Ask the Author: Nancy Bilyeau

“Ask me a question.” Nancy Bilyeau

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Nancy Bilyeau Thank you for your email. I'm so glad you liked 'Dreamland'!

I am working on another novel set in that time period. I hope to have official news to share soon.

Nancy Bilyeau Hi Danielle: Sorry to only answer this now! I'm not notified when there are answers, and I just discovered it today. Yes, I am more than one-third of the way through my fourth novel. It is not a Joanna Stafford novel, it is not about nuns or friars, and it doesn't have any mystical element. However, it IS set in the past, the main character is a woman, it is suspenseful, and there are elements of art and science in the plot. :)
Nancy Bilyeau Hi Kathleen: I'm sorry I haven't seen this question until now. Goodreads doesn't alert me when I have questions. I just discovered your query today! In response, there was a tremendous amount of interest and belief in prophecy in the 15th and 16th centuries. Elizabeth Barton, who is a minor but pivotal character in the book, based her warnings about Henry VIII on prophecy. She was a guiding influence on Gertrude Courtenay, as I write about in The Chalice. Elizabeth I chose her coronation date based on the advice of John Dee, a seer who was in league with necromancer Edward Kelley, who said he could communicate with the dead using the same methods as in The Chalice. Books of prophecy were popular. I took practices that were going on in the 16th century and used my imagination to come up with the plot of The Chalice.
Nancy Bilyeau I listen to music, or take a long walk sometimes while listening to music. That can provoke ideas. But also I am a longtime magazine writer and editor, and with deadlines constantly coming, we learn how to work with writer's block. It is key to just get some words out, knowing that they won't be good but that you can go back and revise. I've revised some paragraphs five or six times--or more--to get the writing to where I want it to be.

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