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Jude Magdalyn #1

Shades of Gray

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Jude Magdalyn Henries lives what many would call an unconventional life. Orphaned at birth, raised by nuns, a teenage runaway living on the streets... she now earns a living at odd jobs, including one as a fake tarot card reader. Very little about Jude's life appears normal, by any scale. When she accepts a gig to do a private reading, unconventional takes on an entirely new meaning. Life as she knows it ends when she's thrust into a world she never knew existed-one filled with magic, vampires, and her beloved New Orleans on the verge of an underground war. To make matters worse, she's got two men in her life vying for attention, Williams and Theo. Both call to a different part of her, but one scares her just a little bit. Can she step up to the challenges set before her and make the right choices for the "greater"greater good"?

265 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 1, 2010

About the author

L.M. Pruitt

44 books150 followers
L.M. Pruitt has been reading since before she can remember, and writing nearly as long. She fell in love with New Orleans after spending one week there, and visits the city as often as her schedule permits--which isn't nearly often enough. She is the best selling author of the Jude Magdalyn series, the Moon Rising series, the Frankie Post series, and the Winged series. She makes her home in Florida.

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Profile Image for #ReadAllTheBooks.
1,219 reviews88 followers
February 13, 2011
I had to think pretty hard about this review because I wanted to make sure to put it just right. I don’t want anyone to think that this book was absolutely horrible, but I do want people to realize exactly how green this book really is. I’ll be blunt & say that this book desperately needs to be re-worked & re-written.

The book’s premise is an interesting enough one. It doesn’t break any of the common tropes of the UF genre, but then those tropes are popular for a reason. They work & they’re entertaining. I just feel like it could have been better executed than this was.

My main problems stem from different sources. First off, I felt like Jude was far too powerful too soon. Yes, her power usage did knock her on her butt, but she was also able to do just about everything. It’s a little much, especially when she’s this all powerful magic user so quickly. I didn’t really get a sense that she really worked all that hard on everything & I really feel like it would have been better if the writer had staggered all of this over multiple books, taking time in building Jude’s powers. I really felt like everything was just kind of a shortcut to get directly to the power & as such, I feel like the author cheated herself out of the impact that she would have gotten if she’d drawn it out over several books.

Something that could have also benefited greatly from being staggered over several books is the romantic triangle of Jude/Williams/Theo. The author goes from 0 to 60 & the chemistry suffers as a result. There’s an event that is supposed to be a defining moment in the triangle, yet it just sort of fizzles & felt forced, as if the author felt like she needed to draw a definite line in order to justify Jude going with one person over the other. It lacked impact. Another thing that lacked impact was Jude’s reveals over her past & I felt kind of puzzled that she angsted more over the orphanage than what she did after she ran away. It just didn’t make any sense & we’re not really given any justification as to why her actions afterwards would be considered a better situation than returning to the orphanage.

The author does have potential & I don’t mean this to sound like she’s without talent. This book just desperately needs a rewrite & I think that a round through a good writing group would do wonders. (If they don’t rip it to shreds, they’re not doing their job.) There’s just too much telling instead of showing & Jude really needs a serious powering down. She occasionally comes across as a Mary Sue, which is a shame since she has the potential to be a very intriguing character. The whole thing just needs work.
Profile Image for Belinda Boring.
Author 54 books1,276 followers
October 19, 2010
I knew when I read the blurb that I’d enjoy reading this book but NOTHING prepared me for the feelings of shell shock and amazement I felt the moment I finished it. I texted my BFF and one of the first things I said was “My gosh, how will I ever be able to write a review that could describe just how much I loved this book?” I still feel that way and so with a hopeful heart, I pray to Book Gods that somehow I can do this book justice.

To say that I loved and enjoyed this book would be a gross understatement. The story had a real edge to it that I really appreciated and definitely didn’t expect to find. It was a no holds barred story of Jude Magdalyn and how she suddenly found herself in the middle of a battle where she was expected to take a pivotal role. She was the Prophecy, the foretold person who would bring peace and eventually became the leader of a group of magical people called The Covenant. Although she felt extremely inadequate, when you add the little training and years of experience she'd had and the heart she had, she more than met the challenge and ruffled a lot of feathers along the way. She had to prepare her newly appointed people for the battle against the resident evil vampire Hart, all the while having to deal with a budding love relationship and the heartache of betrayal from another. The author wrote a well thought out story, filled with humor and action, heartache and triumph and it definitely hooked me from beginning to end. I’d been looking for a book with a slightly dark feeling to it and I found it in Shades of Gray.

I loved Jude within moments of meeting her and it wasn’t too long before I realized that she was exactly how I like my lead females – opinionated with a splash of sarcastic humor. Growing up the way she did and the years she spent on the street trying to survive really gave her the kind of grit that made her amazing to read. She had this toughness about her, a no nonsense feel and I loved how she paid no attention to the role people expected her to play but did what she felt was right. She wouldn't play games and she showed an incredible amount of heart as she sometimes worked blindly towards preparing her people for the upcoming battle. There was no fakeness about her, being completely real and I LOVED the thought process Jude had and the way the author showed it through the inner dialogues she wrote for her. For me it was including those insights that made Jude 100% believable for me because I could totally imagine myself in her place, thinking and reacting the same way. I can’t begin to describe how refreshingly REAL Jude was and what an incredible character she was to me. There was no fluff when it came to Jude. She was three dimensional in every sense of the word, having a depth and layer to her that made connecting to her as easy as breathing.

There were a lot of great characters in this story but being the romance junkie that I am what review wouldn’t be complete without a few gushing words about the men. There were two men in Jude’s life that would’ve given anything to be with her. First there was Williams, a 200 year old vampire that I was INSTANTLY attracted to. The sexual tension between him and Jude was intense, my body shivering in those beginning scenes and the image I had of Williams was that he was incredibly powerful and just oozed masculine sexuality. He was drawn to Jude and I loved those scenes where he would sneak up on her and lay on the seductive heat. I sat there tingling with anticipation, waiting for the pages to start scorching when along comes Theo, a member of the covenant who for all I could see was the “safe” love choice for Jude. I’ll admit I didn’t hold much hope for him but he was also incredibly sexy with an amazing sense of humor and down to earth attitude. He was entirely focused on Jude and supporting but seriously, when up against a vampire, he didn’t stand a chance. Through the different twists the story took however, I was proven wrong, that Theo wasn’t just the safest choice but the only choice and I sat back and watched it all play out. I loved the way that Jude interacted with Theo and Williams with the constant change of dynamics in their relationships and it added a real spice and emotion to an already amazing read. Great men who showed me that there’s always more to meet the eye than first appearances.

I REVELLED in the evilness of the characters in this book and I can’t begin to describe how excited I was to read a story that totally let go and gave the characters free reign to show just how bad they could be. I have a real “thing” for the well written villain and I swear I almost overdosed on Hart and his minions. I was practically thrumming reading the scenes with Hart and although he made my skin crawl at times, he had my blood pumping and those final scenes with him had me bouncing around in my seat he was that delicious. A very loud MWAHAHAHAHA from me!!

I’ve said before that when reviewing I stick mainly with the emotions and connection I had while reading, touching things like word choice only as they affected my experience with story. Having said that, my review wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t share my reaction to the amazing way the author chose to write her story. To me, one of the signs of a well written book is in the descriptiveness in the scene and how well the author can pull me in and make me see it, turning the story from just words on a page to a kind of mini movie in my head. The downside to this is I sometimes find in the quest to create the scene, the author includes too much detail and loses me where a few well chosen sentences could have done it much better. It didn’t take me long to realize that this author was a GENIUS when it comes to word choice. Each word she used when put together held power and it was INCREDIBLY easy to not only see the scene but to feel it. There were scenes that had me so completely entranced that I couldn’t read fast enough, my heart completely invested in the story. Her writing style made the story become real (gosh I wish I could find a better word than that because it doesn’t quite capture just how good it was) and I have to say it was an amazing experience.

As the book wrapped up and I was finally able to release the breath I’d been holding through those final scenes, I realized that I had just found what I’ve come to term as a HALLEJUAH book. It had totally taken me over, drawing such a powerful response that for a moment I was completely speechless and happily exhausted from the emotional ride I’d just taken. To me, this is a book that needs to be read and I hope that others will be able to have similar experiences to what I had. I can’t praise the author and her story enough. A definite read for not just lovers of Urban Fantasy but for anyone who appreciates a book written so well that it comes alive. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Tana.
619 reviews214 followers
June 21, 2012
This is the first book in the Jude Magdalyn series, it is a really great story, and I absolutely loved it and enjoyed every page.

The humor, wit and sarcasm is some fantastic writing and I truly enjoyed reading Shades of Gray. L.M. Pruitt is an excellent author, the character description are written extremely well you get to know everyone, the story flows so well that you have a hard time putting this book down.

Jude is a really great main character, when we meet her she is working as a fake tarot card reader.... growing up on the streets Jude is a street hustler and knows how to work people. When she meets a man named William and she finds out things about herself and her destiny.

She meets a group of people who are called the Convenant and Jude is taken under leader’s wings to help her learn about herself and powers.

Jude is a fantastic heroine and I love her sarcasm and wit, this is a great read and I recommend everyone to go read this series. Check out the buy links below.
Profile Image for Jenny.
472 reviews110 followers
November 30, 2010
Review originally published at http://supernaturalsnark.blogspot.com...

Though she is named after saints, Jude Magdalyn's life has been anything but blessed. The death of her parents resulted in life in an orphanage, and then life on the streets forced at times to sell her body for survival. Now, she lives the life of a con artist, reading tarot cards for tourists wanting the authentic New Orleans experience.

A reading with what she assumes is one such client yields highly atypical results as events take place and information comes to light revealing Jude to be the preordained leader of the Covenant, a group of powerful individuals warring with an organized group of vampires. Now she finds herself in the middle of a life she never thought possible, surrounded by people with whose hopes and dreams she is burdened, destined to fill a role she's not sure she can handle.

With the guidance of her mentor Gillian and the occasional pointer from vampire warrior Williams, Jude begins to hone her powers and train for the war everyone says is coming, and coming quickly. Jude has only ever had to care for herself, but now she bears the responsibility of dozens of lives, young and old alike, and as much as there are those outside the Covenant who wish her harm, she may face an even greater threat from within.

Shades of Gray wastes little time introducing us to the action, immediately catapulting us into a richly diverse and slightly eerie post-Katrina New Orleans as our heroine realizes she's an intrinsic part of a war humanity has no idea is being waged. Typically, finding ourselves in the middle of events quickly is welcome, as world building and extensive descriptions of characters and locations make for a slower pace where our involvement in the story is delayed considerably. However, the lack of history in this tale keeps us on the fringes of the battle as opposed to being on the front lines, our limited knowledge preventing us from fully ascertaining the magnitude of what Jude and company are fighting for. The villain is clear, but the specifics of how the opposing factions came to be and why their hatred burns so bright remains muddied. Therefore, our emotional response when good lives are lost is stunted, our hearts merely bruised instead of shattered beyond repair as the full weight of their sacrifice remains outside our realm of understanding.

Jude has an incredibly smart mouth and a bottomless reservoir of pithy remarks, and while this makes for some extraordinarily entertaining witty repartee, her sarcasm is sometimes layered so thick it forms a coat of armor around her we are unable to chink, thus keeping the sentiments underneath out of our reach. She also at times makes herself difficult to like, one instance in particular with regard to Williams, engaging in an activity during a time of grief from which she knows she should walk away, having the presence of mind to know it's wrong but not the emotional strength to refuse the comfort. When the dust settles, she immediately cries foul, making a monster of a man who, based on the information we've been provided, doesn't entirely deserve the label. Her attention shifts from Williams to Covenant member Theo quickly and easily prior to the grief episode, and when he provides her with an out from blame for the entire ordeal she latches onto it with a shocking intensity, assuaging her guilt and transferring her hurt and pain to Williams's broad shoulders. She is strong and independent, but her shortcomings force us to keep our distance when we might otherwise be drawn in by a friend, a confidante, and an able leader.

The secondary characters are beautifully portrayed however, a wide array of personalities overflowing with flaws and vulnerabilities as well as unique gifts and inherent strengths that add a fascinating layer to the story. Our affection for Williams is instant and unwavering, one of the reasons why his quick dismissal by Jude and his subsequent treatment at her hands leaves us a bit confused, wondering if we agree with her that our loyalty has been misplaced. He is a vampire of many secrets who acts in ways that, despite their mysteriousness, are in her best interest even if she fails to view them as such. As much as we would like to hate Theo and render him a usurper of Jude's attentions whom we adamantly deny the gift of our affection, Ms. Pruitt makes him very difficult to dislike. He takes Jude's snarky comments in stride and instead of meekly accepting them or lashing out in anger, absorbs them and slings them back at her with the added facet of guidance, helping her to extend her powers and be the ray of hope they need her to be.

We are left with an interesting development in Jude's personal life, one with far-reaching implications for both the war itself and her existence as a whole. It's clear we have as much to learn as Jude, and here's hoping we get a touch more information in book two so that we no longer have to crouch on the sides of the fighting ring, but rather get to have our hands tagged so we can cross the ropes and enter the fray.

Rating: 3/5
Profile Image for Shéa MacLeod.
Author 113 books425 followers
September 21, 2010
Warning: Here there be vampires.

Don't worry. They don't sparkle.

I'm a huge fan of urban fantasy and paranormal romance and I think this is a great blend of both. I also love that it's set in New Orleans and the author gives you a real sense of BEING there, feeling the streets,living with the people, and I love that.

I'm not going to reiterate what the novel is about. You can read that in the book blurb. What I am going to say is that while the story is full of magic and mystery, the characters and the challenges they face are at heart very real.

I'm definitely looking forward to book two.

Who will love this?

Fans of Nalini Singh, Alyssa Day, Meljean Brook, Ann Aguirre, etc.

Profile Image for Poussinette (Sophie).
17 reviews15 followers
March 21, 2012
This is only a personal opinion...

I think LM Pruitt has talent, is a good writer with a nice sense for suspense and characterization. Yet I hated her book : EDITOR desperately needed here ! And I do mean a good editor, who kicks his/hers authors' nether parts, makes them forgo clichés and mend the big gaping holes in their plots. The sex scenes were not bad, all considered, though.

I hated it even more because I could sense how much potential the strong themes in the story had, how much BETTER it should have been.

The e-book editing was also lacking, the beginning of chapters and sub-chapters written in a small print that strained my poor short-sighted eyes.

I might try some other books from the same author though, she is sure to improve under our oh so loving criticism (I'm only half joking here)
Profile Image for Amber May.
8 reviews11 followers
September 20, 2010
Shades of Gray by Lois Pruitt is a phenomenal book that follows a young woman by the name of Jude Magdalyn through her new and exciting life. This book is not the typical vampire/supernatural book. It is packed full of magic and includes vampires as part of the scene rather than the primary focus of the book. I loved this book! It is unique and has a great flow to the dialogue. I think Jude is a great main character. Jude has strength that she aquired while on the streets but at the same time you feel that she is afraid and overwhelmed by all her new responsibilities. She is surprised at the things she can do because she never felt that she was capable of anything other than being someone who worked on the streets of New Orleans. She finds out about her family who she never knew anything about, finds love, and takes on a ton of responsibilites all in a very short period of time. I not only loved the story and the book but I also loved the characters. Don't miss out on this book. I didn't want to give away too much abou the book but I will tell you that Gillian tied for first as my favorite character. You will have to read the book to find out!
Profile Image for Heidi.
78 reviews
September 7, 2010
I really wanted to like this book, but it was so choppy. I didn't understand the flow of the book. As in the main character Jude has a relationship with Theo. They had a 4 minute conversation that didn't feel like much of anything to me, but some how the main character thought they had some major flirting. I was lost. Additional transition were not complete. One chapter ending with Jude stating you had great archery skills and in the next chapter first sentence she had talk a group of children how to use a bow and arrow. I was lost. The story has great potential however, needs smoother transitions and more development of the relationships. Romantic that is. I understood Williams, but was lost at the draw of Theo, until major trauma drew them together.
Profile Image for Olivia.
48 reviews30 followers
September 5, 2012
I JUST wrote the review for "Hole in the Wall" which was a short story of the events that occurred before this book. I finished reading it earlier today. I really enjoyed it which is what made me run out and get this book. This totally seems like a different story written by a different author with a different writing style. The development seems rushed. The characters changed drastically from the short story to this story and they are supposed to be continuous.

Jude seemed like a cool chick who suddenly became the messiah and I felt that not enough time or experience had been displayed in the story to make it smooth or even believable. Williams changed drastically for no apparent reading.

Disappointing and lame. Sorry guys, read Hole in the Wall though. It was awesome.
Profile Image for Andi.
1,934 reviews
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
December 4, 2011
I'm bummed, because I just couldn't get into this book's characters or the plot.

$.99 on Kindle
Profile Image for Alyssa.
516 reviews94 followers
August 21, 2011
Wow! This was truly a phenomenal read with an amazing cast of characters, written by an equally amazing author, L.M. Pruitt. This urban fantasy gem features Jude Magdalyn (how cool is that name?), who has been on her own since leaving the Catholic orphanage she grew up in. She doesn’t trust easily, only a few select friends, and she gets by running tarot card scams. That all changes in one single night and she realizes that nothing will ever be the same.

There are SO many things that I LOVED about this book. It was one that, as I was reading, I just kept thinking OMG I have to tell everyone about this! Jude, the heroine, is one of my favorite kind of female leads. Her sarcasm & wit have no boundaries, she thinks on her feet, takes shit from no one, has tons of love to give but only a select few see it, and she is willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good and those she loves. Here are a few more reasons:

-An incredibly rich story line that kept me intrigued throughout the book and wanting to turn the page to read more. I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next.
-An incredible cast of secondary characters. In my opinion, L.M. Pruitt, pushed her book to that next level because of those characters. They did not detract at all and added tremendous content to the overall plot. Jude’s story touches so many lives and she is affected by so many in her ever-changing world, the amazing development of these characters was pivotal to her journey.
-Williams – enough said!
-The lead in for book #2. If you know me, then you know that I hate cliffhangers. The set up for the second book, Shades of Desire, was enough to leave me really anticipating the next, but not feeling like I wanted to throw the book (think Dreamfever).
-Jude’s sarcasm & wit. I know I mentioned it earlier but it was absolutely incredible and one of my favorites parts of the book. I couldn’t wait to read what come out of her mouth next. It was sharp when needed, funny & best of all – completely necessary to her character!

-There were not many and the ones that did present themselves were not enough to lessen my rating any. There is one particular thing that I wished we would have gotten more information on. It’s something that I would consider a spoiler so I’m going to put it behind a tag, so be forewarned.

Se more reviews at Hesperia Loves Books
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
July 20, 2015
I recommend this book for the romantic content (not to sappy or vulgar), some hardcore fighting (good vs. evil) and for the excellent story telling. I just loved it.

This book introduces us to Jude, a street hustler, who had no idea of who her family was. One day, a man named Williams appears, and thus begins the process of Jude learning about herself and her destiny. We learn about her connection to a group of people known as the convenant. This group of protectors are lead by a woman named Gillian, who becomes Jude's mentor. As Jude is learning about herself and the covenant, a threat appears in the form of an evil guy named Hart. Laying dormant in Jude, is an arsenal of really cool powers, which makes her a force to be reckoned with. So ultimately, Jude and Hart must face off in a battle.

I loved Jude's "hardness" or survival instincts as the author phrased it. I also loved her interaction with the other characters, as she was just a sarcastic, witty heroine.

The writer tells the story in such vivid descriptions that I felt that I was on those streets, I felt like I could smell the beignets or envision the moody New Orleans weather. This was an action packed journey that Jude and the Convenant takes the reader on.

Such great writing. I mean, this book was just so engaging. I would have loved to learn more about Hart's younger years. Being that evil had to take some time to develop so maybe we can get a book on them growing up. Also, I really thought she would end up someone different than who she did (I don't want to give it away) but she made her choice and stuck to it. I really liked her man, I mean he is a good man and treats like she is the best thing ever, but I liked the dark, mysterious thing with Guy #1. I just felt like there was unfinished business there, so I will have to wait for the sequel.

I recommend this book to all PNR/UF lovers. You won't be able to put this book down.
2 reviews2 followers
September 29, 2010
This books was so great to read. It was so entertaining from the first page to the last, I felt like I was on a roller-coaster reading it not knowing what the next turn and twist would bring!
Her characters are so endearing you have to love them, the authors brings out those feelings by how well she has developed them, you like/love the good guys and truly despise the villains. It is almost a gift when an author can bring these emotions out in a reader! Another reviewer said she wanted certain characters with more development, but I think it will come in future books. I found nothing wrong with what the author told us about each character, I feel that they were introduced in a wonderful and telling way. I know in a future book that we will find out more about Celia, Elizabeth, and Rian as well as other characters that were introduced.
The protagonist Jude was so very well written that you just had to love her and root for her even when I wanted to yell at her for choosing the wrong guy. :) My own personal opinion she chose the wrong guy.(its a vampire thing with me) I have hope though that they might get together just from a couple of glimpses that Jude saw into the future!
This author is one to watch out for! She brought me to outright laughing out-loud to bawling my eyes out and I wont say why so not to give away some of the story! She can draw you in with her words and her gift of bringing you to the location of the story. I have been to New Orleans and felt like I was sitting on a balcony on Bourbon Street reading this story.
252 reviews10 followers
March 29, 2011
Shades of Gray is, I'm hoping,the first of many books about Jude Magdalyn, a fake tarot card reader and real Prophecy to the Covenant. I loved the writing style of this book, the dialouge is witty and Jude is a real wise acre. This book is pack full of action, humor, sadness, and has a pretty good little mystery going on. Set in New Orleans you get the southern feel and yet it doessn't push it too far. There are vampires, magic, good guys, bad guys, good guys who are sometimes bad guys, battles of good versus evil, sexual tension and sarcastic characters. The only reason I didn't give this book five stars is I felt Jude accepted everything that happened a bit too quickly and didn't seem to question any of it. The story is a great story and I read it in a day because I just couldn't put it down. Can't wait for the next one.
1 review
September 26, 2010
-Really feels like your in the city- great descriptions
-Good Plow, easy to read & follow. To Heidi, may I syggect that you re-read some parts. Jude distinctly says that archery practice is over a period of days, so when she's talking to the archors it makes sense why they're skilled.
-Characters are easy to fall in love with. Gillion hits the prefect pitch between patient and impatient mentor. Williams is tortured and brooding, but you never forget he's dangerous and Hart - you love to hate him.
- Heard the next book is coming out in November - Can't Wait!!!!
- only negative I see is maybe explaining some more of the local legends mentioned, for those readers not familar with the city.
Profile Image for Lady Heather .
1,304 reviews769 followers
August 30, 2011
This book was such an unexpected treat!
The writing, storyline, and characters were brilliant.
The dialogue was amazing.
LOVE LOVE LOVE Jude's character! She is strong, determined, damaged, and has one 'hell of a mouth' on her! Her bantering with the other characters is priceless..made me laugh out loud!

I look forward to reading the next book in the series "Shades of Destiny", but unfortunately it is out of print at the moment.
Profile Image for Shelley.
150 reviews1 follower
November 29, 2011
I was not that impressed with this book. The plot and characters seemed flat. I felt like things came too easy for the main character. She wanted the people Hart captured for food free, and suddenly she could project herself there and they're free. She slept with another man, but her boyfriend is very "understanding" and makes her into a victim. Also the Shakespeare quoting part was just ridiculous.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for T. Tolles.
Author 16 books411 followers
March 26, 2011
Loved it! Shades of Gray is a great book full of intrigue, action, friendship, love and family. You'll love Ms. Pruitt's humor and all the colorful characters she paints for you. Can't wait to see what happens in the sequel.
886 reviews
May 7, 2017
I really enjoyed this book even though it took me forever to read. It wasn't a problem with the storyline which kept me interested or the characters-Jude is such a sassy character which I love. I do know know why I did not want to read, but this is a book that I would definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Maghon Thomas.
1,527 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2015
I love this series! Yes, I read the whole series all in one, because I could. LOL I had been hearing things about this series, and I loved it all, so now, I just have to set the goal of writing individual reviews for each book. :) But it's all good. I have found that this is one of those series that I am so glad I got to read it all in one. It's that cool. This is a book that has something for all. Humor, which was hilarious of course, some great sarcasm, though funny, stands on its own, mystery, because I just never knew what was gunna happen in here, and some great supernaturals. I mean, there gets even more as the series goes on, but the vampires, witches and their powers, the ever great NOLA, which hey, it's down the road, so it's like home. And this author writes about it really well. And the writing can't be beaten. So with that, let's see if I can do some justice.

We start with Jude and her best friend trying to have a good time but make ends meet. When Jude meets a scary man at a fortune telling, she knows something weird is going on. And then this crazy man stalks her. In her encounter, she meets a vampire, named Williams, and a witch, named Gillian. And they, full of riddles, inform her she is a witch and the prophecy maker of the cover. She is to be their greatest powerful leader. Which then leads Jude to lose her mind a bit. HAHAHA It made me laugh how she just wanted to run from them or beat them up to make them go away. Jude has a lot on her plate. She's a strong woman, who had a slightly not so nice upbringing with nuns in a convent. Her discipline was over the top. But she's made it, and she's going to make sure that her friends stay out of harm's way, even if it means putting herself in that harm. And then she has all these people relying on her.

A lot of the coven wasn't so overtly nice. Hell some were downright mean. But yet, she still protects them. Gillian is the current leader, but she is just interim, she is now going to train Jude to be the rightful leader. Oh and Williams is a vampire that has his not-so-heart set on Jude. He wants her, and boy is he hot. That is until Jude meets Theo. I won't lie, I loved them both in this book, and I really didn't know which way this was going to turn out... you'll figure it out in book two, so don't hold on to the I hate love triangles for long. It made this book more interesting to see them figuring it out. On top of that, Jude has a lot of insecurities, her parents dying and leaving her with nuns, having no home, living on the streets for some years before making it in NOLA to make a home for herself. Oh and now she needs to be the know it all full of power leader that she doesn't understand half of what is going on. And we still have the crazy man, who is Hart, who is an all out evil Vampire, with some crazy power, who wants everything Jude has. Literally, including Jude.

I could go on about how awesome this story is. The characters are most definitely phenomenal. The writing is top notch. I mean, this one is worthy of a lot. There's so much in there to love. And the bad guys, man, this is so well done. You know, a lot of people can make a bad guy from words, but this one is written where you feel the horror when dealing with him. And I just can't say enough about the writing style and finesse that was done here. I couldn't quite imagine writing that well. :) I am so damn impressed with this book! Oh an don't worry, I'm still seriously impressed with the rest of the series, but you'll have to read this one first :) 5 MAGICAL PAWS!!!
Profile Image for Tash.
1,275 reviews106 followers
September 5, 2012
Reviewed for Confessions From Romaholics

To see review at Confessions

Shades of Gray is the first in the series about Jude Magdalyn Henries who discovers that she is no ordinary person. In fact, she is the head of the Convent, a group for people with magic, and has inherited an house and a council. She’s also inherited a whole lot of trouble with a war brewing around her between the vampires who want her and the control of the vampires and the Convent.

Jude Magdalyn is the Prophesy, the one that the group has been waiting for after being told about her coming a couple of hundred years ago. It spell trouble for the group because they aren’t the ones to find her but instead, the main bad guy Hart and his league of vampires who want her for her supposed powers. She is saved by William, the head of the other league of vampires in town. William is currently fighting Hart. He takes her to safety to Gwen who has been the unofficial head of The Covenant for years while they waited for Jude.

This is a world away from Jude’s humble beginnings as an orphan who was left on the steps of a church to be raised by its nuns. She began life as a teenage runaway and now is doing a number of jobs to support herself, including posturing as a tarot reader in order to survive. This tarot reading starts her journey into her past and future which is looking bright with the prospect of having never to worry about money again as she discovers she has inherited Crossroads and her parents wealth. All this is hard for Jude since she’s a strong independent woman.

Gwen soon sets Jude on her training to learn to control the magic she never knew existed but she has only a limited time before Hart makes his next move against the Convent but it doesn’t stop him trying to play games with the death of her best friend. This part of the novel I hated because she is like ‘noooooooooooooooooo she died!’ but then she soon forgets about it and is distracted by other stuff and it is never mentioned again. Maybe the author was trying to show that Jude was strong but woman have emotions and this was her best friend! The absence of mourning was terrible in making the character feel real for me.

While Gwen is training Jude to wield her magic, William is hunting down Hart and his followers. Things appear okay for Jude until she meets the council that throws into a tailspin as they openly either like her or hate her which is not good news for Jude on top of everything else she’s dealing with. But there is one particular member who soon comes to be a very special person in her life: Theo, who lost his parents a few years ago in an accident and looks after his great gram now. He is another member who hates Jude who he doesn’t understand. He’s soon falling for her and vice versa but with all the problems going on, it makes it hard for them to get together and make sense of their attraction. Then when the day of reckoning comes and one of the people that Jude has gotten close to dies and her secret is revealed, the Covenant is thrown in chaos.

This is the first book I have read by this author and won’t be the last as I am reviewing the complete series as part of having L.M. Pruitt herself on the blog talking about her heroine. I loved the idea of this series and I give it 4 couples.
Profile Image for Jackie.
3,884 reviews124 followers
July 30, 2011
Shades of Gray: A Jude Magdalyn Novel has a very short prequel Hole in the Wall free on Goodreads and also on Smashwords
that introduces us to Jude before the events taking place in the full length book. It is not however necessary to read it but if you do some of what Jude faces will make more sense.

Magic, mysteries, vampires, family dramas, sarcastic kick-ass leading female character and romance fill the pages of this scintillating tale of intrigue and action penned by L.M. Pruitt . A very riveting page turning tale of Jude Magdalyn, former street urchin/grifter/pickpocket who has turned into a fire-wielding all around force to be reckoned with! Jude has been on her own for most of her 20 odd years of life after the death of her parents. Imagine her surprise when it turns out that she is a magic user of immense power who also happens to be the head of a group called "The Covenant" and has not only one but two of the men who are part of this group vying for her attention.

I found this to be a stimulating reading experience, immediately drawn into Jude's story from the first page and as each layer of Jude's past is stripped bare and she has her family secrets revealed one by one I was holding my breath or in shock right along with Jude! The crazy cast of very multi-dimensional characters that make up Jude's new friends, and foes as well, are all add to what turns out to be a pretty interesting as well as very fast paced story.

Being that the book is set in my favorite location of New Orleans with all it's wonderful ambience and spicy places to have a good time did not hurt either.

Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Suspense story fans will all get a thrill out of this reading experience. Author L.M. Pruitt penned a story that you can not put down until all the secrets are revealed and the villain is either destroyed or manages to destroy Jude. To find out more you really need to pick up a copy and read this one for yourself! Book 2 Shades of Desire: A Jude Magdalyn Novel is also available on Kindle and in Paperback as well.

I have to disclose that this book was an e-arc copy submitted to me by the author via The Bookish Snob Promotions for an honest review and that there is no other compensation from her, the tour host or the publisher except my reading pleasure and enjoyment of the characters depicted in the story.
Profile Image for DebbieReadsBooks.
2,584 reviews44 followers
June 12, 2015
Independent Reviewer for Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock.

Imagine going through life not knowing anything about your family, your past. Imagine, if you will, being on the streets at 16 and selling yourself just to get by. Imagine, then, all that being tipped on its head at the meeting of a vampire, Hart, who wants you dead and you know not why! Jude has lead such a life, is now living such a life as rumours and legends that she grew up with turn out to be true. The she is The Prophecy, The Covenant is a real organisation and she is at its head. That she is leading The Covenant and all its members in a war for the greater. And that she has two men after her, and she cannot make a decision between Theo, great grandson of her most vocal enemy, or Williams, a vampire.

This was good, really really good! Its a little different, with twists and turns I did not see coming. Plot lines that did not go how I saw them going. Characters doing things I did not expect them to! Its all good stuff, I like a book that keeps me on my toes.

And I had to be on my tippy toes for much of this book! It moves at speed, sometimes, rocket speed, and if you read fast like I do, you'll blink and you'll miss something important! Several times I had to go back a page or two to catch something I had missed. After the THIRD time, I had to force mysefl to slow down!!

Its written entirely from Jude's POV, in the first person. Ordinarily, I'd moan about that fact. But here?? I didn't mind it so much. Yes, of course I would like to have heard from Williams, and Theo, and mabye even Hart, but thats just me and my preference. I think why I didn't mind it was Jude herself. She takes all this change in her circumstances, in her growing powers, her multiple attacks from Hart and those she leads all on the chin! Her humour, her wit, her big mouth carries her through. And she doesn't change, not for anyone! And I really like her!

It does get a bit......bloody...in places, but then battling vampires trying to kill you was never gonna be a picnic, now was it! There is steam, and passion too, but its not ever so ...wude...its very well written, and is an essential part of the story, but it doesn't overtake the story. Not all is laid out for you, either, some things are better left to the imagination of the reader!

Why not 5 stars instead of the given 4.5?? I dunno. But that was my inital gut reaction when I finished it, and began writing the review, with that 4.5 sat at the top pf the page, so I'm sticking to it.

I have book two to read now, and I can't wait to see what happens. Some things are left very very open, and there are some major shake ups coming, I can feel it!!!

4.5 stars
**same worded review appears on Goodreads, amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk**
Profile Image for Rhomy.
300 reviews74 followers
February 9, 2013
3 - 3.5 stars

Well, this book is going to be hard to review. I didn't love it. But let me explain.

First things first: let's divide it into categories.

Cover: Gorgeous, amazing and sexy. (Love the colors)

Writing: Nice, fun and fresh.

Edition: mmm... I'd say poor. An editor is supposed to help the author, not only find grammar mistakes but also "holes" in the plot and all those things. Here... that was very needed.

Storyline: Entertaining. Actually I really liked the story. It mixes magic and vampires in a very enjoyable way.
Though, I would have given 4 stars if it wasn't for some "holes" as I said, some parts were weak.
I found for instance once especial event that was missing and definitely shouldn't.

Also a few contradictions.
What else? I didn't like the fact that she was a bad*** superwoman from one day to another. I'd love to see more development on that.

I won't spoil anything but overall it was fun and has a lot of potential though it definitely needs some polish.

Dialogues: Good. Sometimes funny, sometimes attempted to be funny and failed, especially when the one talking was J.M. But I liked some parts such as this on below:

" I would, thanks". I pushed up from the couch and stalked back into the kitchen, pulling the freezer door open. After a moment of rummaging, I found my emergency supply of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food. Stereotypical, yes. out of line for the moment, possibly. What I wanted, right then? Absolutely."


Jude: another reason why I didn't give this book a 4 stars rating. She may be the most unnerving heroine I've ever read about. I couldn't stand her. So whiny and snarky. She thinks she is funny but all I see is a spoilt brat most of the time.

William: I liked him, he is intriguing and with a mysterious air around him. I liked his interactions with Jude.

Gillian: Finally, someone that puts Jude into her place.

Theo: it's just Theo... insta-love or insta- attraction, however you want to call it... didn't worked for me...

Hart: A nice and creepy villain.

It is the start of a series, so I hope this things get better in the next book.
For me it's a 3 - 3.5 stars :)
Profile Image for Wyrdness.
498 reviews36 followers
October 29, 2014
Did Not Finish.

I like the general idea to this story, even if it was pretty much following the PNR/ UF recipe to the letter, but it felt rushed and really needs to be edited in greater detail. Overall it all a little too lacking to hold my attention to the end.

I found the writing in this very choppy. There were scenes where characters seemed to up and disappear without mention of them leaving or explanation of what happened to them, others where characters make comment on things that the reader has yet to be informed of . Also many things that I felt should have been a bigger deal were just swept away in wave of the hand, both emotional details , and Jude's sudden transformation from average woman to Magical Messiah.

I did kind of like the character of Jude, mostly because tough, sarcastic heroes tend to amuse me, but at the same time she was a huge(ly boring) Mary Sue. Generally tough, sarcastic heroes are good because they're usually well aware of their own short-comings and just don't care, but Jude seemed to be awesome at everything she put her mind to so instead of a steady trickle of "woo, yay!" moments as she learnt something new it was all a drone of "meh, whatever" monotony because everything was pretty much a given from the start.

So... Yeah. If this was reworked and given over to a new editor to polish up I think it could be a fun, if uninspired, afternoon read, but as it stands I'd say there are much better books to spend your time on.
57 reviews5 followers
August 16, 2011
Shades of Grey is the first installment in the Jude Magdalyn series by LM Pruitt. Words can’t describe how brilliant this book was. There was action, romance, a bit of smut and heartbreak: the makings of an awesome story.

Jude Magdalyn Henries is just your average girl trying to make a living in the streets of New Orleans, be it hustling or setting up a scam, it puts food on the table and pays the bills. But all that changes after a scam goes wrong and Jude is on the run when she stumbles head first into an ongoing war: a war that she is at the centre of. From this encounter, Jude goes on to learn more about her heritage and all the goodies that come with it.

I can’t rant and rave enough about this book. I absolutely loved it from the get go, the story is unlike anything I have read before. Yes it’s supernaturally based but the story itself and how it unfolds is different, it kept things interesting. I thought I knew what Jude would do next, but every time I thought I knew what Jude would do next, I was wrong. Jude is a very unpredictable, outspoken and kind character. Her attitude gets her into trouble most of the time but sometimes it’s useful. No story would be complete without a love interest or two and Jude has some choices. Albeit the choice Jude made threw me, but I loved that this character could keep me guessing about what is going to happen next. The love interests themselves are some fine specimens and I don’t think I have ever been this jealous of a fictional character in my life, but I am.

Overall, just brilliant!! I can’t wait for the next book in the series, Shades of Desire. I highly recommend this book to anyone, but maybe not of any age. I would say mid-teen and upwards. LM Pruitt, you rock for writing this book!

Disclaimer: I was sent this e-book as part of a tour via The Bookish Snob Promotions. I have not been paid to review this book and everything I have said is of my own honest opinion.
Profile Image for Heather Book Savvy Babe.
494 reviews135 followers
August 21, 2011
4.5 of 5 stars! Review on blog at www.booksavvybabe.com

I really, really enjoyed Shades of Grey. Jude Magdalyn is a tough, independent heroine who adapts well to new situations. She is smart, quick, and in no way a damsel in distress (well, at least most of the time). Jude had a tough upbringing, as an orphan raised by nuns, and forced to live on the streets for awhile. However, Jude was not completely hardened by her background, she is still capable of caring for other people, and she is fiercely loyal. Judy is suddenly thrown into a new life situation, given responsibilities and expectations. She handles all of her changes pretty well, even with her sarcastic nature. I was laughing at her mouth, her sarcastic personality is very entertaining and funny too.

Jude has more than one romantic interest, she has two! Both men are hot, powerful, and different. Williams is a vampire, and the attraction between him and Jude is intense. Theo is the more constant interest, he is part of the covenant, has magic similar to Jude's, and he is dependable. The pseudo love-triangle is very intriguing, and I can't help but wonder what will happen next for Jude.

Jude is cast into a new world and a new role in Shades of Grey. She learns about the covenant, an group of magically inclined people, and becomes an integral part of a war between the covenant and vampires. The magic in Shades of Grey is pretty cool, and based on elements and spells. Mixing the politics of the covenant and the danger from the vampires, the plot is exciting and fast paced.

With excellent characters, especially the unique and hilarious Jude, enticing and complicated romances, and a story teeming with magic, Shades of Grey is an exceptional urban fantasy, paranormal romance read. I highly recommend this book to fans of urban fantasy and paranormal romance.
Profile Image for Nawnee.
191 reviews12 followers
April 6, 2012
I found the prequel to this book for free on amazon and couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a taste of the series, and the authors writing style for free before investing my time and money into a new author and series. Now the free book L.M. Pruitt offers as a look into Jude's life before basically all hell breaks loose is definitely more than I bargained for, not only does it have a sassy kick ass leading lady, and interesting plot and story line, but I also liked the authors writing style. When I finished this book I went looking for more and found she has a second book out in this series all ready. :) This book has a great rhythm and the author doesn't drag out the unraveling of "mysterious" situations forever, this was refreshing it doesn't take long before your caught up and know the answers that certain situations have caused. It was nice to have things wrapped up instead of dragged on through book after book, it also helped me understand this world better that the author has created. One of the things I found to be so refreshing is the author doesn't pull any emotional or situation punches if the character had to live on the street and had no one to rely on but herself she didn't sugar coat the events or wax over the topic she gave us the gritty details and all the emotional turmoil we could handle. This helped make the main character be so much more believable, how she responds to people and situations was very much on par with her upbringing. This also showed me she was strong willed and stubborn instead of the author just telling me. Having to rely on only yourself makes it hard to trust others. If you haven't read this series I would recommend you at least grab the free prequel it takes you almost halfway through the first book so you get a lot of story for free it's worth a shot if you ask me.
Profile Image for A.R. Von.
Author 32 books1,182 followers
September 11, 2012
Not many books can hook a person from the start. But this one did it to me! There was no beating around the bush in any given situation or any softening to cover the blows in here. It’s all straight and to the point; exciting, humorous, adventurous, titillating, emotional and fun. A great read for those paranormal readers that like a story with edge, excitement and a few twists.

Jude is one tough chick that takes nothing from no one be it vampire, witch or human. She has amazing instincts that I believe are due to the fact that she was forced to grow up fast from living on the streets. One cannot survive without smarts and instincts and that’s proven many times over by Jude and her reactions to the many situations she finds herself in. There’s a bit of a love triangle (a hot vampire and/or a hot member of the covenant), supernatural happenings, murders, secrets revealed and truths finally brought to the surface. Finding out that she is so much more than a plain swindling street punk and useless to all but herself, she quickly thrives and grows into her new role as the Prophecy. Meant to lead and save hundreds of lives from evil and corruption but has some doubt in herself and is weary of many in the Covenant, but gets the boosts and evidence needed to make her continue her role from those that are closest to her. Learning her powers was very entertaining to read and she is one powerful woman! She’s learned many things that help her out in the long run, but still has much left to learn to defeat those who want to destroy the Covenant. Now the question is, will she be able to continue her role and save the lives of innocent people that evil seems to constantly target?

I’m looking EXTREMELY forward to the next book in the series to see how Jude holds up in her new role and what else unfolds in the Crossroads.
Profile Image for Andrea Guy.
1,474 reviews68 followers
September 26, 2011
This type of book isn't usually my thing, but the book blurb called to me and I had to read it. I really wasn't disappointed. Jude is the type of heroine that most women are totally excited to see. She's a no nonsense, kick ass kind of girl. She's really a refreshing character, plus she's not super rich, which is another thing that scores points with me.

When I started reading this the setting and the vampires and the witches reminded me a bit of True Blood. The characters all share that same "we take no shit" attitude. I really liked that, even though this isn't the usual type of story I reach for.

Pruitt combines magic, paranormal with an interesting family and weaves a killer story. Getting to know Jude's family history as the book goes on really pulled me in. I felt more inclined to care about Jude once we discovered more about her ancestry. (I don't want to give anything away with the plot).

I also liked the toned down relationship between Jude and Williams and Theo. The feelings and relationships between these characters could have become really hot and heavy, but sex took a back burner in this story, and as much as I love me some smokin' sex in my books, it wouldn't have worked well in this story. Shades of Gray is too action packed with other things to have the sex take center stage.

This book was a definite challenge for me to read. Not because of the writing, but because urban fantasy is out of my comfort zone, but I'm really glad I read this one, and I hope to be able to read the next Jude Magdalyn book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews

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