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River Falls #4

Whispers of Truth

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Summer broke his heart once. But when she needs his help, how can Benjamin refuse? The youngest Calvano brother may be goofy, but he's also tender and big-hearted, and there's nothing he wouldn't do for the woman he loves—even when his love is the last thing she wants.

385 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 16, 2024

About the author

Valerie M. Bodden

36 books310 followers
I have three great loves: Jesus, my family, and books. And chocolate (okay, four great loves). I write fast-paced, emotional Christian fiction that weaves real-life problems, real-life people, and real-life faith. My characters may (okay, will) experience some heartache along the way, but I promise I'll always give them a happy ending.





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Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews
Profile Image for Brittany .
2,545 reviews179 followers
May 2, 2024
If you have read the other River Falls novels, you will enjoy seeing many of those characters again. It is such a great series! However, even if you haven’t read the earlier stories, you can jump in and read this novel on its own. And it is a powerful story.

From the book blurb, you know that Summer’s brother, who is also Benjamin’s best friend, dies early on in the story. It is definitely heartbreaking, but is a necessary part of the plot. I thought the author handled the situation in a very caring and authentic way.

My heart hurt for these characters, not only in their loss of TJ, but also in the disconnect that they had together as a couple. And although it was clear to me that Benjamin cared for and loved Summer and wanted to be married to her, Summer just couldn’t believe it. She had been told all of her life that she was a mistake. Her mother resented her and treated her horribly. That kind of treatment really messes with people’s minds and Summer was a clear example of someone who couldn’t comprehend being truly loved for who she was. There was this moment when everything finally clicked for Summer and her eyes were opened to the way Benjamin had been showing and telling her how much he loved her all along. It was beautiful and ushered in the beginning of some true healing.

I loved the progression of this story. Once I really had a chance to sit down and start reading it, I found that I couldn’t stop reading. The author wove in some beautiful sermons that helped these characters face the things that were weighing them down. The sermons themselves didn’t solve everything, but helped both Summer and Benjamin take steps toward understanding God’s love for them and how to work through their grief. This was a captivating marriage of convenience tale that also incorporated the brother’s best friend and reunion romance tropes. It is probably my favorite of the series so far.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

You can read this review on my blog:
April 14, 2024
This story starts with a tear-jerker... Summer's brother TJ dies unexpectedly, leaving Summer, his outgoing 4 year old son Max, and his best friend Benjamin.

When Summer and Benjamin go through TJ's belongings looking for a will, they find evidence of thousands of dollars in gambling debt. Since Summer recently lost her job there's already concern that she might not get custody of Max.

Benjamin proposes marriage but Summer refuses.... that is until she learns that Stacy, Max's birth-mother plans to petition the court for custody of Max. Once Summer learns about Stacy she agrees to marry Benjamin and they go straight to the courthouse.

Summer immediately has second thoughts and convinces herself that Benjamin is giving up too many things that he will resent her for later. Summer decides to avoid consummating the marriage so that after she and Benjamin are awarded custody of Max they can have the marriage annulled.

In the meantime Benjamin is doing everything he can think of to convince Summer that their wedding vows are a vow to God and he wants to stay married "until death do they part".

There is a lot to this story... more than I can summarize. It was a page-turner for me but gave me a lot to think about. The lessons the two Pastors gave in Sunday church were worthwhile lessons for me, as were the Bible verses that were used throughout.

The characters were strong and well-developed. We briefly meet Judah, the estranged Calvano that hasn't been home in 10 years. Hopefully we will learn more about Judah... possibly in a subsequent book?

This story is part of the River Falls series but it is a standalone story without cliffhangers. It is a clean, inspirational, Christian romance with a joyous happy-ever-after. I definitely recommend it.

I was given an ARC of this story from BookFunnel at the request of the author, Valerie M. Bodden, but this review is my honest thoughts and opinions given voluntarily.
805 reviews9 followers
April 15, 2024
All They Needed Was to Talk… but noooo

This book deals with life and how choices made impact our future… and shows how other people’s choices can affect us, the good and the bad. It also shows how life’s unexpected circumstances such as death and loss can change everything.

Here I’m focusing on Summer and Benjamin, their love life, or lack there of, due to fear, misunderstandings and conflicts.

Being stubborn is one thing, being dense is another. I kept wanting to reach inside the pages to shake some sense into Summer and ask how could she be so blind? Ahhh, but the answer was easy. From birth on, she was told how worthless she was, how unlovable she was and how it was her fault her dad left them.

Needless to say, Benjamin had a long road to travel if he wanted a life with Summer. He would need the patience of Job if he was to stand any kind of chance with her.

At a crucial tipping point in her life, just as she was about to make the worst mistake… err, choice, … of her life, she listened to a pastor’s recording on love… the good and bad choices we make.


➡️ Summer was an enabler, plain and simple. She did her mother no favors by enabling her. Her ‘Mama’ only cared for herself. She was a drunk and often that means hitting rock bottom before change will even be attempted.

➡️ Summer and at times, Benjamin, were frustrating… maybe cowards is the better word. All they had to do was at least try to open up and communicate. I don’t know how Benjamin didn’t throw in the towel and give up on Summer.

➡️ Max is precious. One day he’ll realize how blessed he was and is.

➡️ Looking forward to Judah’s story.

I was given an advance copy of this book and leave my honest review, thoughts and opinions.
92 reviews2 followers
April 13, 2024

I had the opportunity to review Whispers of Truth by the author.

A beautiful story of two people of different backgrounds: Benjamin who comes from a loving family and Summer who grew up not feeling loved. They come together through a tragedy wanting to take care of Summer's nephew, Max. Summer is devastated by her brother's death. She wants to take care of her nephew. Even though she broke off with Benjamin some time ago, she agrees to marry him to get full guardianship of Max.

Benjamin feels guilty that his friend, Tyler, passed away on a run. He felt that he should have gone with him. He believes that he could help his friend by marrying Summer and taking care of Max.

Benjamin still loves Summer and believes that if he marries her, the judge will grant them full guardianship of Max, and they will eventually adopt him. But there is trouble when Max's estranged mother wants to take custody. Eventually, Benjamin and Summer do get custody of Max.

Over time, Summer does have doubts about marrying Benjamin. She does not want him to feel obligated to her and give up everything for her. When Summer finds out that he was offered a good position, she decides to leave for a while.

A moving story of doing what is right, wanting to belong, and trusting God through the trials. Knowing that God does not forget His children.
928 reviews6 followers
April 13, 2024
Loved Benjamin and Summer's story!! Benjamin has loved Summer for quite a while. Her brother was his best friend. When he and Summer dated, he thought they'd be together from then. However, Summer broke up with him right before he was to leave for culinary school. He'd tried to get back on a friendly footing, about the time he thought it would safe to ask her out, she started dating Nick. Now, Nick has broken up with her, and her brother, TJ, dies unexpectedly, leaving Summer to raise his son, Max. There's no way Benjamin is going to let her raise him alone, especially when they find out that his mother, who walked away from him after giving birth, has said she wants him. Benjamin's solution is a marriage of convenience, hoping that it will help him prove to Summer how much he loves her. At first, it's an uphill battle, and then when it seems Summer is starting to see that he truly loves her and meant his vows, someone else throws a monkey wrench in that makes Summer back away, and move out. When Summer finally realizes how much Jesus and Benjamin love her, will it be too late for her to tell him?? I love how Summer finally realizes just how much both Jesus and Benjamin love her from one of the youth pastor's sermons. Such a great addition to this series!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book, was not required to leave a review, and the opinion expressed is my own.
Profile Image for Lisa.
837 reviews
April 26, 2024
Valerie did another amazing job with this novel. Summer is having a hard time. She works for a dance studio and the owner decides to move to be close to their family. So she looses her job. She lives with her brother TJ and Max TJ's son. Max means the world to Summer like he is her own child. Benjamin and TJ are great friends. Benjamin and Summer use to date, but Summer broke it off long ago, because she wanted Benjamin to pursue his dreams and not be tied down to her. Plus she thought he didn't care for her. TJ requests Benjamin go on a run with him and Benjamin was not able to. After many hours of TJ not coming home Summer gets concerned and reaches out to Benjamin to see if he has seen her brother. Benjamin's brother is called to see if they can find TJ, because his last known location was running. Sadly TJ is found dead and the autopsy determines it is from a heart condition. Summer becomes the guardian of Max and a court order is in process to determine if she will be the best guardian for Max. Since she is not making money now she would not be able to provide for Max. In walks Benjamin who has loved Max also and he wants to help raise Max. He asks Summer to marry him. I am going to stop here and not give the whole story away. It is a great read and honest review for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Marie.
3,942 reviews39 followers
April 16, 2024
Brutal but real

Just when she thinks she has hit rock bottom, her world shatters again and Summer finds herself falling before reality hits with a bang. She may keep going for Max, he forces her to pick herself up and keep putting one foot in front of the other, but it is Benjamin's unwavering support that makes it bareable. They stumble many times as they try to navigate their way through the grief and loss, the legal battles, the misunderstandings and the obstacles everyday life throws at them, but together they find their way through to hope and a future filled with love. Both Summer and Benjamin are sweet, lovable characters, they have their flaws but rather than detracting from their characters, they make them relatable and real. This is only enhanced by the love they both have for Max, he never for one second doubts that they love him and will keep him safe.
This is a great addition to the series, I was sent a free copy of this book but the whole series is available on Kindle Unlimited. All views expressed here are my own.
Profile Image for Jaycies.
16 reviews
April 15, 2024
Once again I was completely immersed in this River Falls, 4th edition! The story is mainly the two characters, Benjamin and Summer; Benjamin being the youngest son of the Calvano family and is depicted as we might sometimes view ourselves; having his emotions on his sleeve and sometimes being somewhat impulsive. However, his heart and fun-loving character is put to the test with Summer.

Summer comes from a broken home (in a different way than we think of) and has believed lies about herself all her life. Because of that she is unable to trust and ultimately it affects her relationships and her faith.

I found myself laughing out loud, being frustrated with the character at times and tears as well.

What I especially always look forward to with Valerie Bodden books is there is always a lesson to us all in them and this book did not disappoint. How many times have we made decisions that seemed impulsive, possibly without thought or enough prayer and have God make something beautiful out of it?

A must read for sure!
36 reviews1 follower
April 14, 2024
Summer lives in a small town called River Falls, and has a brother named TJ. Early in the story, TJ goes running and never comes home, leaving his son without an involved parent. Summer steps in to raise her nephew, and her very ex-boyfriend, Benjamin, also very fond of Max, insists on helping Summer through the challenges that come with taking on raising someone else’s child. Benjamin is incredibly devoted to Summer and Max, and finds he has never lost his feelings for Summer. Benjamin decides to woo Summer in the most creative ways, which would make every single woman reading this story wish for someone like Benjamin in her life!

Whispers of Truth is a very pleasant, well paced story of 2 people who find lasting love while dealing with the challenges of taking care of a child who is not theirs. There’s much more to the story than I am stating here. Read the story and you will not be disappointed.

I was provided an ARC copy of this book for my honest opinion.
106 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2024
Misunderstandings can destroy our lives

Benjamin and Summer have been friends forever. She is TJ’s sister and he is TJ’s best friends. This book is basically about what happens after TJ’s death.
Wonderful story, filled with lots of love, joy, sorrow and romance. Lots of happy & sad tears and the sweetest, smartest, darling Little boy.
My favorite part was when they were going to Hope Springs & reached the Welcome to Hope Springs (what a great series Valerie wrote.)
Valerie fills this book with hope and love and fills our hearts with love God has for us. To work through & straighten out misunderstandings they are evil things that cause great
Pain and resentment. This is an important lesson we learn in this book - to settle them quickly. Summer would have been more trusting and loving and Benjamin too if had settled “the prom date” misunderstanding.

This is a must read - it’s so wonderful,
39 reviews
April 6, 2024
This is book 4 in the River Falls series. This book features Benjamin, the youngest son of the Calvano family and Summer. The book begins with a tragedy and there is plenty of emotional trauma throughout for Summer to overcome. Along with the emotional drama there is hope, faith and forgiveness. The Bible verses are appropriate for the story being told and the glimpses of the pastor's sermons are remarkably well written and something the reader will learn from. Benjamin is known to be impulsive and a joker in his family which leads him to make decisions on his own instead of waiting on God to answer his prayers.
This is an excellent read and another 5-star winner for Ms. Bodden. This book has a short glimpse of the elusive Calvano brother Judah so hopefully his story will be coming soon.

Received an advance copy and this is my honest review (6 stars if I could).
Profile Image for Barbara.
1,352 reviews17 followers
April 13, 2024
When Summer loses her brother, she’s determined to raise her nephew on her own, but that might not be possible unless she can prove to the court that she would be the best choice possible. Her brother’s best friend, Benjamin, offers her a possible solution by proposing. Summer doesn’t want to marry him even though she has strong feelings for him. When she marries, she wants it to be out of love, not obligation, and she’s pretty sure he would never love her. Yet with no other options available she finally accepts his offer. Benjamin has had feelings for summer for ages, but how can he convince her the feelings are real?

A heartwarming story of tragedy, loss, secrets, heartache, new beginnings, and more!

I loved the humor the pastors used in their sermons.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
454 reviews7 followers
April 22, 2024
We are back in River Falls and we get to read Benjamin’s story. He and TJ had been best buddies forever and he especially liked TJ’s sister Summer. TJ and Benjamin often ran together but this one particular morning Benjamin didn’t go running with him and TJ never made it back. TJ had a son named Max and the mother was not in the picture at all until she realized TJ was gone. But Summer was so close to Max that she couldn’t bear not having him around. Benjamin thought he had the best excuse to be able for Summer to keep Max.
But the self doubt Summer had she really struggled with feeling like she could have love down the road. The trials that this young couple went through was enough to keep some apart but not with such a big supportive family behind them.

I received this ARC from the author for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Sonya Wasden.
1,016 reviews10 followers
May 9, 2024
Wow! Every single book I have read by this author has been a hit. She has a way of creating characters who are realistic and deal with real world problems and with God's help can come to understand His will and find joy in live.

Summer had an incredibly painful childhood when her father left and her mother had no love or joy and made sure her children didn't find love with her, either. Her brother TJ was her only ally. When tragedy strikes and TJ is no longer available, she needs to recenter her universe find joy. She doesn't feel like she deserves to be loved.

When Benjamin, TJ's best friend, steps up to help Summer, he might just be what God has sent for her but will she be able to accept his love or will she push him away, too?

I was given an arc copy of this book and I willingly offer my honest review.
Profile Image for Margaret Nelson.
1,257 reviews
April 5, 2024
This is the fourth book in Valerie Bodden’s River Falls series, bringing more about the Calvano family. If you’re looking for something light to read, this book is not it. It’s really good, but starts out heavily emotional, and more emotional situations and relationships get added in quickly. The plot twists leave the reader gasping, wondering what else is going to go wrong. Bodden does a really good job with bringing hope in the midst of despair, but her characters have to go through a lot to get to those whispers of truth that can transform their lives.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
195 reviews3 followers
April 12, 2024
This is the kind of book that needs to be savored. The characters experience a wide range of emotions. The opening scene is one of heartbreak and despair layered over utter rejection, and there is more difficulty to come. Ms. Bodden does a wonderful job of coaching the reader to feel every tear, mourn every loss, and rebound to joy by the end. There was plenty of laughter, lots of confusion and a healthy dose soul searching throughout the story. The sermons are always my favorite parts of any book by this author. I could imagine sitting in the pew with the Calvanos family, learning and praising the Savior. I like to think I grew along with these characters. This book is part of a series but can be enjoyed on its own. I received an advanced copy of this book and this is my honest opinion.
65 reviews1 follower
April 14, 2024
I was given an ARC of this book and I really enjoyed it. Benjamin and Summer have known each other for years, infact they had attended a prom together many years ago but Summer overheard a jealous classmate make disparaging remarks about why Benjamin had taken Summer to the prom and because of this she has never felt comfortable around him. But, he and her brother have remained very close. When her brother dies unexpectedly and Summer fears not gaining custody of her nephew Benjamin steps forward and marries her in order to ensure that her nephew stays with her. This is the story of a couple who come from very different family backgrounds who finally are able to overcome their fears and preconceived ideas to come together and become a loving family.
Profile Image for Adpa.
400 reviews2 followers
April 17, 2024
When your self worth takes a hit all your life, when you are not shown, or told, love from your mother, it is hard to believe someone when they genuinely are interested in you, believe in you. Trying to break thru the self preservation walls she has built around herself is problematic to those who express love to her.
This is a story of a journey or sorts that is difficult, from death, loss of income, possible loss of raising a child, to believing you are loveable. The story does provide hope, faith, love. The inspiration given from a loving family and from spoken faith does start the healing process.
This book is worth reading!
I was provided a copy of the book; this review is my honest opinion.
538 reviews4 followers
September 18, 2024
I don’t know why I don’t immediately drop everything to read Valerie’s newest book when it comes out. In this one, she captures the grief and heartache of death, perfectly. The sermons that are part of the story are spot on, not contrived, and very relatable. And the gospel was explicit. I cried, I smiled, I pondered. The book perfectly demonstrates the unconditional love that Christ has for us. There are no lengths to which He will not go, and no sin that is unforgivable. As always, Valerie’s books are more than just an entertaining story; they make you think. My only regret is in letting this languish in my tbr pile for so long. If you like Francine Rivers, you’ll love this book. I received a free copy, with no obligation.
595 reviews8 followers
April 13, 2024
I just finished reading the last page of this book and my eyes are a little misty with happy tears. This story was fraught with hard things but it is one of the best love stories ever that mirrored the sacrificial love Jesus shows to His bride, the Church. I loved the winsome Calvano family, Benjamin Calvano, Summer, and precious Max, Summer’s nephew. This is a touching and inspirational faith-based romance that will make you feel all the feels and help you appreciate what true love is all about. Highly recommend! I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author. All opinions expressed are strictly my own.
323 reviews3 followers
April 14, 2024
Wow! i was pulled into this story immediately! Every time I read this author's books, I think it is my favorite and then she keeps adding more to my favorites. In reading this book about Benjamin and Summer, I felt pulled in and felt every emotion that the characters were going through, I found myself laughing, crying, sighing, and rolling through the ups and downs with them. Always love the pastors' sermons in this author's books. They always seem to be relatable to my own life or what I am going through. I couldn't put it down. This is Christian romance at it's best. You feel brought into the huge Calvano family and all their love.
Profile Image for Vickie.
32 reviews
April 23, 2024
Valerie's books never fail to leave me wanting more. This book (as all the others) was full of faith, fun, sweetness, and all the emotions! She has a way of taking everyday moments and making them come to life on the page.

I put this in here only because I believe it might save someone frustration. This book is not short on sermons given by pastors, nor sound, biblical advice. For me, that is a draw and a plus. I realize some will be turned off by that, and I would never mislead someone. Each time a sermon was preached it was done well, tastefully, and completely within context. It was NEVER judgmental.

I was given an ARC of this book, and all opinions are expressly my own.
Profile Image for SJ Garrison.
639 reviews
May 2, 2024
Loved Benjamin and Summer's story. Benjamin had loved Summer since the Senior prom, but Summer let the ill remarks from a jealous rival cause her to brake up with Benjamin before he left for college. Now, he's back in town, but his best friend dies suddenly, which happens to be Summers brother. Such a sweet story with tragedy and second chances. I stayed up way to late, cause I had to know what's going to happen next. I love this series. If you like clean stories with heart and soul, you can't go wrong with Whispers of truth. I highly recommend. I received this book from the publisher. The thoughts and comments are my own.
Profile Image for Evelyn Foreman.
433 reviews20 followers
April 13, 2024
What a journey of emotions, as past pain clouded the promise of a bright future for Summer, despite declarations of love and devotion from Benjamin, her brother’s best friend and her first and only love. But tragedy struck, leaving her reeling, devoid of hope, doubting and questioning God, despair consuming her very existence. Only a revelation of the true love of the Father could dispel the lies of the enemy, setting her free to experience all God had planned for her. Would she, could she, trust in His goodness, His unconditional love, or would she choose her own path, settling for less? A story completely engaging one’s mind, heart and soul, and lifts the spirit from the depths of despair!
1,130 reviews8 followers
April 13, 2024
I had an ARC for this book, but this is my voluntary and honest opinion. When Summer Ellis’s brother died suddenly, she was left to care for her nephew, if the court gave her custody. Benjamin Calvano offers to marry her to help out. Summer has never felt that anyone loved her for who she was, and didn’t trust that Benjamin wouldn’t leave her alone. Benjamin proceeds to show his wife that he loves and appreciates her for herself. A beautiful story about trust, love, and making a life together.
Profile Image for Kris Vanica.
31 reviews
April 14, 2024
Whispers of Truth is my new favorite River Falls novel by author Valerie Bodden. Not only is it a wonderful story with a great plot and setting but the characters are richly developed with dialog you can hear. I couldn't stop reading. This story evoked a myriad of emotions with a satisfying ending. It was relatable with engaging conversations bringing this reader to that feeling of hope and promise. Once you finish this one you'll definitely want to read the other books by Valerie Bodden. And you'll find there are others that are just as good, if not better, than this one!
3,075 reviews10 followers
April 20, 2024
Benjamin is Summer’s prince and not just for kids birthday parties, but she thinks he’s giving up his life for her and her nephew Max, that’s she doesn’t deserve to be loved and keeps pushing him away. It sounds like she needs counseling to help her love herself. I can’t imagine losing a sibling suddenly so young and wondering if you and his child have the same disease. Benjamin was young, impulsive, and a goofball at times but he shows maturity in the ways he takes care of Summer and Max and shows them his love. This was a clean Christian marriage of convenience romance.
202 reviews2 followers
April 21, 2024
I absolutely loved everything about this! Two people who are Silk different. Benjamin and Summer experience grief when TJ unexpectedly dies. He is her brother and his best friend. They are left with his son Max to raise but there are so many obstacles. Can they work it all out. Secrets come out as they look for a will. Summer also takes care of her Mama who is a hard woman to be around. Summer has never felt wanted or loved. Will she accept the love shown by Benjamin's big family? Definitely a book filled with tragedy, sadness, grief but also love, happiness and acceptance!
Profile Image for Eliana  Stellet .
2,773 reviews21 followers
May 5, 2024
This book messed with my heart and made me emotional, but it was a beautiful and touching story with tender family moments and resolving things like trauma, grief and mommy issues. I loved the journey of the couple both alone and together, their falling in love arc was very sweet.
"She shook her head. “I think I need to wake up. It feels too much like a fairy tale to be real. I never expected to get my own happy ending.”
“Well.” He brought her hands to his lips. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure you do.”
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Diana.
584 reviews5 followers
April 11, 2024
A sweet romance that fits right in with this series. I love how it shows missed cues, what happens when we put walls up and how our own thoughts get in our way. Each feel unworthy, when both of them are beyond worthy. Neither Summer or Benjamin believe in themselves but they are both giving people, putting others in front of their own needs. Loved this book and couldn't put it down! I lost a lot of sleep that night!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews

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