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Goosebumps 2000 #6

I Am Your Evil Twin

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Monty's got a new relative. He's cloned from Monty's DNA. But he's no pal!

126 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 1998

About the author

R.L. Stine

1,440 books17.4k followers
Robert Lawrence Stine known as R. L. Stine and Jovial Bob Stine, is an American novelist and writer, well known for targeting younger audiences. Stine, who is often called the Stephen King of children's literature, is the author of dozens of popular horror fiction novellas, including the books in the Goosebumps, Rotten School, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room and Fear Street series.

R. L. Stine began his writing career when he was nine years old, and today he has achieved the position of the bestselling children's author in history. In the early 1990s, Stine was catapulted to fame when he wrote the unprecedented, bestselling Goosebumps® series, which sold more than 250 million copies and became a worldwide multimedia phenomenon. His other major series, Fear Street, has over 80 million copies sold.

Stine has received numerous awards of recognition, including several Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and Disney Adventures Kids' Choice Awards, and he has been selected by kids as one of their favorite authors in the NEA's Read Across America program. He lives in New York, NY.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah Sayed.
61 reviews116 followers
May 6, 2020
الكتاب رقم : 34
اسم الكتاب : التوأم الشرير
اسم الكاتب : R. L. Stine
تقيم الكتاب : ⭐⭐⭐

اول عدد اقراه من سلسلة صرخة الرعب وهو العدد رقم 6، لطيفه وبسيطة جدا و تخلص في ساعة ونص بالكتير أحداثها مشوقة لحد اخر صفحة مع ان نهايه زعلتني جدا بس اكيد هقرا إعداد تاني منها قريب.
Profile Image for Hayat_212.
6 reviews
June 24, 2012
it was really nice, i read it in a day ! what's interesting about it is the ending,really shocking, so i recommend anyone to read it :)
Profile Image for Ritika Chhabra.
518 reviews56 followers
February 1, 2019
Follow Just A Girl High On Books for more reviews.

This was the first Goosebumps book I picked up after so many years (6, if I am not mistaken). And I loved it. Of course, this was a great horror story for me and the end had a nice twist to it (albeit, one that I was expecting). There is just this thing about R.L. Stine's novels, isn't it? Something unexpected is bound to happen and there is never, ever a happy ending. Although, I have read so many of these in the past, I expect the unexpected now and end up expecting the end. (Makes sense, doesn't it?)

I loved this book in all its entirety. Nan was a great side character and I particularly enjoyed getting to know her through Monty's eyes. Uncle John (wait, I am not forgetting the name, isn't it?) gave me the perfect mad scientist vibes and in a way, I assume he was mad. Nonetheless, this was a fabulous addition to the series.

I've read a few other reviews of this book where the people are calling it a tad bit stale. I don't know, maybe it is but for me, this book was filled with nostalgia and it reminded me of that time in my childhood when I ended up reading one Goosebumps in a day and it was such a hard task because everything was so scary!

I guess I'll never forget Monty because of that. He brought my school memories back to me, that time when I would hide a Goosebumps under my desk and read it during class. Ah, the days!

But of course, the end confused me a little as well. Monty knew he could identify himself as the real Monty just by showing some pain. if he gets hit, it will hurt him and not to his clone. Yet, they had to try the doughnut idea which ended up failing. (The failure of it was so cool! I would never have anticipated that, at all!)

Overall, I'd recommend this book to every kid who intends to find that scary part of himself/herself that he is missing. (But beware, don't read this book at night. xD)
Profile Image for Chai Maa.
163 reviews50 followers
January 25, 2013
كنت هاعيط فى ناهيتها قرئتها من حوالى سبع سنين وانا ابتدائى فى اتوبيس المدرسة
وعمرى مانسيتها
لانى كنت مضايقة من النهاية جدا
وكنت بخاف اوى اوى منها وكنت خايفة يحصلى زيها
قصة لا انساها ابدا قعدت سنة كل ما أشوف حد احكيلة عليها
وقعدت افكر اعمل لنفسى علامة علشان لو ظهرلى توؤم ماما تعرفنى بيها
Profile Image for أحمد السكري.
Author 1 book253 followers
July 9, 2015
قريتها من زمان قوي
السلساة دي كانت من الحاجات اللي بتابعها و انا ف ابتدائي و اعدادي
و مكنتش بحب رجل المستحيل و معرفش ازاي ماوصليش ساعتها أحمد خالد توفيق !
يللا أيام ماجد و سمير و بلبل و ميكي و العربي :))
Profile Image for Zoey De Leon.
190 reviews
October 5, 2023
Love the premise of this story, it's in the theme of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and this one adds his own twist to it. It's intriguing but towards the end it gets a little bit confusing with Stine's simple writing style and it gets kinda cheesy. but it's a good formula for a Goosebumps book, there's just more Goosebumps titles that are better than this.

And I also just noticed, The Series 2000 is the home of body snatching stories.
Profile Image for Alejandro Joseph.
239 reviews
December 13, 2023
I had literally 0 problems with this book. Dark as fuck, good ending, not a single fake out, good characters with deep lore I guess, good mystery and good twists. 0 problems means 0 reasons to hate it. Not my favorite GB book but this is the only spotless GB book I’ve read thus far.
Profile Image for Fatoni M.
361 reviews79 followers
June 6, 2022
Fatoni Maraton Goosebumps Series 2000
Buku 6 dari 25

Monty harus tinggal bersama Paman dan sepupunya karena Ibunya harus melakukan penelitian di Borneo. Namun, ada yang aneh dengan liburannya kali ini, ada petaka yang menantinya. Dia menemukan fakta bahwa dia dituduh melakukan berbagai keonaran yang dia sendiri tidak melakukannya. Namun, setiap saksi berani bersumpah bahwa mereka melihat dia melakukan kejahatan ini. Jadi, siapa yang melakukannya?

Love this story. So much. Misteri siapa yang melakukan kejahatan atas nama Monty lumayan menarik dan membuatku betah membacanya di bagian awal. Dan, ketika akhirnya jawabannya diungkap, itu juga masih menarik dan seru. Dan akhir khas serial Goosebumps menutupnya dengan manis.
Profile Image for Dope Ghost Library .
346 reviews3 followers
July 20, 2024
Starts off swell, gets eerie, then it gets convoluted and confusing by the end. A solid addition to the Goosebumps 2000 line of kids horror books with mad science and evil twins running amok, but overall logic is dashed out the window by the book's end. Cool artwork for the cover though!
Profile Image for Mika (is studying).
253 reviews30 followers
July 9, 2024
Another case of stupid character and his decision making. He tried to make everyone believe that he has a clone and just got more in trouble in school with this instead of just acting like he is sorry for actions he didn't do. I get it, he is a kid, but still.
But except that was the ending great and amazing plot twist as always.
Would still recommend it.
Profile Image for Brent Thomas.
17 reviews
September 3, 2020
This book was a lot of fun for me. It's a classic clone story where the boy's uncle is doing lab experiments in the basement and his experiment goes wrong. This book had a great twist ending and I think it is one of the better books in the Series 2000's.
Profile Image for Yoyomaus Die Büchereule.
2,154 reviews32 followers
February 17, 2019
Zum Inhalt:
Während seine Mutter eine Forschungsreise unternimmt, wohnt Montgomery bei seinem Onkel Leo. Der ist Wissenschaftler und arbeitet Tag und Nacht in seinem Labor an geheimen Experimenten. Am ersten Tag in der neuen Schule steht Montgomery vor einem Rätsel: Er wird verschiedener Vergehen beschuldigt, die er nicht begangen hat. Zunächst kann er sich das alles nicht erklären, doch dann steht er plötzlich einem Jungen gegenüber, der genauso aussieht wie er. Montgomery ist entsetzt! Dann erfährt er die schreckliche Wahrheit über die Experimente seines Onkels ...

Der 43te Band aus der Reihe "Gänsehaut" präsentiert sich wieder sehr passend zum Inhalt der Geschichte. Zu sehen ist hier der Protagonist Monty, der aus einem zersprungenen Spiegel blickt. Abwechseln zeigen die Scherben einen lieben und netten Jungen, welcher uns entgegen lächelt. Entgegengesetzt dazu, blickt und scheinbar ein verrückter Junge entgegen der uns wutentbrannt anschreit. Wirklich richtig gut gemacht. Ich mag das Cover richtig gern.

Eigener Eindruck:
Monty und seine Mutter reisen zu seinem Onkel Ben, um ihn zu besuchen und Montys Aufenthalt bei diesem zu besprechen, da seine Mutter für ein Jahr eine Forschungsreise unternimmt, bei der Monty nicht dabei sein kann. Onkel Ben ist ein verschrobener Wissenschaftler, der scheinbar seine ganz eigenen Macken hat, aber er ist immer sehr zuvorkommend. Als Monty abends im Bett liegt, glaubt er in dessen alten Haus Stimmen zu hören und hat einen ganz verstörenden Traum, bei dem er auf einen Operationstisch geschnallt wird. Dieser Traum lässt ihn nicht mehr los, auch nicht, als er wenige Monate später zu seinem Onkel und dessen Tochter Nan zieht. Immer wieder hat Monty das Gefühl, dass sich mehr Menschen in dem Haus seines Onkels befinden, als die drei. Als er in die Schule kommt, scheint man ihn bereits zu kennen. Immer wieder wird ihm erzählt, dass er dieses oder jenes getan hätte. Auch Strafen muss Monty ausbaden, die er nie begangen hat. Monty glaubt verrückt zu werden, doch dann steht er einem Jungen gegenüber der genauso aussieht wie er! Das kann doch nicht wahr sein, oder?

(Achtung ab hier könntet ihr gespoilert werden)

Mit der Idee zu diesem Buch hat R.L. Stine nicht nur eine köstliche Unterhaltung geschaffen, sondern weist auch kritisch auf die Thematik menschliche Klone hin, indem er zum nachdenken anregt. Wer das Buch als Erwachsener liest, der kann sich schon denken, wie die Geschichte verlaufen wird, wenn man eins und eins zusammen zählt. Wir haben hier einen verrückten Wissenschaftler und eine Blutentnahme, denk Rest kann man sich also schon denken. Trotzdem, obwohl wir ja nun schon Schafe geklont haben und es viele Filme rund um menschliche Klone gibt, hat man beim lesen ein ganz komisches Gefühl und muss sich immer wieder fragen, ob wirklich jemand so etwas fertig bringen würde und vor allem die eine entscheidende Frage: Wären diese Klone wirklich bösartig oder nett? In diesem Band jedenfalls sind sie alles andere als nett und das muss der arme Monty am eigenen Leib erfahren. Seine Klone schrecken wirklich vor nichts zurück. Das Buch ist wirklich spannend geschrieben und wäre sogar eine echte Sahneschnitte unter den Gänsehaut-Büchern, wenn dann nicht dieses doch recht schnelle und offene Ende wäre, bei dem man kaum begreifen kann, was denn nun geschehen ist. Denn die ganze Zeit bekommt man die Geschichte aus dem Blickwinkel von Monty übermittelt. Und ganz plötzlich erleben wir das letzte Kapitel aus Sicht von Nan. Schöner wäre es doch gewesen, wenn man noch einmal erfahren hätte, was denn nun mit Monty geschehen ist.

Auch wenn das Ende nicht so mein Fall war, kann ich dieses Buch einfach nur empfehlen. Es ist ein Gruselspaß für junge Leser und regt Jugend sowie Erwachsene zum nachdenken an. Wirklich richtig gut gemacht.

Idee: 5/5
Spannung: 4/5
Logik: 4/5
Charaktere: 4/5
Emotionen: 4/5

Gesamt: 4/5

Taschenbuch: 128 Seiten
Verlag: cbj (1. Mai 2000)
Sprache: Englisch ISBN-10: 3570207110
ISBN-13: 978-3570207116
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 10 - 12 Jahre
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 12,3 x 1,1 x 18,5 cm
Profile Image for Bhavesh Bhimani.
32 reviews24 followers
May 27, 2021
I had been meaning to get hold of this book for a long time. Ah, sweet nostalgia!!!

"I Am Your Evil Twin" was the first book I had read from the "Goosebumps Series 2000" collection, sometime around the year 2001. It was an exciting phase. I had devoured almost all the titles from the original series and my R. L. Stine mania was at its peak. And I was obsessing over the Goosebumps books like crazy.

One fine Saturday afternoon in my school library, I discovered that he had come out with a fresh series. Courtesy of "I Am Your Evil Twin". The cover art looked amazing. And the concept of an evil clone fascinated me anyway at that time. I must have finished the book in one weekend but always remembered it.

And now, when I am trying to re-read the books, I wanted to get hold of a physical copy of this title. It took some patience, but I was finally rewarded. Almost exactly 20 years later...
I savored the book this time, making sure it lasts at least a few days. The story is surprisingly fresh, despite having the usual Stine tropes. Thankfully, I didn't remember much of the plot and enjoyed it very much. The main character, Monty, is interesting and so is his cousin sister. By interesting I mean they are not whiny or annoying, which can often be the case with some of Stine's young characters. Also, while the "evil twin" part isn't exactly pathbreaking here, it's still entertaining. You want to know who's this supposed lookalike of Monty that's ruining his life and how will he deal with it... The ending, though a little rushed, was pretty solid. And ends on the usual Stine-style cliffhanger.

I can't talk more about the story without giving away spoilers, so I highly recommend it if you haven't read this one.

Now, I will be on with some other titles of "Series 2000". " The Haunted Car" is the next one on my list and am pretty excited about it...
Profile Image for Sude.
15 reviews
March 4, 2023
As far as goosebumps go, I was actually surprised at the ending and the bits leading up to it. Usually I expect the main character to get out of a pickle just before it inevitably gets worse. But it doesn’t happen in this case (more than once), which was new and refreshing for me compared to other goosebumps books I’ve read (or remember reading anyway). As it made it more exciting to see how the main character would get out of a seemingly sticky situation. I ended up honestly felt bad for the main character and his situation.

Overall I quite enjoyed this one, my second book from the collection 2000 series (I read the bride of the living dummy first) and I definitely prefer this one out of the two. Give this one a read, if you haven’t already!
Profile Image for Austin Smith.
491 reviews52 followers
January 16, 2021
This one was just okay. I kind of liked the premise of the story - there were a couple of scary / slightly intense and violent scenes... but apart from that I just found it a little boring. Towards the end I was losing more interest and the ending itself was both predictable and lame.
Probably my least favorite Series 2000 book so far.
Profile Image for Antonia Roehl.
29 reviews
October 4, 2023
Also, ich fand es schon ganz unterhaltsam, garkeine Frage. Bei diesem ist auch das Ende nicht so blöd wie sonst bei Gänsehautbüchern üblicherweise. Aber es macht einfach garkeinen Sinn. Weder das Klonen noch Allergien funktionieren so. Und ich finde eigl nicht, dass man Kindern irgendeinen Schwachsinn auftischen muss. Hätte man mit etwas mehr Mühe sicher auch besser hinbekommen.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Malak Gamal.
91 reviews20 followers
July 28, 2021
Ma toute première lecture de Goosebumps et c'était vite et captivante. Je suis sûre que j'aurais vraiment adoré si je l'avais lu comme enfant. La fin était un peu faible et je l'avais deviné mais à part ça c'était très sympa.
1 review
November 16, 2018
- เยี่ยมมากๆ จากที่อ่านๆงานแกมามันเป็นเฮอร์เรอร์ทีimmature นอมี่ๆ แต่ก็ยังคงน่ากลัวมากๆ
Profile Image for MT.
548 reviews51 followers
November 22, 2018
- เยี่ยม ความน่ากลัวของอาร์.แอลที่เข้ามาคุกคามตัวละครimmatureทั้งหลายของแกนิมันเป็นอะไรที่มีเสน่ห์จริงๆ สงสารน้อง
Profile Image for Pradnya.
1 review
January 15, 2019
In line with the typical r l Stine tradition you will be left with a sense of surprise and some good plot twists.
Profile Image for Apoorva Nair.
101 reviews
October 13, 2020
My heartbroke for the kid in the end but can't deny that I wasn't expecting it either.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
5 reviews
November 4, 2020
i have read the book on paper and electronically it was soooo good. i want to read it again.
1 review
June 8, 2022
In my opinion this was a good book it just didn't fit the genre. Instead of a horror it was more of a mystery/thriller.
488 reviews
December 17, 2022
Pretty good Goose bumps tale and the ending surprised me tbh
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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