Ask the Author: Ashley L. Jones

“Got questions about cast-iron cookware? Or what it's like to "accidentally" write a cookbook? Ask away! I'll be answering questions here as we get ready to launch "Modern Cast Iron" this August. ” Ashley L. Jones

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Ashley L. Jones Having someone say, "That blog you wrote last week really resonated with me." Knowing that I've encouraged, inspired, or moved someone else who took the time to read my humble's just amazing.
Ashley L. Jones Go to a writers conference! Pick one and book it now! My career officially started at the Florida Christian Writers Conference in 2015. It was amazing to connect with other writers, to pitch my ideas to editors and agents, and to learn more about the craft and the publishing world. There's absolutely nothing more beneficial to a writer than a conference.
Ashley L. Jones For the blog, I'm building out a ton of content about cast-iron cooking, so be on the lookout for that! I'm also finalizing the first book in my faith-based children's book series, which will be released by Little Lamb Books in 2021. I have several other children's books and a couple non-fictions for adults also in the hopper.
Ashley L. Jones I write because I can't avoid's how I process my thoughts. It's also my way of ministering to others, to share godly nuggets of truth that I learn along the way. If I feel burnt out or can't think of anything to write, I usually just have to read my Bible, take a break, or just start tapping at the keyboards. God hasn't let me down yet!
Ashley L. Jones I had been researching cast-iron cookware for a couple years and had been using it on a daily basis, but I never thought of writing a book about it. Then I went to the BookExpo in New York and saw all of the beautiful food-related books by Red Lightning Books (an imprint of IU Press). That night, the idea for "Modern Cast Iron" was born.

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