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The Brixen Witch

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An enchanted coin. A witch's curse. And rats, rats everywhere! What's a boy to do?

When Rudi Bauer finds a witch's coin, he unleashes her curse. Can he defeat the witch and her evil servant? Will Rudi--with help from an unexpected ally--set things right before it's too late?

208 pages, Hardcover

First published June 26, 2012

About the author

Stacy DeKeyser

9 books62 followers
Praise for How to Catch a Polar Bear :

"Funny and heartwarming" -- Booklist

"Hilarious" -- KIRKUS

Praise for The Rhino in Right Field :

"A solid home run" -- Booklist

"A winner in every way" -- KIRKUS starred review

Praise for The Brixen Witch :

"Fresh and satisfying." -- KIRKUS starred review

"Just right for reaffirming one's belief in the power of story." -- BOOKLIST starred review

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews
Profile Image for Barb Middleton.
2,007 reviews132 followers
June 19, 2013
As a foreigner living abroad in Taiwan, I find local superstitions fascinating. The first baseball game I went to had a caffeine-wired hyperman using a microphone and cheering in Mandarin while fans echoed back his words all the while pounding their thunderstix in ear-deafening patterns. One time, hyperman screamed at us to jump to our feet and shout a repetitive line such a "kill, kill, kill" (similar to our "fight, fight, fight" chant not meant maliciously) as the player took his stance at home plate. The batter got a double and hyperman told us to stay standing and do the exact same thing because we brought the player "good luck." A fan interpreted this for me and I watched batter number two strike out much to the disappointment of hyperman who had to let us sit down. All in good fun. Superstitions pervade all cultures and while many are harmless, others are not. History is full of witch hunts that resulted in innocent people being murdered or blamed for natural disasters or for something bad happening in a village. In The Brixen Witch nothing so dire or grim as killings happen, but I did like the author's exploration of this theme as the Brixen villagers tried to blame an innocent man for a rat infestation. The plot is a twist on The Pied Piper of Hamelin with some excellent messages: the consequences of stealing, the politics of a small town, folklore and its traditions, and the courage to correct mistakes, to name a few. Throw in great tension, pacing, characters, and humor and voila! ...you have a terrific book.

The start begins with twelve-year-old Rudi hurdling down the mountain and slamming in through the front door claiming a witch is after him. The adults think he's being a typical over-imaginative boy and tease him when he cries "Witch" by asking "Which what?" He's scolded for not bringing home rabbits for dinner and tracking mud into the house. Rudi sees a mysterious face at his window after stealing the coin, hears wailing and singing day-after-day resulting in nightmares and misery. His Grandma Oma notices the singing too and asks Rudi if he took anything from the witch's lair. Rudi thinks, "It's bad luck to talk of such things." The author repeats this line 15 times to emphasize different messages and in this instance, Rudi doesn't want to tell Oma the truth. Next, Oma repeats the phrase as she is discussing the witch, which suggests she knows more than she is telling Rudi. Later, it foretells Rudi's job as future keeper of Brixen's folklore and other times it brings comic relief.

Oma tells Rudi to return whatever he took and he tries to the next day but botches it by getting stuck in a storm and losing the coin. Winter comes and he can't do anything until springtime. He continues to have nightmares, but they suddenly stop and he thinks all is well; that the witch found her coin. But then hoards of rats overwhelm Brixen village making Rudi wonder if the infestation is from the witch or a natural occurence. He discovers it isn't natural but is coming from the witch and her servant. When the children of the village disappear, Rudi is convinced he is to blame and he seeks out the witch to make things right.

The tension in this story hinges on not knowing if the witch is either good or bad and the author keeps the reader guessing until the end. The beginning had me wondering if the witch was imagined or real. My uncertainty continued as I tried to figure out whether or not the witch was working with her assistant or if he was rogue; plus Oma seemed to know the witch. Add to that a mysterious quest and a good mix of creepiness and humor and you have a nice page turner. I have found that when authors retell folktales they can oftentimes be too predictable because the outcome is already known; hence, it is essential that the plot twists keep the pace moving along with the reader's interest. The witch, her assistant, Oma, and the rat-catcher succeed in doing just that and I enjoyed the creative retelling of The Piped Piper of Hamelin. I did get confused during a few transitions and would have liked the pacing slowed down just a bit so I could orient myself in the setting. The time leap from winter to spring and search party episode were a bit awkward. I wasn't clear why Marco and Otto went up the mountain with Rudi. Neither instance takes away from the story but I did have to reread those sections. Of course, I'm not a detail-minded person so take that for what it's worth.

The characters are nicely developed and there is a mixture of adult and child humor. Rudi and Oma have a fun relationship and I particularly like the episode where Rudi tries to hide his nightmares from Oma who teases him. "Oma rocked in her chair and studied the rafters. 'Let's see... you mutter such things as Go away and No no no and Take it!'" Sometimes children don't realize they need adult help as is the case with Rudi. Oma says, "Perhaps it's time you sought the counsel of someone older and wiser than yourself." To which Rudi says, "Do you know someone like that?" Oma tapped him on the head. "Is it your luck that's bad, or just your sense? I'm talking about my own self here." I laughed pretty hard at that one. Herbert Wenzel has his own  unique voice and uses ferrets to catch rats. When he gives Rudi the job as assistant, Rudi reflects that he likes how the others in town respect him. He likes the responsibility of having a job and becoming more confident and growing up a bit. Rudi is also kind to the younger children in the village. He looks out for them like an older brother and I liked the part where he gets disgusted with his arguing peers and jump-ropes with the young girls enjoying their adulation. He is uncertain whether or not his peers will laugh at him but he's feeling confident since given a job and is beginning to grow up and not worry as much about peer pressure.

Adults don't take children seriously at times throughout the story. When eight-year-old Susanna Louisa asks Rudi about the witch's chair, he decides to ask Oma because she is always truthful to him. He observes that young and old people tell the truth, but during the "middle years of life" people don't. If the adults had taken Rudi seriously they could have worked together to solve the problem of the rats. Instead only Marco and Otto decided to help Rudi. Kids will relate to this because they oftentimes don't feel they have much say in an adult world, and it is a good reminder to adults to take kids more seriously.

Oma and the rat-catcher know how to handle people and Rudi observes their actions noting their manipulation of people and opinions. While Oma suggests the mayor first handle the problem of getting a rat-catcher, she makes him think he came up with the idea. The rat-catcher charges per rat, but because it is so hard to catch them when they count one bag he gives them a discount. He also has the people help him drown the rats so there are witnesses to his work. As the villagers are trying to decide what to do about the rats in a town hall meeting, the dynamics of public opinions swaying others and superstitions playing a part in decisions was very interesting. The villagers are upset about the rats and decide to blame the rat-catcher. Rudi publicly defends the rat-catcher pointing out that they saw him drown the rats and vouching for his honesty. This is a great message about knowing when it is important to speak up. When the meeting turns ugly, Rudi finds the courage to confess in public taking the coin and causing the village rat problem. Interestingly, the adults just ignore him and say he is a boy talking nonsense.

I have had many conversations with grade 4 teachers who want books that have depth but are not dense and littered with words young readers can't decipher. The Brixen Witch satisfies this need and I highly recommend it. At 208 pages it has enough action, character development, and themes to satisfy both teacher and student. The plot is not dark and while many ideas are complex they are presented with humor and are not heavy-handed making it age appropriate. A great addition to any library. Can you hear me? I'm banging my thunderstix together cheering this one on.
Profile Image for Marsha Hayles.
Author 11 books34 followers
August 3, 2012
A lively, fun read with engaging characters and clever twists in the plot. Rudi is a likable lad and benefits from sharing his rat-filled tale with a cast of wonderful and endearing characters.
Profile Image for Lisa.
Author 82 books109 followers
July 28, 2012
I am a fan of fairytales re-imagined and this one did not disappoint. This version of the Pied Piper is a fresh take on the original. The POV is from one of the village children, a boy named Rudi who lives in the shadow of the Berg, a forboding mountain which is home to the Brixon witch.

When Rudi finds a golden guilder outside of a cave in the mountain, he begins to hear a haunting melody. Seems the witch is looking for her stolen treasure. Thus begins a series of misfortunes that threatens the whole community and Rudi is at the center of it all.

This entertaining read one would be great for your 8 and up readers.
Profile Image for * kyrat.
64 reviews1 follower
May 17, 2015
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book a while ago, with a nice note from the author with cute stamps of rats. It got lost in a pile of books and I just found it recently and read it.

Rating: 3.5 stars, but GR doesn't allow half stars. I'd say 4 stars for kids, 3.5 for adults.

I try not to read ahead about a book (to minimize spoilers or influence), so it wasn't until about half way through that I realized this was a retelling of the Pied Piper. I may be in the minority, but I am generally not a fan of retelling a story unless you have some amazing new perspective, so I think I judged it more harshly because of this. I appreciate the addition of the backstory of the Pied Piper, but not sure that it was enough to warrant redoing the story. Perhaps I'd feel differently if I had realized I was reading a variation before I started, instead I felt a little disappointed to figure it out part way through.

What did I like?
The characters of Oma and the witch.
Though a bit of a trope, the wise grandmother was handled well.
Without revealing any spoilers, I very much enjoyed her perspective on the witch and found the portrayal at the end to be a nice twist on the usual witches in fairy tales.
I also liked the portrayal of the rat-catcher.
The blacksmith who railed against everything was also fairly amusing.

What did I not like?
I know it was written from the perspective of a young boy, but the fact that the girls in the book are constantly (at least 3 times) dismisses as "silly little girls" who squealed at rats annoyed me. The main character matures through the book, why not at least Susanna? Again, this is probably unfair, but when it's a female writer and a book from the last ten years, I do have higher expectations that we not reinforce old gender stereotypes. I'm sure this was in no way intentional, but it still lessened my excitement at giving it to two young girls to read after I had finished it - but since it did have positive older female portrayals, I figured it would balance out.

Profile Image for Brandy Painter.
1,691 reviews315 followers
October 3, 2012
Originally posted at Random Musings of a Bibliophile.

I'm always on the lookout for good retellings and so was interested in The Brixen Witch by Stacy DeKeyser as soon as I heard of it. The book is a retelling of The Pied Piper of Hamelin. How many of those can be found?

The Pied Piper is one of those tales that always leaves one scratching one's head. What did the Piper do with the children once he lured them away? Why on earth would the Piper think that kidnapping a town full of children was suitable revenge for not getting paid? There's a whole lot of creepy attached to this story if you think about it too much. The Brixen Witch attempts to tell a fuller version and answer some of the questions brought up by the original, but does it with an innocent and charming air. The conclusion seemed a little too easy, but it fit the tone of the book nicely. The plot moves along at a steady pace.

The story in the novel focuses on a 12 year old boy named Rudi. He feels the rat disaster in his town is his fault and he must be the one to put it to rights. He recognizes the Piper as the servant of the Brixen Witch as soon as he comes into town. Rudi's strength of character and actions are praiseworthy. He works hard to restore his village's good fortune and free his friends once they are taken by the Piper. I feel like he read younger than 12 in several places and that Sarah Louisa, the 8 year old girl who helps him, read younger than 8. Rudi is a typical folk tale sort of character, not terribly nuanced but serves his purpose in the story well.

I found this to be an interesting read and am excited to have another retelling to add to my book report list for my students, especially one that comes in under 200 pages. It's length and simplicity also make it a good choice for younger readers.
Profile Image for Heidi.
2,782 reviews61 followers
March 19, 2015
Fairy tale retellings have been popular for a long time, especially familiar tales such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Beauty and the Beast. The Pied Piper is a fairy tale that isn't as well known nor is it retold as often (I know of only three retellings including this one). Like many retellings, The Brixen Witch uses the basic storyline involving the main characteristics of the original fairy tale but also includes a number of differences.

The similarities between this story and the original Pied Piper include rats (lots of rats!), a fiddler demanding a large payment, and the leading away of the children.

The differences are what makes this story stand out. Rudi makes for an interesting main character as it's his mistake that helps create many of the problems that occur. The inclusion of the witch and her servant throws in a lot of complications and motivations that don't exist in the original story. I personally found the witch to be the most intriguing character, especially once Rudi meets her. The other secondary characters though play important roles, especially the adults in the village. Adults don't always play a strong role in fairy tale retellings, but they do in this one. I especially loved the way the story ended, in an unpredictable way. Lots of fun here for readers who enjoy fairy tale retellings with a bit of spice.
Profile Image for Ann Haefele.
1,420 reviews19 followers
May 11, 2013
As an updated Pied Piper tale, this tale will be well received by fantasy and adventure lovers. Twelve year old Rudi can not resist temptation and takes a gold coin that belongs to the Brixen Witch, the witch who is rumored to live high above the village of Brixen. This act sets in motion a variety of events which include storms, mysterious music, magic, and a rat infestation in Brixen. Rudi, believing that these acts are because of his misjudgment of taking the coin, decides it is up to him to set things right with the witch and her servant. His intelligence and bravery must come into play to make the bad luck disappear forever. Fantasy is not my first choice read, but this book was difficult to put down. It would make a great read aloud as it is just under 200 pages. This story also shows great character development. Not only did I love Rudi's smart and quick thinking character, but his wise and understanding grandmother, Oma, and young Susanna Louisa, a village girl who also uses her brains to help Rudi, will stay with me for awhile.
Profile Image for Christine.
1,272 reviews16 followers
September 4, 2013
Ah Rudi... never mess with a witch. Didn't your grandmother teach you anything? Poor Rudi, he has just brought down a plague of rats on his village, but it isn't really his fault. He tried to repair the damage but there is more going on than just a disgruntled witch. There are lots of layers to this story and I really enjoyed reading it and getting to know the characters. It gives a small nod to the Pied Piper legend, but is definitely it's own story.
470 reviews2 followers
January 4, 2015
Very good. A little hard for me to get into since it is a retelling of the Pied Piper and I hate rats. There is a sequel but I very much like the fact that this story ends cleanly with no time spent building up an intro to the next book. The touches of humor and individual characters are fun.
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 7 books9 followers
July 7, 2012
This well-paced, well-written fantasy/adventure, with plot twists and a brave young hero, will charm readers of all ages.
Profile Image for Shelly Smith.
20 reviews
July 19, 2012
This is a great book for elementary / middle school aged kids. I loved the length and pacing. I will definitely be recommending it to some of my middle school students this school year.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,553 reviews30 followers
November 5, 2012
Retelling of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Well paced, and suspenseful, but not too scary for little kids. Would be a fun read-aloud.
Profile Image for Kim.
1,486 reviews28 followers
July 7, 2012
From July 2012 SLJ:
Gr 4-6:—When 12-year-old Rudi finds a golden guilder while hunting, he can't wait to share the news at home. But unearthly noises haunt him, even safely in his village, and his grandmother tells him that if he has taken something from the Brixen witch, she will not rest until it is returned. The next day, he sets out to return the coin, but an avalanche buries it before he can do so. For months, he is tormented by nightmares and feels at ease only when they finally fade. When a severe infestation of rats strikes the village and the witch's servant arrives offering a solution, Rudi knows that his relief was premature: the payment required to get rid of the rats is the golden guilder. The desperate villagers agree, certain that they can reason with the man, but when they cannot pay, he uses the same fiddle that lured the rats away to lead all of the village children deep into the mountains. As Rudi learns more about the village witch and the servant who has stolen some of her powers, he realizes that he must battle the evil that is threatening to destroy the witch's magic. The final confrontation requires Rudi to rely on his wits and on the other villagers, and leads to a satisfying conclusion. The folksy language and silhouette spot art give this Pied Piper-inspired story an old-fashioned quality that fans of fairy tales will appreciate.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,024 reviews76 followers
January 3, 2013
A nice little book that combines the story of the Pied Piper with a much larger, character-driven narrative. I particularly like the way it works in the character of the witch as village wise-woman and caretaker from afar. I think this one would work particularly well as a family read-aloud.

Rudi is out hunting high up on the Berg that looms over his village one day when he stumbles upon a valuable golden coin. A freezing storm chases him back home, and he's sure it's the wrath of the witch. His parents tell him he's full of nonsense, but his grandma hints he might be right. When a quiet, maddening song coming from the coin keeps him awake that night, she advises he return the witch's coin. He sets out, but loses it on the mountainside before completing his journey. Nightmares hound him every night for months, so when they stop he assumes she found the coin herself. But then the village is infested with rats, rats that magically return after being drowned by a professional rat catcher. Whether the witch or some other magical force, something is still disturbed and determined to take vengeance on Rudi's village. Can he figure out how to take responsibility for his theft and return things to normal?
9 reviews
May 13, 2013
We read this aloud with our almost 7 year old son, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It had just enough suspense and darkness to make us cozy up to each other as we read, but enough reality to keep us grounded, deeply rooted in the story. The village of Brixen was as real to us as any town, its residents like people we've known. The elders, the children, the cobblestones, the rats: all of it so vivid and real. The story was compelling, keeping us on the edge of our seats. We rushed home from school, work and Little League games impatient to read more. The adults appreciated Rudi's internal struggle between being brave enough to tell the truth and face the consequences, and giving in to the urge to run and hide. Rudi's experiences of horror, disappointment, joy and sorrow really made him a most believable hero. My son loved best that Rudi knew things about the Witch no one else did. I loved watching my son savor that insider status, to realize the unique joy of being so captivated by story and voice you are transported by a book. This was a delicious fable: rich and dark and satisfying.
Profile Image for Phoebe.
2,083 reviews19 followers
October 7, 2012
Rudi picks up a gold coin on the mountain, and is soon given to understand the horror of what he has done. According to his grandmother, the coin belongs to the Brixen Witch, and she will send her servant to get it back. Nightmares trail Rudi all winter, since the mountain is too dangerous to climb until spring. When the snows clear, he climbs to the spot where he found the coin, but slips--the coin won't come free of his pocket, but at last he is able to toss it away. Everything seems back to normal, until the rats come. This exciting retelling of the Pied Piper story is extremely well done, with interesting characters and a plot twist at the end that breathes new life into a tired fairy tale with far too many versions. Rudi's bravery and initiative make him an appealing hero, and a very human one since he picked up the gold coin in the first place. Hard to put down until the very satisfying end. 3rd-6th grade.
Profile Image for Jane Kelleher.
1 review4 followers
July 3, 2012
Despite "The Brixen Witch" being written for young adults, I, at 21 years old, thought it was a great book. I found the writing to be very smooth and the story to be clearly presented, two qualities that I consider extremely important in a young adult book. I read this book in one afternoon, and the last 100 pages went especially quickly. Numerous plot twists and little bits of comic relief kept me hooked until the ending, which had me teary-eyed (in a good, cathartic way). Similar to many of the books I enjoyed as a kid, such as "Harry Potter" and "The Giver," "The Brixen Witch" has elements of both a story of adventure and a story of coming of age. I am definitely recommending this book to my 13-year-old brother, and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading about adventures and the insight of those who undertake them.
Profile Image for Sanchi.
56 reviews11 followers
October 8, 2012
I won this book on goodreads from the program firstreads:
I chose this book for mine and my sons bedtime stories for a few weeks choosing a chapter a night. I loved this story and so did he! The characters were so fun and the story was very suspenseful, with the wise Oma and the boy who just couldn't resist temptation and took something off the mountain that belonged to the Brixon witch. In the story all of the witches belongings sang music so that her assistant could track them down and find them, making it impossible to take anything from her and haunt anyone who tried. This story was not only filled with adventure, but also teaches kids a lesson in why not to steal:) I give this book 5 stars and would definitely recommend it to anyone.
Profile Image for Teresa Bateman.
Author 30 books52 followers
December 27, 2014
To be frank, I was hesitant about this book. I don't know the author, and the flyleaf didn't intrigue me. However, once I began reading the book I found it hard to put down. Young Rudi, quite by accident, has incurred the wrath of the witch on the mountain. But is she the one sending the plague of rats to his village? When the witch's apprentice shows up and lures away first the rats then the children (no, they don't live in Hamlin) Rudi knows it is up to him to set things right. This is a compelling book aimed right at elementary aged students. While there is magic involved, the key to the book is Rudi. His character is well-developed and his problems are very real. I can highly recommend this book and now must see what else this author has written.
36 reviews6 followers
September 7, 2012
Thank you for a most entertaining tale. Rudi is the boy every child knows and the members of his family and town are easily envisioned. The tale of how one simple act can have an effect on a whole community and the value of age and experience passed down through generations in story and rhyme make this a fairy tale for all ages. Adults will find the descriptions and actions of the townspeople as they deal with their problems both funny and telling as they can see themselves and friends in the characters. This book is the best of light-hearted reads for a cold winters evening.
Profile Image for Taffy.
975 reviews60 followers
May 8, 2013
First line:

Rudi Bauer ran for his life and cursed his bad luck."

Beehive Award Nominee

I liked this retelling of the Pied Piper. I really liked Rudi and how he changed and grew in throughout the book. Great middle grade story and I would recommend it to any family!

Rating: G


Pied Piper retelling


Rudi's growth

The witch!

Didn't like:

Well, the rats. Not that I'm afraid of rats but there were soooo many! yuck!
Profile Image for Jennybeast.
3,943 reviews14 followers
August 7, 2016
Somewhat of a retelling of the Pied Piper, in the same way that Neil Gaiman's "Odd and the Frost Giants" feels like a retelling of a traditional tale. There are all the hallmarks of the familiar, and yet it's not some tired and worn-out story -- it's a new thing, in a new world and the details give it life and spark and a certain beguiling power. Rudi finds a coin on the mountainside and learns, in the end, that all debts must eventually be paid.
73 reviews3 followers
August 17, 2013
Twelve-year-old Rudi Bauer accidentally unleashes a witch's curse, plaguing his village with rats.
A stranger promises to rid the village of rats—for a price. When the desperate villagers fail to pay, the stranger exacts a terrible price. Its up to Rudi, with the help of his wise grandmother, to appease the witch and save the village. Action, adventure, humor, and some spine-tingling moments make this Pied Piper-like tale suitable for grades 3-6.
Profile Image for Kme_17.
429 reviews158 followers
October 30, 2014
I received this as a first read. This s a fun middle grade tale! It is a fairytale retelling of Pied Piper. It is a very fresh look at this fairytale. This book was just a fun easy read that made me smile while reading it. I love the whole look of this book and the story is well written. I definitely recommend those for young kids and those who like to read middle grade. I also recommend this one to those like retellings.
Profile Image for Laura Phelps.
608 reviews12 followers
December 31, 2012
A fun retelling of The Pied Piper that was intriguing in all the right ways. When Rudi mistakenly annoys a powerful witch, he’ll do almost anything to make things right for his village. Relying upon his bravery and his grandmother’s advice, Rudi ventures to the witch’s cave by himself and discovers that all is not as it seems. A quick, accessible and suspenseful read!
Profile Image for Becky.
42 reviews
August 6, 2013
The gold coin 12 year old Rudi finds while hunting on the mountain starts a chain of events that include tormenting nightmares, a witch, a curse of rats, and a "rat catcher" with evil designs. This charming retelling of the "Pied Piper" has action, humor, suspense and a boy hero with a real strength of character. A great choice for elementary aged readers.
Profile Image for Lisa.
2,380 reviews16 followers
May 16, 2013
When Rudi finds a golden coin and realizes it belongs to the Brixen Witch, he tries to return it, only to lose it. Now, tormented by nightmares, things go from bad to worse when the town is infested with rats. Can Rudi turn the bad luck around? This retelling of the Pied Piper of Hamlin has some interesting twists and lessons about magic. Recommended to upper elementary and middle school.
Profile Image for Christy.
Author 16 books63 followers
July 29, 2013
An enchanted coin. A witch’s curse. And rats, rats everywhere! What’s a boy to do? “Fresh and satisfying for middle grade readers” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review).When Rudi Bauer accidentally takes a witch’s coin, he unleashes her curse. Accident or not, he knows he’s got to fix things, so he tries to return the coin, only to lose it on the witch’s magic mountain just as
Profile Image for Kevin.
170 reviews15 followers
November 7, 2015
As a disclaimer, I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

"The Bixen Witch" is a reinterpretation of the story of the Pied Piper of Hamlin. Although clearly targeted as a children's book, it does a fairly good job of not being dumbed down at all, a common failing of that market. Recommended for children looking for their first venture into the world of chapter books.
14 reviews1 follower
March 15, 2013
I really enjoyed this book, a well-written tale filled with interesting characters. A story of magic, rats, and witches, what's not to like? I'm looking forward to reading more of young Rudi Bauer's adventures.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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