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Fae Tricksters #3

Wedded to the Wanton Witch

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The Bargainer …

Just like the fae of legend, Jonas Moen makes advantageous deals no desperate soul can turn away. A talented trickster, he’s amassed such great wealth he’s rumored to have more gold than the king himself. But there’s one thing he’s yet to acquire: a fae lord’s title. Born a commoner, he continues to be denied entry to the best the Lunar Court has to offer.

If he can secure the hand of a titled woman, he’ll finally have it all. But first, he’ll need to find a lady desperate enough to ignore his humble parentage and his wicked character.

The Wanton Witch …

Years ago, Lady Frances Aaberg sacrificed her reputation for a man she thought she loved, only to lose it all, including a piece of her soul. Now a desperate witch, she’ll do what’s needed to save her family from financial ruin, even if that means entertaining the offer of a marriage of convenience from the wicked Bargainer himself.

Jonas Moen is distractingly handsome and his penchant for dry sarcasm is admittedly amusing, but Frances makes it clear that anything more than a business arrangement between partners is not an option. She entertains his offer of matrimony but resists when a mate bond begins to blossom between them. The last time a man promised her the world, she lost everything.

Only a fool would trust the wicked Bargainer with their heart …

This cozy kissing book can be enjoyed as a standalone.

240 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 28, 2023

About the author

S.L. Prater

19 books279 followers
Stephanie shares her Indiana home with three wild little girls and a husband so handsome he makes everyone else look like a potato. In no particular order, she fills her time reading fiction, eating tacos, and serving her community as a child welfare social worker. Street Witch is her first novel. Sign up for her newsletter at: https://slprater.carrd.co/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 152 reviews
Profile Image for MissClo.
406 reviews23 followers
July 28, 2023
If you’re looking for a fluffy, soft romance with lots of humour and flirting, you’ve found the right book.

Our hero: Jonas

They should be glad he’d employed a matchmaker instead of doing things the old-fashioned fae way: selecting his bride on instinct and hauling her off over his shoulder.

Jonas is on the hunt for a titled wife; after building his empire of wealth, all he’s missing is a prestigious title.

He hasn’t really been doing a great job of wooing potential brides, so he asks a matchmaker to help him.

Our heroine: Frances

“I should probably apologize for calling you a barbarian before.”
Jonas shoved his hands into his pockets, amusement tugging up the corner of his mouth. “A barbarian with a pea-sized heart and a cock for brains.”
Her cheeks colored a darker shade of pink than her natural hue. “I’d forgotten that last part.”

Frances is a ruined lady, because she was caught kissing a man a year ago. Although titled, she needs wealth to bring her household back from its disastrous state.

These two are clearly enemies from before the book even begins but that makes their courtship even sweeter.

I absolutely loved the little snippets we get into the developing relationship through the letters they send each other. Here’s an example:

If you think I’m embarrassed to admit aloud that I enjoy cuddling, well then—you’re correct. I entrust my secrets to your safekeeping. Your discretion is required. I’m adding it to the agreement.

And as always, SL Prater does not disappoint with her cast of characters. Special mention to:

- Cat- that feisty little fluff of a snowflake is my favourite menace
- Iso- I see a bit of myself in this dragon familiar. I’d like to hoard hot men too.
- Susan and Margot- seeing those two girls felt like meeting old friends again
- Our bad bitch Queen- we saw a glimpse of her in one scene and it was NOT ENOUGH! Where’s our trickster King!

Overall, I love this book and you’ll need to read it and see why.

To close my review off, I want to share two really vulnerable moments from our MCs because it made me love them all the more for it 🥹

Frances: There was a truth she wanted not to confess even to herself: she felt entirely unworthy of this man.

Jonas: He had no idea how to make her do that. He couldn’t even get his own parents to love him properly. What chance did he really stand here?

I’m not crying, you are.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,807 reviews238 followers
September 4, 2024
4.5 stars. This was adorable.

Grumpy hero with a soft squishy middle? Love him so much.

There is a fluffy kitten that ends up ruling the hero, a small heroic dragon who wants to keep handsome men in her hoard, a small child who claims the hero as her chosen father, and a heroine who gives sass.

I loved this story of a marriage of convenience where the guy quickly realizes he's in it for real and literally runs whenever she calls him. I mean, he is a goner pretty quickly and it's so fun to see the progression from them hurling insults to pet names. He "hates cats" so she gives him a fluffy white spitting cotton ball of a kitten who ends up going everywhere with him. His progression from a cat hater to a doting cat father is absolutely everything.

She's a little more difficult for me. I love her, but there are some things in the worldbuilding that don't work for me. She's 137 years old and has had lovers over the years, but doesn't really know what she's doing in the bedroom. And she gets "ruined" when she's caught kissing a potential mate because of "human rules". This is set in a semi-Victorian England where humans have strict rules about women being alone with men, etc. But she's part fae (and immortal). It was puzzling that she had such weird restrictions around sex but had past lovers.

It was still cute because the guy is absolutely bonkers for her. And we get the cutest interactions and correspondence. She also has a familiar who is a dragon and was a lot of fun.

Safety deets
- Mentions of past lovers for both of them, but they are both celibate throughout the book before they get together. He does visit friends in a brothel and it sounds like he used to attend there so some might be bothered by that. Also, he strangely has the prowess in the bedroom and she does not.
- A beautiful happily ever after. Ugh they were so cute together.
Profile Image for Teela (bookdragontee).
481 reviews61 followers
July 11, 2023
She loved this man.

Loved all of him, every inch, all of his multitudes. The sarcastic trickster and the dependable husband who was always there, who always came when she called for him.

I think I have yet to read an S.L. Prater book that I did not enjoy. Seriously, I can't think of one. These cozy, low stakes fantasy romances with gaslamp vibes are just everything.

Wedded to the Wanton Witch is Prater's surprise continuation of her Fae Tricksters series, which was initially only meant to be a duology, but I'm so glad she chose to expand upon this universe. There's just so many possibilities and potential, and as we see here with Wedded, she's not about to let that go to waste.

We follow the budding romantic relationship between notorious fae trickster, Jonas, and the half-fae/half-human witch, Frances. While these two aren't strictly enemies, there is definitely a great deal of hostility (and sexual tension) between these two, so as they enter into a mutually agreed upon marriage of convenience, much of their courtship is filled to the brim with incredibly entertaining hijinks and antics as these two prank, poke, and tease one another.

But that merry war between them blossoms into something more as they spend more time together, and you can best believe I was swooning and sighing throughout.

Prater also gives us another adorably comedic animal familiar, but instead of Bernard the cat, we have Iso the dragon... and Iso is an absolute riot. In fact, all of the side characters are a joy in one way or another (with the exception of Frances's old paramour. He can go cancel his life subscription for all I care). It was also very nice to see some old familiar faces again

Not much else to say about this delightful little novel. It's the perfect balance of fluff, feels, spice, angst, and banter. S.L. Prater's books are seriously the literary embodiment of a cozy blanket and warm cup of tea on a stormy afternoon. I love them so much!

He caught her hand and kissed her palm, then held it to his cheek. "I'm undeserving of your love, and if you haven't noticed that yet, then you're quite the easy mark indeed."

"I've felt that same worry myself, unworthiness." The emeralds in her eyes glittered in the starlight, a hypnotizing shimmer. "I felt I was undeserving because my soul is broken. But I've come to realize that it isn't about what we deserve, it's got nothing to do with how strong our mate instincts are. Love is about being there."

"Being there," he said contemplatively. He certainly liked it when Frances was wherever he was.

She ran her thumb over his jaw. He needed a shave, but she didn't seem to mind. "Being there for each other like you were here tonight, hoofing it on foot through a storm to get to me. Like you're always there when I need you. I can be there for you even if my soul is broken. And you can do that for me even if you're wicked sometimes."

He laid his brow against hers, a fae gesture of great affection. "Are you afraid?" he asked, because he certainly was.

"Terrified," she breathed, the comforting warmth of her exhale brushed his face, and Jonas sighed contentedly because this was yet another thing they were in together, another murky maze of emotions that didn't feel nearly so overwhelming with her beside him. "You make me want to be brave, Jonas."

- Marriage of Convenience
- Fated Mates
- Antagonists to Lovers
- Mischievous and slightly horny dragon familiar
- Erotic knitting
- He falls first
- Found family
- Banter + falling in love via letters
- Adorably feisty animal companions
- Fantastic portrayals of intimacy that aren't just sex (that was wonderfully refreshing)
- And before you panic: yes, there is spice 🔥
Profile Image for Lia.
326 reviews23 followers
July 7, 2023
A resounding 5/5 stars, 3/5 spice.

"There is no such thing as 'too heavy.' Who would want less of a beautiful woman? That doesn't make sense."

"Give me your anger, your irritation, your malice. I'd rather you hurled insults or fists at me, just please, don't fucking cry."

This book was like catnip for me. I received this free copy as an ARC and this is 100% my honest assessment of it. I have never read this author's work before, I literally dove in with zero idea what to expect and I did not leave disappointed.

It is KILLING me that I can't share all my highlights from this book because it had so much worth sharing. I am an absolute sucker for a cozy, low stakes read that still has some drama with satisfying conflict resolution... and lil' bit of heat to it. This book is the perfect balance of that. Pacing? Immaculate. Never a dull moment.

This book includes:
- Mild disdain to lovers
- Sheisty fae MMC with a heart of gold/curvy, opinionated, independent FMC witch/fae
- Marriage of convenience
- He falls first
- Touch her and die vibes
- Dragons, familiars
- Writing letters to communicate (my literal kryptonite)
- SO MUCH funny dialog
- Found family
- Cat. Just Cat.

Some other general things I appreciated while reading this book,

Okay I'm done. Will be adding Prater's other books to my TBR.
Profile Image for Kay C.
180 reviews4 followers
July 14, 2023
Very cute, story. Lighthearted fantasy romance. It was a quick, easy read. No epic adventures or descriptive world building. It is essentially a fae beach read with extra spice. My only issue is that Jonas is described as a trickster, but he is portrayed as a really kind-hearted person. He has his grumpy moments, but he is a sweetheart. This story gave me Bridgerton vibes with some of the characterization and courting. If you are looking for a fantasy romance that is light-hearted and quick, then this lovely story is perfect for you. I think it is also the perfect bridge to someone new to fantasy coming from a Nora Roberts place. Its like a nice toe dip into the fantasy genre.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kitty.
1,500 reviews15 followers
September 5, 2024
Read: September 2024
Rating: 3,5/ 4 Stars

Adorable cat loving fae/man/whatever means I'm already 50% in bookboyfriend love with them because cats.

This is cute, I like how they lean into the " we're basically just their grandparents and okay with it"
It's sweet and so are they.
Profile Image for Veronica and Rae.
161 reviews10 followers
August 2, 2023
This book was like the most succulent of catnip for me as a fantasy and historical romance reader. We had the every day minutiae of the 19th century England with witches, mages, and hot men with horns. It was like Carnival Row but with a likable heroine and not Orlando Bloom. Well, and here magic and supernatural creatures were more accepted… okay, why don’t we have a better tv series featuring the elements of Victorian London, Satyrs, and fun familiars that build immortal bonds with their witch counterparts. Better yet, someone needs to contact S.L. Prater and start developing her worlds into a screenplay pronto. Mama needs some new tv!

Also, if anyone has any suggestions of show that I might be missing, throw me a comment, and yes, I’ve seen The Nevers… which aptly describes the likelihood of that show returning for a 2nd season… boom!

The newest novel, Wedded to the Wanton Witch by S.L. Prater, is the 3rd novel in the Fae Tricksters series. The previous duet, Court of Tricksters and King of Tricksters introduces the readers to the Lunar Court and the world built between immortal Fae, humans, and other magical beings.

A Little Bit of Plot

Jonas Moen is a untitled immortal trickster in want of a wife; more importantly, an entitled one. He realizes quickly that only one such lady will fit the bill, none other than the Wanton Witch of Whiteholm, Lady Frances Aaberg.

Facing financial ruination, Frances has no choice but to accept the Bargainers offer; enter into a marriage of convenience where she stipulates that they will only be sharing a bed one time. At least, that’s what Frances believes, but she did agree to marry a trickster after all. With an eternity ahead of them, what happens when feelings are involved and they begin to entrust their hearts once again to another person?

The Compliment Sandwich

The Top Bun (The Pro)

Jonas Moen

Holy cats, guys. Jonas Moen is just everything you’re looking for in a hero: strong, vulnerable (when needed), protective, cunning, loyal, supportive..I mean, I can continue for hours..just literally everything that makes up a great book boyfriend. While he wants to marry for a title, secretly he wants a challenge, both in the bedroom and out of it. A relationship that will make eternity exciting and unpredictable rather than boring and monotonous.

While this book is very low stakes, we do have a very sweet grand gesture, and the links Jonas crosses to perform this act, are very cunning but endearing - definitely utilizing his trickster acumen. Also, we also have a #fallsfirstfallshard hero. The whole problem facing Jonas is convincing the Wanton Witch of Whiteholm to love him in return. He’s a very determined trickster, however, and not adverse to using anything in his arsenal to make himself irresistible.

Lastly, side note, the relationship he builds with his cat, Cat (yes, that's her name) is so freaking adorable. He’s just so damn whimsical it’s hard not to be charmed. Prater has drawn such a fascinating caricature of Jonas that you can picture this handsome horned man, decked out like a dandified John Thornton, with a fluffy white cat just strewn across his neck.

He doesn’t have a walking stick though… he needs a fun walking stick that also hides a saber.

Just thoughts I have.

The Meat (The Con)

Glen Freest needs a spanking. A severe one - not sexy in the least. On page. That’s all.

I need Glen to get what’s coming to him.

The Bottom Bun (The Pro)

The Banter

I could have gone a million different ways with this. There’s so much to love about this book: the return of side characters (and a few cameos) from the first novels, an exceptionally adorable familiar named Iso (who I imagine was voiced by Lizzo), and the loving dynamic of found family. Heck, we could talk about how S.L.’s books are getting increasingly spicer as we go. No hate - nothing but loving. There is scene in this book that I sent to my co-host which left us speechless (in a good way, obvi) and me in need of ice water and a cigarette.

All that aside, I want to focus on the banter in this book, both spoken and epistolary. From jumpstreet we're treated to hard core foreplay in the form of verbal sparring:

Frances cleared her throat with a dainty cough. “I should probably apologize for calling you a barbarian before.”
Jonas shoved his hands into his pockets, amusement tugging up the corner of his mouth. “A barbarian with a pea-sized heart and a cock for brains.”
Her cheeks colored a darker shade of pink than her natural hue. “I’d forgotten that last part.”
“You also wished I’d go live on the moon.”
A short burst of laughter rolled out of her. It took her a moment to regather her composure. “Ahem… That part I remember.”

Mind you, this dialogue is from their first interaction we are privy to in the novel.

This is how we are introduced to Frances. What's not to love?

Large portions of the novel are notes that travel between the pair either setting up the ground rules prior to their marriage and sort of ‘check ins’ after.

This exchanges occurs in the lead up to their wedding:

Mr. Moen,
I do not appreciate the colorful announcement of our engagement in the papers. You failed to discuss any of this with me first. We haven’t yet had an appropriately lengthy courtship, and the picture you selected to represent our upcoming union is ghastly. A caricature of us strangling each other - though an accurate depiction of our innermost feelings - is not a proper picture. This is not the way of things.
Your Furious Future Bride

Dear Hostile,
Kidnapping one’s mate was a selection process, not a wedding. Perhaps you don’t remember because you aren’t as old as I, but women were allowed to leave if they wanted to… eventually. Marriage was certainly always their choice first and foremost. Making the escape too easy was seen as an insult to one’s intended. The chase and the capture was part of the fun for both parties.

If you ever tire of being a good little human, I’d be happy to demonstrate the old ways so you can decide for yourself which is superior.
Your Future Husband

(Reviewers note: Now I have Dear Future Husband by Megan Trainor in my head)

All this sniping is jovial, none of it exceptionally heavy or mean spirited, which lends a more effervescent tone to the storyline. This is very much a departure from the two prior novels, which admittedly, deal with much more intense themes.

We also begin to see Jonas softening to Frances through his treatment of these notes and the reverence in which he holds them. S.L. has used this plot device before in her novels and is expert at adding emotional depth to relationships while providing context to the world around the characters.

Lastly, I just want to say, Prater is gifted at building a world that is easily accessible and blends fantastical elements, historical tropes, and more updated societal and cultural views. Never does the dialogue feel too ‘modern’ or anachronistic; nothing in her novels have ever taken me out of the story, unlike some historical or fantasy works. In fact, like all of the works in her oeuvre, Prater creates witty beautiful prose with exceptional dialogue, delightful world building, and unforgettable characters. It's a must read.
Profile Image for SGetch.
282 reviews52 followers
August 5, 2023
If you're looking for a cozy fantasy romance that will have you swooning and laughing out loud, look no further than WEDDED TO THE WANTON WITCH by S.L. Prater. This book is a blast from start to finish, and the characters are lovable and hilarious.

What makes this story unique is its refreshing take on the typical fated mate trope. S.L. Prater's world features different levels of connection that can be activated by multiple potential partners. It is the responsibility of the mates to nurture the connection until a genuine bond is established. The romantic couple, Jonas and Frances, recognize a blooming mate bond between them and agree to a marriage of convenience; establishing a partnership that eventually develops into a strong friendship. As they spend more time together, their bond strengthens, but their journey is not without its challenges. The author did an excellent job of making this old trope feel new and exciting.

One of the best things about this book is the humor that permeates throughout. The banter between Jonas and Frances is downright hysterical! Their playful pranks on each other during their courtship had me laughing out loud every few pages. The humor was so infectious that my 4-year-old son climbed into my lap at one point, assuming I was watching something amusing on my e-reader. He wanted to join in on the fun as well.

WEDDED TO THE WANTON WITCH is a delightful tale that is both cleverly written and well-paced. It's a heartwarming story that is sure to leave a lasting smile on your face. I highly recommend this witty and enchanting fantasy romance!

Dual POV
POC & Bisexual representation
Can be read as a standalone


I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Roosa.
22 reviews1 follower
July 11, 2023
Wedded to the Wanton Witch is just the funny and lighthearted story to cheer you up on a rainy day. The troupe of the story is marriage of convenience with many layers that even hint to classics like My Fair Lady and Annie. The end result just leaves you warm and fuzzy (in more than one way because there is some spice as well🌶️).

The story is told from the point of views of the main characters, Jonas and Frances. Jonas is briefly introduced in the previous books of the Fae Trickster series, but his character really comes to life when Wedded to the Wanton Witch begins amidst his quest to find a wife. In comparison, the character of Frances takes longer to relate to as her motivations for a marriage deal are first just briefly mentioned as a responsibility for others. Later on both the characters really deepen and there is even wonderful growth.

The book had everything one should look for in a book: comedy, love, fae, a dragon, a cat, a curvy heroine, and knitting (you read it correctly, it says knitting not knotting). So what’s not to love?
59 reviews2 followers
July 9, 2023
Meet Jonas and meet Frances, one a trickster and bargainer, and the other the eponymous wanton witch. Their interactions socially are prickly at best, explosive at worst but Jonas is in want of a wife and Frances after being thrown over cruelly and her fathers estate not being in good shape is in need of a husband.

What starts as a cold business transaction beautifully transforms to a friendship and more as these seemingly mismatched pair find common ground.

Jonas is full Fae but from the wrong side of the track, Frances is half human/half Fae and has a reputation not very well deserved. After a Fae she developed a budding mate bond with caused her literal soul pain and saddled her with a reputation she is desperate to find a way to keep her fathers estate together and provide for a family of humans that have worked for her family for generations.

This book wasn’t what I thought it would be - when the story unfolded it was so much more. The best of lovely gaslamp fantasy, cozy, familiar yet different, magical yet mundane and mortal. The growing friendship and cast of supporting character was lovely.

#HEA #enemiestolovers

Full disclosure this was an ARC which I was delighted to receive
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
148 reviews
July 11, 2023
Jonas Moen is a trickster known as the Wicked Bargainer. He doesn't have business partners, as much as victims. Jonas wants to marry Lady Frances Aaberg of Whiteholm, also known as the Wanton Witch of Whiteholm, for her title so he can enter an exclusive men's club. She had been embarrased by a love affair with Lord Glen Freest that scandalized her. Frances proposes a deal with Jonas, a marriage where he gets the title, but there is nothing more to the marriage, basically a business arrangement, It eases her debts, he gets to use her title. While negotiating this arrangement, I hesitate to call it courting, there are exchanges of notes that got me roaring. Rain from Court of Tricksters makes an appearance. I should note I got an ARC from the author.
Profile Image for Literaryblonde.
36 reviews
July 11, 2023
‼️Book Review‼️
Wedded To The Wanton Witch
By S.L Prater

If you don't know I am the biggest fan of @slpraterwrites ! 🙌🏻 Everything she does is done with poise and finesse. This book gives off Pride And Prejudice vibes, sprinkled with spicy witchy tension that we all need and love!! I absolutely loved the back and fourth letters between Jonas and Frances . Letter gasims ARE NOT DEAD! 🙌🏻❤️ I definitely had the girly squeals while reading, not could not contain myself with the luscious Jonas Moen , can we say yummy! The banter between Frances and Joan's is marvelous. This was such a satisfying read especially if you're looking for something light and cozy for the soul!

⭐️ 5/5
🌶️ 3/5
121 reviews
July 11, 2023
Loved this book! It's a very beautiful and light-hearted romance bursting with humor on every page. Jonas and Frances are both outcasts in their own way and need each other's help if they are to overcome their current troubles helped by their reputations. It's a shame they like to think they hate each other *evil cackling in enemies-to-lovers*. The side characters were also not to be outdone in this story, someone tell me where I can get a Cat and Iso.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Marit Prins.
135 reviews
July 19, 2023
Take the journey with me to River Row. A city in magical world with fae, seelies and… witches.
Jonas is in need of a wife with a title so he can enter a certain club that would benefit his business. His business of being a trickster. Frances HATES this trickster, but guess who ends up on the shortlist for marrying Jonas?
A brilliant enemies-to-lovers story, which sets in a magical world. Jonas and Frances have instant chemistry, and the way they fight it is absolutely delightful.
During the story, we get to know both of the characters and understand their motives to certain decisions. Add in a crazy family of servants - including the most adorable little girl - and a dragon familiair with a love for hot men and you have an absolute winner of a story.
Profile Image for Bookloversofantastic.
481 reviews15 followers
January 11, 2024
I loved the banter between Frances and Jonas, it was exquisite. Truly a fan of their dynamic, the exchange of letters for the courtship.

Frances is quite uptight and respects mortal convention, but her true self really shines when she exchanges with him, she loves to make him crazy and the jokes/gifts are just right.

Jonas is the Bargainer, a Trickster who fought to get out of the street and who needs a nobility title to pursue his business even further, so here he comes and looks for a noble fiancé, lucky him Frances needs a lot of money to save her father and all the tenants of their land, something that Jonas has in profusion.

From there starts an arrangement between the two but would they be able to fight against the blooming mating bond 🥰

I loved it, it was sweet, funny, and that family is strong and lovely.
Profile Image for Bourbon Bibliophile.
79 reviews11 followers
July 28, 2023
Wedded to the Wanton Witch is a delightful and entertaining book that offers a perfect blend of cozy charm, witty banter, and a touch of magical romance. If you're seeking a quick escape into a world filled with humor and low angst, this book is a great choice.

The story revolves around Frances, a witch with a tarnished reputation after a scandalous incident involving a patient which has left her dubbed the Wanton Witch. Alongside Frances is Jonas, a trickster bargainer who has a complicated history with her father, leading to a tumultuous relationship between the two from the start.

Jonas finds himself in need of a wife, and he enlists the help of a matchmaker to find one, while Frances seeks a husband who can assist her in maintaining her estate and protecting the humans under her care.

The banter between Frances and Jonas is a highlight of the book. The author excels in creating sharp and clever dialogue that keeps the readers entertained throughout. The exchanges between the main characters, especially in their written form, are filled with witty flirting that adds a delightful touch to their evolving relationship.
Frances's familiar, Iso the dragon, is the highlight for me. Despite her small size, Iso possesses a fierce personality and a desire to hoard good-looking men… Me too Iso me too….
Profile Image for Caitlyn (delightful.reading).
567 reviews43 followers
July 17, 2023
“All the best bargains are made with a bit of extortion and a side helping of desperation.”

This cozy fantasy romance was just what I needed. It’s I adore S. L. Prater’s novels and love how she tackles things like fated bonds.

Wedded to the Wanton Witch is centered around Frances, a ruined witch, and Jonas, a bargainer in want of a titled wife. I love these two from their not-so-romantic letters to their emotional intimacy (there’s also some spice between the two). Their relationship develops beautifully. I loved watching them grow closer.

There’s also a dragon familiar who likes capturing men (Alexis from Mistlefoe and Iso would make great friends)

WttWW also features some cameos from Court of Tricksters / King of Tricksters. If you haven’t read them, no worries, as Wedded to the Wanton Witch can be read as a stand-alone!

Many thanks to S. L. Prater for the eARC!
Profile Image for Amanda.
393 reviews49 followers
July 29, 2023
This soft and cozy romance will leave you with hearts in your eyes! A marriage of convenience, quick and witty banter and an adorably mischievous dragon familiar are just a few things to love about this gaslight fantasy.

I loved this book and love this world so much! Jonas and Frances were such a delightful pair from beginning to end. Animosity between the two eventually gives way to understanding and affection as their relationship grows. It's such a fun and light read with a cast of side characters that are equally as enjoyable and entertaining.
Profile Image for Kayla Reagan.
41 reviews1 follower
August 19, 2023
“If you’d let me,” he whispered in her ear, “I’d spoil you rotten, too.”

I would like to thank the author S.L. Prater for giving me an arc in return for an honest review.

A Court of Thorns and Roses meets My Fair Lady in this lovely lighthearted story about a Witch who needs to marry to keep her family from financial ruin and a wicked bargainer who is desperate to have a fae Lord's title and is willing to acquire it by marrying the one women that drives him mad.

Our main character, Frances, was very likeable and I did enjoy her quirkiness but also her snarky and sassy comebacks. Jonas, I'd say, had me swooning before Frances even did because...hello? Can you blame me? The banter between the two had me clutching my stomach laughing at times and also blushing. I really enjoyed the style of the writing and the letter scenes between them are my absolute favorite.

Of all the characters in this story, Iso was my most favorite, because yes, I too would like to have a hoarding place to keep handsome men in.

Now, I got to say. The spice? Oh my! I'd give it a 3/5 for spiciness.

The only downside to this story is that I wished I saw more with Frances and her witchy-ness and her powers since to me that seemed to be kinda of a main point to look at.

Wedded to the Wanton Witch is a wonderful relaxing read and is perfect for those who aren't into the chaos of action packed stories, funny moments, faeries in a Victorian era style story, and some moments of spice that burns just right ;)
26 reviews1 follower
October 10, 2023
Yup, the author described it as a low-stakes, cosy fantasy with lots of sex - and it was. And it flowed nicely, I finished it in a couple of days.

The world building was quietly and efficiently done, no great explanations taking up pages and pages of text, which often happens in fantasy. The female protagonist, Frances was feisty, the male protagonist Jonas, was supposed to be ‘tricky’ and a devious bargainer, but didn’t quite make that, for me. As a result, he struck me as a grumpy teddy bear, soft and squishy at heart, so his story arc was perhaps less fulfilling.

The side characters were nicely written, my favourite being Iso the dragon, Frances’ familiar, and Cat, Jonas’ guard-kitten, although the staff of Whiteholm, Frances’ home, were also well-drawn in a few lines.

It was light and fluffy for the most part, although the sex scenes were on-page graphic. There’s some good-old-fashioned sentimentality woven through the latter chapters. This was a cheery read and I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Brittany ( BookWyvernLovesTea ).
144 reviews1 follower
March 20, 2024
Antagonists to lovers that write hilarious notes to each other. Loved. Jonas might have antagonized Frances, but believe me when I say he is the only one allowed to cause her any frustration. 😍🥵🥵🥵 I meant to highlight favorite passages, but I would have highlighted the whole book!

From the very beginning, I was giggling like an idiot, and by the end I was swooning and laughing. It was the perfect spicy cozy read. 😌
And the audiobook was just as delightful. I was cackling hearing Jonas and Frances's banter and letters! It's so heartwarming and beautiful with just that perfect amount of steam.

If you're looking for cozy but steamy gas lamp fantasy, here it is and it's perfect.
Profile Image for Anastasia Campo.
147 reviews8 followers
July 19, 2024
🌶️ moderately spicy

- fae but make them interesting
- gaslamp river district, big estates, tiny kittens and knitted blankets vibes
- teeny dragon familiars
- ‘I don’t want love and romance’
- ‘my heart has been broken too harshly, I’ll never love again’
- possessive, rake, dangerous and deadly MMC
- kind, curvy, sassy mouth FMC
- mates but MAKE IT ORIGINAL
- hurt/comfort
- he snuggles 🥹
- great pacing

SWWWWWOOONNNNNNN. This book will MAKE. YOU. SWOON. Omg I’m so in love with Jonas and Frances! What a fabulous argumentative, petty and pranky, steamy, pants on fire kind of relationship they have! I love this take on mate bonds - that they’re accepted by both parties and can happen across MULTIPLE PARTNERS. But true mates??? Omg read this book to find out all about them. This book could be read as a standalone, but has characters from the previous two in the series, really only adding a layer of fun to it if you’ve read the others.
Jonas is broody and rakish, making himself and his gorgeous horned head a fabulously wealthy man and a true ‘rags to riches’ story. He is in need of a titled wife to further his business prospects, and Frances could be the perfect candidate. She is the total package, but has an absolute MOUTH on her and all they do it end up close to blows every time they’re in each others presence,… but the growing mate bond between them can’t be ignored and demands to be satiated in ways neither of them wanted. KEEP FIGHTING THAT BOND CAUSE THATS WHERE THE ANGST IS.
Profile Image for Ashley.
341 reviews4 followers
July 25, 2023
Read as an eARC.

I adored this fun gaslight fantasy! This is book 3 in the Fae Tricksters series, although isn't not necessary to have read the previous 2 books (this is my first read by this author). I liked how easily you were thrown into this fantasy world without any heavy info-dumping, and it seemed like you knew the personalities and motivations of both MCs within pages. The magic system was explained via showing vs telling (thumbs up) and I found the idea of the mate bond clever and fun to read. The witty, snarky banter was on-point and the hilarious back-and-forth letters to one another had me laughing out loud numerous times! Both MCs are easily likeable characters, despite their flaws, and the side animal characters (Iso and Cat) were very well-written without seeming overdone. I enjoyed the subtle themes of female empowerment and friendship, and the spice was just enough - who ever thought knitting could be so hot?! - not too over the top; but fitting within the plot and character development. The stakes seemed low enough to categorize this as cozy fantasy; I'd recommend it to friends as a "Legends and Lattes vibe with spice"! The only thing I'd add is that the ending felt a bit rushed; the pacing changed considerably once you get to the third act drama and the subsequent save and rescue of certain characters.

Overall a quick, sweet read with some spicy scenes and as-promised HEA.
Profile Image for Bookitallaway.
131 reviews2 followers
July 25, 2023
I LOVED this book. It was so much fun. I was worried at first that I wouldn't like it, but then around Chapter 3, the characters started sending each other letters for correspondence and I was hooked from there. I definitely got Pride and Prejudice-esque vibes from this book, which is a good thing! I do wish the book was longer so we had more time to see the MFC skill evolve and I'd have loved to see more of the MMC trickster ways. This can be read as a stand alone BUT I definitely would recommend on reading the rest. We are in the trickster world, and Jonas needs to aquire a Lord's title so he puts out the word he's looking for a wife. Along comes Lady Frances and they both agree to keep the marriage arrangement as purely a business arrangement. They both have reasons for doubt but they will have to work together to overcome their pasts if they want a chance at a better future. There is talk of mated bonds and such, but even behind the main characters development, the background story is absolutely what sells this book.

There was a character in the book that made me want to reach in and strangle them, or at least see that person get their comeuppance! I really enjoyed how it played on standing up for yourself and to hell what people think. The dynamics and love, platonic and physical, between all of the characters is done so well that it doesn't feel forced but rather genuine and caring. I'm a big fan of very dark romance so it's hard sometimes to find a book that isn't just fluff when I want something lighter. This book checks all the boxes… witty banter, fae, fates, mates, humans, angst, etc. I think it was a great soft romance book and I mean that in the most genuinely sincere way possible. This book was truly a joy to read.

It's sort of a 'found family' type situation in a way, I don't want to give too much away. This is a sweet romance fantasy novel, very feel good, not dark at all. Do yourself a favor and read this book, and honestly the others too. You won't be disappointed!

I did get this book as an ARC but me writing this review wasn't a requirement, nor do I get any compensation because of this review.

Spice-3.5/5 (few but good when there, very steamy build)
Plot: 4.5 /5
Character Development: 4.5/5
Overall: 4.5/5
Profile Image for Callie.
506 reviews22 followers
August 6, 2023
I definitely liked it!

There’s always something about a sarcastic hero who becomes soft for the heroine that will get me!

I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t read the previous books, but I felt like certain things could’ve been in more depth. (Although I saw you could read it as a stand-alone?)

I would’ve liked a bit more history of both characters, and having them both learn a bit more about each other. I also would’ve liked more of glimpse into their animosity in the beginning.

Romance safety deets - I did appreciate that Frances wasn’t a virgin - I thought it might be heading that way. I just don’t like the unequal feeling when compared to the hero. But then again, she’s been around like 150 years so that might be crazy. There’s no active OW drama thankfully, it’s more you get a big sense Jonas was experienced. (Courtesans are def mentioned) There’s some OM drama from Frances’ old sort of mate that ruined her reputation, but honestly, OM drama doesn’t bother me, and she’s not hung up on him!

I felt like the mates thing could’ve been explained a bit more. You can have more than one, but then you have to foster the bond, and it can be broken, but then there are true mates?? I felt a bit iffy on that. I just want my soulmate level matches I guess! 😂

But they were cute together!! I liked their letters and banter. I loved how Jonas started to simp for her, and how he was never scared of his love or pushing her away.

Most of the conflicts and plot were about the people around them. I could’ve done with a bit more angst or suspense in relation to them alone, but I was still rooting for their happiness!

Overall, a cute read. I haven’t read many regency-type romances with fantasy elements, so it was unique to me!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rebecca Friedlander.
141 reviews3 followers
July 6, 2023
I would HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun fantasy romance.

Tropes: fated mates, touch her and die, enemies to lovers, marriage of convenience, chosen family, he falls first

Spice: 3.75/5

This book has really great character development and I loved that the relationship between the two characters was based on more than attraction to each other. The characters were very well rounded and I loved this interpretation of the mate bond, which I hadn't really seen in other fantasy romances before but prefer to a lot of the other interpretations. The plot is mostly centered on the characters developing their relationship so if you're looking for a fantasy with a larger, more dramatic plot and extensive world building then this book isn't really going to give you that. However, this book has a really cozy feeling to it with a lot of humor and love not just between the main characters but also between the really loveable side characters. Also, as someone with a Scandinavian wife, I really loved the names of the characters.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
July 16, 2023
I am completely smitten with this gaslamp FAE fantasy. This is giving, major swoon worthy tropes including enemies to loves, marriage of convenience, dasmel in distress, and many more. I went through a lot of emotions reading this ramantasy all leading to a wonderful crescendo.

I really loved the mash up of old world civility and immoral FAE!!

Jonas and Frances slow burn is so good. I like the fact that they both didn’t lose themselves even thou fate and magic would have wanted it. They each took the time to understand one another and their needs, like irl!

Both of them come together out of the need for a partnership of convenience to address a problem in each of their lives but found so much more ..

Frances is a sweet loving woman, but I wouldn’t push my luck. She is determined and headstrong, a great FMC that readers can see themselves in.

Jonas is not about to be denied anything he wants that is attainable. He is a bit rough around the edges, but underneath the rough exterior he is a Fae male that feels deeply and embraces everything he is.

Favorite side character is ISO the dragon hand down.. she deserves all the beautiful things 😉

The angst towards the end was so heart wrenching, but there is a silver lining that warms the heart!

379 reviews6 followers
July 24, 2023
Spice level: 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Marriage of convenience. Fae lords and ladies. Gaslamp. Fated mates. AND THE MOST INCREDIBLE LITTLE DRAGON EVER.

Jonas is a trickster Fae, a Bargainer looking for a wife. Frances is half Fae, half human, looking for a rich husband. This book is half written in epistolary form, and half novel. The banter between Jonas and Frances in their letters made me laugh. I even read parts aloud to my husband (who didn’t get it because he didn’t have the full backstory. His loss).
Iso is the most perfect little dragon. She rides around on Frances’ shoulders and believes she’s not a real dragon even though she can fly, has a hoard, and breathes fire. (Anyone else relate to feeling inadequate sometimes?)
Anyhow. Frances and Jonas are drawn together by a magical bond and face challenges as they go. I loved watching Jonas’ character gain more depth. I haven’t read any other SL Prater books, but I think I need to now.

**I received an advance copy of this from the author and am voluntarily leaving a review.
83 reviews
July 25, 2023
This book is a warm and fuzzy treat. Set in the same world as The Fae tricksters series, but this is a standalone novel.

This book had everything: great banter, a great arranged marriage and enemies to lovers plot, a curvy, sassy, witch FMC that likes to knit and a grumpy fae MMC, a cute kitten and a dragon familiars.

I especially loved the letters they sent. These always made me smile like loon.

There were some small scenes with the characters from the Fae tricksters series, which I loved. It was nice how they were included in the story but did not take over.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be looking out for the next ones. If you like witches, fae, dragon familiars, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, and fated mates with light-hearted romantic comedy, give this a go.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Olga Godim.
Author 12 books79 followers
August 15, 2023
3.5 stars
It was a strange experience. I don't remember why I decided to buy this book - maybe it was free on BookBub - but I didn't expect much when I started it. True to my expectations, it felt barely adequate at first. But I kept reading, and the more I read the more I liked it. After finishing this novel, I can tell with absolute certainty: I enjoyed this story, this delightful mishmash of historical romance, fantasy, and epistolary genres. It was funny and intriguing and sweet. It is described on GoodReads as #3 in a series, and I'm definitely going to buy #1 and #2. If I like them as much, I'll watch this writer in the future.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 152 reviews

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