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Sal e Açúcar

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Inimigos há gerações, os netos dos donos de duas padarias concorrentes se apaixonam em Sal e Açúcar, um romance digno de Romeu e Julieta ambientado nas ladeiras de Olinda.

Nunca confie num Molina nem em frigideira de base fina.

Para Lari Ramires isso sempre foi um lema. A padaria da sua família, Sal, vive em pé de guerra há gerações com a padaria dos Molina, Açúcar. Seja espalhando boatos, tretando em competições culinárias ou trocando ofensas aos gritos pelas ruas de Olinda, para ambas as famílias, a vingança é um prato que se come quente, seja ele doce ou salgado.

Mas quando a avó de Lari morre, a vida e o sustento da família ficam seriamente ameaçados. E para piorar a situação, uma grande rede de supermercados chegou à cidade, forçando muitos comerciantes locais a fecharem as portas.

Inexperiente na cozinha, Lari está disposta a fazer o que for preciso para salvar o seu legado, até mesmo o inimaginável: se unir a Pedro Molina. O rapaz é arrogante, convencido e... presidente de um projeto de caridade que cozinha para crianças? Ela percebe que pode não conhecê-lo tão bem quanto imaginava, e que saber mais sobre o rapaz da família rival pode não ser tão apocalíptico assim. Mas a grande questão é: uma Ramires e um Molina podem realmente confiar um no outro?

Publicado originalmente nos Estados Unidos, Sal e Açúcar é uma comédia romântica inesquecível repleta de representatividade nordestina que promete deixar aquele quentinho no coração dos leitores.

322 pages, Paperback

First published November 1, 2022

About the author

Rebecca Carvalho

1 book268 followers
Rebecca Carvalho is a Recifense writer based in Berkeley, California. She loves crafting stories filled with close-knit neighborhoods, Brazilian food, and telenovela-esque settings. When she is not writing, you can find her with her camera, gaming with her husband, or watching Star Trek for the hundredth time. Rebecca has a bachelor’s degree in English from Lawrence University. Salt and Sugar is her debut novel, and it was inspired by her life in northeastern Brazil.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 602 reviews
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,681 reviews53.9k followers
February 21, 2023
Love between rival families’ children theme with sweet, salty, mouth watering bakeries make you extremely hungry with well developed characters! Yes, I’m in!

Two rival bakeries in the same street: across each other. Ramires family only prepares savory foods as Molinas family only prepares sweets.

After Lari’s grandmother’s sudden dead, her mother barely manages the bakery by herself and Lari is way too much clumsy to create another disastrous scene at the kitchen which may result with being banned to be inside the bakery forever.

Unfortunately Pedro’s family business has its own problems. The supermarket chain’s decision to move to town will affect entire small businesses and force them to be closed.

Both Lari and Pedro are ready to fight but only way to win is teaming up, gathering forces to save their businesses by burying hatches.

After hating a person for a long time, it may be real challenge to work alongside.

Absolutely entertaining, smart execution of enemies to lovers theme. Both Lari and Pedro are lovable, genuine characters and their palpable chemistry make you smile. The food recipes are mouth watering. The family feuds, regrets, grief blended well into this sweet romance story.

I’m looking forward to read more works of the author!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Inkyard Press for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest thoughts.
Profile Image for Rebecca Carvalho.
Author 1 book268 followers
February 10, 2022
I was playing Overwatch and during the card voting part I once heard someone say "sorry, I need to vote for myself, because if I don't, who will?" There's a life lesson there, so I'm giving my own book five stars. :)

I wrote SALT AND SUGAR as a way to heal and to reconnect with my childhood memories. I hope it will be as comforting to you as it was to me.
Profile Image for Heather Adores Books.
1,297 reviews1,341 followers
January 30, 2023

Featuring ~ single 1st person POV, loss of grandparent, YA, high school, business rivals, enemies to kissers, coming of age

One bakery is named Salt and the other Sugar. The business rivalry goes back decades with Lari and Pedro's great (I think just 1 great) grandparents.

Overall, this wasn't really for me, but I did enjoy the following:
~ how the grief surrounding the loss of Grandma was written
~ all the yummy sounding treats
~ how Lari & Pedro's fondness for each other slowly blossomed
~ the Romeo and Juliet retelling without the tragedy
~ how they worked together in the end for the common goal

What I wasn't really feeling:
~ the high school bullying and name calling
~ I thought the drama went on for way too long
~ it seemed like the families were fighting in the street nonstop
~ I wish Lari would have told her mother her aspirations much sooner

I was able to listen to a final version and I would recommend reading it. I mean Imani Jade Powers did do a good job for 10 hours and 25 minutes, but I felt like she was yelling at me at times, although that could be because I listened at 3x.

*Thanks to the author, Inkyard Press and NetGalley for the ARC. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*

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Profile Image for Ayushi (bookwormbullet).
653 reviews1,164 followers
November 1, 2022
Thank you so much to Inkyard Press for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

That was emotional and so adorable! I really love that Inkyard has been releasing stories that aren't set in the U.S., but in other non-western countries instead. I loved learning about Brazilian culture, lifestyle, traditions, and food through this book. The food aspect was especially captivating--all the foods, sweets, pastries, and more that Lari, Pedro, Cintia, PC, and Victor made in their cooking club's kitchen and in Lari & Pedro's respective family bakeries sounded so delicious.

I also loved the themes in this book such as grief, familial expectations, and discovering your passion as a young teen. The subplot of Lari trying to learn to move on after her Grandmother's death without having a proper support system at school or in her family was really emotional for me. Her desire to become a baker, as well as Pedro's desire to become a chef at the Gastronomical Society, both against their families' wishes was also thoughtfully explored in this book. I loved how Pedro and Lari bonded over the shared burden they felt under their families' expectations and the petty rivalry between their families. The development of their relationship from bitter enemies to reluctant allies to more was really well done. It was so adorable seeing how shy and flustered Pedro would get around Lari, especially when she and Victor were seemingly dating. Overall, I definitely recommend this book, especially if you're a fan of coming-of-age stories with found family and Romeo and Juliet-esque rival families (think A Pho Love Story!) I'd give this 4.5 stars rounded up :)

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Profile Image for rodina ㅤᵕ̈.
140 reviews292 followers
October 28, 2023
1.5 ⭐️.

please note that i am not this mean in real life.
okay, thank you:
the amount of times i rolled my eyes during this is unhealthy lmao. my god, the two protagonists were so whiny, i wanted to throw this book out the window each time they breathed. they’re almost eighteen but they have the attitude of two infants.

i picked this book up because the synopsis caught my attention: two people who help their families run rival, and neighboring, bakeries?? the concept sounded so intriguing and the vibrant cover looked promising (we judge books by their covers in this household) — but around the seventy page mark, i realized i wasn’t enjoying anything about this. let’s discuss why, shall we?

★ the first half of the book goes like this: larissa (fmc) snaps at pedro (mmc) because of something he did and they start arguing. yet, does she stay in the room and continue the conversation that she started?? of course not! because why be a normal person when you can be dramatic?? she storms out with tears in her eyes in literally four different scenes. she’s always running out of rooms, it was giving second hand embarrassment :/

like stay in the room the entire conversation PLEASE.

also, (despite her family owning a bakery) she doesn’t know how to cook or bake. and there’s nothing wrong with that because me too, girl. but she noticed an egg burning in the bakery’s kitchen before she started staring at it and panicking, and i’m screaming at the book “JUST CLOSE THE STOVE”. then she tried to flip it with a freaking spatula and she burnt half her hand. HELLO?? where’s the “cooking” in flipping an egg?? they were also making smoothies and, distracted, she forgot to put the lid on the blender before turning it on and (SURPRISE!) it went everywhere. love, that’s not cooking, that’s literally common sense. you don’t need to be skilled to realize you need to put the lid on the blender. she walked straight into a wedding cake, she bumped into a pack of flour and sent it flying everywhere and i’m just sitting here like :0

i’m sorry, i tried so hard to love her, but she just annoyed me the whole read until it became unbearable.

★ pedro’s pride was suffocating at first and sometimes he made me physically cringe. for a hundred and fifty pages, he’s snapping and yelling at people. he’s president of the school’s cooking club and he has the members calling him “chef”. okay, gordon ramsay. i’m not even kidding when i say there’s a scene where he gets a ladder and climbs into the classroom using its window while his friends cheer him on and the teacher screams. the door is RIGHT THERE. i know he was trying to get himself expelled but who does this??!!??

★ now, the whole family rivalry, the aspect i was most excited for: it was so underwhelming and petty that it made me angry. all they do is yell at each other in the middle of the street while the neighbors watch. that’s it, that’s all they do. they act just as childish as their children. there’s not a scene where pedro’s mother is not screaming angrily and throwing insults. same thing for larissa’s mother who might just be my least favorite character. i understand that she’s grieving, but no amount of sadness excuses the way she treated her daughter. she embarrassed larissa multiple times in front of friends and customers. every time larissa tried to help in the bakery, she got yelled at. she once tried to wipe the counters and her mother snatched the towel. i get that she wanted to keep larissa away from the business to protect her, but she was just so harsh. the entire book is her humiliating her daughter, it was triggering.

★ finally, the romance: it was okay. nothing memorable though because in three hundred and sixty pages, they had maybe four or five cute interactions and the rest were either fights or accusations. so there’s that.
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,650 reviews242 followers
October 28, 2022
I have to say that enemies to lovers isn’t my favorite trope but it was done well in this book and I enjoyed it. I find the relationship/chemistry often forced with this trope, but this story was realistic and the characters developed the relationship at a good pace. Lari and Pedro’s ancestors dreamt of opening a bakery and from a fluke they found the one family’s sugary recipe went perfectly with the other family’s salt recipe. Betrayal occurred and that recipe was sold getting one family a slightly bigger bakery when they opened competing bakeries across the street from another. Salt focusing on the savory and sugar focusing on the sweet. Generations have gone by and Lari is dealing with the death of her grandmother and the struggling of her family business Salt. Her neighbor and nemesis Pedro returns from a mysterious disappearance and the feud seems completely active as the two drive each other nuts. Events at school push them together and chaos and confusion ensue. Overall I gave this one 3.5 stars rounded up for the believable romance.
May 27, 2024
buckle up guys im about to hate review this shit <3

ok so. busting out my laptop for this, with the blutooth keyboard just so i can feel professional.

THIS WAS SO SHIT. the only reason i gave it 1 star was the food. it sounded very good.

a) shittons of second hand embarassment bc of a clumsy, quirky girl who cant cook after living in a bakery her whole life ??
b) middle aged women having catty bitchfights across the roads every 2 chapters ?? (and having very public meltdowns?)
c) general manipulation from like half the characters ?? (ESPECIALLY HER MUM LIKE WTF GIRLIE?)
d) major manic pixie dream girl woe is me moments ??
e) all of the above???


i could go on and on about things that were wrong with this book, but i would reach the character limit.

ACTUALLY I TAKE BACK THE COMMENT OF '1 star for the food'.
0.5 stars for the food, and 0.5 stars for the side characters. actually only two of them coz the others sucked (i love u cintia and amandinha)

pedro the mmc was fine, he had his moments, but he was still kinda odd and mean so yeah (also i couldnt take him seriously with an old man name like pedro)


also guys this is my first big girl review and im fcking proud of myself so (it had to be a hate one tho haha 🙄)

Profile Image for Jeneane Jane Vanderhoof .
188 reviews51 followers
December 20, 2022
Just Like Romeo & Juliet (fingers crossed for a happy ending, here though ;)

Two families at war, one with a daughter “at the right age”, the other with a son “of an adequate age to make the match work” have been at one another’s throat since two bakeries were built generations ago. The bakeries, right across the street from one another, one, owned by the Molina’s and the other, the Ramires family, battle daily, each claiming to be better than the other, each trying to outdo the other. And, because of these claims, both families, all the members, are at one another’s throat and have been, for a very, very, long time.

When a large supermarket chain moves into their Brazilian town of Olina, the two families worry that neither will survive as these larger stores always force out the little businesses in the area, once they move into a town. And, while Lari Ramires has been raised to believe to “Trust neither- thin-bottom frying pan, not Molinas,” she discovers that the only way that Salt (the Ramires bakery) can survive, is with the help of the Monlina’s bakery, Sugar. Unfortunately, that means that Lari will have to work with Pedro Molina to save their business. And, while Lari will do anything to make sure that Salt survives to pass down to generations of Ramires, in the future, she doesn't know if she can trust a Molina to help. After all, in the end, it might be only one bakery that survives, what if, when working with Pedro, he makes sure that it is only Sugar, that stands in the end?

When the pair begins to work together, they both see that the other, all the claims that have been made, all the hateful words that have been passed between the two families and the discord sewed because of the feud, each find that the other has qualities that they desire to keep and treasure. Pedro and Lari realize they are falling in love. But, how can they ensure that both bakeries survive along with a large supermarket chain? There is definitely not room for all three. Even if one bakery survived with the chain store, this would be a feat worthy of a God? What can the two do to make sure that the family bakeries that have stood for generations don’t go down in flames, put out of business by processed goods, packaged and sold en masse? And, if the two bakeries were to close, what would the town have, in the end? Does the community not realize all that is taken away when we let a large supermarket push smaller, specialized, quality businesses into extinction?

And, when Lari and Pedro realize they are in love, realize they think the other is someone they could trust with their very life, when they remember their families ingrained hate of the other, what will that do to all they truly think and feel about one another? Is a simple love story, while full of heart, longing, and desire, be enough to stand up against generations of hate toward the other? Will the Molina’s and the Ramires be the perfect mixture of sugar and salt together, or will they end up like oil and water, in the race to survive a big business trying to push a small one out of a town, forever? Salt & Sugar, by Rebecca Carvalho, is definitely a great, new, interpretation of a story that combines a tale that includes both love & family feud, just like Romeo & Juliet, in the end, after all, their ending was not a happy one. Will Salt & Sugar end just as badly?

Happy Reading! ;)
Profile Image for Kasia (kasikowykurz).
2,093 reviews56 followers
December 14, 2022
O. Mój. Boże.

Jakie to było cudowne!

Tak, jak podejrzewałam, bazuje to na motywie Romea i Julii, ale jest tysiąc razy lepsze. Jest cudowne, pełne ciepła, miłości, cukru i wypieków i pokochałam każdą sekundę tej książki! Przez pierwsze 20% dosłownie leciała mi ślinka na myśl o tych wszystkich słodkich i słonych wypiekach! Ostatnie 30% z kolei to maraton mrugania i mruczenia: ja nie płacze, ja nie płaczę. Cała reszta to czysta radocha i chłonięcie historii. Cała gama emocji. Wielowymiarowe postacie, historia ciągnąca się pokolenia wstecz. Może i od samego początku wiemy, jak to się skończy i możemy przewidzieć wydarzenia, w niczym mi to nie przeszkadza, bo odkrywanie, jak do tego doszło to czysta magia.

Poza tym to jest debiut!! W życiu bym tego nie powiedziała. Cudowna, zdecydowanie jeden z moich ulubieńców tego roku <3
Profile Image for zahraa.
355 reviews
April 15, 2022

Thank you netgalley for this ARC!
release date: november 1st 2022

Genuinely this book felt like a breath of fresh air. A YA romeo and juliette retelling set in the culinary world?? with two rival bakeries ?? I’m in love.

Not only was this story intriguing, as adorable, but I absolutely loved all the characters!! pedro?? loved him! he was so easy to relate to you & my heart melted with every page! lari, i absolutely loved her as a main protagonist!! & i have to say i have a soft spot for victor 😭❤️‍🩹

this was a plot i didn’t know i needed!! i felt like i was watching these two prepare for master chef!! the chemistry between these two had me kicking my feet, giggling! their banter, the build up?? SO GOOD.

definitely keep an eye out for this!!
Profile Image for jo ❣.
212 reviews54 followers
June 18, 2023

this book made me happy. i absolutely love love love when a book is centered around food, especially food from different cultures and countries. salt & sugar delivered that to me.
and the plus was the romance between Lari & Pedro was adorbs 10/10
Profile Image for Barbara Schultz.
3,594 reviews269 followers
May 17, 2022
Name of Book: Salt and Sugar
Author: Rebecca Carvalho
Genre: YA/Family Drama
Publisher: Inkyard Press
Pub Date: November 1, 2022
My Rating: 3.7 rounded up!

Awww when this book’s promo said ~ ‘perfect for Nicola Yoon fans’ I knew I wanted to read it!

Lari Ramires and Pedro Molina are the grandchildren of two Brazilian families that have rival bakeries across the street from one another ~ Salt and Sugar ~ one is savory and the other sweet; however, in this case more like ‘Oil and Water’.
When the Lari’s grandmother dies, she mother cannot manage ‘Salt’ by herself and considering selling it.
Pedro’s family is also having financial problem.
Lari and Pedro team up with an idea to try save both of the family business but know they need to find a way to mend this age old feud.

There is a twist at the end that leaves me a misty eyed.

Want to thank NetGalley and Inkyard Press for this eGalley. This file has been made available to me before publication in an early form for my honest opinion.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for November 1, 2022.
Profile Image for MissBecka Gee.
1,863 reviews863 followers
December 20, 2022
This ended up being a DNF for me.
There is a lot of drama in this, but it all felt manufactured rather than natural.
The MC was especially annoying with her harsh attitude for (what seems like) no reason.
I gave it 25% and decided I would rather listen to something else this close to the end of the year.
I may go back in the new year and try again?
Thanks to NetGalley & Inkyard Press for my DRC.
Profile Image for Sylvs (NOVELty Reads).
430 reviews63 followers
February 2, 2023
ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I absolutely devoured this book.

Salt and Sugar was one of my favourite books I’ve read last year. It was sweet, salty and full of heart. Focusing on a family feud between rival bakeries, the book is an enemies to lovers novel showcasing how love can conquer all, and the power of small business.

We follow the book in Lari’s perspective. Her family has owned, run and baked for Salt their entire lives. However, their business is struggling thanks to the competition of a big brand supermarket wanting to take over Salt and its rival competitor, Sugar. In need of a miracle, Lari teams up with Pedro Molina, the great grandson of Sugar’s owner who needs Lari’s help too. The two hatch a plan to enter into a baking competition and use the prize money to save their neighbourhood and businesses from going under.

While being a cute romcom, it would be unwise to label Salt and Sugar as just another love story. This is a story about grief and continuing on with life without that person in it. Lari is struggling after her grandma’s passing with it having taken a toll on not just her or her family, but her neighbourhood as well. Things are getting tougher now as many businesses start selling their stores to a massive supermarket chain who have their sights set on Sugar and Salt. Lari doesn’t know what to do. She wants to continue her family legacy and continue baking but things feel really dire. She joins the school cooking club to help her learn how to bake where she realises she’s not the only one who feels helpless in this situation. She realises Pedro and the Molina family are also struggling to keep their traditions and neighbourhood alive in the midst of constant change.

Even though the focus was on grief and the main character’s experience of it, I liked how we also got glimpses into side character’s too. I liked finding out more about Pedro. He really cared for his family and wanted to pursue cooking in the future by changing up a few recipes and making things more modern and unique. I enjoyed the interactions between him and his friends too however, I wished we had more scenes with them because they were really fun to read about. I also liked how Pedro treated Lari. You could tell they cared for each other and their chemistry felt real and believable.

The only negative I have is with the competition at the end. I wish we had more parts showcasing the preparation because even though we knew the competition was happening, it felt so background even though it was a big part of the story.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to anyone who loves the enemies to lovers trope, likes books set in bakeries and books that aren’t afraid to tackle big topics.

Profile Image for Tea.
529 reviews10 followers
June 15, 2022
meh. Sorry, but other than the unique setting and the delicious food, this book brought nothing substantially new to the Romeo and Juliet story. It was fine, but a bit boring and definitely longer than it needed to be for the story it was telling. It was fine, it's fine. But it's just fine. If you love YA and Romeo & Juliet retellings, then this might be fun one to add to your collections. For me, a lover of neither, this brought nothing to the table other than it's food. Unfortunately, I found the cooking descriptions became tedious for me. I found Lari's mother to be unbearably unpleasant. I would have liked the enemy families plot to take care of itself much earlier in the story and just had them fighting off the Big Chain Store together.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC
Profile Image for K-Lanie.
279 reviews7 followers
March 26, 2022
Feuding neighbors ☑️
Enemies to lover ☑️
Close knit communities and small business stories ☑️

If any of these appeal to you, this is the book for you. Salt and Sugar was such a cute read! I adore the cover and the story definitely held it’s own. This has Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-Off meets Romeo and Juliet vibes and I loved it.

Lari and Pedro’s chemistry was sizzling and their relationship was so nicely developed. All the descriptions of the different pastries had me absolutely drooling. This wholesome story does a beautiful job exploring the complex emotions of figuring out that there is more to people than we know!

~Special thanks to NetGalley and Inkyard Press for this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Shannon.
6,103 reviews346 followers
November 4, 2022
A great YA forbidden romance between two rival Brazilian bakeries and the teens heirs who slowly fall for one another and end up calling a truce in order to try to win a baking competition that will ultimately help save both their family businesses. This was a great Romeo and Juliet retelling full of heart and amazing Brazilian recipes! Great on audio and highly recommended for fans of Jenny Han or Jennifer Yen. Much thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for early digital copies in exchange for my honest review!!
Profile Image for kate.
1,457 reviews976 followers
November 10, 2022
A delectable rivals to lovers forbidden romance with major Romeo and Juliet vibes and some mouthwatering baking. This was a fun, sweet read featuring an emotional exploration of familial expectations and the life changing effects gentrification can have on a community.
Profile Image for Michaela.
59 reviews4 followers
September 9, 2022
"We say we're sorry a thousand times, not just for things in our past, but also for things to come. We stash up on our apologies, because we're children of a multigenerational feud. We brace for the day when our families will clash again. When they'll make us hate each other. And even worse, when we'll feel compelled ourselves."

Release date: November 1st, 2022

Trope/main aspects: Enemies to lovers, family feud, foodie, loss/grief

Location: Northeastern Brazil. The author chose this location because it is a "richly diverse region in Brazil that endured exploitation in its colonial past, and still faces social inequalities."


The grandchildren of two rival Brazilian bakeries fall in

love despite their families' feud.


Salt & Sugar is Rebecca Carvalho's debut novel. One thing I really liked about this book is the culture. Books give us the ability to travel, but they also allow us to step into someone else' shoes. One thing the author stressed was that she was glad to be able to provide characters that were from Northeastern Brazil that were real and not characters that are "misrepresented and depicted as caricatures". The author wrote about a setting she was familiar with to allow the reader to see the closeness of the community, the aspects of family life, and the pressures of small businesses worrying they would be pushed out by bigger competition with lower prices (which is a very real issue).

This is a love story, but before all of that, it is a story of hate. This is a story of how multigenerational feuds can effect the lives of individuals who never chose to have a feud in the first place. It shows how hate can trickle down through generations and shape the thoughts/ actions of individuals.

I really enjoyed this novel. I thought it was well written and had several witty pop culture references thrown in. I would definitely recommend this to anyone 12+.

Thank you to Rebecca for this beautiful read and to InkYard publishing and NetGalley for allowing it to be seen and loved.
Profile Image for Ethell Yarbrough.
144 reviews
December 5, 2022
I have to say when I saw the characters were from the northern part of Brazil (I had the honor of visiting Belem for two weeks in 2009) and there were Portuguese words, I was hooked! Now I want to go back and see Recife and Olinda and visit the bakeries this story is based on. Not only was this novel beautifully written, I was salivating when I read about the pastries and Brazilian cuisine.

Even though the Ramires and Molina family are feuding, I respect Lari and Pedro because they are cognizant of the unfairness of the feud when they begin to have feelings for each other. In the town, it appears all small, family owned businesses are struggling to stay afloat due to the Deals Deals supermarket that opens up and threatens to expand by trying to open a cafe and buying either the Salt or Sugar bakery.

Both Lari and Pedro have dreams different from what their families expect from them and the struggle they go through to get through to their parents and connect with them is quite emotional. When they finally have that breakthrough moment between both families, it is the sweetest relief to both their fears; the build up to these moments are truly worth the wait.

I love me some food and young forbidden romance and this was just the sweetest “Romario and Julieta” cake! Thank you to Rebecca Carvalho for providing so much insight into the culture and the authenticity of the people. I found the town to be so charming and I felt right at home with the families.

Thank you to the beautiful Rebecca Carvalho, Inkyard Press and NetGalley for the ARC.
Profile Image for Jaci.
16 reviews
August 2, 2023
I'll be honest, in the first few chapters I struggled because I felt the feud itself was just so petty. As I kept reading, the story helps you understand why there was so much tension, and I liked the progression of it. 7/10 would recommend

(P.S. I loved seeing portuguese vocabulary throughout the story. I adore when books use common vocabulary and phrases from a specific culture)
Profile Image for Lisa Leone-campbell.
588 reviews51 followers
June 7, 2023
When Lari Ramires’ grandmother dies after a short illness her family’s bakery Salt which had been struggling to begin with is now passed down to her mother who is a widow and is completely overwhelmed with work and bills. With all this happening their tiny neighborhood of Olinda in Brazil is being stalked by a superstore which is trying to drive all the small businesses out of town.

To add to the anxiety, their rival shop across the street, Sugar, who Pedro Molina’s family owns, and who is Lari’s nemesis as the families have been at war for decades, seems to be spreading terrible rumors about Salt and jobs are being cancelled.

You see, years ago the two bakeries had been one but there was a terrible falling out between the two families and they separated and not only have never spoken again, but take any opportunity to insult each other.

But now that Lari’s grandmother is gone and she wants to help her mother in the bakery, her mother will not have it. She insists Lari be the first Ramires to go to college and go into accounting just as her father did. But Lari does not want this. She wants to bake, but not only does she not know how, she’s can’t even boil water!

When Lari and Pedro suddenly find themselves in an after-school cooking class, where Pedro is the leader things begin to change. The two rivals suddenly find themselves talking (behind their families backs) and learning that they may actually like each other. As they work together, secretly knowing their families would kill them, they soon discover each of the bakeries are at risk of closing.

They concoct a plan to try and save both their bakeries. But unfortunately, the history of the families continues to haunt them. They don’t quite trust each other completely and must somehow work together with this realization. They know what they are about to do will certainly cause chaos in both families, but they are determined to somehow pull it off.

What will happen when the families find out what they are doing? These two families are always on the verge of punishing each other! To know their children are not only speaking but are friends would be devastating. What will they do to Lari and Pedro? Will they ever be allowed to see each other again? They have been through so much separately and together and learned so many lessons they don’t want to never see each other again!

Salt and Sugar is a story of dreams, determination and learning to be who you are. It shows how in some instances children are thrown into adult issues without really understanding why. It explains how just one tiny embarrassing moment can change someone’s life forever. But the true moral of the story is forgiveness.

Profile Image for ♡.
215 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2022

First things first, I was given a copy of this book as an ARC, in exchange for an honest review. A big thank-you to NetGalley, Inkyard Press, and Rebecca Carvalho for allowing me to be an early reader!

This is a young adult book, centred around two Brazilian families, that explore their roots and love for baking. It has been a while since I’ve read a young adult book, and this book reminded me of why I enjoy them so much!

After Lari’s grandmother passes away, it is her mother’s job to run their family bakery, Salt. Lari has always wanted to help out in the kitchen and be a part of their family business, but her mother has never allowed her to be involved, saying that school should be her only concern.

Across the street lives Pedro. He also has a family owned bakery, Sugar, that he runs with his mother and grandfather. The only difference is that Pedro is actually allowed to participate and be involved in his family business. While Lari has always resented him for being able to bake, Pedro resents Lari for being the golden child who is good at school.

There is a big grocery store that is making many businesses go out of business. Now, the company is pitting Salt and Sugar against each other and trying to get one of them to sell out, to replace it with a cafe. Budgets are already tight, so the two businesses don’t know how long they’ll be able to continue without selling.

Lari and Pedro’s families have a feud that has been going on since generations back. Their mothers hate each other, and there are so many unbelievable secrets between their families. Lari and Pedro make it their job to uncover their family secrets, save their families businesses, and become the generation where the feud ends.

I love books that centre around families. It’s so interesting to see family roots, traditions, and drama. I also loved how this book is set in Brazil — I’ve never read a book like this and it had such a great representation!

I love books that have a baking/cooking theme. It’s so fascinating to see the traditional recipes and learn about foods from different cultures. Also, seeing Lari and Pedro develop their connection through cooking was so cute. I loved the characters and their development throughout the book was well done.

If you are looking for a young adult book about family feuds and bakeries, with Brazilian representation, then this book is for you! Be sure to make note of the release date of this book so that you can get your hands on it: November 1st, 2022! x
Profile Image for Liih Carvalho.
12 reviews
August 19, 2022
A delicious mix of Romeo and Juliet with a pinch of enemies to Lovers. . What an incredible read, it was so amazing to read and identify different elements of Brazilian culture. The book is full of references to different cultural traditions and the setting is beautiful. . The author's writing is fluid and addictive, you are so enthralled by the story and characters that you end up immersing yourself in the story. An amazing and funny experience... The characters are young, while being very intelligent and very captivating. You find yourself hoping that everything works out for both families. Ah, the foods presented make you want to try them all. Congratulations to the author, I hope to read more of her books soon!
Review by: @contandoeuconto
Thank you so much to Inkyard Press and Rebecca for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Uma deliciosa mistura de Romeu e Julieta com uma pitada de enemies to Lovers.
Que leitura incrível, foi muito bom ler e identificar diversos elementos da cultura brasileira. O livro é recheado de referências a diversas tradições culturais e a ambientação é linda.
A escrita da autora é fluida e viciante, você fica tão encantado pela história e pelos personagens que você acaba imergindo na história. Uma experiência muito boa.
Os personagens são bem novos, ao mesmo tempo que são bem inteligentes e bem cativantes. Você se pega torcendo para que tudo dê certo para ambas as famílias. Ah, as comidas apresentadas te deixam com uma super vontade de experimentar todas.
Parabéns para a autora, espero ler mais dos seus livros em breve!
Profile Image for Tess Carletta.
Author 2 books89 followers
December 11, 2023
If you like Hallmark movies or cheesy Netflix romances, this book is for you! It was a very quick read, but I appreciated getting to know about Brazilian culture and food. I enjoyed the book enough to finish it in about a day. Overall, this was a fun read!

(My library had this in the New Adult section. I would say it's actually YA. There's no harsh swearing, no spicy scenes, and the main couple is still in high school. It could seriously pass on the Hallmark channel.)
April 22, 2023
3.5 stars
This could be a modern-day retelling of “Romeo and Juliet “, only with cooking utensils instead of swords!
Lari and Pedro are two high school seniors who have grown up hearing about the feud between their families. It began with their great-grandparents, who started bakeries across the street from each other decades ago. Things went awry, and the Ramirez and Molina families have been at each other’s throats every since.
Now, a big chain store wants to consume both bakeries. Can Lari and Pedro save the family-run businesses by working together to end the feuding, or are they striving for the impossible?
Great Y.A. fiction; sweet, gentle and without vulgar language, sex, or drug use! I’ll be looking for other works from this author.
Profile Image for Carol Andrade | _carolcabrita.
636 reviews7 followers
January 13, 2023
3.50 stars

Honestly have a full meal and dessert BEFORE reading this book. It describes northeast brazilian food so well that I started craving for food while reading it hahaha.

The family feud did drag for me so that's why I lowered half star. I love that it felt like a smalltown book even though Olinda is big and close to Recife, one of the biggest city in northeast. I liked the Romeo and Juliet references here and there that payoff at the end.

I'm from southeast so for me some last names sounded more Spanish-like which was funny. It's not that they don't exist here, just isn't as common.

I'll look forward Rebecca's next book for sure!
Profile Image for Kerry.
375 reviews13 followers
January 22, 2023
This book was so cosy and sweet, I absolutely adored the bakery settings and rivalry with a nod towards Romeo and Juliet.

Defiantly comfortable in the YA zone this sweet and endearing enemies to lovers romance is a great demonstration of a young generation overcoming the expectations and boundaries of family ties.

I enjoyed the characters immensely, I found them willing to learn and forgive, and there is an underlying message of following your own path in life.

Lovely lighthearted read with Brazilian culture, grief and fierce family vibes.

Thank you to Harper 360 for providing me with an advanced copy
Profile Image for sinjini.
55 reviews
January 30, 2024
fun light read. but i will hold off on reading anymore Tabitha books
Displaying 1 - 30 of 602 reviews

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