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“Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark.”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“You do not follow me because I am the strongest. Pax is. You do not follow me because I am the brightest. Mustang is. You follow me because you do not know where you are going. I do.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“I would have lived in peace. But my enemies brought me war.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“Man cannot be freed by the same injustice that enslaved it.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“There is no greater plague to an introvert than the extrovert.”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to repair.”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“I will die. You will die. We will all die and the universe will carry on without care. All that we have is that shout into the wind - how we live. How we go. And how we stand before we fall.”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“The measure of a man is what he does when he has power.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“Funny thing, watching gods realize they’ve been mortal all along.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“I am the Reaper and death is my shadow.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“I live for the dream that my children will be born free. That they will be what they like. That they will own the land their father gave them.'
'I live for you,' I say sadly.
She kisses my cheek. 'Then you must live for more.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“Liars make the best promises.”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“Love and war are two different battlefields.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“A man thinks he can fly, but he is afraid to jump. A poor friend pushes him from behind.” He looks up at me. “A good friend jumps with.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Wise men read books about history. Strong men write them.”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“My love, my love
Remember the cries
When winter died for spring skies
They roared and roared
But we grabbed our seed
And sowed a song
Against their greed

Down in the vale
Hear the reaper swing, the reaper swing
the reaper swing
Down in the vale
Hear the reaper sing
A tale of winter done

My son, my son
Remember the chains
When gold ruled with iron reins
We roared and roared
And twisted and screamed
For ours, a vale
of better dreams”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“Funny how a single word can change everything in your life."
"It is not funny at all. Steel is power. Money is power. But of all the things in all the worlds, words are power.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“It's not victory that makes a man. It's his defeats.”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“Forget a man’s name and he’ll forgive you. Remember it, and he’ll defend you forever.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Break the chains, my love.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
tags: eo
“He always thinks because I’m reading, I’m not doing anything. There is no greater plague to an introvert than the extroverted.”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“Sharpened by hate. Strengthened by love.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“She is something new, something hopeful. Like spring to my deep winter.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
“You and I keep looking for light in the darkness, expecting it to appear. But it already has.” I touch his shoulder. “We’re it, boyo. Broken and cracked and stupid as we are, we’re the light, and we’re spreading.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“You're a sinister little shit, aren't you?" Victra asks.
"I'm Gold, bitch. What'd you expect? Warm milk and cookies just because I'm pocket sized?”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“justice isn’t about fixing the past, it’s about fixing the future. We’re not fighting for the dead. We’re fighting for the living. And for those who aren’t yet born.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Bye, Felicia.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star
“Personally, I do not want to make you a man. Men are so very frail. Men break. Men die. No, I’ve always wished to make a god.”
Pierce Brown, Red Rising
Hic sunt leones. Here be lions.”
Pierce Brown, Golden Son
“And I wonder, in my last moments, if the planet does not mind that we wound her surface or pillage her bounty, because she knows we silly warm things are not even a breath in her cosmic life. We have grown and spread, and will rage and die. And when all that remains of us is our steel monuments and plastic idols, her winds will whisper, her sands will shift, and she will spin on and on, forgetting about the bold, hairless apes who thought they deserved immortality.”
Pierce Brown, Morning Star

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