Ask the Author: Charles Todd

“Dear Contributors:

I welcome any questions or insights you may wish to share.

I answer all questions every Thursday if not before.

All the Best,
Charles Todd” Charles Todd

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Charles Todd Dear Laurel:

It is makingthe rounds with the publishers. Sadly, the summer is busy with vacations and they only work four days per week. I will know more in Spetember. My agent is doing the mailing in a tiered fashion. The big five go first and then we work our way down the list. It is hard being patient. I got the release from the estate in May and we sent them out then. I will psot something on the blog as soon as I know somethin. Thank you for your patience.

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Jean:

Thank you. I have completed the next Rutledge Mystery and it is with publishers now. I hope to finish the next Bess early this fall.

All the Best,

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Charles Todd Dear Mary:

I am working on Bess #14 now. I hope to have it complete in the early fall and out to publishers.

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Katie:
Not yet. I expect some publishers to reply by the first week of September.

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Erin:

I believe you have to go to the places you write about, That is where our stories come from. I guess you could say it is a mind set. The what if? Emgland has a very old history and especially in the towns we visit, not much has changed.

The real work begins when we get home and facts meet fiction. What ever you choose to write about, you must study your subject. Fortunately, it is work I love. When you stuble on some fact or occurance that reinforces the story you are writing or augments your subject, that is joy!. England has been a place Caroline first visited in 1968 and I visited for the first time in 1978. English history has been a joy for us since early childhood. Ivanhoe, Treasure Island and many more were tales we loved.

When I write a Bess or Rutledge I am there with them, I see what they see and if I am not sure, it is time for more study. Except the towns where the crime takes place in these stories you can go visit these places and see some of what our characters saw.
Your question is excellent, but difficult to answer. If the places and perople that you write about don;t fasxinate you, write something else.

All the Best,
Once home
Charles Todd Dear Nedra:

Rosslyn Landor will be narrating the Bess Crawford mysteries. Sadly Simon Prebble has retired a few years ago. Simon Vance was chosed by the Facebook Group Charles Toddd Book Club. So far he is off to a great start. We wish Simon Prebble all the best in hisretirement. He will be definitely missed!

All the Best,
Charles Todd
Charles Todd Dear Maryellen:

Hamish's love was Fiona. His last words were her name. You may want to read The Piper. It is available at Amazon and other places including your local independant Book Store.

Before the Great War, Hamish farms in the Highlands, living in a small croft on the hillside and caring for a flock of sheep he inherited from his grandmother. When at the height of a spring gale, he hears a faint cry echoing across the glen, Hamish sets out into the stormy night to find the source. Near the edge of the loch he spots a young boy lying wounded, a piper’s bag beside him. Hamish brings the piper to his home to stay the night and tends to his head wound, but by the time Hamish wakes the boy has vanished. Worried, he goes in pursuit of the injured piper and finds him again collapsed in the heather--dead.

I hope you will enjoy this pre war Hamish story.

All the Best,

Charles Todd Dear Priscilla:

Sadly, Simon Prebble sadly retired. We were devastated! We understood that Simon had been a narrator for many years and we wish him well!

After and exhaustive searc and a review of the finalists by the Charles Todd Book Club Group on Facebook, we chose Simon Vance to replace Simon Prebble. He will continue to narrate the Rutledge mysteries.

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Annette:

Depending on where you are in the series, Ian isin his ;ate 20's early thirties.

The series begins in 1919 and now is all of the way up to Mid 1921 with the 25th Rutledge Mystery (It is with the editors and I hope to have an update for the Charles Todd Facebook Page soon). You can visit and especially: which I hope you will find interesting.

All the Best,
Charles Todd
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Charles Todd Desr Cindy:

Most definitely there is a Bess Crawford Mystery that will continue the series after The Cliff's Edge. I am waiting on knews this month about the completed Ian Rutledge Mystery that is being reviewed by editors at publishing houses. I have almost half of the manuscript complete on the new Bess Crawford Mystery. I appreciate everyone's patience during this process. Bess has not been forgotten and neither is Simon.

Stay Tuned...

All the Best,
Charles Todd Yes, It is being presented to Editors now. Let's hope they like it!! I will post something as soon as I know. I can;'t thank the loyal readers and fans who have been so patient! I had no idea the legal situation would have taken so long. Stay tuned!

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Reyna:

Thank you so much for writing! There is no follow up. Rutledge says he believes Louis French was buried in the new rose garden. And he is seldom wrong. After all, the garden is being renovated and is a ready-made grave, as well as a rather macabre choice! But the more important next move is to find the killer and prove his guilt. The garden will be dug up later to confirm this murder, and add to charges. Stopping the killer comes first. The title says it all—Rutledge needs proof of guilt in order to make his arrest. And French’s body doesn’t provide proof, it just adds to the body count. We played fair and told our readers where French was. We just didn’t show that Rutledge was right, because it would have been after the arrest, would have taken a court order, etc. Really an anticlimax, since the answer is already there. Sometimes the story leaves a little to your imagination, but gives you the clues to go with that.

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Mary:

I hear your concerns and how things changed in their relationship since An Irish Hostage. In The Cliff's Edge. There was the news about Simon's upbringing and family. These have created a definite need for the next step in their relationship.

With Rutledge #25 complete I am working on Bess #14 now. There is a very fine line to draw here regarding relationships in this time period. Also bear in mind the books are set very close together and as such rushing something along is difficult. That said, I am keenly these things need to be addressed in the next Bess book. This manuscript is much harder than the Rutledge in terms of where they are in their lives. I hope to have the Bess manuscript completed soon.

Unfortunately, with the loss of my mother and now my sister things are keeping me very busy. I still maintain that keeping these series alive is the best testament to both of them.

All the Best.
Charles Todd Dear John:

I am so glad to hear you enjoy the series. As soon as I have a release date for Rutledge #25 I will let everyone know the title. RIght now I am hard at work on the 14th mystery in the Bess Crawford Series. IF the readers like the next Rutledge, I plan won writing many more! Stay tuned!

All the Best,
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Charles Todd Dear Linda:

I am delighted you enjoy the Rutledge Series. I hope you will continue to enjoy them!

The Ian Rutledge Mystery #25 will be the next Rutledge after A Game of Fear. RIght now I am working on the Bess Crawford #14 which will be the next Bess after The Cliff's Edge. IF, the readers like the new Rutledge #25, I am planning on writing more Rutledge Mysteries. Please stay tuned about the release of the new Rutledge this year.

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Renya:

Rutledge Mystery 25 is complete and I am expecting the estate to be closed soon. Sadly, with the death of mys sister and my only sibling, I have two estates to manage. Caroline always taught me that patience is a virtue, but I don't think this is what she meant.

Stay Tuned!

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Sue:

Thank you for all you do with the Library! Libraries have always had a sepcial meaning to both Caroline and me.

Where you read that the Rutledge Series was ending is wrong. I have completed the manuscript for Rutledge #25 and as soon as the estate is closed It will go for publication.

The latest book in the Rutledge series is #24 and it was titled A Game of Fear. It was the only book of that title and plot. It was released in the fall of 2021. I did not eexpect the estate to take this long to be finalized. You can imagine my frustration and the number of questions I receive about the series. Thanks to you and everyone else I am getting the word out. I am hard at work now in the Bess Crawford Series Mystery #14 that will be coming soon as well. The series order are on the website

Sadly, legal matters move slowly! Stay Tuned!

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Densise:

Thank you so much! It is wonderful to hear from a fan. I am eager for publication too. The process for a writer is not complete until the story has readers. This is especially important because this will be my first manuscripts writing alone. The feedback from the readers and fans will let me know if I am on the right track. Stay tuned, I expect news this spring.

All the Best,
Charles Todd Dear Linda:by
I am sincerely hoping the legal issues will be resolved this spring and we can move forward with Rut #25 soon to be followed by Bess #14. I am worn out with the legal issues. Stay tuned.

All the Best,
Charles Todd I certainly hope not. We will see how it is received by our readers and fans.

All the Best,

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