Ask the Author: Brandon Witt

“Hi, everyone! Feel free to ask any question you'd like about my books, writing, my favorite type of cheeseburger, or anything at all! :) Brandon” Brandon Witt

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Brandon Witt Thank you for reading them! I have books planned for every single one of those characters and am dying to write them. Unfortunately, the series hasn't done well in sales, and I can't afford to write them, even though they're planned out. I don't feel like book three ended in a cliff-hanger, like books one and two, so I'm okay if I have to stop here, but I hope things will change one day. If I'm self-sufficient at some point, I'll come back and write these novels, even if they don't sell. They're honestly some of my favorite I've written. (And Sonia is my favorite of the entire series.)
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Brandon Witt That is a great question! No one has asked that before. I didn't spell it out in the book, but I always pictured Wendy taking Nutmeg home every night. The amazing pen at the shop was just where Nutmeg stayed when Wendy was at work. :)
Brandon Witt My publisher is the one who sets up auditions for it. However, it's up to the readers to decide if my work is something they want to read. :) I'm sure will happen, just not certain when. Whether in you read it or listen to it, I hope you enjoy Swans when the day comes. :)
Brandon Witt I'm sure at some point it will be! I'm hoping soon, but I can't be sure. It is up for auditions from readers. However, it takes awhile when the author is an unknown like me. :)
I do hope it will be sooner rather than later, as I am a huge audiobook fan, that's how I 'read' nearly every book I get through.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, please. :)
Brandon Witt Yep! You're only the second person to notice that! (I just had to go back and see what I had him say. I'd totally forgotten that! Now I'm laughing!)
Stephen doesn't even know he's in the book. That will be a little jewel for him when/if he gets around to reading it! :)
Glad you noticed and enjoyed it that! And thanks for bringing it back to my attention.
Brandon Witt Hi! Sorry! I just saw your question! I always stumble on the new questions by accident. When I try to look for them, I never find them!

Yes, my newest novel The Imperfection of Swans comes out January 18, 2016. In March/April 2016, Under a Sky of Ash is released and then in June/July of 2016, Son of Money will be out as well. :) Thank you so much for asking!
Brandon Witt Jeff, Thank you so much! I'm honored you read them and thrilled that you liked them! I don't have any others planned, but I won't say never. I only planned on one to begin with. Then, Then the Stars Fall blended with the story I wanted to write about my corgis, and they just landed in El Do for some reason. So, who knows. I also may return to Brooke at some point. Maybe. I do know where he and the Durkes moved after they left El Do. IF I do, its a ways down the road. :)
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Brandon Witt Neet,
Thank you so much for reading it, and I'm thrilled you like it! The Shattered Door was started because of the death of my cousin Gabe. In the first drafts, the book went back and forth between the perspectives of Brooke (me) and Donnie (Gabe). I think I was still to close to the loss of Gabe and and it just didn't flow correctly. The decision to write this book was while driving back from Missouri after Gabe's funeral. Gabe died in almost the same way as Donnie (although a touch worse in real life, to be honest, just couldn't bring myself to put in more real life details into his death).
A complaint I often get about Shattered is Donnie's death. That is was pointless, that it didn't add to the book, that it was too out of the blue, etc. I would say that I completely agree with this. However, that's exactly how Gabe's death was, and continues to be. It was out of the blue, it was pointless, and left a devastating aftermath for everyone. Donnie's death in the book wasn't to provide a plot twist or advance the story. It was simply a life reality and my way of honoring Gabe.
I hope that helps. Is that the answer you thought it would be?
Brandon Witt Oh, Bonnie. You do have some issues going on that you should seek help for with utmost haste.
But, to answer your question. Yes, I've been dying to do some lately. Judith would've been very supportive of the religious freedom bill. However, since moving, teaching, and being sick, I've not had time. Each episode take several hours. I'm hoping to have a new installment soon, but we may have to wait until summer. Also will be having a new format for The Witty Hour, so I will be curious to see if people find it improved or not so much.... :)
Arty said to tell you hi, and that he'd like to spend some quality one on one time with you at some point......
Brandon Witt M Margaret,
I never saw this question! I'm so sorry it took so long to respond. I'm thrilled you liked Men of Myth! Thank you for reading it. There are more coming. At this point, books four and five are about Pewlet, and.... Ventait gets his own book for book six (which, btw, is the cover I'm most excited to see!).
Brandon Witt I miss you too! Truly!
Brandon Witt
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Brandon Witt LOL! Very important! It's actually pretty boring (at least my default, favorite cheeseburger). Its perfect for me when it's a large, thick patty, covered in at least two slices of melted cheese, grilled onions, mayo, and catsup. I used to put a fried egg on top, but I'm kinda over that fad. :)

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