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Midnight #2

Memories of Midnight

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In THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT, they played the ultimate game of love, lust, and death.

Now, in MEMORIES OF MIDNIGHT, the survivors meet to play one last time...

Shadowed by tragedy and burdened by amnesia, a beautiful woman desperately tries to return to reality. She is Catherine Douglas, destined to once again challenge the cruel, charismatic power of Constantin Demiris, the Greek shipping tycoon who murdered Catherine's husband. Now, in the glittering capitals and carefree playgrounds of post-war Europe, Demiris sets his deadly sights on Catherine -- and the single, treacherous secret whose shattering truth is known to her alone...

404 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1990

About the author

Sidney Sheldon

341 books8,203 followers
Sidney Sheldon (1917-2007) was an American writer who won awards in three careers—a Broadway playwright, a Hollywood TV and movie screenwriter, and a best-selling novelist.

His TV works spanned a twenty-year period during which he created I Dream of Jeannie (1965-70), Hart to Hart (1979-84), and The Patty Duke Show (1963-66), but it was not until after he turned 50 and began writing best-selling novels such as Master of the Game (1982), The Other Side of Midnight (1973) and Rage of Angels (1980) that he became most famous.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 609 reviews
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
January 31, 2019
Memories of Midnight (Midnight #2), Sidney Sheldon
Memories of Midnight, sometimes known as The Other Side of Midnight (Book 2), is a 1990 novel by Sidney Sheldon. The plot of Memories of Midnight takes off from the ending of The Other Side of Midnight, where Catherine Douglas is recovering in a convent. The world except Constantin Demiris, known as Costa, thinks that Catherine has been killed by her husband, Larry Douglas, and his mistress, Noelle Page. But Catherine wants to discover herself and know who she is. The only thing she knows is that her name is Catherine Alexander. She requests to see the world outside the convent to reveal her past. This request is granted by the Sister of the convent, but only after getting the approval from their multimillionaire mentor, Constantin Demiris. ...
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز هفتم ماه ژانویه سال 1997 میلادی
عنوان: خاطرات نیمه شب؛ نویسنده: سیدنی شلدون؛ مترجم: کاوه رحیمیان؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، درسا، 1376، در 468 ص، شابک: 9646104118 موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان آمریکایی - سده 20 م
این کتاب دنباله ی کتابی از همین نویسنده با عنوان: «آنسوی نیمه شب» است. در کتاب: «آنسوی نیمه شب»، آنها بازی دلنشین عشق و مرگ را، به پایان رساندند. و اکنون، در «خاطرات نیمه شب»، نجات یافتگان، بار دیگر از یکدیگر دیدار میکنند، تا برای آخرین بار، به بازی مرگبار ادامه دهند… در زیر سایه ی فشارِ غم از ناشناخته ها، زنی زیبا، با ناامیدی تلاش میکند، تا از فراموشی بازگردد. این زن، «کاترین داگلاس» است که بار دیگر، دست سرنوشت، او را به مبارزه با «کنستانتین دیمیرس» خونخوار و بیرحم، برمیگزیند. «کنستانتین دیمیرس» یک یونانی از تبار کشتیرانهاست، که همسر «کاترین» را به قتل رسانده، و اکنون قصد جان وی را دارد. او که در اروپای رها شده از جنگ میچرخد، علائمی مرگبار به سوی کاترین میفرستد، چون تنها کسیکه از راز خیانتهای او آگاهی دارد، کاترین است. و ... ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Carlos.
127 reviews109 followers
May 27, 2024
El primer libro estuvo buenísimo con todo el drama que hubo. Usualmente cuando es una saga o más de una parte, la primera parte (o primer libro) siempre es el mejor y los siguientes ya no lo son tanto. Sin embargo, en mi opinión esta segunda parte estuvo casi tan buena como la primera. Me gusta mucho como Sheldon describe y caracteriza a los personajes. Demiris es un villano que me gusta, y me gusta también cuando se describe la vida de los villanos y por qué hacen lo que hacen. En esta segunda parte se describió más el pasado de Demiris y el por qué es como es.
Le pongo 4 estrellas y no 5 solamente porque el final no me satisfizo lo suficiente. Creo que todo pasó demasiado rápido, mientras que 3/4 de la historia se planeó todo, solo tomó unas pocas páginas para ejecutar todo. De tdas formas, muy recomendable lectura. Leeré más de Sidney Sheldon!
Profile Image for Susan's Reviews.
1,163 reviews658 followers
July 11, 2019
Sequels are usually tamer than the first book. This one was still a good read, but was probably a sop to those of us who felt a bit cheated at poor Catherine's fate. I think we all wanted a bit more for her.
Profile Image for Anushka.
299 reviews335 followers
June 19, 2013
What a painful read this has been!
Everything from the plot to the writing was utterly banal. This book didn't manage to quirk my interest at any point. The whole thing to me seemed blatantly stupid, to be honest.
Characters, along with being hackneyed were also completely unrealistic. Especially, Constantin Dimires who was most ludicrous of all.
I've read 2 Sidney Sheldon books before this and one thing that I've found to be consistent in his novels is the dreadful writing. The language, as always, was extremely appalling and the plot even more asinine.
After this book, I seem to have developed a strong aversion to Sheldon's books, for good.
Profile Image for Jeremy Bates.
Author 48 books1,577 followers
July 4, 2012
Memories of Midnight (1990) is a sequel to The Other Side of Midnight (1973), what many people consider to be one of his best novels. Memories, however, holds its own mixing revenge, greed, justice, and romance.

I think it's a sign of a good book if, after some ten odd years, you can read it again and remember nearly all of the characters. That's what this one was like for me.

Demiris, the vengeful Greek billionaire; Chotas, the brilliant lawyer; and Catherine, the amnesic who just wants to fall in love (the weakest character of the bunch, imo).

Nevertheless, Sheldon is a master of plot. In fact I don't know anyone who writes as breezy as he does (a good thing), while throwing in as many twists and turns.

I think part of James Patterson's success is due to his incredibly short chapters. Like them or not, it just makes you feel like you're flipping the pages faster (and you are because of all the white space!) Similarly, part of Sheldon's success I think is due not to short chapters but his short paragraphs. Anywhere he can fit in a break (#) he does. It's a good technique to keep things moving, and it allows him to jump all over the place and get inside everyone's head seemingly without effort.

More than any of Sydney Sheldon’s novels, Memories of Midnight shows that the author comes from the movie and television script writing with its short scenes and generic descriptions of people and settings.

The late Sydney Sheldon was the author of eighteen bestselling novels. He wrote more than 200 television scripts and twenty-five movie scripts and six Broadway scripts. He started writing novels at the age of fifty.

Highly recommended.

Profile Image for Bren fall in love with the sea..
1,759 reviews372 followers
July 21, 2019
Sorry Sheldon. Sorry sorry sorry sorry.

It feels awful giving one of my favorite writer's books a two star rating. And this is not the only one of his books where I have done that but nine times out of ten I love his books. It is just that he has so many it is inevitable there will be one or two I will not like.

But this is the one that let me down the most.

Why? because it is part two of his masterpiece (one of his masterpieces) "The other side of midnight". That was not a book that, in my opinion ever needed a part two. But once I heard there WAS a part two I could not wait.

But as with most sequels It was a let down.

None of the characters in book two who were in book one seemed to be the same person. They really didn't.

But most of all was the issues with Constantine Demires.


Constantine Demires was one of the most fascinating characters ever created. He was like Kaiser Soze meets Tony Soprano meets a nasty version of Batman. The master manipulator and a charismatic but mysterious and impossible to understand thunder bolt.

Not in part two! Here he is literally a different person, the usual bumbling but dangerous villain. I could not believe it. In fact I was so upset that I prefer to pretend I did not read this at all. (sorry but..)

Part of the allure..actually all of it..with Demires is his crackling intensity and utter brilliance but he is not dangerous unless you wrong him. Now in book two he is just a frantic killer and still obsessed with Noelle Page. Never! Not the Demires from book one. I was thinking:what on earth has HAPPENED to him?

And Catherine? She just wakes up and doesn't tell anyone what happened to her? There was no reality to it. I also did not buy her love for the therapist. This was a woman who literally went crazy because of Larry. No way would she have been this..for lack of a better word..normal after all that happened.

And the lawyers have done a good lawyer/bad lawyer role reversal. I felt bad. I felt like the book was phoned in. And I say that with so much love for the first book.

If you are a fan of book one..or at least a mega fan..you maybe let down by this. I don't know. It is hard NOT to recommend a Sheldon book as I love his literature so fiercely. Decide for yourself.
Profile Image for The Girl with the Sagittarius Tattoo.
2,583 reviews355 followers
July 31, 2022
Extremely soapy... I would have liked this much more if the entire premise wasn't so flimsy.

CAUTION: The Other Side of Midnight SPOILERS BELOW.

In retrospect, this would have been 100% better if Catherine Alexander had either been killed or permanently an amnesiac at the end of the first book, The Other Side of Midnight. This sequel follows the secondary antagonist from the first novel, Costa Demiris, as he pursues a rather circuitous journey of revenge against Noelle Page and Larry Douglas - the two people he killed via scheming in the first novel, by taking his fury out on Catherine.


Catherine awakens in a convent. Over time, her nightmares seem to reveal clues to her mysterious, pre-amnesia past. The Mother Superior reaches out to Catherine's benefactor to inform him that she wishes to leave and investigate her past. He meets with Catherine and reveals she was married to his former pilot, Larry Douglas. Out of a sense of obligation to his employee, Costa has been anonymously providing for her room, board and medical expenses at the convent. Catherine leaves feeling she's got at least one friend in her strange new life, and she sets out to explore the streets of Athens.

The rest of the book goes into Consta's humble entry into the oil industry, gleaning his rivals' secrets by sleeping with their wives and eventually marrying the sister of one of his worst enemies. As Costa ages, we see him sink into complicated schemes of corporate sabotage and murder. Following the same storytelling pattern from TOSoM by weaving one criminal foray into the next, the storyline inevitably keeps returning to Catherine. Costa's master plan is to draw her into his life, sleep with her at lot, and then murder her. In this way, he'll do to Larry (the dead guy) what Larry did with Noelle (Costa's dead girlfriend), and then his plan for vengeance will be complete!

The whole thing kept reminding me of that scene between Dr. Evil and Scott where he places Austin Powers in "an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death." See, the thing is that Costa saved Catherine at the end of the first book, because she was innocent. In Memories of Midnight, he sets out to kill her right from the start because she's a liability.

The whole thing makes no sense, but at least there's a satisfying series of comeuppances going into the big climax - which is also the very last sentence of the novel. It was an interesting choice by the author, but I wasn't a fan.

All in all, I wish I'd stopped after the first novel, which was delicious.
Profile Image for Heena Rathore Rathore-Pardeshi.
Author 2 books279 followers
June 1, 2014
Memories is a brilliant novel that keeps the juices of one’s mind flowing. It’s an ultimate page-turner. I love Sidney Sheldon’s books but this one is one of his best books. No matter how old the books are, or infact how many times you read them, they really keep you engaged!

This book is the sequel to The Other Side Of Midnight and rotates about Catherine (Larry Douglas’s wife). At the end of the first book she lost her memory and in this book, around a year later, she starts to regain it bit by bit. This poses a threat to Constantin Demiris and he decided to take one last revenge with Larry Douglas (even though he’s dead), by sexually exploiting his wife and then killing her. He waits for the right moment for this but other loose ends, regarding Noel’s and Larry’s cold-blooded murder by Costa, starts to come up and he gets busy planning quite a few murders.

Some new characters are also introduced and they play a major role in the downfall of Costa. This book familiarises the reader with the life of our beloved Constantin Demiris (past and present) and how he pays for all he does.

Catherine meanwhile remains the main focus of the book and also the Costa’s target. After The death of Kirk Reynold’s (a co-worker whom she dates) in an skiing accident and two lawyer’s random deaths (involved in Larry’s trial) , she starts to feel that everyone around her die’s and goes in depression. Then she visits a psychiatrist named Alan, who actually plays a small part of our hero.

The end is predictable but the way it is written is just amazing. You’ll definitely not be able to leave the book even for a second in the last 50 pages! Atleast I wasn’t able to. The end of Costa was quite unimaginable!

I would definitely recommend it to everyone who hasn’t already read it, especially to those who love thriller and mystery.
Profile Image for Crime Addict Sifat.
177 reviews95 followers
July 21, 2017
A page turner like rest of the novels of Sidney Sheldon. Fabulous story indeed. A MUST READ for thriller lovers!

'Constantin Demiris'

Tycoon, art lover, womaniser...and executioner. To Noelle, the lady who sold out him, and Larry, the man who stole her, Demiris brought a chilling retaliation. Be that as it may, Demiris' unpleasant retribution is a long way from finish...

'Ioannina, Greece'

In the disengagement of a remote religious circle a young lady rises up out of the injury of memory misfortune...

'Catherine Alexander'

Larry's dowager, considers Demiris to be an advocate, the man who re-establishes her confidence later on. How might she know the destiny he has in store, or that her life is bound up with different casualties of his strong sense of self? From the extraordinary shores of the Mediterranean to post-war London, 'Recollections of Midnight' is an energetic, remarkable story of a blameless lady's battle against a frightening fate

In this dangerous diversion, there must be one winner...If Judd is to survive he should play the amusement to win.

“It will be a honeymoon, Demiris told her. She got the honeymoon but not the wedding.”
― Memories of Midnight
Profile Image for Pete Allen.
1 review
March 12, 2016
So, if anyone figures out that Catherine is alive and not murdered Demiris' whole house of cards come tumbling down. As she regains her memory in that convent where he has immured her he starts to get nervous. So naturally, his strategy to prevent anyone from finding out Catherine isn't quite as dead as generally thought is to a) bring her to his home where everyone, from his estranged wife to the gardener would (or should) recognize her, b) give her a high-profile job (under a fake name--that'll do it! Not like anyone's seen her pic in the press from last year's Murder Trial of the Century) in his high-profile sprawling conglomerate corporation, c) hold his breath and hope she doesn't contact anyone from her past, as any normal person in her situation would do. Because if she does, he'll have to kill that "anyone". One guy who gets a little too close to uncovering the truth--from what Catherine personally tells him, which he fails to connect to said ballyhooed Trial of the Century; apparently HE'S been in a convent--IS murdered on the evil billionaire's orders; an old friend from the States is saved when Catherine decides against phoning him. Thank goodness she doesn't call an old college buddy who might spread the exciting news; Demiris would have had to wipe out the whole sorority.

Sorry, but given this preposterous premise, it's really irrelevant to discuss whether the book is, in "literary" terms, good or bad (is it a spoiler to tell you it's rotten?) I swiped this thing from the reading room of the convalescent hospital where my elderly mother was a patient. It is the only book I've ever stolen that I returned.
Profile Image for Deep Shikha.
5 reviews13 followers
August 8, 2012
it’s just me or what…That Demiris character from first book of @the otherside of the midnight'; is completely metamorphosed from being a powerful intelligent strategy billionaire to criminal and altogether evil… In this sequel?? urgh..and Madam Catherine alexander as usual cry baby...not sure if m liking this sequel...the first book was way better.
Profile Image for Cindy B. .
3,873 reviews214 followers
September 17, 2020
Murder, mayhem, adultery and enough twists for a pretzel factory. Some language, sex, and gore. Touches on God are done with respect. Audio read with such a myriad of accents and tones I should list the performers. It was narrated with excellence by Stephen Pacey - alone. WOW! Good as a stage show and cost less. © 2005
Profile Image for Hind.
16 reviews15 followers
July 5, 2012
يمكنني ان اقول عنها ممتعة رغم انها ليست بروعة كتابات سيدني
Profile Image for Heena Rathore Rathore-Pardeshi.
Author 2 books279 followers
June 1, 2014
Memories is a brilliant novel that keeps the juices of one’s mind flowing. It’s an ultimate page-turner. I love Sidney Sheldon’s books but this one is one of his best books. No matter how old the books are, or infact how many times you read them, they really keep you engaged!
This book is the sequel to The Other Side Of Midnight and rotates about Catherine (Larry Douglas’s wife). At the end of the first book she lost her memory and in this book, around a year later, she starts to regain it bit by bit. This poses a threat to Constantin Demiris and he decided to take one last revenge with Larry Douglas (even though he’s dead), by sexually exploiting his wife and then killing her. He waits for the right moment for this but other loose ends, regarding Noel’s and Larry’s cold-blooded murder by Costa, starts to come up and he gets busy planning quite a few murders.
Some new characters are also introduced and they play a major role in the downfall of Costa. This book familiarises the reader with the life of our beloved Constantin Demiris (past and present) and how he pays for all he does.
Catherine meanwhile remains the main focus of the book and also the Costa’s target. After The death of Kirk Reynold’s (a co-worker whom she dates) in an skiing accident and two lawyer’s random deaths (involved in Larry’s trial) , she starts to feel that everyone around her die’s and goes in depression. Then she visits a psychiatrist named Alan, who actually plays a small part of our hero.
The end is predictable but the way it is written is just amazing. You’ll definitely not be able to leave the book even for a second in the last 50 pages! Atleast I wasn't able to. The end of Costa was quite unimaginable!
I would definitely recommend it to everyone who hasn't already read it, especially to those who love thriller and mystery.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shariful Sadaf.
195 reviews99 followers
December 29, 2022
Just one word. Brilliance!!! what are Sidney Sheldon's books is not brilliant. I'll always wonder that. and i really think he's very underrated for his works.

I guess this book is as adrenaline-pumping-suspenseful as Sidney Sheldon can get. Try it guys! Trust me, you'll keep thinking throughout the entire read - "Is he the killer, is she the culprit? Is she really gonna do this?! Nah! She hasn't got the balls for that! Meh." Next thing you know, the utterly unexpected happens, leaving ur mind totally blown! :D

An amazing book with a vivid tale capturing the influence and the influential and mastery over human emotions. I personally had goosebumps and strong adrenaline rush as the story neared the climax.
About my favorite character in the book: Greek tycoon Constantin Demiris, a charismatic multimillionaire, who doesn't know the meaning of defeat and likes his plate of revenge ice-cold. In the end, he gets trapped by his own wife Melina, and pays the consequences for his deeds., meeting a tragic end.
All in all, the book is an ideal best seller with its turnaround plots and twists and mystery. One phrase that would do justice in describing the book- '' un-put-downable'' :D

A wonderful read! Fast-paced and to the point. Plus, no fluff or filler!
Profile Image for Benjamin Thomas.
1,982 reviews353 followers
June 15, 2012
This is the sequel to The Other Side of Midnight and a worthy sequel all round. While the first was published in 1973, it wasn't until 1990 that this sequel was published. And since the first could have easily stood alone, I feel sure the author bowed to reader and publisher demand to provide a follow-up. Often that scenario ends in disaster for the second book but that's not the case here.

This is basically a book of double-crossing. I mean everybody double and triple crosses everybody else in this story and so the fun of reading it becomes trying to figure out just how it's going to be done. One of the main characters from the first book is back, Catherine Alexander, but unfortunately, she is the patsy for all the other characters and batted about like a ping pong ball throughout the plot. For those readers of the first book who were left unfulfilled because not all story lines were fully resolved or for those that needed to have justice for the "bad" guys, then this is a must read.

Overall a fun book to read.
Profile Image for Christa.
317 reviews
November 5, 2010
It was ok. some of the characters were so stereotypical it made you cringe. This can be read in short chunks of time, which is nice if you only have a few minutes at a time to read. I don't know if I would bother to read another of his books, unless I was really bored. I recommend it to any one that wants to kill time and not have to think too hard.
63 reviews21 followers
June 2, 2011
Saya salut sama Sidney Sheldon. Saya salut sama Constantin Demiris. Setiap kali membaca novel karya Sidney Sheldon, saya selalu "ditipu" dengan berbagai cara. di Novel ini Demiris yang tengah dipermainkan oleh rivalnya yang berusaha menjatuhkannya, bersikap seolah-olah ia akan kalah. Namun pada akhirnya ia berhasil memenangkan pertandingan sengit kepada rival-rivalnya.

Noel Page yang berhasil dibunuhnya seakan-akan bangkit dari kubur untuk membalas dendam kepada Constantin Demiris, namun Costa tetap banyak akal untuk menghancurkan siapa saja yang menghalangi jalannya. Namun pada akhirnya, ia menerima ganjaran atas apa yang telah diperbuatnya di dunia.

Anehnya, di novel ini Sidney Sheldon mengemukakan idenya bahwa orang-orang Amerika selalu percaya pada "happy ending", dan itulah yang membuat mereka konyol. Realita tidak sama dengan apa yang diungkapkan dalam buku cerita, namun Sidney Sheldon dalam setiap novelnya seakan-akan mengatakan "yang baik akan menang
", "kejahatan akan menerima ganjarannya", dan "pernikahan adalah sebuah bentuk dari Happy ending yang sempurna."

Sidney Sheldon kebanyakan bercerita tentang wanita-wanita yang hebat dan tegar, mungkin karena itulah karyanya didominasi oleh pembaca wanita. Para wanita tentunya ingin turut merasakan hebatnya berpetualang menjelajah dunia dan menjadi orang hebat yang selalu dicerminkan dalam-karya-karyanya daripada hanya diam di rumah sambil berpikir "akan masak apa kita hari ini?".
Profile Image for Sandy.
525 reviews20 followers
February 21, 2022
Sidney Sheldon is an author I adore just for his interesting way of writing. Also for his 'no breaks' approach. This one was a little on the low side though.

I wasn't sure why did he have to bring Catherine back. She was fucking annoying from the beginning. I wouldn't have had any issues if he didn't decide to write a second book for one of the best books of his. There is nothing but revenge in this book. One way or the other, there's someone plotting something, eyeing on some kind of a pay back but with the cast of this book, everything is mass scale. It's not bad, I liked how things worked out. everything was going out with a bang and I like when the world burns down.

The only thing I couldn't understand was somewhat weak character development. Some were not required at all. I was bored when I was reading about Rizzoli and his drug runnings. And catherine, I understand she was lost and lonely and all that crap, doesn't mean she has to jump at every man who was coming her way. I wanted to kill her myself.

Not bad how it ended. I think that part was the best revenge on the whole book. Still, I believe he would've left things as it is with Other Side of Midnight.

Book #16 of 2022.
Around The Year in 52 Books: A book with an image of a source of light on the cover
Sidney Sheldon - Book#05

Profile Image for Sherina.
66 reviews12 followers
October 15, 2011
people dont like this book because they have not read other side of midnight. both books are outstanding and are a must read for any mystery lover. I was thoroughly gripped by this book.
However... i will give this book a lower rating only because throughout the book Catherine is getting serious with guys she does not even know. but i wont tell you what happens to her.and also... i was not satisfied with the ending. the ending was not what i wanted.
other than that... it was extremely good and i highly recommend Other side of midnight and Memories of midnight.
Profile Image for Nelly.
175 reviews9 followers
January 15, 2021
I feel so loyal to Sidney Sheldon because he was the first author I ever read so giving this 2 stars feels like a betrayal. In my teens, this blew my mind but now as an adult and having read this just after The Other Side of Midnight, it was easy to spot the inconsistencies in the plot e.g. in book 1, it is noted that Melina complained to her parents about Costa's cheating but in this one, her parents died when she was 13.

Not only that, it didn't make sense to me why Costa would want to avenge himself against Catherine. She was the victim of Noelle and Larry's affair just like he was. Why would he want to kill her when she had done him no wrong??

This sequel was unnecessary. I'm sorry Sidney.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Elizabeta.
155 reviews48 followers
October 21, 2016
Not quite as the first one, but still enjoyable. It seems that each character we meet, we get their back story, which was unnecessary. I wished there was a little more complexity as in the first book.
Profile Image for Cường Nguyễn.
126 reviews6 followers
June 18, 2021
Quyển sách đọc trong một ngày !
Cuốn truyện trinh thám đúng với phong cách mà chúng ta chỉ thấy trong những bộ phim hành động. Nhịp truyện nhanh, lôi cuốn, tình tiết xen kẽ, bổ sung thông tin cho nhau làm cho tình huống thêm kịch tính và ly kì. Những pha bẻ lái không làm người đọc thất vọng về một cái kết viên mãn và có hậu.
Làm một cuốn sách " mì ăn liền" để vận động đầu óc trong một ngày thật là thoải mái.
Profile Image for Pooja  Banga.
819 reviews94 followers
November 10, 2018
Sidney Sheldon has always been my favourite ..I can't review it in a better way as I haven't read its first part..So I would restrain myself from expressing my thoughts on it:)
Profile Image for Gerald Wesley.
22 reviews34 followers
August 24, 2021
Sidney Sheldon is really a Master storyteller and I really enjoyed reading this book.
Profile Image for Parva Chhantyal.
60 reviews44 followers
December 7, 2014
Very disappointing that book was!

A typical Sidney Sheldon book about love, revenge and jealousy but I hate to say this book didn't live up to my expectation and author's reputation. More than anything, I definitely didn’t like the ending at all.

It starts off interestingly with a girl who has a mysterious past. I thought Sidney did it again. The interesting thing about this book is, you have to read it till the end to know how bad it is. I was completely glued to this book just to be disappointed at the end.

Constantin Demiris (known as Costa) is eager to get a revenge on Catherine (our female character) after her ex-husband (Larry) nicked Costa's mistress (Noelle). He had framed both Larry and Noelle for killing Catherine and because of that, they were executed. Now he is determined to kill Catherine but before that, he wants to do the same thing to her that Larry did to Noelle but in revenge way. Then he starts treating Catherine like a princess claiming to be her ex-husband's boss, and she blindly follows him without any question. And OMG! she is super boring and crying all the time. I have read almost all of Sidney's books but never found a woman like her. All of the sudden he decided to make the woman the weakest character.

Finally Catherine finds out that Costa is behind all her trouble and he is the one who killed her husband. I thought then bang!! Now something interesting is going to happen. Now she will do something. Now she will be real Sidney's heroine that we have always known but NO!!! Nothing happened there. They didn’t even encounter and the climax of the story is something surprising but in disappointing way.

But this is Sidney Sheldon. It’s his writing. He can make black white and white black. He has that magic to glue his readers to his books. So, I was there reading anxiously that something good will come up. The one thing that kept me reading was I wanted to find out what Melina Lambrou (Costa's wife) was going to do to her husband, after everything he put her through. What she did was expected and clever but her stupid brother ruined it. What I don’t understand is how come Sypros Lambrou saves Costa from going to jail after knowing that he is the main reason for his beloved sister's death. Obviously there is wealth involved and Sypros got greedy. This was totally displeasing. Why Sidney?? Why Why Why?? My heart goes out to Melina. I am probably reading too much of Sidney's book. I guess I need a break!
Profile Image for Kish Bokai.
49 reviews
September 12, 2022
*This review will not be marked for spoilers despite the possible retellings of the first book. However, I will not spoil this book. Those reading the review anyway will understand why later on, but I'm reviewing this book, not the other one. You have been warned.

Everyone experiences the same event differently despite it mostly being the same. They will always be details unique to one person or another. The very idea of this concept causes the most conflict in this book.
All the survivors of that faithful day come back in this book. They all must deal with the consequences of this event, and how it came back. It's interesting how Catherine is the most affected throughout the whole book when she technically had the least amount of action during it. But she has to deal with the broken memories of it all.
Demiris has every detail known because of this event, and he is desperate to keep it under wraps. It should be an easy victory for him, but the feeling of revenge; his love for Noelle takes over and overcomplicates the easy victory for him.

It is a joy to read how Demiris has to play chess against all the characters of the book, even newly introduced ones like Tony (He's a dick, but a loveable dick) or people who helped him like Chotas (My favourite character in this book by far).
Additionally, it's interesting to see how Catherine overcomes her problems. While I'm not a fan of how she overcame it in a way only she would do it.

However, this book gets a 4-star because it doesn't feel like a sequel. There wasn't any real reason for it to exist because the first book wrapped everything so nicely. Maybe a hint of something, but nothing so major that it deserved another book. In fact, the book is written like a standalone novel, I hesitate to call it a sequel. If you were to pick this book up, you wouldn't have a single problem understanding the plot. That's because of flashbacks, but also because everyone from the last book gets an introduction that feels like the first time you've met them. Therefore, I can't exactly say that you should read it if you're expecting a sequel.
But for what it is, the novel is an entertaining read nevertheless.
Profile Image for MsTiptress.
158 reviews3 followers
April 27, 2012
Catherine is back and still crying like a baby and dying to fall in love! UGH! Hate that part of the story..

Besides that... This one was entertaining but not as good as the other one.

Demiris is back and ready to hunt down and kill everyone that pisses him off.. This time trying to cover his tracks.

Melina.. she kept me reading it. She was so determined and I like determination. I wanted to find out what she was going to do about her husband, after everything he put her through! and what she did was awesome sad, but awesome and she got a standing ovation from me.

I didn't like the ending at all! Thats the reason for only 3 stars.. It was so boring, non eventful, after all of the ups and downs that were placed in the books for the ending to be so blahhhh it made me mad!

It was like riding a rollercoaster getting to the top where you will be dropped and then the whole park is shut down!

So don't expect a superb ending.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 609 reviews

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