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The Blood Sisters #2

My Sister's Betrayal

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The Nazi oppression whips up a storm of terror, ripping apart the blood sisters Anna, Bernie, Elica, and Dagna.

Desperate to be reunited with her husband, Daniel, Elica walks into the dreaded den of the ruthless Gestapo. She's ready to sacrifice anything for their love.

Anna and her family find themselves at the mercy of Anna's heart-throb, Ulf. Ulf's obsession with Anna puts him in a quandary—between his loyalty to the Fuhrer and his burning desire for the forbidden fruit.

Bernie's courage will be pushed to its limits as she embarks on a daring journey to save Elica's baby, Theo. Can she survive this near-impossible mission?

Dagna craves power and will do anything to fit into the Nazi ranks, whatever the cost.

302 pages, ebook

Published April 19, 2023

About the author

Roberta Kagan

61 books556 followers
I’m an American writer of Jewish and Romany decent. I write Historical Fiction and Historical Romance, most of which is set during the holocaust. Although I never discount the horrors of the time period, the main focus of my work is on ordinary people who prove to be strong heroic characters in unfathomable circumstances.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews
April 14, 2023
My Sister’s Betrayal by Roberta Kagan was the second book in The Blood Sisters series. The first book ended with a cliff hanger so I was so excited to read the next book in this series to find out what would happen. I was glad that I didn’t have to wait too long. The four blood sisters were now grown up and living separate lives in Nazi occupied Austria. Roberta Kagan masterfully set the stage for the atrocities Anna and her family, Bernie and Elica would be forced to endure under the Nazis in this book.

Elica had reconciled her life with Daniel due to Anna’s selfless encouragement. Daniel and Elica were now happily married, living with Daniel’s parents in their home and raising their young son Theo when fists pounded on the door one night. The Gestapo barged into Daniel’s parent’s home, shot Daniel’s father and forced Daniel and his mother into a waiting truck. Elica and Theo had hidden in the back of the closet in Theo’s room. Paralyzed with fear, Elica dabbed her baby’s mouth with liquor she found in the closet to keep him from crying out. Luckily, Elica and Theo were not discovered by the Gestapo. When Elica finally emerged from the house she made her way to Bernie’s apartment. Elica’s plan was to leave Theo with Bernie and go to the police station where Dagna now worked with the Nazis. She would beg Dagna to help her find Daniel. Would Elica be able to convince Dagna to help her find and rescue Daniel?

Anna and her family found themselves beholden to Ulf for saving their lives. Ulf had rescued Anna and her family from a Gestapo raid. He brought Anna and her family to a forest far from Vienna and gave them food, water and blankets. Ulf was torn, though. He loved Anna, or at least he thought he did. Anna was Jewish, though, and having a relationship with her went against everything the Nazi party preached and stood for. Ulf was torn between his desires for Anna and his loyalty to the Nazi party. Even though Ulf had begun to question the violent acts he had witnessed by the Nazis, he did not want to disgrace himself and loose his reputation and status with the Nazis. Should Anna trust Ulf to keep her and her family safe? What did he expect from her in return?

After Elica entrusted Bernie with Theo’s care and survival, Bernie made the decision to take Theo to Italy. If the Nazis discovered Theo’s existence, they would surely kill him, after all Theo was half Jewish. Bernie managed to get Theo to Italy. She left him in the orphanage where her girlfriend Viola worked and promised to return to Italy and Viola as soon as she could. Bernie knew she had to return to Vienna to continue helping Anna and her family who she thought were still hidden in her attic. When Bernie arrived back in Vienna, she was alerted that her house had been raided. The Gestapo had found Anna and her family. Who turned Anna and her family in? Bernie discovered that her life was in danger as well. The Gestapo was searching for her as well. Bernie’s first instinct was to get back to Italy as quickly as she could but when she realized the train going to Italy would not be leaving for several hours Bernie decided to go to Paris. From Paris, it would be easier to get to Italy. Would Bernie be reunited with Viola? Will she be able to get back to Italy safely?

At one time, Dagna would have done anything for Elica. That all changed though when Elica left Dagna to go back to Daniel. Dagna could not afford the apartment she and Elica shared without Elica’s salary. That forced Dagna to move into a minuscule basement apartment. She was not happy with her situation or with Elica. Dagna started to go to secretarial school at night and soon became very skilled at typing and short hand. Before long, Dagna found herself working at the police department with the Nazis. Dagna had always been a Nazi sympathizer and a Jew hater. When Elica came to the police station looking for Dagna, Dagna was surprised but disgusted to see Elica. All Dagna wanted to do at this point was to use her power over Elica and make her life as miserable as she could. Dagna no longer worshipped Elica. She wanted to do whatever she could now to punish Elica for everything she did to her.

Living through World War II, all four blood sisters were forced to do things they probably would not have even considered if times had been different. The war had turned the friends against one another. Some of the things they did they were not proud of but they did them to survive, help others and get revenge. My Sister’s Betrayal portrayed unspeakable atrocities performed by the Nazis. Each of the blood sisters were now living their own lives. Their lives were full of fear and the desire to survive. There was loss, death, betrayal, secrets and a glimmers of hope. The chapters alternated to tell each girl’s story. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series. Once again, there was a cliffhanger at the conclusion of My Sister’s Betrayal. I can’t wait to read what happens next. Hopefully, the wait won’t be too long before the next book is available to read. I highly recommend this book. Publication is set for April 19, 2023.

Thank you to Book Whisperer for allowing me to read the ARC of My Sister’s Betrayal by Roberta Kagan through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Christine Cazeneuve.
1,278 reviews31 followers
May 28, 2023
Can't wait for book three

The saga continues as the blood sisters continue to maneuver life during Nazi Germany. Loaded with twists and turns and emotional challenges. This is such a unique telling of that time period. You will find yourself making every excuse to keep reading it. I knocked off one star because the amount of people falling in love with one of the characters is a bit hard to swallow - just not realistic. Still a great read.
Profile Image for Bevany.
437 reviews13 followers
March 21, 2023
The heart-wrenching second part of this series will capture your heart. The story follows our 4 young protagonists as war continues in their homeland. It is a story of betrayal, death, survival, and change. The harsh realities of life for these young women will leave you feeling hope, fear, grief, and elation for them. Highly recommended for readers of historical fiction centering around World War 2.
March 27, 2023
The atrocities and horrors committed against Jewish people in WWII Germany are brought to life as we enter the lives of childhood friends grappling with who they are as adults.

This is the 2nd book in a series and I did not read the first. While I believe you can read this as a stand-alone, I think I would have been well served to have the context of the first book before reading this one.

This story weaves together the stories of Elica, Anna, Dagna, Bernie, Oliver and Daniel-childhood friends who are now adults living during WWII. The story begins with a traumatic event that results in Elica embarking on a search for her husband. From there, we see the way the war impacts each of them in a different way, yet still linking them together. The author does not shy away from the atrocities committed by the Nazis, which added emotional suspense to the story. The story also intersects with the Romanies (gypsies) and how they too were targets of the Nazis.

While I do enjoy multiple POVs and dual time-lines, which this story has, the writing style was not for me. I felt that the characters were speaking to me in a monologue to tell me what they were thinking, doing, and feeling rather than the dialogues and action forming the story. I was unable to connect well with the characters in this style.
However, I liked the story that was being told and so I kept turning the pages because I did want to know what would happen to theses characters. The plot was fast paced which I also enjoyed. I especially enjoyed Bernie’s story line—In a story of pain and betrayal, her character showed the good, the loyalty, and the bravery that existed in many unsung heroes of the war.

Initially, I was disappointed in the ending but when I learned there is another book to follow it made much more sense and while I was not a fan of the writing style, I do think the story is worth continuing on to the next book and I will mot likely go back and read the first as well.
Profile Image for Sue Plant.
1,970 reviews25 followers
June 2, 2023
would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book

4 young girls pledge to be blood sisters and to help whenever they needed it, but this is the time when hitler is in power and jews are not liked

they each will have their own trials to go through some more dangerous than others but one of them betrays them

was really enjoying this story but somewhere in the middle i lost the plot... and i dont really know why...
Profile Image for Poppy Marlowe.
548 reviews22 followers
March 18, 2023
Synopsis (It's a fiction book, so it helps….)

The Nazi oppression whips up a storm of terror, ripping apart the blood sisters Anna, Bernie, Elica, and Dagna. Desperate to be reunited with her husband, Daniel, Elica walks into the dreaded den of the ruthless Gestapo. She's ready to sacrifice anything for their love.

Anna and her family find themselves at the mercy of Anna's heart-throb, Ulf. Ulf's obsession with Anna puts him in a quandary—between his loyalty to the Fuhrer and his burning desire for the forbidden fruit. Bernie's courage will be pushed to its limits as she embarks on a daring journey to save Elica's baby, Theo. Can she survive this near-impossible mission? Dagna craves power and will do anything to fit into the Nazi ranks, whatever the cost.

The second book in Miss Kagan's BLood Sisters series, this book did not disappoint...in fact, I will probably go back and read the first book as I enjoyed this one so much. Great characters, great writing and I am looking forward to the third book and beyond, please and thank you :-)

Profile Image for Natisha.
131 reviews5 followers
July 13, 2023
"Thank you for being my friend"

This line utterly broke me in this, the sequel to The Pact which I enjoyed earlier this year, resolving the cliffhanger and throwing the girls into even more turmoil. Roberta again handles her characters with sensitivity and delves into their depth of emotions as the circumstances force them into new situations. Detailing the happier times makes the despair that they experience, that much harsher.

Another interesting facet of the story was how it explored the effects of a certain mindset spreading insidiously amongst people, convincing them that they were better than the friends they were raised with, that they laughed with, flirted with, ate with. How it slowly sets in, and the boundary gets pushed a little further every time until it’s no longer there. This story is heartbreaking in so many ways but at the same time, you can’t help but hope that it will get better. How much more can the friends endure? I eagerly await the final instalment of this trilogy with the hope that there is at least some happiness in the darkness.
Profile Image for red.
139 reviews47 followers
April 8, 2023
i wouldn't say i enjoyed the book as a whole but i did like the historical aspect of it. hearing about the horrors of the concentration camps made me think about life in general and i gotta say Kagan is an incredible author as i rarely feel this way while reading a book that wasn't an absolute five star. it is kind of my fault as i should've read the first book before i read this one as i had to spend a lot of time in whos who which was somewhat annoying. but the dynamics between the characters *chef's kiss*. this story is basically about the lives of Elica, Anna, Dagna, Bernie, Oliver and Daniel, the childhood friends who are now adults living during WWII so i already knew it'd be to die for and i was right.
now coming to the parts i did not like. the writing style just didn't work for me, but that's a me problem. also the plot sometimes became too boring which i'm not very fond of but overall the book was 3.5stars read for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC for me to read and review .
11 reviews6 followers
July 29, 2024
Enjoying the story but there are some continuity issues from book one. But these are not major. There are also times when I wish for some diversity in descriptive words. (Or maybe the second time the same descriptor is used it could just be removed as it’s redundant). Also some duplication in other things - ie there are several times that the anger response was “I could slap them”. Just felt a bit over done/ over used. Also some of the historical circumstances portrayed make me want to research to see how accurate they are. But over all good - I am going to read book three to see how it concludes.
Profile Image for Dianne McMahan.
589 reviews8 followers
May 15, 2023
2nd.book in Trilogy is as good as the 1st.one,if if not better.
Anna,is now on the run as an SS officer is searching the forests for her.
He has killed her parents, after helping them escape from the Nazi's,after finding them hiding in Bernie's attic.
Bernie,is in one of the camps,trying to survive,after getting caught with no official papers on a train to Paris.
Anna,is living with some Romanian gypsies & just trying to survive day to day.
Roberta Kagan is masterful,the way she draws you in to the story with a super plot & dynamic characters.
As per usual, hated to see novel end,but on to the 3rd.book,which I will not want to put down either.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alyson Lucille.
708 reviews7 followers
May 19, 2024
Audiobook- 4 stars. Wasn’t as interested in Bernie’s story. But can’t wait to see what happens with Anna, Elica and Dagna!
Profile Image for Natisha.
131 reviews5 followers
April 11, 2023
"Thank you for being my friend"

This line utterly broke me in this, the sequel to The Pact which I enjoyed earlier this year, resolving the cliffhanger and throwing the girls into even more turmoil. Roberta again handles her characters with sensitivity and delves into their depth of emotions as the circumstances force them into new situations. Detailing the happier times makes the despair that they experience, that much harsher.

Another interesting facet of the story was how it explored the effects of a certain mindset spreading insidiously amongst people, convincing them that they were better than the friends they were raised with, that they laughed with, flirted with, ate with. How it slowly sets in, and the boundary gets pushed a little further every time until it’s no longer there. This story is heartbreaking in so many ways but at the same time, you can’t help but hope that it will get better. How much more can the friends endure? I eagerly await the final instalment of this trilogy with the hope that there are at least some happiness in the darkness.

Thank you to the Book Whisperer for an advance copy of this book
Profile Image for Shirley McAllister.
1,075 reviews150 followers
April 9, 2023
Broken Trust

WWII happens and the blood sisters Elica, Anna, Bernie and Dagna are torn apart by it. This second book finds Elica in a desperate situation. Her husband Daniel has been taken by the Gestapo while Elica hides in a closet with her baby son. Elica is willing to sacrifice all to be reunited with her husband.

Elica knows Dagna works with the Gestapo , but she cannot risk taking her half Jewish son with her to ask about Daniel. She leaves him with Bernie who tells her a secret. She is hiding Anna and her family in her attic.

At the Gestapo office Elica tells Dagna that if she helps her find her husband Daniel she will tell her where Anna and her family are hiding.

It is a story of young people in desperate and horrible situations. In a war that is so horrible it turns friends, sisters, neighbors and all against each other. A story where love can turn and where even in the midst of such horror sometimes compassion can be found. A story of secrets, losses and old feelings resurfacing and causing so much heartache.

Anna and her family go on the run and disastrous events happen featuring two of her former friends who are now working with the Nazi's. Who will survive? What happens to Elica, Anna, Bernie and Dagna now? Awaiting the next book to find out the next chapter in their story.

Thanks to Roberta Kagan for another great series, to the book whisperer for publishing it and to NetGalley for providing me with a copy to read and review.
1,252 reviews
March 21, 2023
I received an eARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher, for which I thank them.

“My Sister’s Betrayal” by Roberta Kagan is the second in the “Blood Sisters” series. This book picks up where the first one did. While this can be read as a stand-alone book, having read the first book a while ago, I found myself trying to recall certain things (and characters) from the previous book. While Ms. Kagan did a good job at reminding the audience what had happened in the first book, at times it was rather brief and confusing. I don’t know how I feel about this book. It’s part of a series, so it ended with a number of open endings and unanswered situations. I found a few scenes a bit odd (apparently just by appearances one can determine someone is “a deviant”) but if they were to show that the Nazis were bad people, then those scenes delivered the message. This book has a number of scenes in Ravensbruck, the women’s concentration camp, and those scenes don’t shy away from the abuses that took place - though Ms. Kagan doesn’t beat around the bush, she also treats those scenes with consideration. This book was probably a 3.5 read for me for a number of reasons but it did make a nice follow-up to the series with yet more maturing of the characters and, again, some true characters being revealed.
Profile Image for Selena.
515 reviews
April 30, 2023
The story centers around Anna, Dagna, Bernie, and Elica. While not sisters by birth, they are blood sisters from childhood. They each have different perspectives of Nazi oppression and the war. When the story begins, Anna and her family are hiding in her sister Bernie's attic from the Nazis because they are Jewish. Bernie is not only breaking the law by hiding Anna, she also takes guardianship of her sister Elica's baby, and is lesbian. Elica broke the law by not only marrying a Jew, but having his child. Dagna, who has always worshiped Elica's beauty now hates Elica for marrying a Jew and Anna for being a Jew, is trying to rise the ranks working for the Nazis.

Two of the sisters betray the others. One does out of desperation, the other out of desire.

I could not put the book down. It was interesting and heartbreaking that some of the people were faced with painful decisions and horrific treatment by others. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in another perspective of World War II.

I was given the opportunity to read this book by NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Molly.
6 reviews2 followers
April 11, 2023
A story of four friends as they navigate the perils of war, we find each is challenged with a variety of circumstances testing their strength, courage, and deciding upon who they can trust. The story is told from each of their points of view, along with additional characters to the story. We learn the harrowing journey of Bernie from Italy to Ravensbruck, Anna is taken from an attic to a forest where she is forced to run for her life, Elica is imprisoned, and Dagna works to gain prominence among the Reich.

Overall, the story was full of twists and turns, but I felt the character development was lacking. The story also seemed to lack an overall plot, although it is part of a series. We follow each character, but not necessarily along a chronological path. Bits and pieces of each character's journey is told and then we jump to another character.
The dialogue felt forced and random acts of sexual violence felt thrown in for effect rather than adding to the story. The story intrigued me, but I did not care for the style of writing.
66 reviews
April 23, 2023
A story of 3 young girls who became blood sisters in their childhood.
Anna, Bernie and Dagna played together and shared everything as youths, sworn friends. But that didn’t last when Hitler demanded that all Jews had to be rounded up, killed or sent to horrific camps where many were murdered, or died due to conditions not fit for humans,

Anna was a Jew. She and Dagna had shared a flat until Anna became pregnant by a non Jew. Dagna was angry with Anna as she couldn’t pay the rent on her own and was forced to move.

Anna married her lover, but the son was, of course, half Jewish and therefore unsafe from Hitler’s mob.
Bernie was willing to help Anna and family, but Dagna worked for the Reich and had always been jealous of Anna’s beauty, so that became a different story!

You will find the story heartbreaking, cruel but nevertheless fascination as it follows the lives of Anna, Bernie and Dagna. A page turner you won’t want to put down. It is very well written and I am anxious to read the next book in the series.
187 reviews13 followers
March 25, 2023
In My Sister’s Betrayal, Roberta Kagan continues the saga of the girls we first met in The Pact. The novel begins exactly where The Pact ended with a “cliffhanger.” It depicts the horrors of the Gestapo and the extermination camps with stories vividly told of the capture and treatment of Jews and the danger of traveling with false papers. In addition to the themes of anti-Semitism and blind obedience to the Nazi regime, the reader encounters displays of personal loyalty to friends and instances of betrayal of friends for personal advancement.

This book will have readers up for nights to see what happens next and ruminating about the atrocities depicted. I, for one, anxiously await book #3 in this series to see how this cliffhanger is resolved. I thank Roberta Kagan for another marvelous book and NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunities to read and review this book prior to publication.
302 reviews3 followers
August 9, 2023
I really looked forward to this book. The second book in a series called the Blood Sisters. I absolutely loved the first book. So if you have not read it - please do!

My Sister's Betrayal was a tough book for me. Like the title states there is betrayal in this book between the four girls. But Hitler is getting deeper into his horrible treatment of the Jews, so that also makes this book sad. I don't know why, but I kept hoping that the girls that had some bad characteristics as children would become better women. But they did not, The personalities of the girls stayed very consistent as they got older.

The details around the horrible events in the concentration camps was difficult for me to read. I had become attached to the characters in the first book. I know these things really happened in our history, but it is hard to read. I hope that the last book in the series is as good as the first one and not so hard to read.
Profile Image for Kelly.
213 reviews1 follower
April 1, 2023
I am so glad that I got to read the second novel in this series so quickly after finishing the first.
Kagan has a way of drawing you in from the very first page and then leaving you hanging at the edge of a cliff with her very last words.
My goodness I truly have a love hate relationship with these characters. They are written so well and spring to life from the pages but oh how I loathe some of them.
I enjoy how this author writes the story but then shows the inner monologue of the characters. It can be entirely chilling to read but really adds so much depth to the characters.
I would highly suggest reading this book but definitely pick up the first in the series before starting. There is so much that happens before you even crack this book open.

Thanks to Net Galley and The Book Whisperer for the advanced copy. I am throughly looking forward to the next instalment.
Profile Image for Kayla Lambert.
161 reviews7 followers
April 3, 2023
My Sisters Betrayal is the 2nd book in The Blood Sister Series. Much like the first book, I found this book’s writing style hard to get into, but the storyline is still interesting. The writing style of the four protagonists POV is made up mostly by thoughts and feelings, and I wish the actions and dialogue between characters would tell the story more. For me, too many thoughts and feelings make up a good majority of the book.

With that said, the four characters are still very interesting and their stories are intriguing. It will be interesting to see where the author takes their stories in the third installment. Three of the four characters experienced so much heartache in this installment, my heart goes out to them. The fourth one is truly evil, and I hope as the future installments come out, Dagna’s character experiences some sort of karma.
Profile Image for Kelly.
190 reviews
April 10, 2023
This is a sequel to Blood Sisters, and I am glad that I read Blood Sisters first in order to get solid background information. I'm not sure how well this would stand up as a stand alone novel as I struggled to remember important details from the previous book. This book ended abruptly, so I'm assuming a third book will be written to continue the story where this one left off.

There were a couple of places in which I had to stretch my belief, such as the amount of obsession about other people that a couple of the characters have. It was also hard to grasp that one character was arrested and on the spot was labeled a lesbian by her capturers who knew nothing about her.

That said, the storyline is engaging and kept my turning the pages quickly to see what will happen next.

I was given a free copy of this book by NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for  Sophie.
1,720 reviews
April 14, 2023
I would like to thank Netgalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of this story.
First, I loved the cover and I must say it is what attracted me to the story before I even read the blurb. I loved the colors and the illustration because it sets the scene for the storyline.
I liked the characters especially Bernie, Elica and Anna. I think that they were the courageous ones of the story. I came into this book without reading the first one so all the characters were new to me. I thought that the Nazi antagonists were really horrifying. Ulf and his cronies were downright evil.
I think that the author was good at painting the period as one of horror and not as one of golden sunshine. The camp scenes made me feel like I was there with the characters. Ulf's evil made me put down the book.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
136 reviews6 followers
January 28, 2024
Suspense and emotion-filled, this second book in Kagan’s Blood Sisters series, is a chapter-gulper. The “blood” sisters are now grown but have not lost their childhood propensities. Sweet Anna and her family are hunted by the Nazis, while Bernie and Elica are sent to the notorious Ravensbruck women’s concentration camp because they attempted to hide Jews. Dagna’s thirst for power and revenge ends up making her an ideal Nazi prison guard.
Kagan’s ability to bring her characters to life is masterful. We feel their emotions and hear their voices. Filled with historical detail, I appreciate the author’s accuracy. This is one of the few holocaust books I’ve read which includes the Roma persecution by the Nazis.
The plot, the characters, and the historical significance of this book make it a winner!
Rating 5
2,487 reviews52 followers
April 13, 2023
If you are like me and never understood how we got to such a point that World War 2 occurred, you need to read My Sister's Betrayal, book two in The Blood Sister's series. I didn't think the hatred could be me more horrid than in book one. Was I ever wrong!!!! The details in this book brought the horrors of the past to life.

Things that were said and things that were done had my stomach churning. I was unable to control the tears that fell. Manipulation and encouragement allowed people to act in unacceptable, evil ways. People were given permission to be evil just because of someone's religious belief, physical challenges or sexual orientation. It took everything I had not to hate those that judged. I can only hope that we never allow others to twist our beliefs so we treatment of a certain group as if they were trash. Reading My Sister's Betrayal is a great reminder.

Three friends, Anna, Bernie and Elica, made blood oath when the were children. Another girl, Dagna, forced her way in. Dagna was always a supporter of the Nazi party. She becomes more and more vocal, causing problems for her blood sisters.

My Sister's Betrayal takes the reader back to a time we might want to forget, but we need to make sure we never forget. Anna, Bernie, and Elica are trying to survive, to live. Their days are ugly. Their lives are a daily, hourly struggle. I came addicted to the hope that they might survive. We can't always get what we wish for.
273 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2023
My Sister's Betrayal follows Blood Sisters Anna, Bernie, Elica, and Dagna. We follow each of their stories living in German occupied Austria. I did find some of the conversations in the book a little repetitive and long winded but in saying that I found it really hard to put down. I was pulled into the stories of each woman as the friendship between them was filled with bitterness, love, compassion, jealousy and of course betrayal. My Sister's Betrayal finished on a cliff-hanger, and I can’t wait to read the next book in The Blood Sisters series.
I would like to thank The Book Whisperer, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this complimentary copy for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
273 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2023
My Sister's Betrayal follows Blood Sisters Anna, Bernie, Elica, and Dagna. We follow each of their stories living in German occupied Austria. I did find some of the conversations in the book a little repetitive and long winded but in saying that I found it really hard to put down. I was pulled into the stories of each woman as the friendship between them was filled with bitterness, love, compassion, jealousy and of course betrayal. My Sister's Betrayal finished on a cliff-hanger, and I can’t wait to read the next book in The Blood Sisters series.
I would like to thank The Book Whisperer, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this complimentary copy for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Linda.
311 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2023
First of all…I am pissed. I thought this was a 2 book series. And about 90% I realized this wasn’t going to end.I am/ was a huge Roberta Kagan fan. I knew many of the books were cliffhangers. And I was ok with that. This one, I didn’t know it would be one. So, very disappointing.
So…this book. A bit more brutal than any of the others of hers I had read. I’ve read over two dozen of her books. I will read the last one of the series, but since I am giving up kindle unlimited, I will probably not read anymore her books. This was far from my favorite. Rape. Lesbianism. Not enjoyable read. Her other books have been more like Romeo and Juliet (Jew/non Jew) stories. Again…she was a favorite author. Sad to say goodbye.
66 reviews2 followers
April 16, 2023
This novel was a continuation of the story that began in “The Pact,” also by Roberta Kagan. I enjoyed it but not as much as the previous book. The characters became difficult to like or to empathize with and the dialogue, at times, seemed simplistic. I also found some elements of the plot contrived. I did, however, enjoy learning about the evolving circumstances of the characters as they continued to weather the events of World War II. The book leaves the reader wondering what will happen next so I surmise there will be a book 3 in this series. It will definitely be worthwhile to learn the fates of Elica and her baby and of Anna.
Profile Image for Tracy Eyles.
147 reviews3 followers
April 23, 2023
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. This was such a good story. The story revolves around the lives of four girls, blood sisters, who have very different backgrounds. The four girls lives intersect through a series of events that take place when Austria is invaded during the Second World War. Bernie tries her best to protect her friends Anna and Elica. She also tries to warn her about Dagna. The four girls lives intersect but inevitably their experiences take them in very different directions. The story seemed to end abruptly and I am so hoping it means their will a sequel that will tie up some of the loose ends. Overall it was a great read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews

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