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His mark could bind her forever or finally set her free.

"Children of the Undying, Book 1"

Fifty years after a demon apocalypse devastated the world, summoners still bear the bulk of the blame. Marci lives in secret, hiding the gifts that could cost her a secure spot in one of humanity s underground cities, and access to their virtual world. After all, her chances of avoiding the genetic-testing lotto are better than her chances of surviving topside.

The bastard son of a terrifying incubus, lust heats Gabe s blood and sex fuels his magic. Innate charm and charisma help him navigate the cultural gap between the outcast town he calls home and the human settlements he infiltrates for trade. His latest mission nets him an unexpected asset a summoner strong enough to soothe his darkest needs.

Trust a half demon, especially one who uses a lockdown to trap them together? Not in this lifetime. Yet Marci can t resist Gabe s offer to see her safely to a selective outcast settlement where she can live without fear. The journey alone is as dangerous as the way Gabe makes her heart race, but it could be her one hope of a real life.

If only she could be sure Gabe s telling her the whole truth

Warning: Contains a virtual world where humans flee to escape the demon-infested earth, a dangerously seductive half demon with sex magic to burn and a network-hacking summoner brave enough to make herself vulnerable to him. "

87 pages, ebook

First published November 29, 2011

About the author

Moira Rogers

82 books909 followers
How do you make a Moira Rogers? Take a former forensic science and nursing student obsessed with paranormal romance and add a computer programmer with a passion for gritty urban fantasy. Toss in a dash of whimsy and a lot of caffeine, and enjoy with a side of chocolate by the light of the full moon.

By day, Bree and Donna are mild-mannered ladies who reside in the Deep South. At night, when their husbands and children are asleep, they combine forces to unleash the product of their fevered imaginations upon the page.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 49 reviews
Profile Image for Susi.
248 reviews104 followers
December 23, 2011
Demon Bait is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humans live rotted together in small, mostly underground settlements to escape the wraith of the demons. Humans are technologically advanced but all their knowledge about virtual reality won’t save them from the threat that awaits them on the planet. There’s not only demons around- magically talented humans live in the midth of the population, too. But the majority seems to be too scared to admit them into their society. So they have to hide what they are and live with an all-present fear of being discovered and evicted from the life as they know it.

One of these magical humans is Marci. She’s a summoner and spends her life hiding who she truly is. She always blends into the background- too scared to make real friends. She is a programmer in one of the outside settlements- trying to keep her head low to avoid attention. Marci is strong and very smart- life taught her to not be too trusting with just anyone. She keeps her distance out of pure self-preservation. But Gabe seems to be different in her eyes. She can’t really pinpoint why but deep inside she knows he’s a good guy. I loved to see her discovering that there is a different option for her- she doesn’t have to hide for the rest of her life. But can she trust a guy she just met? A man who admittedly has a magical influence on her mind even though he swears not use it?

Gabe is half demon and lives in Rochester, a free settlement where everyone lives together in peace- not only plain humans but also magic users and the spawns of the demons. It’s hard to make so this society work but with the iron fist of Dominic Wetzel, the founder and leader of the outcasts, and a necessary set of rules keep everyone under control. It doesn’t sound like freedom but it’s as near as you can get to it in this world. It’s a micro-society of live and let live. Gabe’s magic calls to Marci and vice versa. He is surprised by his unusual attraction to her. He wasn’t living celebate in the past but this need he feels for her is something completely new.

When Gabe and Marci meet we have this instant attraction but Rogers never keeps it at just that. The romance builds up constantly through the story. I loved to see how both of them felt. Gabe is such a tender and thoughtful character. Don’t get me wrong he still can kick some demon ass real good but he worries about doing everything right. He wants Marci to get the chance she deserves- he needs her to want him because of who he is and not because of the magic that surrounds them both. He does make some mistakes but well we are all just human.

The whole world Rogers created with this first story in their Children of the Undying series is already enthralling. The mix of technology and magic with all the hopelessness of the post apocalyptic time drew me in from page one. It feels like a mix of Matrix and Resident Evil (with demons instead of zombies). The mood is dark but with Rochester as the haven it is gives us something to hope for.

Demon Bait will keep you glued to the pages. I adored the main character and their journey to love. The setting is refreshingly new and will make you crave more. One of the best book I read by Rogers. Highly recommended- you shouldn’t miss this one.

I give Demon Bait 5 stars!
Profile Image for Cc.
1,106 reviews131 followers
January 23, 2020
If you like your series finished, don't start with these authors until you've checked. They got me hooked, and then.....splat. Interesting concept, no follow through. I've noticed that with their Kit Rocha brand as well, Gideons Riders being a prime example.
Profile Image for Dahlia (yadkny).
940 reviews140 followers
November 17, 2011
The world is surrounded in bleakness and chaos as a result of a demon apocalypse, which has left humanity to rebuild underground and through a virtual network. Even so, there are separate factions that exist with peoples thriving under different levels of security and culture.

Gabe's proven his worth in infiltration and blending in with the humans as a half-blood demon. It is on his latest assignment that he encounters a summoner who's magic is too much to resist and everything he needs. When he finds her living under the stressful circumstance of lies or risk exposure, he begins a seduction of the mind and body to get her to agree that moving is for the best. However, he wasn't prepared for his seduction to work on so fast on them both.

Marci is used to living beneath the radar of any unwanted attention. Since finding out she was a summoner, surviving beneath notice has been imperative to her continued existence. That is until an emergency lock-down turns into an unexpected chance at freedom. It seems a little too good to be true, but the intense eyes on the gorgeous stranger who practically begs for her to trust him might just prove to be her ultimate undoing.

I really wanted to connect with this story, but there was plenty that left me confused. Understanding some of the lingo and grasping the various technology-enhanced futuristic scenes was a bit hard to accomplish, but I managed and after a few chapters, the storyline of Gabe and Marci took over. The sex scenes were hot to say the least and the concept of half-blood demons and summoners co-existing was quite interesting as well as the details of when the two combine. Gabe's possessive nature and Marci's independent attitude are a great combination and watching their relationship develop is wonderful.

Intriguing and enjoyable start to Children of the Undying series.

Review soon-to-be posted @ Night Owl Reviews
Profile Image for Jess the Romanceaholic.
1,033 reviews487 followers
March 17, 2012
This is a Quickie Review. For the full review, please visit The Romanceaholic.

Expected Release Date: November 29, 2012
Publisher: Samhain
Imprint: N/A
Author’s Website: http://www.moirarogers.com
My Source for This Book: Gift from the author (Bree)
Part of a Series: Yes, Book 1, Children of the Undying.
Series Best Read In Order: N/A
Steam Level: Hot

Clocking in at only around 100 pages, Demon Bait packs quite a bit of punch for what could be considered a relatively low word count. With a captivating universe where evil demons have taken over and the world’s human population has taken to the underground for protection, much of a person’s life is spent in virtual reality. Having blamed summoners for bringing down the scourge of demons, humans live in fear and prejudice against those who may carry demon or summoner blood.

Marci was wonderful. She was a strong character without being bitchy, and Gabe was alpha while still desperately trying to find a balance between his instincts and actual consideration for Marci.

While I do of course wish there’d been a few more details of both the history of the demon/summoner relationship and of the realities of the world outside of the compounds, I still found this an incredibly satisfying read.

As always, the love scenes are steamy without ever feeling gratuitous, and the ending was absolutely perfect.

A delightfully solid 4.5/5 Stars, and I’m very much looking forward to reading the sequel.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,237 reviews203 followers
October 25, 2011
Oh, Moira Rogers, you had me at "demon apocalypse". I would have been perfectly happy wandering the broken cities and watching our heroes dodge demons but you gave us so much more. You gave us a sexy half demon who tries to do the right thing and somehow goes about it all wrong. You gave us a woman who's spent her whole life hiding who she is and is damn good at keeping in the shadows. You gave us those broken cities with the added bonus of a fall out shelter to hole up in. Bliss!

I really loved the idea of cities that have sprung up underground in a bid to keep the citizens safe. It sounds so claustrophobic and cold. I get the shivers just thinking about it. I also liked that unlike most stories set after an apocalypse (I could also make a point here that this is unlike most stories PERIOD), technology still exists. Virtual Reality is used frequently to both communicate and as a form of recreation. Marci is a programmer who helps maintain the grid that keeps demons out of the cities. I thought it was a refreshing change of pace to have so much technology after such a catastrophic event.

Wrapping technology, magic and the fight for survival up with sex, mutual attraction and a dark need for one another, Demon Bait is like nothing you've ever read before. Edgy and sexy, it's a fabulous introduction to this tangled world that Moira Rogers has created.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Mrs. Badass.
566 reviews227 followers
September 25, 2011
This is a cool and interesting novella world. I look forward to more, and hope they expound on it and create some full length novels so I can learn more.

Fuller review to come.

Profile Image for Nicole.
1,524 reviews176 followers
November 23, 2011
Joint review with E originally posted here: http://thebookpushers.com/2011/11/22/...

Publisher: Samhain
Publish Date: November 29th
How we got this book: eARC from Author

E: I am sure that those who study fiction writing over the ages have theories about what social events and economic standings tend to trigger changes in what types of themes rise and fall. I have a few guesses but I will leave those to the scholars. Being a reader for entertainment’s sake what I notice instead is that as themes rise it becomes more difficult to find a new variation or a different world or a taste of originality. I am pleased to say that the introduction novella DEMON BAIT to Moira Rogers’ Children of the Undying series provided me with all of that. Yes some parts were familiar as in the world as we know it has been destroyed, people are living in small mostly isolated areas protected against the outside and those that are different. However some of the answers to the following questions are what caused DEMON BAIT to stand out: What caused the devastation? What are the differences? What secrets do people hide? What will they do to survive?

MinnChica: I am such a huge fan of post-apocalyptic worlds, and when Moira Rogers announced they were starting a new series with a post-apocalyptic world and magic it was a triple score for me. One of my favorite authors, writing in a setting that integrates two of my favorite sub-genres: post-apocalyptic worlds and magic. I wasn’t sure what to expect going in, but I have to say I was so happy with where Rogers took this book. There was an integration of technology I’ve never seen before, and the book is full of sexy moments and the always fabulous romance I’ve come to expect with these two. I absolutely loved this short story, and can tell this series is going to be incredible!

E: Like you I really enjoyed the blend of world destruction and magic. I have read other series that use a similar blend but it was great seeing this different take. I think my favorite piece of futuristic technology they included was the ability to use glasses to basically plug into the network. I do wonder what this network is made of given the amount of devastation that exists. I also got the feeling that their network was more important to the continuation of society than anyone wanted to admit. I can see all sorts of issues with that if someone ever hacked in with the intent to harm.

MinnChica: I loved the whole network thing. I’m still not one hundred percent sure how it all works, but the concept of it totally kicks ass!! I think that Rogers will probably expand more and more on the network, what it’s capabilities are and all that other stuff as the series goes on. Being that I know both Donna and especially Bree are very computer savvy, I think the possibilities for expanding on this aspect of the world are just exponential. One of the things I also really like is the concept of demons and half-demons and what is good and evil and all that. There are few demon stories that I feel are done well, and this is one series I think will do a fabulous job with that paranormal element.

E: Yes, I enjoyed that concept as well. Like always they have very complete characterization which makes it easy to sink into their world and wonder what is going to happen next as you travel along with them. As I read I had started with a very definite view of good and evil in terms of the good guys and the bad guys but I was reminded that really it is all shades of grey. Not everyone living in a “city” was good and not everyone living outside the “city” was bad. Different areas had different types of rules but they all maintained some sense of society and having to do what was best for most. It is hard to find a portrayal of the ambiguity of good versus evil that doesn’t make me feel like I should feel guilty for rooting for the wrong side so being able to just enjoy the discovery throughout the novella was a real treat. I am really looking forward to learning more about some of the people we were briefly introduced to and how they fit with the rules.

MinnChica: Oh yes, I loved that the more we learned about the world, the more we saw the ins-and-outs of right and wrong, good and evil. Having had a sneak peak at book one – Hammer Down – I can tell you that Rogers dives even deeper into that in future books. LOVE IT! Another thing we have to mention is just how steamy this one was (like all their books really). I loved the whole scene where Marcie and Gabe were in the bunker. The sexy times were super hot, but they also developed so much of their romance during that time as well. Awesome!

E: No we can’t forget about the sexy times! As good as those were I think the most satisfying moment for me was the groveling. Gabe made an error in judgement and he paid for it. He accepted what he had done wrong, made amends, and totally kept his word to Marcie even though he knew he could lose her forever. I haven’t peeked at Hammer Down yet but I am certainly looking forward to it . One thing that hopefully will be included is something about the different punishments besides death that are used to enforce the rules. I know Gabe was punished for disregarding some of the rules but what happened was only hinted. That is the only area that I felt suffered from the shorter word count. Thanks to their deft world-building, complex characterization, and all around engrossing story I have Demon Bait an A-

MinnChica: How could I forget the groveling?! *melt* All in all I LOVED Demon Bait. I thought it was so well done from the romance to the world-building to the overall unique feel of the story. I think that Rogers has another winning series on their hands with this one, and I can’t wait for the series to continue and the world to keep building. I give Demon Bait an A

I got a super early sneak peak at this one, and let me tell you it is awesomesauce wrapped in kick-ass slathered in HAWT!

Rogers blends a unique post-apocalyptic 'matrix' style world with their paranormal prowess to create one of the most intriguing worlds I've ever read.

While the story is only a novella, it packs a huge punch from the first page. Gabe and Marci are smokin' and sizzling left and right, both together and separately.

This is one Moira Rogers read you WON'T want to miss!!
1,122 reviews303 followers
December 10, 2011
3.5 stars

It's fifty years after the demon apocalypse and most people now live in underground cities where they spend a lot of time in a virtual world. Marci is a network technician who lives in fear of being randomly selected for genetic-testing. She's part summoner and if anyone finds out, there will be terrible consequences. No one is aware of her secret except for the sexy and dangerous Gabe.

Gabe is part incubus from an outcast settlement and it's his job to do what he can to find trade for his people. He's sent to Marci's colony and is surprised to find a summoner living among humans. After a lockdown is issued, Marci and Gabe find themselves alone together and Marci can't help be both scared and attracted to him. Gabe wants to prove he is not ruled by the lust but the longer they're together, the more difficult it is to resist her. With a promise from Gabe to see her safely back to his colony where she'll live without fear of punishment, Marci hopes she is making the right decision to trust him with her heart and her life.

Before the fall of cities and the rise of demons that have people taking shelter underground, summoners could call and control a demon. Now the tables have turned and the humans blame summoners. Marci has to hide who she is from everyone or take a chance topside in one of the outcast settlements. In the beginning I thought that Marci was weak for choosing to stay among people who could exile her. But as I read on I realized that Marci was born into a bad situation where her mother instilled the importance of keeping silent and she just thought it was the safer option. It didn't make her weak, it made her a survivor and I admired her for that.

Gabe's arrival throws a wrench into Marci's carefully lived existence. He'd like her to come to his outcast settlement of Rochester where she wouldn't have to hide what she is. Her summoner blood calls to him but it's something more that makes him want to explore things further. Gabe is part incubus and was born after his human mother was held prisoner by demons. He would never force himself on a woman like his father did and when Marci unknowingly uses her powers to draw him in, he sends her away even though it causes him pain. He isn't a perfect hero, which are my favorite kind, but he is loyal and will do anything to give Marci the life she deserves. My only real issue with Gabe and Marci was their relationship. I've come to expect a certain quality in a Moira Rogers' couple and I thought these two kind of fell flat. The sexual chemistry was there but I just wasn't wow'd with the emotional connection. I don't think they made a bad couple it's just they aren't the best that I've come across while reading other books from these authors.

Demon Bait takes place in a post apocalyptic world where half breeds like Marci and Gabe not only have demons to fear but also humans. It's rare places like Rochester they can call home. The settlement's leader, Dominic Wetzel, is strict and punishes those who break the rules or hurt someone. Zel is only in a couple scenes but he has a commanding presence that lingers even after he's left. I'm very interested in learning more about this character and I was very excited to learn that his book, Hammer Down, will be the next release in the series.

I wasn't a big fan of the technology or the virtual world. It just isn't my thing but I see why it would be a necessary escape for those who live in a world like that in Demon Bait. I still ended up enjoying the book and its unique and often scary world that these interesting characters are from. I'd recommend this to someone who likes sci-fi mixed with paranormal romance.
-Stephanie G
January 1, 2012
Originally posted at: http://longandshortreviews.blogspot.c...

Moira Rogers has created a dark and dangerous world, filled with demons and ruined cities.

The demon Armageddon has created chaos in the world. Fifty years later, life is lived in virtual reality, and in underground cities. Summoners, those who aren’t quite human, are being blamed for it all still, all these years later. Marci has been hiding in plain sight, a summoner passing as human in Gold Mills. She is a net tech, working in the virtual reality field.

The authorities have started a genetic testing lottery, searching for those who may be other than human. When a new face shows up, he focuses on Marci. Gabe is handsome and sexy, and there is a side of him that is drawn to Marci: his demon side. Gabe is a halfblood, part demon, part human, but all male. When the system goes down, Marci and Gabe have only seconds to get to a secure area. When Gabe tells Marci about a place where she can live openly, without fear of discovery, she wants to believe him. But she is also worried that, as part demon, he has tricked her. Gabe is determined to save Marci, from the demons and humanity, but can he earn her trust and love without using his gifts? Can Marci accept Gabe and what he offers? Or will she strike out on her own once she is free?

The world for this story is the ruin of Minneapolis, and the underground cities humanity has created to be safe. I love the world, and the characters that inhabit it. There is a sense of urgency and danger around every corner, and the fear of reprisal and attack is very prevalent in this.

Marci is a strong and very intelligent woman. She is a summoner, but has been able to stay under the notice of the city authorities so far. But with the new genetic lottery, she realizes it is just a matter of time before her secret is revealed. She is willing to keep the status quo, until Gabe enters her life and turns it all upside down. I like Marci, and her determination to live her life her way once she is offered the opportunity.

Gabe is hot and sexy, and definitely nothing that Marci has seen before. He is determined to keep her safe, and not influence her decisions where he is concerned. But he forgets to be completely honest with her, and this could end up working to his disadvantage in the future. I liked Gabe, and his attempts to not use his demon magic to bind Marci to him. He is determined to allow her free will, and the ability to make her own choices, even if they don’t include him in her future.

This is a very interesting start to Moira Rogers’ newest series, and there is a lot of world building in it. I enjoyed meeting the people who inhabit this world, and look forward to meeting more of them as the series progresses. The secondary characters are all well crafted, but Marci and Gabe are the stars in this one. There is a bit of danger, a harrowing escape, and lots of steamy romance in this, and there is a happy ever after for Gabe and Marci after a few tense moments. I recommend this to anyone who likes romance with an edge.

Profile Image for Lillie.
259 reviews41 followers
December 16, 2011
See the full review at: Read My Mind

My Review:
Honest truth, I have never read a Moira Rogers novella or novel that I didn’t like. So, right off, DEMON BAIT is not going to be the exception. In fact, I would say with DEMON BAIT, Rogers has really stepped up her game. I love science-fiction and cyber fiction and romance. Rogers has combined all of these in this latest novella.

Though the page count is short and the pace is quick, I didn’t feel as if anything was missing from the plot. This is one of Rogers’ greatest strengths. The duo that writes under the pseudonym knows how to pull together a tight plot and make every word germane to the story. Their world-building is nominal; no long passages explaining the set-up of the world. No exposition that shifts the focus of the plot. No external characters that just serve to show that this is a fantasy world. That’s what I love, truly. The fact that Rogers can pull me into their world and their story that quickly and make the journey believable, no matter how short the novella may be.

DEMON BAIT does take a turn from their usual fare. The two other main series that Rogers writes deal with vampires and werewolves, shapeshifters and witches (oh my!). But, lately the author has been stretching into other genres, and even mixing and matching sub-genres that might have never been combined before. I would say that DEMON BAIT would appeal to readers that like science-fiction, or post-apocalyptic plotlines. Even readers who have read other work by Rogers outside of just the SOUTHERN ARCANA series, or the RED ROCK PASS series would probably really enjoy it.

The awesome writing and stunning tension that marks all of their work is present here, but DEMON BAIT might not strike the same interest if you do not have any interest in cyber or science-fiction based books. For me, it was one of their best, and I look forward to snapping up further books in this series, as well as anything else Moira Rogers authors.

5/5 for plot
5/5 for characters
4.5/5 for language

My Rating: 14.5/15 (5 stars) Must Read

Find the author at:
Website | Blog | Twitter (Bree) | Twitter (Donna) | GoodReads | Facebook
Profile Image for Ally.
916 reviews76 followers
January 3, 2012
Fifty years after a demon apocalypse devastated the world, summoners still bear the bulk of the blame. Marci lives in secret, hiding the gifts that could cost her a secure spot in one of humanity’s underground cities, and access to their virtual world. After all, her chances of avoiding the genetic-testing lotto are better than her chances of surviving topside.
The bastard son of a terrifying incubus, lust heats Gabe’s blood and sex fuels his magic. Innate charm and charisma help him navigate the cultural gap between the outcast town he calls home and the human settlements he infiltrates for trade. His latest mission nets him an unexpected asset–a summoner strong enough to soothe his darkest needs.
Trust a half demon, especially one who uses a lockdown to trap them together? Not in this lifetime. Yet Marci can’t resist Gabe’s offer to see her safely to a selective outcast settlement where she can live without fear. The journey alone is as dangerous as the way Gabe makes her heart race, but it could be her one hope of a real life. If only she could be sure Gabe’s telling her the whole truth.

Demon Bait is a novella and the first instalment of the Children of the Undying series. Demon Bait pretty much blew me away, it’s a great short story set in a new interesting world that absorbed me from the first paragraph. A demon apocalypse has changed the world that we once new and humans have to live underground to survive from demons that suck the life from you.
Marci is keeping a terrible secret that when humans find out she’ll be used as bait to keep the demons happy. Instead of the humans Marci works for finding out what she is, Gabe realises first and becomes determined to make her his, using the lockdown as an excuse to keep her with him.
Marci is a great character that I really enjoyed reading about, she’s feisty and trying to stay positive in this new world where she knows eventually she’ll be found out and has to forfeit her live but is willing to risk it to stay safe for as long as possible. Gabe is an outcast living outside the commune from the humans with others like him, trying to survive and living with the fact that there is more to them than their human half. Gabe was a pretty interesting character, I really wasn’t sure what to expect from him because as Moira Rogers has stated on her blog that this is something new for them and they’re not going into their normal terrority of wolves and other paranormal type’s. But I was happily surprised with how much I liked Gabe and rooted for him through the novella. I really enjoyed Demon Bait and can’t wait to review Hammer Down the first full length novel by Moira Rogers which will be the second book in the series.
Profile Image for Cecile.
208 reviews16 followers
December 24, 2011
I was given this book for my honest thoughts, so let's get started shall we....

This is kinda a short story... And if you know me, you know the drill. I do not judge books bases on size of the story...

Ms. Moira is a very talented author and she is one of my favorites. So, when I was asked to review Demon Bait, I was excited... but then...I noticed it was on the side of Sci-Fi and that is not my particularly favorite genre... But, I knew that as far as my reading has gone so far, Ms. Moira has NOT disappointed me... So, I knew I had to read this no matter what. I will start off my saying that Ms. Moira can make me want to escape into her world any day of the week! She is just that great.

Now that I have said that this is Sci-Fi, I will tell you that this is a great book. It is not so Sci-Fi that you will get lost in the world of which you read. It will also not bore you to death. This is an interesting and very intriguing story...

Things sometimes are not what they appear to be and you will find out that "people" are not always what they say they are. Marci lives in a world where she has to pretend or at least blend in with the humans in order to survive... But she is not quite human... She has the blood of a summoners running within her body. And in her world it is getting more difficult by the day to blend in with the humans... But when one man shows up and offers her salvation... Does she accept it knowing that the life she knows will change forever... Or does she stay where she is and live on borrowed time. But when Gabe shows up and offers her the freedom she has always sought after, does she take him up on the offer or tell him to take a hike!

Gabe recognizes what Marci is right off the bat and the magic that lives within him stirs.... The basic need to protect her at all cost may eventually cost him the one thing that his soul has wanted... A woman who is worth fighting for.

This truly is a great story between two people who eventually have to decide if what they feel is real or magic... If you want to find out what happen to Marci and Gabe, you will just have to pick up the book! Because believe me, their little journey is worth the read! I hope you enjoy! And I can't wait for book two to come out! I would love to see more of Trip! =)

Profile Image for Pamela / SpazP.
617 reviews119 followers
May 22, 2012
Moira Rogers whisks us away into a futuristic world with Demon Bait, the first book in their Children of the Undying series and quite a powerful ride! I don't typically read this genre much, but was curious, because hey, it's Moira Rogers, y'all! In this post-apocalyptic story, the humans have banded together underground and through virtual networks, and demons walk the earth and dominate it.

Marci is a human summoner who is smart and savvy and working as a network programmer. Before the Fall, the summoners had all the power with the ability to control demons by calling them from wherever they resided. After the Fall, demons have taken over the earth and the power has shifted to them now. As a halfblood, Gabe is part-demon and he immediately identifies Marci for what she is. While visiting Marci's outpost on a trade mission, he feels the pull to her immediately, and wants to mark her the moment he steps in to the network station. There is a demon attack on the mill, and their station goes in to lockdown, leaving Marci and Gabe physically trapped together. Gabe makes it his mission to convince Marci to go with him to Rochester, where he claims halfbloods like them are openly accepted and respected.

I really enjoyed the premise of Demon Bait, it had a very Matrix-y feel to it, but with demons. I also liked that there wasn't any hard-to get going on in the romance department. Gabe makes his case for why Marci needs to leave with him, Marci readily believes it (which is well-explained), and we move along with the story. The sexual tension was immediate and it led to both characters not fighting the attraction. That led to smoking hot smex. I really liked the couple, as well.

She rose and licked her lips. “I left,” she told him carefully. “I left the mill, and my life isn’t over. That wasn’t it.”
“Not in the least,” he agreed. “Your life’s just getting started.”

If you are looking for a longer read, this is a novella, but don't judge it by its size (ahem). This story is super dense with action and is pretty fast-paced. Demon Bait is thoroughly enjoyable and it will leave you wanting more. Fortunately, the next book is a full-length novel Hammer Down, and I am reading it next!
Originally posted at WickedLilPixie Reviews
Profile Image for Saritza.
611 reviews57 followers
December 6, 2011
Felt like pieces of the backstory and world building were cut off or should just be understood by the reader from the book blurb. Problem is I didn't read the book blurb until the end because book is formatted to have it at end or via TOC. Book opens in Kindle app on first page of chapter so I just started reading then felt a bit lost.

Summary: His mark could bind her forever—or finally set her free.

Children of the Undying, Book 1

Fifty years after a demon apocalypse devastated the world, summoners still bear the bulk of the blame. Marci lives in secret, hiding the gifts that could cost her a secure spot in one of humanity’s underground cities, and access to their virtual world. After all, her chances of avoiding the genetic-testing lotto are better than her chances of surviving topside.

The bastard son of a terrifying incubus, lust heats Gabe’s blood and sex fuels his magic. Innate charm and charisma help him navigate the cultural gap between the outcast town he calls home and the human settlements he infiltrates for trade. His latest mission nets him an unexpected asset—a summoner strong enough to soothe his darkest needs.

Trust a half demon, especially one who uses a lockdown to trap them together? Not in this lifetime. Yet Marci can’t resist Gabe’s offer to see her safely to a selective outcast settlement where she can live without fear. The journey alone is as dangerous as the way Gabe makes her heart race, but it could be her one hope of a real life.

If only she could be sure Gabe’s telling her the whole truth…

Warning: Contains a virtual world where humans flee to escape the demon-infested earth, a dangerously seductive half demon with sex magic to burn and a network-hacking summoner brave enough to make herself vulnerable to him.

What I liked about this book: Love the characterization and I know I can't do wrong with a Moira Rogers book which is why they're auto-buys for me. Just wished this one had been a bit more fleshed out. I AM looking forward to the next in the series though.
Profile Image for CaroleDee.
158 reviews16 followers
February 25, 2012
3.5 Stars

Post apocalyptic, sci-fi, paranormal romance? Yeah, it's a mouthful. While cruising around goodreads I was drawn to this novella with its promises of a sexy half demon and an adventure, and am I glad it delivered.

Marci is a summoner, a descendant of the people who held the power to summon demons. In their shallow grasps of power they unleash demons they can't control that cause widespread death and destruction. All summoners are blamed, even those like Marci that had no part in the original outbreak (sins of the father and all that jazz). Which leaves Marci hiding in plane sight in one of the underground human strongholds. If she's discovered through any of the random DNA tests they will throw her top-side to the mercy of the demons.

Gabe is a half-demon who gathers supplies for the open community where he lives. Humans, summoners, and half-demons all co-exist happily in Rochester (thanks to some strict rules enforced by a pretty scary guy.) While making a supply run at the facility where Marci works all hell breaks lose and the security network that defends against the demons goes down. They find themselves in lock down together and things start to heat up. But can Gabe talk Marci into staying with him?

The beginning was a bit difficult to get into. I was thrown into a post apocalyptic world without much explanation of how things became so messed up. Thankfully, things were explained pretty quickly and I started to really get into the story. I felt for Marci. She's had to live her entire life blending into the background because of her genetics. Gabe's character is constantly warring with his two natures. His demon side is telling him to use all of his powers to make Marci his, but his human side knows that it would kill any kind of relationship he could have with her. I don't want to give too much away, so I'll just say that I enjoyed Demon Bait and now, that I fully understand the "new world", I look forward to reading the second in the series, Hammer Down.

Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
November 6, 2011
Posted on Under the Covers

At the words “Demon Apocalypse” I knew I’d be interested in reading Moira Rogers’s first book in the Children of the Undying series. Marci is a summoner, a smart and independent woman who has gifts far beyond comprehension. Unfortunately, living in one of the underground cities, she is vulnerable and her powers are muted. But what other option does she have? It’s better than living topside.

Enter Gabe - a half-demon who has got some serious charm. When Gabe offers Marci the chance to see to her safety and escape to a settlement where she can no longer live in fear of being found out, Marci wonders if she can trust Gabe with her life.
And her heart.

I really enjoyed Marci’s character. She’s a smart techie and isn’t one to jump into things without careful deliberation. But even a smart gal like Marci can’t resist Gabe’s offer. She may be safe from demons but if she stays where she is, blending into the background, is she really living?

Gabe and Marci have chemistry that is combustible! Rogers does a great job of turning up the heat in slow degrees until Marci can’t help herself and she turns to butter. I don’t blame her.

Meanwhile, Gabe is great in that he gives Marci the ability to choose. He respects her, gives her time and doesn’t manipulate her into wanting what he wants. Instead, he allows her to choose her fate, picking a path she desires.

For a novella, the worldbuilding is pretty impressive. Already I’m itching for the next dose of this series. Even if you’re not into sci-fi all that much, there’s enough paranormal romance to keep you reading until the very last page.

*ARC provided by author
Profile Image for Brenda.
510 reviews27 followers
October 21, 2011
I won an ARC of Demon Bait, and finished it last night at 1 a.m. I will start out saying I'm a fangirl of Moira Rogers and their shifter stories. I buy them automatically as soon as they come out. Reading about Demon Bait beforehand I was fascinated and a bit apprehensive. Would I love it as much as their other stories? I need not have worried because it was amazing.

How to describe Demon Bait? It's sci fi, post-apocalyptic, paranormal romance. It's about freedom, facing fears, being true to yourself and trust. The world in Demon Bait is complex, but not overwhelming. It's a story that satisfied my inner sci fi geek girl, while giving me steamy romance and amazing sexual tension.

Marci, the heroine, is a techie who hides her inner magic, making herself blend into the woodwork as much as possible in order to stay underground where she's safe from the demons that lurk above ground waiting to kill and control humans. She may be physically safe underground but is she truly living? She can experience life in her society's virtual world where sex is safe and nothing can hurt you, but is that enough?

Gabe, our hero is half demon and he oozes sexuality even when he tries to control it. He immediately latches on to what Marci is hiding, and craves her magic. He holds back, trying to give her choices, but is afraid to trust she will do what he needs her to without manipulation.

The chemistry between Marci and Gabe is explosive, but it's the deeper issues that kept me reading until early morning. I will be reading it again very soon and buying the second book in the series the day it releases.

Profile Image for Rhianna.
459 reviews93 followers
November 29, 2011
I need Hammer Down to be out now!

I generally prefer to give a short rundown of my perception of the plot when I write my reviews but the blurb for this one does a great job of it. Once again the duo that writes as Moira Rogers have built an interesting and exciting world to send their characters out into. Post-Apocalyptic tales are hot right now and the Children of the Undying is one I've been looking forward to for a while.

What didn't work for me this time was the length. It really didn't give me, personally, enough answers to the world building things I was confused about. So while I was supposed to be focusing on Marci and Gabe I often ended up sidetracked trying to figure out how it all was supposed to work. Struggling through that I ended up not feeling the attachment or care for either character I'd hoped. It's happened before and is one reason I don't usually like novellas as series openers with an occasional exception such as Rogers' WILDER'S MATE. The sexual tension is a yummy contrast to the danger element though I didn't find it enough to win me over.

While I couldn't love DEMON BAIT as a whole the set-up for the series is very promising. Looking for another post-apocalyptic romance? You might want to wait until the next in the series is available and read them back to back so you don't suffer from question overload like I am! lol If you're already a fan of Rogers you should definitely pick this up. The formula of Alpha hero and strong but still a little vulnerable heroine Rogers does so well is sure to appeal!

**ARC received via author.
Profile Image for Julia.
2,516 reviews69 followers
February 28, 2012
In DEMON BAIT Moira Rogers has created a magically charged dystopian landscape with just the right amounts of action, world building, and romance. As much as I enjoyed the back and forth of the staring couple, the pacing of this book should share top billing. I never felt left behind, and even better, I never felt bored with drama or politics. It doesn't hurt that the chemistry between Gabe and Marci is spot on, despite some of the less popular romance tropes rearing their heads (its-for-your-own-good, you-can't-resist-me). Rogers employees a deft touch, which drew me in and left me wanting more. The community of Rochester has freedoms and passions that seem to have all but disappeared from the rest of the human landscape, reminiscent of the dynamic in Nalini Singh's Psy/Changling series. Not that Marci has been emotionally neutered, just that the life for people in mainstream communities has been... sanitized. The frontier of Rochester is a last bastion of romance and freedom, one that I look forward to visiting again.

Full review to follow.

Profile Image for Carien.
1,273 reviews29 followers
November 21, 2011
This is a very enjoyable romance set in an awesomely cool post-apocalyptic world.

The underground city where Marci lives is intriguing, claustrophobic and utterly cool. I will confess I was a bit disappointed when Marci and Gabe left this city, because I wanted to know more about it, but then they came topside and I forgot all about the city as there were so many new cool things to learn more about.

The romantic tension between Gabe and Marci is well written and believable. I liked Marci from the start and wanted her to not only find a better place to live, but to find love and her place in life. Gabe too is someone I could relate with and I cheered him and Marci on to reach their happy end.

I will most certainly read the next book in this series and I hope there will be many more books after that one, because I want to read lots and lots more about this cool post-apocalyptic world and the creatures that inhabit it.
Profile Image for PepperP0t .
4,736 reviews82 followers
November 14, 2011
Won an ARC of this and its a keeper.

This novella is a very sexy, intriguing and descriptive entrance to a post-apocalyptic paranormal world. In this series openener we're introduced to a ravaged world that has demon's, half-bloods and some humans living above-ground while "pure" humans and those that can get away with it live underground in a virtual world. Half-blood Gabe meets (demon) summoner Marci while on a theoretical trade mission. Circumstances lead Marci to accompany Gabe to his above ground world which is different from anything she has ever really imagined or experienced. Gabe's charm and strength are palpable & Marci's independence and intelligence are believable. They are good characters together or apart.

This is a story that has you enjoying it before you realize it. It can certainly be read in one sitting.
Profile Image for Beverly.
357 reviews
March 7, 2012
My thoughts:
I have to start this review with a quick disclaimer - I LOVE EVERYTHING these women write! Having said that...
Once again I found myself reading about an incredibly strong woman and the ultimate badboy/goodman destined to be together, but struggling to stay apart.

Things I enjoyed about this story: characters, the setting, the storyline, the ending
Things I wish had been different about this story: length and backstory

The characters are wonderful and I was thrilled that it was set in Minnesota because that is where I live, but I was left with some holes that more backstory could have filled and would have happily read at least another hundred pages (or more) about Gabe and Marci.
All-in-all, another fantastic installment from these clever wordsmiths - well worth the read.
Profile Image for Ceola.
1,159 reviews
November 3, 2011
A nice intro to the series. It set up two characters-GABE AND MARCELLA(MARCI) Marci is a summoner, it is believed by some that it was the summoners who bought about the apocalypse. So Marci is in hiding amoung the humans, hiding from them and the demons who can sense her heritage. She knows it's only a matter of time before she is found by both. Gabe stumbles across her in his search for additional trading outposts. He knows what she is. And so begins the journey. Don't want to give too much away. It's a short novella
I just want to throw out ROCHESTER YEAH IM LIKING' IT.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bookwormgirl.
139 reviews7 followers
January 5, 2012
This is the second Moria Rodgers book I've read and this one I liked.

The world building in this short story is well done and the pacing is good. This is a good intro to the post-apocalyptic demon run world that Moira Rodgers created. In this instance I liked the secondary characters more (the ones the full length novels will be about) I did like Gabe (idiot that he was) sometimes, other times I felt like I never really got invested in the romance between the two MC.

Overall, a good erotic paranormal novella (short story for everyone outside the publishing house marketing dept.) that served as a good intro to the series. I will be reading the next in the series.
Profile Image for SaturNalia.
1,210 reviews47 followers
December 31, 2016
Marci is a summoner who can bind demons, but she is in hiding among a human settlement. Gabe is half human and half incubus, whoo finds Marci by accident while he is trading with the humans. After a demon attack they are locked together in an underground shelter. Gabe wants to bind Marci to him and take her to Rochester, where humans and half demons live peacefully. I liked the characters, Marci was strong and didn't need saving, and Gabe was protective and kind. I liked their relationship, even though it was built on half truths. The world was interesting, a post apocalyptic world overrun with demons. It was too short to get a true feel for the characters and the world.
Profile Image for Erin.
244 reviews18 followers
January 14, 2012
A very fast and enjoyable read. I liked the gritty, post apocalyptic world that Moira Rogers created. I liked how this world meshed with new tech but also with paranormal aspects with the demon threat. I liked Marci's character and thought her romance with Gabe was believable. At first I thought that Gabe's character would be too rough around the edges, but his motives and even lies all served a greater good purpose. I liked this novella and definitely will be reading the next installment.

I read the Kindle version and did not find any formatting or editing discrepancies.
Profile Image for Jackie.
3,883 reviews124 followers
April 24, 2012
Short but packing the punch of a much longer narrative. Demons, post apocalypse, romance, smoking hot sex and this new series is off and going strong! Already engrossed in Hammer Down and even in the first few pages my pulse is racing with adrenaline from the tension in the story, as usual am totally enjoying author Moira Rogers creative writing style.
Profile Image for  Thea™.
3,661 reviews12 followers
April 27, 2016
I wouldn't have picked out this book myself… for a challenge I needed to read an angel/demon book and this one was deliciously short. (-: BUT... I had nooo idea what and where the author was talking about? Virtual reality-like worlds, incubuses, half demons, summoners… snapte er écht geen réét van! Probably because I don't like this genre?! Anyway... half of what I've read I didn’t really make sense. However... the interaction between Gabe and Marci was great and made this book somewhat entertaining. Highly unlikely I'll ever read another book in this series. ;-)
Profile Image for Sassafrass.
3,160 reviews103 followers
January 18, 2012
I thought that the premise of this story was really interesting. I had to reread a few lines in the beginning because I was a bit confused with what was real world and what was virtual world, but I got more used to it as the story went on.

I loved Gabe, Marci was ok. I thought the secondary characters were also very interesting, so I hope to see more of them.

Overall, it was enjoyable for me, and I definitely plan on reading the next one in the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 49 reviews

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