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Dr. Carol Harmon has taken her research vessel, the Phoenix, deep into one of the most forbidding places in the world, the ceaselessly shifting Arctic icescape. In one frightening moment, everything goes very wrong. During a routine dive, two of her crew are ravaged by what appears to be radiation poisoning. Knowing she needs help fast, Carol calls on the person she trusts most, a man leading his own expedition on the opposite pole of the globe.

Brock Garner is an oceanographer, a former Naval officer, and a man who has never quite stopped loving his ex-wife, Carol. By the time Garner arrives, a frightening scenario is taking shape: Deep beneath the ice, something is leaking deadly radiation. Worse yet, it may be only part of a bigger cataclysm. A disaster of untold proportions is looming–the world’s first man-made Ice Age. A life-and-death battle is about to be unleashed...not just for the Arctic, but for the very future of Earth.

464 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2000

About the author

James Powlik

10 books14 followers

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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews
Profile Image for Leah.
324 reviews
August 14, 2012
This book is a fantastic combination of suspense, adventure, and non-fiction as it is told through researchers in the Arctic. The characters, dialogue and plot wove together various elements to keep it realistic, interesting. About halfway through, the characters are faced dramatic race against time and they must be decisive and innovative to survive. Great read!
71 reviews
February 19, 2023
Ich habe das Buch in der deutschen Übersetzung gelesen. Deshalb eine deutsche Rezension:

Zuerst einmal, das Buch erinnert mich stark an Dan Browns "Meteor". Beides sind Thriller, die in der Arktis und auf einem Forschungsschiff spielen, mit vielen Geheimnissen und Fragen, die aufgestellt werden.
Doch kann ich "Meteor" mehr weiterempfehlen: Die Handlung in "Meltdown" steigert sich mysteriös zu einer Katastrophe, ausgelöst durch eine Verschwörung. Doch dann entwickelt sich das Buch immer mehr zum romantischen Drama. Die ausgezeichnete realitätsgetreue Atmosphäre des ersten Teils wird zerstört durch einige unwirkliche Glücksfälle und Ereignisse.

Charaktere sind in Genüge vorhanden, doch sie wirken auch, von ihrer ausgearbeiteten Vergangenheit abgesehen, recht oberflächlich in Charakter und Rolle im Buch.
Das Buch hat in meiner Version etwas über 500 Seiten, viele Handlungsstränge, die sehr parallel verlaufen und insgesamt wirkt das Buch gestreckt.
Jedoch muss ich sagen, dass die Wahl des Titels sehr passend ist.

Insgesamt hat mich diese deutsche Übersetzung des Buches nicht wirklich überzeugt. Das Buch ist auf Unterhaltung ausgelegt, nicht etwa auf eine tiefe Botschaft. Es wirkt gestreckt und leicht inkohärent in der Umsetzung. Es fehlen Plot Twists und eine gewisse Ungewissheit zum guten Mystery-Thriller. Dramatisch wirkende Heldenhandlungen gegen Ende des Buches wirken surreal.
Profile Image for B..
2,312 reviews12 followers
January 26, 2024
3.5 rounded up
1) I didn't realize this one was a sequel to Sea Change until I started reading it (good thing I read Sea Change first!)
2) Carol's character development was wonderful - she was written beautifully, far better than expected.
3) I have to admit, I stopped reading for a couple days when I got to the middle of this one, even though my grandfather worked in the oil industry, my buds work in the oil industry, and my husband works IT for the oil industry. There was a huge technical infodump, which could have been fun, but it wasn't written in an excited "look at the results of my research" kind of way. It was very dry. Once you get beyond that, the action does pick up again, but I feel like it could have been trimmed down with respect to the 50-100 page infodump. (I wasn't keeping count, it was just a good chunk of the middle)
4) I was a little disappointed that, in spite of the differences between this one and Sea Change, the ultimate resolution was really similar.

Really the only reason I'm rounding up is Carol.

Oh, and if it's important to you - the dog lives.
163 reviews4 followers
October 14, 2020
I like this book but it sometimes got a little too technical for me. However, it was an interesting story and characters.
Profile Image for Victoria.
2,512 reviews68 followers
January 7, 2014
This sequel to Sea Change was not as exciting as the first book... and the hints of a third book seem to have not gone to fruition. Still, this had its moments of genuine excitement, though all in all, the book was bogged down with too much technical and military detail. It made it just a bit too slow-moving for my taste... But the continued character development was strong, even if the plot was not as fascinating as Sea Change.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,808 reviews276 followers
February 10, 2013
A lot of gadgets and techno babble. The good guys are good, the bad guys are bad, the hero is courageous and good-looking, so is his ex-wife, the heroine. How much do you want to bet that they get together again at the end of the book? Entertaining brain candy, probably works well on the beach.

I read a German translation that had the odd editorial mistake. And the front cover has a leaking oil drum. At no point in the book an oil drum makes an appearance, leaking or otherwise. D-oh!
Profile Image for Kristin Lundgren.
305 reviews15 followers
August 27, 2011
a different kind of thriller - a little slower paved, with tons of science mixed in, it' about a mysterious source of underground radiation in the arctic that is killing the native population, the animals and also some of the crew of a research vessel. Most of the book details their work to find out what it is, track it, and try and contain it, and eventually bury it. Good for the more scientifically inclined.
Profile Image for Beth A.
572 reviews
July 30, 2011
I found the premise of this book interesting...Not a great thriller, but good.
Profile Image for Shirley Bragg.
3 reviews90 followers
October 3, 2013
Absolutely loved it and like some other reviews that I have read, the science jargon didn't bother me in the least. I guess I thrive on learning something new from what I read. Loved it!!
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews

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