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Travel the world without leaving your living room.

Much more than an ordinary atlas, this book of maps is a visual feast for readers of all ages, with lavishly drawn illustrations from the incomparable Mizielinskis. It features not only borders, cities, rivers, and peaks, but also places of historical and cultural interest, eminent personalities, iconic animals and plants, cultural events, and many more fascinating facts associated with every region of our planet.

112 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2012

About the author

Aleksandra Mizielińska

39 books66 followers
Aleksandra Mizielińska and Daniel Mizielinski graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland, in 2007. In 2010 they were nominated for the Bologna Ragazzi Award and the IBBY Honor List.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 229 reviews
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.9k followers
March 25, 2018
I like maps. They are all over my house, on the walls, and in books. Maps outlining trips taken. Thanks to my father’s commitment to travel I have been in all states except Hawaii and Alaska, Now we have googlemaps, and gps, so we don’t technically “need” to have paper maps, but I feel the same way about having kids know their way around physical maps as I do about the importance of their being able to master mathematical calculations when they could more easily use a calculator or computer: It develops the brain in certain ways to read a physical map; you get a different relationship to physical space through knowing how to use it. I know having gps also gives you a different—and in some ways superior--relationship to actual, geographical territory, but my “glove compartment” in my car is still filled with maps. Call me old-fashioned.

This book, Maps, is a wonderfully illustrated depiction of counties and what the authors see as important and vibrant about them, including drawings of animals, people in native dress, famous buildings, flora/fauna, natural wonders, favorite foods. You don’t get a story, exactly, but you do meet kids from every country.

This link provides a glimpse of some of the pages:


I like map books such as A Mapmaker’s Dream by James Cowan about Fra Mauro who maps the world without ever leaving his room. Or Hugh Brody’s Maps and Dreams: Indians and the British Columbia Frontier and Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez which make it clear that Inuit maps are very different than the southern white people’s maps I took for granted were physical fact as I grew up. Towns in the Inuit maps are less important than the land and where animals and fish can typically be found. One recalls, too, topographical maps, and detailed maps for backcountry hiking. Maps exist for particular—and often very political—purposes.

I also like 5 year old Sara Fanelli’s Map Book, which depicts a map of her neighborhood, a map of her dog’s stomach and a map of her heart. The Mizielinska book is about a map of the heart, and soul, and people's relationship to place.
Profile Image for Dez the Bookworm.
381 reviews219 followers
February 15, 2024
This map book is HUGE. Excellent paper quality, detailed and extensive. We use this for our homeschooling and are so happy we purchased it. Would highly recommend if you are teaching kids about maps.
Profile Image for Wendy.
1,073 reviews11 followers
February 17, 2014
This map book is a "visual feast" indeed - and although I am a grown person and was asked somewhat incredulously why I'd be buying such a book for myself (um, because I love maps and this book is delightful?), I would be very eager to share with any friends' kids who come to my home.

The 52 maps that ARE included easily draw you in and stimulate curiosity and imagination. The only bummer is that such a small fraction of the globe is covered, and it's mostly the usual suspects that are highlighted. For instance, Jordan alone represents the entire Middle East *and* all the 'stans. How did we lose out on a Turkey, or Iran, or Syria, or Afghanistan? As long as you don't expect anything comprehensive, though, what is included is just lovely.
Profile Image for Lygeri.
305 reviews21 followers
December 28, 2020
Οι Χάρτες, οι Μέλισσες και τα Δέντρα ήταν τα τρία βιβλία που έκανα δώρο στα παιδιά μου για τα Χριστούγεννα. Υπέροχη εικονογράφηση, ουσιαστικά εκπαιδευτικά βιβλία που προκαλούν το ενδιαφέρον και δεν "εκβιάζουν" την παιδική αποδοχή. Πραγματικά στολίδια για τη βιβλιοθήκη, αν και για την ώρα βρίσκονται σε πατώματα και κρεβάτια με τα πιτσιρίκια να τα περιεργάζονται - που είναι και το ζητούμενο.
Profile Image for Magnus Iskander Reim.
211 reviews62 followers
March 17, 2019

Disclaimer : as a history and geography teacher, I was already pretty sold on this book.
However, it's 10 times better than the "good" I was expecting. It's beautiful and it's smart and I learned about some ruby-red cherries to top my slight stale masters-degree cake.
Gift it to your daughters, your sons, your nieces and and friends. To your open or uneducated family members. To all of you who like the world and whom the world likes.

5 planet-illuminating stars.

[image error]

Profile Image for Tomáš Fojtik.
247 reviews236 followers
February 7, 2017
Mapy – kniha, která vám dá víc než přehled o tom, kde leží které město a kde se tyčí která hora. Původní cílení bude asi na dospívající děti a záměr je vzbudit v nich zájem o geografii. To všechno platí a to všechno se knize může podařit. Ale krása té knihy je mnohem silnější.

Hravou formou vás provede všemi kontinenty a o zemích se dozvíte první poslední. Jan Ámos Komenský by měl radost, protože tato škola je hrou. Vše je přirozeně hravé a působivé. Ať už jste dítě kteréhokoliv věku, budete nadšeni z každého nového objevu, z každé nové stránky.

Mapy jsou prostě kniha, která vám chyběla.
Profile Image for Maria.
755 reviews47 followers
March 22, 2014
I kept admiring this oversized book of illustrated maps every time I walked by it, so I finally checked it out. I just wish I knew a really nerdy 9-year-old to study it with :P
December 1, 2017
An excellent non-fiction book in which children can learn about the whole world. Filled with colourful and vibrant pictures, each page entails new facts about the countries of the world. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this particular book.
Profile Image for Sheziss.
1,364 reviews489 followers
June 30, 2016
No soy una niña pequeña pero con este libro me siento como si lo fuera. ¡Ojalá los mapamundis de mi cole hubiesen sido como éste! Se puede quedar un poco en estereotipos pero en general es un libro chulísimo y bastante representativo de cada país.

En realidad no es un mapa del mundo, sólo muestra 55 países. Es una edición enorme en tapa dura, cada mapa ocupa dos páginas, la hoja es gruesa y de buena calidad.

Profile Image for Kinga (oazaksiazek).
1,321 reviews154 followers
February 23, 2020
Czytajcie, oglądajcie, podziwiajcie! Coś wspaniałego zarówno dla małych, jak i dużych. Świetnie się bawiłam podczas przeglądania kolejnych map, odkrywania nowych miejsc i zachwycania się pięknymi ilustracjami. Książka uczy, bawi i sprawia przyjemność. Polecam.
Profile Image for Eva Lavrikova.
814 reviews126 followers
June 15, 2017
Prepracovaná, výdatná, obsiahla, výborne spracovaná knižka, s ktorou sa dá s deťmi pracovať na x rôznych spôsobov a ktorá rozhodne podnecuje prirodzenú detskú zvedavosť.
Profile Image for Sandy.
2,656 reviews67 followers
July 4, 2018
I enjoy looking at Mizielinska's books. They are packed full of information and they are books that take a while to get through, and this book is no exception. A book of maps: maps that look historical in nature, maps that are full of facts and pictures to intrigue your mind. Some of the maps are placed horizontally and some are vertical, depending on the region. information on each page include: capital, languages, population, area, flag, animals and foods of the region, cities, and interesting information about that region.

I liked that there is an illustration for each fact that they share on each page. Even though some of the illustrations are not very detailed, you can understand what the illustrator was attempting to highlight. I also liked all the facts on the pages, how the author tried to fill each page with interesting information. I liked the interesting facts that the author chose to include, from basic information, like animals to trivia information. It's a fun book to pour over, I'm sure you'll find something you didn't know.
Profile Image for Ochwey.
129 reviews21 followers
November 29, 2017
❤ Miluju ❤. Jako magistra goegrafie ji musím mít na čestném místě v poličce (a upřednostňuju ji před Rudovou biblí aka Úvod do studia planety Země nebo před Strahlery, #sorryjako). Who cares, že je mi šestadvacet a budu se vdávat, tohle je obrázková knížka pro mě a nepůjčím ji žádným dětem :D
Na klavíru mám Mapy stále a když je vhodná příležitost, prohlížím je znova a znova, ale myslím, že za ten skororok už ji můžu šoupnout z Currently reading do Read.
Profile Image for Samir Machado.
Author 34 books297 followers
September 12, 2018
Livro de mapas com ilustrações estilosas que me remeteu a Onde está Wally?, repleto de curiosidades de almanaque no estilo dos antigos Manuais dos Escoteiros Mirins. O tipo de livro que todo mundo deveria ganhar antes de completar 11 anos.
Profile Image for Simone.
509 reviews50 followers
November 18, 2017
Stačí nahlédnout a víte, že tuhle krásku musíte mít.
Profile Image for Tuyet Lan.
510 reviews98 followers
September 18, 2020
Ban đầu mình không có ý định mua cuốn sách này đâu, vì nghĩ chỉ là Atlas bình thường mà giá lại siêu đắt (345k). Nhưng đợt sale trên Tiki còn 140k nên chặc lưỡi mua. Thật là mừng vì quyết định này :) Sách siêu đẹp (bìa cứng, các trang trong in màu, dày dặn) và siêu to (khổ 27x37cm)

Sách là một tập 52 tấm bản đồvề 5 Châu Lục và 47 quốc gia (mỗi tấm bản đồ phủ hết 2 trang). Tuy là sách tranh nhưng mình không thể đọc liền, mà phải dành nhiều ngày để đọc. Mỗi ngày đọc dăm trang. Vì khối lượng thông tin trong sách khá là nhiều: Địa lý - địa hình, các ngọn núi, con sông và danh lam nổi tiếng, thảm thực vật, động vật đặc trưng; nét độc đáo văn hóa - trang phục, ngôn ngữ, các món ăn; và danh nhân của nhiều lĩnh vực (chính trị, khoa học, nghệ thuật, tư tưởng...)

Sách tặng kèm 01 bản đồ Việt Nam vẽ tay khổ lớn. Các chị cùng văn phòng mình thì đặt khung kính treo đàng hoàng, mình thì ép plastic dán đầu giá sách, nhìn cũng ra gì phết :) Bản đồ thể hiện nhiều nhưng vẫn chưa đủ hết các đặc trưng về địa lý và con người Việt Nam. Nhất là danh nhân thì hơi thiếu, nhóm tác giả mới chỉ đưa vào 03 văn nhân (Hồ Xuân Hương, Nguyễn Du, Nguyễn Trãi), những danh nhất khác về chính trị và khoa học của Việt Nam lại không được nhắc đến. Ví dụ như Bác Hồ - người được công nhận trong bức tranh tường “Những người làm nên thế kỷ 20″ (Ils ont fait le XX Siecle) tại Paris.

Nhìn chung sách có giá trị sưu tầm, cung cấp tri thức lí thú. Còn về phục vụ học Địa lý cho học sinh các cấp thì không có giá trị lắm (không chuẩn chỉnh bằng Atlas ảnh chụp kỹ thuật số). Sách phù hợp với những người đã có kiến thức cơ bản về địa chính trị & lịch sử. Còn nếu trẻ nhỏ xem, thì cần có sự hướng dẫn của người lớn, để các em có thể hiểu rõ về các ký hiệu (ranh giới địa chính, ký hiệu thủ đô và thành phố chính, hay vì sao Anh, Pháp, Bồ Đào Nha ở Châu Âu mà lại có chủ quyền với nhiều hòn đảo xa tít tận Châu Phi, Châu Úc? và vì sao bản đồ riêng của Việt Nam thì vẽ đủ 2 quần đảo, bản đồ vẽ Châu Á lại chỉ có quần đảo Trường Sa).

Profile Image for interno storie.
137 reviews50 followers
February 25, 2016
Mappe è un atlante bellissimo dalla patina retrò.
Si può definire anche come una sorta di pratica e mini enciclopedia di 42 paesi dei 6 continenti: cibi, usi, personaggi illustri, flora e fauna, oltre ad alcuni dati demografici, in un fiume di informazioni iconografiche che ne restituiscono i tratti salienti delle nazioni. Ci sono le notti artiche, le melodie di Mozart, le tazze di tè verde, le infinite Ande, gli ornamenti tribali, i morbidi fiori di cotone, il succulento kulebiak, le città pulsanti d’arte, gli aridi deserti e gli affascinanti giganti del mare. Ogni volta ci sfugge un dettaglio e ogni volta se ne scopre uno diverso, un’affollata mappatura di identità nuove o inesplorate.
Mappe è una porta aperta sul mondo, si scoprono incantevoli paesaggi e culture millenarie, patrimoni da custodire e da salvare dal trascorrere del tempo e dall’ingerenza dell’uomo. È un invito a cogliere il meglio di ciò che ci offre un luogo, abbandonando i pregiudizi, far tesoro della diversità umana e delle tante specie viventi.
Da regalare ai piccoli e ai grandi viaggiatori, per vagabondare con la fantasia o decidere la meta delle prossime vacanze.

Profile Image for Kristine.
805 reviews
April 10, 2015
This book is a visual feast. An delightful 11yr old and I perused it together. It made us eager to travel.
Profile Image for Olga.
16 reviews2 followers
November 19, 2018

„Mapy” to jedna z najbardziej zachwycających książek dla dzieci jaką miałam okazję trzymać w rękach. Zachwyca wszystkim: formą, stylem, treścią a nawet zapachem (jestem z tych co wąchają książki). Każdy, najdrobniejszy element dowodzi o jej wyjątkowości i pięknie. Duży format, twarda okładka, nietypowa gramatura papieru, pożółkłe strony, stonowane kolory i charakterystyczna kreska Mizielińskich sprawiają, że mamy do czynienia, nie zawaham się użyć tego słowa, z dziełem sztuki literatury dziecięcej. W swojej opinii nie jestem odosobniona, bo „Mapy” zostały docenione nie tylko w Polsce, ale na całym świecie. Do tej pory zostało wydanych trzy miliony (!) egzemplarzy „Map” w kilkudziesięciu krajach, książka została przetłumaczona na wiele języków, a „New York Times” umieścił ją na liście najpiękniejszych książek dla dzieci. Tu mogłabym zakończyć swoją recenzję, bo chyba lepszej rekomendacji nie trzeba, ale o takiej książce chce się pisać bez końca…

„Mapy” zostały stworzone przez małżeństwo grafików, którzy bardzo rzetelnie podeszli do tematu. W wywiadzie z nimi przeczytałam, że merytoryczne przygotowanie i rysowanie map zajęło im blisko trzy lata (51 ogromnych map w tym 42 kraje i 6 kontynentów). Tę iście benedyktyńską pracę widać na każdej stronie, bo „Mapy” to nie tylko mistrzostwo ilustracji (charakterystyczna, przypominająca dziecięce rysunki kreska i lekko „przybrudzone” kolory), ale też konkretne informacje dotyczące kultury, architektury, kulinariów, fauny i flory danego kraju. Każda strona to prawdziwa uczta dla oka i wyobraźni. Kartki kipią od fascynujących postaci ze świata nauki i sztuki, przeróżnych gatunków zwierzą i roślin, charakterystycznych dla danego kraju budowli i parujących na talerzach narodowych dań. Pierwsze zetknięcie z „Mapami” może przyprawić o zawrót głowy, dlatego najlepiej poświęcić każdej stronie należyty czas, tj: rozsmakować się w szczegółach, pookręcać książkę tysiąc razy we wszystkie strony, żeby dojrzeć kolejny fascynujący detal. Oprócz oczywistych walorów estetycznych i edukacyjnych, znajduję w „Mapach” ogromny potencjał w budowaniu więzi między dzieckiem i rodzicem. Ta książka to pretekst do leniwych godzin spędzonych na rozmowach, snuciu opowieści i wymyślaniu zabaw.

Moje dzieci czytają czy też „doświadczają” „Map” już blisko dwa lata i nadal (na szczęście!) nie odkryliśmy dogłębnie wszystkich lądów. Mam wrażenie, że tej książki nie da się gruntownie przeczytać. Smakuje się ją przez lata, a i tak co chwilę zaskakuje nowym szczegółem, którego nie zauważyliśmy czy niedoczytaną wcześniej informacją. Z kolei mój najstarszy syn, wielki pasjonata i twórca flag, zafascynowany jest szczególnie ostatnimi stronami zapełnionymi po brzegi flagami państw. Potrafi je kontemplować ładnych kilkanaście minut. „Mapy” to czysta radość.
Profile Image for Evan Hays.
590 reviews11 followers
April 23, 2019
This is the geography book I always wished was around when I was a kid. And now it is, and I am so thankful that it was translated from Polish and made available. While it should probably still be classified as a children's book, this book is detailed enough to suffice for adults. In fact, if more adults knew even a fraction of what was in this book, we would have a much more knowledgeable world. When I read this with Jackson, and study the many details on each page, there are so many elements that I want to go and look up later--languages I have never heard of, massive mountains I didn't know existed, delicious foods, animals I thought were legends or extinct, etc., etc. This book basically makes you appreciate the amazingly diverse and incredible world we live in all the more, and for that it deserves the highest praise. I will keep reading and re-reading this book many times.
Profile Image for La Central .
609 reviews2,081 followers
February 12, 2020
"A veces los viajes no los hacemos en tren, en barco o en avión, sino desde la tranquilidad de nuestro hogar.
Maps es un libro de regalo para curiosos grandes y pequeños que quieran mirar un atlas más allá del dónde estamos
y del hacia dónde nos gustaría ir. No es un atlas convencional, lleno de datos topográficos, se trata de un libro de conocimientos que recuerda a los antiguos atlas por el tipo de edición, cuidada y de calidad, y por ser un libro para quedarse encima de la mesa para consultarlo sin prisas.

A pesar de que no se incluyan todos los países del mundo, es un libro de ilustraciones muy detalladas sobre 42 países que, por muchas razones, tienen una identidad que no está marcada únicamente por sus fronteras.

Cada continente y cada país es un resumen visual, histórico y cultural, de manera que nos explican cuáles son las aficiones de sus habitantes, los platos típicos, los edificios más representativos, las plantas más curiosas o los inventores que han hecho historia. Por ejemplo, tenemos la suerte de que Maps incluye el mapa de España, así que podemos ver cómo se destacan edificios representativos como la Catedral de Santiago o la Aljafería de Zaragoza, bebidas como el vino de la Rioja y artistas como Velázquez o Dalí.
En un par de páginas, pues, permite conocer un poco más de la cultura, historia y vida de un país y dejan a un lado los estereotipos que se señalan en los atlas más convencionales". Meritxell Ral
Profile Image for Lena.
102 reviews8 followers
January 17, 2021
Φανταστική ιδέα. Μια συλλογή από εικονογραφημένους χάρτες από όλο τον κόσμο, χωρίς όμως να είναι πλήρης ο κατάλογος, με σημειωμένες τις βασικές πόλεις, όρη και βουνά και εικονογραφήσεις των σημαντικών μνημείων, χλωρίδας, πανίδας, φαγητών, σημ��ντικών προσώπων. Η επιλογή παραμένει υποκειμενική υπόθεση των συγγραφέων, οπότε μπορεί να υπάρχουν ενστάσεις στο γιατί αυτό και όχι κάποιο άλλο, παραμένει όμως μια ενδιαφέρουσα μορφή εγκυκλοπαιδικών γνώσεων, που που μπορεί να αρέσει από τους μικρούς στους οποίους απευθύνεται, μέχρι στους μεγάλους που το διαβάζουν παρέα με τους μικρούς.
Profile Image for Júlia.
151 reviews3 followers
July 31, 2022
Eu topei com esse livro mexendo no instagram e fui imediatamente procurar ele na internet pra poder comprar! Sou apaixonada por geografia, saber coisas aleatórias sobre os países e principalmente por um livro com um projeto editorial lindo! Foi amor à primeira vista desde que eu tirei do plástico bolhas. É uma aventura, quando to entediada abro ele e exploro algum país, conhecendo a cultura e tudo mais. É um livro perfeito pra quem gosta do tema e principalmente pra ensinar as crianças. Um daqueles que a gente guarda por gerações!
Profile Image for Mitchell Friedman.
5,257 reviews205 followers
October 19, 2020
Basically a modern take on an old-fashioned atlas. Very nice and very cool. And quickly out of date, but not too much. Very cool and very pretty.

This is basically a surface map with a lot of choices made. And yet I definitely caught tidbits of geography that I had previously missed, and really I probably won't maintain.

But who doesn't like a map?

Basically a fun for all ages map book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 229 reviews

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