Ask the Author: Patricia Davids

“I will be happy to answer question about my latest book, Amish Christmas Twins.

Patricia Davids

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Patricia Davids Hi Gail. Thanks for your question. My father became progressively more deaf with age. We were able to convince him to try a bone anchored hearing aid and it made a world of difference. When I first wanted to write this story my editor cautioned me against "fixing" my deaf heroine so I turned to the internet for information on the Deaf culture from their prospective and Esther grew out of what I learned.
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Patricia Davids He supports us in our time of trial.
Patricia Davids The Christmas twins is a collection of three unrelated books. Not a true series. My book, the Amish Christmas Twins contains characters from the Amish Bachelors series but it is written as a stand alone book.
Patricia Davids While I was not directly involved in the incident it was the talk of Wichita KS for quite a while. A pair of conjoined twins were separated shortly after birth and were doing well in our NICU. Unfortunately the parents weren't getting along and the father abducted on of the babies from our nursery. The child was eventually returned safe and sound but it caused quite a stir.
Patricia Davids My favorite fictional couple is Will and Ellie from LaVyrle Sprencer's Morning Glory. I'm not sure why they secured such a firm place in my heart. They were both so down to earth and so wounded and yet they were able to rise up and be loved. Amazing story telling.
Patricia Davids The best thing about being a writer is creating stories in my head. The worst thing about being a writer is trying to take that story idea and turn it into 60,000 words that make sense.
Patricia Davids My best advice is to grow a thick skin because not everyone will love what you write. When you are looking for a sound critique, don't give your work to your close friends or family. Look for someone who doesn't know you very well and then tell them to be brutially honest. You don't have to accept all that they say, but give their comments time to sink in and then see what needs to be fixed and what is working.
Patricia Davids I am working on a new Amish Bachelors book that will feature Mark Bowman, a cousin of the Bowman brothers, and a disgraced young woman who has been sent to stay with her aunt. The secondary characters are a Basset hound named Lancelot and a pet racoon named Juliet. It should be fun.
Patricia Davids I imagine having to send back my advance money and that motivates me. And for some reason, I have to play a few games of Solitare before my brain is ready to write.
Patricia Davids My idea for this book actually came from a previous Amish Bachelors book when the heroine of His Amish Noel was a friend of the school teacher. Lillian and Timothy seemed made for each other.

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