Ask the Author: Erica Spindler

“Ask me a question.” Erica Spindler

Answered Questions (32)

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Erica Spindler Hi Sandra, sorry for this delay! That contest was run by my former publisher so I have no way of fulfilling your prize. Email me at and perhaps I can provide a substitution. Thanks! XO
Erica Spindler Sorry I've been so long to reply--don't know how I missed this! A number of my books are similar in style and tone to Dead Run. Blood Vines comes to mind immediately. Perhaps In Silence and The Look-Alike as well. I hope this helps! Thanks for writing!
Erica Spindler Hi Lily! Thanks so much for your question and for reading my books. I think you could you could understand book 2 if you read it first, but it would be way more enjoyable if you read the first book first. Thanks and I hope you enjoy them! XO
Erica Spindler Hi and thanks for the question and for the wonderful message! It's so fulfilling to know my books play a role, even a small one, in people's lives! No, I have no plans on going back to that storyline, although picking up those characters lives all these years later could make a very interesting story--and one that would be fun to write. If you're not a part of my EPIC group (Erica's Partners in Crime) I'd love to have you sign up. When you do, you'll receive 2 free E-novellas. If you're interested, check it out on my website. Thanks again! XO
Erica Spindler Hi Maryaninya, forgive me for taking so long to answer. Life has gotten away from me and I got so far behind. But thank you for your question. It means a lot to me that my story touched you so deeply. That event from the book was so traumatic to write. I literally wanted to come up with something so profoundly hurtful, Becky Lynn would take the step to change her life. Thanks again for the question, for reading my work, and forgiving me my slow response. XO, Erica
Erica Spindler Hi Christine, sorry for the delay in my response. This has been a tough year and I've fallen behind. Thank you for your questions and for your kind words. That you enjoy my work means a lot to me. I am not a music person. It's not that I don't like it, it's just not a huge part of my life. I hope you're not disappointed! Best, Erica
Erica Spindler Fred, forgive me for not answering this sooner! This has been a trying year and I've fallen so far behind--and am just here seeing this now. Did you ever receive BREAKNECK? It should still be available. I'm certain a copy is available online if your bookstore never came through. In case you didn't know, COPYCAT was the first book starring Detectives Lundgren and Riggio. I also wrote an e-novella with those characters. It's in the compilation Storm Season and is titled WHITE OUT. Thank you and please forgive my tardiness! Erica
Erica Spindler There are actually three stories starring Lundgren and Riggio. COPY CAT was the first, BREAKNECK was the second, and an e-novella titled WHITE OUT (In the three-story novella, Storm Season) was the third. Thank you for asking and for reading my novel!
Erica Spindler Hi Maryaninya,
Thanks so much for your message. I would love to meet you, too! Unfortunately, at present I have no plans for a visit to the UAE. Join me on FB--I'll post any upcoming appearances there. XO
Erica Spindler Hi Jane! Thanks for your question. The first thing is always the spark of an idea that really calls to me. Once I have that, I get a legal tablet and start brainstorming--characters, plot points, everything. The good stuff sticks by coming up again and again, and the bad just disappears. Lately, I've become enamored with the screenwriting book SAVE THE CAT. He advocates a note card system that really works for me. I highly recommend it! Once I know enough about the characters and story, I open up a document and begin writing. Again, thanks for your question! Erica
Erica Spindler Hi Arah,
So sorry for missing this question. In the 'better late than never' category, here goes: I don't really have a favorite. Each story I choose to write has something that, personally, sets it apart from the others and really hooks me. So while I'm writing, I'm always really excited to be exploring whatever that element is. So when I look back, and shuffle through, each one was a favorite. Does this make sense? Thank you! Again, sorry for this delayed response. Erica
Erica Spindler Hi Fred,
So sorry for missing this question. In the 'better late than never' category, here goes: I don't really have a favorite. Each story I choose to write has something that, personally, sets it apart from the others and really hooks me. So while I'm writing, I'm always really excited to be exploring whatever that element is. So when I look back, and shuffle through, each one was a favorite. Does this make sense? Thank you! Again, sorry for this delayed response. Erica
Erica Spindler Hi Elaine, I'm sorry I missed this question! At one time those two were available in audio--and I might even have copies. I presume you've checked libraries and online? I'm out of town right now, but if you contact me through my website, I will check my personal library for you.
Thanks for your query! Erica
Erica Spindler Hi Judith! Thank you so much--I'm so glad you enjoy my books! My best writing time is the morning, before the business of the day intrudes.
Thanks for the question and being my reader! Erica
Erica Spindler Hi Donna,
Yup, I'm pretty much am always thinking of characters and plots. It's the little things that spark my imagination--and most times, it's just a quick thought, then disappears. These little observations don't interfere with my life. But sometimes, one sticks and grows . . . that's when I know I have something I want to explore further. I don't think I'd want to completely turn it off--what if I couldn't get it started back up? :) Thanks for your question and stopping by! Erica
Erica Spindler Hi Louis,
Thanks so much for the question. I really love MC and Kitt, but at this time don't have any plans for another book. However, there is one more Kitt and MC story, a novella in the compilation STORM SEASON, in which I partnered with authors JT Ellison and Alex Kava. The title of my story is WHITE OUT.
Thanks for your question and for stopping by. Erica
Erica Spindler Hi Laura! I'm so happy you love the series--it's something I've wanted to do for some time. There will be seven books in the series (with a possibility for an eighth), and I'm already considering a spin-off series. The third book, FALLEN FIVE, comes out in October.
Thanks for being my reader and for stopping by! Erica
Erica Spindler I'm currently reading Big, Little Lies and am really enjoying it. I'm taking it one book at a time this year as I'm on deadline this summer! When I'm madly creating, I try not to fill my head with other authors' words and stories.

What's on your list?

Thanks for stopping by! Erica
Erica Spindler Hi Brett! The internet has taken SO much legwork out of research. However, nothing beats seeing a place or talking directly to someone in the field you're writing about. Nothing can replace that.
PS: Writer Wednesday is back on, although slips through the cracks occasionally.

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