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Fost jucător de baseball distrus de băutură şi înstrăinat de familie, şomer şi falit, Charley "Chick" Benetto este un om sfârşit. Viaţa lui este atât de tristă, încât, pentru el, singura soluţie este să îşi pună capăt zilelor. Copleşit de regrete, Chick se întoarce în orăşelul natal, pentru a-şi lua rămas-bun de la locurile unde a copilărit şi a-şi curma apoi viaţa. Însă revederea casei natale îi va răsturna toate planurile, pentru că aici pe Chick îl aşteaptă mama sa, a cărei dragoste o refuzase de mult, pe când era un adolescent furios. Din această clipă, speranţa bărbatului înfrânt pare să renască. Va mai putea el reînnoda legătura cu fiinţa care l-a iubit cel mai mult pe lume? Va avea el şansa să îi pună întrebările pe care nu a avut niciodată curajul să i le adreseze? Va primi răspunsurile care să îl ajute să-şi refacă viaţa şi familia?

216 pages, Paperback

First published September 26, 2006

About the author

Mitch Albom

83 books112k followers
Author, screenwriter, philanthropist, journalist, and broadcaster Mitch Albom is an inspiration around the world. Albom is the author of numerous books of fiction and nonfiction, which have collectively sold more than forty million copies in forty-eight languages worldwide. He has written eight number-one New York Times bestsellers — including Tuesdays with Morrie, the bestselling memoir of all time, which topped the list for four straight years and celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2022. He has also written award-winning TV films, stage plays, screenplays, a nationally syndicated newspaper column, and a musical. He appeared for more than 20 years on ESPN, and was a fixture on The Sports Reporters. Through his work at the Detroit Free Press, he was inducted into both the National Sports Media Association and Michigan Sports halls of fame and was the recipient of the Red Smith Award for lifetime achievement.

Following his bestselling memoir Finding Chika, and Human Touch, a weekly serial written and published online which raised nearly $1 million for pandemic relief, he returned to fiction with The Stranger in the Lifeboat, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times Bestsellers List after being #1 on Amazon. His much-anticipated new novel, set during the Holocaust, is coming in the fall of 2023.

Albom now spends the majority of his time in philanthropic work. Since 2006, he has operated nine charitable programs in southeast Michigan under his SAY Detroit umbrella, including the nation's first medical clinic for homeless children. He also created a dessert shop and popcorn line to fund programs for Detroit’s most underserved citizens. Since 2010, Albom has operated Have Faith Haiti in Port-au-Prince, a home and school to more than 60 children, which he visits every month without exception.

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Profile Image for Estee.
32 reviews19 followers
January 6, 2009
You may believe it or not, but after I read this book, I love both my parent more and more. I try to be a better daughter for them, and I try to understand and appreciate every little thing they've done for me. By reading this book, you will see your parent, especially your mother, as a person who has the purest love ever, and trying to give them back the same...
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews369 followers
April 6, 2022
For One More Day, Mitch Albom

For One More Day is a 2006 philosophical novel by Mitch Albom. Like his previous works (Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven), it features mortality as a central theme. The book tells the story of a troubled man and his mother, and explores how people might use the opportunity to spend a day with a lost relative.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «برای یک روز بیشتر»، «برای یک روز دیگر»؛ «یک روز دیگر»؛ نویسنده: میچ آلبوم؛ انتشاراتیها: (نشر البرز، جیحون؛ پندار تابان؛ کاروان، قطره، حافظ نوین، نشر نی، پاسارگاد)؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز هفدهم ماه ژانویه سال2012میلادی

عنوان: برای یک روز بیشتر؛ نویسنده: میچ آلبوم؛ مترجم: منیژه جلالی؛ تهران، البرز، سال1385، در231ص؛ شابک9644425359؛ چاپ دوم سال1388؛ چاپ سوم سال1395؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده21م

عنوان: برای یک روز بیشتر؛ نویسنده: میچ آلبوم؛ مترجم: مریم یزدانیان؛ تهران، نشر نی، سال1386، در207ص؛ شابک9789643129590؛

عنوان: برای یک روز بیشتر؛ نویسنده: میچ آلبوم؛ مترجم: الهه مرعشی؛ تهران، حافظ نوین، سال1386، در271ص؛ شابک9789648264395؛

عنوان: برای یک روز دیگر؛ نویسنده: میچ آلبوم؛ مترجم: گیتا گرکانی؛ تهران، کاروان، سال1386؛ در220ص؛ شابک9789648497953؛ چاپ سوم سال1387؛ چاپ دیگر تهران، نشر قطره، چاپ هفتم سال1392؛ چاپهای هشتم و نهم سال1393؛ شابک9786001192500؛ عنوان روی جلد: یک روز دیگر؛

عنوان: برای یک روز دیگر؛ نویسنده: میچ آلبوم؛ مترجم: زهره زاهدی؛ تهران، جیحون، سال1386؛ در192ص؛ شابک9789645150608؛ چاپ دیگر پندار تابان؛ سال1393؛ شابک9786006895352؛

عنوان: برای یک روز بیشتر؛ نویسنده: میچ آلبوم؛ مترجم: لادن محتشم؛ تهران، پاسارگاد، سال1389، در240ص؛ شابک9789646078604؛

کتاب «برای یک روز دیگر» داستان یک مادر با پسرش است، و رابطه ای که تا پس از مرگ نیز ادامه دارد؛ پرسش این است: اگر میتوانستید با عزیز از دست رفته ای تنها «یک روز دیگر» را با هم بگذرانید، چه میکردید؟

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 03/03/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 16/01/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Hebz.
85 reviews56 followers
October 29, 2007
What a beautiful book. It shows you how every mother in Earth will do just to make her family happy and safe! I cried while reading it.. It shows you the real love the purest love you will ever know. Love without any limitation!

what an outstanding book.. Worth to read it and read it again and again!

Mitch Albom I wish you don't stop writing.
Profile Image for Rajat Ubhaykar.
Author 1 book1,897 followers
September 21, 2012
Today is a momentous day. It's my mom's birthday! Through an utter coincidence, I happened to take this book up for reading a day before my mother's birthday, temporarily oblivious to the occasion. Oh, how I love such coincidences! They are little life affirming miracles, dismissed by reason as coincidences, for what were the chances of my walking into a friend's room in a different hostel on a hot afternoon on an impulse and ending up finishing this book, unaware of the relevance of the next day to the book?

By the time I was finished with it, which was a couple of hours later, I knew what I had to do. I called up home and told my brother to hand the phone to mom. An hour later, I knew I had the purest love any man could hope to get.

Some might choose to sneer at the 'manipulative sentimentality' associated with the plot line (and this review :p). Others will relate to the underlying theme, the beauty and complexity of the relationship between a mother and a child and the meaning of a family. It makes one realize how we unwittingly and deliberately take our parents for granted and about the selflessness of their love, simple things really, but so overlooked. The writing style is engaging proving Mitch Albom a fluent story teller, adept at narrating eerily familiar anecdotes.

Eventually, my realization of the injustices we make our mothers go through will melt in the warmth of her hug, it'll vanish in the crinkles of her adoring smile, immersed in the endless sea of her love. What will endure is the fact that this book made me call mom, which is always a good thing. Love you Mom! :)
Profile Image for Hoda.
188 reviews1,187 followers
February 7, 2024
” When someone is in your heart, they’re never truly gone. They can comeback to you even at unlikely times”

I wanted a good cry and this book more than delivered. It was such an emotional, heartbreaking, powerful lesson. It effected me deeply. Felt like a strong slap on the face I didn’t know i needed it until now.

It’s a story about love and forgiveness, about the enduring bond between a mother and her son. And the unseen sacrifices they make. It’s so row and real i saw my life and my family and myself in some parts of the story. The first thing i did after I finishing this book was calling my mum and apologizing for every mean, rude, snap i ever say or did to her. I told her I appreciated everything she did for me because i was so scared of being too late. And I’m still scared I haven’t said enough. What I’m trying to say is stop saying “ i’ll talk to them tomorrow and fix it” or “ I’m not in the mood to visit rn i’ll do it later” because there maybe not tomorrow! Fix it now, visit and show them you care now because you don’t know when will be the last time u see them.

” parents slot into postures in a child’s mind, and my mother posture was a lipsticked woman leaning over, wagging a finger, imploring me to be s better than i was. My father posture was a man in repose, shoulders pressed against a wall, holding a cigarette, watching me sink or swim”

Stop feeling guilty over things you’ve done in the past and ruining the present, it’s pointless. Your guilt will get you no where. Forgive yourself and try to fix what you ruined if it’s fixable, change for the better and focus on the future.stop seeking validation and love from the ones who doesn’t deserve it from you. Give your love to the ones who appreciate it and give it back 🫶🏻

Anyway I highly recommend this one you might get bored at first but trust me and continue because it’s so beautiful and impactful 🫶🏻


” I realized when you look at your mother, you’re looking at the purest love will ever know”

“ sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story, because hers is where yours begins.”

“Children forget that sometimes they think of themselves as a burden instead of a wish granted”

“ kids chase the love that eludes them, and for me, that was my father’s love. He kept it tucked away, like papers in a briefcase. And i kept trying to get in there”

“ what is it about childhood that never lets you go, even even you’re so wrecked it’s hard to believe you ever were a child”

“When you’re rotten about yourself, you become rotten to everyone else, even those you love”

“Mothers support certain illusions about their children, and one if my illusions was that i liked who i was, because she did. When she passed away, so did that idea”
Profile Image for Matt.
39 reviews11 followers
March 14, 2009
For One More Day, like all of Mitch Albom's books, attempts to be an exercise in feel-good warm fuzzies. This overly-verbose mortality tale, however, is not particularly inspiring, uplifting, or even interesting.

When the main character tries to commit suicide, he gets to spend the titular "one more day" with his deceased mother. During the visit, he reminisces about his life growing up in a broken home, the mistakes he made, and how we would do it differently if he could. Interspersed are example after example of how he did not stand up for his single mother and/or how she did stand up for him.

The problem with "For One More Day" is that the emotional claptrap and manipulation don't have even a remotely satisfying payoff. There are no lessons learned, no flash of insight. Instead, it seems as if Albom stuck his "Five People you Meet in Heaven" in a blender with "It's a Wonderful Life," drank it down, and then vomited it back up into print. It's boring, uninspiring, frustrating, and vapid. This morality tale could have been condensed into a Reader's Digest article and contained the same emotional punch.

For a set of real-life lessons about the preciousness of life, drop "For One More Day" into the trash can where it belongs and go find a used copy of "Tuesdays with Morrie."
Profile Image for CYNDI.
404 reviews58 followers
March 4, 2022
Emotional and heartfelt.

What would you do if you were given a chance to spend one more day with someone you lost? Would you ask for forgiveness? Or say the things you were not able to say?

Charley "Chick" Benetto, is a failed athlete, completely suicidal and a man full of regrets,. After trying once again to end his life, he found himself going back to his childhood home, inside was his mother who died a few years back. Will Charley be able to come to terms with his past and forgive himself?

This book is a testament that nothing is purer than a mother's love. That no matter how old we get or how far we are from our mothers, their love is absolute and unconditional. I couldn't help but shed a tear while reading this. Mitch Albom is slowly becoming one of my go-to authors.

Cheers to all mothers out there. Cheers to your love and never-ending sacrifices for us, your children!
Profile Image for Wulan.
97 reviews10 followers
October 5, 2008
I read this book when I was on a plane from London to Indonesia via Hongkong, and I cried like a baby all the way. I swear, if the people that sat on my left and right hadnt been my friends, I would've been considered a crazy girl weeping for no reason.

Reading this book made me realize how much I've taken my mum for granted. It opened my eyes and showed me how big and everlasting a mother's love can be, despite all the things that's been done to her.

Mummy, I LOVE YOU!!!!
Profile Image for James.
Author 20 books4,123 followers
September 18, 2023
For One More Day by Mitch Albom is a poignant tale about a 50-something man who wishes he had one more more day with his mother. Chick is contemplating suicide, and when is first attempt fails, he tries again, only to fail once more. As he revisits moments from his lifetime, he remembers when he was a good person and a bad person, trying to understand why he isn't dead yet. Brought me close to tears at a few sections, tho not quite like I did with The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Albom has so many lovely, genuine things to share about life, these types of books always leave you with a different thought about your purpose. Sometimes you see the things you need to do better; other times, you wonder if you're capable of fixing the areas you want to change. There is always heart and reason, logic often hidden in the depths of the explanation in the final moments of the book. Definitely an author to read every once in a while to bring you back to the reasoning of your life.
Profile Image for Ghazaleh.
160 reviews126 followers
September 28, 2016
کتاب های میچ آلبوم همیشه پر از حرف هاییه که تا مدت ها ذهنتو مشغول میکنه، و پر از احساساتی که تا آخرین صفحه تو رو درگیر خودش میکنه.
مطمئنم جاهای زیادی توی زندگی همه ما آدم ها هست که مادرها (و حتی پدرها) از ما حمایت کردن و جاهای خیلی زیادتری که ما از اون ها حمایت نکردیم.
فکر کنم بعد از خوندن این کتاب برای هر کاری مجبور بشم به این قضیه فکر کنم که الان دارم از مادرم حمایت میکنم یا نه!
Profile Image for Swetha Amit.
264 reviews5 followers
August 4, 2007
There are many in this world who would do anything to get just that one chance to make amends for their past misgivings. Yet very few get this golden opportunity while the majority is saddled with that nostalgic remorse and regret.

Mitch Albom’s new edition titled “For one more day” takes one through a wistful journey which encounters a strange and enigmatic tryst with the ghost of the past. The story unfolds the main character Charley Benetto (Chick) whose life is in ruins. Being unwanted at his own daughter’ wedding was the last straw of having lost everything and he is ready to give up his life. As he takes a midnight ride to his hometown, he encounters his dead mother much to his amazement and everything seemed as normal as ever.

Instances from his life are brought to light with a quick flashback through the book. Being with his mother for that one day makes him realize the lack of time he spent with her and how out of touch he had been with her. Yet she had managed to retain that special place in his heart and the close call was what brought her to him and his encounter with the other world. As this journey nears an end, his surprise knows no bounds as he unravels several loopholes and a shocking truth in the end. He also gets the second chance to convey his unexpressed explanation for a certain act of his, which to his surprise was known to her all long.

This book is intriguing and emphasizes beautifully on a mother-son relationship. It makes one reflective and also makes ones eyes go moist and choke with emotion. The few words quoted in the book as the character’s father tells him “mama’s boy or daddy’s boy chick? What’s it gonna be?” As he recalls this statement in the end, he is made to realize by his mother that “a child should never have to choose.”

Many may dispute this as being just another ghost story. Yet there are times that we draw parallels and examples from our lost loved ones that make it seem as though they were never gone. They retain their omnipresence in our memories. There are some individuals to whom we postpone our visits; taking them for granted only to realize that one fine day they are no longer there. And then we grieve at our actions for having said something that had hurt them or not having spent quality time with them when they were alive. This thought continues to haunt us till eternity.

This book teaches one to never take anything or anyone for granted. Life’s uncertainty is such that we may never get another chance. So why not take the one life hands out and utilize it to the maximum as the saying goes,” If life hands you a lemon, make lemonade.” One should ensure this ‘lemonade’ remains sweet instead of letting it turn sour.
Profile Image for Erin .
1,424 reviews1,450 followers
November 18, 2019
Buzzword A Thon: One

4.5 Stars

The only reason I didn't give For One More Day 5 stars is because its not The Five People You Meet In Heaven. That book is the book I rate all Mitch Albom novels by.


Also read this one because its amazing!

If you had the chance to spend one more day with someone you lost, what would you do? What would you talk about?

Chick Benetto a down on his luck ex baseball player gets just that. On the night he decides to end his life his mom shows up to spend the day with him. Nothing strange about that except...

She died 8 years ago.

For One More Day is classic Mitch Albom, its a simple story with many layers,

Oh! And it will break your heart.

The first time I read this book was at least 10 years ago and I hated Chick. He spent his whole life treating his mom like crap and then he expects his mom to fix his life for him. All those things were still true upon my second read but I had much more sympathy for him this time around.

So what changed in the time between readings?

My mom died.

And though I am nothing like Chick, I pray everyday for the chance to see her again. Talk to her again.

Part of the reason I hated Chick so much the first time around was because, throughout the book we get sections Titled

Times I Did NOT Stand Up For My Mother.

I remember reading these sections and wanting to punch Chick in his face. I mean who treats their mom like that?

But now in the years since my mom died, I've found myself replaying times in which I was mean to my mom, rude to my mom, and just plain unappreciative of her. Things I never thought of when she was alive. Nothing big, my mom and I had a fantastic relationship but now that's she gone I relive the very few arguments we had and wish I could undo them.

But back to the book

For One More Day is about the most important relationship any of will ever have in our life. Our relationship with our mom. I doesnt matter if you had a great relationship like I had with mine or if you hate your moms guts. That relationship shapes your whole life.

Read this book! Its one of my favorites!
Profile Image for Natalie.
606 reviews3,853 followers
November 22, 2018
A Mother's Love: For One More Day by Mitch Albom
For One More Day

I was (unknowingly) seeking a book that dives into the powerful and complicated mother-son dynamic when my eyes landed on Mitch Albom's  For One More Day sitting idly on the library shelves. Something about the blurb featuring the quote "Every family is a ghost story..." captivated me.

For One More Day  explores the story of a mother and a son and a relationship that covers a lifetime and beyond. It explores the question: What would you do if you could spend one more day with a lost loved one? This compact book packs a punch with what seemed like honest intentions on reconciling the hurt, love, and power dynamic over the decades within the Benetto family.

For One More Day- bookspoils

I breezed through the first half, anticipating a reality-based retelling on mother-son connections, however, I was quickly given a lifetime movie in its place, when I was expecting something to hit as deeply as Motherhood and Emotional Intimacy in Tully 2018. Charles "Chick" Benetto is too frustrating for his own good. Honestly, his mother opening her arms to him after he spits in her face so many times is what makes her a true hero; a mother. She even invented a whole new way to say ILY: “I love you every day!”
She worked her butt off to send him to college to become a mensch and all he does is run off to his daddy at the first glance. She makes the effort time and again to communicate, he brushes her off with an "I'm busy. Maybe next week." He gives up on fulfilling her dream to see him with a college degree only to make his father happy (which he'll never be) by chasing the big leagues. F R U S T R A T I N G.

“I met a man once who did a lot of mountain climbing. I asked him which was harder, ascending or descending? He said without a doubt descending, because ascending you were so focused on reaching the top, you avoided mistakes.
“The backside of a mountain is a fight against human nature,” he said. “You have to care as much about yourself on the way down as you did on the way up.”
I could spend a lot of time talking about my life after baseball. But that pretty much says it.”

Speaking on frustration, the father is a piece of garbage. He never provided for them, or paid the basic alimony and living expenses after he up and left, and yet he stills perceives to live the best of both worlds, where he gets to slip in and out of Chick's highlighted points in life. All he wants is to benefit himself by living vicariously through his son's baseball career.

“Not surprisingly, my father faded with my athletic career.”

Another point: This also didn't keep its full promise of delving into the mother-son dynamic when it focuses the majority of the story on unwrapping the mystery. So I cherished those chapters titled “Times My Mother Stood Up for Me” and “Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother” that showcase exactly what it is that I seek in this book: the complexity of family interactions and the details that make up our daily lives.

For One More Day mother

It blows wide open so many truths we hold out to be self-evident when it comes to parents and their kids and the impact they have on each other's world.
“Sometimes your kids will say the nastiest things, won’t they, Rose? You want to ask, ‘Whose child is this?’”
Rose chuckled.
“But usually, they’re just in some kind of pain. They need to work it out.”
She shot me a look. “Remember, Charley. Sometimes, kids want you to hurt the way they hurt.”
To hurt the way they hurt? Was that what I had done? Had I wanted to see on my mother’s face the rejection I felt from my father? Had my daughter done the same to me?”

This made me sit still till I let it fully sink in. There's so much truth in the phrase "Sometimes, kids want you to hurt the way they hurt.”

It's stirring moments like these, simply, the small joys and frictions in life we tend to overlook over the years till they’re gone out of our grasp, that made this book shine over the bad.
Sticking with your family is what makes it a family.”

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Profile Image for Hatsumi.
101 reviews14 followers
August 31, 2022
داستان در مورد مردی هست که وارد یک شهر میشه ،و در جواب مردی که ازش شغلش رو می پرسه میگه من یک نویسنده ام و مرد بهش میگه فکر میکنم اون مرد داستان خوبی داشته باشه،مادرش همین اطراف زندگی می کرد و اون خودکشی کرده،نویسنده تصمیم می گیره داستان اون مرد به نام چیک بنتو رو بنویسه ،که خودکشی کرده و تونسته یک روز دیگه با مادرش که فوت شده بوده بگذرونه،
فکر میکنم این کتاب برای همه مناسب هست چه اون هایی که کسی رو از دست دادن و چه اون هایی که تجربه سوگ نداشتن،متن کتاب خیلی ساده و روان بودمثل بقیه کتاب های میچ آلبوم .برای من که تجربه سوگ مادرم رو داشتم این کتاب خیلی دردناک ،گریه آور و در عین حال تسکین آور بود ،چون فهمیدم تنها من نبودم که اینقدر ناراحت و در سوگ باقی موندم ،جایی خوندم که نوشته بود سوگ وقتی تموم میشه که اندوه مرگ عزیزان تموم بشه و اندوه هیچوقت تموم نمیشه همونجوری که میچ آلبوم توی این کتاب نوشته بود ممکنه یه روزی با حال بد بیدار بشی و ببینی دلت مادرت رو میخواد،و اینکه با مردن آدم ها اونها تموم نمیشن اون ها از طریق خاطراتشون در وجود ما ادامه پیدا میکنن،دوست دارم از میچ آلبوم بخاطر این کتابش تشکر کنم و جایی از داستان که من گریه کردم رو اینجا میذارم شاید سال ها بعد بهش برگردم و یادم بیاد روزی با یک قسمت کتاب خاطرات خودم از روزی که مادرم رو از دست دادم برام زنده شد و گریه کردم ......

امیدوارم هرگز این کلمات را نشنوی. مادرت مُرد. آن‌ها با بقیه کلمات فرق دارند. بزرگ‌تر از آن هستند که در گوش‌هایت جا بگیرند. آن‌ها به زبانی غریب، سنگین و پرقدرت تعلق دارند که به یک طرف سرت کوبیده می‌شود، توپی خرد کننده باز و باز به طرفت پرتاب می‌شود، تا آنکه عاقبت کلمات در مغزت سوراخی ایجاد کنند که در آن جا بگیرند و با این کار تو را درهم می‌شکنند.

به کتاب بخاطر جایگاهی که از لحاظ احساسی در قلبم پیدا کرد پنج ستاره میدم،که کتاب ها دست آخر به حدی که احساسات ما رو تکان میدن عزیز شمرده میشن♥️⁦ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ⁩
Profile Image for Charlotte May.
783 reviews1,258 followers
August 18, 2017
It seems that for me Mitch Albom can do no wrong!
This is my fourth novel by him and I thought it was wonderful! Albom seems to have an incredible ability to take ordinary situations and the inevitable pain of life and make them magical.
For One More Day focuses on Charles (Chick) Bennetto, a middle aged man with a failing marriage, obscene amounts of debt and an inner grief he's never gotten over. He hits rock bottom when he is left uninvited to his only daughters wedding.
We watch as Chick tries to take his own life, and in doing so enters a kind of dream state where he is able to spend one more day with his deceased mother.
Chick is so relatable. He is all of us at some point - unsure of himself, mediocre, desperate for love. So to watch his pain and go through what he goes through is so hard and really hits home.
Mitch Albom has done it once again and I was teary eyed by the end!
Profile Image for Indri Juwono.
Author 2 books307 followers
August 12, 2010

"Baca deh, Squid, bukunya baguss.. bikin nangis.."

Aku nggak pernah baca bukunya Mitch Albom sebelumnya, dan ketika Qui merekomendasikan buku ini ketika jalan-jalan di RB menjelang tahun baru kemarin dengan ekspresi mengharukan.

Akhirnya setelah sekian lama dalam tumpukan to-read aku sambar juga untuk dibaca dalam perjalanan pulang. Benar apa yang dikatakannya, sepanjang perjalanan di KRL rasanya dadaku sesak dan mata berkaca-kaca.
Bagaimana Chick Benetto bertemu lagi dengan ibunya yang meninggal 8 tahun yang lalu, dan terlewatkan hari kematiannya. Satu hari saja bersamanya.

"Kau bisa jadi anak mama atau anak papa. Tapi tidak keduanya."(h.31)
Bagaimana mungkin? Bagaimana seorang anak harus memilih untuk ikut mama atau papanya? Bukankah seharusnya yang ia berhak untuk memiliki keduanya sekaligus, dan berbahagia bersamanya?

Tapi kalau memang diharuskan memilih, mungkin aku memang akan pilih mama. Mama sangat mirip dengan karakter Posey di sini. Cantik, ramah, gesit sigap, hangat. Ada dalam berbagai session saat-saat ketika Ibu membelaku yang benar-benar mengingatkanku pada masa-masa mama yang begitu sayang rela melakukan apa saja untukku, mengantarku kuliah di saat hujan deras, mengajari menyetir, menyiapkan ulang tahunku, bahkan sampai sekarang, selalu datang kalau aku mau menitipkan Bintang, senantiasa berdo'a untuk keberhasilanku.
Di saat-saat aku tidak membela ibu aku teringat pada masa kabur dari rumah untuk naik gunung, tidak terbayang khawatir beliau, penolakanku untuk mengajarinya ber-sms, hingga ia bisa dari belajar dari anak tetangga, hingga telepon2 pagi yang jarang kuangkat dengan alasan ribet mau berangkat ke kantor.

she's my equilibrium.

Aku bersyukur mamaku masih ada, sehingga bisa mencoba mengembalikan kasih sayangnya. Aku tahu mama tidak mengharapkan apa-apa dariku, hanya mengharap aku bersikap lebih lembut (karena sering aku ketus seperti ayah), lebih meluangkan waktu dengannya (walaupun kesibukan kami pun sama-sama padat), banyak cerita soal kesulitan-kesulitan (sulit sekali aku untuk bercerita, lebih suka cerita yang baik2 aja).

Aku ingat, seperti chick, yang memilih baseball dengan ayahnya, aku sering lebih memilih mirip ayah, daripada membantu mama di dapur. Aku lebih sering belajar mengutak atik listrik, selalu mengelak dari pekerjaan domestik, dengan alasan belajar matematika. Bermalas2an dengan pelajaran ekonomi yang dikuasai mama, padahal beliau mengajarkan dengan susah payah. Walau akhirnya mamaku sadar, enak juga punya anak perempuan yang bisa disuruh memanjat dak untuk memeriksa tangki air, atau jd teman ditanyain kalau belanja bahan bangunan, tapi beliau pasti masih punya keinginan bisa berbagi pengalaman memasak, atau membuat kue, menjahit, kreasi manik2, dan lainnya (yang sayangnya aku tidak tertarik).

Saat akhirnya diriku menjadi bunda, aku tahu bahwa semua yang mama khawatirkan kepadaku dulu itu benar adanya. Aku menyayangi Bintang, dan mungkin seperti itulah mama menyayangiku sejak kecil. Aku khawatir akan keselamatannya, mungkin itulah yang dirasakan mama ketika aku bepergian jauh. Aku tahu, berkaca pada diriku sendiri, bahwa Bintang kelak mungkin akan bersikap sama denganku, mungkin ia akan berubah di masa remajanya, mungkin ia akan jadi cuek, tapi aku ingin, selamanya ia akan dekat denganku, di hatiku. Aku harus tahu, bukan hanya Bintang yang harus belajar mandiri, tapi aku juga, sebagai bundanya yang harus tahu bahwa ada saatnya ia akan kulepas kelak.

Buku ini mengajarkan banyak, soal hubungan ibu dan anak, soal kesalahan-kaesalahan yang sering dilakukan anak, dan menjadi seorang ibu dengan sejuta kesulitan hidupnya. Menjadi seorang ibu yang kebahagiaannya tak sempurna. Menjadi seorang ibu yang tegar dan selalu siap. Menjadi seorang ibu di mana keberhasilan anak adalah semangatnya untuk hidup. Mengajarkan suatu cinta yang sejati. Ibu tidak boleh lemah.

Kasih ibu sepanjang jalan. I love you forever. Mama and my daughter.

Happy Birthday, Ma. 10 Agustus 2010.

Profile Image for Raha.
186 reviews221 followers
February 6, 2017
پشت همه ی داستان ها همیشه داستان مادر ها قرار دارد.زیرا از آنجاست که همه ی داستان ها آغاز می شود
قصه ی این کتاب قصه ی فرزند نامهربانی است که مادر خود را خواسته یا ناخواسته می رنجاند و زمانی که مادرش دار فانی را وداع می گوید تازه متوجه می شود که چه گوهر گرانبهایی را از دست داده است
مرگ پدر و مادر موجب می شود احساس کنی در هر جنگی که به آن پا می نهی تنها هستی
مادری که دیگر هرگز نگاه گرمش را نخواهد دید و در آغوشش نخواهد کشید
وقتی به مادرت نگاه می کنی به ناب ترین عشقی می نگری که تا کنون شناخته ای
اما دست روزگار با قهرمان ما همراه میشود تا او بتواند یک روز دیگر با مادرش زندگی کند و تمام خاطرات خوب گذشته را دوباره تجربه کند
خیلی خوبه که تو یه روز رو با مادرت میگذرونی،بچه ها باید بیشتر از این کارا بکنن
از جمله تجربه ی خوب دوباره چشیدن دست پخت مادرش
نمی دانم در غذایی که مادر آدم درست می کند چه رازی است که مزه ی آن همیشه در خاطر می ماند...اکنون در حال خوردن صبحانه ای از زمان گدشته ،دور میزی از زمان گدشته با مادری از زمان گدشته بودم

حقیقت اینجاست که مهم نیست چند سال ،چند ماه یا چند روز رو با کسی که برات عزیز هست سپری میکنی ،دست آخرهمیشه احساس میکنی که این زمان کافی نبوده، همیشه و همیشه آرزو میکنی که ای کاش زمان بیشتری رو باهاش سپری کرده بودی ،بیشتر به حرفهاش گوش داده بودی و بیشتر بهش احترام گذاشته بودی.این احساس کمبود و گناه تا همیشه با بشر همراه بوده و خواهد بود.تمام هدف این کتاب یادآوری این نکته است که، تا زمان باقی هست قدر لحظه های با هم بودنمان را بیشتر بدانیم،و اینکه اگربه واقع بدانیم که پدرها و مادرهایمان چه دشواری هایی را به خاطر ما تاب آورده اند با آنان به نامهربانی رفتار نخواهیم کرد
Profile Image for Ammara Abid.
205 reviews156 followers
August 29, 2017
Before saying anything else let me say, this book is for everyone. For every age group. No matter how old you are, must read & recall your incidents, because we all have done such things with our mothers & every child can relate with it.
This is a story of every mother & every child.

This book literally gave me goosebumps.
Heart-breaking but beautiful. Truthful yet emotional.
Not any difficult phrase, not any lyrical lines but these simple, honest, amazingly written lines had such a profound effect on me, I can't even explain it in words. Tears stood in my eyes.

What could be more painful than this,
Years later, after her death, I made list of Times My Mother Stood Up for Me and Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother. It was sad, the imbalance of it all.'

After few paragraphs whenever this line came, I feel revitalize,
Times My Mother Stood Up for Me
& then few other incidents and something broke inside me every single time,
After reading this,
Times I Did Not Stand Up for My Mother.

Every time I read Mitch Albom, Every time he made me cry. :'(
He's simply a brilliant writer.

Ending my review with this heart-breaking excerpt. (while reading I felt like sky fell upon me)

'I HOPE YOU never hear those words. Your mom. She died. They are different than other words. They are too big to fit in your ears. They belong to some strange, heavy, powerful language that pounds away at the side of you head, a wrecking ball coming at you again and again, until finally, the words crack a hole large enough to fit inside your brain. And in so doing, they split you apart.'
Profile Image for Dean.
527 reviews127 followers
November 30, 2019
A wonderful tale of the power of love and to forgive others and oneself..
Mitch Albom has capture the spirit of what it means to live as flawed persons in an flawed and imperfect world..

Yes indeed, the decisions we make, counts..
The shadows which our decisions casts are very large and they use to be obstinate and to have a long-lived echo smoldering deep in the seams and joints of our vulnerable being..
They have more earnest implications then we are normally aware of!!!

Magical, dramatic, full of heavy emotions, a page turner per excellence!!!
Its also a story with a ghost in it..
So even for the Christmas season this would be a great read..

"For one more day" is the story of Chick Benetto and his family..
He tries to kill himself!!

After a horrible car accident something happens to him that will change his entire life!!

My full recommendation, a very inspiring tale of love and the preciousness of life..
Let me say that I enjoyed and loved every single chapter..
Also that Mitch Albom is an author that I will be watching very closely..

Happy readings..

Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books394 followers
January 10, 2016
Sometimes as you read a book it makes you think not only about the characters in the story but about your own life. That was the case with this book by Mitch Albom. Haven’t you ever wished for one more day with someone you love who has died? A day when you could say all the things you wanted to say and could resolves any past hurts and regrets?
Charley Benetto is at rock bottom, having lost all that meant anything in his life. He decides life is not worth living. But then he gets the gift of one more day with his mother who has been dead eight years. Yes, you will have to suspend disbelief but it is worth going along with, as this is a book about relationships, and especially those between a parent and child. It is a story about the choices made in a lifetime.
Simply yet effectively told, it is sad in many ways and searching in others. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It had me thinking a lot about my own life and how much as children and even as adults we can take parents for granted and unwittingly hurt them. A gentle and thought provoking read.
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
5,178 reviews3,182 followers
September 7, 2021
"Every family is a ghost story."

This is a story about regrets and guilt. A story reflecting on a loveless marriage, a broken family, times we wish we could stand up for our loved ones and how gender discrimination made the life of women so difficult despite trying more than they could to support themselves and their families.

The story is so real inspite of the magical realism moments in it.

I just want everyone to read this book and reflect on what our families mean to us.

I love the writing. The characters stand out.

And the father is one of the most unlikeable characters ever!

I love the second half so much. It broke my heart yet it awakened my dead soul.

Let's be more kind to our family, especially towards ourselves and our parents. They don't deserve the void and our sulking faces.

*Some lines to reflect upon:

"The truth is, there is no line. There's only your life, how you mess it up, and who is there to save you.
Or who isn't."

"When you're rotten about yourself, you become rotten to everyone else, even those you love."

*Self-harm, suicidal tendencies, alcoholism, broken family, loss and grief, mysogynistic characters
Profile Image for Sharon Orlopp.
Author 1 book937 followers
November 11, 2022
Mitch Albom is a master storyteller and often uses parables to teach important life lessons. For One More Day focuses on having the opportunity to have one final conversation with a loved one who has passed away.

Chick gets the opportunity to have one last conversation with his mother because he never got a chance to tell her goodbye.

Memorable passages include:

* The dead sit at our tables long after they have gone.

* One day can bend your life.

* Children are a wish granted, not a burden.

* When someone is in your heart, they're never truly gone.

This story is a powerful parable about making every moment count.
Profile Image for Ryan Barton.
12 reviews2 followers
January 14, 2008
Eh. Not sure what the big deal is with this guy. This book was...OK. I cannot say that I liked it a great deal, nor can I say I detested it. The author is a good storyteller, has a good command of structure and the craft of writing, and does not strike me as being anything less than the consummate professional. Picasso was rumoured to have the ability to draw a "perfect circle" freehand; the resulting line is not necessarily a great work of art.

I suppose the nature of the material just was not something I could relate well with. I tried mightily, but in the end I felt very detached from the events and the characters. I ended the book with a small sigh of relief, put it up on a shelf, and eagerly picked up a book I had only partially read to see if I could still connect with something more to my liking.

Fair warning: if you are a son that feels he has wronged his mother, bring some tissues with you to your reading room should you pick up this tome.

Unfair warning: if the above does not apply to you, or you are a mother and your son is just fine by your reckoning, bring some cards or something to your reading room in order to keep yourself entertained.
Profile Image for Jonathan K (Max Outlier).
739 reviews176 followers
January 14, 2020
Mitch has a remarkable ability to touch, inspire and cause introspection with his stories. While Tuesdays with Morrie is my favorite the essence of this one hits home. Forgiving ourselves, making peace with where we are and above all else, being accountable for our decisions, we have the opportunity to live fully and impact the lives of others. Beautiful in its own right there is both sadness and joy with this book as with everyone Mitch writes.
Profile Image for Sarah ~.
890 reviews918 followers
September 6, 2012
ماذا اذا منحت فرصة لـ يوم واحد..
لـ تقابل شخصا فقدته للأبد .. لمرة واحدة أخيرة ..
شخص تحبه ... ساندك كلً يومْ .. وقفً يجانبك في كل المواقف ..
وأنت أخطأت كثيراً بحقه ..
لم تسانده ولم تحبه كما أحبكْ ..

شخْصٌ خذلتَهُ بكلٍ الطُرقْ ..

يعود تشيك إلى منزله الذي قضى فيه فترة طفولته ..
بعد أن نبذه الجميع .. وخاب أمل ابنته وزوحته ..
وأدمن الشراب ..
عاد بعد أن حاول الانتحار ..
وهناك وجد أمه ..

أمه التي توفيت منذ ثمانية أعوام ..

يأخذنا متش ألبوم في رواية ساحرة ..
وسرد مختلف في رحلة اكتشاف لحياة هذا الرجل منذ ولادته وحتى اليوم الذي حاول فيه الانتحار ..
رجل خذل أمه بكل الطرق ..
والآن حصل على فرصة ثانية لتخبره بكل الأسرار وبكل ما عانته من أجله ومن أجل اخته ..
ميتش ألبوم كاتب متميز ..
سحرني الفيلم المأخوذ عن كتابه "أيام الثلاثاء مع موري "
في طفولتي وشاهدته عدة مرات ...
رواية أنصح الجميع بقراءتها ...

Profile Image for Sadaf.
101 reviews12 followers
April 23, 2021
بشدت یاداوری کتاب «در بهشت ۵نفر منتظر شما هستند» هست با این تفاوت که محوریتش عشق به خانواده و فرصتهای از دست‌رفته است،فداکاری و عشق مادر در مقابل کوتاهی و ناسپاسی همیشگی فرزند ... چیک زندگی‌اش سرشار از حسرت لحظاتی است که قدرش ندونسته و این یک روز بیشتر فرصتی است برای جبران پشتیبانی‌های مادر
Profile Image for Nilanjana Haldar.
71 reviews4 followers
April 2, 2021
This book really deserves a groundbreaking review, for it geometrically expands for anybody, the importance of understanding the sacrifices made by our mothers all throughout our lives.

This book has the potential to drive one to throw away little deeds of dismissal of our parents that we may be so so busy committing every single day, to reserving ourselves more time and space for deeds that we think are more important for us. The book has the potential to grab you by the collar and help you realise how foolishly you are chasing things that may never measure up into what will ultimately fulfill you, while the clock ticks away precious (dearly precious) hours of moments you could have basked in the glory of stepping into the mind, heart and soul of the only person (your mother....for many it is also our fathers...yes!) whose sole intention has and always been to see you live blissfully and happily, regardless of how much grumpiness you may have unloaded on her.

The book is groundbreaking in its ability to drive one nuts about the jaw-droppingly little degree of what we really really are regularly aware of the sacrifices our parents are making for us, asking for literally nothing in return.

When his life crashes, Chick spends one day with his dead mother, learning (in rewind) about the lushness of the angelic persona that she silently ushered him with all his childhood, to finally lose all his grip on that talking image of her to the stars. He realises this foolery and tears filled his soul.

The amount of impact this book has had on my life is indescribable!
I love you my mom, so much!
I have been dropping nonsensical, self-entered stuff just to be around her all the time....this is the overarching shift that has happened within me after reading this masterpiece. Same happening with father! Remember, parents have the purest form of love for you. Others will have returns-tagged! :)

I spend less time on me and more of losing myself in learning about life from my parents now!

Thank you Mitch really!
Please read this book if your parents are still alive!

Three books so far have made me so deeply aware of the beauty of parents--- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Father Figure by James Cudney and then, this!
Profile Image for ˗ˏˋ BEATRICE ˊˎ˗.
135 reviews52 followers
June 2, 2022
“When someone is in your heart, they’re never truly gone. They can come back to you, even at unlikely times.”

What can I say... Mr Albom always does something to your heart with his books. He has quite an easy way to tell a story; the kind you’ll catch the gist of immediately.
Like the other piece of work, “Tuesdays with Morrie”, this book is also a biography -in some way- that Mr Albom illustrates details of intense moments of a person’s life.
“To hurt the way they hurt? Was that what I had done? Had I wanted to see on my mother’s face the rejection I felt from my father? Had my daughter done the same to me?”

Charley, and his father, always bitter and cruel to the women in their lives, Mother Posey and the daughter always forgiving and loving. This shows full contrast. The opposites. Male and female, Black and white. Light and darkness, love and hate. Calmness versus anger. All these contrasts cause the character Charley not to see the truth, therefore chasing after the deprived attention of his father, ignoring all the love his mother is giving.
“Oh, so now you want to be with me.”

From the beginning to the end -especially the end- and throughout the whole, everything is a cliché. You can sense the uprising and maxim tone trying to be impressive —which is successful at some point. Because Mr Albom knows exactly how to tell a cliché story the way his audience enjoy it. Love is a powerful thing, specially on behalf of a parent. It’s precious and needs to be more valued. This book acts as a strike to so many people.

“A child should never have to choose.”

A child, should never, ever, EVER, choose. It’s a kid’s right to have both, love and receive love from both, the same amount and way. It’s cruel to neglect this fact, shouting out to the toxic-masculinity-issue, forced by old-fashioned fathers on the sons.

In last words, no child should be ashamed of receiving love from a mother or father, because loving people who take care of you and love you with their whole heart isn’t weakness, it’s precious.
Profile Image for Miss Ravi.
Author 1 book1,121 followers
November 4, 2014
دو بار این کتاب رو خوندم و هر دو بار اون‌قدری گریه کردم که نتونستم ادامه بدم. گاهی فکر می‌کنیم تنها کتاب‌هایی احساسات ما رو برانگیخته می‌کنند که قسمتی از تجربه‌های زیسته‌ی ما رو دوباره برامون زنده کنند، در حالی که اغلب اوقات کتاب‌هایی احساسات ما رو تحریک می‌کنند که بخشی از وجودمون که تمایل به تجربه‌ای مثل تجربه‌های شخصیت کتاب داره، به قلیان می‌افته. قسمتی از وجودمون که می‌خواد مثل راوی کتاب باشه اما نشده و نتونسته که بشه. نتونسته توی اون موقعیت قرار بگیره.

عشق مادرانه شاید یه موضوع کلیشه‌ای باشه اما تصویر کردن کلیشه‌ها به قشنگ‌ترین شکل ممکن چیزیه که توی کتاب «برای یک روز بیش‌تر» اتفاق می‌افته. آدم می‌تونه بفهمه که یه مادر عاشقِ فرزندش، یه مادر خیلی عاشقِ فرزندش چه‌طوری در تمام سال‌هایی که فرزند در حال بزرگ شدن و همین‌طور بی‌توجهی به این عشق بوده، فداکاری کرده، عشق ورزیده و با تمام وجود فرزندش رو دوست داشته.

راوی که تمام زندگیش دنبال به دست آوردن محبت و به‌خصوص توجه پدرش بود، هیچ‌وقت نتونست درست و حسابی به عشق مادرش پاسخ بده و حالا توی این «یه روز بیش‌تر» فرصت داره که به اندازه‌ی تمام عمرِ از دست رفته‌ی مادرش به عشق او پاسخ بده. گمونم بعد از این باز هم اگر این کتاب رو بخونم با وجودی که من‌هم رابطه‌ام با مامانم نه عمیق هست و نه زیادی عاشقانه، گریه کنم و گریه کنم. چون روح هر آدمی نیاز داره به عشقی تا این اندازه قشنگ و بی‌چشم داشت و حتا بی‌توقعی از پاسخ.

توی دفتر خاطرات سال هشتادوپنج‌ام درباره این کتاب این‌طوری نوشتم؛
فهمیدم محبت چطور می‌تواند اینقدر عمیق باشد و آدم را از مرگ نجات بدهد و به زندگی برگرداند. می‌تواند امیدی را در دلت زنده کند و برایت آرامش بسازد. من که بعضی‌جاها واقعا به «چیک بنتو» حسودی‌ام شد. تنها ایراد کتاب این بود که خیلی اشکم را درآورد!

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