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The Angel of Berlin

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When Robin, a young university student, saves the life of a beautiful youth, he finds he's made a devoted friend. But without memory and voice, the newly named Angel is a mystery, occasionally exasperating with his child-like qualities yet with touches of darkness that make Robin wonder what kind of being he's really taken in. A gay fiction tale of magical realism and innocent love set in modern Berlin.

28 pages, ebook

First published May 22, 2011

About the author

Red Haircrow

21 books112 followers
Red Haircrow is an award-winning writer, psychologist, documentary filmmaker and game dev of Native (Chiricahua Apache/Cherokee) and African American heritage. Their first career was in law enforcement, and they hold a Master’s in Native/Indigenous American Studies and a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology. Their research focuses include inter-generational historic trauma, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, suicide prevention, and gender expansive support and needs.

Current projects include a RPG educational adventure video game focusing on original and Indigenous peoples, continuing research on stigma and prejudice relating to psychological disorders and conditions such as ASD, and the short documentary on those themes, ALMOST.

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for Valentina Heart.
Author 22 books303 followers
September 22, 2011
This review was originally written for The Romance Reviews and can also be found there.

I never would have thought that such a short story about one stranger rescuing the life of another could win me over so completely. The plot is simple enough, yet it was written so beautifully that it felt as if I've never read anything even remotely similar to it, although I know I have.

Angel is a nameless, somewhat childlike stranger who almost gets killed when stumbling onto a road. Robin saves him on his way to work, and enchanted by the young French man, Angel follows. That is basically how the story goes from there. Angel is innocent and inexperienced, to the point that he has no real notion of the way the world around him works. He completely relies on Robin who despite all his commitments goes out of his way to take care of and keep safe the young man who'd somehow became a permanent and more than welcome fixture in his life.

This is a story hanging somewhere between magic, dreams and reality. Angel's origins, his past, real name or the reason why he is the way he is, was never revealed, but somehow while being important it wasn't truly missed. The instant connection between Robin and Angel overshadows everything and just the smitten way Angel looks at Robin and Robin always keeps one eye on his beautiful stranger is enough to show just how special what they have is.

It is an easy but emotional read holding a promise of making you feel good.
Profile Image for Sally.
Author 113 books364 followers
June 9, 2011
This is a story that began with a dream, and that dreamlike quality comes through in the story. Red draws us into his dream with beautifully seductive language, painting a picture in our minds that is, at the same time, both vivid and subtle. Even when a character is standing on a busy street corner, in broad daylight, the description still evokes the feeling of a dreamy evening at home.

As for the story itself, what Red has woven here is a contemporary fairy tale. It's beautiful and magical, with subtle touches of the supernatural, and no attempt to explain away or justify the mystery. He simply allows the story to take its course, sharing with us not just his dream, but the experience of the dream. It's a lovely thing to experience and if, at the end, we awake with questions . . . well, that's part of the mystery.

For a short story, Red does a wonderful job of establishing and developing his characters. Angel is a beautiful young man, with suggestions of a darker past beneath his childlike innocence. He doesn't speak a word for most of the story, instead expressing himself through his actions. It's a testament to the power of the dream that his innocence never becomes tiring, and never loses it's charm. As for Robin, the young man who 'finds' him and takes him in, he's just your ordinary working student, on his own for the first time, and inexplicably drawn to this mysterious stranger.

Ultimately, this is a story to take your time with . . . to read slowly . . . to savour each word. If you're willing to sit back and immerse yourself in the dream, I promise you'll wake delighted and refreshed, with a smile on your face.
Profile Image for Tam.
Author 21 books100 followers
July 26, 2011
This is an intriguing little slice of life in the world of Robin, a young Frenchman working and studying in Berlin. I was left with quiet a few questions at the end of this one, but what was on the page drew me in. Robin saves a young man from wandering into traffic while on his way to work at a bistro, and much to his surprise, the young man follows him. He lets him hang out at work, although soon realizes the young man is mute, and he names him “Angel”.

They return to Robin’s room, and he is surprised by Angel’s innocence. He doesn’t seem to understand the basics such as indoor plumbing, but Robin finds himself wanting to protect him and care for the young man. The next day, Angel behaves strangely at the Bistro, suddenly doing a graphic tango with another man, and Robin’s jealous reaction leads Angel to wander off, in order to find out who he is. He’s soon lost in the city and gets into a tight spot, where an elderly stranger with supernatural powers rescues him.

I love the descriptions of Berlin, and when Angel is searching for the truth of who he is, you sense that inner blankness he has. He knows something is out there, he should know it, but his brain just can’t see the connections. He knows Robin will help him but doesn’t understand the why or how of it all himself. That part of the story, Angel’s thought process, was well written.

My questions arose from the fact that you never really find out what is going on. Yes, there is something supernatural about Angel, and he does eventually speak, but what is really happening? Who is he? What is he? How did he get there? All questions that perhaps would be answered down the road should there be more to the story of Angel and Robin.

If you are looking for a story set in a foreign city, with a very lyrical quality to the prose and lush descriptions, this is a good choice. However, like me, you may be left with more questions than answers, about the innocent and enigmatic Angel.
Profile Image for Alaska.
209 reviews
September 23, 2013
Unfortunately, this book did nothing for me. You can't really read it as a story because the characters are distant and not engaging. There is no real story line, no arc of suspense, just the flowing of words and events which are not very exciting. I don't mean it in a bad way. I didn't expect an action plot here but I missed...purpose in this book.
I read afterwards that this was a dream. Okay, I can live with that and the writing is quite floral. It feels a lot like all those books I read while studying literature: they tried to say something important but got lost in nice expressions and too much meaning "between the lines".

Furthermore, it feels wrong to me when an author rates his own book with 5 stars. I don't mind if they comment but rating seems like cheating and pushing up the overall result.
Profile Image for Cornerofmadness.
1,819 reviews17 followers
June 14, 2012
The titular character appears on the streets of Berlin one day, devoid of pretty much any memory that we can see, almost a complete innocent. He is taken in by Robin, a young college student who wants to help this young man after saving him from getting hit by traffic. He is curious about the mute young man and the affect Angel has on him. It's a very interesting and sweet story about their beginning relationship.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Patricia Lynne.
Author 22 books108 followers
November 23, 2016
3.5 stars
I've had this book on my wishlist for a long time and finally got around to buying and reading it. The blurb was interesting and the story didn't disappoint. It was an interesting tale that kept me turning the page. The mystery of Angel is what kept me going, but I have to admit, I thought the mystery was too vague. I could never get a feel for what he was supposed to be. I think a little more fleshing out and hints to his past and some answers would have helped.
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews

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