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John Ringo John Ringo > Quotes


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“You really should do some research for a change instead of just listening to the voices in your head.”
John Ringo
“Shall I show him in or tell him to go find a short and unpleasant route to hell?”
John Ringo, There Will Be Dragons
“Peace through superior firepower.”
John Ringo, A Hymn Before Battle
“Toilet paper is a right, not a privilege,”
John Ringo, Under a Graveyard Sky
“Is it just me or is this like a bad TV sci-fi show?”
John Ringo, When the Devil Dances
“I have been to the speed of God, sir...and I discommend it.”
John Ringo, A Hymn Before Battle
“nuke em till they glow and then shoot 'em in the dark”
John Ringo, Gust Front
“We need to put your sister in a glass case like Snow White,” Colonel Hamilton said, his arms crossed. He was monitoring the radio chatter from the deck of a gunboat. “With a sign on it that says ‘Break in the event of a zombie apocalypse.’ ”
John Ringo, Islands of Rage & Hope
tags: humor
“Creating lines that went straight into the interior [of a space station] was a recipe for disaster. Some knucklehead in an X-wing was bound to come along and drop an energy torpedo into your main power plant, and everyone knows how that ends.”
John Ringo, Live Free or Die
“extreme zombie fighting” kit. Tactical boots and tacticals. Firefighting bunker gear. Nomex head cover tucked under the collar of the bunker gear. Full face respirator. Helmet with integrated visor. Body armor with integral MOLLE. Knee, elbow and shin guards. Nitrile gloves. Tactical gloves. Rubber gloves. Assault pack with hydration unit. Saiga shotgun on friction strap rig. A .45 USP in tactical fast-draw holster. Two .45 USP in chest holsters. Fourteen Saiga ten-round 12-gauge magazines plus one in the weapon. Nine pistol magazines in holster plus three in weapons. Kukri in waist sheath. Machete in over-shoulder sheath, right. Halligan tool in over-shoulder sheath, left. Tactical knife in chest sheath. Tactical knife in waist sheath. Bowie knife in thigh sheath. Calf tactical knife times two. A few clasp knives dangling in various places. There was the head of a teddy bear peeking out of her assault pack.”
John Ringo, Under a Graveyard Sky
“The United States started to go downhill when it changed from a round designed to kill the enemies of our glorious republic to one designed to piss them off,” Faith said, shooting a zombie five times, then walking up and shooting the still-thrashing infected in the head. “Seriously, just die, okay?”
John Ringo, Under a Graveyard Sky
“He who laughs last is generally the one that thought fastest on his feet,”
John Ringo, When the Devil Dances
“This is what you get for letting rednecks play with antimatter, boss”
John Ringo, Hell's Faire
“Nuke them until they glow and shoot them in the dark.
No questions. ”
John Ringo, Ghost
“Son, We're in no mood for Mickey Mouse. Get out of the road."

Chief Miller, Into the Looking Glass”
John Ringo, Into the Looking Glass
“This is too complicated. What about I shoot him? If he comes back, he really likes me.”
John Ringo, When the Devil Dances
“Team Inara, commence Operation Joss-Whedon-Is-A-God.”
John Ringo, Tiger by the Tail
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. “Ode of Remembrance” Lawrence Binyon”
John Ringo, To Sail a Darkling Sea
“The gunnery sergeant didn’t crack a smile at the radio intercept of Faith’s concept of a backup plan, an intercept that had caused Commander Bradburn, skipper of the Dallas, to literally fall out of his command chair laughing. Sands managed to watch the video stone-faced as she boarded the Voyage and began her “fifteen minutes of mayhem,” set in the video to the tune of Chumbawamba’s Tubthumping. He managed to keep a straight face the third time she popped back up like a jack-in-the-box after being dogpiled by zombies. He held it in during her overheard running commentary as the rest of the Marines, even the NCOs, started rolling on the deck.

It was when she got the Halligan tool stuck in a zombie’s head and overbalanced that he snorted. When she unstuck her bent machete and it caught a male zombie in the groin he started laughing out loud. When the, admittedly not petite, girl stuck a boot knife in a zombie’s eye then threw him over the side, tears started running down his face and he completely lost his composure as a senior NCO of the United States Marine Corps.”
John Ringo, To Sail a Darkling Sea
“Forget trying to find an old bone or two, seek the damned Holy Grail! You may fail, probably will based on historical record, but you’ll fail grandly!”
John Ringo, Queen of Wands
“There is a god somewhere that is angry because we’re combining stuff like Cutty Sark with fifty-year-old Laphroaig,”
John Ringo, To Sail a Darkling Sea
“We are missing this!"

Since Faith's exploits tended to be a bit of a morale boost, if not for the squeamish, the helmet cam videos were available for public view. And the Gurkhas had decided to see who this child was who carried a kukri as if she was due and was going to "instruct" them on clearance.

"I can go to war!" Lance Corporal Ombahadur Ghale shouted. "I can fight! Let us go to war!"

"There will be war aplenty to come," Sergeant Jitbahadur Rai said. "We must regain our strength to fight these battles. And if this is the way of such war...A great war it shall be! Oooiya Ghorkali! Look at her go!”
John Ringo, Islands of Rage & Hope
“There is a god somewhere that is angry because we’re combining stuff like Cutty Sark with fifty-year-old Laphroaig,” Paula said. “We are one day going to run afoul of him and he will raise a great storm to punish us.”
John Ringo, To Sail a Darkling Sea
“It doesn't matter. As long as the government pretends it's a secret, the pretense, no matter how thin, gives it certain advantages. Or it thinks it does. Politics is weird that way.”
John Ringo, Sister Time
“She's more worried about losing a sub than her own life," Galloway said. "I am going to cover that girl in medals. So help me God.”
John Ringo, Under a Graveyard Sky
“What she did NOT appreciate was the homework. Captain Wilkes had scrounged textbooks for her to study. Not just Marine manuals, either. Math, science, English. Chemistry. Yuck! With weekly tests. And he was making her do all her platoon reports, then “annotating” them. He had given her a dictionary and thesaurus, among other things, and after the first report after giving them to her told her she was “not allowed words of more than two syllables.” It was worse than fucking school. “Recess” was killing zombies.”
John Ringo, To Sail a Darkling Sea
“If I may, Miss,” Sands said. “What you call ‘a mascot’ is more what should be termed ‘an icon.’ A subject not just of morale but of veneration or even worship. These men are United States Marines, yes, and they will continue to do their duty. But they are Marines who have lost everything. Family, friends, buddies, country. We are one and all lost and adrift on a darkling sea. You, Miss Smith, have become not their pin-up girl but their heart and soul. They would follow me into hell. Charge any shore, face any fire. I am their Gunny. That’s what Marines do. If you hinted that Satan had a case of ammo you particularly liked, they would charge in without a bucket of water. As Staff Sergeant Januscheitis said when he, separately, brought the idea up: ‘The only thing we’ve got left, Gunny, is Faith.”
John Ringo, To Sail a Darkling Sea
“Humans are supposed to be better than that! I'm embarrassed for my whole damned species.”
John Ringo, Honor of the Clan
“Permission to speak, sir?" the chief of boat of the Alexandria said.

"When do you ask, COB?" Vancel replied. "Sure."

"Hate the situation that we're in, sir," the COB said. "Really getting to hate fish. Don't want to think about what's happened ashore, sir. But this Wolf Squadron thing is like the best soap opera ever."

"And turns out she got knocked up by sitting where the guy had spewed in his sleep!"

"No fuckin' way!"

"That has got to be the lamest excuse ever! 'No, seriously, Mom, I got pregnant from a life raft deck!”
John Ringo, Islands of Rage & Hope
“Oh, dear," Sophia said, looking through the binos. "What happens in the compartment, stays in the compartment. What happens in the...Oh, screw that!"

"It's not his fault!"

Lee Ann McGregor was just turned twelve and an orphan. Also extremely pregnant. She was shivering under a blanket in the relative cool of the saloon, drinking tomato soup as if it was nectar and arguing to spare the life of the young man sitting next to her.

The hangdog young man in question, Kevin White, was seventeen. And currently surrounded by women who were looking at him like a zombie that was in their targeting reticle. Wisely, he was keeping his mouth shut.”
John Ringo, Islands of Rage & Hope

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