer Nunez.
20 reviews9 followers
May 22, 2012
I had the privilege and honor to read this book as an ARC from Quinn before even the Betas got theirs. This book is just priceless. It continues the story of my favorite couple of the series, Jen and Decebel. Sometimes I wonder if the humor in these books will ever die out or fail to make me laugh; but book after book I am reading with tears rolling down my face as I laugh along with these kick ace characters she has created. This book takes a little bit darker tone and I had several mini panic attacks along the way. But it was worth every minute. And it rates a 10 for me in the hawtness department. This book is the perfect, fantastic, amazing continuation of the Grey Wolves Series. Can't wait for more from this fantastical author!!!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
366 reviews63 followers
May 23, 2012

Jennifer and Decebel will face the toughest challenge yet thank's to Desdemona a Black Witch who has put a curses on Decebel. The curse will make him forget his mate and all the happy moments that have occurred in his life. But if that wasn't problem enough Jennifer is missing and will die if he doesn't find her soon.

At the end of "Just One Drop", Jennifer was almost killed after falling down a cliff,but luckily she was saved by Rachel and her mate who arn't what they seem to be. Rachel and Gavril are werewolves who have been in hiding for over 300 years and after so many years they think the time has finally come to come out of hiding and kill the Black witch who so long ago tried to kill Rachel. But it might not be as easy s they think to kill the black witch because she has allied herself to the Siberian pack and has grown more evil and powerful over the years.

But what the witch doesn't know is that Love is powerful and can conquer all evil.

Now Decebel will have to put his big boy pants and find Jennifer and save there mating bond before it's to late and ends up killing both of them


I love this series!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer has grown up so much over the months she has spend with the Alps pack, but what I love most about Jen is that she is still the same funny/energetic person she as at the beginning just more mature. Decebel has also changed a lot, he use to be a tough silent type but since Jennifer came into his life he seemed to have grown a personality.

I just can't get enough of these books they make me laugh so hard and I just love the way they all interact it seems so real and nothing seems force upon, and the way Quinn writes just seems to flow naturally.

Can't wait to read book 5,6,7,etc.....I just love this series and can't get enough of it.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
663 reviews
May 28, 2012
ARC courtesy of author

So, this is book 4 and if you have noticed... I LOVE this series... And now that Out of the Dark has graced my kindle, I have died and gone to heaven... But, as eager as I was to get this book... I am now sad, because I have finished and am already experiencing withdrawals of my favorite wolf pack...

When Just One Drop ended... We were in such turmoil in what was going to be the outcome for Jen and Dec... So, Out of the Dark picks up right where it ended and BAM... Action packed, heart wrenching events take place that leave you on the edge of your seat, biting your nails, nervous for the outcome of these characters that you instantly connect with.

And OMG.. Quinn does not tip toe through her books... She allows her characters to experience every depth of turmoil and emotional conflict that you can fathom... And is there an HEA(happily ever after)??? Well, I can't tell you that.. But, let's just say... Out of the Dark...took me on a magical, suspenseful, exhilarating, roller coaster ride... with death-defying drops that leave you gasping for breath because you can't believe this has just happened then to those crazy twists and turns that blow your mind with excitement...

Like every book so far, having Fane, Jacque, Jen, Dec, Sally, Costin, Vasile, Alina, and now some new, interesting characters....Out of the Dark allows your heart to be captured, wrapped up....making you fall for the Grey Wolves...providing heart-stopping, gut-wrenching, passion, romance, friendship, all while diving deep in to the mystical world of our Grey Wolves...


Profile Image for Tricia.
Author 2 books8 followers
June 10, 2012
Another brilliant book from Quinn Loftis! I can not read to find out where this journey will go next!
Profile Image for Tee Loves Books.
945 reviews
July 28, 2012
Finishing Out of the Dark wrapped up my 4-day marathon read of The Grey Wolves series, which I did because I absolutely could not break myself away from these books!! I adored Fane and Jacque's story in the first two books, and because Jen earned herself a huge spot in my heart I was very excited to start hers and Decebel's story. Just One Drop was awesome, it made me love this girl even more and shed a whole new light on Dec that just made me swoon hard for him! But I have to say Out of the Dark may be my favorite of the series so far!!

This book picks up where JoD left off, with Jen injured and in the hands of strangers somewhere in the woods. Decebel wants to save her, but when Jen insists through their bond that he get their friends to safety first, he relents. Unbeknownst to the wolves, a witch named Desdemona is hard at work in the woods alongside Thad's Serbian pack, and Dec ends up in the crosshairs of her efforts to bring down Vasile's wolves. Left with none of the memories that brought him happiness, the human part of Dec doesn't remember his own mate. But the wolf still claims her and grows more unsettled every day he isn't with her, and Jen and Dec are both in grave danger if they can't restore their bond. With a centuries-old witch, a pack of wolves, and nature itself against them, the Romanian pack have their work cut out for them. And Decebel and Jen are in for the fight of their lives if they want a chance to be together.

So much happens in this book!! While the first three books were more about the love story developing for the characters and how it affected the pack, this time around there is so much more behind the plot. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the first 3 books, but it was refreshing to have this all-encompassing story that drew the pack and the love story between Dec and Jen all together. We learn so much about the history of the packs, Loftis really did a phenomenal job of creating a mesmerizing story behind the wolves and the other supernatural beings they encountered. The introduction of a witch, gypsy healers, and a Fae threw so many twists into the plot that I was just completely drawn into the story at every moment!! I loved Perizda, the quick-tongued Fae whose powers both helped and hindered the pack in their efforts to save Jen and fight their enemies. And Desdemona, yep I can't wait for her to meet a very untimely end at some point in this series!!!

I can't write a review for this book without mentioning the incredible torment the reader goes through over Dec and Jen. Honestly, I was crying more than once over the crushing heartbreak they endure while separated, it just tore me to pieces!! I love these characters so very much, and when Decebel roars from the pain over the loss of their bond, and then OH MY GOD one scene in particular that I can't mention because of spoilers...yeah, I was crying like a baby! Ugh, Loftis really just chews your heart up and spits it out with Dec and Jen's journey, they are so incredible together and it was a hard-earned happy (temporary) ending for them. Dec's possessiveness over Jen, even when his memories are gone, had my heart racing!! He's such the textbook alpha male, that's what I love so much about his character; he's strong and in charge, but he loves his woman like no other ever could! And Jen, she makes some hair-brained decisions like always, but she's so much stronger now. Whether it's her wolf coming to the surface or the fact that she has a mate by her side, I just loved that she's not only outspoken but also physically tough enough to take on the challenges. Oh, and there's a really neat twist with the ladies that was just awesome!!

Out of the Dark was an adventure that I didn't want to end, especially now that I've caught up with the series and I have to wait along with everyone else for Beyond the Veil!!! I can NOT wait to see where things will go with Sally and Costin; I can only imagine that with all these supernatural creatures roaming there will be one bumpy ride for these two ahead!! Another amazing installment to this phenomenal series, which I highly recommend to all YA fantasy readers!!
Profile Image for Autumn Review.
1,023 reviews529 followers
August 31, 2012
Ok, I'm so sad right now, because I had the perfect review written for this book and blogger ATE it! I read this book and wrote the review for it around a month ago. I was literally in tears. So, now I must start anew.

It's no surprise that I love Jen and Dec. They are my favorite couple in the series. Because they are my favorite, this book took me on an emotional, wild ride. Out of the Dark starts out with Jen hurt and wounded. She has faith that Dec will come to save her, but as time goes on, her faith wanes. Not only is she hurt, but she's suffering from withdraws from being away from him. The other issue is that Dec has been cursed. Without revealing too much, let's just say that this curse is causing major issues with his bond with Jen. Can you tell how torn up I was? I mean seriously.

Then, aside from Jen and Dec's troubles, Sally is starting to learn her role within the group. Sally has always been my least favorite, but I have to say that I'm really excited about her characters development. In her new role as Gypsy Healer for the pack, she will face the witch that threatens their lives, as well as find her own true mate. Should be exciting to see!

If you are a fan of YA paranormal romance, look no further! This series is a gem. It's addicting and will keep you on your toes. After every book, I'm left wanting more!
Profile Image for Mindy.
436 reviews
June 22, 2012
I still like the basic story, but the execution is getting painful. I just found it hard to believe that 100 year old+ Decebel would fall in love with Jennifer. There wasn't a whole lot of depth to her or any of the females in this part of the story. More of "how cool and clever am I" with lots of self-congratulating fist bumps. And I have had a hard time believing Vasile is an alpha with the crap he lets the girls say and get away with, so I was glad he gave them the one little reprimand.

Finally, the editing was especially painful. I am not talking typos, though there were quite a few. The one that really stands out is using "menstruations", meaning to be on your period, instead of "ministrations", meaning to minister to ones needs. Argh. Please, if you re-release this, especially fix the "menstruations".

Truthfully, I don't know if I will finish this series, though Sally was my favorite of the three girls because of these issues. I can usually live with the crappy editing, but with the way the girls behave, and especially since they are supposed to be married, I would expect a lot more maturity and depth.
Profile Image for Kristal.
153 reviews4 followers
September 28, 2012
One word summary --- Wow!

I know that this book and series is typically classified as a YA/PN book, but I really feel like I spent the afternoon with the girls catching up -- laughing at their antics and snarky remarks, crying with them as they share trials and shortcomings, and rejoicing in their victories. While I love the wolves in this story, the sisterhood of Jacque, Jen & Sally is one of the most dynamic I've read and is part of the heart and soul of this book for me.

Book four starts off right where three left off---Jen is trapped in the hole in the woods and is being recused by two unknown characters (which at one point in the story, I did not like!) Decebel is looking for Jen, ready to find his mate, but of course there's an evil witch who wants to ensure that doesn't happen.

There are so many twists and turns in this story and you get to see a lot of the characters that we love from books past --Jacque, Fane, his parents, and of course Sally. Sally's storyline is focused on some in regards to learning more about her role and place in the pack...and of course a handsome wolf that's sniffing around.

So overall, read the book! You'll laugh, cry, laugh, cry, laugh (you get the picture) but in the end, you'll have spent time living a wonderful story about friends and their journey to love...oh and did I mention there's some battles and chases through the woods whil being attacked by evil beings too? A little bit for everyone.

I can't wait to sit down with the girls again and find out what fate has in store for Sally!

Well done Ms. Loftis, well done!
Profile Image for Jax O.
1,735 reviews135 followers
May 30, 2012
UNBLEIVABLE! This is book five of the Grey Wolves series. What began with a little paranormal love story as grown and evolved in a complex and intriguing world of Werewolves, Fae, and Witches. As each story progresses that world expands, and the characters shift adding even more to love. Never losing sight of the original characters readers will devour each and every story to catch up on where their beloved characters have gone, all the while, falling in love with new characters that take the spotlight. Quinn Loftis is an indie author that has grown into amazing talented author who has the ability to capture readers in her stories. Determined and driven she is continuously raising the bar and mystifying readers will each new book. I find it very difficult while writing this review not to spoil the adventure for readers, but the quest for a peaceful ending is far from their grasp. The plot continues to thicken, but Loftis does allow readers a moment of clarity in this novel to resolve loose ends, and bring moments of peace for these lovable characters. Although, she also finds new twists and turns that will shift the series yet again, and broaden the horizons for the Grey Wolves series. This is an author to watch closely for her future promising. Don’t miss out on this series, or anymore that are to come, for she will not disappoint and will leave you breathless. BOOKWHISPERER FAVORITES!!! BOOKWHISPERER FAVORITE AUTHOR!!!


Profile Image for Daphne.
266 reviews19 followers
May 25, 2012
Out Of The Dark is SENSATIONAL! Quinn's writing has already caused many of us to seek her books. The relatable characters, storyline, thriller and romance just keeps getting better. There is a lot to be said when you can create characters of different personalities such as docile, strong, witty and just straight-up evil.

In this sequel, Decebel and Jennifer realize that being together is challenging. They are growing weak without each other and the witch's spell is endangering any possible reunion. The pack is doing everything possible to get their family together and with Sally as their healer; Vasile sends her to learn everything possible from an OLD dear friend.

There are many surprises in this book...I laughed and was touched by the love and loyalty and then found myself tearing up for both heart warming and heartbreaking moments.

Congratulations Quinn on your continued success with your characters and storyline. Its no wonder you have amassed the fan base you've got. This series is a must read! You will not be able to put it down.

Profile Image for Luna Chulhan.
290 reviews5 followers
August 16, 2012
Like I said in just on drop I love it when a man has to work for it and boy did Decebel work of it!

Also I wonder about the source of Lillys magic or at least. Her empathy........
Also what about Costin..........
All these questions when is book 5 coming out again????

Anyways it was a good read and Quinns story telling is getting more awesome which each book

Can't wait for news on the next book in the series
Profile Image for Lynn's books.
590 reviews2 followers
May 5, 2024
I read everything Quinn wrote up til Den of Sorrows. This includes her spin off series with the Gypsy Healers and the Fae. No matter if I read the Grey Wolves or Gypsy Healers, every time Jen shows up she ruins it. I know she has a lot of fans and I'm the odd one out but she destroys all the scenes. She is wholly immature, nonsensical and ridiculous. I wished Dec would have been paired with someone to match his integrity but not so. She dies a lot but we keep getting her back. I dislike her character so much that if Dec has to die too (because of the mate bond) so be it.
Profile Image for Kelly.
712 reviews58 followers
June 13, 2012
Loved it! It starts right where Just One Drop left off! The whole book is full of action, more humour and sarcasm and very tender moments. It left me drooling for more. I want to see Sally in another book.

Will there be another book? I still have questions and I want more! I know I am selfish.

Profile Image for Derinda.
Author 7 books220 followers
September 14, 2012
Dont you hate it...when you finish :(((( I have been searching for a hour to see if there will be a book 5???? Someone plzzzzz help me sleep by telling me YES book 5 is coming!

This series was soooooo terrifically....GREAT!! I adored it. It was hilarious... luscious.....yummy.....!

This was by far one of the best series I have ever read!!!
Profile Image for Bethany Rose.
15 reviews3 followers
July 22, 2022
I can not get enough of this series , 5 books read in less than a week !
Profile Image for Marsha.
2,994 reviews55 followers
June 9, 2012
While waiting for "Out of the Dark" to be released, I've been feeling like a drug addict waiting for their next fix. I've read so many new YA series that were good but just not great. Quinn Loftis is the Empress of Great! She knows how to mix equal parts action, intrigue and my personal favorite snarky characters and my favorite character is Jennifer. "Out of the Dark" is Jennifer and Decebel's story. While reading this book, I felt every emotion imaginable and a few I didn't know existed. At first, I said "Oh Jenn, hang in there!" Then, it was "Nooooooooooooooooooooo!" Next was "Oh no she didn't" and finally was "Ahhhhhhhhhh." What am I talking about? Well, this is the story.

The story begins shortly where the last book ended. Jennifer is lying hurt in a cave but has finally heard the voice of her mate in her head. She is in and out of consciousness but someone is there attempting to help her. She is fairly sure, they are friendly but when you're in danger of dying beggars can't be choosey.

Meanwhile, Decebel is frantic wanting to locate his beloved; however, he must keep the promise he made to Jennifer which was to make sure her friends are safe. Before he can get eveyone settled including his injured Alpha an evil witch casts a spell designed for Fane. As Beta, Decebel does what he does best and throws his body in front of his prince basically absorbing the spell. The result is dire as Decebel loses all memory of his beloved mate. When he conveys this information to Jenn, she is devastated.

Jacque and Sally are desperate to be rejoined with their snarky friend; yet Sally has another issue to deal with. It seems that handsome, sexy bartender, Costinin has a growing interest in her and it is not brotherly. She is hesitant because she does not want to be with a were who will leave her when he finds his true mate. So what does she do? She emerges herself in the world of magical healing.

It is clear to the Alpha, Vasile that if the park is to get rid of the curse on Decebel and locate Jenn, they will need additional assistance. So, he enlist the assistance of another paranormal creature whose species I will not reveal. Sorry people, read the book for yourself, Ha! I will say, that the addition of the creature I will refer to as "P" will provide additional surprises and snarky humor.

Let's face it people, this series rocks!!!!!!!!!!!! The characters, action, humor, plot and let's not forget excellent writing makes this YA series one of the best on the market. If I had a complaint, it would be that the editing (Spelling etc.) could have been better and I wish Ms. Loftis would release this series in paperback. I have some students who would truly enjoy this series and they do not have e-readers. Quinn, any comments?
590 reviews91 followers
June 11, 2012
I love this series and was so excited to receive an ARC copy of this book. I devoured it the first night. I was super tired the next day, but it was so beyond worth it.

Here are just a few of the many amazing things I love about this book:

*Quinn has a magical way with dialogue. I want to compare her to one of my all time favorite's Joss Whedon, but I do not mean she sounds like him. If you are a Joss fan, you can pick out his dialogue when watching one of his shows or movies. There is something about it that is unique and quirky and almost makes you wish you were witty enough to talk like that i your every day life. Quinn has that quality in her dialogue. It is uniquely hers and I wish I could speak like that in real life. Of course, in most cases, it would get me in trouble.

*Quinn managed to bring the Fae into this installment of her series. I love Fae almost as much as were/shifters, so this was a happy surprise. I am being super vague, but still apologize if I presented a spoiler to you with that one.

*I love Jenn and have been a huge Jenn fan since book one, so having her featured in this book made me super happy. It was great to see the girl we were introduced to in POW becoming the woman we see in this book, especially near the end.

*I could not put this book down. That is the danger with this series, for me. Once I start it, I have to finish it even if it means giving up on silly things like sleeping.

*Quinn does not abandon previously featured characters when a book is featuring a new set of people. I love that we still see the characters all being a part of each other's lives and see how each of them continues to grow as the series progresses.

*I know Jenn has been my fave for a long time, but I have a new fave. Costin. I believe this book is setting up the next book to feature him and I really hope I am right. He is so different from all of the other characters in so many ways and is pretty much made of amazing covered in awesome sauce. I can not wait to read more about him.

*This book really tied up the Jenn/Dec story line beautifully and opened so many doors for new adventures without leaving you there saying, "Wait, where is the rest of the book?".

I simply adore this series. It is one of my all time favorites. I think you could read this book without reading the previous books, but you would not love it as much. I highly recommend starting with the first book. Each book gets progressively more amazing!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 673 reviews

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