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Marie Helen Abramyan Marie Helen Abramyan > Quotes


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“Life teaches us to
Bend like the willow during a storm
Glide like an eagle
Under the sun mighty and warm
But to stand together
No matter the weather
Unity is all for the better”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“A mother's gentle love, an elder's wise words
Same heart and soul, no matter where in the world
So in this one world, we got one chance, under this one sky
Lets come together for all mankind
Let's make this earth from house to home
Safe for every child to roam”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“The whole world's a canvas for our sketches
Horizons as far as the mind stretches
A work of art with soft edges
Waiting to come alive
Now's the time”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“There's only one earth, and one glorious sky
One fleeting time, quickly passing us by
To put our differences aside, and make everything alright
For our one human race
No matter what tongue, creed, color or faith”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Time is always new, for dreams to come true
Destiny is yours, to do what you do
Change is different, but only for awhile
Free will it always, brings in a whole new style
Competition makes, the fight all worth your while”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Like a favorite song, old dreams keep on playing in my mind
They've waited for so long, for their time to finally arrive
I do believe now's the time,
I've gone years and years without really living
Minding squeaky wheels just giving and giving
And dreaming,
Like wildflowers growing through sidewalk cracks
The weight of the world makes 'em change their tracks
To find, the sun, and shine
Now, now, now's the time”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Strive in stride like the resilient wildflowers that begin each day by turning to face the rolling sunrise.
Even when the weight of the world has cemented their original path, they still rise through cracks in the sidewalk to find the sun and shine, never putting off until tomorrow because they inherently know, now’s the time. For it is with every sunrise that hope is born for change with new opportunities to make dreams come alive”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“It's a gift of peace, to know through darkness sees the light
Like the sterling moon, gleams bright up high in the eventide
Now's the time
To take every moment on the fly
Gonna look life straight in the eye
And make each and every dream come alive
Now's the time”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Life is so precious in our human family
If I lend my brother a helping hand
Together the stronger we will both stand
Let the love we have in all our hearts
Pull us together for a brand new start
Let's make this earth from house to home”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Let's make this earth from house to home
Safe for every child to roam
Full of dreams, hope and love
This is what our hearts are made of
Let's bring peace to this world
No more sadness, hate or hurt
Only kindness, compassion, and unity
For the sake of all humanity”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Bird of Paradise, feather among leaves,
To the earthy soil I am bound and tied.
Anchored by claws of roots and weighty sheaves,
My spirit flies among the birds that glide.
My sprawled pinions verdant, tail feathers pied,
A crest of orange crowned is my disguise.
As winds breathe hope and new life, then subside,
Seeds are sown and grown right before my eyes.
My vision is centered, strong are my arms,
I feed the hungry and withstand their sting,
I greet the sunrise, and bathe in rainstorms.
Wildflowers fret and speak of blight all spring,
But Paradise shuns foreboding such plight.
Proud is my nature, I stand strongly bright.”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“I walk a road of lessons earned, life paved for me to learn
With every passing day, paying my dues away”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“A single day is not enough, to honor all that’s you;
You gave me a lifetime, a gift to which none can compare.
A million stars, with all their might, could never shine so true;
As your pure heart, and lovely smile, when speaking words of care.
Nurturing hands, you brought up life, maternal sacrifice,
When days of darkness set, you help to see the dawn gleam.
You’re the strength I lean on, when my own does not suffice,
Wisdom laden grace, you’ve shown the light for much to be seen.
So I’ll take this day, to speak loud from heart, of all that’s true;
I love you, mom. Is all I’ll say, for nothing more will ever do.”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“In the foliage
A kind token from a bird
Feather in Fall’s grass”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Somber eyes ponder, what this world will be?
Better days ahead, sighs the wind swiftly;
Flit, airy as my glides, fanciful, free,
Change is in the air, summer’s warming spree;
Embracing days chaotic, frozen, still,
Frosted with fear, surrendered to fate’s will.
For amidst nature’s tranquil seclusion;
Strives humanity lost in confusion.”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“You shine bright, in the night
Like a star, lit so bright
It's your story right now
Say it loud, say it proud
It's your glory right now
So stand up, take a bow”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“California loving smooth as the ocean tide
Carefree soaking up your love like sunshine
Crazy for ya feeling like a song with no rhyme
I’m falling for you like sun in the springtime
I’m so glad I found my California loving”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Rhythmic rain drops drum
Music of a thousand beats
Silenced by the sun”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“A new week has commenced, and we face new days filled with experiences yet to be discovered, and moments yet to be adventured, some good and some inevitably challenging. As we look forward to the week, let’s take heed from one of the many big lessons the smaller things in nature provide, and strive in stride like the resilient wildflowers that begin each day by turning to face the rolling sunrise.”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Below cascading breaths of storming sighs
Shudder the petals of the desert skies;
Gentle blossom, nestled flame atop thorns
Savors languid sunbeams after gust storms,
Breeze parted clouds afford warmth to the bud
Softly caressing limbs windswept in mud,
Draped spider tinsel on pin blades verdant
Peacefully swing in the mellowed current,
As raised arms pine for the sun’s strengthened gaze
That’s nurtured generations long lost days,
From arid desert sands, to seeds in soil
From rainfall of winter, to summer’s toil,
Stemmed firm to withstand changing tides time brings
Cactus being ‘neath the winds flowing wings.”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Over the city, under the Hollywood sign
City lights are flickering, like a million fireflies
He turns up the radio and says to me
Remember this old melody?
Hot Cali sunshine, radiating late June
Driving up the coastline, top down, me and you
Seashells, sand angels, taking in the sunset
Baby I’m dreaming of when we first met”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Chirp, chirp, chirp, lull, chirp
Crouched, hidden in wildflowers
A grasshopper sings”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Beating with love, there's only one human heart
Colorblind and free, right from the start
Salute and thanks to the brave selfless soldier
Prayers for the fallen who never got to get older
There's only one you, there's only one me
Life is so precious in our human family”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Running after my own dreams
Tripping over my own feet
Held on to my self esteem
Walking to my own loud beat
So stand tall or take a seat”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Lemon quince gently adrift at sunrise,
Sweet harbinger, warmth will grace the near days.
Playful breezes spin to catch fragrant sighs,
From blooming buds rustling, soft floral sways,
Nestled betwixt mighty branched leaves of green,
Starry white petals uncoil, one by one;
Stretching to drench in rays of late spring’s scene,
Fanned floral saucers revive, ‘neath the sun.
A strong gust shivers the splendid display,
Dusting blissful, dulcet notes through the air;
Wayward leaves wander, and scatter astray,
Like weightless flutter of butterfly flair.
Tumbling relics of a burgeoned giant,
Magnolia renewed, abloom, defiant.”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Nature has taken a deep autumnal breath, and with gusting sighs of relief has shed away the year’s heft that’s now in the rear view. Tumbling away with strewn leaves are the remnants of days gone by. Storms have been weathered, dry spells overcome, and harsh winds survived, nature is now moving forward stronger. With newly sown seeds hope is laying dormant ready to forge ahead in the ethereal sunlight, come spring. Not loosing a beat, but rising back up rejoining the rhythm and restarting the journey. A beautiful lesson in resilience at play.”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Tired eyes repose, yet in dream attune
Better days ahead, agrees the evening’s wise moon,
As the chorus of stars rise, twinkle, and festoon.
I’ve faced the darkness with light and with love;
Fallen to the sun, then risen above,
Whether storming rain, or enduring tide;
I’ve never humbled behind clouds to hide.
Don’t cower to fear, and never lose sight,
Your power of will exceeds any plight.”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Under the spotlight, of the streetlights
That wait for me to shine
Over the moonlight, it feels so right
I'm poetry in motion
It's part of my devotion
I play with all emotion
Under the spotlight, of the streetlights”
Marie Helen Abramyan
“Who'd have thought our road would be so long when we started this ride together
Facing every storm by standing strong for worse or for better
Making memories with every passing day that will last us a lifetime
And even in the darkest of days your love makes me shine
Now under the summer moons sky lost in the sparkle in your eyes
So many things I want to say to you but no words would ever do
Here in this moment, I just want to love you”
Marie Helen Abramyan