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Vegan Is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action

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In Vegan Is Love, author-illustrator Ruby Roth introduces young readers to veganism as a lifestyle of compassion and action. Broadening the scope of her popular first book That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals, Roth illustrates how our daily choices ripple out locally and globally, conveying what we can do to protect animals, the environment, and people across the world. Roth explores the many opportunities we have to make ethical decisions: refusing products tested on or made from animals; avoiding sea parks, circuses, animal races, and zoos; choosing to buy organic food; and more. Roth’s message is direct but sensitive, bringing into sharp focus what it means to “put our love into action.” Featuring empowering back-of-the-book resources on action children can take themselves, this is the next step for adults and kids alike to create a more sustainable and compassionate world.

40 pages, Hardcover

First published April 24, 2012

About the author

Ruby Roth

10 books79 followers
Featured on CNN, FOX, Today, and other major media outlets, Ruby Roth is an artist and the world's leading author and illustrator of vegan and vegetarian books for children.

Vegan since 2003, Roth was teaching art at an elementary school when her students' fascination with her eating habits inspired her to write That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals in 2009—the first book of its kind in children's literature. Vegan Is Love and V Is for Vegan. Today, Roth's books have been translated into multiple languages including German, Italian, Korean, French, Polish, Finnish, and Slovenian.

Complementing her degrees in art and American Studies, Roth has researched animal agriculture, health, nutrition, and the benefits of a plant-based diet for over a decade.

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Profile Image for Lisa Vegan.
2,857 reviews1,290 followers
September 18, 2013
So, I did like this. Obviously, it’s didactic. That’s okay but it makes for a small audience: vegans 12 + up, certain 8-11 year old not too sensitive vegans or vegan interested children, kids whose families are going vegan or those who want their families to know about the issues in the book, perhaps kids who have vegan friends, though I have to say from experience that omnivorous parents rarely want their children to get graphic, or much, vegan education. I honor parents’ requests but I won’t lie to kids, so in those cases I don’t offer information about my choices and, if asked, answer honestly but rather vaguely. I do think this might be a good book for vegan families to own.

I appreciated that the author-illustrator covered the many ways human use animals and does briefly describe the negatives of each of those ways.

I didn’t like the term man-made. I would have preferred using the words human made. I wish the word veganic and not organic can be used, but acknowledge the correct choice was made given the near impossibility of currently finding commercial veganically grown food. And, I thought polar bears usually have 2 cubs at once, not 4?

On the page(s) What Else Can We Do? section in the back of the book, I would have liked each suggestion to be accompanied by an illustration. I think these items would appeal more to kids if they each had a picture. The illustrations are wonderful, some exceptionally good. They’re whimsical and cute. But I kept wondering if more realistic looking animals (also painted as cute) would have been more effective here. After all, the book’s aim is to support kids who have compassion for real animals and those who might start caring. Because the text portions here are small and very straightforward rather than going out of their way to entertain, the pictures are a huge part of the book. They’re needed to help deliver the message. I’ll contradict myself here though and say that maybe the art style is good because being too, too accurate in the animals’ depictions might have more sensitive children feeling even more sad.

I’m conflicted. I think this is a good book for vegan or evolving toward vegan families, and especially for kids ages maybe 10 or 12-13 + in such families. It could be a support and validation. However, given the way the information is presented, I’m not sure it would be a good book to share with non-vegan kids & families. Too bad. Support is essential but there is already a lot of preaching to the choir.

I’m really unsure as how to rate this. I guess I’ll give it 4 stars because I see an eager audience for it, rounded up from 3 ½ stars. I wanted to like it even better than I did. I’m still eager to read this author-illustrator’s newest book: V is for Vegan: The ABCs of Being Kind. I hope my library gets it, and I hope it’s one I can share with some non-vegans.

Yeah, I rambled, and the reason is my mixed feelings.
Profile Image for Peacegal.
10.9k reviews107 followers
May 19, 2012
The author continues the theme she began in That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals, which is an explanation of family lifestyle choices for vegan children. One could definitely see why such books are necessary—just as books for children of single parents or same-sex parents are needed. This book has caused some waves among omnivorous parents who fear that it will “convert” their child (heaven forbid!), although it’s highly unlikely most omnis will purchase Vegan is Love. (And, as the author already pointed out, McDonald’s markets relentlessly to kids, and only a small sector of the mainstream is outraged about that.)

Despite the fact that I strongly support veganism and vegetarianism, as well as raising children on plant-based diet, a few things about this book made me uncomfortable. (I’ll get to that in a bit) The book starts out on a high note, with a great passage:

How wonderful it is that at this very moment, every person, big and small, has the power to create a better world! We don’t have to wait to grow older, for laws to change, or for presidents to be elected. We can begin right now.

Good stuff, and it reminds me of the self-empowerment among youth that we all encourage with humane education. You do have the power to make a world a better place, and you can make choices to improve the lot of others.

Despite its picture-book format, Vegan is Love is best suited for older children, because aspects of it are likely to upset very young or highly sensitive children. The illustrations are incredible, and I loved looking at the artist’s unusual, near-geometric animals. However, several illustrations show animals who are clearly injured or in distress. I was especially sensitive to animals as a youngster, budding vegetarian that I was, and I know these pictures would have deeply upset me. So if your kid is still unable to handle the sad/scary bits in Disney cartoons, s/he will probably have some problems handling Vegan is Love. For these kids, something such as Victor the Vegetarian might be a better choice.

While the illustrations are stunning, and the author occasionally shines with sentences such as this one, on hunting:

What we need today are people with the courage to protect animals, not hurt them.

it bothers me that a few of the passages are overly broad or incorrect, something vegan author Erik Marcus has repeatedly condemned. Other passages seem to exude a tone that I dislike, a touch of self-righteousness here and there, the feeling that being vegan is more about being in some sort of exclusive club. The author should take a lesson from Vegan Outreach and make her text more welcoming and inclusive, and less haughty.

For example, the author condemns all zoos and depicts a zoo as a place in which families of giraffes live in a Victorian-style concrete cell with no vegetation. While roadside zoos often indeed look and operate in this fashion, these facilities are to AZA zoos what pet hoarders are to accredited sanctuaries. Yes, I am one of the animal advocates who doesn’t oppose zoos in principle, and I’m not the only one. In a world where billions of farmed animals can’t even turn around, AZA-accredited zoos are not the enemy.

Other problematic generalizations crop up as well, such as the author’s take on organic farming.

Organic farmers treat their fields like family and care for them naturally—without chemicals or causing suffering.

Not really. While organic farmers may eschew chemicals, as Animal People News notes,

[S]o-called vermin species may in fact be even more ruthlessly persecuted by organic farmers than by more typical agribusinesses because the profit margin may be smaller on the typically smaller organic farms.

The book ends on another empowering high note:

In the end, only you can choose how to eat and live. It takes courage to ask, “What kind of person do I want to be?” and decide the answer yourself.

Despite some problems, Vegan is Love is, overall, a nice book, and it is encouraging to see vegan values entering the mainstream.
Profile Image for Lisa Viger.
Author 3 books17 followers
April 29, 2012
This is a beautifully illustrated and wonderfully written book with a powerful message. That message is that we all - adults and children alike - have the power to affect positive change and we can start today.

Roth explains in simple language how animals are used for clothing, food, testing, and entertainment and how that use harms animals, and also how it harms humans and the planet. She then explains what we can do instead, and how in that process we make the world a better place for all of us.

Roth's stylistic art is true to life in depicting the horrors of what we do to animals, but also gently presented. I didn't find the illustrations to be too graphic for small children.

Ms. Roth's book empowers even the youngest of us, and helps us all make the world a kinder, more compassionate place.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
157 reviews
June 16, 2012
This is one of the better vegan picture books I've read. Yes, it is still graphic: drawings of wounded animals in cages for testing, polluted/ crowded animal factories and hunters holding their "trophies." Ruby talks about what is unethical and what goes against vegan beliefs but she counters each negative with something positive we can do as compassionate humans and vegans. She talks about how vegan lifestyles can provide a better life for everyone on the planet, human and animal and how it is up to us to protect our planet. I think this book would be suitable for maybe 8 or 9 year olds and up-- don't think anything younger than a mature 8 year old would be wise. Ruby also gives a page of "What Else Can We Do?" which provide great ideas that are definitely things kids can do on their own or with an encouraging adult. I will be adding this book to my home library!
Profile Image for Todd.
165 reviews9 followers
January 23, 2013
I loved the artwork in this book, as well as the overall message. Even as a vegan though, I felt the lessons were a tad bit quixotic and one-sided. I understand that this is a book for kids, but if they can be taught veganism in a simple way, then they can also be taught why some may disagree with it. For instance, the page on organic farming was incredibly idealized. Not once did the author offer a major counterargument (for any of topics) and then explain why vegans disagree with it. We need books to teach kids critical thinking, not indoctrinate them.
Profile Image for Kris.
480 reviews
June 15, 2012
Picture book that advocates choosing a compassionate vegan lifestyle by gently explaining what really happens to the animals people like to eat and see at the circus, etc... I loved it and immediately bought it!
May 4, 2012
I Love the illustrations. A great book if you are a vegan and want your kids to be the same way.
Profile Image for Allyson.
106 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2012
So, I was curious as how vegan lifestyle would be presented, so I entered to win the book through Goodreads giveaways. Horrible, awful, wish I could take it back, mistake. If I want my kids to be able to see a giraffe or a zebra, I'm not going to shell out $6000 to go to Africa, I'm going to spend $8 for a ticket to the zoo. I'm sorry if those animals are sad, sick and angry. It's cheaper than going to Africa. I need to protein, so I do eat meat, cheese and other dairy products. I can't eat peanuts all the time. And I think the aquarium has some of the neatest animals I'll never get a chance to see. There's no way I'm reading this book to my kids--I think it would terrify them and they wouldn't want to go anywhere or do anything anymore. It's going straight to the donate box....maybe even the garbage can.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Janet Noonan.
170 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2014
Simple straightforward approach to explaining why vegans avoid the exploitation of animals through food clothing and entertainment. Illustrations are colorful and while recognizable as the animal in topic they are not so visually realistic as to induce a heightened emotional response. There is some controversy about this book being inappropriate for children but it is much more damaging to children to have them grow up blind to the truth and ignorant of the abuse that goes on.
40 reviews
September 13, 2017
This is a beautiful story illustrating and educating readers about the joy that is veganism. The book outlines the major contributions to the environment, animals, and health when living a vegan lifestyle. Each aspect of animal exploitation is described in kid-friendly language with colorful cute illustrations of said animals as supportive visuals. The book includes helpful information and resources to best encourage and inform young readers about the endless benefits of veganism.
Each page is dedicated to another form of veganism. To begin the author explains the kind nature of veganism as a powerful, wonderful, lifestyle that is best for our health, for all animals and for the Earth. She explicitly describes veganism as love. Our consumer choices are powerful and each decision we make every day has an impact on the world around us. This book addresses these consequences for what they are – harmful, avoidable, choices.
Teaching idea:
Ruby Roth, the author and illustrator has creates a masterful portrayal of the powerful message of veganism while maintaining child-like vocabulary and positivity. This book is especially tailored to educate and enlighten children about the horrors of animal industries while providing significate alternatives for the young readers to adapt in their own lives. For example, after explaining the reasons why hunting, fishing, bullfighting and rodeos are not kind ways to treat other animals the author provides alternative thinking “We vegans prefer to be entertained by creatures [humans] who love to perform.” (p. 11) This book is a beautiful blend between informational and non-narrative.
426 reviews
October 27, 2018
Vegan is Love : Having Heart and Taking Action is such an appropriately named title.

M. Scott Peck in his self-help classic, The Road Less Traveled, defined 'love' as an act of will. Ruby Roth in this thoughtful presentation to children about veganism presents to them acts of will that they can do to express love for animals.

Roth's first two sentences are, 'How wonderful that at this very moment every person, big and small, has the power to create a better world! We don't have to wait to grow older, for laws to change, or for presidents to be elected. We can begin right now.'

The book shows how vegans live with love and respect for animals through their clothing choices, by choosing products that haven't been tested on animals, by foregoing zoos, sea parks, aquariums, circuses, races, bullfights and rodeos that keep animals from living their natural life in the wild. Children are asked to consider nuances of intent with hunting. Are hunters hunting for food, or merely to gratify their ego and feel powerful?

The author points out the cost to humanity and the environment of eating animals that have been pumped full of chemicals, and to the Earth's land and water that has been contaminated with pesticides. She quite rightly points to the devastation to oceans and forests from overuse and farm chemicals (Americans, google 'dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico' to learn more).

This book treats children with respect as decision-makers. It asks them to consider who they want to be in their formative years when they are setting habits that can last a lifetime. I found it a very compelling title that makes its case.
Profile Image for Sandra Jesus.
16 reviews1 follower
August 7, 2024
É um livro que se destina a miúdos e graúdos, onde mostra a importância de não comermos animais, nem nada que cause o seu sofrimento. Com ilustrações lindíssimas, mostra de uma forma leve, a dura realidade que os animais vivem por causa do seu trágico fim, e sugere dicas sobre o que cada um de nós pode fazer para proteger os animais e mostra uma grande variedade de possibilidades de outros alimentos que podemos comer. Afinal de contas, quem ama os animais não os come.

It´s a book for kids and grown-ups, where shows the importance of not eating animals, and nothing that cause their suffer. With amazing ilustrations, show us in a lighty way, the hard reality animals live because their tragic end, and sugest us ways that each one of us can do to protect animals and show us a big variety of possibilities of other foods that we can eat. Well, in the end, who loves animals doesn´t it them.
76 reviews2 followers
March 18, 2020
Vegan is Love is sad but true. Animal Agriculture’s do horrible things to our home planet. The first reason to read this book is it teaches you everything you need to know about what’s happening to Your environment and favorite animals. For example, if your favorite animals are bunnies, you might be eating your favorite animal. The second reason to read this book is it tells you what is also happening to our beautiful planet, Earth. For example, each time you eat a animal it cases pollution. Also, farmers feed their cows all of OUR food and then wastes it and eats the cows. Vegan is Love is a very disappointing story. But, it is very real. Do you want to know what’s happening to your home planet? Then read this book!
Profile Image for Lisa.
149 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2020
This is one of Ruby Roth’s best children’s books on veganism. It covers several topics such as animal testing, zoos, and the circus, to name a few. It’s very informative and helped open a discussion with my son about these subjects. The illustrations were amazing and colorful.
Profile Image for Libraia Susan.
89 reviews9 followers
September 23, 2017
In a few pages you have all the information about veganism, it has really beautiful images to explain love and respect towards animals to children. I want to read the other books by the same author.
Profile Image for Alicia Griggs.
378 reviews
May 27, 2022
A beautiful way to explain veganism, complete with beautiful illustrations that further highlight the issues raised.
Bought this to share with children in my classroom and with my future children.
1 review
March 10, 2017
this is such a great book!!!! such a great way to teach children how and why we need to live kinder and more compassionate lives!!!! it really is a choice, change the horrible cycle of death and torture and teach your kids to be kind and be healthy!!!!
Profile Image for Jessi.
692 reviews14 followers
November 22, 2013
For the most part, I really liked this book. It's a really gentle yet informative way to talk about veganism and kind living to kids (and it would be a good read for some adults, too.) However, I did take issue with the section on zoos. Zoos have problems, but the way the author described them with blanket statements ("they can't forage or drink from streams") was a little dishonest. Decent zoos will create these environments for the animals, not keep them in concrete boxes as the illustration depicted. Is it artificial? Man-made? Yes. But that doesn't mean that these provisions don't exist. Other than this section, I thought the book was completely honest and open. I would recommend it for almost anyone.
Profile Image for Aryne Hornsby.
43 reviews1 follower
February 23, 2014
This book is not for very young children- they won't really grasp the vocabulary and the message might be confusing or the pictures emotionally charged, but it is an honest and important message for vegan families ( and even non- vegans). Older children will understand the concepts and I think that having storybooks that approach this subject are important, so I fully advocate Ruby Roth pushing the market to include children when it comes to veganism. Honesty is not an 'agenda' and there is no brainwashing going on- although critics have accused her of such things. I think it's time we faced these topics head on and in an open matter - and like this book for doing just that.
2,067 reviews
February 4, 2016
This book will reaffirm the values of stoutly vegan families (about the circus, the author writes "The cheerful ringleader does not fool us. We will not see his show."). But less strict families or those looking for introductory information on veganism may be put off by the rhetoric. There are illustrations of bleeding animals after a hunt/slaughter but they are not highly graphic. The back page lists activities for encouraging a vegan lifestyle (volunteer at an animal shelter, avoid shows featuring animals, etc.).
Profile Image for Erma Steppe.
Author 1 book165 followers
November 17, 2013
VEGAN IS LOVE by Ruby Roth This book is perfect for youngsters. First I would like to say that the illustrations are beautiful, excellent. Having tried to be a vegan, I understand the many pitfalls we walk into. I will keep trying as I did feel much better while I was practicing being a vegan. I gained a different view of a zoo, thanks to this book. I have changed my view of many things. Thank you for the opportunity to read your book.
1 review
April 30, 2012
The saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover" applies here. I expected this to be a nice book to read to my 2.5 year old. We are vegan, I agree with the vegan lifestyle and educating our children on it, but this book is too emotionally charged, too graphic and disturbing, I wouldn't want my child to see it.
Profile Image for Joseph Wilson.
6 reviews4 followers
March 27, 2015
Love this. Even moved me to tears the first time I read it. To any parents who object to the content of this book being too much for children I have this to say: There is *Nothing* in this book that isn't in a grocery store.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 36 reviews

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