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Honest Illusions

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Separated by the dark shadows of the past, Roxy Nouvelle, the daughter of a famous magician and jewel thief, and Luke Callahan, a dashing escape artist, reunite to pull off a daring heist. Reprint.

432 pages, Trade Paperback

First published July 1, 1992

About the author

Nora Roberts

1,786 books55k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 613 reviews
Profile Image for jenjn79.
723 reviews264 followers
January 31, 2009
This is one of my all-time favorite books. Probably tied as my most favorite with Catherine Anderson's Phantom Waltz. There's just something about this story that completely captures me. I've read it like four or five times now and it never gets dull.

Honest Illusions is another of Roberts' "time progression" stories in that it moves through different periods of the characters' lives instead of only being set in the present. The book starts off in the now with a short prologue where the hero, Luke Callahan, returns to the heroine, Roxanne Nouvelle, after disappearing for five years. Then it shifts to the past.

At 12 years old, Luke was an abused runaway who was picking pockets at a traveling carnival when he meets up with magician Max Nouvelle and his 8 year old daughter Roxy (along with others of Max and Roxy's "family"). Max sees a lot of himself in Luke and convinces the wary boy to stick with them, earning money for work. After a while, Max begins to teach Luke, an apt pupil, the art of illusion and magic.

Over the years, Luke becomes one of the family. The book progresses through various periods, going through important events that build the characters to what they are - one of the most important being Luke discovering that Max is more than a magician. He's a master thief who steals from those who can afford to lose it. It isn't long before Luke (and later Roxy) learn the art of burglary as well.

Through it all, there was a connection between Luke and Roxy that became more as they grew older. But Luke never acted on his feelings. Roxy was like a sister to him...at least he tried to tell himself that. At 21, though, Roxy decides to push the issue and seduces Luke, who finally gives in. The love between them quickly blossoms and Luke is poised to propose when a ghost from his past rears its head. Circumstances force Luke to leave Roxy without a word, until five years later when he's ready to take back his life, and Roxy, and get vengeance on the man determined to destroy him and the Nouvelles.

Whenever I reread this book, it never fails to make me smile and sigh. It's a wonderful romance. There's something very sensual and sexy about it with the magic, the cat burglary. And Luke is just yummy.

I love the time progression aspect of the story. It gives you a real solid sense of the characters - who they are, how they got that way, what they want, etc. And it establishes a really great connection between Luke and Roxy. You get to see every shift and change in their relationship - from "sibling" rivalry, to grudging acceptance, to protectiveness, to growing love. It just makes the relationship between them so full-bodied and real and you really connect with them as characters and lovers.

But a word of warning, though - a large majority of this book is the time progression. Other than the prologue, the "present" part of the story doesn't start until like page 350. So there's a lot of the past and them growing up. Which might not appeal to everyone.

I loved the storyline as well. A family of magicians who moonlight as world class burglars. It's just very sexy and Roberts wrote it wonderfully. I love how she resolved the part with the antagonist in the end. That was fantastic. Nothing like a bad guy getting exactly what's coming to him!

The bottomline for me on this book is that I loved every single aspect and don't have a single criticism or "wish the author had done this or that" complaint. The story just worked in every way for me. I like to go back and read it once in a while, especially when I'm feeling the need to read something I know I'll enjoy greatly.
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,314 followers
Shelved as 'to-avoid'
March 8, 2009
From Book Lover @ Ami:
'The hero abandons the heroine without a word for a few years because he is being blackmailed and doesn't want her to be involved in the mess. Unbeknownst to him, while he is gone she is giving birth to and raising his child. When he comes back, he tells her that he was so miserable without her that he had to drown himself in alcohol and sex. And that "the alcohol helped kill the pain some, but the sex helped more." I thought that was so bizarre that he would tell her about it like that: "I missed you so much I slept with thousands of women--and it really helped!" And she just took it in stride and said something like, "I'll bet," and took him back. Grrrr!

It was too bad, too, because there was a lot about the book I enjoyed--like how the hero and heroine were raised together, grew up fighting like cats and dogs, but ended up falling in love. But there's no getting around the fact that the hero was a bit of a man-whore.'
Profile Image for Kristalia .
394 reviews647 followers
March 8, 2016
Final rating: 5/5 stars

“In all the illusions, you’re the only truth I need.”

I have so many feelings about this book. First of all, I want to congratulate Nora for making such a twisted bad guy. Good job, everytime it was his POV, i was angry. Good job indeed. Other than that, amazing and great characters, not only the main ones, but side ones as well, which were so deep and wonderfully done.

I bought this book on a sale and I don't regret it - it was worth it, even though I only read translation of it (which was very good indeed). This is sixth book I have read written by Nora Roberts and I figured out that I freaking love the way she writes the books. Her characters are deep and her plots are usually well done and finished. It's so rare to see a stand alone book which has absolutely everything I need: it made me laugh, made me cry, had great ending where everything was wonderfully solved, and had wonderful, vivid and heartbreaking characters, both main and side ones.

But the only thing that did bother me is that while I was reading this book, I was reminded of Seth from Quinn brothers of Chesapeake Bay Saga, because Luke's and Seth's situations are HIGHLY similar and the situations they get into later on is also, very similar. Both had very abusive family, got accepted into a caring one and later in their lives the past catches on to them. But, this book was so much better than Chesapeake Blue, which didn't have such strong ending like the one I got here.

If you read my Nora Roberts Reviews before, you might have noticed I said all her books are missing epilogues? I got one here, even though it was not labeled as such, but as a last numbered chapter. But it had everything I needed, which is why this book is pure 5/5 from me.

This one was dark read. Whiskey Beach is nothing compared to it, and the only one it can be compared with is Quinn brothers of Chesapeake Bay Saga, because it deals with the lives of very abused people. In here, you get a clear vision of what was done to the main character, and it was horrifying.

And this book is wonderfully done when it comes to those stories where you follow YEARS, not days only or months, of someone's life, aka progressive time books or however they are called. The story goes gradually, from 1973, to 1977, to 1982, etc, to the present day which is.... probably 1992, the time the book was written. And each time we see the chosen parts of their lives and it was so well done. I usually have problems with books like these because sometimes writers don't do a good job with it and transition in years is not noticeable. But here, everything was done fantastically well. The book is set into three parts, of which Prologue is the 5 years after the part II, part I and II are dealing with the past, and part III is Prologue + 5 years later time.

As for the pacing - it was fast, to me, at least, it was. Something was always happening and it was never, EVER, boring.


The story begins with the present - Roxanne Nouvelle is a successful illusionist, working with her family and friends. 5 years ago, the love of her life, Luke Callahan, disappeared without a word and never came back. Devastated and broken, she moved on in her life and accepted the fact that he won't return. But, one day, he does. And he wants to tell her why he had to leave. Then the book shifts to the past, until it catches up with the present.

The short story version:

The book then starts with many years earlier, the moment when a horribly abused and wounded runaway Luke met Nouvelle family and started working for them. But, as years passed, he found out that illusions are not the only trade Max is leading, but thievery as well. Through the years, he falls in love with Max Nouvelle's daughter Roxanne, but never acts on his feelings, until Roxy took things in her hands and "seduced" him instead, where he finally gave in when they were 21/17 years old. But, Luke is haunted by fear so long ago instilled in him, that one day, he falls into a carefully set trap by Nouvelle's old enemy and disappears from Nouvelles lives.

5 years later, Luke is ready to reclaim what was his and get his own revenge on the man who destroyed their lives.

Long version:

In 1973, the Nouvelle family and their associates are keepers of a Carnival, and do illusionist/magician shows. But, the illusions are not their only trade secret. In their free time, they steal jewelery from the rich and sell them so they can have money for themselves. But, their secret is that they only steal from those who don't need them. They worked this way for years, and one day, they came across a horribly abused 12 year old runaway, Luke Callahan, and accepted him in their family.

“People tell their children there are no monsters in the world. They tell them that because they believe it, or they want the child to feel safe. But there are monsters, Luke, all the more frightening because they look like people.”

Entering a traveling carnival, Luke was a somewhat successful pickpocketer who only wanted to go as far away as possible. And then he saw a magician show... the eyes of the man on the poster sucked him in and he gave his precious and risky earned money for the show. There, he captured the attention of the leader, Max Nouvelle. What Max saw was himself from the past - so he tries to convince the scared and wary boy who put up a front to come and work for them, and maybe, in time, learn him the art of their trade.

Luke accepts and becomes one of the "family." In the family, he meets Max's daughter, 8 year old Roxanne, and the other members: Mouse, Lily, LeClerc... Through time, he starts to accept them and learns that he has nothing to fear of from them, and he often falls into arguments with Roxy. After a while, Luke learns that Max is not just an illusionist, but also a master thief. Then, he learns thief mastery as well.

⚠ This part includes a bit of a spoiler section. This is the main plot point, and if you prefer not ot know it, skip this part and move on. ⚠

One day, a particular con artist and a psychopath Sam Wyatt enters the Nouvelle family attempting to do things as he wishes, playing the part of an abused runaway (ironically, he was never, ever abused, instead he did that himself). Nouvelles, being accepting family as they are, especially Roxy who found Sam, accepted him into their family. Not only he is vicious and ville, he also hold grudges for a very long time, even if it was something small. After something big happens, Sam ends up driven away and he swears revenge.


Luke Callahan was running away from his family: a step father who beat him horribly and scarred him in the process, and mother who didn't give a damn about it. He took his chance and ran away after one particular and horrifying night when he was sure he would be killed . Coming across Nouvelle ended up being his light in the darkness. They accepted him and made him accept the fact that no one was ever going to hurt him that way again or lock him up in dark places without being able to escape. At 12 years, he was doubtful of their words and whenever he did something wrong, he expected for the worst to come. But as time passed, he was no longer afraid of the possible beatings - he was afraid of being thrown away, cast away, shoved out of the door. And once again, Nouvelles proved him wrong. While he loved Nouvelle family with all his heart, Roxy was a different matter. They both usually ended up in lots of arguments, conflicts and even competitions between each other. But even so, they understood each other and while Luke was growing up, he was starting to feel afraid of the feelings he started developing for Roxy, and therefore never acted on his feelings. Luke is strong, stubborn, but also damn fragile and vulnerable under his strong exterior. But he would do, and is able to do, anything if it meant protecting people he loves. Now a skilled illusionist, his main act is escape from locked up spaces, which is highly symbolic, as he wants to prove it to himself that he will be always able to escape.

Roxanne "Roxy" Nouvelle is Max's daughter and Lily's adoptive daughter. When she was a child of 8 years, Luke entered her life. Being a smart, clever and bold girl, she often found herself wanting to compete with Luke, either for favor, either for the sheer joy and annoyance of it. And that never changed. As the years passed, and more and more they conflicted about the minor things, she found out that she doesn't think of him as her adoptive brother - she thinks of him as a man, and she wants him. She knows of his history, and knows what troubles him, but wants to help him get over it and get over his own delusions about their possible relationship. She is highly stubborn and when she sets her mind on something, she can keep it up for a long long time. She is also prone to holding grudges.

Maximillian "Max" Nouvelle & Lily: Max is a master magician and illusionist. Living of that trade, he made a good life for his own family. When his wife died from sickness, he was left with Roxy, his wonderful and small child. But, in time, he falls in love with Lily, his assistant, and accepts her as his lover and another love of his life. He cannot imagine life without her and he is grateful that he was able to love two wonderful women in his life. Once upon a time, he was a troubled boy who was very similar to Luke, living by coning people out of their money on the street by using magic tricks, until LeClerc (former bank robber) accepted him and taught him the "art" of thievery. Making a career out of illusions, and living of the thievery, he ended up being very successful and lived a fulfilled life. He starts loving Luke, especially when he opened up to him and told him everything and both he and Lily think of Luke as their own son. He is honorable, keeps his word, and does everything in his power to help people around him. Lily is highly protective and wonderful woman too. Being unable to birth children, she is very happy to add Luke as her own son. No matter what he does, she would always and always love him, because she watched him grow up and start his life as a man. She is also a romantic soul and wants Max than anything else in the world.

Others: Everyone else were highly interesting too, Mouse, Leclerc, Alice, Nat, Jake. They were all so wonderfully done and characterized. There are more characters, but I will leave the finding out of them to you.


This book is captivating. I read the whole book (which is 490 pages long in my edition) in one day, without stopping. I think I broke my record with page longevity in one day. And it was so damn worth it.

I highly recommend this book to anyone, especially those who love progressive timeline stories, filled with angst, fun, crazy as hell couple, especially to those who love illusions/magicians types (something that I love from when I was young) You won't learn how magic tricks are done (it's a business trade secret *shhhh*), but you will love the illusions and shows they make. And to those who love their "troubled heroes" (no such heroine here). You will most likely be swept away by emotions and will cry and laugh for them. It takes long, years even, for the two of them to truly fall in love and do something about it. And it was handed very well.

Standalone: Yes.
Point of View: Third POV, multiply characters.
Cliffhanger: No.
Triggers: This book is a dark read, and not for the faint hearted. It includes:
Love triangle: No.
Angst: Oh yes.
Supernatural: No.
Explicit content: Yes.
Ending type:
Recommended: HELL YES!


Stand alone books:
Whiskey Beach
Honest Illusions
Northern Lights
Chesapeake Bay Saga:
Sea Swept (Chesapeake Bay Saga, #1)
Rising Tides (Chesapeake Bay Saga, #2)
Inner Harbor (Chesapeake Bay Saga, #3)
Chesapeake Blue (Chesapeake Bay Saga, #4)
Profile Image for Anita.
2,378 reviews194 followers
August 5, 2023
Fascinating, a tad too long, but just fascinating. Nora Robert is an author who does her homework and seamlessly weaves it into an intricate plot. In this case, magic and magicians. I have never been a big fan of magic, but I did enjoy how the black art took hold of these characters and made them different than other mortals. The plot of a family that offered refuge to one young boy, while turning out another young man, making him a mortal enemy, was very well done. Interesting enough to keep me reading. I did say it was a tad too long, didn't I? Actually, Nora needs to plagiarize some of the sex scenes. They beat by far anything she has written recently. Very Hot.

Max Nouvelle is the master of illusionists, and his daughter, Roxanne, grows up to be just as good. But a young boy, Luke Callahan, who is a runaway from a very nasty situation has joined their troupe and their family. Another young man, Sam Wyatt, sees something he covets in the Nouvelle family, but he is a nasty piece of work and when they cut him loose, he vows revenge. As Max ages, he turns over the responsibility for the magic act and other more lucrative pursuits to Luke and Roxanne. But to Wyatt revenge is a dish best served cold and he firmly believes that the revenge he served up to the Nouvelle family is sweet indeed. He's wrong. Sam it one of Nora's nastier villains. He is really, really bad.
Profile Image for Rashika (is tired).
976 reviews713 followers
January 31, 2014
Things that were awesome
-Good relations in general (NO DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES)
-Good relationship development (except for the transition.. uhh Luke became creepy)
-and my favorite, THIEVES.

Reasons why this book did not blow my mind
-Wayyy too long
-Cheesy ending
-Umm I don't understand the villain. Perhaps because he was a sociopath or perhaps his motives were absolutely ridiculous. DUDE! THIS HAPPENED YEARS AGO! Build a bridge. GET OVER IT. Plus what does it matter to you, aren't you a sociopath or something?

On a somewhat related note....
Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
April 18, 2022
I read this when I was a teenager and remember really liking the book. This is the book that made me read her other tittles, and it’s imo her best work.

With that said, if I had read it now, I would be raging because it’s not a safe read.
Cheating H alert.🚩


Main portion of the book is about them growing up, falling in love, having sex etc…until he decides to leave the h (he was in his early 20), because he’s being blackmailed. He didn’t know that the h was preggers when he ghosted her.

While he was away (5 yrs), he drank and slept with lots of woman he said to sooth his pain..oh cry me a fucking river.. he said drinking helped numb his pain but other women helped more. He told the celibate h that lol..and she took him right back.

Yea, the innocent me thought this was an amazing love story.
Grown ass woman me would’ve DNF it.

- slow burn
- few sex scenes with the H and ow. I don’t remember if this was before or after he was with the h but it’s descriptive.
- the h is a virgin and H is her one and only like a proper doormat.
- h loved the H way more. The h pursues him most of the time, he pushes her away, turns to ow, then he gives in, they have sex, etc…then hes blackmailed into leaving her, and cheats.

The book had awesome character development with lots of twist and turns to the plot. It was a page turner.
If cheating doesn’t bother you, you will love this book.
Profile Image for TeriLyn.
1,368 reviews439 followers
November 2, 2020

5 "Not believing is what makes magic magic." Stars

I loved this. Roxanne, Luke and the entire troupe were engaging, honest, and kept me rapt to the story telling of Nora Roberts. It was a perfectly magical story. I had no expectations on this book, found an old copy and the blurb was so appealing. I'm so glad I read it.
Profile Image for Diana.
465 reviews33 followers
May 31, 2013
Honest Illusions is, quite simply, Nora Roberts at her best. And since romance novels don't get any better than Nora at the top of her game, that's saying something. When I first read this book as a novice romance reader in 1997, I was blown away. Oh, ding ding ding! So this is why my sister reads these books! Six years and a thousand plus romances later, I found myself just as enthralled the second time around. This one, oh baby, holds up.

Max Nouvelle is no everyday carnival side show magician. He is The Great Nouvelle, Conjurer Extraordinaire. So when his practiced eye spies scrawny, 12-year-old runaway Luke Callahan deftly picking pockets in his audience, what is Max to do but invite the boy for a post-performance chat?

Luke is enthralled with Max's magic act and cannot resist an invitation to come backstage after the show. There, Max confronts Luke about his thievery; then surprisingly offers him a meal, a bed and a job as a roadie. Skittish Luke wants only to make a clean getaway until he meets the lovely and really, really stacked Lily Bates, Max's lover and magic assistant. Luke falls a little bit in love with sweet, warm-hearted Lily and relaxes his guard enough to accept Max's offer.

The only drawback is the presence of eight-year-old Roxanne, Max's snotty little brat of a kid. But with a setup this good, Luke can deal with one small, spoiled princess. Besides, she's promised to teach him card tricks.

It's apparent to Max that Luke has been beaten and probably sexually abused by his emotionally absent mother's boyfriend. When Lily sees the physical evidence on the boy's scarred back, Max and Lily make the only decision they can; Luke is theirs now. When the carnival moves on eventually arriving at the family home in New Orleans, Max has conjured up the necessary paperwork to make Luke a permanent member of the family. For the first time in his short life, Luke learns what it is to love and be loved unconditionally.

With the summer tour over and Luke's plan to skip school altogether quashed, life settles into a comfortable routine. Luke has discovered his grand passion: Magic. His hunger to learn everything Max can teach him is exceeded only by his desire to outshine Roxy -- as competitive a soul as ever lived. The Nouvelle Family act wows them in a French Quarter nightclub, and while their fame and fortune grow, Luke and Roxy are growing up. Their relationship roils and bubbles. After all, they aren't really brother and sister.

Did I mention that Max Nouvelle is no ordinary carnival magician? Max is a thief, and a great one at that. He suffers no moral qualms, justifying the practice as "an ancient and valuable art, a time-honored profession." He steals only the finest from the wealthiest and Luke is a natural at the family business. Max and Luke, being men and all, are under an illusion that Roxanne knows nothing of the real family business. Roxy, being a very clever girl, has known all along -- and she wants in. Max is incapable of denying Roxy anything and makes good on his promise to take her in after she finishes college.

It seems that life couldn't be any better for this band of four. They live in a gracious home in the Garden District and both of their busineses are thriving. The Nouvelle family magic act has become, bigger, better, and internationally acclaimed. Roxanne has perfected a glittering montage of ethereal illusions and Luke's death-defying escapes are knocking them dead. Television specials and venues such as Radio City Music Hall and the Kennedy Center have become the norm. And then there are the meticulously planned, dead-of-night forays into the homes of the Very Rich.

Well, okay, maybe life isn't quite perfect. Roxanne has adored Luke with all the passion in a little girl's heart romantic heart since she first laid eyes on him, and she's been falling in love with him ever since. Luke is, and always has been, her hero. As for Luke, he's played the role of protective older brother for so long that he's come to believe it. How can he resolve his guilt over his evolving unbrotherly feelings for Roxy? When this star-crossed pair become lovers at last, it's the best kind of magic. Wouldn't you know that an old enemy bearing the mother of all grudges against the Nouvelles is about to show up?

Luke and Roxanne are one of those larger than life couples whose highs and lows are, well, higher and lower than those of us ordinary mortals. Both are impossibly beautiful and talented. But I had no trouble falling in love with Luke for his sense of honor and responsibility, his heartbreaking vulnerability, and his underlying sweetness. And then, of course, there is his ponytail. Scrape me off the ceiling. A ponytail.

While Luke remains my romance hero gold standard, Roxanne is strong, unafraid, and smart as a whip; a match for him in every way. Not to mention, she really is a witch-ay woman and sparks do fly from her fingertips.

There are plot devices here that in the hands of a less talented storyteller would seem trite and contrived. We have lovers keeping Big Secrets and telling Big Lies, a sociopathic villain who is all evil all the time, and parents who (despite the criminal thing) are just a little too wonderful. We've also got complex family dynamics, moral ambiguity (the criminal thing), self-sacrifice, loss, and redemption. Count me in.

Nora made enchanting magic out of the tried and true. She's a superstar. When she's hot, no one does it better. It's magic.

I wrote this review in 2004. I need to read the book again. ;-)
Profile Image for ♥ WishfulMiss ♥ .
1,250 reviews117 followers
May 3, 2020
It’s been a long time since I’ve Nora Roberts but cleaning out my room scored me some books a very nice co-worker gave me a while back when she found out I read romance too :) I never got around to reading them though, instead letting them sit and gather dust on my ever growing pile of books I’ll someday get too. And after a really weird two months where the whole world seemed to spin into chaos and my drive to read simply vanished, I finally was able to crack this sucker open. And I’m so glad that I did!

Ever since this pandemic became center stage, my brain couldn't seem so settle enough to let me get lost in a book and it was nerve wrecking that when I most needed to give my mind a break and distance myself from all the madness going on around me, I couldn’t seem to.

But whether is was the perfect timing or just the perfect combination of interest and mood, I finally got back into reading. And Honest Illusion sparked my dormant bookworm and for that, I’m probably biased in how I rate this.

I’m honestly just so happy I was able to read and that both the story and the characters were so well written and vibrant that it instantly became a memorable read for me.

Nora Roberts has always managed to weave some really great magical realism into her stories. Whether it’s about an infamous antique shrouded in mystery, danger and passion or a chance meeting between two strangers that leads to a cunning murder plot, her stories are always unique, intriguing and with a hint of the unexplained and mystical.

Honest Illusion gave off all the right vibes and I was pulled into the story right from the start. Although memorable, I don’t love it on the same scale that I loved Three Fates. I did love all the supporting characters, I easily loved to hate the villain and I really liked the MCs, Roxy and Luke. In typical NR fashion, there’s great family ties, friendship and romance. For me, Max and Lily’s story fed my inner romantic and their story had me shedding some serious tears. And they were the secondary couple!

Roxy and Luke were good together - and I really loved that we get their whole story from their first meeting at the ages of 8 and 12, all the way up until their adulthood. What toned it down was their separation and how each one dealt with it. It hit on too many of my pet peeves in romance and robbed that special spark to their love story.

Overall the complexity of the plot and the well roundedness of all the players in the story made this a really entertaining read. Managed to read this one in 2 days and only because I had to sleep a few hours, lol :)

Memorable Moments: I loved Max. This wise magician/master thief was the true star of the story. He is your wise, patient father figure. The man who draws this rag-tag group together and forms the strongest of family bonds with loyalty and love.

Would I recommend?
Yes, if you like your romance with a touch of murder, suspense and Ocean’s Eleven vibes :)

Profile Image for Angelique Anderson.
29 reviews45 followers
December 15, 2009
I can't describe the way this book made me feel, because somewhere between page 1 and 492 I lost myself. I became a wandering Nouvelle, making larger than life illusions, and falling in love with that good for nothing Callahan. I stole from the rich and gave to the poor; watched my closest friend become my worst enemy; made love on a cruise ship and then watched my lover walk out of my life, only to have the lying baster return five years too late to bring me crashing back to my knees.

I suppose none of that makes a whole lot of sense to any of you, but pick up this book and all your questions will disappear. That's the Novuelle way, magic's runs in the family, and if you give them a chance they pass a little along to you and take you on one hell of a ride while their at it.

To sum it all up, it's heartbreak, truelove, grand larceny, sprinkled with a lot of hot sex. Need i say more?
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews569 followers
July 28, 2019
Okay I am gonna post a unpopular/personal opinion here but I have never gotten why people are so ga-ga over NR. Her so-called RS/contemporary push some pet-peeves of mine. Namely:
Over-description (she describes everything, and that means a never-ending book and a plot that plods around)
The never-ending POV (I do not like reading the thought of any or every person on-page)
The male-sex banter (seen those in other books, the "bouncing"and not a fan)
Also, I have noticed all the male leads have physical/sexual abuse in common

Coming to this book, man it was long. We basically had to read hero's life from 12 to 32. The author basically made us read on page hero's sexual encounters with three different women (not a fan of those in romances). Of course our heroine remained a virgin for him. Then, in his five years absence he tells the heroine I loved you and only you but sex with multiple OW helped me (what a hero/Prince Charming). Yeah not buying that crap.
Profile Image for Paraphrodite.
2,586 reviews51 followers
May 13, 2019
3 stars.

You know how sometimes you can't wait to turn the page, or in this case, continue listening? For me, I liked the first part when the H/h were kids but as grown ups with raging hormones, I developed this reluctance to continue with the book...and I'm not quite sure if it's because I knew bad things were going to happen and I didn't feel like listening to it.

Anyway, I did finish it and enjoyed that last big sting. So I think 3 stars is reasonable to rate a book where I liked the beginning and ending but not the middle.
Profile Image for Beth.
1,189 reviews147 followers
February 8, 2021
This is a completely different Nora Roberts: less Montana Sky, more of those stories-spanning-decades Roberts sometimes does... In this case I think she hobbles herself because the book is so unbalanced: it’s so much more about the past and so little about the present, and what’s present is so simple and straightforward. But the setting is compelling nonetheless, and the characters so interesting, that even the half-baked present can’t quite sink this book.
Profile Image for Keri.
1,348 reviews40 followers
March 6, 2015


It's possible that I'm not being completely fair with this review, maybe if I had read this book back in 1992 when it was written, I would have loved it, but it is now 2015 and this book is outdated in a lot of ways. I sometimes find it disconcerting when I read *current day* books that don't have our current technology, I find myself thinking "just freaking use your cell phone" and then remember they didn't yet exist when the book was written. So cell phones and internet are missing in this story and I could have been fine with that, they weren't really needed much. But what was really dated about this book was how females were treated. It's funny because in some ways, the female MC, Roxy, was on the cutting edge. She was the star in her families Illusionist show, she was the only one in her family to graduate from college, and she wasn't expected to have to live a traditional female life. Those are the positive aspects of this book, but I found the men to be chauvinistic and hypocritical in many ways. Just one example is how the leading pair, Roxy & Luke, were treated in respect to dating and sex as they were growing up. Luke got jokes and high fives when talking about sex in the backseat of a car, but Roxy is judged by Luke if she even seems to be too friendly with men. Luke is a manwhore and Roxy is the sweet virginal girl. And then later when they are adults and finally get together.... Well, I just didn't really like Luke. I didn't like the way he often behaved and how he treated Roxy when he knew she was in love with him.

I thought this book sounded interesting because of the setting, and it was. I liked the whole illusionist performers who also rob from the rich and give some to the poor theme, and of course Nora Roberts is an experienced writer but what I didn't like was some of the behaviors and attitudes in the story not to mention it was too long. The story starts in the present day but only for a moment. We are then taken back to when Roxy (8) and Luke (12) first meet and the majority of the story is chunks of their lives as they grow up and learn the business. It's not until near the end that we are back in the present day. I have to say, that the big *thing* that happens between Roxy and Luke didn't have to go down the way it did. That also made me mad, because up until that point, other than the hypocritical attitudes, I liked the story, but then it turned into the typical not communicating and making rash decisions without discussing it which leads to drama and heartache garbage. That whole thing did not have to happen. It was a lame excuse for drama. The type of guy Luke was and the type of people that whole family was.... they totally could have dealt with the issue, but NO, the author goes for the tripe angle. I was hanging with this book until that point. If an author wants drama, fine, but MAKE IT AUTHENTIC. I am so tired of authors using crap just to create problems. That was the main reason for the low rating. I would like to see what Nora Roberts would do with this story today, meaning 2015. I bet there would be a lot written differently. As least I hope there would be.
Profile Image for Sanne.
154 reviews6 followers
January 6, 2020
Het idee van goochelaars die voor Robin Hood spelen sprak mee erg aan. Helaas vond ik de uitvoering wat tegen vallen. Ik vond het allemaal wat te gemakkelijk aanvoelen. De personages waren zo goed in wat ze doen dat ik het wat overdreven vond.

Het eerste deel vond ik het leukste. Luke heeft hierin absoluut mijn hart gestolen. Ook Max werd erg goed neergezet. De familiedynamiek vond ik ook goed beschreven. Dit deel vond ik ook nog niet zo overdreven en was gewoon leuk om te volgen.

Vanaf het tweede deel vond ik het wat ongeloofwaardiger worden. De band en liefde tussen Roxy en Luke was wel erg mooi.

Misschien dat ik het leuker had gevonden wanneer er gesprongen zou worden tussen de verschillende tijdsperiodes. Ik vond het nu erg voorspelbaar. Het was leuk om te lezen maar ik miste wat spanning en diepgang.
Profile Image for Cc.
1,106 reviews131 followers
December 19, 2020
Early Roberts. So much potential for a great second chance romance, but alas, it just didn't make an omelet. I mean, there was definitely eggs broken, scrambled, plenty of sharp cheese and quite a few mushrooms with bacon thrown in for taste but.....it lacked salt and pepper.
Profile Image for Laura V..
734 reviews60 followers
February 25, 2015

Hace mucho tiempo, Luke y Roxanne crecieron como hermanos bajo la tutela de Max, un gran mago y estupendo ladrón de su época. Vivieron juntos parte de su adolescencia, pelearon, discutieron, fueron más rivales que amigos, hasta que un día toda esa energía se volcó en la atracción que cada día crecía más fuerte.
Llegado un momento, ya adultos, después de cinco años de haber desaparecido sin haber dicho una palabra, Luke regresa. Roxanne lo odia. El libro comienza.

Habrán de pasar cerca de trecientas, cuatrocientas páginas para saber quienes son, qué han hecho y porqué parecen odiarse y amarse con tanta intensidad.

El romance de este libro no fue lo mío. Aunque con muchas páginas, no es una pareja que me enamore y me enganche. Un día se odian y al otro día, gracias a un salto de tiempo, ya se han amado. No compro eso. Me gustaban más cuando peleaban.
El conflicto, el villano, fue una estupidez, un estúpido. Sin pies ni cabeza, aparece desde el principio, dejando claras sus intenciones. No hay misterio en ello, solo es esperar a que suceda lo inevitable y ver cómo lo resuelven. Porque como bien lo dejaron claro al principio del libro, ellos no están juntos, sabes que algo sucederá y que algo los apartará.

No entiendo porque Luke se va sin decir nada. Leí sus excusas, solo no me parecieron creíbles. No entiendo porqué Roxanne tiene que bancarse la desaprobación de su familia solo porque no lo recibe con los brazos abiertos.

Lo que sí rescato es a Max, es verlo lleno de energía, lleno de amor, con una sonrisa, con el ánimo de ganarse el mundo.

Más allá de eso, no fue una lectura muy agradable, los personajes principales no me llegaron al conmover. Y sigo diciéndolo, las motivaciones del villano me parecieron irrisorias, sin sentido, una tomada de pelo.

Leído para el 2015 Reading Challenge #16 Libro no leído de un autor que ames
Profile Image for Rosana Maia.
154 reviews
June 30, 2015
“O Jogo de Mãos” não é o primeiro livro de Nora Roberts que leio. No entanto, há algo nele que o distingue de todos os outros que já havia lido. Não é que tenham sido muitos, tendo em consideração a panóplia de obras publicadas pela autora. No entanto, há algo que transporta esta obra para um nível superior em relação às outras.

Como não poderia deixar de ser, Nora Roberts apresenta-nos um romance repleto de tudo o que caracteriza o género. Ao longo desta obra, podemos ver uma narrativa sólida, com personagens muito bem construídas, acompanhada de uma escrita leve como é habitual. Podemos ver ainda o crescimento das suas personagens, acompanhando a sua infância, adolescência e vida adulta. E talvez seja este o motivo pelo qual este livro me deixou um sabor especial.

Como podemos ler na sinopse, a narrativa desenrola-se em torno de uma família de ilusionistas – a família Nouvelle – e de Luke – “um rapaz que Max recolheu das ruas”, com um passado assustador. Como seria de esperar, por muito que o tempo avance, o passado é algo que levamos sempre connosco. Assim, a cada virar de página vemos Luke crescer sempre acompanhado de pesadelos e medos que o perseguem.

Mas mais do que um romance, este livro traz uma família. E com isto, Nora Roberts junta os melhores ingredientes para a construção da narrativa. O que faríamos nós sem a nossa família? Como será desiludi-la? Como será perdê-la? Como será viver sem tudo aquilo que nos é querido?

Não quero como é obvio descrever toda a história nem mesmo responder a estas questões. Porque não verem com os vossos próprios olhos? Atrevam-se a conhecer Max, Lily, Roxanne e Luke e deixem-se levar pela magia que existe por detrás de cada uma destas personagens.

Profile Image for Robin.
1,849 reviews84 followers
May 23, 2015
When 12-year-old Luke Callahan first sees Magician Max Nouvelle and his young daughter Roxanne at a traveling circus, he is fascinated. Max sees Luke as a young version of himself...a lonely, abused child living on the streets. Max offers Luke a job, takes him into the family, and teaches him some magic tricks. Soon Luke has joined Max, Roxanne, and Max's assistant/girlfriend, Lily, in the act. As they become a family and travel the country with their magic act, Luke realizes that magic isn't Max's only talent. Max is also a jewel thief, planning heists all over the country. As Luke and Roxy grow older, they join Max in his nighttime escapades. They also realize that even though they grew up together, they don't think of each other as brother and sister. As Luke and Roxy grow closer, a villain is plotting a vengeance that just might destroy the Nouvelle family and ruin the life Luke has built for himself.

I shouldn't have let this book sit on the shelf for so long. I am fascinated by magicians and would just love to know their tricks, especially how they can saw a woman in half and put her back together again. Well, sadly I didn't learn any secrets of magic, but I was thoroughly entertained by this story. I loved the characters. Luke and Roxy are perfect for each other. Max is a wonderful father figure to both his daughter and his adopted son. They may be jewel thieves, but you can't help but root for them.

The story starts out in the present (it was written in 1992), but quickly goes back in time to catch us up on how Luke became part of the family. It does take a little while for Luke and Roxanne to finally admit their feelings for each other, but I wasn't bored in the least. I loved the story, even the sad parts. I just wish I hadn't waited so long to read it. My rating: 5 Stars.
Profile Image for Carrie.
1,859 reviews81 followers
November 25, 2010
3.5* A very enjoyable book, but not my favorite Nora Roberts. I think I'm prejudice because the protagonists are jewel thieves. Sounds silly, I know, but it bothered me throughout the whole book. Other than that, and a few standard plot devices (not bad, just well-used) I enjoyed the story and liked the main characters. The book was written in the early 1990's but doesn't suffer much from that.

It still amazes me how many very good books Nora Roberts has written. Her suspense books are my favorite. She always layers her stories, adding details and complexity, often crossing continents or spanning years. She obviously researches her settings, both the physical/geographic setting and the setting for the story, such as the world of magicians and jewel heists for Honest Illusions. Robert's attention to detail never fails to gain my appreciation.
Profile Image for Rosie Amber.
Author 1 book136 followers
May 2, 2023
Honest Illusions is a contemporary story set in the world of magical performances.

It opens in a circus; a runaway is picking pockets when he’s spotted by the leading magician. Max Nouvelle sees something of himself in the young boy Luke, and offers him work and a safe place to stay.

Luke becomes part of Max’s family, growing up with his daughter Roxanne. Max opens the world of magical illusion to Luke, who works hard to become a great performer. Life is good until Sam Wyatt joins their group. He’s sly and has his own agenda, abusing Max’s kindness.

Years later Sam seeks revenge for being kicked out by Max and he knows just where to cause the most hurt.

I really enjoyed this story. I haven’t read a book by Nora Roberts for a while and I do enjoy most of her work. The magic was fun to read about with just enough hints to make the reader feel part of the family, but not enough to give away the actual secrets behind the illusions.

There’s added tension from a little family hobby that Max, Luke and Roxanne get involved in which felt sophisticated rather than breaking the law. Lastly, I enjoyed the build-up to the denouement, it really was a grand finale.
Profile Image for Aiste Tauras.
45 reviews69 followers
March 30, 2024
Tikriausiai fainiausia Noros knyga man! Jos beveik visą kolekciją perskaičius, šią pasilikus kolekcijoj, antrą kart skaičiau ir manau kada ateity vėl skaitysiu. Nežinau, tiesiog istorija kažkuo man jauki, miela ✨ pamačiau ir įvertinau!
Profile Image for Hajar Y,.
90 reviews168 followers
June 1, 2010
Life is hard for the 12-year-old Luke Callahan. In his attempt to safe himself from the hell he calls home, he is force to be a runaway, live on the street, earning money through pick pocketing. His life takes an unexpected turn one day when he meets Max Nouvelle, a magician, who breathes life into his world: takes him in, loves him like his own son, teaches him to be his apprentice and eventually shares his hidden secret with him. With Max as his father, Lily as his loving mother and Roxy as a lovely yet snarky sister, Luke feels like he has everything he ever wanted.

As he grows older, the feeling Luke has for Roxy grows stronger, making him feels guilty, as Roxy is practically his sister. However, when Roxy makes her sudden moves, the romance buds immediately. Their happiness doesn’t last forever as the ghosts from Luke’s past creeps into his world again; forcing him to vanish in order to protect the family he comes to love. What would Luke do when he realises that he needs to stand up to claim back what he has missed and wins back the woman he loves? Will Roxy ever forgives Luke for leaving her behind at the time she needs him most? What is the real mystery behind Luke’s disappearance?

Reading through Honest Illusions is like munching a bunch of chocolate that you can’t have enough of. Written in a time progression manner, where the story travels from one period of characters’ lives to another, Honest Illusions is definitely one of the best romance novels I’ve ever read. Fluidly written, the author seems to be a master in weaving the events in the past with what happens in the present, leaving readers with no unanswered questions and complete satisfaction. The strength in this book lies in its beautiful prose, along with interesting, multilayered characters and also the structure of the story itself. Huge part of the Honest Illusions consists of what happen in the past, allowing readers to thoroughly understand what really happen to the main characters, what makes them who they are and why they act in certain ways.

The characters created by Roberts in this book are real and well balanced. Luke, for instance, is a good looking, well-behaved, strong and stubborn character, but at the same time, he is actually an extremely vulnerable person. His past shapes him that way and this can’t be shaken off by simply moves on. Roxy, on the other hand, is a delicate, beautiful and soft character but she also has strong traits in her that keeps her standing when she faces difficult situations. All these make Honest Illusions an extremely delightful read.

A story about true love between lovers, true love among family members and about trust and acceptance, Honest Illusions is indeed a kind of book that must be read by those who enjoy contemporary romance. I enjoyed it great and is definitely one of the books that I’ll re-read in the future.

Final Verdict: With its beautiful, lyrical prose, Honest Illusions is a meaningful and beautiful book with its own capability to make you laugh, cry and sigh at one time or another. This is the kind of book that will captivate and pull you in before you realise it.

Taken from my book blog: The Bibliophile's Journal
Profile Image for Minshi Mathur.
Author 1 book21 followers
July 24, 2017
Nora Roberts isn't just the best writer in the world -- she's the best creator in the world. Honest Illusions is proof of that.

In a world where "she said" and "he said" are becoming trends to describe characters' dialogues, where descriptions have stripped down, and where characters have become repetitive and don't feel quite "alive", Nora Roberts brings in outstanding language, descriptions, characters, and plot for her readers to devour.

Luke Callahan -- strong willed, protective, sexy, and witty (these words are honestly undermining his belligerence) -- quickly becomes the lead male that every reader wants to protect, and most people attracted to males yearn to obtain. Easily one of the best males in a romance book. He's sexy when he needs to be, sappy only when necessary, and always a heartbreaker (but one you can't help but love).

Roxanne Nouvelle -- fierce, determined, independent, and fiery (these words are also not enough to describe just how amazing she is) -- takes on the lead lady; someone most women want as their best friend. Her feminism is enough to make her relatable, and her sex appeal is one that many want to mimic.

Roberts puts the two together from a young age, which not only allows us to see the dynamic between the characters, but also leads to great character development and progression. She encompasses them both with realistic supporting characters and a mysterious plot filled with revenge, cruelty, and kindling romance.

Prior to reading Honest Illusions, I thought I was a good writer. After reading, however, I learned about how to make characters feel real, how to explain dialogue without using boring diction, how to create chemistry in words, and how to make a character feel like they are there. Again, Nora Roberts is a phenomenal writer, and Honest Illusions is one of her best works.

Without sounding too much like the inside flap of a book, the point that I'm trying to make is that this is an amazing book. Definitely worth the read if you're into romance, teen fiction, mystery, suspense, and/or feminism. This book is -- by far -- my favorite. 10/10 would recommend.
Profile Image for Spencer.
1,387 reviews17 followers
September 14, 2020
I wish the book had focused more on the magic and illusion and performance side of the story. I think I would have really loved a romance centered around that magical atmosphere. Unfortunately for me, I felt like the story just got bogged down in the Sam Wyatt side of the story. I found the revenge and pure evil he thrust into the story to be a hindrance to the story more than anything. I should have been appalled with him murdering people and setting people up and having Luke disappear from the Neauvelle's life. But, honestly, I was just a little bored with it all. It just seemed to drag out a little too long for me. It didn't make it a terrible story, but it didn't make it my favorite of Robert's, either.
Profile Image for Xana.
741 reviews45 followers
June 7, 2015
Gosto sempre de voltar a Nora Roberts. São romances, sabemos à partida que vão acabar bem, mas que me deixam sempre com uma sensação de bem estar no fim.
Gostei das personagens, adorei o Max e tive pena da reviravolta, mas foi um livro que me manteve sempre interessada.
Profile Image for Zubee.
667 reviews30 followers
April 14, 2019
Wow ... I resisted reading this book for so many years ... i read the first chapter some years ago and left it as I didn't find it interesting until last month ...
This one is a fully fledged story starting from the H and h's childhood until they are adults ..
First of all I must say I had to suspend morals for sometime as these characters are not only magicians / illusionists but thiefs as well ... but it was worth it ...
I won't go in details but this book is definitely a keeper ... H and h have a huge amount of passion between them but there is also a certain level of comfort that comes from having grown up together ...
I agreed with his reasons for going away ... he didn't have a choice just as I understood her anger when he comes back ...
They have a baby boy who is really very adorable while the h's father (also the H's) is very sick with no hope for recovery ... its an amalgamation of old making way for new ...
The only things that I didn't like; the graphic scene of H and some random woman ... would have been happier if it was muted as this was before H and h got together ...
Also while he was away for years, he cheated; a lot. h didn't know if he would be back or no so she had grounds for sleeping with someone else. He always knew he would return the moment he was able to; no excuses for him sleeping around ....
Displaying 1 - 30 of 613 reviews

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