6 New Books Recommended by Readers This Week

Posted by Sharon on February 20, 2024
Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day, according to early data from your fellow readers.

To create our list, we focused on the books Goodreads members can't wait to read, which we measure by how many times a book has been added to Want to Read shelves. All these top titles are now available in the United States! Which ones catch your eye?

  Best books of the week:

You should read this book if you like: Thrillers, mysteries, psychological suspense, rural England homesteads, happy marriages in trouble, unfortunate houseguests, secrets, secrets, secrets, Behind Closed Doors

You should read this book if you like: Urban fantasy, historical fiction, aristocratic vampires, streetwise urchins, lovely tearooms, audacious heists, uncommonly cool book cover images, We Hunt the Flame

You should read this book if you like: Historical fiction, run-down Chicago orphanages circa 1924, traveling circuses, resilient young women, handsome showbiz roustabouts, Orphan Train, Water for Elephants

You should read this book if you like: Mysteries, thrillers, famous crime writers, infamous crimes, detective fiction scholars, San Francisco mansions, books about books, The Woman in the Window

You should read this book if you like: Horror, historical fiction, Sri Lankan folklore, 19th-century colonial legacies, grisly jungle encounters, demon-priests, witchcraft, sublimated female rage, You're Invited

You should read this book if you like: Nonfiction, psychology, sociology, personal development, the secrets of good conversationalists, communication optimization, The Power of Habit

Which new releases are you looking forward to reading? Let's talk books in the comments!

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Law (new)

Law Never heard of any of these. Where to start?

message 2: by Diksha (new)

Diksha Rawat Law wrote: "Never heard of any of these. Where to start?"

I have read Woman in the window by AJ finn and it was really good!
So, maybe End Of Story would be a nice start :))

message 4: by CJ (new)

CJ I've been anticipating "The Guest" by B.A. Paris for some time now. I put the Audio Book on hold this morning. I'm very excited to give this one a read.

Your local cryptid I’m 65 pages in on tempest of tea and I’m OBSESSED

message 6: by Kat (new)

Kat Galvez These recommendations seem like new obsessions waiting to happen 😫🙌🏼

message 7: by Crissy (new)

Crissy So many great books to add to the tbr pile!

message 8: by Christine (new)

Christine A. B A Paris wrote a riveting book called behind closed doors. Might want to start there.

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