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Olivia Bishop is no fun. That's what her ex-husband said. And that's what her smart bob and glasses imply. So with her trademark determination, Olivia sets out to remake her life. She's going to spend time with her girlfriends and not throw it all away for some man. But when an outing with her book club leads her to a brewery taproom, the dark-haired beauty realizes that trouble in the form of sexy Jamie Donovan may be too tempting to avoid.

Jamie Donovan doesn't mean to be bad. Sure, the wild streak in his wicked green eyes has lured the ladies before. Now it's time to grow up. He's even ready for a serious romance. But how can that be when Olivia, the only right woman he has ever met, already has him pegged as wrong?

384 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 2011

About the author

Victoria Dahl

62 books2,003 followers
I have my mother to thank for my passion for writing. My mom is an avid reader of popular fiction, and I began reading highly inappropriate books around the age of eleven, I think. (Thanks, Mom, for always leaving those delicious books strewn about!)

To Tempt a Scotsman, a Golden Heart winning historical, was my first published book. Here I am signing the cover! A Rake's Guide to Pleasure (which was excerpted at the back of Scotsman) is my second.

Due to my all-around goofiness, my agent suggested I also try my hand at a contemporary romantic comedy. Boy, is my agent smart! I had a great time writing Talk Me Down, the story of a young woman who goes back to her small hometown in Colorado and causes a huge stir with her secretive career and her burgeoning relationship with the chief of police. Not only did I have a great time writing it, but Tara Parsons at HQN liked it too! So if you like cold weather, hot sex and dirty jokes, be sure to check out Talk Me Down (out in January 2009).

Speaking of cold weather, my family and I live in a beautiful ski town in
Utah. No, I don't ski. I prefer to sit inside with a hot toddy and a good
book while the snow falls. It's especially beautiful to watch when from the inside!

I have a wonderful husband and children, and the house is kind of crowded, what with the dukes, Scotsmen, police chiefs, and naughty ladies running around, but my family is very understanding about my imaginary friends. Good thing, since they refuse to leave!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 499 reviews
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,443 followers
May 1, 2012
I loved this book about a romance between a 35-year-old recent divorcee college instructor (Olivia) and the part owner of a family brew pub (29 year-old Jamie) but don't have much time to review it. It was hot, funny, and fast paced. Yeah, it was hot.:) So, what to do? How about some pictures of lovable stud Jamie, who sometimes tends bar in a kilt?

Jamie...and other men in kilts





One other thing--Jamie's brother Eric was such an ass in this book, I don't know how I'm going to like him when I read his book Real Men Will. But I have faith in Victoria Dahl's writing--I hope she doesn't disappoint! 5 stars
Profile Image for Jae.
693 reviews178 followers
July 24, 2011
Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. You are such a hot and studly flirt, bless your heart. And with those fine fine kilt on, you just are not for the faint heart.

I have to say, I enjoyed book #1 a bit more than this book. Not too much by comparison but still this one felt a bit lacking mostly in the humor part. I cannot recall any LOLOL moment at all in fact. The story which revolve around Jamie with his siblings and Olivia with her ex-husband was very engaging and intriguing but I need the extra wittiness for me to slot this into my LOVVIT shelf.

Eric was such a cold-hearted bastard to Jamie I was nearly tempted to disregard his book coming out next. But just barely. The uptight one is usually the wild one. Looking forward to book #3.
Profile Image for Jess.
1,051 reviews155 followers
September 20, 2011
Review posted: Happily Ever After - Reads

…his green eyes twinkled. God, could he just do that on demand? What a terrible and deadly skill.

The first word that came to mind when finishing this book was emotional – I was really not expecting it, especially coming from crazy Tessa’s book, she had me rolling off the couch in fits of giggles. Jamie, I just wanted to give him a great big hug. Talk about a guy who’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, only no one really sees that. He’s the happy-go-lucky part owner/bartender of the Donovan Brothers Brewery, he wears kilts when he feels like it and loves the people that come in. He can work a room like nobody’s business and comes off as maybe an overgrown kid. But inside, he’s struggling to get himself out of the playboy role his brother and sister have always had him in. In their eyes, especially Eric’s, he’s irresponsible and would rather be looking for a good time instead of growing up. How wrong they are.

Olivia is coming off a bad marriage, bad in the sense that she gave up everything to be whatever her husband needed her to be, gave up her dreams, her likes, her personality and after she caught him cheating, she divorced him only to be completely lost. She can’t remember who she really is anymore. She lives and dies by lists, appointments, schedules, that’s her life. Her friend Gwen drags her to a monthly book club meeting where she meets Jamie and realizes that maybe taking a risk, even a really small one, might not be such a bad thing.

After a first date that happened under a few false pretenses, Olivia confesses that her ex told her that she wasn’t fun, and she desperately wants to learn how to have fun again. Jamie, who’s taking a restaurant management class taught by Olivia, wants to put together a complete plan for opening up a restaurant at the brewery. He’s determined to do it, but needs a consultant. Olivia and Jamie agree to help each other out and the fun starts.

Jamie pulled her in for a kiss.

“You look exactly the same way you do after sex,” he said.

“Because I’m laughing?” she collapsed into giggles again at his look of outrage.

“I was thinking more of the breathless screams.”

“I bet you were.”

Olivia is convinced that what they’re doing is just for “fun” and it takes her a bit to realize that he’s not at all like the persona he puts out there for people to see. He so desperately wants his family to start to see him, but he keeps everything so close to the vest, he doesn’t show them all the work he’s put into his home or the landscaping, and he doesn’t tell them that the time off he’s taking from work is to attend business classes. It’s not like Jamie doesn’t try to explain himself, he does but Eric cuts him off all the time and won’t listen. He doesn’t stop for one second and actually hear Jamie. He gets on him about everything and their bickering got a little old. If a bartender doesn’t show up, it’s Jamie’s fault because he hired him. Never mind the bartender isn’t there for a completely valid reason, everything’s Jamie’s fault. Some scenes were hard to read on Jamie’s behalf, it really bothered me how Eric treats him through most of the book. But with Olivia’s help, Jamie knows he can make something with his restaurant plans and moves forward knowing if it doesn’t happen at the brewery, he’ll make it work somewhere else.

Jamie and Olivia are a fun couple to get to know. They both have their hang ups, Olivia having a few more to deal with coming off a failed marriage, now she’s learning to have fun with a slightly younger guy and she’s in a career that she doesn’t love. She slowly comes to realize that the only person holding her back now is herself and her confidence grows throughout the story. They were interesting characters apart, but became stronger together, and of course once they got over some bumps along the road, the emotion really came out when Jamie started talking about his past.

Jamie kissed her hard, and she sucked at his tongue as if she needed this as much as he did. Framing her face in his hands, he kissed her for a long, long minute, then dragged his open mouth down her neck. She smelled like him. His soap, his shampoo. She wore his clothes and his scent and she was in his bed. He wanted to snarl with satisfaction.

We have a couple scenes with Eric, Jamie and Tessa and I just love how the brothers still act scandalized that she’s not the little sister they have in their minds. We get a small glimpse of where her relationship with Luke is at, and I love how “older brother” they both still act. Like Tessa would ever put up with it, it’s still very sweet.

This is another nice read in the Donovan Brothers Brewery series, seeing Olivia take back control of her life with the help of Jamie and watching Jamie realize that he has so much more to offer everyone around him, and having him fight for it. It was nice to watch these characters grow and come together and even though Eric acts like a huge jerk to Jamie, I want to know why(!) and I’m looking forward to finding out who the real Eric is in his book, up next.
Profile Image for Océano de libros.
807 reviews90 followers
March 8, 2017
Olivia Bishop hace muy poco que se ha divorciado y no quiere saber nada de una nueva relación aunque va a ser difícil cuando se encuentre con el atractivo camarero vestido con un kilt Jamie Donovan. Éste deslumbra a las mujeres con una sonrisa pero ahora está decidido a sentar la cabeza.
Bueno a pesar de saber ahora que no es un libro único sino que forma parte de una serie (aunque los libros son historias individuales) tengo que decir que me ha entretenido bastante.
La forma de narrar de la autora ayuda bastante porque es ágil y no te enteras de las páginas que vas devorando. La historia no es novedosa pero la forma de contarla es lo que la diferencia y después el tener unos personajes principales con los que empatizas, son muy humanos y reales.
Por un lado, Olivia es la típica mujer divorciada que se empieza a encontrar a sí misma y que debe reconstruirse, quizás con la autoestima algo baja sobre todo porque su ex la considera aburrida. Y por otro lado, tenemos a Jamie que es todo lo opuesto de Olivia y es por eso que encajan a las mil maravillas. Jamie es todo sonrisa, calidez y buen humor y… un cuerpo para el pecado, que cómo no tiene al género femenino revolucionado. Jamie por su parte quiere ser más maduro y sentar la cabeza y resolver algunos problemas.
En definitiva, la historia me ha gustado porque es muy real, con situaciones del día a día y porque su autora ha creado a dos personajes principales que conquistan a cualquiera.
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews569 followers
September 28, 2011
Jamie Donovan, oh what can I say about him, except he was one deliciously sexy, tortured, misunderstood bad boy?

Jamie has always been the screw-up Donovan while Eric is the one who is staid and responsible, but Jamie is trying to change and grow up but his family especially Eric doesn't see that. We can see in Tessa's book, Jamie's growing anger and frustration. He himself feels unworthy and there is a distance between him and his family, he doesn't let them see the "other" part of him, the part that has dreams of expanding their brewery into a restaurant, the part that has lovingly restored his house and garden and the part that is taking a course on restaurant management, to them he's still the playboy bartender who draws the crowd in his kilt.

Olivia Bishop has always been serious and controlled, first as a child whose parents had other things to occupy them, then when she got married at twenty-two and allowed her husband's Victor's needs mold her, she gave up the things she liked thinking they weren't okay for a grown-up and partly because Victor didn't like them which she acknowledges later, she also went into teaching since Victor pushed her into it but now she's divorced(her choice, she found her husband cheating) and goes out with some women for the first time, where she meets Jamie.

The next time she meets him when he's in her class(a non-credit one) and he asks her out, she refuses of course, she is older than him(he's 29) and he's freer and younger while she is un-fun and controlled but later when she has to go to a college faculty party she asks him to come with her since she isn't upto dealing with Victor and how he is constantly trying to show off the younger women on his arm, not that she cares but she thinks it's rude.

As things come to pass they get involved, with Jamie promising to loosen her up and broaden her horizons, be it staying up late and deviating from her set schedule or trying out beer or skinny dipping in his hot-tub while Olivia helps him out on his business plan. They never define what they are doing, Olivia thinks that she finally letting go(she's only been with her husband) while Jamie likes being with her, it is easy and she's not like the women he's been with, she listens to him.

I enjoyed this book, more than Tessa's mainly because of Jamie, he was so good and I really wanted to kick his family(Eric actually) for constantly throwing his mistakes on his face and not giving him the benefit of doubt. Jamie's happy go lucky exterior hid a lot of pain and self-doubt and I even disliked Olivia for treating him badly and not seeing beyond it. He respected her and made her see that it was never too late to change oneself and follow her dreams(of opening up a business) but Olivia could never believe that Jamie would want to be with her.

I did like the fact that her ex wasn't a factor in what she was doing even though he made a nuisance of himself, constantly trying to call her and stuff.

Now, I can't wait to read Eric's story mainly to see how he will be redeemed because honestly he's been a patronizing jerk to his siblings especially Jamie.

ARC received through Netgalley
Profile Image for Alexa.
484 reviews128 followers
July 8, 2016
Victoria Dahl writes good contemporary romance. I've only read three of her books, but I can tell you I'll probably keep reading. She writes distinctive characters in interesting situations.

In this case we have a younger man/older woman book. Well "older" she's 35, he's 29. It's not even a huge difference but just the fact that she's older makes it interesting.

Olivia (our main character) is super serious, while Jamie is easygoing and loads of fun. And he wears a kilt. I'm a sucker for a guy in a kilt. *drools*

Their relation has actual development, no insta-love here guys!

Sadly, they're both used to letting people treat them like crap (Olivia by her husband and Jamie by his brother) and while all is well in the end, I felt I was missing some comeuppance for the 'bad' guys. (I say bad guys in the broadest sense because there are no real bad guys here)

The plot is straightforward and chronicles their relationship and their own personal development. While there's obvious drama, it's not overblown and it's resolved in my favourite way: talking.

On to the next one!
Profile Image for Alba M. .
1,723 reviews148 followers
February 3, 2018
Me gustó pero no me encantó.

A ver os cuento un poco como siempre:
Tenemos a dos personajes, Olivia y Jamie. Si ya habéis leído el primer libro de esta saga, sabréis que Jamie es uno de los hermanos de Tessa. Jamie no es lo que parece, todos piensan que es un chico malo, un rebelde que no tiene futuro ni profesión. En cambio Olivia es todo lo opuesto: una profesora de universidad, madura y controlada. Recién divorciada de un marido que le puso los cuernos porque al parecer ella es demasiado aburrida, Olivia quiere divertirse ¿y que mejor manera que hacerlo que con el chico salvaje más conocido, Jamie? Pero Olivia se equivoca con el, igual que todos, y pronto se dará cuenta que hay mucho más en él que podría gustarle demasiado.

Me encantó Jamie, de verdad. Es un osito y un bomboncito todo junto en un paquete de hombre magnífico ❤️ He sufrido por el todo el maldito libro. Si no habéis leído el anterior, Jamie tiene dos hermanos más: una es Tessa, la protagonista del primer libro y el otro es Eric. De Tessa solo tengo una queja y es que es demasiado blanda y neutral. Creo que debería haber apoyado más a Jamie en este caso, parece que solo quería ver lo que a ella le parecía más bonito pero la realidad es que la relación de Jamie y Eric era horrible. Y con horrible me refiero a que Eric era un hijo de puta rastrero. Se pasa TODO el puñetero libro echándole la culpa de todo a Jamie, llamándole inútil y diciéndole que cuando hará algo bien en su vida. Mira, yo por mucho que me enfadase con mi hermano (si lo tuviera claro) JAMÁS EN MI VIDA LE HABLARÍA DE ESA FORMA. No sabéis lo mal que se sentía el pobre Jamie porque creo que esto ya debería rozar el maltrato psicológico aunque suene muy bruto. Pero es que ¿quién puede vivir escuchando toda su vida que no es más que un inútil? ¡Nadie! Pues así es como ha vivido siempre Jamie por culpa de su hermano. Odio a Eric profundamente, me da igual lo que pasase al final y que se intentasen arreglar. NO ME VALE.
En cuanto a Olivia, me sacó un pelin de quicio cuando se obsesionaba con su edad y sus inseguridades. Creo que Jamie siempre le demostró que veía más allá de toda esa mierda y de echo le demostró que la quería más que el maldito acuerdo que hicieron así que me daba mucha rabia cuando le dijo cosas horribles. En este libro todo el mundo parece vivir para decirle cosas horribles a mi pobre Jamie.
Aún así, los momentos en los que Jamie enseñaba a divertirse a Olivia fueron muy bonitos y divertidos, supongo que por esas partes vale mucho la pena la historia.

P.D: Pero sigo enfadada en nombre de Jamie Donovan.
Profile Image for KatLynne.
547 reviews589 followers
May 18, 2012
3.5 Stars Another Hot, fun, sexy read.

This is the story of twenty nine year old Jamie Donovan who's not only gorgeous but oozes charisma and sex appeal. I can easily see why he is such a favorite of all the women, especially when he works the bar wearing his kilt. But beneath all this charm I found a tortured man who is riddled with guilt.

Olivia Bishop, 35 year old university teacher, has recently divorced and is tired of her boring existence. She wants fun and excitement added to her life. I loved this heroine and she is so perfect for Jamie.

I really enjoyed this romance. There is chemistry here and smokin' HOT lovin' along with many laugh out loud moments. I was glad to see Jamie work through some of his problems with brother Eric.

What bothered me in this book is that I did not feel a great love connection between Olivia & Jamie. It was there and stated, but I missed it I guess.

I gotta say I love a sexy man in a kilt! Jamie sure does fit the bill and here are a few images I found. But you must follow this link to my GR friends Auntee & Jae's review for absolutely amazing pics! Just lickable yummy:)





I've added this one as it's one of my faves:)


Profile Image for Splage.
612 reviews386 followers
December 30, 2011
Good read, good story. Jamie is beyond sexy and I loved the older woman/younger man theme. In Dahl style, it is an easy, very hot read.

I didn't feel a huge love connection between Jaime and Olivia or the Donovan siblings connection as a matter a fact. There was a very strong LUST connection though and some good triangles. In the first 2 books (there was also a short story in The Guy Next Store which is a prequel to the third story and oldest sibling, Eric) the stories have a HEA, but they are not complete, overwhelming or as perfect as most of the books I read. Not sure if that is good or bad more of an observation, I hope after the 3rd one, which I am about to start, all their issues are resolved and I feel satisfied with a BIG HEA and the family can give each other a loving group hug.

Profile Image for S.
388 reviews91 followers
May 5, 2015
Now was the time for a sizzling-hot affair with a younger man who make her toes curl with just the sound of his voice.

Olivia Bishop is 35, Jamie Donovan is 29. Olivia is divorced and according to her ex-husband "no fun". I could really see myself in Olivia (but of course I'm a lot of fun xD xD). Jamie is a playboy and a lot of fun, who wants to be taken seriously but no one does. He shows up in her class and sparks fly.

I laughed and cried over this hot little number. With friends and family like Olivia och Jamie you don't need any enemies. Both are told constantly that they can't do it (whatever they try). I really like Victoria Dahl. I mean, she doesn't write the biggest boldest romances but they are sweet hot fun with a little bit of seriousness. They are a little bit like a Disney movie. But way way hotter! Lol!
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
August 18, 2020
Bad Boys Do
4.5 Stars

Jamie is the black sheep in the Donovan family. Determined to change his footloose and fancy-free image and become more responsible, he attends a restaurant start-up course at the local university and feels head-over-heels for the reserved yet sexy instructor, Olivia Bishop. Newly divorced, Olivia has decided to live life to the fullest and have fun while doing so. Jamie is more than eager to fulfill any and all requests.

A delightful feel-good read.

Jamie and Olivia's relationship starts out as "lust at first sight" and their chemistry is off the charts. While Victoria Dahl certainly knows how to write a steamy sex scene, Jamie and Olivia's romance soon develops into more as they both stretch their boundaries and grow as individuals and as a couple. One of the best aspects of the characterization is Olivia's backbone of steel when it comes to dealing with her narcissistic, self-indigent and manipulative ex-husband.

The confrontational dynamics between the Donovan siblings, especially Jamie and Eric, are realistic, and there were moments when it seems that the animosity may ultimately shatter the family. It is clear that older brother Eric really needs to loosen up and it looks like he will meet his match in the final installment - looking forward to it.

Profile Image for Wminbc.
1,135 reviews82 followers
May 14, 2012
My review at

My review was focused on Jamie and his love story with Olivia...but one thing I do need to comment on is the interplay with Eric. Eric did seem so different in his anthology story (The Guy Next Door). In the past two books we have met the 'real' Eric or the 'type' Eric that he feels he need to play. The role of parent and enforcer seemed to grow old in this book and I really wanted Eric to just snap. I cannot wait for him to get it on...and maybe even benefit from some of those "classes" offered a The White Orchid!

Excited for Real Men Will....Eric show us what you got, baby!

Did I mention somewhere that I fell in love with Eric in the anthology The Guy Next Door, well…I am two timing Eric now with his brother Jamie. As the hawt, kilt-wearing, fun-loving, keg tapping younger brother, Jamie is everything that Eric is not. Wild, exuberant, chatty and irresponsible. But as time goes by, Jamie begins to question what he really wants out of life. And, "just being a bartender" is not it. Jamie fights an uphill battle to convince not only his family, but the one woman he has met that he can be more than a party boy.

Jilted but not totally bitter, Olivia picks herself up after her divorce and decides to have a little fun. As she and her friends tip a few over at the Donovan Brewery, she can't help but notice the gorgeous man behind the bar. Truly, you would have to be blind, def and dumb not to notice Jamie and the harem of women that tag along behind him. Olivia is surprised to then see him show up at her work, the local community college. Trust is tough commodity in this book…Olivia must learn to trust her heart and Jamie, while Eric learns to trust his brother to be the grown man he really has become. So many times my heart clenched and ached for Jamie and his frustration over reliving his mistakes of the past.

I was eagerly awaiting Jamie and his shirtless water feature installation, but I got so much more…the loving is hot and abundant, but the HEA is even better! This story only made me want Eric's, Real Men Will, even more. Enjoy!

Profile Image for Aly.
2,712 reviews89 followers
January 27, 2020
Olivia Bishop read the book, took notes and is ready to discuss it with the book club she just joined. But the moment she arrives at Donovan Brewery, she realize it was just an other opportunity for the other women to oggle the sexy bartender and speculate on what's under his kilt.

Not easy for someone like Olivia who have to plan everything and need to stick with said plan. But Jamie Donovan is too charming for his own good and if there's one man that could conquer her much too serious and not enough fun personality, that's him. But at the same time, after being married to a man who was always the center of attention, she's not sure she wants to go out with an other ladies man.

Thanks to youthful behavior, Jamie is seen as the fuckup in the family that take nothing seriously. He and his oldest brother doesn't see eyes to eyes when it comes to his responsibilities at the family brewery they run. Jamie is determined to show his siblings he changed and secretely registered to a Restaurant Development and Management class.

"Holy crap, Miss Straitlaced Olivia was his teacher."

Olivia and Jamie teacher/student relationship worked for me because they're both mature adults. She's older than him (35 to his 29). I love how the author made us see from the start that Jamie is more than a hot body and a pretty face. The chemistry between him and Olivia was hot but it was obvious that it was more than just physical even when they didn't know it themselves.
October 25, 2011
This review was posted at Under The Covers

There aren't many things sexier than a hot young man, with blondish hair, a wicked grin, a sexy mouth, a beer at the ready.... and a kilt! Jamie Donovan is sex on a stick, or as I said before, sex on a kilt with construction boots. He is the bad boy, the black sheep of the family, the "irresponsible" Donovan brother, who works at the brewery as the bartender and public face of the brewery, flirts with anything female, and has a reputation for sleeping around (and being damn good at it!)

But there's a whole other side to him and it was so sweet to see that he is actually looking for recognition, looking to belong and feel comfortable. He loves his family and wants to prove to them that he is not the fuck-up they see him as. But he has a hard time of proving this to his brother! They had a lot of family conflict in this book, which at times was almost too much to read and maybe one of the reasons why this wasn't a 5 star read for me.

Now onto the romance. I'm sooooo happy I was confused and wrong about who was Jamie's HEA. I actually thought he would end up with Monica (from book 1) and I really couldn't see how that would work out, being that she had betrayed his family. But I'm happy to report it's not her! We meet Olivia Bishop when she first goes into the brewery with her book club friends and they are all drooling over Jamie, especially when he bends over with his kilt *sigh* where was I? Oh yeah! So she's divorced, her ex is totally crazy and stalkerish in a way, and she hasn't been able to get back in the dating game.

So when Jamie ends up as her student on one of her college classes about restaurant development and has a proposition for her, she can't refuse. She will help him with his plans for the Brewery and she will get some no strings attached fun!

And let me tell you, Jamie knows how to show a girl a good time! He can melt the panties off ANY girl! I have one complaint though... after all the drooling we get to do over his kilt, the one time they have sex with him wearing it, it's a "fade to black" moment. I feel cheated!!!! LOL

This book was scorching hot, yes more than book one. A LOT of family drama, the investigation into the brewery break-in continues. Jamie has a lot to prove to himself, to his family and to Olivia. But he definitely got to my heart!!!
Profile Image for Bekah.
394 reviews45 followers
September 3, 2011
Oh, what fun Jamie Donovan is! And that is just what Olivia Bishop needs in her life after her jerk of a husband cheats on her. Her divorce has been final for a year and it’s now time to liven up her life just a bit. She joins a book club that meets at Donovan Brothers Brewery to ogle the irresistible kilt-wearing Jamie Donovan. Soon, Jamie and Olivia are in partnership to have a little bit of fun, and it’s not just about drinking beer.

I really am loving this series, and bad bad boy Jamie was so much fun to read about. He’s the black sheep of the family, but there is something about Jamie that just makes you want to hold him and comfort him as if you’re the only woman who could possibly understand him. Unfortunately Olivia is the one who gets that chance. And she deserves it. In fact they both deserve each other, a perfect couple. They complimented each other so well and pushed each other to pursue their dreams. However, in between falling in love, there *was* the fun to be had. Jamie was a perfect instructor for straitlaced Olivia right up to the point until he realizes that he doesn’t want it to be just about fun and games anymore…but something meaningful and long-term.

I loved that he was younger than Olivia and the fact that this didn’t take a prominent place in the story. It was a concern for Olivia, but it wasn’t a glaring neon sign throughout the book. It came up at moments, but they fit nicely and in the end, it wasn’t about whether or not Jamie was mature enough for the relationship, but whether either of them were ready. They worked through their issues and found a way to be completely intimate with one another that had nothing to do with what goes on in the bedroom. It was a sweet and very very sexy read. Victoria Dahl does it again! Pulls you in with her story and characters and makes you reach for a tall glass of ice water all at the same time.

I can't wait to read Eric's story! He's like a time pressure cooker just waiting to explode and I can NOT wait to see the explosion! He's been jerky, and uncompromising and harsh...but now that his brother and sister seem to have their lives together, its finally his time. I've complete trust in Ms. Dahl's ability to show him how to let go of all of that tight tension he's had coiling inside of him for years!

provided by netgalley for review
Find my reviews at page 317.
Profile Image for willaful.
1,155 reviews367 followers
October 9, 2011
I confess, I read the short story and book that start this series mainly so I could work my way towards this one. The premise of the starchy older woman letting her hair down with a younger man just grabbed me somehow. I was happy to get the kind of story I was hoping for -- and even more.

Olivia and Jamie couldn’t seem less alike. Olivia’s a serious, divorced teacher who’s never been with anyone but her husband; Jamie’s a charming bartender who’s never been in a serious relationship, but has been in plenty of frivolous ones. But Jamie and Olivia share a common struggle: they have big dreams, which the important people in their lives have never respected. Both are longing to do something more with their lives.

When they first start seeing each other, Olivia views it as a fling, with mutual benefits: she’ll give Jamie help with his business plan, he’ll help her learn how to enjoy life more. She resolutely refuses to believe that Jamie is actually interested in her, thinking she’s only with him because of his “universal love of women. If it wasn’t for that, she’d never have gotten even a taste, so what was the point of resenting it?” And though Jamie realizes how much their dreams complement each other, Olivia can’t see it... and can’t understand how much she’s hurting him by seeing him as just a charming, attractive guy who can’t be taken seriously.

I didn’t feel much angst from the first book in this series, but though this one also has an adult, believable conflict, it packed much more of an emotional punch. Jamie, especially, has serious pain to work through -- there’s a lot going on behind his charming facade. The character’s relationships with other people are vital to the story: I loved seeing Olivia with her awful ex, how strong and aware she was, while Jamie’s interactions with his critical older brother show his insecurity and vulnerability.

There are steamy love scenes, of course, but I really enjoyed this most for the story and the characters. It has a depth and intelligence really needed in contemporary romance.

(I reviewed this from an e-arc provided by netGalley.)

Profile Image for Nikki.
179 reviews57 followers
October 10, 2011
4.5 stars.

Jamie Donovan you amazingly hot, sensitive, sweet piece of man. Why was he so misunderstood? Why was he always having to pay for past mistakes?

I really, really wanted to throat punch Eric in this because his holier than thou martyr act really bothered me way more than it did in the first book. I guess it was because we got to see more of Jamie as a person and how he was suffering from the prejudices that his own family had of him. Either way he managed to rise above it for the most part and even met the woman of his dreams along the way.

Olivia Bishop, the wallflower 35 yr old divorcee who caught Jamie's eye, was super sweet and had no idea what was about to hit her. I loved the attraction that these two developed for each other and the fact that they took what they could get out of the relationship while they had the opportunity. They understood what they wanted from each other and made it work. Even when it was obvious that they were falling for each other, they still managed to impress me with their lack of melodrama.

I was cheering for Olivia the entire time because, in my opinion, she represented the average everyday woman and still managed to capture the attention of the delicious Jamie. It was realistically portrayed and the sexual tension made for pretty exciting reading. I also feel like they genuinely brought the best out in each other which kept me smiling throughout the whole book.

I guess the only thing I didn't enjoy about this story was Eric and his constant digging at Jamie without provocation. I have a real thing against bullying or people railroading others and Eric was definitely pushing my buttons in that regard. I loved how Olivia was the one responsible for Eric seeing the light, though. It made me love her even more.

This was a fantastic read that had me grinning the entire time I read it. And even though Eric managed to drive me even crazier in this one, I still can't wait to read his story.
Profile Image for Laura.
258 reviews24 followers
August 19, 2011
I loved sexy middle brother Jamie Donovan's story; book 2 in Victoria Dahl's Donovan Brewery series. Jamie is the smoking hot bartender at the family brewery where he's known for occasionally serving in a kilt. YOWZA!! Jamie is a natural people person;friendly and outgoing. It certainly helps the family business that he's easy on the eyes too. He's know for his meaningless relationships and quick hookups. Unfortunately that same reputation has given his older brother, Eric, reason to believe that he cannot handle more responsibility. Underneath the sexy bachelor exterior, lies a guy who really has some inventive ideas and creativity to help his family's business to the next level.
Olivia is recently divorced and is looking for some fun. She never expects to find it in Donovan Brewery. She can't help but notice the hot young bartender, and imagine her surprise when he shows up in her community college class the following day. The two come up with an agreement to help each other and pretty soon, the sparks start flying!!
Once again, this book is full of humor, sweet romance, and scorching chemistry. I loved the pairing of Jamie and Olivia; Jamie the fun-loving bachelor, and Olivia the smart, responsible teacher. It was easy to see why Olivia fell for Jamie, along with every other woman who came into contact with him.
Looking forward to finishing up this series with older brother Eric's book! Four stars!!
Profile Image for Neus Gutiérrez.
1,015 reviews627 followers
September 1, 2020
Es verdad que esta historia no es la mejor que he leído y que comparada con la primera parte, me gustó más esa, éste sería más un 3.75, pero aún así ME HA GUSTADO MUCHO.

Para mí ya lo mejor es que venimos del libro anterior con los personajes ya en tu memoria. Estos 3 hermanos personalmente me gustan mucho. Es verdad que tienen unas discusiones un tanto absurdas y que dan ganas de darles un golpecito para que reaccionen... pero también es la pura verdad que la vida real también es así, y a veces me olvido que la ficción no deja de ser una manera de contar lo que somos los humanos realmente. Y este libro es bastante realista, y eso lo valoro.

En cuanto a la parte romántica... es que son muy cuquis. Me han gustado mucho los dos. Me ha gustado MUCHO, mucho él. Me encantan las escenas de cama que escribe la señora Victoria Dahl y yo ya sólo con eso, pues living mucho. Seamos sinceros. Luego la trama del ex es bastante "típica", lo reconozco, pero es que también me ha parecido realista. A veces yo personalmente también me olvido quie hay cosas que son típicas porque en la vida real pasan... y justo con este libro me acordé de una situación muy similar que he tenido cercana en familia, así que. Punto para Dahl también.

Si queréis una saga de contemporánea cuqui, bonica, sin machismo, sin tonterías, sin grandes dramas, buen sexo, y personajes adorables.. ESTA es vuestra saga. Ni lo dudéis.
Profile Image for Suzie Quint.
Author 11 books149 followers
February 29, 2012
4.5 stars. I haven't reviewed Good Girls Don't because I couldn't put my finger on why I liked it as much as I did, but I think I have it figured out now. It's the Donovan family. Yes, I'm a bit of a sucker for family dynamics. I love how each of the Donovan siblings has a distinct personality and each has their place in the family. Eric is the controlling, responsible older brother, Jamie is the screw-up, and Tessa is the peace-maker. In Good Girls Don't, Tessa forced her brothers to let her slide loose a little from their apron strings, and as Tessa & Luke want to move in together in Bad Boys Do, Tessa's brothers are forced to accept less dominant roles as her protector, but Jamie is really the one who wants to lose his place as the family screw-up. I also loved Olivia's situation--divorced from an arrogant SOB who won't leave her alone. I was delighted when she took Jamie to a faculty party and showed her ex that he wasn't the only one who could attract a younger, sexy partner (That comes early in the story so I don't see it as a spoiler). Too often in romances, I think the authors let the exes off too easy. I was really delighted that I got to see Tessa rub her ex's nose in it a little. (Okay, yes. I'm a vengeful critter. Far more likely to go postal than wallow in tears.) I think this is Ms. Dahl's best series yet.
Profile Image for Angela Carr.
732 reviews82 followers
October 26, 2011
5 Hot Stars

Jamie Donavan our sexy kilt wearing bar tender is not just a pretty face, hot bod behind the bar. Oh no! He has more under that kilt. He's smart, fun, flirtatious and he has BIG.... Dreams. (what else?!) but because he has an irresponsible past, it'll take more for him to prove this to his brother and sis. He will also prove this to Olivia our heroine of this book.
Olivia Bishop, a college professor, recently divorced, is looking to have fun and get out of her "straight laced life". Oh, she'll find it alright, with Jamie Donavan. In the this process of growing up and fun, both H/H learns a few things and best of all finally find thier HEA.

I have to just say this book made me giddy, excited, laugh, arroused, jealous, angry, hurt and cry! And then arroused again!!!! *sigh* There is a jacuzzi scene, bus stop scene, bed and mirror scene and kitchen table scene!!! And all scenes are book mark worthy!!!!
Profile Image for Dee.
1,500 reviews173 followers
November 13, 2011
Having read the first one in the series I knew the family and the set up and I was ready and eager to read this one too. Ms Dahl knows how to write a good story which has some really sizzling hot scenes in them :)

Jamie was the hearthrob of the area and had a reputation as a ladies man and everybody thought they knew him and knew his lifestyle but of course nobody really knew or understood him at all. He loved his family and loved dealing with people but he never really let anyone in until he met Olivia. Olivia is not what is seen to be Jamie's usual type, this story is the typical outgoing Cassanova type man who falls for the typical plaid and quieter lady.

Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews452 followers
May 14, 2015

I didn't expect anything much from this book since I wasn't impressed with the first book in Donovan Brothers Brewery Series. Turned out, it was fun, romantic and so cute that had me hooked from the first chapter. There were colorful characters and the hero and heroine were a perfect fit.

The interesting part was that the heroine was 6 years older than the hero, so their relationship kept me smiling while reading the story.

This book is a real charmer!

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Profile Image for Susan (susayq ~).
2,332 reviews131 followers
March 8, 2012
4.5 stars!

I'm gonna say it again...Victoria Dahl writes some amazing hot love scenes! And the scenes in here with Jamie and Olivia were no exception to that.

Olivia managed to make me mad. She just didn't appreciate Jamie Donovan. Of course she liked him in his kilt (who wouldn't?), but she didn't accept that he wanted a "real" relationship with her. Why not? Because he had a reputation for being a playboy. And honestly, that rep wasn't as true as it was rumored to be. But in the end, they worked out their differences and were together and all is happy in their little world :)
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
September 19, 2012

Cute contemporary romance.

I thought she spent a little too much time worrying about the fact that he was younger. She's 34-35ish and he's 29.
That's not a huge gap in my mind.
I also thought he spent too much time dwelling on his secret from the past.
Still, neither of these things were so overblown that they became truly annoying.
I didn't fall in love with either character, but it was certainly a good way to pass the time.
Profile Image for Miranda Davis.
Author 5 books274 followers
June 24, 2013
Well-written and very proportionate to real life, which may be why I didn't love it as much as many, many others did. Perhaps when the plot involves everyday issues and the characters could be people I know, I want the author's voice or unique perspective to somehow add zest. For instance, Tangled's main characters seem like plausible people to me, given my years in Manhattan, but the author's voice is so unique and so relentlessly, brilliantly funny I was enthralled.
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews727 followers
September 27, 2011
Highlights of the Good Times:


– In book #1 Jamie is presented as a skirt chasing bartender, little more. I was delighted to meet the real Jamie Donovan – he was a sweetheart and I really liked him. I loved that Jamie had a very well thought out and solid plan to add food to the brewery. That he was smart about it, researched, and didn’t shy away from the help offered by a professional (Olivia) in getting a more formal proposal together to present.

– The sexy time. No matter what else is going on in a Victoria Dahl book, you’re getting great sex scenes. The perfect balance of description and heat, and never boring.

– Jamie takes charge. It drove me bonkers in book #1 that Tessa (his sister) was tweeting stuff as if she was Jamie. The sexual harassment that she put him through (not to mention kilt wearing) showed her lack of respect for him, and I was so happy when he gave her a smack down and took charge.

– While I am appalled that the heroine lasted so long with her douche-bag ex, I really liked how she discovers that being “not fun” isn’t her problem – she just forgot who she really is and what she likes independent of her ex. I was glad to see her running with her dreams and cutting loose.


– I was surprised by how warm, fun and just a sweetheart Jamie turns out to be. Although he is set up to be the bad boy with his bed hopping in book one, you know pretty quickly that he really isn’t like that. His flirting in the beginning of the book was so cute. Totally endearing and I really like how his character turned out.

– Gwen, Olivia’s best friend was a big high point in this book for me. Her analysis of Olivia and Jamie’s relationship made me laugh out loud. At some points, I kind of wished she was the heroine.

– While Olivia was not always my favorite heroine, there are moments, especially when Jamie and her first move onto a physical relationship where her character shined more for me. The first sex scene with them in the hot tub (yes, I said hot tub smex) I thought was really well done. And super sexy.

Highlights of the Not so Great:


– The heroine constantly thought of herself as so much older than Jamie. It was a 5-6yr difference (depending on bdays I suppose) – not a big deal. Also she is 35, and having lived a quiet life looks young for her age. So it really got under my nerves that she was always talking about this especially when she had married a much old man when she was very young. She took it past just an age difference, to the point of thinking of Jamie as no more than a college kid for most of the book.

– The lack of interesting plot really was a problem for me. I would have loved to get immersed in the building of Jamie’s new venture or Olivia’s for that matter. To be given something meaty and interesting to consider beyond these two’s obvious sexual compatibility.

– Chemistry and true love. I get that she’s cute and he is a hunk in a kilt. So? I didn’t really get why they were ever that into each other. The relationship. Excuse me, the “arrangement” these two have make their connection weak and shallow, so it was hard for me to buy that they are on their way to romance HEA.

– Tessa & Eric (Jamie’s brother and sister). I actually noted at one point “My god, these siblings HATE each other. Should sell biz and move far away” Their immaturity and lack of respect for each other is dysfunctional to say the least.


– I got sick of Olivia always thinking that she was so much older than Jamie. Hello, 35/29 is nothing! I get that she thinks her maturity level is much greater than his, but the constant reminder that he was “still in diapers” got annoying.

– Tessa’s behavior in this book gave me a headache. Actually, between her behavior and Eric and Jamie constantly fighting, I needed to take Advil. It was too much, and towards the end of the book I dreaded scenes between the three siblings. Enough – we get that you can’t get along. We saw it in book one. Too much in this one.

– I thought the conflict in this one is on the weaker side. Olivia’s ex-husband is on the scene jealous once he discovers she is dating. And then a few vague threats are made – and you don’t know if they are coming from him or someone else. Other than that, the conflict lies just with Olivia’s inability to move the relationship forward. I thought their sex scenes to be heavy and emotional, but then Olivia continuously refuses to admit there that there are any feelings between her and Jamie. That their “relationship” is just for fun. But that sentiment went totally against how they acted toward each other romantically.

Favorite Quotes


“Please tell me he calls you Ms. Bishop while he licks you like a damn lollipop.”

“Do you have a French maid outfit just lying around?”
“No, it’s pressed and neatly folded.” He stood, picking her up as she threw her arms around his neck with a shriek. “Shhh. I’m just trying to liven up this boring sex for you.”

“Ms. Bishop,” he said, a smile spreading across his face like a warm, melting treat. “Thanks for coming.”
Hopefully he’d be repeating that same phrase later.
Final thoughts:

May: While it was a good read, it lacked the humor and laugh out loud moments of the previous book in this series. The characters did not have much of a plot to roam, and I was frustrated or just not liking the story far too often. There was no one huge problem, but rather a collection of hairline fractures that made this book a C grade for me.

Mandi: I really enjoyed Jamie and by the end I liked his HEA with Olivia. I do wish there had been more “oomph” to the conflict in this one. And Olivia got a little tiring with her constant references to her age difference with Jamie. I also think the bickering between the siblings really brought this story down for me. But let me say – at the end of this book, Eric is still a mystery. We don’t learn much about him – and I want to uncover his secrets. I give this a C+.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
9 reviews
May 23, 2018
I would recommend this book with the full backing of every love story I have read. Holy wow! Strong characters! Complicated family drama and sibling relationships perfectly laid out. It’s cliffhangers are great and the women are strong and demand as much as the men! Its beautifully written and I’m sad I’m about to Star the last book of the trilogy! However, I have that satisfaction of finding another fabulous and sophisticated author to get lost in!
Profile Image for Sandy.
79 reviews2 followers
December 21, 2018
I liked a lot of the individual elements of this romance (an older woman paired up with a younger man, an emphasis on personal growth) but for whatever reason the whole book just ended up being in the "it's okay" range for me. Fun but forgettable, I guess.

Also, the book took place in Boulder which was a bit surreal at times. I actually would have appreciated even MORE specificity about what running a brewery in Boulder is like, and about the town as a whole. I would have eaten that up with a spoon, but instead there's a lot of very vague description and conversation about, for example, going to "a restaurant downtown" instead of "let's go to that new farm-to-table place on Pearl Street, you know, the one by Salt that just opened up" or whatever.

Anyway, two stars.
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