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Caged #2

Caged by Damnation

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ANNOUNCING BOOK 3's release: Spring 2016!

A bloodstone dagger to ward off evil…

In a matter of weeks, Savannah Cross has ascended, overcome a prince of darkness, and lost one whom she loved. Her powers have become a liability in the wake of her shattered world. Her rapid descent into a delusional vortex has made her unable to tell fantasy from reality. She knows her visions cannot be real and yet are as unquestionable as the air she breathes. Her only solace is the demise of the evil that would have destroyed her loved ones, but can evil ever truly die?

Willow watches as Savannah spirals into chaos, but is unable to help. She must answer Death’s ultimatum with one of her own. How will she leave behind everything to embrace a sisterhood of immortals, who do not accept her?

Savannah must pull herself from the dark void that has invaded her soul, while Willow must learn to embrace the hell-hound within, because an evil has awakened to avenge hell’s lost prince.

Will they be strong enough to face the wrath of hell?

288 pages

First published May 31, 2013

About the author

J.D. Stroube

14 books446 followers
J.D. Stroube is an author, artist, and psychology major. Her writing crosses many genres, but most often gears towards fantasy and the paranormal.

J.D. intends to utilize her overwhelming need to know and understand things, to aid her in achieving her Doctorate degree. She then hopes to open her own practice to counsel low-income families and children.

In early 2014, J.D. suffered severe traumatic brain injuries, which caused her to postpone the release of her novels. Then in 2017, she discovered she has a rare disorder called Avascular Necrosis, which is incredibly painful. It dilutes the quality of life. Her body has stopped delivering blood to her hips and knees and she will eventually need replacements. While J.D. recovered from her brain trauma, she was still unable to read or write until late 2022. Her books and more will now be coming out and she is excited that her calling is no longer lost to her!

You may contact J.D. Stroube at jdstroube@gmail.com. In the subject box put, "J.D. Stroube" for her to know it's important and she will respond as quickly as possible. A new website will be coming soon!

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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews
Profile Image for Diane Sue.
2 reviews
July 11, 2012
I was one of the beta readers for Caged by Damnation. I was shocked at this book. It was much longer and more in depth than the first book. The questions I had were mostly answered, but there are still enough that I want to read the next one.
I LOVED the Hellhounds! It was unexpected that the story delved so much into Willow, but still retained hold of Savannah's story. I enjoyed the dark quality to the writing and the mystery.
A consistent factor with Stroube's writing is that she loves the unexpected, but in a good way. The path that the story takes is quite a bit different from what I thought it would be.
I liked the first book in the series, but this one was a million times better. It rivaled some of my favorites. I'm glad to know that Stroube is coming out with a special edition for the first book. It's good to know that she is going to be enhancing the first book, because it should level the talent field between the two books.
I wasn't sure I liked the end of the first book until I got my hands on this one. Now, I'm sure that the ending to the first was absolutely genius, but I can't say why! That would be a spoiler and I hate those.
Thanks Stroube for allowing me to be one of your beta readers!
Profile Image for Dani.
8 reviews24 followers
September 8, 2012
I absolutely loved this book. I know that it's the sequel, but it could have been a book on its own. There was more action and it had a maturity that surpassed the first book. I could really see how the characters had grown up in response to their circumstances.
I love how each character is coming into their own and has their individual roles. I have always been a fan of multiple POV. I thought I would be disappointed that Caged by Damnation only has two, rather than three, but I liked it more than having three. I got to know Willow on a deeper level, as she was getting to know herself.
The Hellhounds are central characters, but the old characters are still central, as well. I'm not sure how to explain it, but even while new ones are introduced, the old characters remain important.

-Length (It's much longer than Caged in Darkness)
-Plot (More happens and the story moves at a great pace)
-Surprises (Caged 2 still has a ton of surprises and they enhanced the story)
-Answers (I got the answers to the questions I had left from the first book)
-Etc (too many to name)

-I want more of Ash! The book does a great job at making me want him even more, but waiting for Caged in Spirit is going to stink.
-Without giving too much away... there are some characters I want to hate, but I am starting to like. Damn!!!

Basically, it's a great book. I think that this series is one of the types that keep getting better and better. Now, if only I could get my hands on some of the other books pre-release!
Profile Image for Miranda Merrill.
87 reviews4 followers
Want to read
July 15, 2012
Can't wait for this book to come out. Loved the first book. I am anxiously waiting for book 2.
Profile Image for Liz Coburn.
15 reviews3 followers
October 10, 2013
"This is the 2nd book in an all new supernatural series, by an amazing new author. You won't be able to put it down! This book is so original with such creativity compared to a lot of supernatural series books already out there. The story is told thru 2 POV's; Savannah & her BFF Willow. Its 2 stories that take their own paths and eventually intertwine. Savannah, who is now dealing with the repercussions of her actions (at the end of Caged in Darkness), to save her life and her loved ones, has now put her friends/family in the crossfires once more, except this time, they find themselves in serious danger Savannah can't save them From alone. They find new allies just in time because Vengeance is right quick on their heels. . Willow was left with a huge life changing decision to save a friend, or does it save 2- Given to her by Death who wants her to join his Hellhounds. Willow sheds her shy, timid, quiet self and becomes so much more! Izzy has a shocking new transformation of her own, so amazing,extraordinary! Savannah starts to accend in her powers, with her new life-like visions so much so she can't tell the difference between the visions and reality which makes her question her sanity. New feelings develop between Willow & Death. Answers to wether or not Savannah & Ash can fix what was broken.There's battles, some internal struggles & some that will be fought and a little bloody. A newly discovered prophecy rests on Savannah's shoulders, new & shocking truths about herself and her past, as well as her lineage are revealed. But with newly discovered answers bring even more questions. Things she thought she knew to be true, she finds out may not be. The past is catching up to them all, and they're coming, literally!
This book has got so much to it, new surprises, action, mystery, love and transformations! It's a book YOU HAVE TO READ especially if you like the supernatural. There's cool new supernatural creatures, a new love interest, an old one explored, it delves deeper into new and old characters you will love so much!
Profile Image for Violet.
7 reviews
June 18, 2013
I read this after Amazon had the first book up for free. I have to say that this is one of the most original books I have ever read, which shocks me. If you see my review on the first book, you may understand more.
I like that in each book in this series the POV changes. In the first book the POV was Liam, Ash and Savannah. In this one it was Savannah and Willow's. I was worried that I would miss out on everything with Willow after the unexpected ending with her and Death in the first book, but WOW am I glad that I did not. The Hellhounds are spectacular and their lair/domains are intricate. The relationship between Death and Willow is complicated but in a uniquely anxious sort of way.
What happens with Izzy in this book completely blew my mind and I am falling in love with Ash all over again. I am looking forward to reading the third book in this series.
Profile Image for Ivy.
18 reviews2 followers
June 7, 2013
Caged in Damnation is book 2 from J.D’s “Caged” series. After defeating an evil in “Caged in Darkness,” Savannah is faced with new challenges. Consequences from her victory in the first book threaten her and her loved ones now. She learns of a purpose but has yet to understand it.

It’s not uncommon to have yet another book that gives the weight of the world on a young teenage witch girl’s hands. This is what Savannah is left off with in this book.

The pace in the books seemed to be slightly slower than when compared to the previous book. But it was catching and kept me intrigued enough to allow me to read through it rather quickly. At the end, I was so captivated by the story that I didn’t realize I had finished! It was rather surprising. I flipped the page and then just found the ad for J.D’s other books appeared. Couldn’t believe I had finished.
As with the first book, this one has the multiple points of views, but only between Savannah and Willow. We don’t see the variety as we did previously.

I feel like you end up getting two stories in one here. We are divided between Willow’s new life and Savannah’s new struggles. These two paths don’t meet up until the end. In my opinion, Savannah’s story took a backseat to Willow’s life. I didn’t mind the switch; I was becoming weary of Savannah, to be honest. For a while I found myself trying to finish Savannah’s view in a hurry to return to Willow.
When it comes to Savannah, there wasn’t much development on her story or the characters other than the prophecy discovered. She’s still acting like an immature selfish child. Her emotions sway back and forth more than a dancer’s hips.

I quite missed Ash in this one. But a new underdog sets in that I fall for. DEATH! As odd as it sounds, I can’t help but feel for Death. Seeing him through Willows eyes is quite beautiful. I want more of him; want to know what’s behind his sad eyes. I do hope something special happens between Willow and him.

Plenty of new characters are introduced, but we discover very little of them.

Again I’m found with the same problem as I did in the first book. Where thoughts are not completed, dropped and not picked up again. I think Izzy had a lot more to say about her worries as a Phoenix when she confronted her friend. Everyone seemed to start explaining something but then it became a “nevermind” or lost their train of thought. As well as my confusion how one scene let to another, or how one action resulted into it's effect.

I don’t know how J.D does it; she does have a knack to captivate you with her story. I can talk on and on about what is flawed and incomplete (in my own opinion, of course), but at the end of it all, I love her stories, and look forward to reading the rest of the series. I’m invested in it, and am anxious for the release of “Caged in Spirit”

Caged in Darkness: Special Edition
Caged in Spirit
Profile Image for Jessica Roe.
11 reviews2 followers
June 2, 2013
I was able to read the advanced reader copy of Caged by Damnation. I thought I knew what to expect after having read the first book, but I was in awe.

The characters are enriched and new players come into the fold! OMG, I'm still reeling from some of the new "types" of races.

How does the author come up with this stuff? I thought I had a creative imagination, but this book makes me feel like an amateur. There was a lot more action than I anticipated, but it's balanced with slower sections that enhance the relationship between the characters.

I LOVED the bickering between Willow and Death. There has got to be some sexual tension there. It was awesome to get to know the Hellhounds. The concept of their creation and backgrounds behind each personality had me on the edge of my seat.

It's also interesting that the supporting characters from the first novel are turning out to be key characters and I am wondering what their roles will be in the last 2 books.

I'll say this- J.D. Stroube is not afraid to take plunges that other authors are too timid to take. She makes you believe that the world in her books is real by giving them trials, failures and loss. I was also pleased to find that the book was longer than the first.

My only criticism is that I wanted more of Izzy in this book. She was one of my favorites from the first book. I'm praying that she plays a central role in the last two books and considering Savannah's visions, I'm willing to bet that she is.

Profile Image for Tee loves Kyle Jacobson.
2,480 reviews175 followers
Shelved as 'wishlist'
June 30, 2011
Thanks for the book recommendation! I can't wait for the first book to be out in August :) Happy Reading :)
September 7, 2023
So original!

The concept behind this series is so original, and written in such a way that the story just draws you in. A wide variety of characters, and a plot that doesn't rely on romance to move things along. There's magic, danger, unique species. I am so glad I read this, and I sincerely hope the author continues, because this world could be huge!
Profile Image for Lissette.
7 reviews3 followers
September 9, 2013
I absolutely loved this book! It amazed me. I was surprised at how different it was from the first book. There's more action, answers to questions from the first book, new characters and more questions that I am dying to know the answer to.
Profile Image for Gerald Pruett.
Author 4 books5 followers
June 28, 2014
I enjoyed the story; it had a strong story plot, but I didn't care for the creative writing style that the author wrote the story in. As long as the story plot is good I prefer a straight forward story telling.
Profile Image for Danielle.
128 reviews
November 20, 2016
5 stars

Really good read.
Was fast pasted and a little to much going on all at once but other than that really enjoyed it
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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