Bloodleaf (Bloodleaf, #1)

Questions About Bloodleaf (Bloodleaf, #1)

by Crystal Smith (Goodreads Author)

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Answered Questions (6)

Crystal Smith Capturing the exhilarating/terrifying/heartbreaking experiences of young love is one of my favorite things about writing (and reading) YA! As it is su…moreCapturing the exhilarating/terrifying/heartbreaking experiences of young love is one of my favorite things about writing (and reading) YA! As it is such a common component of growing up and the human experience overall, it is now and will likely remain a prevalent theme in YA. That's not to say there isn't fantastic non-romantic YA out there (there definitely is! See Rosaria's link) but my advice is, if you can't find the book you want to read, go write it! There may be someone else out there waiting for it, too. :)(less)
Crystal Smith I'd give it a PG-13 rating, but more for bloodshed and loss and some horror elements and some traumatic situations; it's not sexually explicit. …moreI'd give it a PG-13 rating, but more for bloodshed and loss and some horror elements and some traumatic situations; it's not sexually explicit. (less)
Shelbie There are no sexually explicit scenes, but there are some references to near rape and the MC threatens to burn a man's balls off, haha! Nothing beyond…moreThere are no sexually explicit scenes, but there are some references to near rape and the MC threatens to burn a man's balls off, haha! Nothing beyond that, though!(less)
Crystal Smith I'm not sure exactly where it was more of a concept that evolved over time. I think the original kernel was the idea of sacrifice: what w…moreI'm not sure exactly where it was more of a concept that evolved over time. I think the original kernel was the idea of sacrifice: what would you give up to get what you want? And what if the price you'll pay isn't predictable, and could be worse than the problem you're trying to fix? Would you still take the risk? And, if not at first, what circumstances would drive you to the point you would, and wouldn't question it? The plant itself became something of a tangible manifestation of that question. Because no matter how wonderful the cure-all petals can be, the cost to procure them is almost always too steep.

Almost. ;)(less)

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