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Renegade Angels #1

A Touch of Crimson

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FIRST IN A NEW SERIES! CAN TRUE LOVE SURVIVE A WAR BETWEEN ANGELS, VAMPIRES, AND LYCANS?Adrian Mitchell is a powerful angel leading an elite Special Ops unit of Seraphim. His task is to punish the Fallen--angels who have become vampires--and command a restless pack of indentured lycans. But Adrian has suffered his own punishment for becoming involved with mortals--losing the woman he loves again and again. Now, after nearly two hundred years, he has found her--Shadoe--her soul once more inhabiting a new body, with no memory of him. And this time, he won't let her go...

260 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 4, 2011

About the author

Sylvia Day

108 books121k followers
Sylvia Day is the #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today, #1 Sunday Times, #1 Globe and Mail, #1 Der Spiegel, and #1 international bestselling author of over twenty award-winning novels, including ten New York Times and thirteen USA Today bestsellers. She is a number one bestselling author in twenty-nine countries, with translations in forty-one languages and over twenty million copies of her books in print. Visit the author at sylviaday.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 708 reviews
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,122 reviews624 followers
May 23, 2018
Realmente me ha gustado, la historia me ha recordado a las historias de la Ward, de la Feehan y quizá de la Nalini. Sin embargo, me ha faltado más morbo, más emoción, más...
Profile Image for Kimmy.
63 reviews43 followers
February 13, 2012
Ohmygosh, this blurb is one of the most touching ones that I have ever read. Despite the slightly discouraging rating, I feel so compelled to read it. Please, please don't let me be disappointed!

(That was what I felt about the book just before I added to my to read list.)

(Halfway through the book...)
Oh dear, oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?! There's no plot, no storyline, no chemistry (on the emotional level) except random bits of:
"You're hot!"
"I know! But you're hotter!"
"I love you because you're hot!"
"Let's make love then to prove our love!"
(I skip the entire part, and I'm confident to say that I haven't missed out on anything.)

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, if my parents find out I'm reading this book, they will ground me for life or kick me out. And no matter how heartfelt and passionate Adrian's declarations of love are in the blurb, trust me, he is a rapist. What the hell, how can he bully Lindsay into submission in bed and then claim that he loves her? Hello, no means no!

Yawn. Oh,ok, that's it. I knew the ending would be a happy one somewhat. Just what happened in between the cover page and the acknowledgements? I really can't remember anything of the storyline. Did I fall asleep?

Disappointment with the book. I had my hopes up when I read the blurb. This is exactly another one of those books where the blurb is utterly promising and deluding. Damn, I fell for it. I'll read the reviews more carefully next time. But at least I felt refreshed after waking up from a cosy (albeit unintentional) nap.
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,699 followers
November 22, 2015

Can a love that transcends death survive a war between angels, vampires, and lycans?

We're about to find out!

A Touch of Crimson is the first book in the Renegade Angels trilogy and takes us on a journey that has spanned millennia. The trilogy chronicles the power struggles among Angels, Lycans, and Vampires as they vie for supremacy. It’s a story of love, loss, and love regained, only to be lost again.

Adrian Mitchell has been keeping Fallen Angels, AKA Vampires, in check for centuries. As head of an elite Special Ops Seraphim team, he’s a Sentinel respected for his ability to lead and keep things running smoothly. Lately however, there seems to be a change in the day to day operations of not only the “bad guys” but the “good guys” as well. If Adrian doesn’t do something about it soon, all Hell could break loose. Now that alone could make for a decent story, but add Lindsay to the mix – the reincarnation of the love of his life, a woman who has died over and over again at Adrian’s hand – and it becomes more than just good read, it’s a great story. Sacrifice or selfishness, it’s up to the reader to decide, but you have to be willing to hang tough through a slow start.

As can be the case with the first book of any new series/trilogy, I felt the story was bogged down by the necessary world building and character introduction, and while there are many things to love about this book, be forewarned, it takes a long time to get to them. I often found myself setting it aside after only reading a chapter or so, moving on to read something else and yet interested enough to keep coming back for more. It was about 25-30% of the way into the story before it really grabbed my attention and by about 40% of the way through I hard time putting it down.

Maybe it’s just my imagination, but there seems to be quite a few books coming out about Fallen Angels, Nephalim, Watchers, Vampires… all in one story. They happen to be my favorite PNR sub-genres, so I get excited when I find them all rolled into one story. In addition to those races listed, A Touch of Crimson also has Lycan, who are indentured - a nice word for well treated slaves - to the Sentinels, those angels who have not fallen - yet. I’m not usually a big shifter fan but the controversial alpha, Elijah, got my attention in a big way and he and his story alone will be enough to keep me reading this series.

The bottom line – this book is a good start to a promising trilogy. It was sexy, exciting, action packed and emotional, and I’ll definitely be reading the next book, A Hunger So Wild, Elijah’s story!


This book was provided to me by netgalley.com in behalf of Penguin Publishing. This had no influence whatsoever on my rating and review.
Profile Image for Gemma.
448 reviews3 followers
November 21, 2011
Ok, first off, I have read this authors "Eve of..." series, so had very high hopes for this series to be just as good. Unfortunatly for me, it just didn't hit the mark.

I was plodding through the book asking myself why I didn't seem to be captured by the story? It had everything I love in the genre. Strong Alpha males conflicted by the situation they are in, A good idea for a baddy, A heroine who is far from weak? So why didn't I find myself salvating for the next book after reading it? Then it hit me!

Day seems to be trying to cram in so many plotlines and characters that none seem to gain enough time for you to get a vested intrest into them.

My main gripe was with the actual plot(s). I say plots because we have in one hand this suposed eternal love that Adrian has for Shadoe, whose soul is in the body of Lindsay Gibson. I could by the instant pull each had and the sex scenes were smoking, but this constant "I know we are each others ruin but I can't help but lusting after you," grows really thin. By the end I didn't really care that they got together.

The secondary plot with the war between the Sentinals and the fallen is very flat. Even the fact that there is obviously a double agent in one or both groups, trying to push them to all out war is underdeveloped and to me seemed the most intresting part of the story,. There is lots of hints and nudges that something isn't right, but it goes no further. (no doubt for the next book in the series)

The mutiny of the lycans is another underdeveloped plot. Elijah (one if not the only intresting character in the books) is described as an alpha and we are told what happens to alpha's, but apart from controling his beast, he has no leadership skills.

As for the fallen, Day attempts to make us understand why they are the way they are, but it didn't work for me.

My feeling is that Day is trying to cram too much in and would have benifited from concentrating on either the Sentinal/Fallen war or the Lycan mutiny. By spreading the story so thin it lacks that punch from her previous series which sucked me in from the first chapter.

Shame really
Profile Image for Amafle.
731 reviews
February 17, 2015
Tenía ciertas inquietudes cuando comencé a leer este libro. Pensaba que me iba a encontrar con algo similar a los libros anteriores que he leído de Sylvia(hablo de Gideon y su pene insaciable) o sea algo como una historia escrita por una "maquina sexual". Pero debo reconocer y con agrado que aunque hay sexo pasa a segundo plano cuando la lucha entre el bien y el mal con unos malos que no son tan malos y unos buenos no tan buenos es la verdadera protagonista. Realmente me gustó la Sylvia que descubrí con este libro.
Profile Image for Ariannha.
1,208 reviews
July 16, 2020

"No podía soportar ser la causa de su dolor. Si estaba en su poder terminar con su sufrimiento, tenía que intentarlo."

Con "Un toque de rojo" me reconcilié con este género... y casi casi me sentí como leyendo un libro de J.R. Ward... aquí encontraremos de nuevo elementos paranormales: vampiros, ángeles caídos, centinelas, licanos, demonios y humanos.

Este primer libro de la serie, nos cuenta la historia del centinela teniente Adrián, un ángel que ha vivido con una penitencia por haber pecado como un mortal: perder el amor de su vida una y otra vez a través de la eternidad, sin poder evitarlo. Shadoe, está condenada a reencarnar en cuerpo diferente cada vez, sin saberlo, y sin poder vivir una vida completa.

Con una narración sencilla y ágil, donde siempre está pasando algo, te mantiene enganchada en todo momento, sin embargo me ha faltado profundidad en algunas situaciones y quizás en los personajes tanto principales como secundarios.

El final tiene un giro no esperado... y queda con suficiente intriga para leer la segunda parte...

En general, es una historia buena y entretenida, sin embargo no le llega a la Hermandad de la Daga Negra... que siempre será mi favorita.

“Él la hacía sentir humana; él la hacía sentir, y punto. Se sentía tan vibrantemente viva cuando estaba con él que era como si se hubiera pasado la vida medio dormida y al fin estuviera despertando. Pero la humanidad que le había devuelto era algo prohibido para él y Lindsay no podía permitirse el lujo de olvidarlo. Él no podía permitirse el lujo de que ella lo olvidara.”
Profile Image for Jill.
793 reviews135 followers
May 30, 2013
4.25 stars review to come.

***This book was chosen by you for my tbr list challenge, thank you!***

I always love starting a new paranormal romance series. Turning that first page, I am always excited that I am going to find a new favourite, one that I can continue on with.
Sylvia Day has given me just that, one that is on par with some of my favourites.

A Touch of Crimson is the first book in the Renegade Angels series. We have Angels, Vampires and Lykens. The Vampires being fallen angels and the Lykens being a group in servitude to the Angels to help keep the vampires in check. That is all present and important information but the main story is of Adrian and his Shadoe, his soul mate, returned to him once more in the body of Lindsay. The battle between following your heart or following the rules is prevalent in this book as the consequences are there, in the form of the vampires, as a constant reminder to what may happen if you don't follow the rules.

The cast of characters in this book were brilliant. I loved Adrian, the leader of the Sentinel's, and I felt for him and struggled with him for all that he had lost in the past and what he stood to lose in the future.

Lindsay's character was very enjoyable, she was likeable, strong and just the perfect match for a bossy Angel. I especially loved the friendship she struck up with Elijah, the Lycan Alpha.

This book really had so many stories going in it, with the Vampires, Lycans and Angels...it had me wondering sometimes, really who are the bad guys here?All these back stories were necessary however, to build the world and at no point was I uninterested or bored. I have heard from a few that this book had a slow start, but I did not feel that way at all. I was engaged all the way through and now I am eagerly awaiting reading the next in the series.

Great start to what will be another brilliant paranormal romance world.
Profile Image for Wendy *Sebella Blue* Mitchell.
505 reviews52 followers
July 4, 2011
Add another 3 stars. By all that is holy, this is a tremendous book, definitely in the running for book of the year.

Before I ever read the first word of this book, before I even had the book in my possession, something just told me that this book was going to be big. This book is massive. Not literally, but impact wise...sheesh!

It all started out with a group of Seraphim who were sent to Earth to watch over mankind. They were known as the Watchers (makes sense). Seraphim only have one love and that is their duty to the Creator. Any other emotion is a big no-no. So when some of the Watchers developed feelings for their human charges, like love and lust,it brought down the wrath. Adrian and his group of Seraphim were sent to mete out divine punishment to the Watchers. These angels are called the Sentinels, and Adrian is the king bad ass. The Watchers become the Fallen, which are daywalking vampires. The last group are the Lycans, they were Watcher's who begged for mercy, in return for giving up their immortality and basically accepting indentured servitude to the Sentinels. If you're trying to pick out the good and bad guys, just remember shades of gray. The only clear cut good guy is the heroine Lindasy, but she's not just Lindsay. She also carries the Nephalim soul of Shadoe, Adrian's love. Mmmm hmmm, Adrian has a double standard. Not only that, but my boy is a FREAK!! Foul mouthed warrior angels are SEXY. There is very little soft, gentle, or tender in this book. YAY!! Lindsay can also sense when something isn't human. In most cases she stabs it. She is quite the bad ass herself. This is a guaranteed "You will effing LOVE this book".
Profile Image for Noemí (Mysticnox).
415 reviews57 followers
April 5, 2020
3,5* Es un libro en el que la pareja parece que va a ser muy intensa y no es tanto. Esta autora nos tiene acostumbradas a un erotismo muy determinado y aquí no es así. Tampoco es que no haya intensidad pero para mí se queda floja siendo una historia paranormal. La trama típica de buenos, malos y traidores está bien llevada y aunque no sorprenda sí es interesante.
Se que hay otra entrega y voy a intentar leerla próximamente.
Profile Image for Sandy M.
669 reviews34 followers
October 11, 2011

If you answered, No!,” then you need to get your butt in gear and read it! Now! OMG. I love everything about this book. Of course, that shouldn’t surprise me since it’s Sylvia Day. I’ve only read her historicals so far, so I wasn’t sure what to expect once I picked up one of her paranormals. I was pretty certain I’d love it, for Ms. Day has never disappointed me. But you just never know what will happen when you read a different genre by a favorite author. Now as far as I’m concerned, Sylvia Day can do no wrong.

What I love the most is, of course, Adrian, the hero and No. 1 archangel who punishes rogue angels and keeps tabs on them, the Fallen, once they have lost their wings. As well, he keeps the balance between his Sentinels and the Lycans, who are also Fallen and have unwillingly assisted the angels generation after generation. Adrian has power like no other and he wields it with an iron fist and by example, with very little deviation. Therefore, he’s alpha to the core. And that makes him as sexy as can be to me. He has his own demons due to his own transgressions, losing the only woman he’s ever loved over and over again as punishment for breaking the very rule he implemented for the Seraphim. But when Shadoe returns to him this time, everything about her and their eventual new relationship is different from all the times before.

Lindsay Gibson, who harbors the soul of Adrian’s Shadoe, is a self-reliant human who has taught herself to handle weapons to quickly dispatch those evilly disgusting vampires to hell, just like the ones who killed her mother. Her life has been dedicated to revenge, searching for those who are forever seared into her brain. On her way to California to take on a new job, at the airport Lindsay spies the most handsome, sexiest man she’s ever seen. He notices her too. Eye contact and there’s a connection like she’s never felt before. Thus begins a journey for both of them which will leave them changed in ways they couldn’t begin to guess at.

The restraint Adrian utilizes in taking it slow for Lindsay’s sake is remarkable. You can feel his want and need of her, as well as the stress and anxiety of everything going wrong around him, losing Sentinels, keeping Lycans leashed, and making sure Syre, the first Fallen, doesn’t get anywhere near Lindsay — he’s also Shadoe’s father, and he’ll do what it takes to make sure he’s reunited with his daughter. And if you think you’re going to hate these “villiains,” think again. Ms. Day is so talented, she makes you feel for them too. They’re Fallen, they’re dangerous, but just as the angels do, they protect their own. Syre wanting his daughter back is just that - a father grieving her loss every time, hoping her next incarnation will be the one to bring her home to him. And Torque, Syre’s son, breaks my heart with his current grief. Even the bad-ass female vamp, Vashti, pulls at the heartstrings now and again, despite her hard, revengeful exterior.

My favorite secondary character is Elijah, a Lycan given the job of babysitting Lindsay - her words. He’s an alpha, and there hasn’t been a Lycan alpha in generations, so the wolves are looking to him to begin a rebellion, to take this opportunity to free them from their bondage. But Elijah knows the cost of such an opportunity is much too high, and he tries his best to nip the growing mutiny in the bud. His friendship with Lindsay is quite special. His soon-to-be relationship with Vashti is going to be a devil of a ride in the next book in the series. One of my favorite scenes in this book is when Elijah gets his first gander at Vash. It’s a good thing their story is next.

The action when angels are soaring is spectacular. You can just seen their wings slicing through the air during fights. And when Adrian uses his to shield Lindsay, to comfort her, to show her love, those crimson-tipped feathers take on a life of their own. The play of the weather for both Adrian and Lindsay is also very interesting, connecting them together in an extra special way.

Through all of this, it’s Lindsay who is ready to sacrifice her love for Adrian. She can’t allow him to be punished for loving her, so she puts distance between them. But Adrian knows everything in his life moves on a higher level when Lindsay is by his side. The difficult part is just convincing her of that. But will he be too late once he discovers Lindsay is now in Syre’s hands? You’ll be very surprised at the answer to that question.

I’m looking forward to every book in this series, the emotion each character brings to the page, and the fascinating and action-packed storyline Ms. Banks has planned. I know it’s going to be one of those rides of a lifetime.

See my complete review at http://www.goodbadandunread.com
Profile Image for Marta Fernández.
347 reviews48 followers
September 25, 2014
«Sólo Day puede convertir una historia de reencarnaciones en un best-seller fascinante, conmovedor y excitante, creando hábilmente un relato intemporal de amor perdido y encontrado. Un toque de rojo es un romance perfecto lleno de ángeles, licántropos y vampiros.» Romantic Times • Sylvia Day es la autora del best-seller «No te escondo nada» • Fascinante y excitante romance sobrenatural entre ángeles y vampiros, al mejor estilo Christine Feehan.

Adrian Mitchell, un ángel con un poder inmenso y un deseo insaciable, comanda una élite de centinelas cuya misión es castigar a los ángeles caídos que se han convertido en vampiros. Pero el propio Adrian también ha sido castigado por involucrarse con mortales, más precisamente con Shadoe, hija del líder de los caídos, y su penitencia es perder a la mujer que ama. Ahora, casi doscientos años más tarde, Adrian ha vuelto a encontrarla. Esta vez, no está dispuesto a dejarla ir. Lindsay Gibson no recuerda nada de su vida anterior. Sólo sabe que no puede evitar la intensa atracción que siente por ese ángel seductor que se cruza en su camino. Cuando Lindsay cae en un peligroso mundo de pasiones tumultuosas, se ve atrapada entre su amante ángel, su padre vampiro, y una revuelta de seres sobrenaturales, en la que no sólo su amor y su vida están juego, sino también su propia alma… En una estremecedora y excitante historia de romance sobrenatural, Sylvia Day, la aclamada autora de No te escondo nada, nos ofrece la primera entrega de su exitosa serie de los Ángeles Renegados.


Había leído otras novelas de esta autora, concretamente su saga Crossfire, si bien es cierto que escribe bien, esta serie me pareció soporífera, más de lo mismo, que no aportaba nada nuevo. Así que cuando me enteré de que tenía una saga paranormal, no pude evitar querer leerlo, es mi género favorito y disfruto como una enana con las novelas de ángeles, tanto o más que con los vampiros. Y en este libro ¡tenemos a mis dos criaturas favoritas!

No quise hacerme falsas esperanzas, pensaba que era erótico, y que no iba a encontrar mucha trama paranormal. Craso error, me ha tenido en vilo de principio a fin. Las comparaciones son odiosas, pero si os gusta la saga de Nalini Singh (El gremio de los cazadores) creo que tenéis el 99% de posibilidades de que os encante este. Incluso más. Una mezcla de El gremio y El beso del dragón de Thea Harrison, por el tema de la administración interna.

Al principio me costó centrarme, la autora no se detiene a explicar mucho, como hay un glosario al inicio, tampoco te aburre con explicaciones de las distintas clases y jerarquías, pero conforme avanzas con la lectura no hay pérdida alguna.

Si bien es cierto que los serafines (centinelas) me encantan, sobre todo el jefazo, que es nuestro protagonista, hay un personaje secundario que me llamó la atención desde el principio: Elijah (licano). En general, los licanos me han encantado desde el principio, sus orígenes y costumbres son aún más atrayentes que los propios serafines. Espero que Sylvia se anime y explote esta saga al máximo, por lo menos que le dedique un par de libros a los licanos.

No le puedo dar la máxima puntuación porque creo que la autora se lio con el tema de la reencarnación y que explicó de forma somera por qué quiere a Lindsay como tal y no al... ser que compartía el cuerpo de la protagonista. No desvelo más porque ya estoy diciendo más de la cuenta, pero creo que es necesario justificarlo.

En general, la relación entre Lindsay y Adrian me ha gustado mucho, y los protagonistas en cuanto a tales dan mucho juego y están muy bien caracterizados. Tanto él como ella rozan la perfección.

Sin duda alguna, esta saga es una que hay que tener en cuenta, si adoráis este género tanto como yo os va a atrapar. Echaba de menos novelas de este estilo ¡por fin!

Amor prohibido, engaños, guerra entre especies y dolorosas traiciones. Todos los ingredientes perfectos para una noche de insomnio.

Muy bueno.
September 11, 2015
This review was posted at Under The Covers

3.5 Stars

This book has a really good story! The concept is really interesting. But that being said, I think I was expecting more action, more sex and a little less whining. Don't get me wrong, I think it's written very well, and I'd love to see this world developed a bit more, but I felt that there was a lot of standing around talking and dragging things out.

So the main idea behind this book is that angels, lead by tall, dark and deliciously handsome Adrian Mitchell, along with their lycan followers (did they really compare them to dogs???) are at war with vampires. The first vampire was created by Adrian when he fell for a mortal, and sex between an angel and a mortal is not allowed, so Adrian punished him, and he became the first vampire, Syre. He is now Adrian's biggest enemy.

But centuries ago, Adrian actually fell in love with Syre's daughter, Shadoe. He went against everything that he preaches and enforces and had sex with her, until she was badly injured and he brought her to Syre so he would heal her (she was a mortal at the time) and all Syre could do was turn her. Adrian couldn't deal with seeing his woman becoming a vampire, so he actually killed her before she was able to complete the change. But she has reincarnated through the centuries in other womens' bodies and always come back to him.

She now comes back to him in the body of Lindsay Gibson. Lindsay has always known that there are evil beings out there, and has made it a purpose in her life to kill them. She has super speed and she can sense evil. Except the only thing she senses when she spots Adrian Mitchell at the airport is all kinds of naughty thoughts about someone so perfect and completely out of her league.

Now imagine her surprise when he comes after her, and shows so much interest in her. But she soon discovers that he's an angel, and there are even more things out there than she could imagine. He can help her be prepared to face them.

So basically the story revolves around her finding out about this new world through whatever Adrian wants to tell her, and her new personal bodyguard, the lycan Alpha, Elijah. They actually become best buds, and I thought their relationship was cute. In a way, she connected more with Elijah than with Adrian.

Once Lindsay found out the price Adrian would pay to be with her, she couldn't let him do it. She felt like she was just another burden in Adrian's shoulders, when there was already so much for him to deal with.

In the end, it was a bit of a ride. I felt that at times things would pick up and I was very interested, and then it would lose me completely, and this kept repeating. The beginning was a little weak, so just push through, there is chemistry between the hero/heroine so once you get to those parts you'll enjoy it!
Profile Image for Samantha.
986 reviews2 followers
September 18, 2011
Bravo! Bravo! A round of applause to Ms. Day for captivating readers in a sinful and sensual world of Angels, Vampires, Lycans and more with her first addition to her Renegade Angel series.

Adrian Mitchell has only loved one woman, Shadoe, a naphil whose father has betrayed the Sentinels. Centuries ago, Adrian clipped Syre’s wings, causing him to become a vampire. Syre’s vengeance and rage led him on a path bent on destroying Adrian and he used the only weapon he had…his daughter. He captured Shadoe and tried to change her into a vampire but Adrian had stopped him, causing her body to die but her soul to become immortalized. Now, Adrian is forced to watch Shadoe become reincarnated each time with no memories of him and their love. This time he spots her again and he vows to protect her.

Lindsay Gibson knows she is different from other humans. She has super senses and can feel the energy of non-humans around her. She uses her “sixth sense” to take down the evil around her without drawing attention to herself. Her life is pretty simple until she meets Adrian at the airport. The man is a walking sex pot and she can’t fight the instant connection she feels towards him.

As Adrian and Lindsay spend more time together she learns more about the world in which she never knew existed. The Angels are the leaders, taking out the vampires and using the Lycans to do so. The Lycans are not happy to in servitude to the Angels but they have no choice and once one of them show any Alpha tendencies they are separated from the pack…like Elijah, whom I became completely obsessed with.

There are so many paranormal creatures and elements to the story that the author takes a lot of attention weaving the intricacies of this new world. It is a slow but a necessary process in order to fully understand what is going. Once the story picked up and there was no more world building, I was a goner.

To add to Adrian’s problem of keeping his woman safe, there is infection spreading amongst the vampire, making them go rogue. The Lycans are also trying to get from under the Angel’s servitude and they are putting pressure on Elijah, Adrian’s head Lycan and security enforcer, to lead the pack. How can he lead a full out war with the power Angels?

The love scenes were so seductive and hawt! There is no other way to describe it. The build-up is slow and sensual that I felt like exploding alongside Adrian and Lindsay.

There are some great butt-kicking scenes. The drama and action is full on and the characters are a force to be reckoned with. Lindsay definitely holds on own in the midst of paranormal creatures.

Kudos to Ms. Day for this spellbinding entry into the PNR genre! All I need for her to do is to hurry and get the next book out…maybe it will Elijah’s story.

Profile Image for Shan ~A~.
2,747 reviews61 followers
November 23, 2011
his book ensnared me right from the beginning. I had to literally force myself to put it down when there were other things I needed to do. I don't want to use cliches while trying to let you know how good this book is, but it was captivating. I have read plenty of books about Angels, Lycans, and Vamps, but Sylvia take is unique compared to the books I have read in the past. I am absolutely in love with Adrian and Lyndsay and I can't wait to see where Ms. Day is going to lead us in the future. Once you read you are going to be invested in the main characters and also the secondary characters. I am sitting here now wondering when I am going to have the privilege of reading the next book and any that my follow.

In short once you read this book you are going to be hooked. I was caught, in the same sense that K.Moning caught me up in the fever series. I now have this need to know what is going to happen in this world to these incredible beings I feel like I know and have grown to love.
It is definitely a MUST READ.
Profile Image for BiblioJen.
183 reviews14 followers
April 13, 2013
Well ... Luke Daniels narrated this audiobook, and he is totally, ridiculously awesome, so I think he improved my rating by at least half a star, if not more. The writing was overblown, full of romance novel cliches, and especially at the end, some of the character reactions just were not believable at all. There are multiple species here ... lycans, seraphim, vampires, assorted half-breeds ... and the author deliberately left a lot of loose ends in the storylines as well as the somewhat murky mythology, as she was setting up for her next book in the series.

Elijah, a lycan, was a secondary character in this book but more compelling to me than the leads were. I could ALMOST be tempted to look at Book #2, because his fate was completely up in the air at the end of this one, and I would like to know what happens with him. But I'm not sure I want to know enough to sit through another one of these. :-)
Profile Image for Jenese.
379 reviews86 followers
October 20, 2011
Rating 3.5 stars. I read other reviews and some were unable to get past all the different types of people in this book. I really didnt have that issue. My main problem was there wasnt a strong enough connection between the main characters. Obviously they have this soul deep connection because of Adrian and Shadoe but where does the love with Lindsay come from? Clearly she was a better person than Shadoe and cared more about Adrian, but there wasnt much romance. It seemed rushed. I was really intrigued by Elijahs character and am interested in more of him. Then ending also seemed rushed, I wasnt left satisfied at all.
Profile Image for Catherine.
522 reviews568 followers
November 14, 2011
This was an entertaining read. I can’t say that it was very original, as I saw many familiar elements mixed together, but that’s not something I require for every read. What matters most is that the author took the world and tweaked it enough to make it her own. The world rules occasionally felt a bit complicated and bulky, but the author explained it all well and kept me from getting confused. I liked the unique spin Day gave on the reason lycans and vampires existed in the world. I, unfortunately, felt that some of the elements she featured were not given the weight they needed, but I’ll get into that more shortly.

I was uncertain about whether or not I would like this book in the beginning. It felt a bit overdone and I got tired of the overuse of adjectives and the fawning adoration of how hot the angels were. I was surprised by how modern the ancient angels felt, as well. I had to adjust mindsets and shed the expectations I had for a more serious, intense PNR, so I could enjoy what the book actually was.

I thought the premise of this book was pretty interesting. I’m not much of a fan of reincarnation, but I didn’t mind how the author handled it here. I originally got the impression that the author was just going to throw it in there without delving into it much but she surprised me at the end. I wasn’t too keen on Adrian punishing others for the same transgressions he was committing, but I understood why he thought it was necessary. It did make it a bit ridiculous, though.

I liked the angle about Shadoe dying again and again throughout time as a punishment for Adrian. But after getting a peek at Shadoe’s core personality I thought Adrian wasn’t missing much with her gone. She seemed very unlikable and it was hard to see what inspired the love that drove him to reunite with her again and again. Lindsay, on the other hand, I liked. I felt her character occasionally lacked nuance, but she stood out as thoughtful, considerate, strong, and a fighter. She was completely unlike the previous incarnations of Shadoe and we got to see Adrian fall for Lindsay instead of just falling for the girl housing Shadoe’s soul.

I thought the attraction and the desperation to be together before time ran out was really well done. Lindsay finds herself unable to resist Adrian without knowing why. Finding him attractive would be normal, but she feels a compulsion to touch him, to claim him. She’s a straightforward girl and is willing to act on those feelings—which I liked—but she also finds herself “falling” for him within just a few hours of knowing him—which I didn’t like. In addition to that, she has no problem sleeping over the first night (not for sex) despite barely knowing him and having already heard him proclaim that she couldn’t leave. Once we got into the thick of the romance I liked it, but I winced over how unrealistic I found some of the beginning stages, before that point.

Although I liked the world Day created, I thought she played with things that I felt needed to have more weight to them. For one, she linked the angels to God and by extension, religion, instead of going the usual route and casting the angels as removed from religion. Souls were mentioned frequently, but they didn’t seem to be an important factor in the world (other than to create a line between angels, lycans, and vampires) which surprised me because God/religion was brought into play, and souls are definitely important in that. And reading about the actual transgressions that made the angels lose their wings led the reader to regard God as the villain more than anyone else. Added to that, the way the lycan slavery was treated made me uncomfortable. Lindsay, a girl from the regular world, didn’t like it, but she didn’t really make a stand against it either. Even though her friend/guard, Elijah (loved him), was directly impacted by it and was in a particularly dangerous situation for a lycan. I just needed more focus placed on these things so I could feel more comfortable with it.

I’m curious to see where Day is planning to take us in this trilogy. I’m a bit nervous about the punishment that might eventually come down on Adrian, but I’m trying not to lose my HEA high by dwelling on it. I’m eager to get my hands on the second book so I can delve into Elijah’s story. He ended this book in a tight spot and it’ll be interesting seeing him try to wiggle out of it.

Favorite Quote:
"I'm yours."

Lindsay shook her head. "No."

Adrian's features lit with a glorious smile. He twisted swiftly and she found herself beneath him, filled with him.

"I know what it means when you say that," he murmured, hooking his arm beneath her leg and drawing it up, opening her so completely he hit the end of her.

Panting in exquisite torture, she managed, "It means run. Save yourself."

"All of which says, 'I'm falling for you. Adrian.'"

*Review originally posted on Fiction Vixen*
Profile Image for Amyiw.
2,558 reviews63 followers
March 1, 2017
OK this was heading for a 2, 2 1/2 but the cliffhanger of an ending killed even making this OK. Up in the air is pretty much everything. So the only thing answered is whether or not Lindsay and Adrian stay together, they do. Pretty much all the rest of the over arching plots are hanging. So since I really didn't like Adrian (sorry Jen my issue was more with Adrian than Lindsay) and didn't feel the chemistry. He was lying and keeping everything from her. Very important things, so when it is time to fight, she doesn't have the information she needs. What an ass. It is all about possession not love. So in addition... Lindsay at the end So her choices at the end make no sense.

In addition I disliked the writing style. The phrases and the words are used grated. Too many words you would never hear in everyday speech. The speech just seemed awkward and unreal. It put me off from the beginning to the end.
I can see how some may like this but for me not my type of story or writing.

**************** My comments while reading **************
Got this on audible but they don't have that edition listed. The only audio non-CD version is read by a Samantha. This is read by Luke Daniels, whom I love doing the Iron Druid series.

Wow, by 75%, she has used the word "regardless" 15 times, and usually where still, but or even with/so, would have made more sense. It is driving me nuts! Then again, I'm not enjoying it much and the word directs me to the phrase that they are disregarding, often when it is unnecessary. This makes me have to pay greater attention to a story I would rather skim, except that I am listening to the audible version.

More wording that puts me off. "Her greedy sex". Argh, there are plenty of others but that was particular off putting.
Profile Image for Lynn Reynolds.
1,698 reviews39 followers
October 13, 2011
If you are a fan of Sylvia Day's work, like I am, you will love this new book. It's a book you'll hate to put down!

Adrian Mitchell is a character you have to feel sorry for right from the beginning. He has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. Within the first five pages the action begins and continues all the way until the last page.

The action, and Sylvia's writing style, keeps the reader's attention throughout the whole story. I can't wait to read the next book in this series!!!

In chapter 2, we meet Lindsay, Adrian's love interest. Every woman loves a good love story but theirs takes a while to develop. This is what keeps the readers turning the pages to see if they finally get together. Sylvia does a great job of using her words so that the reader can picture exactly what is going on in the story.

Now Adrian isn't your normal hero—he's an angel. And Lindsay is human, isn't she? You'll have to read each page to find out!

There are lycans who work for the angels. Elijah is one of them. Is he for or against the angels? Do the main characters ever connect? (See last sentence of previous paragraph for more information. )

I'm a reader that can usually tell by the end of the first chapter if the story line is going to hold my attention so that I will want to finish the book. With this book, I couldn't wait to read the next chapter to see what was going to happen.

I will definitely read the next book in the Renegade Angels series when it comes out. If you've never read Sylvia Day before, this will make you want to read more of her books, promise!

I give it 4 1/2 stars.
Profile Image for Marianne.
1,309 reviews156 followers
August 31, 2013
Warning to new readers: Don't start reading this series until Sylvia completes het Crossfire books, Renegade Angels is on hold indefinitely due to Gideon and Eva, and you will most likely become as deeply frustrated as the rest of us. Unless you are a masochist of course, and love the long waiting game...

One can only wonder why God created all his angels, who are supposed to be asexual, with massive *ahem* members, gorgeous tits and sexually attractive bodies that makes every mortal swoon in the first place... Nevertheless, isn't that what we all dream of;-) ah, except for tortured Lindsay of course, who is willing to sacrifice herself for an angel, pays a heavy price and in the end finds love. Sylvia Day does a good job of making us sympathise with all factions in this book. Except for God, who seems like a massive, heartless dick for punishing his fallen angels and sentinel angels with either vampirism or neverending battles, just because they are becoming too human... the species they were sent to Earth to look after/care for in the first place. Oh well, God works in mysterious ways I guess... Will def be reading the rest of the series as well as the novellas. I prefer this series to the Crossfire series. But then again, I am a sucker for sexy angels and hot, tortured vampires - not nightly serial wankers. (I am looking at YOU, Gideon Cross;-) )
Profile Image for Sara Hobson.
Author 1 book11 followers
October 16, 2011
Minor spoilers!!
The terminology, even with the glossary, was very confusing. The book itself seemed really incomplete as every single storyline seemed to be set up for the sequels. I'm still not satisfied with the explanation as to why it's okay for Adrian to have a sexual relationship when it's supposed to be all forbidden... And why it's okay at the end when Lindsay is turned... Really confused. Not sure I want to put in the effort to read the rest when they come out. Also, the first quarter of the book is description of how hot Adrian is. I get it, he's the hottest thing that ever lived, ever.
I will, however, give the author another shot an try one of her other series, as she does seem to know what she's doing. I'm sure once the rest of this trilogy comes out, I'll hear all the details from my wonderful little book club. ^_^
Profile Image for Barbara.
481 reviews42 followers
May 14, 2017
If you're a fan of paranormal romance,then don't skip this book.

Lindsay is a human with 'extra' abilities,and hunts those of the supernatural variety to avenge and find the murderers of her mother.She is also unaware that she is housing the spirit of the great love of the leader of the seraphim,Adrian.She runs into him and is immediately attracted to him without knowing why.The problem is that the soul inside her,is also the daughter of the leader of the vampires/then angels,Syre,who is determined to change her so that she'll be immortal.

Adrian,as the leader of the seraphim is responsible for keeping peace and monitoring the Fallen angels/vampires,while also waiting for the incarnations of his one true love,Shadoe.There are problems cropping up everywhere for him,from the death of his sentinels,to the uprising of the lycans,who want to be free from their servitude to the seraphim.The unrest among the vampires,because of a virus that derives them to insanity and bloodlust endangers the careful balance and secrecy between humanity and the supernatural.The course of true love never did run smooth.

Shadoe herself doesn't make an appearance until the end where she sacrifices herself to give Lindsay a happy ending.Although,it wasn't so much a sacrifice in my opinion,rather an unwillingness to share Adrian's love knowing he had fallen for Lindsay herself.But maybe that's just me.I have to admit,reading what she did to seduce Adrian while she knew he had to practice abstinence didn't make me fond of her.There is a feeling of dubious consent where it comes to her interactions with him in the past.

While the attraction between the protagonists is sizzling,the sex doesn't happen until the characters have gotten to know each other a bit more and gotten invested in the cause of the other to make it more realistic.The sex scenes themselves could have been written better(I HAVE read better in fanfiction),especially from the author of "Bared To You".I'm afraid I have to let 1 star go because of that,and because of the dub/con between Shadoe and Adrian.

4 stars for this gem.I'm glad I read it.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,434 reviews137 followers
October 29, 2015
I was really enjoying this story as I was reading it, mostly because I forced myself to accept things as they were written, so I moved with the flow. That said, now that I've finished the book, I just can't say that I really liked it. So...three stars. This was a good story (3.5 stars) that was somewhat ruined for me by several things (so down to 3 stars).

The first things that I didn't particularly care for were Lindsay's immediate attraction to and lust for Adrian (his for her was somewhat easier to accept since she was his lover reincarnated) and Lindsay's speed and skill with a knife (which didn't only take me aback; Adrian was surprised, too).

As the story moved on, I found myself growing increasingly annoyed by Lindsay's constant worrying over what her relationship with Adrian would do to Adrian. He said he would accept the consequences, should there be any. So why did she persist in wanting to stay away from him for his protection? Just let the man worry about his own protection! Grrrrrrrr.

And speaking of consequences, why was Adrian allowed to I never understood why Adrian was still Adrian.

Then there's the "ending." It wasn't much an ending. I want to say that this was a complete story, with a beginning and an end, but it sure doesn't feel that way.

The ending? ...The End. ARGH!!!

Before all this, the lycans

Two things really (really!) bother me about this. First, Jason But no, my hopes were cruelly killed.

And second, Elijah But the book ends before we're given in closure on this score.

If you read all of the above, you have probably guessed by now that I was very frustrated with this story. And I haven't even mentioned that my most hated word in the English language - writhe - was used over-frequently (for my tastes) in this book.

Every time I came across "writhe" or one of its variations/tenses in the text, I exclaimed a mental curse and was reminded of the many (many) uses of this word in the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. I am so, so bummed that Sylvia Day is another author with a fondness for this word. (And she has to be fond of it, don't you think? After all, it was used both during sex scenes [argh!!!!] and outside of them.)

The most egregious use of this word? On page 96 (second page of Chapter 8), Adrian has jumped off of the terrace with Lindsay in his arms. Despite being afraid of heights, Lindsay somehow becomes I cannot envision this scene. It just does not make sense to me. (I really hate the word "writhe.") :'(

So I'm giving this book three stars. I think I liked it. I know I liked Adrian and the other Sentinels. Even the Fallen (Syre, Vashti [who ]) and the nephalim (pretty much just Torque) were characters I enjoyed reading about. But Lindsay? I can't say that I really liked her.

I don't think I will read more of this series. If the future books are again mostly about Adrian and Lindsay? Well...I just don't care enough to read more about them. If the future books are about other angels/vampires/lycans?

Can I just say, in closing, how frustrated I am? In the last four days (Thursday 10/08/2015 through today, Sunday, 10/11/2015), I've completed four books/stories. Two had cliffhanger endings, one clearly ended in the middle, and then there's this one. This one didn't quite end in mid-flow, but it didn't have a definitive ending, either. Am I just too sensitive to endings because of the first three of these stories? Are others happy with this book's ending? I just don't know, nor do I find that I care overly much.

Sadly, this book just wasn't for me. But I liked it enough to give it three stars.
Profile Image for Kerryrosalia.
388 reviews
October 18, 2022
This wasn’t what I expected. It is hard to summarise what this book is about but think Twilight vibes but with different rules for different types of fallen angels + a bit of sexy time. I wouldn’t recommend but the fantasy genre is just not my thing!
Profile Image for Snu.
142 reviews12 followers
March 18, 2015

Os confieso que este libro no me ha gustado absolutamente nada, pero gracias a Libros and Stuff y a Un libro entre mis manos y a nuestra larga conversación por Twitter sobre frases que aparecen en este libro, todo se ha vuelto mucho más divertido. ¡Así que esta reseña esta dedicada a vosotras!♥

En esta ocasión no os voy a dar mi propia sinopsis del libro porque creo que la que viene con el libro ya detallada perfectamente lo que va a ocurrir entre sus páginas. Porque, no os voy a mentir, prácticamente todo el libro esta resumido en esas pocas líneas y sólo quedan un par de secretos más que descubrir.

Como ya bien os he confesado, este libro no me ha gustado absolutamente nada. Sabía de que trataba por su preciosa sinopsis, había leído reseñas muy buenas alabando a la autora y su obra, e incluso sabía que era una novela erótica, pero mi definición de algo erótico está muy lejos del significado que le da esta mujer.

O Sylvya Day no sabe escribir o yo me he encontrado con su peor novela. En mi opinión, la trama e historia están muy mal desarrolladas. En ningún momento he sentido que iba avanzando en mi lectura para descubrir algo increíble o sorprendente... ¡No pasaba nada! Bueno sí, que el deseo era enloquecedor y había que follar sí o sí. Eso es lo único que me he encontrado. Dos protagonistas mal definidos, con los que no he logrado congeniar en ningún momento y a los cuales no veo evolucionar en ninguna parte del libro. Lo único que desean desde el mismo momento en que sus miradas se cruzan es follar como conejitos con pilas.

Confieso que he leído pocos libros cuyo género sea el erótico, es más, hasta hace poco huía de ellos como si tuvieran la peste, pero me he leído libros con escenas eróticas entre sus páginas que no tienen comparación a lo que me he encontrado aquí. Un toque de rojo no tiene nada de erótico, entre sus páginas nos encontramos palabras que hacen la lectura bastante tosca y desagradable. Y esto, cada dos párrafos unido a los pensamientos apasionados de los protagonistas, cansa. Lo que ha acabado provocando que me partiera el culo de risa junto a las chicas en Twitter por las frases tan ilógicas de la narración.

Pero bueno, dejando esa erótica que no es para mí y que no hace más que me entre la risa, voy a dedicar algo de esta reseña a los personajes. Esos personajes preciosos y perfectos con pechos turgentes, músculos bien definidos, pezones duros y penes erectos. Ninguno me ha gustado, no he congeniado con ninguno y... de verdad que no entiendo ese amor que surge entre los protagonistas. Para mí eso no es amor, no lo he visto desarrollarse ni evolucionar a lo largo de la obra, lo único que he visto es pasión desenfrenada y pensamientos cargados de deseo. ¡Pero si hasta el piensa en otra! #LeñadorVenAMatarme

Adrian ha sido el típico hombre, bueno, en este caso ángel dominante que quiere a la chica toda para él... en cuerpo y alma. Que quiere que le obedezca en absolutamente todo y que no puede soportar tenerla lejos más de unos días, pero que a la vez se siente orgulloso de su vena rebelde y su afán por ser ella la que mande y maneje el cotarro. Mientras que Lindsay es justamente eso, la chica que se ha buscado la vida desde que era pequeña, que se mantiene alejada de la gente y las relaciones y que no desea que nadie ande dándole ordenes, aunque cuando un tio potentorro como Adrian le pone un dedo encima, ains, se derrite como el chocolate.

En definitiva, Un toque de rojo es un libro que yo no os recomiendo por nada del mundo. Me ha parecido un libro sin historia ni trama en el cual, lo único importante era lograr que ambos protagonistas tuvieran muchos momentos de pasión.
Profile Image for Alessandra  Nicolini.
537 reviews18 followers
February 18, 2015

L’inizio di questo libro è un po’ complesso, perché la storia è ricca di particolari e ci sono svariate creature paranormali in differenti rapporti tra loro. Ma Sylvia Day è impeccabile come sempre, lo spiega in modo perfetto e ti lascia una chiara ed interessante visione d’insieme in poco tempo.
Adrian Mitchell è il capitano delle Sentinelle, un gruppo di Serafini che hanno il compito di vigilare su tutti gli angeli e punire i ribelli tra loro. Una punizione che prevede la “caduta” e la privazione delle ali, come è successo anche ai Vampiri. E poi ci sono i Lycan, assoldati come guardie del corpo dei Serafini, sebbene molto restii a dover sottostare ad un padrone.
Lindsay Gibson è un’umana, ha la capacità di riconoscere il male ed ha imparato a combattere e uccidere le creature che lo incarnano, il tutto per vendicare la morte di sua madre per mano dei vampiri.
Adrian e Lindsay si incontrano per caso in un aeroporto, per lei è la prima volta che si vedono ma scatta comunque un istinto e un’attrazione impossibile da ignorare. Per lui invece no, perché Adrian la conosce da secoli e la ama in modo devastante, perché lei è Shadoe, il suo amore perduto , che innumerevoli volte è stato ucciso e poi si è reincarnato in un corpo sempre diverso, con la stessa identica anima, ma sempre incapace di ricordare il suo passato. E questa è la punizione che Adrian deve scontare per aver violato quelle leggi che lui stesso doveva far rispettare.
La trama diventa presto dinamica e si arricchisce di intrighi, pericoli e azione.
Perché il nostro Serafino si trova costretto ad affrontare svariati problemi:
- addestrare Lindsay e allo stesso tempo tenerla accanto a sé per proteggerla;
- trovare ed uccidere Syre, il leader dei vampiri nonché padre di Shadoe, intenzionato a trasformare la figlia in vampira;
- domare il crescente ammutinamento dei Lycan, che non accettano più di fare da servi ai loro padroni e rivogliono la libertà;
-ridefinire i rapporti con i vampiri, con i quali i Serafini rischiano una guerra per colpa di tranelli e cospirazioni.
Mi è piaciuta molto Lindsay: anche se Adrian è affascinante, irresistibile e determinato a proteggerla con i suoi modi un po’ dittatoriali e possessivi, lei vuole comunque la sua indipendenza e non accetta di ricevere ordini o imposizioni di alcun tipo, mostrando così una personalità forte e decisa. E’ brillante, ironica ed ha un coraggio che vira spesso verso l’incoscienza.
Ho trovato semplicemente meraviglioso il desiderio tormentato di entrambi, a cui si oppone la consapevolezza quasi disperata di violare una legge eterna ed attirare su Adrian una punizione terribile.
E quando si compie l’inevitabile, la loro intesa è perfetta: passionale, sublime e tremendamente dolce.
La scrittrice ci prende per mano e ci immerge in un meraviglioso mondo fantasy, fatto di creature sexy e minacciose, spesso guidate dalle emozioni e dalla sete di potere e libertà. E una volta che entri, resti incatenata alle sue dinamiche e ai suoi abitanti, senza possibilità di uscirne fuori.
Perché con il suo modo di scrivere perfetto, capace di rendere memorabili personaggi di ogni genere, intrighi e battaglie, Sylvia Day ci regala una magia fatta di avventura e sensualità.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 708 reviews

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