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Anna survived the attempt to bind her magic, but Anna and her coven aren’t free from danger yet.

Haunted by her aunt’s death, living in fear of her curse, and fated to love the one man she can never have, the last thing Anna needs is a witch hunt. Now she must conceal her magic once more or risk losing everything.

But when deadly hysteria strikes across the capital, and in her own school, the coven are left dangerously exposed. Delving deeper into the magical underworld of London, Anna and Effie must find a way to work together to protect the coven.

But as the witch hunt intensifies and the hysteria spirals out of control, can Effie and Anna truly trust each other?

400 pages, Hardcover

First published June 6, 2024

About the author

Cari Thomas

4 books667 followers
I grew up in the Wye Valley area of Wales and moved to London in my twenties. I worked as a journalist for various publications and at a creative agency, before finally doing what I'd always wanted to do. I quit my job and wrote a book about magic.

I split my days between freelance work and roaming London, writing in cafés and libraries and any hideouts I could find, eating far too much cake and imagining a magical world hidden within today's London. A world of wild, ancient witchcraft. A world of modern fairytale. A world where libraries made of books breathe dusty pages beneath the city and witch clubs serve up magical cocktails and vintage shops sell memories. A world where magic gleams both light and very, very dark. It was fun. It resulted in my debut novel Threadneedle, the first in my Language of Magic series.

I have now moved back West, to Bristol, with my husband and son. When I'm not reading strange magical books and working on my next book, I like to eat good food, watch movies, dance around the kitchen, write poetry and wander the woods, which I believe is the most magical place on earth.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 114 reviews
Profile Image for Booksblabbering || Cait❣️.
1,218 reviews329 followers
April 21, 2024
’Coven of the Dark Moon, Effie declared triumphantly. 'We're back, bitches.'

Haunted by her aunt's death, living in fear of her curse fated by generations to love the same boy as her sister - one to kill the other. The last thing Anna needs is a witch hunt that swoops over London as a madness descends.

Cari always has the best banter and excellent one-liners that are reminiscent of teenaged British humour, creating an atmosphere that captures English schools, London landscape, and the current conspiracy-shocked world we are dominated by currently, especially with the ease of the internet.
Then bring in coming-of-age, witches, cursed love, and fear and you’ve got a binding (get it?) read!

’We're a coven. We stick together, no matter what. To the very end. You confess - we all confess. You drag us to hell and we're going with you. That's how this works.’

Effie is a complicated character as she’s extremely manipulative. She’s confident, strong, powerful and goes to all the parties and knows all the right people. Yet she seems to get their coven into trouble and cause more fights than she has solutions.

I have to shout out the Christmas chapters because it gave me Weasley vibes from Harry Potter and I loved the gardening magic. I would read a book on Bertie alone.

I have to shout out Cari’s fun, breezy dialogue. The coven work so well together and bounce off each other despite seeming opposites.

’But I think I might be more afraid of being alive than dead, so I've decided to embrace it. Death seems peaceful anyway. Neat. Like you've finally ticked off your to-do list.’
‘Only you could put death on a to-do list.'

I feel like this could have been condensed into a duology, but I can’t say that until I read book three which is of course a long way off!
This introduced a new thread (get it?) which was dark and relevant to our own current reality, yet it felt like it drew away from the main plot of the curse.

I officially hate cliffhangers.

Thank you to Harper Collins for providing an add in exchange for a review!

Profile Image for Emma.
2,621 reviews1,037 followers
May 3, 2024
When I read Threadneedle I loved it and have been on tenterhooks since then for the sequel. Reader, it was worth the wait. London and then St. Olav’s start to fall prey to a spell; Effie and Anna continue to suffer under their mutual curse; a new inquisitory organisation has an agenda- I loved the christmas spent by the coven at Rowan’s house and Attis’s christmas present to Anna. The last quarter of this book was amazing and took me surprise in a few ways. I had also thought this was probably a duology so am very pleased to discover there will be at least one more book. I cant wait for the rest of the story! (But I’ll have to!) many thanks to Netgalley for an arc of this book.
Profile Image for Dan Bassett.
426 reviews69 followers
May 30, 2024
Though Anna may have survived the attempt to bind and veil her magic, she and her new-found coven aren’t quite out of danger just yet, for forces that have been dormant for decades long to entwine themselves around her and cast doom upon everything Anna holds and loves…
Haunted and disturbed by her aunt’s untimely death, constantly living in fear of her curse which feels heavier with each passing second, and fated to love the one man she can surely never have, the last thing Anna needs right now is something feared by those of her lineage for centuries: a witch hunt. And now Anna has little choice but to conceal her magic once more or risk losing everyone and everything but it won’t be easy.
When strange news reports and hysteria strike across the capital, and then much closer to home at her school, the coven are left dangerously exposed and outnumbered when the school is taken over by those determined to stop at nothing to hunt down the source of the dark deeds taking place within its walls.
Delving deeper into the twisted magical underground of London, Anna and her twin sister Effie must search for a way to work together to not only protect their coven, but to shield the world from the merciless and malevolent forces hell bent on derailing any sort of harmony and balance she is trying to bring.
Enchanting, heady with magic, and superb pacing, all make for a sequel that will surely once again have you under a spell you won’t want to break free from.
Profile Image for Hannah Paley.
141 reviews5 followers
March 19, 2024
This is the second book in the Language of Magic series by Cari Thomas.

Anna and Effie navigate their curse and the perils of school whilst dealing with a growing threat to witches as bouts of hysteria grip the capital city.

I loved reading Threadneedle and Shadowstitch had me even more gripped. The characters are complex and feel very real. I want to be part of Rowan’s family. The herd mentality of the school children was particularly well captured. The pacing is excellent and I struggled to put it down. Particularly in the middle of the book the tension felt almost unbearable.

The cliffhanger ending is mean but can be forgiven because it means more books are coming.

This easily gets 5 stars and is one of my favourite reads of the last 18 months 🌟 🌟 🌟🌟🌟
Profile Image for MariaWitBook.
349 reviews24 followers
September 18, 2024
“This is why I don’t go on the internet, darling. It’s like a party with too many people invited- overcrowded, everybody has an opinion you don’t want to hear, someone always ends up hysterical and you simply have to get drunk to survive it.”

Read the book, even if it’s only for that one paragraph

“It’s not what you are made of, but what your shadows are made of that matters”
Profile Image for Nicole.
59 reviews3 followers
July 20, 2024
3.5!! dragged a bit in the middle but the end made me want to actually continue with the series :))
Profile Image for Emily Bagg.
126 reviews
June 12, 2024
*4.5 stars


what more is there to say!!?? ending in a cliffhanger like that is borderline CRUEL! but i’ll just about forgive Cari Thomas because i loved reading this. and after months of a reading slump, this really made me feel so full of love for reading again.

it was so nice to be within this world and with these characters again. i loved to see Anna experiencing her well-deserved freedom from Aunt, and i loved seeing more of the magical world through her eyes and meeting super interesting characters. loved seeing Hel too!! the vibes were so grim and exciting

this book didn’t shy away from making me look at all the characters in a different light - i think, of all the mains, my opinions shifted for all but Rowan (who is just so truly brilliant and honest). the rest of them really got to me at times: Anna’s jealousy and Effie’s schemes and Manda’s carelessness. even Attis annoyed me (and made me kind of ship Anna and Ollie lol he would be treating her way better). but i really like that my ideas of these characters were all pushed!! i love them all the more for it! and i cannot wait to see what is going to come for all of them

i am literally devastated that i will have to wait until the next one comes out but i will be ready when it does 🫡🫡🫡
Profile Image for Afi  (WhatAfiReads).
567 reviews391 followers
September 13, 2024
This was a big, big book. And after two years, we finally had gotten the sequel, after the novella that came out last year. Shadowstitch was the sequel that was okay, but it was more on, I kind of wished this could end up as a duology instead.

This book started right off where it left from the first book. The aftermath from what had happened with Anna's aunt from the first book, to Effi returning with Attis and how Anna will need to pick up the pieces again. I would say, for the overall of Cari Thomas writing, I actually liked the way she slowly build up the world, the foundations in Anna's magic and how she is coming in terms to using them and the way it is affecting what was going on in their world now. Since its in an urban magical setting, we are brought back to the school and how they blend again with the people without the magic.

My favourite character in this book will always be Rowan. Her antiques and the way she livens up the book and Anna especially makes it bearable, to say the least. I honestly don't really care about Attis at this point. The Effie-Attis-Anna thing for me, just feels so unnecessary, I kind of wished there is another character that Anna can make as a love interest, because I'm just icked with Effie.
And, altho its a big big book, I kind of flew through the pages. Thomas's writing is one that is easy to read, and her magic system is not a 'in your face' thing, but more on lets build the world seamlessly.

I enjoy some parts more than not, but I do feel there's a major chunk of this book that can be cut off. It got really draggy at times, but I do enjoy the magic system (blood magic is always fun). Love seeing Anna's growth from her being sheltered to her embracing her powers. But even after all that, I still would read the third book (the cliffhanger....).

So, don't get intimidated by the length of this book. I feel like, it was worth waiting for the sequel, but again, just wished they could've combined it into a duology instead. Would still recommend this book if you're a beginner to fantasy and would like to delve into something not too heavy but still makes up an experience a fantasy book can provide.

3.75 stars for this one!

Thank you to Times Reads and the publisher for this copy! I truly appreciate it :)
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews156 followers
June 6, 2024
I've been looking forward to this book ever since I finished my arc of the first book in this series. I remember that book being released during the pandemic. I was working from home and the book actually made me late for work. I had to finish it first. My pre-order for this book has been placed ages ago already and when I saw the book on Netgalley I had to request a copy. Luckily Harper Voyager granted me a copy!

This book was everything I had hoped it would be and so so so much more. It's quite a big book. I'm really glad I started reading in time. But every chapter, every sentence, it was all worth it. Once more the author does an amazing job creating the atmosphere. And there's a lot going on in this book. Our witches are traveling places and they are dealing with people suspecting them of witchcraft and starting a witch hunt.

Anna is still the sole point of view character and within a few chapters my bond with her reawakened. Anna reminds me a lot of myself. She is searching for who she is. She is rather careful, opposed to Effie's brashness. She really wants to do good. She wants to save Attis. She wants a chance to build a normal and happy relationship with Effie. She wants humanity to be safe. She wants the world of witchcraft to be saved.

But this book is mostly about her discovering her own power. It's about her discovering that exactly her love for this world and all its people is her strength. And if she has to travel to hell and back to save her, she does so. I have to admit that I had not expected this book to end with such a cliffhanger though. The author should take all the time in the world to write the next book, hopefully making it as great as the first two, but I will be waiting very impatiently for its release!
Profile Image for Heather - Just Geeking By.
457 reviews79 followers
June 10, 2024
Content warning: I discuss boys forcing girls to remove their clothes and a character being coerced into a relationship (with a strong suggestion of sex being included) against their will in this review.

I will give Cari Thomas credit for two things; she has created an intriguing world, and she knows how to write a cliffhanger intended to make you pick up the next book. That is how I've just slogged through 400 pages of a book that I for the most part did not enjoy. Despite my reservations with the first book, Threadneedle, I was sucked into picking up Shadowstitch by Cari Thomas after the dramatic cliffhanger ending. It did not surprise me to find that this book followed the exact same principle, which isn't unusual for literature at all; but when I've not enjoyed the book, it's time for me to say goodbye.

The strength of the book was once again the world-building, however, it felt like a lot less time was spent doing magic and more time focused on drama and the sub-plot of the growing threat of the Witchcraft Inquisitorial and Prevention Services (WIPS). The anecdotes at the start of each chapter provided the most information, and these seemed to be trying to guide the reader's thoughts in a very distinct direction. While interesting, after a while, they began to feel like Thomas was trying to spoon-feed the reader hints instead of letting them work out the clues she had already littered throughout the story.

The characterisation was better in this book, especially for Rowan. One of the highlights of the book is Christmas with her family. Yet I couldn't help but notice the lack of representation again. St Olave's is a school in a part of London that has a very diverse population, not just rich white kids. I don't understand why authors feel the need to write about real places and then remake them in their fictional imagery. Why not just create a fictional school?! Although in the books it's situated in Southwark, whereas in real life the premises moved to Bromley in the 60s.

The only clear LGBTQIA+ representation appears to be Poppins, a secondary character. Effie flirts with another female member of the Wild Hunt, and there is a very vague mention of sexuality briefly by a main character. As for disability representation, how Thomas dances around Poppins' disability is awful. Either you've written a character that is disabled and uses his umbrella as a mobility device, or he's not. Hiding behind your narrator's uncertainty is not an excuse, that is just ableism.

This leads me to my issue with the entire Witchcraft Inquisitorial and Prevention Services (WIPS) subplot. As a queer disabled person and a pagan, reading the persecution of teenage witch characters at a secondary/high school felt ludicrously unbelievable and also disrespectful. There are real people, real teenagers, who are being persecuted, who are dealing with mobs at their school gates and I don't know if Thomas was trying to make this into an allegory, but it fell very flat for me.

I also found it difficult to believe that there would be no blowback from anyone, especially the pagan and Wiccan communities if something like this happened. I remember hearing Thomas talking about the topics she researched for this series, and that included a lot of pagan/Wiccan subjects. It feels quite rude to have her use our beliefs when it suits her, and then ignore that those communities exist when it doesn't.

Despite some of the things that captured my attention from the start, there was not enough in Shadowstitch to keep me reading this series. I felt like this was just a re-run of the first book with a few parts changed. There was hardly any character development, especially in regard to Anna and Effie's relationship, and it felt like they ended up at exactly the same place they started at.

I especially hated the way that on the one hand, Thomas shows young readers that they should not allow themselves to be coerced into removing their clothes by teenage boys, but it's absolutely fine to let your sister coerce you into a relationship (with strong suggestions that it will involve sex) with your toxic ex-boyfriend who dumped you when you refused to sleep with him! Because of course, there is no other way to keep the Coven safe or keep Peter closer than for Anna to go against every instinct screaming at her to run far away from him. This is the type of scenario authors should be warning young readers against, not implying that it is fine under certain "conditions".

There's also only so many times you can rely on "but it's the curse" before it gets very tedious, and for a moment there it looked like some real progress had been made, but no, drama first, character development last. I get the feeling that is something that will be strung out over several more books. Despite the cliffhanger screaming at me that I need to know what happens next, I'm not going to let myself be suckered in.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Travis.
808 reviews6 followers
July 31, 2024
Well worth the 3 year wait from book one. Shadowstitch took everything I love from book one and amplified it ten fold. Cari Thomas grew as an author exponentially. I loved that Shadowstitch explored a lot more of the magic system The events of Threadneedle didn't really allow for the deep exploration. The fact that this story focused heavily on shadow, death, and blood magic, was right up my alley. The cast of characters were put through the ultimate test. This story was intense from start to finish. Plenty of trigger warnings to be on the lookout for. If you enjoyed Threadneedle, I hope you enjoy this one just as much. Cari Thomas, I need book three yesterday.
Profile Image for Katie.
130 reviews6 followers
April 28, 2024
Thank you to Harper Voyager for giving me an e-arc of this book to read and review.

Shadowstitch has been one of my highly anticipated reads of 2024 and wow did it not disappoint.

ThreadNeedle was such an incredible book and I really couldn’t wait to see what Cari did next with these characters and their plot.

Cari really did not come to play with this book, a modern world London begins rewinding back to the 1500-1700’s hunting witches across the city who are practicing witchcraft. What I love most about Shadowstitch is not just Cari’s incredible writing but the historical elements weaved in with fantasy.

Cari gives us a deeper look into the workings of the magical world, explaining a family history (and curse) dating back hundreds of years as well as explaining the innings of dark magic, finding ones ‘soul’ magic, and also the dangers of magic and what it can do to not just a normal person but witches themselves.

We follow our main protagonist Anna who’s had a pretty tough time of it from book 1 and how she’s now coming to terms with what happened previously to her Mother and of course her Aunt. We’re now experiencing how she’s fearful of her magic and the curse that’s looming over her, how she feels she doesn’t have control of herself or her magic, she’s struggling to cope with what’s haunting her whether that be her Aunt or the new witchcraft that’s terrorising London and in some ways terrorising her as well through tell-tale signs from Hel. Cari writes Anna’s story so beautifully and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about her and seeing her develop.

I also really enjoyed more of Anna and her Coven exploring their magic, dipping into new areas of magic and taking on the malefice that’s taking London by a literal storm whilst also fighting their own issues and the hatred that’s coming at them at school.

If you’re looking to read a more real and accurate witch inspired book that doesn’t sugarcoat witchcraft as this thing to be glorified and desired, Shadowstitch actually shows witchcraft at its nitty and gritty, fun at times but also destructive, consuming, evil and damn right fearsome.

This sequel is ideal for those who love reading about found families, forbidden love, witchcraft, love, curses, dark magic and complex storylines that intertwine and are resolved as the story progresses.
Profile Image for Geof Sage.
301 reviews5 followers
August 16, 2024
Absolutely none of the characters are in the slightest way likeable, 50% of the book is Anna whining, it's written like it's a shit Wicca reinterpretation for the late 90s, right down to the constant exclamations of "Goddess!"
Profile Image for Rudrashree Makwana.
Author 1 book55 followers
April 27, 2024
The writing is poetic, lyrical and engaging. The book is mysterious and filled with danger, curse, love, prophecy, secrets from the past, revenge and unthinkable happenings. Though it focuses more on siblings bond.

Anna and Effie are sisters. But they were kept apart. Anna’s aunt has died but her Aunt’s death, memories and thoughts still haunts her. So many heartbreaking things happened in the previous book. Anna learned about the secret that her Aunt lock her dreams so that she can’t unlock her powers and her darkest secrets as well. Effie’s secrets and all the evocative memories of Anna’s parent’s death. As well the tragic happenings.

Now Anna is working on her magic so that she can able to control it or bind it but danger is still lurking around them and she is finding a way to break the curse. In an attempt to break it, she discovers buried secrets, learn about Hel, prophecy, tragic death of witches in the past, book of shadows and they both are trying to save Attis. The curse that breaks them also brings them together and the prophecy is powerful. The mystery of the hysteria kept me on the edge. The world building is perilous and complex. I loved the characters and how they work on each other. I liked Manda, Selene, Darcey and Attis too. The book ended on cliffhanger, I need the next book. I loved it.

Many Thanks to the Publisher and Author
Profile Image for Sian.
73 reviews7 followers
August 7, 2024
DNF at 35%
I really wanted to like this. I enjoyed Threadneedle, and Hedge witch was fun, but this was just so slow! Nothing of note happens in the 35% I read. The characters haven't developed at all, the story is on repeat and it just feels like it's going nowhere. Sorry, but I just didn't like it enough to keep slogging on through.
Profile Image for Nicola Michelle.
1,554 reviews10 followers
March 28, 2024
Cari Thomas has been a sure fire ‘she produces amazing books’ author and I LOVE this series. So I could not wait to get well and truly stuck in and it was everythingggg.

So happy to be back. It’s so well constructed you feel as if you’ve literally stepped into another world and the escapism is next level. The writing is seriously amazing and even though it’d been a fair while since I read the previous book, I found that I slipped effortlessly back into this world like I’d never left it.

The cursed sisters. The forbidden boy. Magic. It couldn’t have hooked me more if it tried.

Even though it’s a fair chonk of a book, it didn’t make for hard reading and I normally struggle with 500+ page books as it can be harder to remain engaged if it doesn’t keep up with good pacing but it was perfect. In fact, if anything, I wanted it to be longer! I could have read 1000+ pages and still wanted more.

Effie continues to absolutely infuriate me and I love to hate her, Anna you long for her to break free from her fear and discover who she is and the underpinning curse throughout the story is so compelling. Also, as Rowan is my absolute favourite character, I loved catching up with her and seeing her within the story. Manda too and Attis - they make for one epic coven.

It was just as good as I hoped it would be and as ever, I can’t wait for the next instalment of the series. GAH I’m so happy to be back reading this world and now I’ve finished it, I feel bereft. And after such an amazing ending too! Counting down the days until the next now, I need it yesterday!!

Thank you to the author and publisher for this book on NetGalley in return for my honest thoughts and review.
Profile Image for Eleanor Slater.
229 reviews35 followers
April 28, 2024
This was three times as long as it needed to be, but it was still one hel of a ride! Magic, curses, a witch hunt - what could possibly go wrong for Anna, Effie and the witches of the coven of the dark moon?? 🌚
Profile Image for Claire Reviews.
778 reviews30 followers
June 13, 2024
Book Review 📖

Shadowstitch (Threadneedle 2) by Cari Thomas
HarperVoyager, 6th June 2024

The bestselling series continues, and although you will be at an advantage if you've read Threadneedle, Shadowstitch works as a standalone, too.

Anna is a cursed witch, haunted by her dead aunt. She's a character you can't help but root for from the outset as her coven faces exposure from a hysteria outbreak. Striving to break her curse, Anna is strong as she explores the magical underworld with her equally-cursed sister Effie, unsure she can trust her fully.

Magic and mayhem abound at St. Olave's School, striking terror into the hearts of pupils and teachers alike. It truly felt like I was a part of the coven as Anna, Effie, Rowan, Manda and Attis practised their magic, desperately seeking to uncover the dark forces at work whilst remaining undetected themselves.

Full of wonderful, complex characters and high jinx, Shadowstitch transports you to magical places while bringing every emotion to the fore. It's imagical 😉


Thanks to HarperVoyager and Cari Thomas for providing an eARC via NetGalley; this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Elise (Bookpopwonderland).
420 reviews15 followers
September 9, 2024
I loved it just as much as the first book!

Anna survived the attempt to bind her magic, but Anna and her coven aren’t free from danger yet.
Haunted by her aunt’s death, living in fear of her curse, and fated to love the one man she can never have, the last thing Anna needs is a witch hunt. Now she must conceal her magic once more or risk losing everything. But when deadly hysteria strikes across the capital, and in her own school, the coven are left dangerously exposed. Delving deeper into the magical underworld of London, Anna and her twin sister Effie must find a way to work together to protect the coven. But as the witch hunt intensifies and the hysteria spirals out of control, can Effie and Anna truly trust each other?

I love Cari Thomas's writing style, storytelling, worldbuilding, and characters. The first book is one of my all time faves and I was so so happy I loved this one too. It was everything I hoped it would be. This series is like a mash up of The Craft meets Mean Girls. It also gives Harry Potter vibes with the secret magical world and contemporary London setting.

The only issue I have is that it had to end. I'm totally addicted to this story and characters and I need the next instalment now please!
September 25, 2024
I wanted to love this. I really really wanted to.
I read the first book last year and it was similar in that it had a very boring middle and I almost gave up but then it got good at the end.

I really feel like we get to know the characters and I’ve grown to love them all however there is just too much book going on. There is no need for this to last nearly 700 pages when the actual plot takes up about half of that space. There was a lot of writing for writings sake going on with very little plot development.

I really enjoy the plot and I think it’s very cleverly written but it just took me so long to read especially considering it’s looking like there will be ANOTHER book afterwards.

Hopefully the next instalment continues the dark themes that have developed and we see an even more mature plot.
Profile Image for Caro.
1,492 reviews
June 26, 2024
'Love – frayed, severed, torn in all directions. Holding on by a thread, still.'

Back with Anna after the events of the last book and the death of her Aunt. Anna now finds herself under the care of Selene....and back with Effie, Attis, the Coven of the Dark Moon and the curse....now also with a new hysteria taking over.......

Here's some things I took from this book:

~ Anna exploring her magic and new found freedom = loved!
~ The found family element was bliss.
~ Reading about witchcraft was magical.
~ The Christmas chapters made this book for me
~ Rowan is my favourite person ever.
~ I just can't bring myself to find anything I like about Effie!

This author knows how to write, I was mesmerised however I did feel this book could've been smaller.

That cliffhanger though.
Profile Image for Naomi.
908 reviews4 followers
September 1, 2024
Second books in a series can often struggle - who are the characters, what's happening in the overall story arc, and why.
This one had a good plot, excellent character development and despite being very very long (a bit too much in my opinion) it kept me interested. I love the world building in this series. And some of the characters feel like friends.
Some bits felt a bit unbelievable though (as in, not what I think the characters would do, or say) and the ending once again like the first in the series flew past whilst some of the early and middle of the book snailed along.
Still, I'll be looking out for the next installment, and I hope for more spin offs featuring my favorite Rowan.
Profile Image for Tracy.
80 reviews
August 2, 2024
I can truly imagine these books as movies! They have reminded me of the things I loved about Charmed, Practical Magic, and The Craft. There is definitely a space for modern-day witches. I loved how it was based in London & used many things about Londons history / legends, e.g., ravens at Tower of London, this made it more relevant. I love the complexity of the two main characters, Anna & Effie & the link to the curse. Although ending on such a climax leaves me frustrated to wait for the next book, which I assume (hope) there will be.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
9 reviews3 followers
September 25, 2024
A letdown from the first book. Although, it was generally an enjoyable read, it could have been reduced into a tighter book. The plot-line digressed into many sub-plots that it was hard to follow through. The plot-line and lack of proper character development left this book bloated and overstayed its welcome.

However, my main gripe is how much it takes from Harry Potter, specifically books 6 & 7. Whether it is plot-line or magical objects, it seems like it was taken directly from the Harry Potter books with little effort to change the name.
Profile Image for Jules Lisa ✨.
170 reviews
July 14, 2024
What an epic read with darkness, imagination and tension throughout. I felt my heart race, then drop with heaviness as the story followed Anna, Effie and the rest of the Coven. It's darker than Threadneedle as the threat from the Hunters immerge in ways too close to the witches, and Anna and Effie have to deal with the consequences of Threadneedle's ending.
It is a great sequel and can't wait to read the next. Cari Thomas is a wonderful storyteller.
Profile Image for Kayleigh {K-Books}.
1,085 reviews33 followers
May 26, 2024
Shadowstitch Review on K-Books

“She’d been taught her whole life to fear and despise love but it has been unloosed now – she’d opened all its nuts and let it out and now she had no way to control it.”

There are no words to describe just how excited I was to get my hands on Shadowstitch. Ever since I read Threadneedle back in early 2022, I have been dying to get my hands on the long awaited sequel. This was probably my most anticipated book of 2024… and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. I am absolutely obsessed with everything about this series and once again Cari Thomas holds me in her magical clutches.

Shadowstitch picks up exactly where Threadneedle left off, with Anna having survived the Binders and moving in with her sister Effie, their guardian Selene and the boy they both love. I absolutely loved this new dynamic between all of the characters now than Anna knows the truth about her family and their curse. It is definitely much darker than the first book, as they journey more into forbidden magical worlds to try and find a way out of the curse without Anna or Effie killing the other. This book is such a tumultuous journey and I absolutely loved every moment of that. It was so addicting to see the characters grow more into their own and them going through their own personal journeys.

If you’re looking for a fantasy book that is super fast paced, then this is not what you’re looking for. But that definitely does not mean that this book is boring. It is slow paced, definitely. But it fits this story so well because Anna is so new to the world of magic, we learn tidbits as she does. Honestly, I’m usually such a plot focused reader and usually if a book is slow I’m like nope, I’m out. I don’t know what sort of magic Cari Thomas is weaving into her books but despite the slow pace, there was not a single second that I was bored or wishing that the pace would pick up. Cari expertly sprinkles these little bits of information at us every few pages that we grab onto greedily and cannot wait to see how they all weave together. It was utterly perfect.

This series has my whole, witchy heart. I loved every single moment of it. It made me feel all the emotions. I was in love one moment, scared for my favourites fate the next and crying the next. It was a definite rollercoaster of emotions and I already just want to dive into it again and experience it all over again. I have no doubt that this series has so many hidden depths that we just won’t know about until we re-read, and I am dying already to do that. The ending of Shadowstitch has me reeling and I cannot wait to get my hands on the third book. I need it like I need air to breathe… but I guess I’ll just distract myself with other books until I can get my greedy little hands on it. If you enjoy witch books an urban fantasy then I highly recommend that you pick up this series. It’s honestly so fantastic… you won’t be disappointed.

“The dead are nothing to fear. They are us. We do not forget our dead like cowans. We live beside them, feast with them, dance with them and love them still, for that is how we keep them alive.”

Profile Image for Kae.
193 reviews29 followers
July 13, 2024
4..5 rounded to 5

This is not a fast paced series, but the wait is worth it.
Profile Image for Charlotte Burt.
476 reviews34 followers
August 26, 2024
A bit teenage as you would expect but in a fairly realistic way for a fantasy novel. I enjoyed it. The ending was a little bit confusing but I guess leaving it open to interpretation and a cliffhanger makes the third book more enticing.
Profile Image for Sierra.
13 reviews
July 18, 2024
Ugh. I loved it, and I HATED it.

The book draws un unnerving parallel to the state of the world during times of panic when rights are slowly stripped away and fear is more important than the truth.

I felt, in the first book, like Anna was supposed to be a side character and Effie the true main character. It felt like that in this book, too, for most of it; Anna finally felt like the main character in the last 80ish pages.

As much as I liked this book, I recognized some issues; there was a lot of faffing about. I liked the beginning, I liked (and hated) the end (a cliffhanger!), but about 200 pages in the middle felt repetitive and unnecessary. Yes, Anna needed to grow. Yes, Anna needed to process. Yes, Anna needed to learn. But Anna didn't need to spend that many pages doing it. The amount of time spent on Anna processing her own feelings left me already knowing her language, determining the true perpetrator(s), and deducing how they would stop the hysteria before I was even halfway through the book. There wasn't a whole lot of subtlety in the "mystery" of everything.

All that said, I would still read it again (and will likely have to when the next book comes out, as I had to reread the first one before reading this). The one thing the LONG buildup does well is to let the reader see how quickly and insidiously the world is letting their fear imprison everyone, innocent and guilty alike.

When I say, "I loved it, and I hated it," I mean that very seriously. I almost DON'T want to read the next book because this one made me angry, uncomfortable, and disheartened. There was so much growth and hope, but just as much disappointment. It made me mad, and I don't often get mad while reading. Nervous? Sure. Filled with aniticpation? Absolutely. But mad? That's RARE for a fiction book. It definitely made me emotional, and it made me feel for the characters. I also liked many of the new characters and the slow and subtle shifting of some of the previous side characters.

If I had known, when I bought the first book , that was going to be a 4-book series, I wouldn't have started reading it. As it stands with the end of the second book, I'm not sure if it's good that I didn't know or if I'm regretting ever starting it.

Overall, I wouldn't give it a 5, but it deserves better than a 4. Unfortunately, that isn't an option, and I feel it tipped just slightly closer to the 4 side of things.


I was especially upset that the coven wasn't pulled out of school and that none of the parents demanded their children only be questioned with them present. It doesn't make you look guilty to pull your children out of a school performing literal witch hunts and showing clear bias against specific students. It would make MORE sense to remove your student from a school endorsing such reprehensible acts. Also, considering the WIPS weren't even a sanctioned government organization, the fact that they were allowed to speak to and interrogate students without any parental or even school administrator oversight is just unrealistic. Parents would have been DEMANDING to be in the room while their children were being questioned; the fact that absolutely all of them seemed to be cowed by an entirely private investigation firm questioning their CHILDREN is the most unbelievable part of this book by far.
Profile Image for Mindy Conde.
393 reviews11 followers
July 21, 2024
This book just dragged, and was so much of the same drama over and over that I found myself skimming a lot of it. And then it’s left for another installment after 600+ pages. I won’t be coming back for the next, even if I am curious how it all ends. The writing was just a bit jumbled that it lacked momentum. It sped up towards the end but then leaves on a cliffhanger. I also found multiple typos and spelling errors and think this could do with a serious edit (the worst for this baker being calling French macarons, macaroons - come on, editors! Were you skimming too???).

A promising plot but sadly it fell short and has definitely put me off continuing the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 114 reviews

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